tv Americas Newsroom FOX News March 9, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PST
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medications look to still be in short supply for the foreseeable future. >> bill: doctor, nice to see you. thanks for that today. >> dana: nice to have that report. all right. let's go. three major hearings about to get underway in washington that we're keeping an eye on this morning. the house select subcommittee will hear testimony from two journalists given to communications at twitter. >> bill: they look add collusion between the government and social media companies. meanwhile after yesterday's appearance before a senate panel, top intel and national security officials are back on the hill this time giving testimony before the house intel committee. briefing lawmakers on worldwide threats, of which there are many. over in the senate norfolk southern ceo is facing a lot of tough questions about the toxic train disaster in east
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palestine, ohio. we're watching all that again today. >> dana: meantime president biden is heading to pennsylvania today going to roll out his election year budget plan pushing to connect with voters in what will be a must-win state for either of the candidates. welcome to a new hour of in us news, i'm dana perino. good morning. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning. president biden expected to lay the ground work for a possible second term using his budget proposal as part of a political push to launch attacks against republicans. you have heard a lot of them already actually. meanwhile his democratic coalition is showing signs of strain thanks to recent moves by his administration on immigration, also the d.c. crime bill. all this as the president sets his sights on new government spending and raises taxes on the wealthy. >> he is doing it by raising a massive amount of taxes. now, you either believe -- there are two types of economists now
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on capitol hill. there are people who believe in free enterprise and there are crypto socialists, they believe in free enterprise as long as it is government directed. >> dana: lucas tomlinson is live at the white house. lucas. >> dana, good morning. for the president yet to announce he is running for re-election this trip raises eyebrows. his first public event since monday. the president will announce he will raise taxes on the wealthy. earlier the governor of west virginia says he wants to lower them. >> we're on a pathway now in west virginia to totally eliminate our personal income tax. if you look at where west virginia is located, i mean, we started with the 211/4% reduction and can the machine and inventory tax by 50%. eliminated our car tax in west virginia. >> budget roll-outs are done at
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the white house as you remember. biden has taken criticism for not visiting east palestine in northeast ohio but no trouble making trips to pennsylvania. this is biden's third trip to philadelphia since september. these images are from biden's speech that month dubbed the continued battle for the soul of the nation flanked by u.s. marines. he called out maga 13 times in that speech. today biden who claims to be the most pro-union president will speak before a trade union. yesterday here at the white house his press secretary said the following about the budget. >> the president's budget which we'll release tomorrow will cut the deficit by nearly $3 trillion over the next ten years. that's nearly a $6 trillion difference between the president's budget and congressional republicans' agenda which would add $3 trillion to the debt. >> the u.s. debt has doubled over the past decade now over 31 trillion. to put that number in perspective with interest rates going up, the interest payments on that debt could soon exceed
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the size of the defense budget. >> dana: that's incredible. a great image but not a good one for us overall. joining us for more on this is jason chaffetz and marie harf fox news contributors. listen to president biden. you will hear a lot more about this and what he thinks republicans want to do. >> president biden: republicans in congress want to put medicare's very existence up for a vote every five years. same with social security and medicaid. some republicans want medicare and social security to sunset. the maga republicans in congress are wanting -- they still want to cut medicaid. >> dana: so this is nothing new to you. you have run for office before. you have probably made some of these attacks along the way. politicians do this kind of thing. at this point does biden have a way to make it stick to republicans? >> no, it's fundamentally not true, that's the problem. the president is presenting his budget. it is a month late but
