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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 6, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PST

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>> joe biden still hasn't actually even gone to the border to see what is actually going on down there. he doesn't care. is he okay with the open border poehler. he is okay with the soft on crime policy e is okay with the tens how of thousands of americs dying. more concerned with the border's 9,000 miles away than the borders 900 miles away. ed to we thank you as always. "fox & friends" begins right now ♪ >> this was a very violent attack. >> police arresting 35 people as demonstrators clash with officers at a future police training facility in atlanta. >> part of citywide protests organized by atlanta based activist group. >> fbi searching for four u.s. citizens in mexico. >> unidentified gun men herded the citizens into a vehicle and fled the scene. >> another train derailment, same state, same railroad company, norfolk southern says more than 20 carts went off the tracks near springfield, ohio. >> just a month after the toxic train derailment in east
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palestine. >> florida governor ron desantis in california for a book signing saying not just retirees moving to florida. >> the last four or five years people beat a path to california state hemorrhaging population. >> it still hurts. >> infamous oscar slap. >> you will never see my on oprah or gail crying. i'm not a victim. >> all right. we begin here with a fox news alert. 35 people are under arrest after a violent protest at the construction site of the state of the art training facility inn atlanta. >> protesters throwing rocks, fireworks, molotov cocktails at the police officers. >> todd piro joins you now with the latest. todd? >> steve, ainsley and brian the site dubbed by progressives as cop city still under lockdown this morning. surveillance footage from the attack shows protesters throwing
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fireworks, including one that exploded near police officers. some demonstrators wearing masks, gilly suits and carrying shields. acts of destruction and violence will not be tolerated. >> you attack law enforcement officers, you damage equipment, you are breaking the law. this was a very violent attack that occurred. this was not about a public training center this was about anarchy and about the attempted to destabilize. >> those protesters also thrthrowing bricks at officers. smoke billowing from the fires was visible for miles. dozens of state troopers and atlanta police officers swarming to the scene. that protest part of a so-called week of action was organized by an atlanta-based activist group. they want the city to scrap the public training safety center calling it urban warfare campus and these aren't the first protests surrounding the facility during a demonstration in mid january, a stated trooper
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was shot and protester killed. days later a major ri riot causd damage in atlanta. facility scheduled to open at the end of this year would have a mock city in which atlanta police officers could conduct training exercises in a realistic setting. it's unclear if damage from yesterday's demonstration will impact construction. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. >> steve: thank you very much, todd. the irony is so many people on the political left say we need the cops to have better training, this is going to retrain them and not only for the cops but also for the fire department. so you don't get exactly what they're doing. although we do know apparently this week a protest started on saturday and there was a nearby music foval draw attention to it. sounds like a bunch of people after the music festival hey let's go over there and cause a ruckus. think did. they say a best of your knowledge of those people not have atlanta. >> ainsley: some are against it because they say it's going to destroy the forest.
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others just don't want the police officers they say to be militarized in georgia or across the country. >> brian: another thing is we stay with the heading of crime is what is happening in d.c. the mayor looked at what this d.c. council wanted to pass. i'm not for this. you got to be kidding me. allow for jury trials in almost all misdemeanor cases. offenses like burglaries. carjackings, robberies, reduce sentences, felony with gun drops to a four year from 15 years to go easy on crime. of the mayor was against it. the cops obviously were against it. but the d.c. council says we are going to pass this. the house went ahead and didn't block it. republicans want the house went and said we are not going to block it. because they thought the white house told them go ahead i'm going to veto this. it turns out that i guess realizing in the white house you have to get inside the minds there they decided this is not a good time to look like you are going easy on crime. so they going to go we are not going to veto it.
