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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 8, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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earnings to give children six new bikes for christmas. this start up official charity with the goal of donating 100 bike as year to different children who need it. that's pretty cool, dom, congrats. tomorrow on "special report" we talk to chris van hollen about the president's budget. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report" fair, balanced and still unafraid. here is jesse. >> jesse: hey, bret. thank you. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: nothing used to say luxury get away like a vacation to beautiful acapulco, mexico. no one loved it more than hollywood. a place where all the stars used to flock to from frank sin thata to the kennedys to even elvis. ♪ to be on their way ♪ it's such a beautiful morning
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♪ for a holiday ♪ >> jesse: acapulco. and booked trips to santa monaco. and mexico was forced to start selling itself at discount. went to catering to the rich and famous to hosting spring break. >> dude, there is going to be chicks walking around in bikinis i don't know how we are going to pull it off. it's going to be insane. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: spring break in mexico become the biggest event of the year. at least 30,000 college kids fly in march and april and go all out. every parent, especially every parent of daughters, when they hear hey, dad, a bunch of us are going to go to mexico for spring break, i promise i will be good, daddy. we are not even going to leave the resort.
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i don't know. but i know better than anybody that after a few drinks, sometimes it's fun to leave the resort. it's an adventure. the worst decision spring breakers can make is to talk to somebody like me. >> what about you? >> beer prices are gone up. >> i didn't bring my car to college. >> how did you get down here? >> i drove. >> this is awful. >> put it down not cool. >> i thought i was hip. >> no you are not hip at all. >> jesse: if you were going down to panama city beach all you had to worry about was waters. if you are going to go to mexico, you are walking into a war zone. if you think the mexican government is going to protect an 18-year-old from the university of alabama, good luck. they are on their own. the only thing protecting college kids in mexico is the security at the ritz carlton. and some of the hottest spring break locations are smack dab in the middle of cartel territory
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like cabo. which is right in the middle of the sinaloa's cartel cusp. puerta viewer that controlled by the ha lease. and rivera mya. hey, susie, your mother and i thought you should bring down some traveler's checks just in case you need to pay off your kidders. if you leave the resort, you are out 6 the will. just on friday in matamoros, mexico, foot soldiers opened fire on a van with four americans inside it. they killed two of our people. they stacked their bodies into the back of their trucks and left them to rot on the side of the road. survivors were viciously kidnapped and held in a stash house for days. one of the guys had a bullet wound in his leg all over a mexican discount for a tummy tuck. but watters the state department says some spots are safe. awe, yeah, the state department. the guys who left americans behind in afghanistan. and acapulco tourists were
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sipping pena coladas when three butchered bodies washed up on the shore. hey, honey, is that a dolphin? no, dear, head back to the room. sometimes it rains lead during happy hour. >> shoutout in mexico had guests at five star resort jumping for cover. two rival gangs on a beach near cancun yesterday leaving two suspected drug dealers dead. chaos gripped the hyatt cancun resort as staff told terrified guests to find places to hide. >> that was a five star resort. can you imagine the spray bullets at a three star where college kids can afford? so the question americans are asking themselves tonight is spring break safe? moms, dads, sons and daughters all asking the same question. we report. you decide. and i don't want to hear from the mexican tourist board. prove me wrong, mexico. fly me down there first class at put me up at a five star and nothing happens to watters and i come back in one piece i will
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say it's safe but until then "primetime" is issuing a travel advisory to all of mexico. our neighbors can't be trusted. i'm not vacationing in a failed narco-state if there is other options. mini madoff tells me the bahamas are nice and it's a shorter flight. only crime down there is white collar despite all the drugs, the violence, the human trafficking, biden's top intelligence officials laser-focused on, you guessed it, white supremacy. transnationallly will pose the most lethal threat to u.s. persons and interests. >> are you serious? how many people were killed by racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists in the united states last year? >> i don't have the exact number for you right here but i will get it for you. >> how many people were killed by fentanyl in the united states last year? >> as you know it's over 100,000 for fentanyl. >> isn't that a more lethal
