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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 10, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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♪ ♪ >> emily: hello, everyone this is "outnumbered." i'm here with emily companion, my host kayleigh mcenany and fox weather meteorologist amy freeze, former state department spokesperson under president obama marie harf and congressman jason chaffetz. we began with a shocking move by
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the mexican drug cartels suspected of kidnapping four americans and murder of two oco of them the gulf cartel turn in five of its men beaten up with their hands tied behind their back inside of a black pickup truck appeared alongside of them come a hand written apology note which says, "they decided to turn over those of directly involved in the events and they acted under their own decision-making and lacked discipline. just a few hours later, reports surfaced from mexico it had arrested the leader of the gulf cartel. a crackdown on groups killing hundreds of americans over fentanyl. but don't be fooled the president of mexico made the stunning, yesterday. here, we do not produce fentanyl and we do not have consensus to produce fentanyl. why don't they come of the united states, take care of their problem of social decay? kayleigh, the address
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preposterous nature of that, is mind-blowing. the thing i keep thinking about, there is no way he would make that audacious comment under the prior administration because he knew what he was doing. >> kayleigh: you took the words out of my mouth. there was a relationship of mutual respect between president trump and president lopez open door. vastly different with open door paying far left and president trump conservative. the key element was respect. we talked before about president trump with tariffs from mexico stymied with illegal immigrants compared to what happen when president biden came in the first call between president and low in president biden. the first relationship and the now president donald trump. he went on in the months they were after the mexican president to call biden the migrant president, which was an insult to president biden with his border policies. i don't think it would have happen under president trump but
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i do think with the mexican president is trying to do with some fancy for nomadic footwork with his wording because technically he is saying the cod comes from china, but it is produced in the labs in mexico. the compound, the key ingredient is china peer of "the wall street journal" reporting on a lab about the lad the fentanyl xxx and one was cold chinese chemical. so i think he is trying to engage in nuance, we don't produce fentanyl with china for this key compound. >> emily: i know you need to take the floor. >> jason: you have to listen to what the attorney general said. if you can go to the sound and listen with the attorney general is going to do. >> the epidemic of fentanyl problem created by intentional acts by the cartel pluralist spirit we are doing everything we can with our resources to fit back. we have our dea working to
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prevent transfer of precursors into mexico to capture the labs. to extradite the cartel leaders, to arrest them in the united states. we are focused on fentanyl with enormous urgency. >> jason: that is an absolute complete fabrication. he said that every resource of the dea, every resource of the fbi is honed in on taking down these drug cartels. there was nothing further from the truth. that is absolutely not true. you think about it, we have more than 50% of the people that are traffic north according to the border patrol agents that you talked about our raped along the way and fentanyl kills 100,000 people per year. we have drugs coming north and 150 countries represented of people being traffic north and people off of the terrorist watch list. in yet, the attorney general has the gall to go before the
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united states senate and the american people to say, "we are using every resource!" and if they are they are totally failing because these drug cartels are saying, hey, don't worry about it. we took care of it. we administer justice. let's get back to business because they are raking in billions and billions of dollars out of the u.s. economy and they are the ones not the president of mexico and for the attorney general to say he's got it under control with all of the resources, they are absolutely failing and misdirecting on this. >> emily: here are three things i need to hold onto, fentanyl under president trump administration was the lowest. number two the surge across the southern border the amount of illegal migrants flooding the border has never been higher and under the current administration. and the landscape, number three come a president in office in washington, d.c., over 50 years
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through the '80s come '90s, pablo escobar and decades of fer intelligence community and south-central american governments. the intertwining they have with the drug cartel. who better would you think to understand to acknowledge and to act in the present commander-in-chief but we get anything but to jason's point. >> amy: i think joe biden and his whole team are concerned about fentanyl. yesterday, high-level white house administration group of officials that were in mexico talking about fentanyl, talking about the murder of these american citizens. i believe faith think this is incredibly important issue to tackle, not just up the border e country and not just a mexico issue but domestic issue as we talked about before. look, mexico has a problem and the mexican president knows he has a security and political problem. you saw the mobilized resources after the americans were
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kidnapped faster than the lawn mexico generally does anything. this obviously should have never happened. the mexican nihilist they need accountability because americans died. you see the mobilized quickly. i think he will deflect the fentanyl issue. a lot comes from china as kayleigh said and a lot of it from the united states. a lot comes from mexico. it's it's a problem that requires the whole government. i think the dea and fb are focused on it, jason pure this is a problem and they are doing everything to get this under control but this has been a problem for multiple administrations. >> kayleigh: if you care, build a wall. continue the border construction and it's not like fentanyl walks across the board by itself. it comes from illegal immigrants. >> marie: but it often comes through ports of entry hidden in trucks and other ways. it doesn't always get carried by people crossing illegally those ports of entry. so the ports of entry have to be secured. they are trying to do that right now. >> kayleigh: you are right.