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if the republicans want to pass this and get it to my desk i will allow this to be blocked. stopping the d.c. council from doing what they're doing and that has driven a lot of democrats this is amateur hour. how dare they make me look bad. look like i'm pro-criminal and they left us out to dry. >> ainsley: hakeem jeffries the house minority leader was one of the ones who was for this soft on crime. but then biden wasn't supporting it at the last minute. and so he was asked on one of the sunday shows has biden pulled the rug out from house democrats listen to what his reaction was. >> the democratic president has signaled that he doesn't agree with that and is he going to sign a republican bill to override what you just described. are you okay with that? >> well, let's take the it one step at a time. we have to see what happens in the united states senate next week. againsting on what the senate does. the president will have to respond one way or the other. >> if i'm hearing from frustrated house democrats i
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can't imagine what you are hearing. they feel like the white house, again, pulled the rug out from under them. you have to be hearing that. >> that actually has not been the sense that i have gotten. i think coming out of the issues conference we are incredibly unified about the way forward. when we talk about putting people over politics, that is not just a slogan. it's a way of life for us. >> steve: as they just mentioned, what is going to happen in the senate, the senate is going to kill it this week. >> ainsley: is he so progressive he has to be upset. >> brian: tries not to make the president look bad. >> steve: joe biden will sign this republican authored bill to kill the new d.c. crime bill. ultimate liberation the first time in 30 years that congress would overturn a d.c. bill. and that is what has got the progressives hair on fire. it's like, you know, for decades when i lived in washington they were all talking about we need understatehood, taxation without
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representation is tyranny. the people would all like it have their vote count. it's a political thing. republicans say that's never going to happen. democrats say it is something we aspire to. so that's what really is at the core of this is joe biden who is for statehood is going to vote against home rule. >> ainsley: the reason they have to go to congress obviously is because d.c. is not a state. >> steve: it's a federal city. >> ainsley: exactly your daughter lives there i'm sure you worry about crime. >> steve: every day. >> ainsley: your child living there. go ahead. brian. >> brian: this thing is bigger than statehood. about democrats realizing we are going to get our butts kicked if why don't respond to the american people's concern about crime. warning sign the worst mayor you would think outside of mayor de blasio now that he is retired and sleeping in until noon and working out on his own, mayor lightfoot gets jumped -- doesn't even finish in the top 2 comes in third in the runoff.
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so she is done. >> ainsley: crime increased under her. >> brian: crime through the roof. cops quit. not allowed to chase down criminals. and because of that people are saying and what the president did people are saying the american people are fed up and mayor adams was asked about that yesterday. watch. i think there is a wanted sign for the country. eric adams has been talking about public safety not only on the campaign trail but for the first year. i showed up at crime scenes. i knew what new yorkers were saying. and i saw it all over the country. i think, if anything, it is really stated that this is what i have been talking about. america, we have to be safe. >> steve: ultimately, that's what it comes down to. your government is in charge of keeping you safe. and, so, everybody knows and we have been talking about it for over a year on this program that crime is going to be a gigantic issue. it was a gigantic issue in 2022. it's going to be even better and
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big early in 2022 with the presidential. >> ainsley: might depend on where you live new york, chicago, san francisco, l.a., and portland. >> brian: every major city run by democrats. >> ainsley: yeah, yeah. exactly. that's why many of them are moving out because they are scared for their safety or because taxes are too high. >> brian: they put these terrible politicians in chark, let crime run rampant and then they leave. for people that can't, they become victims. >> ainsley: coming up, a fox news alert. the fbi desperately serving for four american citizens. they were kidnapped in mexico. the hunt for the gunman behind it, next. >> brian: plus, chris rock finally hits back. >> y'all know what happened to me. getting smacked by sn sug smith. people i didn't hurt. it still hurts. [laughter] >> brian: comedian ripping will smith and wokeness and talking about their relationship and more in a brand new special and it was live. >> and the royals. and kim kardashian. >> brian: and we go on. ♪ ♪
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>> ashley: we begin with a fox news alert. the fbi is severineing for four citizens kidnapped in mexico on friday across the southern border. traveling in ha white minivan with north carolina plates crossed the border just south of brownsville, texas. unidentified gunmen shot the passengers of the vehicle. the gunmen herded the four u.s. citizens into another vehicle and then fled the scene with them. the fbi is offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. the fbi and authorities in arizona launch an investigation after a female border patrol agent working by herself was
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violently assaulted by an illegal migrant in the tucson sector over the weekend. cbp says, quote: while being placed in a service vehicle, the subject assaulted the agent, injuring the agent's face and hands. the assaulted agent was transported for medical treatment. additional agencies were needed to bring that suspect into custody. national guard is helping residents in the intern mountains dig out after snowfall that went up past the second story of their homes. last week's winter storm bringing 12 feet, one trapped resident even writing help us in the snow. some people have been trapped in their homes for more than a week running out essential splice like baby formula. forecasts indicate higher he will occasions in southern california could get up to four feet of snow this week. novak joke v.i.p. withdrawing from the indian wells tournament just before brackets are set. that's an indication the serbian super star special request for a covid-19 waiver to enter into