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threat? >> jesse: yeah. what's the strategy to pull car pulverize the cartels president biden doesn't have one. senator lindsey graham wants to go on office and wants military on the table. >> drug cartels in mexico have been terrorizing americans for decades. we are going to unleash the fury and might against the cartels. we know where you live and how you make your money. so my goal is to make sure you don't sleep well at night. that the cost of doing business when it comes to poisoning america goes up. that when you try to get somebody to join your cartel they will say no thank you. the last guy got killed or went to jail. until you do that, nothing is going to change. >> jesse: if lindsey wants war, lindsey is going to get war. everybody should know that by now. texas senator ted cruz said not so fast, lindsey. >> the answer is not just go to
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war with mexico. the answer is put pressure on mexico and have the mexican army show up, arrest these guys, extradite them to the united states. they need to be prosecuted and face the full force of american justice and if we had a about the with a scintilla of willingness to stand up to other nations, that's exactly what would be hang right now. >> jesse: so, senator cruz wants more pressure on the mexican army. but can we trust the mexican army? and what would be the consequences of a missile strike inside of mexico? >> the most pro-american portions of mexico are the northern tier of states where it would be likely to launch these strikes. so it would be taking a regional allies who are not just political allies but economic partners. launching military assaults on what is the location of our most important, most tightly integrated supply chain networks would be a disaster for aerospace and automotive and manufacturing. the solution is to stop using so much [bleep] cocaine.
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>> jesse: cocaine is the second most popular drug in the united states behind cannabis. it's a party drug. women go crazy over it. men, too. so while we all try cutting down on the blow. we needed an immediate solution. the human trafficking is making more money for the cartels than the cocaine trafficking. so if biden could control the border, he would cut cartel profits in half. so until joe biden either gets hunter to stop doing so much coke or shuts down the border, spring breakers, you are on your own. let's bring in tom fuentas, a former fbi establishment director. so, tom, what is the biden administration's strategy with the cartels? >> >> jesse, it doesn't appear that they have one or, if they have, they have failed to articulate it in any kind of sensible manner that sounds like it's going to be sensible. if they are going to have a strategy, it's going to have to start with closing the border. that's number one. and until they do that, they are not serious about any of this. so the idea that suddenly we are
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going to be able to unleash the u.s. military in mexico, that was actually done 100 years ago to go after ponchoville i can't, general vac percy contingent from fort bliss track him down after he and his people shot up a mexico city and killed u.s. soldiers and american citizens. they spent 18 months in mexico trying to chase him in the mountains unsuccessfully and the president woodrow wilson brought them back to send them to france for world war i. that expedition failed and it's not too bop larr to this day with the mexicans that know we did that the problem also with, you know officials saying we can go after them like we did isis? well, the advantage with isis and al-qaeda was much of their resources were out in the middle of the dessert. they were isolated from major cities. so there was minimal collateral damage to bomb them, rocket
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them, send the military after them. these cartel members are living in city. they are living amongst the people of mexico, to surgically remove them, using the military would be quite a challenge to do. >> jesse: probably some of them are staying in resorts that some of these spring breakers are staying at. would you send your daughters or sons to spring break in mexico in 2023? >> no. absolutely not. the problem with these self-contained resorts and they have all kinds of security and protection and everything, but you have to get to the resort. and so the danger is getting off the plane or the bus or the train and getting from the transportation hub to the actual resort which there you have protection. en route you are in danger. just like these americans that were killed in matamoros because once they cross the border they were on their own. they might have gone on their way to a medical facility that had security guards or any of
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that. we don't know for sure. but,. >> jesse: tom, you are telling me. >> certainly once they crossed the border they were on their own. >> jesse: let's just say the college spring breakers they land at the airport and they have transportation arranged, maybe through the hotel or they just go outside with their bags and flag down any taxi driver they can see. and let's say it's a 10, 15, 20, 30 minute ride to the resort. what kind of risk factor are you looking at in a ride like that? >> well, basically, it would be like playing golf on a very heavy lightning storm. not everybody is going to get killed. but somebody is going to. and you want it to be you. so that would be the problem with that is that as the traveler, you are taking a chance that it might be you. and if it's going to be you, there is going to be very little anybody is going to do about it, especially if you go to a place like cancun in the southeast end of mexico in the yucatan, that's a whole different story. that's nowhere near the united
