tv Gutfeld FOX News March 7, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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>> it's very tough to tell that anderson because they are talking about information that they have that we don't have privy to, so we don't really know but right i don't think there's a really correct and verifiable answer to your question. >> laura: because i don't want to get exposed very that's it for us tonight, gutfeld is next. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> happy tuesday, you lovely people of america. did you see the latest video by donald trump? he is running for president, don't you know.
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there are some supporters here. and he's wasting no time postin a list of things to make americ rate again. what is his bold national visio for. with the objective be a quantum leap in the american standard o living? >> our objective would be a quantum leap in the american standard of living, almost one third of the landmass of the united states is owned by the federal government, we should hold a contest to charter up to ten new cities and award them t the best proposals for development, and new shop at home ownership in in fact the american dream. you want bold, that's bold, as bold as using hot sauce to treat . that's not a suggestion. some people learn the hard way. we keep hearing about affordabl housing, but no one ever has a
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handle on that. that's because our cities aren' built for adding that in the mix . it's time for news towns, planned wisely. when time could be a solution for the homeless by choice. sure, you could live off the land, but not on my front lawn. you can't trap in front of my kids or piss in my yard. if you want to have a new city very maybe there's a city for that. freight after all, why should those only be for early immigrants. they live similarly and casey's people deciphered who can argue against this? since trump thought of it, probably everyone and the media pretty also talked about an ide that ted kennedy was way ahead on. flying cars. you know, i bet there are dozen
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of major companies and the united states and trying out racing to vertical takeoff and landing vehicles. >> dozens of major companies an the united states and china are racing to develop vertical takeoff and landing vehicles fo families and individuals just a the united states led the automotive revolution of the last century, i want to ensure that america, not china leads this revolution in air mobility. >> it not tying up right talk about forward-looking while democrats look at the past and tell us everything we've done i evil, trump is saying look ahead , we can do anything. we're not the flintstones, wher the jetsons. that was an animated tv shows about space-age family that had a robot house keeper named rosie . she wore maids hats in an apron in a dress. talk about the future, even the
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new that housework was women's work. trump also wants to revitalize rural industries, globalization trade in farming and manufacturing and small towns with cheap socks at walmart, made by our enemies for it we pull ourselves up by our bootstraps when they are cheap chinese strap spread. >> our strategic national manufacturing initiative which will be very big and very very successful, we will turn forgotten communities into hive of industry producing the goods we will no longer import from china. >> f got to hand it to him, whe it got to the defense china, he was first and he was almost always alone. that's a pretty big thing. >> right especially when all hi naysayers got it wrong. he's the one guy that said you know, the hindenburg doesn't look safe i'll take a taxi. now, here is my favorite
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proposal of all, he wants to launch a baby-boom with bonuses for young parents, we can't leave it all to elon musk. >> i will ask congress to support baby bonuses for young parents to help launch a new baby-boom. >> what a great idea. i can see it now. red hats, but instead of maga i says mafa. make america frisky again. you didn't think i was going to be that blunt. how about make america make americans again. if that's not a winner i don't know what is. if not, you can sell the hats t bachelorette parties. then there is trump's last thing . make things beautiful. >> finally, i will challenge th governors of all 50 states to
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join me and great modernization and beautification campaign getting rid of ugly buildings,. >> getting rid of ugly buildings . that's the best. of course, the guy is into real estate, he knows ugly buildings sucked. i think that was the quote unde his high school picture. we could just hire and tivo to do the rest. here is what we've got. we've got new inexpensive practical cities built on available public land, flying cars, also repopulation in beautiful buildings freight all this boils down to optimism which is the best kind of optimism there is. so it's clear he's running for president, and i'm zaria, never trumper's in skittish republicans, each of them think he was going to let you get awa unscathed, did you? wake up and get ready come with