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regardless of that, if you go back ten years you will find that the budget is now about 66% bigger than it was. and to become a steer owe type. what the biden administration is offering is more taxes. we have an all-time record revenue to the united states treasury and he wants more taxes. republicans will say we have to be more responsible. nearly 73% of the budget is automatic program spending and it is a problem. they'll talk about the deficit. that's the annual number not the overall debt. there is going to be a good battle but this is what congress should be doing. they have to find a way to balance the budget in the next ten years. >> dana: we aren't going to get that today. what is biden doing today as he sets this out? budgets never end up the way the president exactly wants. is this more of a political document where he is giving this speech today in front of a group of union workers making a point? >> they do say something about
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the priorities of the biden team. the biden budget will cut the deficit by 3 trillion, a big number. do it while strengthening social security. >> dana: how? >> cutting prescription drug prices getting working class families to pay less for childcare and large defense budget at the same time. it will cut the deficit by making sure large corporations and wealthy americans pay their fair share of taxes. what the biden team says to the republicans is your math doesn't add up. you say you won't raise taxes and make corporations pay their fair share and not touch the defense budget or social security and medicare. the biden saying protecting working families, getting prescription drug costs down, protecting social security and medicare and republicans don't have a plan. >> bill: it's the message but it is dead in the water. you worked there. >> it's aspirational. >> bill: meanwhile the progressive left is really upset with this white house. first on the immigration deal
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and then on this crime bill that passed overwhelmingly in the senate, all right? here is what axios said. house democrats communicated to the white house their frustrations rip roaring pissed. about biden not making his position on the resolution clear before the house vote. let's back up. what happened was it came up in the house several weeks ago and only 31 democrats voted republicans. yesterday there were 81 total senators who voted with republicans, right? if i got the math right here, 28 democratic senators voted in favor of going against the d.c. law. in the house 173 democrats voted for it. nancy pelosi comes out at the end of last week and says if you would have just told us you were going to veto this thing the vote in the house would have been entirely different. now you have on a platter a
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campaign issue against 173 democrats. i don't know how many are in swing states. we'll find out soon. >> the plan in d.c. was to reduce sentencing for some major crimes and the republicans are winning this on policy but at the heart of this behind the scenes is the fact that steny hoyer's former staffer was working at the white house and she left and the communication between the white house and the house and senate has just gone away. it has been obliterated. the surprise if you just communicated with us and told us but they didn't. they are losing on policy because the democrats continue to demonstrate their soft on crime. >> bill: one thing happened in between the house vote and joe biden's suggestion that he won't veto it and then the senate vote. that was lori lightfoot lost an election in chicago. >> a lot of this is inside d.c. baseball. i'm not sure how much it
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transfers to americans. what matters is that joe biden, a lot of democrats feel is a good general election candidate because he is willing to challenge the left on things. he knows crime is an issue and immigration is an issue. he did not win the white house with the democratic coalition. he did it by picking off independents, disaffected republicans in states like pennsylvania where he is today. so all this talk about joe biden being a socialist and a tool of the left just not true and that's why this is good, i think, for the next presidential election if not for democratic story line. >> she is wrong. she is wrong. >> dana: i don't understand why the democrats don't stick up for their black, female, democratic mayors and black police chiefs across the country. they are the ones saying we need to keep people in jail. mural bowser didn't want this bill and vetoed it herself.
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no democrats stick up for these black law enforcement officers. >> the chief of police in washington, d.c. is black. >> joe biden has had more money passed for police. he is trying to bring some of the more liberal parts of the party along with him. >> bill: you guys come back soon. want to get to the hearing live. the subcommittee hearing on the weaponization of the federal government with regard to twitter. drop on here. >> when did the government say it was going to happen? october of 2020 and who did the government say it would involve? hunter biden. now think about it. government had no evidence of any intrusions, no evidence of hack and leak yet for the year they tell twitter that a hack and leak is coming. it is coming in october and it will involve hunter biden. no evidence but the f.b.i. knows what is going to happen, when it is going to happen and who it is going to involve. that's amazing. that is amazing to me.