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states border. and u.s. resources are a long way from being able to do anything to rescue you or anything else down there. >> jesse: what if they target some rich daughter of some banker here in manhattan? and they pick her up on the ride to the resort? you are looking at a hostage situation? what kind of money are they looking at here? >> oh, it could be a lot of money. i was going to add when i ran fbi international operations my last five years, and was in charge of all the offices around the world, including the half a dozen that we had in mexico, we had in 2007, 2008 in that time frame, we were averaging about 300 cases a year of americans that had gone into mexico and at that time were taken hostage for ran some. in some of those cases the cartel members wanted a million dollars to pay off, you know, to free the americans and then later said okay, we will take 10,000. that's wonderful. they negotiated it down to
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10,000. a number of those cases the people paid the 10,000 and were killed anyway. so there was no guarantee paying the ransom was no guarantee that you would survive. >> jesse: and the cartels get the fbi involved are the parents supposed to get the fbi involved? >> well, at that point there's not a lot the fbi is going to be able to do. they are on foreign soil. they have to have the permission of the mexican authorities and get the mexicans to work with them to go after these guys. >> jesse: pay the money, get it down to 10 grand and just hold your breath, everybody makes it home alive. >> hold your breath. exactly right. >> jesse: very informative, tom. thank you very much. we'll appreciate you joining us. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: more "primetime" is next. ♪ ean? downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters.
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♪ >> jesse: today was the house's first hearing on where covid came from. everybody knows now it came from a lab that fauci funded. the mad scientist went on cnn last nights to get ahead of the hearing. >> still remains unknown at this particular point. there are two theories as we're all familiar with now. one is a lab leak theory. the other is that it was a natural occurrence from an animal spillover. the one thing is that we have to keep an open mind about this until there is definitive evidence. >> jesse: fauci is open-minded now? a month ago he said there was no evidence and now he is open-minded. fauci is open-minded that his lab partner might have killed a million americans. i guess that's progress. the fbi admitted they knew it nearly two years ago. >> the fbi has long assessed going all the way back to the summer of 2021 that the origin of the pandemic was likely a lab incident in wuhan. >> jesse: so today former cdc
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director robert redfield took the stand and backed up the fbi and he said he knew it was man made from the jump, too. >> this pandemic did not start in january at the seafood market. we now know there were infections all the way back into september. this was a narrative that was decided that they were going to say this came from a wet market and they were going to do everything they could to support it to negate any discussion about the possibility that this came from a lab. >> jesse: and the cdc director then said that anthony fauci is a liar and he accused the lying mad scientist of perjuring himself, listen. >> do you think that dr. fauci intentionally lied under oath to senator paul when he vehemently denied nih's funding of gain of function research. >> i think there is no doubt that niche was funding gain of function research. >> is it likely that the american tax dollars funded gain of function research that created this virus. >> not only from nih the state department and usaid and dod. >> jesse: from dod that's the
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bioweapons angle. fauci can't admit it is a lab leak because he would be on the hook for it he would be the accessory for the murder of millions of americans. if you train the lab and you pay the lab that springs a leak and kills it. then your hands are dirty. and fauci knows he is dirty because he has been covering up for china from the very beginning. >> i was excluded from those discussions. >> why would they do this? >> because i had a different point of view and i was told they made a decision that they would keep this confidential until they came up with a single narrative. this was an a.p. oriented decision that there is one point of view that we are going to put out there and anyone who doesn't agree with it is going to be sidelined. and as i say, i was only the cdc director. and i was sidelined. >> jesse: so the lying mad scientist financed chinese coronavirus and iced out anybody who fingered him and then lied under oath what he did. clay travis outkick founder. he obviously purr jerried himself.