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the is about to get bumpy because for trumpet it's all about the future and he's going to be in it whether you want hi to or not. let's welcome tonight's guests. he looks like egypt of the roof with a nobel is a child. her opinions are so strong they come with a warning label. patriot sonny johnson. the only time he brings down houses with the help of termites . and finally, she is on the file wanted list fox news contributo kat timpf. how are you doing? >> pretty good, greg. >> what you make of this whole
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package? it seems like he is targeting the lost american dream. you want affordable housing, yo want to have a family, that kin of thing. >> a don't know if i like the first two. i've never thought oh, we need new cities and this country. may be i would like to see revitalizing the cities that have gone downhill. >> that's impossible because their run by liberal. >> no, they would be run by mean . think about it, you can't fix cities that don't want to be fixed, so the only thing you ca do is leave and start new ones which is kind of what he's talking about, but continue. >> let's get to what i like. like that revitalizing the manufacturing sector. that's where his strengths are. i like the trump one plano. i also like buying greenland. go ahead and buy greenland like that. the revitalizing the manufacturing sector, and the family thing is great bonuses
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for people to have kids, new baby-boom, that is a good idea. something they are doing in hungary, encouraging people to procreate. it would be really cool if it was a stipulation if it has to be somebody you don't know. >> know. >> that would be cool,. >> of course, they would be in agreement. it's all the people signing. you see my point? >> know. you have to volunteer is what i'm getting at parity like that idea? >> at like that idea. i don't know if i could retroactively can i go collect from them? may be a loan forgiveness plan? >> you paid your debt already, they're still going to give you a refund frisky like the beautification. is something people don't think about. if the left when he says he
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wants to tear down ugly buildings, but making cities in the country more beautiful is something that nobody really talks about and it should happen . >> talking about things as though is he looking forward or is he looking back to the good old days? is there anything here that said , i can get on board with that great this is going to be hellish campaign, right? >> i am in so this is literally what i told the term campaign i 2016. the literal advice i gave to th tram trump campaign in 2016. and we got what the hell do you have to lose instead of hey, let's rebuild the cities, hay, whose name is going to be on th building, hey, let's build, let's grow. eyelids like this is how you do it. you go in, it's the same thing that would win us fraid why don't you do this, and instead
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we got what you have to lose freight i'm feeling more petty about this than i should. but to go to what you said abou i used to watch it all the time. and we would always wonder wher the food came from. so how do you just magically make our hamburger and all of this. so one day and the future were going to have this because we thought it was making actual food. we didn't realize it was going to be paced in byproducts made to look like food, and now were seeing with the fake meats and everything else that when the machines come that actually mak our food it's not going to be real food, it's going to be jelled turned into a food like products. that ruined the way i looked at the jetsons. last week, this is not a good plan because this is an electiv plan. they are making what they call at ten or 15 minutes a day. the purpose of these cities is
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for everything and a 15 minute walking distance so you don't have to have a car, they can keep you in a limited area, you don't go and travel, you're not wasting energy it helps you cut down on your carbon footprint, so it's not meant as let's do this and beautify, no, it is a green deal initiative made to cut down on energy and stop humans from having the ability to move freely across basis. >> i didn't see that angle, joe. to get they are already buildin them in saudi arabia and other countries. everything in this city, 15 minutes in walking distance, no cars frisky as i've always said if it's good enough for saudi arabia, it's good enough for me. >> you have always said that. >> i will tell you, he is the only ex-president he looks the same as he did when he left
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coming into office in leaving for the rest of them all come out looking like moses after he came down from the mountain. so i guess orange don't crack? i wish i could believe the plan that we could just go into thes undeveloped in developed areas think we need to take the citie who have failed and turn them into gated communities, but the block it on the outside where they have to live in it. i don't think we'll get those flying cars for the same reason we don't have the jet packs, we are too fat. and we can't get the lift off w need. i hope we can beat china it was some kind of technological innovation, but they'd just invaded us with balloons, so that was not great. >> basically like a flying car. it's just a drone with a stronger battery. what happens if you run out of battery power and then you just fall to your death? i don't think that's a good way to go.
