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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 7, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST

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>> i will be hosting three live audience shows this week, wednesday, thursday,esday, and y . just go t if you want to be a part of the audience, has going to hand ito .com, hannity, .comm inform information, how to get tickets . they are absolutely free. we'd love to see we unfortunately, that's allhat th, thank you so the time we have left thisshall evening. thank you for making this show possible. please set your dvpossible. r dvr r. e and >>in never miss an episode. in the meantime, let not be your heart be troubled. a. hey, laura . hey,, how how are you? sean?e not that i am my kneesut when rehabbing, but i .w your s i'm going to show up at one of your live shows, but you're not going to know. you're right. showut you are kw they are goi i'm going to show but you're not going to know. they're going to know. so they're there to you. >> don't you come and take over and the audience will stay and watch your show because, beca well, becausee and to you're buying the shots of tequila and they're of course, they're going to stay. i thrwise they just feel like one hundred footballs every night. that'sed footb football's no tequila. stay. they'll stay. all right. and this iit got it from here.
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>> all right. i am laura ingraham and this is the "ingraham angle" fromhe s washington tonight.cus it's all leaking out. that's the focusof of tonight's angle. uld co >>me well, we always knew the truth would come out, not just about the origins covid, butvert about our own government's complicity in whatwhat may be oe of the most shocking cover ups in medical history. and now, three years later, we have a clearer picture of how officials at the nih, including anthony fauci protect chinwork furiously behind the scenes to protect china and the american academics who are actively engaged in and promotingics who the same type of research that resulted in the release of sars-cov-2 now trulyt a lot independent thinkers. and a lot ofem the arem were on the show, knew in 2020 thatwt that whole wet market theory was just absurd. and that the sars-cov-2 virus was almost certainly an escape from gain of function research on bad viruses, which is donepue by something called serial packaging or manipulating
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a virus. virus aand then inserting it ie called humanized mice. >> at that pointmice, well, chia didn't bury the data from that lab because it had nothing to hide. china buried the data because the data implicated china. and , ofe en course, the entire time they had their friends in the media here in the unitedtheb states helped them brand. anyone who questioned the party line as conspiracy theorists on donald trump turning his intelligence community to nowa s investigate a conspiracy theory about covid coming from a labpit in wuhan, fauci rejected the conspiracy. that coronavirus was man made in conspirain a lab a lab in wuhans >> and yet this week, donald trump is still pushing the debunked bunkum. deb and things wenunk.t even deepert a source is now telling fox that jeff zucker, the then not president of cnn, would not a allow his reporterllsbeliev to investigate the lab leak theory because he believed it was just a trump talkingdonald t . >> most everyone agree it is highly unlikely that this
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virus came from the lab. for its partca, chinlleda has cd the notion absurd. president trump has now claime d ,without citing evidence, that covid-19 likely originated in a government lab in china. president trump and his allies l pushind g an unsubstantiateded i theory that the coronavirus escaped from a lab in a ann chi. >> how pathetic and how convenient for all these people, and not just that, of course, both fauci and his former boss, the head of the nih, francis collins, they were alsos. bizarrely desperate to protect china as well. now, remember,well fauci himself helped direct the publication of a papericatio to refute named the lavallee via his friend named dr christian anderson atsh scripps research. anl to the publication nature, dated feb. 12 , 2020, anderson wrote , and now weauciw know that fauci himselitf withot revealing his own role in p the publication of the paper, then wenent on tt on tv to prome and cite the paper's