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the u.s. failed. djokovic unvaccinated unable to pray multiple turns in the u.s. because of current restrictions for foreign travelers. >> brian: such a joke how many years does he have left like two or three. unbelievable. >> ainsley: won wimbledon. one of the best players in the country. >> brian: ever. by the way, it's only people coming from overseas. and, plus, if you want to have russian or chinese vaccine, they don't even try to work. shoot silicone in. >> ainsley: yesterday was a full day. it was church, and then it was jesus revolution and chris rock. >> steve: what is jesus revolution. >> ainsley: the movie. it is a great movie. i highly recommend it. and then i watched the netflix special. i watched it last night. it was live on saturday, chris rock on stage in all white. did you notice he was wearing
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the print. necklace of prince artist formerly known of prince. that was his symbol. it was really funny. there were a few moments that were, i cringed a little bit. but over all it was really funny. did he address the slap. >> steve: a year ago at the oscars chris rock made a joke about jada pinkett smith and will smith got up and slapped him. we were wondering when chris rock would address what was happening and what was going on from heir head. we surmised from the couch that he will tell all when he has a new comedy special. the new comedy special was live on saturday night at netflix it's called selective outrage and for 8 minutes he verbally clobbered will smith. here is part of it you all know what happened to me getting
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slapped by sug smith. it still hurts. i got summertime ringing in my ears. i'm not a victim, baby. you will never see me on oprah or gail crying. [applause] >> you will never see it. will smith practiced selective outrage practices selective outrage. everybody knows what the [bleep] happened. everybody who really knows i had nothing to do with that i didn't have any entanglements. she hurt him way more than he hurt me. a lot of people go chris, how come you didn't do nothing back? how come you didn't do nothing back that night? because i got parents. that's why. because i was raised. [applause] i got parents. and do you know what my parents taught me? don't fight in front of white
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people. >> ainsley: is he referring to the entanglements, on the red table talk episode. featured will smith and jada pinkett smith and she admitted to having an affair with her son's. >> steve: 20 so i something old friend. >> brian: they have an open relationship. >> ainsley: maybe they is rules. >> brian: will, don't worry about it. denzel washington gives motivational speech and chris rock was by himself he even went to the after party. when people started sobering up and realizing how he was able to get his award and finish up the night. they said i think we are praises the wrong guy. he kept his mouth shut the entire time i watched emancipation. will smith in emancipation just to watch him get whipped. that was part of his act. >> ainsley: he said i really look up to will smith. i like will smith. i tried to call him he didn't pick up the phone. he was laughing about their size.
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look at will smith he is significantly bigger than me. does movie with his shirt off. will smith played muhammed ali in a movie. why is he slaps me. >> steve: special drops on netflix circumstantially a week before the oscars and everybody in the world is talking about his special, including joe concha, who was on "fox & friends first" just within the last hour or so who talked a little bit about comedians who these days push back against cancel culture. >> the comedians who truly have staying power are the ones who don't care about political correctness. you look at chris rock. you mentioned bill maher, jerry seinfeld. sebastian -- you could go on and on. the ones that say, you know what? i'm here to entertain and i don't care who i offend, not going over any sort of line so to speak but chris rock has been around for a very, very long time. he is in his 50's, believe it or not, even though the guy looks like he is 29 years old, still. that seems to be the pattern
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here. don't be politically correct. don't worry about what the audience may be offended by. and you're on your way. >> steve: it's -- >> brian: watched sebastian's special. right away cancel culture, being a parent. need the powerful people that are uncancellable, dave chapelle, sebastian, chris rock, you can't cancel them. can you say whatever you want about him. is he going to go to the arena across the street and sell it out. help the younger comedians coming up and the rest of society. believe it or not, they will have to be the ones leading the charge. >> ainsley: push played special the first half are all these comedian yans get up there arsenio hall kicks off. they all say funny comments. i fast forward. this is funny but i have got to go bed. >> steve: john if joe piscopo but is he going to be joining us
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the final hour to talk about chris rock and will smith and staying power. >> brian: i don't know how he is requesting to do that because he has a morning show. a big decision in his career. another norfolk southern train derailed this weekend while secretary buttigieg struggle to defend the white house response. congressman davidson represents the site of the latest crash he demands. through the pandemic, can see if it may qualify for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee. all it takes is eight minutes to get started. then work with professionals to assist your business with its forms and submit the application. go to to learn more. with the freestyle libre 2 system, know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at
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so clearly you. sotyktu.