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>> i also don't want to fall to my death, we have a lot in common. take it i saw that on your profile. how about instead of paying nee to have a baby or whatever, you just let me keep the money that i make. they already like okay, they take so much of it, i'm not worried about that getting pregnant part, it's after it comes out, where do i put it? i don't have enough room in my apartment and they are so expensive, places to live and then you add a baby on top of i that is like a luxury item. >> you have to be rich to have baby. that's where you build these ne towns pretty so you're going to let me move with my baby to thi town in then how do i come to work? >> that's up to you. >> exactly. having it all to me would be
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like of a baby and a job. it's getting more in more difficult even though it supposed to be this modern idea. not when you take all of my [bleep] money, i can't. this idea of income tax rate th superrich don't make money off of income, they make it off of assets, but again there taking all of my money. >> all right. up next, before you enter a store leave your mask at the door a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee, even if it received ppp, and all it takes is eight minutes to get started. then we'll work with you to fill out your forms and submit the application; that easy. and if your business doesn't get paid, we don't get paid. has helped businesses like yours claim over $2 billion but it's only available for a limited time. go to, powered by innovation refunds.
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entering without taking up thei masks. so thin they can identify the criminals. it's the biggest turn on the masson's the phantom of the opera got. >> going into a mass there not doing it because they're afraid of the pandemic, really? they are doing it because they are afraid of the police. someone points out the obvious. it's like that sign at the pool that says don't swim with activ diarrhea. there goes my weekend plans. what of visual. now, they later clarified they're not asking shoppers to take it off instead there will be a sign on the door a assigne because activism is guaranteed it's going to be hit freight there's nothing while breakers like more then politely following directions especially of course when they are on assigned very chop owners are wary of how they will enforce i
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fearing inevitable confrontatio freight car plummeted up if you tell one of these guys and the hood who's coming out to get a beer to take his mask off he is going to tell the to shut up an beat the crap out of them. he's right, that's what kat did when she heard they were out of onions. here is an up a problem from th mask. for idiots, it didn't matter, just three short years into the pandemic and their view has jus dropped their audience mask mandate, which is funny since the audience pleaded with the host to please put their masks back on. because they're not attractive. it is a good point. >> a felt like i had to explain it.
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>> oh,. >> it's always been miserable. it does put you on to something on the owner. and four guys come in wearing masks, and i say could you take your masks, just look at the sign, is this practical? gate and when you're in new yor when you think about the fact that the police would come in and arrest you for. so you are actually following the law in than they beat you u and there you are the one that gets arrested. i was talking to one of my friends he lives up here and we were talking about the crime an they were like i don't understand why people are mad because they're just following the law. i was like what you mean, they said no, it can still up to $40 by the law, so these people are following the law. every base getting so mad and upset with them for just doing
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what the government tells them to do in the first place and i actually sat back and thought about it like these are $400 subsidies they are getting ever time they go into the store pai they are subsidizing and that's how they're looking at it. the rich get their subsidies, this is our way of getting hour except you're getting it from american citizens and not the freaking government it's not coming from the politicians tha made all these policies. it's coming from the people tha have to pay rent and bills and take care of their family so they're not understanding your robbing peter when you should b robbing paul. >> it is funny. i would love to go to the politicians house and just if they can steal $400 of stuff from my store, can i get 400 bucks of goods from your house? what is the difference? what is the difference i ask you . >> it probably wouldn't be able
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to get into there gated community. they have houses, it must be nice. sorry, i'm getting really irritated about not having a home. take it you could live in my place, but i do charge rent. >> that's okay. i appreciate it. i think that eric adams is trying to want to talk tough i guess, but again if you're not too worried about that don't shirt deli clerk rule, he's probably not going to be like i can't have my mask on and here. it's too late for all of that. there was actually people i saw on twitter that were upset abou this like really, now you're going to bully me for wearing m mask freight i wear my mask because i care about other people. and it's like i wonder how long this is going to go on for a pair of. >> i think it's the new victims group rate as part of the identity constellation and for climate change, i'm for trans