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conclusion, all to disprove the wunan lab leak theory. >> very weird. >> there was a study recently al that wabe can make available to you where a group of highly l qualified evolutionarysts lo biologists looked atok the sequences and the mutations that it took to get to the i point where it is now is totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human. >> now, how disgusting. h again, he himself prompted the paper to be written inyone the first place and he went on to edit that paper, but then he didn't divulge it and heto went on to promote it at the white house briefing room. meanwhile, francis collins was freaking and an email to faucis collins was upset that the lavallee hypothesis still hadn't been debunkedot and asked for more public pressure to put it down. >> well, now that both the fbi and the department of energy
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amereve that this virus that killed about a million americans emerged fromts every a chinese lab tony fauci sheds wants everyone to throw up. their hands and say, well, what do you think? ever know >> we'll ever knowe pa how the pandemic originated?>> >> might not.t we m it very well mightay, but we mae not ever know.e poss that's unfortunate.ib but that's the possibility that we might not evewer know. ngs have oh, how things have changed. how convenient at this point.t thfor tony and his pals. and juhan now even more disturbing is that wehave still have people portrayed as unbiased expert on television who we should continue to , i guess, continue to encourage the very research that led to globalarch tha sufft scott gottlieb used to be the fda commissioner, butof more importantly, he's on the board of pfizer andir more ironically, he's chair ofes their regulatory and compliance committee. >> we're still stuck on the debate about whether it w
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was or wasn't a lab leak. i don't think we're going to prove that. i think we should workity that i on the assumption that there's leak and a probability that it was a lab leak and start putting in placed s the kinds protections that we need. >> the occ cost benefiteed an analysis, just what weot need. >> what another lab leak sobig h that pfizer and big pharma canar make billions more .more of our and we can lose more of our people, our wealth, our freedom. i mean, this is just tranotic and transparent at this pointck because we knew going back to twenty eighteen that the luján lab was a big problem . bueyt scot want gottliebts g wae back for another bite of the apple because we'll have new controls in place. now remember who is a city that houses a large number of government run laboratories, many of which were built ors tru expanded as a result of china'ms traumatic experience with that initial sars virusthat and epidc . 2002.member, it began in two thousand and two, sometimesc the highest risk experiments get outsourced to the worst labsedbs around th around the wt
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they're the ones willing to dogn those experiments.g and so if we'rtoe goin high rism risk research, because we thin k it's important from a national securityd to standpoint, we nee. to get better control over it, better control over it.s there tried this routine before . it did an enor notmo work and to enormous amount of sufferingunt that has happened along the way. now we've seen what high risk research did. in addition, all the lives lost and destroyed, mental health, education, across our nation for young people affected the presidential campaig n and made pharma execs very rich . playnever forget none of the big players will ever really go after china. now ask yourself why fortune was defending them back in february of 2020 just because there was a level four lab in the vicinity couldn't have it.iu i just thinkst surpris i'm surpt you would say that, given whatww we know about china's pattern of lying about critical issues. tr you're satisfied with all of the transparency coming out of china today aboutdiseas
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the trajectory of the disease >>d the origin of the disease? i can tell you in my direct interaction with chinese scientists and chinese health officials thatth i can believe what they're telling me. and now that the truth is coming back to bite them. years after china destroyed alle the evidence and shut down the show , investigation, bidenall of uso wants all of us to know that he's on the case. >> the intelligence committee is looking into this. this the pre is something that into h the president has asked since since few months into hisar administration. ling down and so they're redoubling down their efforts there. clearlyour y, it's important. >> we believe he believes it's important to get to the bottom of this. >> i really want aboutdred a hundred percent tariff on chinese goods coming into the unitedriff comuntil he state tells the truth. bot >> how about that? wantsth to get to the bottom of this? well, he should encourage that everyone with knowledge appear before a house committee investigating this. so other than the obvious, like faucthi collins, there are atret least three others who are keyhe to this mystery.