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maybe they get the time right. we're kind of used to october surprises every four years. so maybe they get the time right but they got the time, they got the method, and they got the person. that's amazing. almost like these guys were clairvoyant. how did they know? how did they know? maybe it is because they had the laptop and they had had it for a year. they had the laptop, knew it wasn't hacked but that's not what they told twitter. they didn't tell twitter that information and twitter believed everything they said. in those weekly meetings the f.b.i. had built a cozy relationship with this tech company and others as well, we believe. emails between the twitter and the government sounded like this. f.b.i. handed out security clearance to people at twitter and communicated with the tell
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porter app and paid twitter $3.4 million. in addition, on august 6, 2020, the f.b.i. briefed senators grassley and johnson and according to the senators' testimony, last month in front of this committee the briefing was bogus and done so someone could go leak that the briefing had happened and undermine the senators' investigation. in september of 2020, government funded think-tank gets involved. they do a tabletop exercise. the participants include "the new york times," "washington post" and other mainstream media outlets. the organizer was the former ceo of the npr. the mock exercise is hosted by the aspen institute. the aspen institute where in 2020 their budget was 9.3 million. 5 million from the state department. 4 million from usaid.
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almost all their budget. guess the title, guess the title of this exercise. the aspen digital hack and dump working group. and guess who the subject was. guess who the subject was, hunter biden. that's amazing. october 14, 2020, the "new york post" runs a story on the biden laptop and twitter takes it down even though it was accurate and didn't violate twitter's rules. other social media companies do the same. mainstream press works to downplay and discredit the story. finally as if on cue on october 18, '51 former intel officials say it has the classic earmarks of a russian disinformation operation. something that was absolutely false. our government built a cozy
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relation with big tech. they funded the think-tank that primed big tech and big media. they leaked information to undermine the good work of two united states senators and then 51 former intel officials closed the deal with their letter. mr. shellenberger pointed out in his reporting the information op was run on us, run on we the people and if that's not the weaponization of government, i don't know what is. i will get to this in a second. i want to thank our witnesses for being here today. i will get to this after we allow the ranking member her opening statement. >> thank you. before my opening statement, mr. chairman as a point of order it has been my understanding that one of the witnesses has within the last half hour released additional information that the republicans may and you as the majority may have been able to review and have information about. if that information is, in fact,
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going to be used at this hearing, just want the point of order to be recognize that the democrats have not been able to review or to see any of that information. will you be using any of the information that has recently been released by -- excuse me. will you be using any of that information? >> we'll be using whatever information our staff has put together for use at this hearing. >> have you had that information before this hearing began before today? >> we use all information that is given to our staff and we'll use it to make sure we educate the american people. >> information you have not shared with us? >> we think it with as posted online. >> just this half hour, the last 20 minutes. it is not information given to us before that. >> we can make a copy of it. >> we can go online and find a copy and see it on twitter accounts. i want the point of order that you have not shared any of that with us. i understand you may have been looking at this long before
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today's hearing. >> we obtained it at the same time. >> before we continue, is one of your colleagues trying to speak to me or i think this was a conversation between you and me. >> i was speaking to the parliamentarian. >> i recognize you for an opening statement. >> i had a point of order which i was asking you to address. >> i answered your question. >> i will begin my opening statements. three weeks ago house oversight had this hearing with actual twitter executives who had actual firsthand knowledge about what happened in 2020. and that didn't go so well for the house republicans because real evidence showed that there wasn't coordination between twitter and the federal government as they like the american people to believe and that all the so-called twitter files released showed was a discussion on content moderation and that we only got a fraction of the discussion. so now we're back again, no
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surprise, what else have they got to talk about? not what's interested in the american people are interested and not what taxpayer dollars have brought us here to washington to do and the republicans have brought in two of elon musk's public scribes to release cherry picks out of context emails and screen shots to look at musk's chosen narrative parroted by the republicans because they think these witnesses will tell a story that will help them out politically. on tuesday, the majority released an 18-page report claiming to show that the ftc is, quote, harassing twitter. oh my, poor twitter. including by seeking interactions with individuals before us today. how did the report reach this conclusion? by showing two -- 1, 2, single
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paragraphs from a single demand letter even though the report itself makes clear that there were numerous demand letters with numerous requests, none of which we've been able to see, that are more demand letters and more requests of twitter. in other words, the conclusions are based on a fraction of information. >> dana: we've been watching the opening of what will be a pretty firing hearing if the opening comments are -- they are talking about twitter and twitter files. jim jordan opened it up and this is the ranking chair giving her comments. the witnesses are matt -- >> the big rub she is talking about. she thinks republicans had access to the latest file last night and democrats just saw it within the last 30 minutes.