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right spirit. >> years down the road am i still going to see people wearing masks outside? >> yes. >> that is disturbing. >> i think that they view dropped their mandate, ironically, mandate. not a lot of those going around. i don't know what that means. to get one man pretending to have a good time there. and it took them three years, and people as foot-wide, becaus they are like a bunch of hippie that like telling people what t do. trumpet said where a mass, they would have resisted, so it's just fighting back. >> all of their stuff is reaction to something else. >> they could have been, if using your logic, the left they could have been the anti- masters if the right had come u with the mask. and then they are saying they
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are concerned for their health. everyone on the table their hea covid 500 times so they're standing around of cauldron of batt soup that they were just regenerating their infections over in over again so it shows you that it doesn't work. the idea that you can say to someone take your mask off as they come to your doorway, but they can put it back on as if doorways our magic against covid , it's not an earthquake where they tell you to use and in doorway in then you're free to rout them as much as you want . >> we just want to have your face on file. >> welcome that we have it on trial, but we need to go find it . no, no, no, you stop them from committing the crime rate for a 2-cent's point, there is no reason for these people to keep opening bodegas and grocery stores where they get robbed, beaten, and killed. they're going to stop doing it
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so them are going to hear it's food desert. yes, because you killed the people that were giving you you food. then it will be criminals with businesses instead of actual businesses that have compared you're going have criminals fighting criminals and they wil take over the entire block. >> you just described disney world crate westward to you as usual, you are always right at the start so you can gloat in d a little dance press. >> i appreciate you bringing that up all the time because a lot of people who kill for all of the stuff. and they marched in line, and now they are out there pretending to be all-pro freedo when they weren't so i give you credit for always saying that. i don't know what we do. many cities it used to be illegal to wear a mask because the markets were using it when they had arrived so there are a lot of american cities where it was illegal to wear a mask and
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they never took the loss off th books, but during covid they just ignored the laws that stil exist and they were overruled b these health ordinances. there is nothing worse than these mass. they harm so many people, it harmed not just social interaction between people it's a terrible world people cover their face it's also dangerous as you can see from crime it's also bad for the hearing impaired i don't know what happened to these people who gave up on the disabled. it's also bad for old people. old people, the number one thin that you can put in old person. masts increase false pride they cut down the bottom part of you vision. i don't know how many old peopl during covid and still to this day have gotten into accidents, slips, and falls because of their mask, they don't write on that statistic, but it's all over the place 50 just on the new spokesperson for life alert.
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you might know me from gutfeld, have you been injured in a fall? have you been injured in a fall caused by a mask? that is a class action bonanza, tommy boy. folks, let's do the 1800 number and get the people who call it fell to call in, get them together and make some money. up next, why due to illegal dummies want a bald eagle in their tummies. larm] >> instructor: veer right. [ringing] >> instructor: and slow down. >> tech: so when he got a cracked windshield, he turned to safelite. we're the experts at replacing glass and recalibrating your vehicle's camera, so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly to get you back on the road safely. >> instructor: and that means a lot! >> tech: schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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they're called 'small businesses.' but to the people who build them there's nothing 'small' about them. that's why at t-mobile for business... you'll save more than $1,000 versus verizon. and with price lock guarantee, we'll never raise your rate plan. so you can keep your focus on toe-turns and making sure the sauce is extra spicy. at t-mobile, there are no small businesses. ♪ >> you want a perfect story? first you need illegal aliens, then you have to add a bald eagle, and than finally let one eat the other. and you get? ♪ the perfect story. it's a story so on the nose you'd think we made it up, but
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it's true. two illegal aliens for honduras vested in nebraska after shooting a bald eagle to death with the intention of cooking i and eating it for dinner. i hear they taste just like chicken. so do the eagles. oh, i insulted the bald eagle killers. seriously though, what a story, illegals eating a bald eagle, the only thing missing is them using an with a tablecloth. just about everybody is asking why except for the cast of the few who asked if it comes with their choice of sides. authorities say they used air frightful's to slay our beloved bird or as democrats call them ak-47 grenade launchers. they lopped off their feet so