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doctors jeremy farrar, peter darshak and ralph baric. joining me now is dr. jays doct bhattacharyaor, professor of medicine at stanford university. dr. b , it's great to see you. now, when covid hit inemic was the pandemic was declared in march, 2020 peter darshak at echo health alliance that goty a lot of the federal money and worked with luján and ralph, barika unsee. do not te they did not tellll the worl thn 2018 about their own grant proposal back in 2018 that was denied when they were goinghan to collaborate back then with the wuhanla lab to insert those furin cleavage sites. i know it's getting wonky here and the glucose dilation sites in these low ris his lowk sars coronaviruses. what do you think that means? why? because they were both foremostr experts on coronaviruses. but we heard nothing. there was definitely a research program to the words gain of function to make coronaviruses
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more transmissible to humans. t the idea, i think, was to see they hav if they had pandemic potential and develop vaccines and that that that that grant that make a ventioning, it was a grant to make a virus that irus loolooks awful lot like the actually have. i mean, in in 2020, the very first thing that that tony fauci and francis collins, among the very first things they did was to try to cover ups th the fact that our nih, the american nih had worked with the muon lab to do exactly these kinds of dangerous experimentriments. yeah, i mean, i think i look at it.u don't i just wonder, even ifknow you don't know anything about alllol of the technical technicalities which look lik lot like an awfut like it was a lab leak, the cover up itselfe is something that absolutely needs to be explained. you covering up if there's nothing?e i mean, it just begsquesnse of the question why the furious thr defense of china from the very beginning by fauci and he himself, dr. bhattacharyya, hims of the gain of functio
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understood, stood the risks of the gain of function type of research when he was i think her contributed to this paper abouta the influenza virus back in are 2012. and he wrote that ther ge arene genuine and legitimate concerns about this type of research, both domestically and globally, of whether certain gain of function experiments related to the transmissibility of highlyty of hi pathogenic h5n1ec influenza virus should be conducted at all. his >> it was that this was very,, very risky, did he not? >> he did. there wahere wass a pause in the to function work put in placeune under one administration. 2014 is then lifted in 2017 during the pause. then even afterwards tony fauci, especially during the paustonyg thee, had to signf risk eve to say, look, this research is worth the risk, even though it's risky, we are going to get good scientific knowledge from it. he personally and francis s collins had to sign offon on those risky research pau projects during the game. afunction function pause. there is absolutely no question
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in my mind that they knew this was dangerous. and in the early days ofhey thos the pandemic, they thought to themselves they meaning tony fauci francis collins, that thiactuallys might actualls resulted. this pandemic actually resulted from research that they that they supported now and again, ce we say this is one of them h could be one of the most shocking medical cover ups in all of human history.letely i know i ht sounds completely m hyperbolic. just cominy mouth g out of my m i understand that. but when you see that he pushed for that paper to be published in nature in christian andersen is renowned from scripps researchsc. and how he initially had was very measured in how he looked at. the possibility of the origin, but he pushed forward soucen. forces direction and then forces citing that at a white house briefing one woulc president trump doesn't didn't know this stuff. he what? no one would expect him to know it at all. he was relying on tony fauci his reputationputation and suppd good faith. dr. bhattacharjee. and now we're findinout thatg ot was a lie. he was involved in writing that
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paper. >> he ab >> he absolutely was interesting. if you look at the foia documents around that time, what you seeeople li is people s christian andersen writing, saying, you know, gosh, this might mighh,t actually be a lab leak. this might this looks like an engineered virus. and then you see tony fauci t calling an emergencyony fa meetc including people like jeremy farrar, the head who's now the current scientist, chief scientific officer at the world health organization, sayingtinga let's hold emergency meeting.ll and then out of that meetingr th all of a sudden comes thisat paper. conspiracy it says that the lab leak is aas conspiracy. and all these scientistsntist tt lab leak, that spoke up and said, look, this might be a lab leak, destroyed. the essentially cold althoug their reputations were destroyed. they essentially called all those scientists who are probably right fringe figures. it's the same playbookfigures. they used against me and thetonu authors. the great branch declaration, tony faucici and, francis colliu they created an illusion ofroun scientific consensus on their ideas and marginalize anyone that disagree with them, evenc there wasn't a scientific