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>> marie: they are the ones that have their lives on the line. with no help and despite the utter lack of support by the administration including and especially the public commentary supporting law enforcement. it is a joke to look at this in terms of one year, two years back. of course, this has festered under this administration, swamp rules in this administration and in this government for some long, so years. we are doing everything we can melt, no thanks to the utter lack of funding and public support or anything concrete including respectful meaningful relationship with the leaders in south america. this administration is a joke because machine is left over from before. speak what they responded with a handwritten note from evil people, the cartels thinking tht dismisses it and also responded with the gaslighting from the president of mexico. that is the response.
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if we truly are going to look in the eyes of a mother or any family member from the thousands of fentanyl deaths that happen and say we do the best we can. it is america and we can do a lot better than we are doing right now. so the actions and the things we put into place are meaningful. and they have to be powerful. you bring a good point back about border border patrol. we have to do back doing business and things are happening because they can. >> emily: this monday i'm interviewing steve murphy, two dea agents that took down pablo escobar. i hope and pray they were story which many have seen is not in vain in the way that it is in this administration. coming up, president biden unveiled his budget for 2024. up next, we discussed thee to massive plan feels about the president's priorities. ♪ ♪i my emerge tremfyant®.
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: president biden unveiled his budget for 2024. it reveals quite a bit about his priorities. the budget is $6.8 trillion. you read the proposal you notice it will focus on equity. the budget mention safety three times, transgender eight times, fentanyl, just hoist. it calls for $5.5 trillion in new taxes over the next decade and includes the first income tax rate since 1986. it also adds a additional 340 patrol border agents and epa gets 2,400 hires, the irs 87,000 new agents over ten years because that is what the american people want, irs agents
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coming after them. nobody sirus believes congress will adopt in its current form and they know it's not going anywhere so why does it matter? beyond obvious governing, it will constitute the crux of biden's pitch where we are sure it is purely coincidental he will unveil his budget in the swing state of pennsylvania. as it said 2024 pitch? because no, i think you've lived through budget cycles. they are aspirational. they say something about administration's priorities though. there was in the budget $46.1 billion for drugs and fit in all, to fight drugs and fentanyl. it may not have been mentioned that long but the largest number in history. the budget says if you think first it would reduce deficit by a lot, but over ten years. it would protect social security, medicare and have historically large defense budget and make working-class families pay less for things like child care, prescription
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drugs across the board. it does ensure the corporations and it should be fair. that is how it would reduce the deficit. the biden family, you don't want to cut defense but you want to balance the budget. >> kayleigh: let me just a "new york times" came out with biden budget for social security. there is no plan to sustain and it cuts the deficit and way higher than spending with pre-pandemic spending. there is spending and defense spending competitors lower than the rate of inflation. 3.2% inflation but those are nice talking points. >> marie: that is true. the defense spending number is enormous. every year, congress adds more to it than the administration asked for. it does things like protecting -- it does protect social security and medicare and drug prescription prices and
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caps -- it provides support for child care for pre-k. things that make it easier for people to have come a families to raise children. it is a family first budget. yes, it it includes a lot of spending but pays for it by entering corporations and wealthy americans don't pay less than no class working americans in texas. that is just fear. it is not just fair but. >> kayleigh: lets go to that point, amy, here you go on taxes. this means high earners pay about 35% in texas, 55% in new state taxes. a higher than the united came 45% germany 45%, spain 54%. so this essentially makes us more progressive than europe and will drown our economy, kill jobs and stymie the on market. >> amy: if that is fair share, that doesn't sound fair. when it comes to average americans, we are already giving so much.