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>> dana: i don't know if that's true and didn't seem the chairman thought they all got it at the same time. we'll see how that goes. we'll keep on top of this. looks like it will be newsy today. >> bill: 18 past. there is this. >> i had to shovel a pathway so i could get out to the street and my door was completely covered. we had no way of getting out of here and it was getting spooky. >> bill: california residents are trapped by snow by the feet. more is coming on the way. the state bracing for another round of severe weather. we'll tell you about the forecast. >> dana: thinking of traveling south of the border? think again. what the state department is warning following the kidnapping of four americans. >> bill: explosive testimony about the origins of covid. did dr. fauci shut down debate? former cdc director robert redfield was there yesterday before the hearing under oath and he will talk to us coming up next. >> is it likely that american tax dollars funded the gain-of-function research that
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created this virus? >> i think it did not only from nih, from the state department, and the did also. otezla is a pill, not a cream or injection that can help people with plaque psoriasis achieve clearer skin. and no routine blood tests required. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over 8 years. don't hesitate. ask your doctor about otezla today. if you have this... and you get this... you could end up with this... unexpected out-of-pocket costs.
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>> dana: there are at least one people dead after snowstorms blanket southern california and the death toll could rise as emergency officials assess the damage. forecasters say another storm is on the way expected to dump up to eight feet of snow. some residents are still stranded. one writing a large help us message in the snow. this was spotted near lake gregory in the san bernardino mountains. we wish them the best as the storm bears down. >> why do you think you were excluded from those calls? >> it was told to me that they wanted a single narrative and that i obviously had a different point of view.
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a narrative that was decided that they were going to say this came from the wet market and they were going to do everything to supportist to negate the possibility it came from a lab. >> bill: robert redfield testifying under oath on the origins of the pandemic telling that a former colleague dr. fauci shut down debate on the lab leak theory. dr. redfield is here now. i want to rifle through a number of questions i have. fauci calls it completely untrue says several people on the phone call had the same opinion as you. is that true? >> yeah, i disagree with him. i started these discussions in january with dr. fauci and the head of w.h.o. that we have a rigorous scientific investigation of the two hype oath these and i made it clear that my assessment as a virologist, clinical virologist, that i had high suspicion the origin of this path again was
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the laboratory that i really didn't think it was consistent with science that this evolved from nature. and it just is a matter of fact i was not included in any of those phone calls. >> bill: maybe it is a disagreement or an honest disagreement or maybe not. if you are right, doctor, why would dr. fauci not want your opinion to be out there in public? >> well, you know, i do think i make a compelling argument for the reasons why we have to seriously consider the lab leak. i do believe that there was a concerted effort by dr. fauci and dr. collins to make sure that no one really focused on the lab leak and that we focused on natural evolution. again, i really mention that with covid and -- with sars and
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mers did come through natural spillover those viruses thefr learned how to efficiently transmit human-to-human. this virus had high efficiency of human-to-human transmission which to me meant as a virologist that virus had to be educated how to infect humans more efficiently than historical stuff. >> bill: i heard you say the virus could not jump from animal to animal and into a human and be this virulent, which it was killing 7 million people around the world. why wouldn't fauci want that in your view? straight out ask you, was he trying to deflect and make sure that people did not understand that u.s. tax dollars were going to gain-of-function research in wuhan? do you believe that to be true today? >> i think real reason between -- that dr. fauci and dr. collins took this percentective is that they really did believe it was in the best interest of science. i happen to disagree with them
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but. >> bill: what does that mean? >> collins said we had to maintain scientific harmony with our colleagues around the world, including in china. and that we didn't want to have any disruption. obviously i'm of a different point of view. i'm of the point of view that this pandemic, unfortunately, was actually the result of science. and i have used the term before scientific arrogance. the scientific community never believed this gain-of-function research could get out of control. unfortunately i think eventually we will all come to learn that this pandemic was a direct consequence of scientific experiments that were done to increase the infection and trance -- i think it escaped
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between august and october of 2019 from the institute. >> brad wenstrup said we don't know the origins of covid-19 yet. you have all the competing opinions on different sides. will we ever know the origins? >> that's a critical question and i think we will. i do not think we will solve it scientifically although i will argue the scientific evidence over the last three years continues to mount to support the lab leak and continues to make the spillover less and less likely. we haven't found the intermediate yet. i really think the answer will come from the intelligence community both from signal intelligence and i think eventually some chinese defectors. >> bill: you need a mole and insider. >> we need an insider to come out and do this. the intelligence community will get there. we don't know how much they already have because it's been classified.