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robber in hazard matted suit shot and killed a deli work in new york city response sub for three other stick ups. the 67-year-old deli worker was killed friday night. 30 minutes later the same suspect is believed to strike a bronx bodega. they are too scared to go back to work and believe the suspect would kill for any amount of money. and one cat getting an accidental cat scan at virginia airport. the tsa sharing this image of a cat on the x-ray belt warning pet owners that the machine is not meant for our furry little friend. the owner mistakingly thought all bags, including the pet carrier and the cat needed to get scanned. but the tsa says pets need to come out of the bags and go with
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you through the screening. they also say the scanned cat is doing just fine. minnesota coat rules u.s.a. power lifting must allow transgendered women to compete alongside biological women in the sport. outraged female lifter joined "fox & friends first." watch this. >> certainly impossible. like a power lifting has classes so we have different weight classes and we have different age classes. if you take my age as a 47-year-old woman and match me with a 47-year-old man with the same lifting experience, the man will outlift me. just due to physiological differences. >> ashley: the court says the organization violated the human rights act making a person pretend to be something different later this morning joined by the president of the 100 percent for their take on controversy. leolast surviving founding memb.
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the free bird musician grace our summer concert series stage in 2015. he explained the origin of the band's iconic single sweet home alabama. >> we were traveling alabama a lot and recording. ronny kind of did a joke about neil young he was one of our favorite artists he was from canada talking about the south. so he told him we didn't need him around. we just love the state so we wrote about it. rosington leaves behind wife and two daughters. he was 71 years old. those are your headlines we will extend over to steve. >> steve: thank you very much. janice we had lynyrd skynyrd on the program a number of times. a great entertainer watched the show all the time. very sad loss for his family. >> we loved the band and loved them performing at the summer concert series our hearts and prayers going out to the family today. we will play their music in
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honor of gary. all right, let's take a look at the maps this morning. it's not too bad here in the northeast. 40 degrees. i mean, where it should be this time of year cold air out the west and more snow in the forecast. i know i don't have a clicker today but ted is going to advance that for me. he is the best. all right. we do have the potential for snow across the great lakes and the upper midwest. some of that snow is going to move in towards the northeast tonight and tomorrow. let's advance those maps and i will show you exactly what is happening. can you see that snow. we're not talking about a big snow maker but 1 to 3 inches certainly could fall across the great lakes in towards the northeast and the west again is getting pounded with more rain and heavy snow, so there's your shot of snow across the great lakes, the northern plains, the ohio valley in towards the northeast. not a big deal but it will cause some slippery driving as that moves in towards the northeast on monday night into tuesday
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again along the coast snow. look what will happen on tuesday. things move out towards the new england area up into canada and things start to clear out. so fox for details. the west more rain and mountain snow. epic amount of snow certainly across california, steve. some people were trapped last week and had to be rescued. weave will continue to watch that story as well. >> steve: some crazy weather. >> janice: thanks, ted. >> steve: ted with the clicker. moving on. another norfolk southern train drald in southern ohio saturday night. thankfully no hazmat on board. comes a month after massive train derailment across the country threatened the lives of east palestine residents about 200 miles away. now the transportation secretary pete buttigieg is blasting his critics as east coast elite for
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his delayed response to last month's wreck. ohio congressman warren davidson joins us right now. congressman, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. thanks for highlighting. this. >> steve: you bet. i'm sure the people of ohio, i mean, you are at ground zero for that big one in east palestine. and now, another one over the weekend. it seems like there are more and more of them or are we just -- do we have our antenna up now every time something goes hay ware we are thinking i hope they're's not has mazda on that train. >> there is a phenomenon you notice something more often once it's happened recently. we find it unacceptable that this is tolerated. you look at it. i was shocked after east palestine at the response but then one of those things that secretary buttigieg said was well, you know, there is over 1,000 a year. in fact, sometimes it's as high as 1700 a year. why is that acceptable? >> so, i think a lot of people are brushing up on the rail safety and the operations. but in communities around the country we are hearing complaints about the rail lines