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any taxes coming in from the state and federal government. we are already taxed. what is fair share? it just feels unfair to talk about it. spending on some of those levels come i don't think americans want to be taxed more to get those things. i think there has to be some sort of accountability for the choice to spend if it is going to hurt to tax. >> kayleigh: as mccarthy said we don't have a revenue problem but a spending problem. jason, we have another chart here, you can see 3.2% growth in defense spending. compare that with the energy department gets from 11.5%, excuse me energy, 19% increase, so defense is a marginal increase not keeping pace with inflation while china is huge military and north korea with lobbing missiles at japan. >> defense is already way ahead of inflation. >> jason: the problem is you
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talk about the deficit, but you don't refer to the debt. and the problem is the servicing of the dead to commit is going to be eclipsed. the interest that we pay on our national debt will far outspend what we spend on defense! to give you an idea, ronald reagan was president of the united states, we had more than 600 naval ships. today we have less than 300. so what china is building them and cranking out as fast as you possibly can, you start to look at it and say, "we no longer can fight on two and half friends. 2.5 number, 500 east, five in the west, and a low level conflict. you can't do that anymore. >> marie: we don't need the same number of ships in the '8 is because we have different tools to deal with them. >> jason: we have a have a live and aircraft carriers and is dilapidated. they need to make this constant investment. you can't switch the switch off and on. don't tell me a record number on defense spending. when you look at it as a
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percentage of gross domestic problem it should be 4% but now it's 3%. these are the great threats and this is why china is on the move. wife iran on the move. this is the threat coming around the globe is because they sense a weak america and weak president and an ability for us to fight. fortunately, donald trump got us the space force. there needs to be more emphasis on that. everybody laughs about that, but there is a war going on in space. if you look at that classified information, china, russia, spending a lot of time on there. >> kayleigh: there is no doubt about it. emily, to the point going back to the deficit. the truth is this is a quote and i believe it was "wall street journal," "winning is coming down from the height of spending during the covid pandemic, but president biden is using to conceal his parties spending agenda but no party has been good with deficit and democrats are bringing down the deficit and reducing the debt." you republicans are turning a
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good job over the last five years as well. maga party has to have head on straight. >> emily: fair share is overgeneralized. it makes me feel like a fisherman in high school again. without that specificity, it just underscores the fact that inflation, for example, is the most disproportionate impact. the info on those underserved classes in the middle class. how do we talk about biden's thank corporations pay their fair share and the wealthy americans and whatnot. totally ignoring that under his absolute eradication of any kind of fiduciary sense, that inflation has skyrocketed up you're the reason we are cutting $3 trillion over the next ten years with this budget that thankfully will never passes because it is our money paying for it. when the government through the lips of democrats tells you, we are going to do this, we are going to protect this. what does protection mean? take my money from my economy and give it to this person who
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has created dependency because of your inability to foster independence for them? you are taking income from my bank account, and you are putting it into the large holes with the lack of balance has created, to your point, regardless of party and affects all americans. it is so disingenuous. it is so -- to think this money is being taken from the shelf. this will fix everything. your household budget is toxic. and if you are fooling with deficit to china and the like, you will not say i will spend more to take care of it. you cut your spending. you exhibit fiscal responsibility. >> jason: that is a point i want to make. >> kayleigh: if you were in congress what would you cut? >> most of the federal grants. >> that doesn't balance the budget, that is a big ticket item. [overlapping voices] >> jason: there is a real
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answer and 73% of the budget is problematic spending. medicaid, medicare, social security but hundreds of other programs, congress never touches. they say, it is over here. so we only get to look at this discretionary budget. you need to look at the whole budget. this doesn't mean you will get rid of social security. it doesn't mean you won't live up to the application for medicaid and medicare. you have to strengthen those and fix those. but the other thing is both parties have failed. you have to cut spending. >> kayleigh: wind rick scott so just looking everything, democrats use as a political weapon to cut social security and medicare, which he never said he would do. both have to come together for the betterment of the country. >> emily: i was an attorney in the administration so i understand that every dollar that we spend to those entitled to it, we waste two to three on the inefficiency of waste fraud and abuse. raise the eligibility age and get rid of fraud. rapid ridiculous incompetence.
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>> marie: if you start messing with people social security. [overlapping voices] >> kayleigh: coming up in new york city put migrants up in new york hotels and torments, that is right in colleges. the democrat mayor with migrants sent to college with taxpayers fitting the bill. ♪ ♪ type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. and you may lose weight. adults lost up to 14 pounds.
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♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪
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♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: new york city gave migrants free phones, health care, and put them up and hotels on the taxpayers' dime. mayor eric adams reportedly wants to send them off to college. adams is developing a pilot program to enroll 100 migrants at a community college. the program would include 12 months of free tuition plus room and board, costing estimated $1.2 million in the first year. the republican new york congressman elise stefanik slamming the program, he is incentivizing and rewarding
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illegal immigration simply to thwart the crisis of the democrats all making out of new york city. amy. >> amy: this is so ironic because mayor adams is the one day after day in the newspaper saying he wants money from the governor. he wants money from federal government to take care of the 30,000 migrants in new york city. however, he is now creating another opportunity for spend for them. already costing new yorkers $364 per day per my grip and there are 30,000 migrants. that is about $4 million, $5 million per day currently spending on migrant issue. now, there is another opportunity to put money towards it. it is absolutely unbelievable in so many ways but. i can't believe he's complaining that we have no money to do it and comes up with a program like this. so many new yorkers would love to have free education for their children. we have 30,000 migrants that are homeless that we feed, clothe, house but new york city has
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about 17,000, 20,000 homeless people per day we are not taking care of i see every day. >> kayleigh: to that point, let's talk about americans without a college degree. marie, the student loan for this program biden would take money from those without college degrees and give it to those who have chosen to pursue that. this, too, take money from a college degree and subsidize for college degree. what would you say to americans without college degree? >> first eric adams is not super progressive leftist democrat. he's talked a lot about -- no, he's talked a lot about crime, immigration. >> kayleigh: that is different in action. >> marie: the pipe and administration buddy runs a city where the reality is what the reality is and we need to deal with this huge migrant population. i don't know if this proposal will go forward. in general, to your question there is a bigger problem in this country with college affordability, community college affordability and accessibility and how we get people educated.