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consensus. it's a pattern oenf behaviorsuss reflects an abuse of power by american scientific bureaucrats at the very top of our scientific bureaucracies. >> dr. charry made it very an io understandable for all of us . it is such an important issue. we mus forget not ever forget wt happened. >> we have to get to the bottom of this. thank you so much. w >> we also know that just a fewk miles away from that fooetd bioa market is china's only biosafety level four supefa laboratory that researches human infectious diseases. now, we don't have evidenceence that this disease originated ther e because of china'sonesty f duplicity and dishonesty. from the beginning. o see wh we need to at least ask the question to see what the evidence in china right now is not giving any evidence on that question. at all. >> while senator cotton wasrs among the first voices to question if this covid actually came courtesy of the lab back in february, twenty one and like we were, he was pilloried for it. at the time. ke "the washington post"
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accused cotton of pushing a debunked conspiracy theory. and when it issued a correction a year latera year l, they chana to a, quote, fringe theory. it still hasn't updated the piece again. now that we know that the most it arkely scenario is that fauci covered it up. joining me now is arkansas senator tom cotton. >> senator , these emails between collins fauci and then drlsies follow up with this guy, dr christian anderson, at scripps. this was this was quite the the operation they had going because they were freaking out that china was going to behe pel blamed. and then indirectly, the people in the unite thed states that we working over the yearse with chinese scientists, an is that not the case? >> you were right from the beginning and you were pilloried. >> willaura, i think you put ito well, and i appreciate beingge together. back in februaryn , of 2020, pointing out what anybody with some common sense, looking
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at the facts in front of wil their face could say that this virus almost certainly came from those labs and hand. and given the fact that tony fauci and others spun soer furiously to not just cover upth that possibility, but to denounce anyone like you or me or others who areme, or simpt asking the question about whether it was possible, whether we should explore it w l , suggest there's a lot more there to uncover. the housr their e republican hai already done a great jobls a uncovering some of these emails and other document oths. o go i think it's time for tony fauci to go testify in front of alonjordan and others and to answer these questions along with those who he was using in the private sector to funnel money into chinese labs. the moy as is usually the case, if youia follow the money, i think are going to get some more answers now. >> one , hundreds of thousands>n of dollars a month to scrippths research, which does some great work, by the way, peter darshak, echo health, obviously, ralph bearak was a renowned expert at unc chapelr hill. the oft asked answer questions and i hope they actually appear before congresto
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s, otherwise they're going to get subpoenaed. senator , another instance oncf chinese malfeasance and that's putting it lightly is popping up. y here's peter doocy askingwe j karine jean-pierre about something we jusust out found ot about. >> there were the chinese buye p balloons and now there are these chinese spy cranes. the wall streey t journal'sojan comparing them to trojan horses and use that. 80% of hor us ports. >> what the american people could be assured of is thatotec this president is going to protect them and making sure themtwe put our national security first when it comes to when it comes to anythinghe that they feel could be could threaten that on the cranes. don't have to don't have any comment on that specific reporting. >> i would refer you to department of transportationo . department of transportation. does that make you feel good, senator ? ergotten that mayor pete, leave it to pete. >> he's going to handle it. n >> no, laura , i can't say i get a warm and fuzzy abouthisa that one .thou this is alarming, though, because just yetgh
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, another example of how joe biden and so many democrats will rallye ramp the banners and man the ramparts to defend chinese t communists. that's exactly what happened on the coronavirus in early. twenty , twenty . that's early happened last month.spy balloos and that spy balloon floatedcr across americaos. fficials said and joe biden's senior administration officials are saying, well, maybe it was a wind that blew i a wind t fro to alaska. what must haveof been a heck of a win and you continue to seees them apologize for and excuse prinese wrongdoing that threatens american jobs and prosperity and our national security. it's time for joe biden to taket a firm stand against chineseunin acting as their de facto communist rather than actingr. as their de facto lawyer or banker. >> or making them rich . the bui then we're complaining that they're building up their militaryth. i mean, you can't make this up. senator , it's great to seeand e you. thank you.e if a terrorist was now, anti terrorist conduct, what was really a coordinated attack on what's this plan? rigt police training site. it's right outside outf atlantao and tonight, nothing from biden and merrick garland.
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ghostwrote songs coming out of that field down in virginia, carrying swastikas preside and s and the veins bulging on their. skin as they were screaming was. a wake up call for us as a country and for me, a callhate to action. k at that moment, i knew i'dnew td have to run because my father taughtt us that silence was complicity. >> oh, really? by that standard, the president of the united states is complicit in that antifa violence going on outside ofsce atlanta, where thugs have descended on a new police training project that wasn't charlottesville, that was actually in atlanta. okay, this is domestic terrorism, which the georgia bureau of investigation is charging these twenty three individualsiduals w with only two of them, though, are actually from georgia, with one beinganothe from canadr another from france.