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but i think we'll learn that the intelligence community will ultimately have the bulk of evidence for how this started. >> bill: please come back, dr. redfield. good to see you. >> thanks for what you do here. >> dana: we'll bring you developments of the ongoing hearing on twitter coming up in moments. ♪ ♪ fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100% of your home's value.
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voter-passed medicinal marijuana program. according to the oklahoma bureau of narcotics criminals are taking advantage of cheap land and easy applications. they shut down 800 fraudulent grow operations but say there are three times as many more still out there. >> i can't put an exact number on it. of the 3,000 farms that we believe are flagged right now, those licenses, i would say probably 2/3 are asian investors and tied to criminal organizations out of asia primarily china. >> look at this. talking about just one county. most of what you see are all grow operations. there are tales of people showing up with briefcases of cash and convincing farmers to sell their land. >> what we've seen is over the last couple years since it has been legalized that we've seen a lot of foreign nationals come
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in. that's predominantly what it's been. they come in and have been buying up land 4 or 5 times the value. >> sheriffs say pot from fahd leant grow houses goes to almost every state in the union and other crime tied to it. people can be trafficked to work on the farms. police arrested a man not long ago for murdering chinese nationals on the marijuana grow farm. a lot of debate here in terms of how they can tighten restrictions to get a better handle on this. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: now u.s. state department issues another warning against travel to some parts of mexico. the former a.g. bill barr, meanwhile, saying that the drug cartels, they are the ones in control. listen. >> the problem has been getting ever more serious for almost 20 years now. it is time to the face up to the truth. the truth is that these are
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extremely powerful groups that effectively control broad areas of mexico. the government doesn't control them. mexican government doesn't. the cartels are in charge. >> bill: fox news correspondent geraldo here to talk about this. you've been on the story for decades. >> my whole professional life. >> michael waltz said in the 90 we teamed up with the columbian government and took them on. do you see that as a possibility teaming up with the mexican government today? >> i'm glad you brought it up. plan columbia was a comprehensive multi-billion dollar effort that did involve u.s. military going to columbia, which was run by the narco traffickers as much as anybody else. that was when the original coke lords were distributing their poison everywhere. but the point is, you can't -- i
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know lindsey graham, for example, wants to send u.s. military into mexico. you can't do that. you can't invade mexico without mexico buying in. as troubled as mexico is, they would respond with passion against the united states unless we made them our partners. it is very, very difficult. we have to face it. bill barr is my favorite politician in washington, d.c. he is a very measured, reasonable, prudent person. he understands that this is a poison we have to deal with it. not with headlines, not with flash we'll send the special forces. what if we did send u.s. military into mexico? what would they do? blow up the lab, burn down a crop. they would do these specific actions that the next day would be just as bad as they are today. so this is really serious. we need the mexican government to buy in but we have to recognize that the border is also extremely porous.
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most of the seizures are at the legitimate crossing points. so we have to strengthen that, strengthen homeland security and understand what is happening. this is a vicious, virulent epidemic caused by mobsters who are poisoning the american people. >> dana: i know you know mayor eric adams well and he has a migrant problem. he had thoughts on the vice president and her role in all this. listen here. >> there needs to be an individual who is dedicated to do the decompression strategy for the federal government. one person we should be looking at often stated the role of the v.p. too much in her portfolio to focus on doing a decompression stage grew.