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and certainly fits with what the workforce was saying. >> steve: sure, you mentioned train derailments, since december of 2022, just a couple of months ago, there have been 19 major train derailments across the country and five of them are norfolk southern. congressman, do we need to modernize america's rail lines because, you know, a lot of people don't realize they see the train going by lickety split, they don't realize it takes a mile and a half for them to actually stop a train if they needed. to say. >> yeah. there is a lot that goes into operating these rail lines. they move a massive amount of our freight. they are critical infrastructure for our country. but, you know, there's a lot of concern that the rail companies are harvesting cash and not investing in the infrastructure in the safety of the equipment. certainly, you know, the dispute between the labor force. >> steve: sure. >> and the companied resulted in congress intervening in their
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contract negotiations. so, you know, there's a lot of heightened attention on this. and i anticipate there will be hearings in both the house and senate in the near future. i think that's really important to understand what is the right fix here? >> steve: yeah. exactly. the tech nothing for the most part goes way back. i have been reading a lot about brakes and stuff like that. what they need to do, they need to call elon musk, have elon musk come up with a tesla train and that thing could stop on a dime because he can come up with stuff like that. anyway, i mentioned a moment ago the secretary of transportation pete buttigieg. he said. this. as for any suggestion from trump or supporters that the former president's trip to east palestine pressured him to go. that's b.s., he said. we were already going to go. , he did go after the former president. what do you make of his comments. >> look, people don't have a lot of confidence in secretary pete regardless of what his plans were. certainly when he did show up,
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it was way late. and he was dismissive. and i think that's the problem with east palestine. these people were told to go back home and literally the white house, maybe the worst was the e.p.a. director who said we'll send our e.p.a. people out there when it's safe to go out there. well, the people in the community were just told to go back home. and then when they raised complaints like hey, the pets are showing signs of problems. we still see chemicals on the surface water. people are going to the emergency room with rashes. frankly people were very dismissive of them and, you know, the people at the scene should be taken seriously the government has all these agencies. if they don't respond in a situation like this. wife do we have them? and, frankly, they deserve to be well-led and it's very obvious in the case of the department of transportation, it is not well-led right now. >> steve: sure. you know, when the government came out and said okay, trust us. east palestine, you can breathe the air, can you drink the water
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and stuff like that. and then over time it's like maybe you should be drinking bottled water, joe biden apparently has said he will eventually go but apparently the date is up in the air. you would hate to think, congressman, that the white house did not send the president because they were afraid of the air. year in ohio. he was in ukraine trying to find a way to grow the war there rather than pay attention to the people in ohio. and, you know, was in clear contrast with president trump. and, look, donald trump's message is 100 percent in line with ohio. in both elections. i mean, he won ohio by 8 points and historically ohio has been viewed as the a swing state. is he uniquely appealing to the people in the east side of the state. and you know, he was very well received. i'm not sure the same will be said if president biden makes it there. >> steve: congressman, thank you very much for getting up so early on this monday morning for us. >> thank you. appreciate all you guys do.
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god bless you all. >> steve: all right. god bless you, sir. coming up on this monday, socialist darling aoc throws one of her campaign staffers under the bulls for apparently not paying thousands in met gala expenses. cherie murray challenged aoc's seat. she is calling out the congresswoman coming up next right here on "fox & friends" ♪ ♪ we must finally hold social media companies accountable. it's time to pass bipartisan legislation to stop big tech from collecting personal data on our kids and teenagers online. ban targeted advertising to children.