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do you think you will ever see fauci behind bars? >> i think he should be charged 1 h100 percent. who wins in 2024 is going to matter immense degree. remember, if republicans didn't have control of the house the hearing today wouldn't happen. this is a significant and consequential event. i wonder whether the department of energy and the fbi would have come out as aggressively about where covid came from in their opinion out of a chinese lab which i think anyone with awnings ifal brain now has to recognize and has been recognizing for several years even when it was a conspiracy theory. if republicans win and take back the white house, and can put an honest attorney general in to replace merrick garland, i think there should be an investigation opened into whether or not dr. fauci perjured himself and his testimony in congress and, remember, this is also significant. i believe he may well have paid off other scientists to change their opinions about where this
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covid virus came from by way of grants. he gave millions of dollars in grants to a couple scientists that initially said, jesse, hey, we think this is coming out of a lab who later changed their opinion and said, actually, it's from an animal. what i would point out is a couple of things here. where's that animal? they have been looking for years now. i haven't seen any animal that they have been able to say hey, this is where it came from. >> kind of interesting. and, who has the incentive to lie? this is always important, jesse. you know. why would fauci lie? because if he didn't lie, everyone would circle back around and say wait a minute, you are telling me american taxpayer dollars were used on gain of function research to create covid which killed millions of people around the world and may well have changed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. of course he has tons of reasons to lie. his legacy was at stake. i think he perjured himself with
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rand paul and final thought here, jesse, i was all set to go to cancun for spring break and i sat down and watched the open of your show and now i'm convinced i'm going to get murdered last time i try to take a bong hit on the beach somewhere in cancun. >> jesse: we have been trying to get you killed for some time we thought the spring break would do it? >> you and a lot of people. >> jesse: all right. we will think of something else. thank you very much. >> appreciate it. keep up the good work. >> jesse: the fauci take down wasn't the only hearing on capitol hill today. the house foreign affairs committee was busy demanding answers over our embarrassing retreat from afghanistan. and one thing is clear. nobody on the ground knew what the helpful was going on. there was no plan. there was no rules of engagement, thanks to biden's secret deal with the taliban. and one vet shared this really crazy scene that unfolded in kabul just days before the pullout. listen. >> nothing prepared us for the ground experience we were about to encounter. it was chaos but we worked together to figure out the next
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best steps. tens of thousands of people descended on abby gate. people suffering from malnutrition, heat casualties and infants dying. afghans brutalized by the taliban flocking to us pleading for help. some afghans turned away and tried to kill themselves on the razor wire in front of us that we used as a deterrent. they thought this was merciful compared to the taliban torture they faced. >> jesse: sergeant lived through those horrors and risked his life and leaving his limbs back in afghanistan. >> asked him for engagement authority and permission. we asked them if we could shoot. our battalion commander said and i quote i don't know. end quote. no one was held accountable for our safety. about 17:30 staff sergeant hoover friend and mentor -- came to get me from the tower to go help find an afghan interpreter in the crowd.
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then a flash and a massive wave of pressure i'm thrown 12 feet onto the ground but instantly knew what had happened. i opened my eyes to marine's dead or unconscious lying around me. and my body was catastrophically wounded with 100 to 150 ball bearings. >> jesse: does that sound like a successful evacuation to you? marines lost their lives but biden called that a success. now sergeant vargas andrews wants somebody, somebody to be held accountable. >> the withdrawal was a catastrophe in my opinion. and there was inexcusable lack of accountability and negligence. the 11 marines, one sailor, and one soldier that were murdered that day have not been answered for. >> jesse: our vets deserve better than. this and we owe it to them to find out who to blame for this catastrophe.
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up next, why did hillary clinton celebrate international women's day in the middle east? and, also, why does liz warren want to change the massachusetts state flag? ♪ the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. meet a future mom, a first-time mom and a seasoned pro. this mom's one step closer to their new mini-van! yeah, you'll get used to it. this mom's depositing money with tools on-hand. cha ching.