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they could turn the talents int ornaments because if you're going to violate a country's borders and its national symbol be sure to accessorize. from and sheer symbolism perspective can you give a more stark example of an attack on american sovereignty and all that it means to be an american? >> from a sheer symbolism perspective can you give me an example at an attack on america sovereignty and everything that it means to be american, the killing of a bald eagle? >> no, i can't. >> and neither can we you know what it's like? it's like copping a feel of the statue of liberty, you pervert. the feds already let the men go but they have a court appearanc next month, so we will never se them again, last we heard they were headed to canada to dine o something ethnic. joe, you know when a story is too on the nose, it's too much of a redmeat story where you ca
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take something from column a, column b, and american symbol i then put it together and you have the perfect fox and friend story. the kind that kids kill me all sweaty. >> is a true questing if this had been a political cartoon th editor would've sent it back an said you're really pushing your luck on this one. the only thing that would have made it worse was if they had se sec with the bird before they ate it. i don't think they're going to show up for the court appearanc i think what we need to do is find them and exact proper revenge which is to cover them with little tiny fish, put them in a stadium and release 1,000 bald eagles to tear them wink from limb and i would pay many dollars to see that. >> you are a sick man. >> i certainly am. >> that was very specific. >> somebody has been doing
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late-night google research on how to entice bald eagle to eat in illegal alien per tom, you'v heard the phrase strawman, how about a steel man defense for they didn't steal anybody's food , it's not like they went into somebody's yard and stole their bird and did they really know it was a bald eagle? they probably saw a big bird, they were probably hungry, should they be fined? they could get find a couple hundred thousand dollars per. >> don't do anything extra to them or the bald eagle thing, but they kind of should be told to leave the country. anyway. >> that's right, how are they still hear? if you found them at a denny's you probably should've said hey it's time to go back to honduras , but so the eagle is just on top of it, but i think this is something trump has to pick this up this is kind of a
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layup for him. remover when the last time they said they're not sending our finding people. they are eating our birds. it in nebraska, the huskers. he said that's why he was against the wind farms because the windfarms are killing the birds he's got to get on this for sure. the windfarms have killed more bald eagles than the bird flu. a fact that i just made up. i have no idea, kat. where would you stand on the story. broke about after they ate the bald eagle eagle they yield at that national anthem. >> are we sure they've never ha any phone calls? i mean where they paid off to d this so they would have something to talk about over fo and friends weekend? i was all over the place on thi one. in first or was like okay, i feel bad for them because if you're killing bird to eat for dinner, your life kind of sucks it's probably harder than my
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life but then i read more in it like okay they broke into private property to do it i fee like breaking into private property wisdom in then the fac that they would like we wanted to make the talents into ornaments, that was missing fro all the stories i'd read except for the new york post of course and i was like that just change things mentally for me, that if you're in a mental space where you're also like i'm thinking about what parts of this carcas i could can use for a declaration, then that's just kind of weird for it. >> that is a good point i also heard these guys actually had their own home. big-game hunters a lot of peopl that they would they collect souvenirs, trophies. i'm going to take a stance here maybe the bald eagle has had a good run, it may be isn't time for a new national bird? how about the two can?
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thank you know, then we have to deal with peta let's just leave it where it is. we don't want a prolonged fight with peter. all i can say, the bald eagles are in understand the symbolism and all of that. i was like man, masculinity is back. men actually out hunting for food. and you like welcome that they took their feet to make ornaments, no, these are men wh use every part of the bird. they're not letting any of it g to waste. this is what america is made of. get these people citizenship. let's go take them and send the to honduras and give them a couple of more hunters out there . >> you guys applauded the murde of a bald eagle bird that was all a trick by sunday to implement all of you.
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>> we also don't know what the bald eagles did. >> in the bald eagle community what if he is a [bleep]. i'm glad steve is gone. >> he is still innocent until proven guilty. i'm a bald eagle, i'm a bald eagle he would do that all the time. >> because of the baldness, the have to compensate. i'm sorry, joe. gets vocal about stories that are local. with three times the pet hair fighting ingredients. just one sheet helps remove pet hair from your clothes! looking good starts in the dryer with bounce pet. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises.