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and even more outrageous, kind of unsurprising, one of those charged is an attorney for the southern poverty lawhe center, the grourn povp that proclaims its mission as rooting out extremism. well, it employs those thatn engage in extremism. now, given those facts,po especially interstate travel component, whanents hect the he excuse for biden and garlanddend not to move forward, at least discuss this? >> how would an indictment of these folks everyone wants to give credit to biden forcomeo coming out against that dcut ciy council bill like you? suddenly, mr. tough guye. on crime. but his silence here revealstor. the real story. joing us now is stevenrmer sen miller, former senior adviser to president trump and founder of america first legal.america it steven, i mean to listen to merrick garland, it's white supremacy is rampant acrossis the country, and that's the focus of what they're going to prosecute and pursue. yet he also claims without fear
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or favor, we go , after all, domestic terrorism. >> does that look like that's the case here, at least yet? st no. since the first day of thisf administration, it's been the narrative of joe biden and merrick garland that white supremacists are roaming w the whole country, terrorizinghe tizens d our citizens, destroying our cities and all the might of the departmentr cities of justiy will be used to pursue them.e but they don't really mean white supremacists. what they really meantarget is targeting conservative americans, targetinginnservative republicans and , of course, now targeting donald trump. we're now in the third year of the doj sh january six investigation, and it will nevestigatior end ag as they are continuing to wield the prosecutorial power. r counh but what is actually happeningav our country is you have antifa rioters laying siege to a police training centersilence and total silence from joe biden, total silence from doj, not just about thisfa attac attack, but all the anti o attacks. and of course,f co all the blm
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attacks where the department of justice was dropping charges wrainst blm rioters in case after case after case that were initiated under the trump administration. >>tration. well, karine jean-pia asked about thisy situation today. >> >> watch. is the checki this is the white houseng tracking thihes and how worried is the white house about this? no, we have not been i've not heard any discussions about this protest over the weekend. th to gould have t back to the team and see wheree we are, where we're standing and a response on that. ng about just this is the first time i'm hearing about this protest[h over the weekend. jazir>> laura: is ti, about it. i mean, if this was something that happened at cpac, you know, that was some scuffle outside cpac should be all overg . bu , no, it's just a police training side of a giant protest. well, they're swarminge swarminr the weekend and setting fire , but that's. >> no, no,re i haven't. gone. just th she makes you sound like your lovely, lovely, peaceful, polite gathering. not anything like when they said thirty armed officerte
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home orders to go into the home of a pro-life activist. and we've seen this again and again with the department of justice uses extrr justica or force against conservative americans or pro-life americans. again, will antifa is running free and running wild, notnd the to mention the drug cartels absl and the gang members running.ut americtely amok in almost every major city in america. >> our children, our teens arear dying from fentanyl and they're. now fromt the switch. stephen , thank you. thank now from his verery loy lg paternity leave in the middlesmg of the supply chain crisisem to the gross mismanagement of ree faa from this ridiculously inadequate response to the east tre train derailment to his twenty three private jet jen. now under investigatio leave it to peets tenure as transportation secretary. has been just a complete and utter disaster, but needs to be protected at all costs. he is , in fact, the democrats, really second option. i almean, these kind of the understudy who .
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>> so they have if not biden,ga i mean, newsom really i don't think it was a coincidence thatu two articles popped almost simultaneously attempting to kind of reframe what his obvious failures, the hill saying that if the that the job itself is letting him down, not he's letting the job down. transportation post has becomee a political nightmare. fofor bodycheck. transportation secretaries weren't always magnets foranspoa political criticism, but buttigieg situation is unique. he's seen as a potential joe b successor to biden. wiay, well, just hours later, cnn was out with an exclusiver interview where budish edge got to hit back at its critics with no pushback at all, and where the author sounded more like pete's personal press secretary. ther ne were no cable news segments about agricultureprice secretary tom vilsack when the price of eggs spiked injanur january . y.with the ap reporting about more and more democrats growing disillusion with biden. >> the media needs to protectg.