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♪ >> jesse: in 19 of 0 linden johnson was one of the most powerful sneashts in america. running for president lost the election to a 43-year-old named john f. kennedy. jfk asked johnson to be his v.p. because he needed the south. lbj didn't want to give up senate minority leader to be number two to a kid who just beat him. he did some research nearly one in four presidents died in office. i'm a gambling man, darling and this is the only chance i've got he said. his gamble paid off an assassination made lyndon johnson the most powerful man in the world a few years later. if you have been in d.c. long
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enough, you know anything can happen, no matter how hopeless your political career seems. biden ran for president three times before getting the gig. kamala flamed out in the primaries but joe needed somebody who shatters and now she is in the white house. washington is a weird place. and lately "primetime" has been picking up a lot of chatter. a suspected candidate keeps popping up on our radar. we saw her hanging out with sneaky pete in nashville. then we saw her wearing a pepper necklace in india. and then we saw her in los angeles shattering glass ceilings with her voice. ♪ and you're going to hear me roar ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ you're going to hear me roar. >> jesse: now "primetime" is hearing some chatter out of abu dhabi. crooked went to the middle east for international women's day because when i think of women's rights i think middle east. why was she there? to let the world know that
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hillary is still in the game. joe biden keeps tripping and getting cancerous lesions chopped off his chest. the guy hasn't been seen in two days. >> this is the second day in a row where the president hasn't had any public event on his schedule. what's he up to and [inaudible] out of the public eye? >> what's the president up to. >> before the speech tomorrow? >> so, look, yesterday, i think we read out to have heads of state call that he had with, i believe with oman and also with president -- we read those two calls out and so the president is always working, always making sure that he -- not even always making sure he does have the american people at the top of mind every day. >> jesse: biden has made two calls in two days what a work horse. he doesn't want to be president anymore or maybe he can't. his wife is trying to pick up the slack. not doing too great. jill and the secretary of state gave the woman of courage award today to a biological man. >> in argentina, a transgender
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woman who was kicked out of classrooms, barred for sitting for exams, refused job opportunities, subjected to violence and rejected by her family. but in the face of these challenges, she worked to end violence and discrimination against the lgbtq i plus community in argentina. >> if joe drops out before 2024. crooked is waiting in the rings and abu dahbi is great place to raise money. they have given clinton millions over the years for speeches, consulting, called buying influence. the sheiks must have been rolling their eyes when they heard crooked hit all the buzz words in her campaign speech. >> women and children are the primary victims of conflict and of climate change and there is no place that, unfortunately, tragically shows us that more dramatically than ukraine today. >> jesse: women and children and ukraine aren't worried about climate change, hillary. and flying to an oil kingdom
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where women hold no power with your hand out isn't a good look. she better shake off the rust because that kind of clumsy grifting is the reason she lost to trump. how tone deaf is she? you are hanging with sneaky mayor pete the first gay transportation secretary and next day flying to abu dhabi which to put it politely wouldn't embrace pete and chasten's relationship. will this version of hillary clinton survive a presidential campaign? kellyanne is a fox news contributor here's the deal. what is the deal with hillary. >> probably looking at joe biden and kamala harris and saying what the rest of us are saying you have got to be kidding. can't we do any better? she probably understood how she lost the primary in 2008, jesse to the young african-american president to be barack obama. but these two? and she, you know, hillary has never had people around her who will tell her that's a bad idea. you are not all that maybe this is not the right time. i think it cost her in 2016.
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look, we beat the queen behillary clinton in 2016 when the majority of voters were female. and we did it by appealing to men and women on the same issues but also, preying on hillary's vulnerabilities. they are then what they're now. she is not seen as incorruptible. not seen as fresh and new. not seen as a great negotiator and consensus builder. those three qualities often boy bowie a lot of female candidates down ballot i have been working on this for decades. the other problem for hillary is according to the abc news, "the washington post" poll august 2016 the day donald trump asked me to be campaign manager. >> 62% of americans found her to be neither honest or trustworthy. what follows the but? i don't think she is honest or trustworthy i think she should have the nuclear codes and be commander-in-chief and have an honest economy. she was slobbered all over today by her american delegation. she had to take her own americans with her. joe and mika, of course. gloria steinman, billy jean
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king. joe posted something over the top obnoxious even about him she is icon. people come up to her everywhere. she single-handedly has helped women have equality in the workforce. >> jesse: is this the rehab hillary tour that's going to every single country in the world? >> i hope so. except the u.s. >> jesse: is vo that vulnerable? >> go back to the midterms a few months ago. hillary clinton was invited to campaign with kathy hochul and kamala harris here in new york where she lives. she wasn't invited by maggie hassan in new hampshire. she wasn't invited by the woman in nevada with the three names and no publishments. she is not welcome on the campaign trail with female democratic senators in this country. >> jesse: she has to go out of the country to get a little love. >> to feel popular and get love. >> jesse: where is bill? >> probably really happy she is in abu dhabi. that sound fantastic go get your award hope it's international women's month not day. >> jesse: no one honors women
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more than. celebrating all month long. >> let me give hillary clinton pity which she appreciates. it's got to be tough to wake up every morning and be the second most popular person in a two person household. that's rough though. >> jesse: it is. kellyanne, she is single guys. line up. there she is. you have five minutes to figure out why this flag is racist. ♪ (psst psst) ahhhh... with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy, long lasting relief in a scent-free, gentle mist. (psst psst) flonase. all good. ♪ ♪ ♪ get directv with a two year price guarantee. my a1c stayed here, it needed to be here.