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you're out there with fading protection. but an updated vaccine restores your protection. so you can keep doing you. get an updated covid vaccine and stay out there, safely. if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can see if it may qualify for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee. all it takes is eight minutes to get started. then work with professionals to assist your business with its forms and submit the application. go to to learn more. >> coast-to-coast with stories that matter most. you're watching local news with nine time emmy award winner jef engines and. now, here's chet. >> a new segment, it is time fo local news news segment were each guest has to of real news
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story from wherever they are from. if i'm not impressed a gets thrown into a pit of lafayette. let's go around the horn, tom, you go first ricky was looking for somebody who did something good in massachusetts because i wanted to give my state a good name, but i found this idiot that was acting like a jerk. this guy was from leominster, he's not club. >> i'm baltazar. don't approach me because i'm taking over this plane. >> [indiscernible] >> tom. homerun.
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homerun. he said you couldn't find any stories from massachusetts, that's as positive as you get. >> it was a bunch of good bostonians tackled the guy. >> we need to make that local story and national story. >> why did this tomato turn red in richmond? because they celebrate as statu and got embarrassed. this is a joke that comes from jack gtp when they are trying t analyze talking about the history of richman and says tha they have an actual over attachment to the confederacy and they think they should change the algorithm now the ai should be be updated. >> might figure out to current keep up with current events fred . >> that joke was written by ai.
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show? >> they've got some good stuff. >> i think that is free. >> for now. that is some edgy material. joke, where you from actually? >> i grew up in connecticut, bu my adopted home is long island. where is your local news? >> they said spent $11 billion to make trains on long island g too grand central station which no one wanted to go to for some reason. and when it's crowded i like going in there and say it's lik grand central station in hampered the train they had me and today it was so old i think it was thomas the tank engine and you can tell from the posters, i haven't been watchin the wb network, but thank you for giving me updates. they put the plaque with the four georgia o'keefe and they left when offered what you say
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11 billion dollars, now we know what the f is. that is depressing. >> you're going to love mine. >> it's michigan. okay, mackinaw city this saturday had the international outhouse races. and they attached out houses an they have to be real outhouses they have to have toilet seat until the paper in there they attach it to a split and they race them down and whoever is the fastest wins, and guess wha the name of the outhouse one that was. >> what? >> the runs. >> i like a good outhouse story. there's not enough of them. i think tom actually one. that one goes national the othe one stay local. ed take out student loans to study dancing in front of phones .
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>> it is marketing. its modern marketing. if they'd taken the old class and applied it to the new situation at hand, i don't see why that should be a bad thing. i see a lot of republicans mad at this, they are the same people on social media saying are you with me because they want to have that kind of influence or maybe they should take this class and leave a little emoji with that raising their hand they are. that we need a strong bill that is able to fight back fred. >> i have a feeling these peopl are right wingers freight it's got to be painful for you to se these people in college with more influence and you pick to get him disturbed it. i watch this and i think back i my day when you had followers i was because you started a cult. how are the people of ratios to follow in following bird there is no product other than the marketing of them themselves.
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i would think even if this clas were they're being taught heather social media influencer are probably still students looking at their phones and not paying attention even in a clas about your phone. it's very silly, i don't like it . you know, in the old days it wa my uncle who taught me how to g viral. i don't know what that means fred. >> i don't either. this is some dorky professor wh wants to use know how to use ti tok he doesn't know how in the students are all going to be better than him there's no college professor in america better than the students at thi rate he wants to be a hipster, he says let me see your social media he doesn't even know what's up. >> he's got one of those giant phones. with the giant buttons, kat. right? >> i wish i kind i had this kin of house. building my brand, i'm serious. i go from a 4-at eight with
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glasses all on my own. that's remarkable. i'm just a steady 8.7 matter what i do. can keep my glasses took me fro an 8-4. >> don't go away, we'll be righ back. with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary spraying flonase daily gives you long-lasting, non-drowsy relief. (psst psst) flonase. all good. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters.
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bringing you the broadest and most reliable network of service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. pleasure to have you. bye! thank you, greg, good evening, everyone, welcome to america's late news. i am trace gallagher in los angeles. breaking tonight, two americans kidnapped in mexico are dead. two others held captive for days and have not been rescued and lawmakers are calling it for pay back against the drug cartel responsible. jonathan hunt is live with new information on this story. >> two of the full kidnap americans are recovering in a texas hospital. the body of e
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