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their darling. it's a suggestion that bristles at as told hillary clinton today. >> one thing i'm not going to do is complain about any frustration associated with coming to an agency and having work to do every day.k thro and finding that you're you're dealing sometimes with the noise machine that machine seems to have little to do with your day to day work and a lot to do perceptions about your rea with perceptions aboutn politi your real or perceived role inft presidential politics. i would be very decent to me to complain of that sitting next to . oh, that's sweet, isn't it? victor davis hanson, senior victow at hoover. victor, look, he was there backup. i mean, he wasn their golden boy. haw he's fallen on hard times. y so the media's trying to do ford him what they did for biden in 2020. >> do you see it this way?s mark yeah, i do. the i mean, the logical person would be joe biden in 2020 four . i don't think that's going to happen. these non compos menti.s. n
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and then we go to the viceo, w president . no comment. we know thatow that harris kams is not qualified and then you have the next runner up do and bernie sanders terrified the donor base and then the next person was peteer than buttigieg, who did better than the mediocre candidates inin 20, those primaries in 2020 atrst least the first three . >> but he's a reminder, you know, laura , aboutines jue emptiness ofs of a bicoastal value system because he was just an empty suit with a resume. i mean, he went to harvard, heha went to oxford. he goto hane was a rhodes schor . he said he played the pianoinkae and the guitar. buicalaks seven languages, buts, he had no real political record in a small town as mayor. and then all he does is ,e the y as you you gave the litany i where he was missing in action.n and then when he was doing something, it was lecturingmorrw us in a very sanctimonious, condescendin'sg fashion thatem b our whole highway system was born out of racism. racism. and then you k and then he had no data for that. he just asserted that. and then he said thatelecte construction workers should look like the community in which they're working
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and withoud are wort ant any de doesn't know that. >> actually white construction workers are less than their demographics in the general population.l populap they make up about only 60 percent.y latinos are 30 %. so we can't even get the data right. and then when he went to east palestine, he waited thr three weeks. but it was kind ofee sad weeks wa. it was a mike dukakis tank moment. he looked out of place, ill atge ease, nervous, almostd frightenedso, and so it's been a complete disaster. and now we havdie the fasastaer administratoadr that comes out f his department from the denverr airporait director . >> he's embarrassing, absolutely clueless. he's juss.t a record of mediocrity. and i think they're kind of i don't think this is going to continue because i don't i think they made a half hearted effort, but he's not c going to be their candidate. lau >> victor, i have a questionra:e do you ever have the chance to watch the little kids show called bob the builder? builder? maybe that i have that once. >> well, he actually looks kind
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of a lot like bob the builder. e i mean, mayb fe there is some kind of future for him. there it is . >> it's just trying to plays roe i su role that god bless him, he's just not qualified for. i actually worked at dottie really, back in the reagan administration. it's a really complicated department to ruartmenn. it's it's a big, sprawling, complex of agencies. it's it's not for someone who just rolls in from south sou bend, period. >> no, it's not the faculty lounge and it's not your resume doesn't mean a thing.faculty tog when dealing with unions when you're dealing with unions or rail companies orcompan you're dealing the people ofn vz palestine that have been victimized. up to p to its not u and he knows it. we know everybody knows it.a and the media is making a half hearted effort. nominee but he will no i tt be the nomi. and i think he's crashed and burned and he'll go back it i to where he was. but it'ss been bee an a complete disaster and he's sweet sanctimo and sanctimonious. so he doesn't have a charismus a. e it's a winning personality.
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we don't have any empathy forr him because he's always accusatory. trump did it.tim' it's the victim's fault.racist a your racist. >> nobody wants to hear that. watch bob the budiocrity. victor, i'm glad you've watched bob the builder. i that gives mnsige new insighht t to you.l ri thank you, victor.ght chri all right.s rock w chris rock was the onlyndin comment. g to lapchris bonding did a slad around the world. and the first lady sits down for a new interview. enter butat there's one question she will not entertain. raymond arroyo, , has it all sen and unseen is next for people with diabetic's pain of defeat, it's time for great feats. help get them caftans up. the only topical prescription treatment approved to help reduce diabetic nerve pain of the feet. great feats, the day to day, ordinary things that seem extraordinary when your feet feel better, you tenzer is different. >> 1:30 minute application in your doctor's office can provide up to three months of diabetic foot pain relief. q10. i can only be applied by health
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rock took on welcomeness. >> meghan markle, even abortion . >> i'm on your side. s i believe yo u have the right to kill as many babies as you want. kill them all. i don't give them, but let's not get it twisted. >> it is killing a baby. laura , this was blunt force truth. and you know, there was a baiti and switch where, you know, at the beginning he made it seem like he was on the side of everybody here.y and then he kind of doeskind o t bait and switch. it was good comedy, but the entire hour really built up to the final eight minutes where you blame the infamous's f slap on will smith's wife, jada pinkett smith. >> distorted she said, give meae a man should quit his job because her husband, they get nominateated ford for concussio. >> and then this gives me [bleepussion. a lot of people don't.. chris , how come you didn't do not better because i gots why, because i was raise parents.