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>> dana: he may be helping out the v.p. that somebody else should be focused on this. the administration says the border is secure. it is not. >> eric adams is right. kamala harris, the vice president, has failed as the border czar. his point mayor adams and he is doing a great job and turning the city around, crime is going down but this is a very frustrating problem for the mayor. he does not want new york to be the new border. that's what is effectively happening. when all of the undocumented are coming to the city, he wants to know why they aren't stopped at the border in brownsville. he wants the front line to be the rio grande valley. he doesn't want the front line to be the hudson river and he is very frustrated with the vice president. he wants a person in charge. who is in charge here? he calls it decompression. what he really means is this crisis, this crisis, the turmoil, the tumult, the actual
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anarchy at the border is fueling everything. it is the drug problem on one hand, the undocumented, illegal immigrants on the other. mayor adams wants someone in charge right now. who is the person in charge? >> bill: meantime we spend billions for this in new york city alone. >> dana: see you later. let's get back to the subcommittee underway on the weaponization on the federal government, the twitter files. witness michael shellenberger. >> because of what i was seeing happening. i never thought in my own country that freedom of speech would be threatened in this way. it is frightening when you get into it. the most recent -- our most recent discoveries is that we first raised a bunch of concerns around the way twitter pre-elon musk was censoring people and creating black lists. quickly we discovered we had f.b.i. agents basically and
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other government officials demanding that twitter take certain actions. we now know that the department of homeland services which has had -- security, department of homeland security had tried to create a disinformation board. that went away after public backlash but realize they have this other enterprise and building out basically mechanisms to proliferate a censorship industrial complex around the country to censor on a range of issues. you've seen the censorship industry go from we're fighting isis to fighting russian disinformation botts to now we need to fight domestic misinformation saying we need to fight against people who are saying things we disagree with online. that's all that means. and it is not a slippery slope. it is an immediate leap into a terrifying mechanism that we only see in total al-arian
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societies attempting to gain control over what social media platforms are allowing. so yeah, for me it starts at dhs but we basically see almost every government agency involved in this. >> it is frightening. i'm out of time. yield back. >> gentleman from massachusetts mr. lynch is recognized. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i do need to correct the record. so there has been -- >> dana: are we on? we're going to dip in and out of this as the news develops here. the witness is having some pretty compelling testimony. we'll get back to it as it continues. there are folks in wisconsin actually trapped inside their own town. they are blocked from using the only roads to get in or out in a legal dispute with local native americans. marsha lives in -- luke
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deflambeau wisconsin. tell me about the lovely place where you live. hemmer and i were looking it up on the map. >> good morning from the northwoods. thank you so much for having me on. it is pronounced lac du flambeau which means lake of fire. >> dana: you moved there not too long ago. tell us why you moved there and what you were hoping to accomplish with your restaurant and your life. >> we moved from illinois four years ago. we were looking for something that was very similar to alaska where we had lived previously. we love the northwoods and we love the people that are up here. we opened a restaurant at the end of the pandemic a year ago in december and we just kind of wanted our little piece of heaven, which is a beautiful place here. >> dana: what happened with this dispute? the tribe are blocking the
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roads. this is the statement they gave saying by acting and delaying the process of securing 25-year easements we arrived at this point. anyone who dealt with government and lawyers can imagine how quickly the costs add up. and the dispute is unbelievable it would get to this point that now you can't get in or out of this location because of a legal issue? >> we've not heard anything from the tribe to begin with. the dispute, i believe, is between the tribe, the township, and the title companies. we had no notification we were locked down. it was 25 below 0 and had less than the 12 hours notification of the four lakes that were affected. we have to travel back and forth on a lack, which we're racing temperatures and time at this point. we still have snow. another foot headed our way but
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we need to be able to get back out or get back in. we aren't allowed to do so. they have cut off our mail service. we weren't allowed to go out and vote. the day-to-day stress of running the business but not knowing what is going on at your house or if you are at the house, what is going on at your business, is crushing us every day. my biggest fear for all of this are our seniors and veterans. these are all senior citizens and veterans being locked down. if they need to go to a doctor's appointment there has to be somebody with a key to the tribe to come and open up. sometimes it takes as long as an hour. they use blow torches to heat those locks. we have to let them know why we are going to the doctor, what the reason is. we need help. there is no other thing. >> dana: you have been called
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names and you have had threats to your life? >> we have had threats to our life. we have had threats to our business. there is a gentleman that threatened to burn all the houses down on the four affected lakes. >> dana: goodness. >> we are not getting support from our sheriff's department. we are not getting support from the lac du flambeau tribe. the police chief told the postmaster last saturday that they are not to deliver mail anymore behind the barricades. >> dana: marsha, we will stay on this story. sorry for what you are going through and everybody there and hope it gets resolved soon. you are trying to get it involved. if you don't get it involved you might have to walk away from your new life you built and stay in touch with you. thank you for being on the show. >> i appreciate your time. thank you. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: what a story. meanwhile die with 0.