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have paid several hundreds thousands dollars of goods given tore h ticket valued at $35,000 along with infamous tax the rich dress jewelry. scherie murray ran against aoc for congress. now, scherry this is not going away. does it surprise she begged for tickets for this ritzy event. >> not at all. calling the kettle black. she somehow has performative outrage and selective outrage and now she just has a memory failure when it comes to the fact that this wasn't a charity event. she is not allowed to receive these tickets. and courtesy of anna her and her fiance attended the met gala. she got her hair done. she got a complete wardrobe
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including shoes. she got her makeup done and conveniently forgot to pay the bill. >> brian: seems panic behind the scenes as they realize they can't do this according to make 6 staffers informed aoc's office the day after the ball the congresswoman had a great time and everything but then she says by the way, vogue is the one who brought you in there now, if the met gala gave her tickets, it might have been a different story, but everybody was informed of this. her answer seems to be it was my staff's problem. they had my credit cards. they didn't use them. will that fly? >> no. not at all. i mean, if you look at oceens exhibits in their investigative report it. clearly shows contradictions between her and her staffer. first, the staff was tasked to pay then the staffer said he never had her credit card. so there is some controversy here. and i'm happy to see that she is being held accountable and that's why the oce is moving
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forward with this probe. >> brian: she did a lot of questionable things one of the worst things i remember any elected official ever daytona doing is telling amazon to hit the road. she was unable to get that concept through her head that a tax break doesn't mean you are paying somebody off. you are not coming out of the budget. with long island city ready to welcome in amazon, she kicked them out. and not only is she not regretful. she is bragging about testimony. >> i know i will never get an apology for that time. it's worth it. we protected new yorkers from a scam deal to drain public dollars from schools, infrastructure and exchange from empty promises of amazon jobs without opportunities or guardrails. sadly cities who took it are suffering. what do you think of her analysis of her behavior. >> well, clearly she is uninformed. she was uninformed in 2019 when i ran against her. she touted killing jobs in lic. and she is known throughout the community is job-killing aoc. and so she was uninformed then.
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she is uninformed now. as the tax break was a part of the tax cuts and jobs act, which was a part of the opportunity zones which gave tax breaks to corporations who came in to impoverished communities. so she is doing a disservice to her community. you know, we all know her as a social media troll and that's how her constituents know her. it's about time that she focuses on the core issues of her constituency. housing is on the rise. the cost of food is on the rise. and so i think there are more pressing issues that she needs to be concerned about and really advocating for on behalf of her kinsey in nc-14. >> brian: will you try to beat her again? >> you know, brian, i will have to come back and share the good news with you about that one. but i do believe that she needs to be unseated. and someone who really cares
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about our constitution and country and united vs. a divider needs to hold that seat in long island city and the queens and the bronx overall. >> brian: you have a great personal immigrant story yourself to tell and hopefully people have a chance to see it and vote for it again. scherie murray, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me great to be with you this morning. >> brian: no problem. see where this ethic probe goes. coming up, is buster murdaugh next? >> buster's next. [inaudible] buster's next. >> why alex murdaugh's son is now under the microscope. first, tax season scam. what you need to watch out for. ramsey solutions, rachel cruze is here with tips to make the most of your tax filing. in fact, i think she is right here ♪ [coughing] hi, susan. honey.