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that's why. because i was raised, youu know nt,s taug my parents taught me, don't fight in front of white people. peop >>le i was a pretty good. you think of that law. i like that line. that was hysterical. i thought i thought, well, he's i think he's very talented. wa's not all my type of comedy, but i mean, i thought it was pretty effective. well, look, it's it's he's hilarious. i mean, his observational on comedy is spot on .t the thin i have to say, though,ame the thing peoplefor came fory o the will smith bit, it was it was really not a special as much as a smash. it was very abbreviated. and it's too close to him. your he's still hurting from this thing. and your takeaway is chris, chrk rock doesn't really find this all that funny.funny. it's still too personal. but another comedian, marlon wayans, had an hbo special loves called god loves me, the entireh show was aboutat this slap in i. he claims chris rock will andh p jada smith wronged him yearsra ago and he prayed to god for
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relief. >> then last year at the oscars, he got it. >> >> that was a hard slap down.adr thatee slap had three slaps and one slap. only god could have put a slap l together like that. we saw her rolled her eyes up in her head, but when she did, she put a spell on him. she went a and the ghost of tupac shakur possessed into smith's body. burchard i got i got to say, laura , this hour, he did anur,h entire hour, milked the entire hour from this oscar slap. it was far more effective because it wasn't so personal. the adyet th a distance to laugt it. wayans >> the marlon wayans specialspe is a riot now.. >> all right.: the and tonight, the first lady,wn raymond, sat down with cnn for an interview. n> and there was one questio i think she wanted to answer. >> nikki haley, one of the republican candidates, fora
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is calling for mental competency tests for thosecy politicians over the age of seventy five . >> what do you think about tequila's would your husband ever take one of those? >> i mean, we haven't even discussed we would never even discuss something like that. >> why wouldn't they discuss it more when the president's having trouble walking upstairsa ,as he did yesterday?ling i mean, he keeps stumbling every time he gets on to air force one and what his major address is sound this way, maket it be a cognitive tests is not out of order. >> i had these terriblele headas headaches, was diagnosed i.. with having a runaway. the t they had to take the top of my head off a couple times. so if i had a brain, we're moving in a direction to fundamentally change the way in which but literally to save the planet, they're going to spend a total, i believe, twelve million bucks or thirteen. i thin 13 i k billion, billion.n and they're going to build
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two fabs. >> they call them factories, laura . only thirty seven percent of a democrats in that ap pollim to recently want biden to run again. thisru this i is why they can only fake this for so long.u thin and , you know, yok,u watch this and you think jada pinkett smith may not be the only onegen in the spell book getting her husband to do things he doesn't want to do. o.we'll see what happens here.yr >> but i'm not sure if he's ready for prime time or another. >> they're great men that answer to the i mean, to his point about that, they took my head off to see if i had a brain that was a little too close to the truth. i mean, that was that was very he was try t disturbing. i thought that he was trying o make lto make joe biden long s >> he does speak the truth as unpleasant as it is at moments now. >> it was very sad.y sad. but now i'm going to watch the way and special. it's still on hbo. i'm it.. all right, reynolds, thank you. are giving me somethingre n to watch. all right. i'm watching. all right. the elitesow sugge are now suggg
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that we ration to save the world from climate of course. now, one documentary out of the netherlands shows us how byn they're going to try to do this by going after farmers. the video, the filmmaker next 35% being a public servant, it's taught me one of many things to expect the unexpected . that was not a smart move on your end, sir. what are you going to get out? don't do it. i want to run that day for you. >> is that going? >> we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. now, thanks to our new sun set a retractable, we can select full sun or instant shade in just sixty seconds. it's twenty degrees cooler under the sun center and we
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sun on fox the nascar cup series roars into phoenix, where the best of the best look to rise again sunday at 3:00 eastern on fox. marco. one special report, the senator speaks out on the china threat speaks out on the china threat and the
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>> here we come. well, a new paper proposes it as a policy, a policy option to deal with the climate crisisl .ar authors nathan wood, robert lawler and jose frhrelemt sa iy it can be considered as a policy that would be implemented as part of r, pluralistic response to climate change. now they see chang rationing is likely a question of how notq if it what is so what is rationing look likek in practice?in practice? well, well, well the netherlands well, well, well. the netherlands has just announced planto s to reduce nevestock numbers by a third, all in the name of nitrogenw reduction. a new documentarmentary ony on h farmers struggle to survive is eye opening. a major >> they have declared that nitrogen is the major problem. s i am an expert in nudger and i dare to say it is not. gover yonmu get governments and politicians who know better how to farm than we know how to farm. we have a food shortagee of water shortage. sho anrt energy shortage upo is catastrophe a catastrophe?