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>> jesse: a fox news alert. we are learning that four more boxes of documents were seized, 9 more boxes of documents were seized from the office of joe biden's attorney up in boston. according to the librarians who took the boxes, these boxes actually came from the penn biden center moved before the search last november. the search that they kept secret until after the election. and now they are being held in a secure area at the jfk presidential library in boston.
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we're told no one has opened the boxes yet. but all nine of the boxes moved from the penn biden center before the search and have now been found. hmm well fake indian elizabeth warren wants to change her own state's flag. >> some people calling the massachusetts flag racist and that it's inappropriate and some people are trying to get it changed. do you believe that the flag has any racist undertones it's inappropriate thrncts are people who are reconsidering the flag in massachusetts and i support those efforts. >> jesse: all right. so, what's wrong with this flag? well, a couple fringe folks say it promotes racism and white supremacy. so let's take a look at it here. there is a native american holding a bo bow in his right hd and arrow in the left. above the indian is a bent arm with a sword. the sword was added during the american revolution. that's when it was introduced. to represent the fight against british tyranny and the state
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archives confirm that with us. we have also got a lot continue saying that means by the sword we seek peace but peace only under liberty. again, referring to the yoke of british colonialism. now, i'm sure you are thinking to yourself, watters, what's racist about that? well, obviously people see white supremacy here because they see a sword dangling above a native american's head. the left says that sword was used to kill the indians not really sure that was true. have they seen the new martin luther king statue in boston by the way? does that look historically accurate to you? i mean it looks like two hands holding a giant -- well, and has liz warren ever seen her own flag in massachusetts? she has literally been standing in front of that flag for 10 years she was proudly debating in front of the state flag in 2018 but now native american liz
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warren thinks it's offensive to native americans? what took her so long to recognize the offense? did the massachusetts state flag change in the past 10 years? no. the same symbol has been on the flag for the past 243 years but now we have a problem. pocahontas is faking being upset because well, she is not really an indian and she is not a leader. she is just trying to follow whatever the woke mob wants. and people are out of their mind. have you seen a little sketch of their replacement flag? no, we haven't. because they don't have anything to replace the flag with. they just want to destroy the flag and they got nothing else. bring in the guest. grace kerrly is a boston radio show host and joins me now are people really upset about this flag, grace? >> no, of course not this is a made up issue to quote senator j.d. vance who said these are silly people making up silly
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problems. it doesn't make any sense jesse. when you really think about it reads like a babylon bee head line a woman who pretended for most of her life to be native american in order to advance her political career and she did so successfully for a long time until she was caught. she has a problem with an actual native american appearing on the flag anyone else with slight awareness i pretended to be native american for a few decades i will steer clear of this. she clearly doesn't have any self-awareness so she jumps right in. it's pretty amazing to watch. >> jesse: the fake indian wants to remove the real indian from the state flag. do people really think that the sword represents, i don't know, like the guillotine? >> no, i don't think people -- i don't think people are this concerned. i think people in massachusetts have other worries. but, unfortunately, this picks up a lot of headlines. i do think it's interesting
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though that we're considering the feelings of a fake native american. i haven't heard anything from real native americans and how they feel about this. but it's kind of goes back to the point of you can interpret things however you want this knee-jerk reaction i interpret it this way and offends me and i need it gone is dangerous. we have done that in massachusetts with so many things. on the mass turnpike hat with arrow through it that is gone. doesn't lead to progress or nuanced conversation. leads to the next group of people who are offended by something feeling like well my demands will be met because they took down this and they changed that. and this is how you kind of feed the woke mob. >> jesse: i would think that the left would like an arrow going through the pill gram's hat. isn't that better than a sword dangling over an indian's head? i don't understand these people. grace? say hi to all my friends in boston for me. thank you. >> thank you. >> jesse: so how much should we actually tip our delivery people? we have the answer.