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>> brian: william byron avoids a final stage crash and outruns kyle larson to win at the las vegas motor speedway. >> here they come to the flag. william byron will lead his 175th lap of the day. >> brian: there you go. a closer look at the last lab crash that cleared the way for byron's overtime victory. meanwhile chase elliott making light of the snowboarding injury that kept him out of the race come to my attention the formal request i submitted march edit for my script was indeed declined talk soccer now liverpool gets historic victory over archrival m mann chester
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united on home turf. the reds to break the club record. the win beats liverpool's chance to qualify next season. man chester united worse loss. they are up for sale if you have some money. real quick before we get started. this is really something you were asking me about, ainsley it. looks like messi could be coming to the mls as early as the summer. they are working out a deal that could send him there from psg see what happens. could join david beckham's intermiami team. >> ainsley: how do you feel about. >> brian: one of the greatest things to happen in sports pele came in the 70s. >> ainsley: didn't he go to other team last year and we were hoping we were going to get him. >> brian: yes. >> ainsley: is he unhappy. >> there looking dump perhaps the salary. looks like 75 million for reynaldo, come up with 75 million or a less that the
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saudis for for reynaldo play here. playing for david beckham in new jersey and new york city playing be pretty amazing. >> ainsley: that would be great. thank you so much, brian. >> brian: now talk taxes. >> ainsley: instead of spending time in jacksonville, brian, you will have to spend more time in miami if these players go down there. as the tax deadline comes closer scammers are targeting millions of americans rushing to file returns. here with how to avoid getting tricked and get best bang for your bucks is rachel cruze. >> good morning. >> good morning to you. we were talking about how do you make sure that you keep your money. you know, you think when you file your taxes that you get a huge check. how great is that? >> feels like free money. >> ainsley: really it's not. >> in fact, it's basically you giving uncle sam a loan interest free and sitting there where it could have been in your paycheck helping you pay off debt making sure you are not getting a big tax refund is key and not owe a
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ton either. nadal ground. >> ainsley: are they looking for social security number. >> yes. that. any time the irs calls that's a scam. if you get an email that looks like the irs that are asking for your social security number never gave over email. trust your gut. if something is feeling fishy or this doesn't feel right, it's probably because it is. >> ainsley: if the irs wants to get in touch with you letter. >> certified mail. if you get something that looks sketchy it's probably because it's sketchy. >> ainsley: aim for breaking even. you want to break even. so how do you that? how do you figure out how much to -- how much to, i guess, give the government? >> yeah. so you want to look at your withholdings, that's going to depend how many kids you have. may change if you get married and change your status if you file jointly as opposed to separately. look at your tax liability which what you owe and subtract that together and say here is my total and, again, if you got a huge tax refund and nothing
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changed in 2021 from 2022, that means you are probably going to get a big one this year in 2023 go talk to your hr department, adjust your w 4 and say i don't want to pay as much in taxes out of my paycheck. >> ainsley: that makes sense. track your budget and your spending. what's the best way to do this. >> i love the app. every dollar. attaches to bank account. my transactions are coming in and drag and drop them depending on the categories. really your budget is your income minus your expenses including giving and saving should equal zero. every dollar coming in is assigned to a category. during tax season is when you see okay this is how much i made. people are looking this is how much i made in 2022. if you feel like where did my money go? that means maybe you should be on a budget so you can actually say i know exactly where my money went. you want to be intentional and the budget hence you do that. >> ainsley: when you give, when you donate to your church or donate to your children's school or something like that, you can write all of that off. >> if it's a 503 b making sure
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can you do the tax deduction. mathematically and financially. benefits you as a person. so open your hand and being generous is a huge part. >> can you write it all off or is there a cap. >> going to depend on income. most of it, yeah. it is a 501(c)3 then you will be able to write it off. >> would you rather give that money to charity than give it to the government. >> that's right. there is a level of that to look at your income, talk to your cpa look to see what is the best bet to me. if i do give this write it off help with you your tax bracket as well. >> very good advice. rachel great to see you in new york. >> so good. >> ainsley: i haven't seen her since covid. still ahead, governor ron desantis hitting gavin newsom on his home turf. on his own turf. his fight against wokeness as blue state americans start a mass exodus to florida. that's the top of the hour. ♪ saturday night and we are in the spot ♪ don't believe me just watch ♪
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officers at a future police training facility in atlanta. >> part of citywide protests organized by atlanta based activist group. >> the fbi searching for four u.s. citizens kidnapped in mexico. >> the u.s. embassy says unidentified gunmen herded the four citizens into a vehicle and fled the scene. >> same railroad company, nownks says more than 20 car it's not just retirees moving to florida. >> the last four or five years people beat a path to california. now you see the state merging population. >> people i didn't hurt it still hurts. addressing the infamous oscar slap and wokeness. >> not a victim, baby, you will never see me on oprah or gail crying. ♪ running through the straight life ♪ chasing all


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