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the farmers at target and by other farmers target because>> they are. the main issue is fear. once the people are frightened ,you can do whatever you want with them. >> i always say it is better to die fighting than to to sit on your knees. >> joining us now is james patrick , director of the film nitrogen two thousand.trog now, why den 2,0o yo00u think nf this european government seizinisg this much land isn'te getting more attention? sontion? far in the united stat? i mean, this is a shocking amount of land being seized. >> yeah, it's a huge story.a i mean, we're talking about a third of holland being nationalized. >> i mean, that means foodction, production, scarcity. and as we were talking earlier with with my producers, thisd tn scarci is for scarcity. this isn't scarcity that hasty to happen. the governments forcing us . >> what is what is the purpose here for what?
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it appears to be a part of>> it a biggerap story than one to sto to sort of hostile takeoveryr the world world's food industry under. well, wed are all being locked large down. big, large , private private cos were buying up companies and getting control of the food system. so kneecapping the dutchems. farmerch farmes to produce six t of the of the food for europe is is a big part of changingr the industry. and the goal then would be for loople to get used to having less, lowering the standard ofwe living, lowering expectations for people. and some fear that americanrs cn farmers could end up facing eventually, especially icingf joe biden somehow gets elected again in 2020 for these kinds of regulation.f regulations here, forbes is writing about this it's here forbes is writing about this, saying, with last year's inflation reduction actt now funneling $20 billion of climate funds into ag americancm farmers could face similaril
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pressures. not only our energy security, buybut alsot also our agricultul production and food security depend on fossil fuels . o >> americans would be foolish to destroy it. well, james , of course,of courr be foolish, but that doesn't stop them before it was juste to strange. >> i thought it war all ofs stre to hear all these different arguments demonizing cows all the time, whether it's to the burbs, in the , in the methane, and in this case, the nitrogen . and you hear they're arguing that the nitrogen levels from the the in the of the cows is going to migrate over to these natura 2000 nature preserve areas. areas. help some plants gro and help some plants grow too much. so it's not a climate change argument. it's this biodiversity argument which soundewhich d very strang. i think it's because 25% of the earth is used to graze animal gs and it could be a way at get control of that land and at the same time tture therestructure the food >> well, and we know peoplenow e like bill gateops have bought up
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itge tracts of land in the united states , a lot of it ffarmland, correct?, in >> correct. yeah. and in this case, it's being nationalized by the state. but there's half a dozen ngostet that are being used to promote the policy paid for by the taxpayer. and there's a twenty five billion euro fund being usd used to force purchase the land . this is what they're trying nowo to do now. so on the 11th of this month,ll there's a big protest into holland to push back on this. t so i'd encourage people to to wake up and see that this is a global issue and one could be a test bed. james , we appreciate it.e appr and i will continue to follow up on thisecill cont with you as show. thank you very much. now, we've td you what biden and buddha gedge were up to today, but what about kamala? >> all the last bite will show . i can't believe this
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th"why are conservatives bad,er mommy, because i thought i was supposed to conserve? [laughter] i can't reconcile it, but now iu can. [laughs] >> laura: my god, they have to play that lastey gitmo and w thy will get the rest of the answers out of the terrorist fear that is it for us. it is american now and forever and we will see on instagram, twitter and it is gutfeld next. ♪ ♪ >> todd: a fox news alert surveillance video showing the moment for coamericans in a shoot-out and captured by armed men in mexico. bullet proof vest and dragging one victim after another into the bed of a truck. he's greasing you are watching "fox & friends first" on tuesday morning, i'm todd piro. >> ashley: ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. mexico's president said entire gunmen working to bring the american's home safely has the fbi it


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