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>> bill: little celebrity news. here we go now. all right. the actress goldie hawn says cancel culture is ruining comedy. she is 77. she has seen the industry evolve and not necessarily for the better. she says the level of sensitivity is so high comedians are afraid to tell certain jokes the way they used to and a quandary for comedians. it is not a good feeling when you are in a creative mode, end quote. she is not alone, either. jimmy failla would say she nailed it. >> dana: we also have this. they say you can't take it with you and now you can find out how to get the most out of your money while you can still enjoy it instead of saving every delay until the very end and not living the life you want. bill perkins is author of the
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book "die with 0" and joins us on set. i learned about your book and i couldn't stop reading it. i got it to hemmer and he and i have been debating your book for a while. tell us the concept of your book. >> it is basically about getting the most out of your life. i'm solving for maximum fulfillment not max money or max health or max time but maximum fulfillment. money is a tool such as your health for you to be fulfilled. we aren't put on this planet to work and just accumulate money. we are put on the planet to enjoy life. >> bill: okay. good premise. before i read the paragraph. you talk a lot about life experiences which i am 1,000 percent on bjort this idea. you also talk about giving away your money family, friends, sounds great but you need capital before you can reach that point. come back to the experience, all right? in order to do that, you have to
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have the means to make it happen. so how do you explain how you get there? >> when we are talking about optimizing we aren't just talking about optimizing money but our time. there is a situation where a lot of parents may be fighting who puts the kids to bed or drives them to school. i recently realized the touches i get with my daughter are actually driving her to school. why do i argue about driving her to school? maybe i should get up, go, pick her up and drive her to school and have those moments. because i don't get those moments later on in college. they want to be with their friends. it is not about optimizing money or health or time as about optimizing fulfillment. fulfillment for me is spending time with my kids. we all have these decisions to make. how do we allocate our time? it is all our choices whether they cost money or not. >> dana: you talk a lot about that. i have a lot of financial anxiety and i read the book and okay, i think i can put some of
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these principles into my life like being on a diving board. walking up to the end and looking down and saying no and turning around. people are afraid they'll die homeless. what if i need a new roof? what if something happens to me? how do you respond to somebody with that fear. >> that has been passed on by ancestors from the great depression. everybody is worried about running out of money and wasting money. they should be wore eft about wasting their life. if you are wore eft about running out of money by an an annuity. there is an insurance product out there to do it better than you can so you aren't saving and saving and saving and not living your life. >> dana: you say something like if you retire with $5 hundred thousand in the bank you will likely die with $450,000 in the back. >> people's net worth grows in their 70 because life has passed them by. attitudes and health have
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changed. they can't do the things they thought they would be doing when they are in retirement. they rather hang around with grandchildren and family. >> bill: if you are rich and older you don't have the health to do the things you want to do even though you have the money to spend it. >> i lived in st. thomas for seven years and saw the cruises. it doesn't look like a carnival cruise commercial. >> dana: it is a pleasure to meet you and i recommend the book. >> thanks for having me. >> dana: julie banderas is in for harris. here she is. >> julie: president biden setting to unveil his 2024 federal budget in pennsylvania. that will happen later today. likely no coincidence, though, that the election year plan comes with a swing state back drop. top line tax away tax hikes. this is "the faulkner focus" focus. i'm julie banderas in for harris today. a battle roy y'all in congress.
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