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>> jesse: watters cooler. we got fox meteorologist nick cosser. first up, tipping has gotten out of hand. drivers are demanding big bucks before handing over their deliveries. listen. >> i don't think you realize where this is coming from. i drove 30 minutes. >> jesse: where did she go? she drove 40 minutes, and it was an $8 tip. fair or unfair? >> i don't know about you, but $8 is a pretty good tip if you ask me. >> jesse: 40 minutes. >> that's what she said. i want an investigation. i wouldn't have done it for
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eight bucks. the report is she took the food back. she had an $8 tip. that's not right. >> jesse: you can't do that, unless the food smelled good and she wanted to eat it herself. probably hungry after a 40-minute drive. >> exactly. if that was a chick-fil-a, it's delicious. >> jesse: moving on, look what happens when taco bell runs out of crunch wrap supremes. >> oh, my god. >> jesse: it's like you at a chick-fil-a. was that you? >> no, no, i swear, i swear, it wasn't me. that was a woman, right? there's women and a guy involved. a guy jumped in to help women catching strays. i'm not here to tell you who's right and who's wrong. all i know this, i don't think a
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crunch wrap supreme is worth putting your dukes up for. >> jesse: what is a crunch wrap supreme? >> i don't know. everything at taco bell is the same thing, just a tiny difference. >> jesse: my producer said it's a regular taco with a crunchy gordita over the top of it, and i hear it's supreme. >> chill out, guys. >> jesse: we don't need the blows. we all make mistakes sometimes, even me, and this week on "primetime" we've discovered the identity of the national bird of venezuela, an orange and blackbird, kind of looks like an oriole, and quite frankly doesn't look as scrumptious as a bald eagle. nevertheless, we will send dana lash to seek vengeance on their bird. watch out, yo you're on notice. it was a scarlet macaw, the
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national bird of venezuela. when we make a mistake, we correct it. why don't weathermen do that? >> it's an inexact science. >> jesse: it is? >> yes. >> jesse: you guys have radar. >> that's what i say anyways. i don't know. look, look -- >> jesse: an apology once in a while would help your credibility. we said it was going to snow. it didn't snow. everyone closed school. >> i'm sorry you misunderstood by forecast. >> jesse: doesn't work with me. listen, a little goes a long way. >> there it is. that's all i'm saying. that's my apology. >> jesse: i'm pretty proud of myself. i used to faint when i got blood work done, but not anymore. it's all mental. i went in. i got some blood drawn. we'll do some -- i'm not going to get into it. i got my labs taken care, and i'll be superman next week. no more passing out. it's all in my head. let's do some texts.
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melissa from rhode island, my parents just canceled my upcoming spring break in mexico. thanks a lot, jesse. you're welcome. i just saved your life. martin from florida, do kids realize they don't need to fly to mexico to get drunk? it's so much fun in another country. lucas from illinois, has the biden administration considered canceling the tacos? jill tried to do, and didn't go over well with the hispanic voters. sheila from california. please give us a warning before you show crooked singing. again, another apology. that's what newsmen do. henry from texas. hillary just went to abu dhabi for spring break. bill must be thrilled. if you listen closely, you can hear bill in chappaqua right now, and he's not alone. that man that from michigan, do you wish emma an happy international women's day? i didn't, but my assistant does.
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i caught him wishing women all over the office all day long, happy international women's day. i think johnny thinks he's hitting on them. that's not how it went over. johnny needs to make a retraction. that's all for tonight. dvr the show. "tucker" is up next. always remember, i'm watters. this is my world. >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." one of the hallmarks of people who are telling the truth in case you were wondering how to tell the difference is that people who are telling the truth are calm. they don't wave their hands around and make wild accusations. they don't need to do that. it's enough to say what they know. if honest people turn out to be wrong about something they have claimed, they'll admit. they don't double down on faults. they made a mistake, and that'


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