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not everybody needs a four-year college degree. we need to make community college free for people, trade colleges not where everybody needs to follow the same path with her education. student loans, this is a problem. there is a whole generation that will never be able to buy a house, contribute to the economy in a meaningful way because of it. >> kayleigh: justice roberts, amy, made the point in oral arguments over this, a lawn service owner who takes out a loan to subsidize his small business, he is not getting loan forgiveness but the kid with a college degree does, the illegal immigrant spirits be one of course. the priorities are absolutely -- and the administration does nothing and i think you were talking during the commercial break, what it's like to pay high taxes and in virginia, you know, it struck me like the choice to be able to choose where you live is such a luxury.
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those new yorkers who are stuck behind saddled with this $1.2 million debt, which by the way, that was a cost of tuition. that does not include the execution of this program. it does not include the salary and benefits of the employees of newly stated office of asylum-seekers and more appear those people don't have a choice. it is a luxury to be able to lead these democrat lead cities where they are simply extracting more and more and more from hard-earned paycheck including through the likes of the student loan forgiveness plans and the like. to this point for the administration that says, oh, hey we have all these dependency programs and we will give you loan forgiveness. clearly it is not working because we are creating a new one for the migrants coming across the border in new york. none of it makes sense because it is lip service. >> kayleigh: jason. >> jason: you are a sucker if you live in new york and pay your taxes as a united states citizen. why should i have two or anybody else have to pay for somebody
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else who came here illegally! they are not even in this country -- we are not talking about green card holders. we are talking about people illegally. we will subsidize arousing? why do you think there are so many people, magnet, that term magnet, come to new york city? they are giving away everything, a phone, housing, free education. we will be a sucker. >> $4.2 billion for this fiscal year. >> kayleigh: boarding bill mcburney more money. pete buttigieg explained to us roads are racist. driving your car is racist also so if you live in los angeles. that is next. ♪ ♪ - "the most perfect medium, because it will preserve its own level; because having intrinsic and universal value, it can never die in our hands." true then. true now.
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♪ ♪ >> emily: if you are white and a driver in los angeles the liberal media thinks you are racist. that is right, the "los angeles times" with a brand-new piece titled, wait for it, how white and influent drivers -- citing a study of the op-ed complains about white residents from affluent neighborhoods who drive through other towns. it may sound like a paradox but it's not committed as a function of the racism that shaped the city and continues to influence our daily lives. and a stark reminder of the need for climate solutions that affect everyone. marie, part of the problem with that crafty shape and framing it as it turns off so quickly people who might otherwise be inclined to help and open to solutions that might help to
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raise those who are disproportionately affected than those in pollution riddled areas and the desert and the lakes and lap of the divide in l.a. between the haves and have-nots keeps getting wider and wider and wider because there is being shut down there throat spirits before wagers are getting wider and wider and wider. the top part of the economy is making more. it is true historically that countries and cities around this country, highways were built through areas in the city that were low income. we note that peer that is a fact across the country in many citis including l.a. we note many can class people don't have cars. they take public transportation and people who are affluent drive more and end up through these highways driving through the communities. but that polluted air affects all of us, it affects poor people and we need to make sure we rethink clean air appeared we have a responsibility to do that together. but the study is true born by
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the facts. i wouldn't use the racist part about people driving on highways, but it is a fact. >> emily: and the thing, jason, there is some public transportation. there was a couple of buses but no subway, rail, so everybody has to drive in l.a. appeared to marie's point commit a sort of exactly for example and less fundamental changes but never will because the state has no budget either in the state doesn't want to address it in that way. there is no other option because from the beginning they didn't make the choices. >> jason: the assumption is 405 or 101 and i used to live in southern california has a little kid, that that was somehow racist. you know whatcom affluent people don't want to live next to the freeway. they want to live close enough but to suggest you are driving on a freeway is somehow a racist fact? let's remember los angeles the hispanic population is far bigger than the so-called white only nonhispanic population. by about 20%. so, you can't say that hey, we
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will parse off the air. why do they keep throwing racism at everything? why do they continue? do we want to fight pollution? yeah, i don't care what color or race you are, you want to fight pollution. but don't say that is racism because whites drive more peer that is ridiculous. >> emily: that turns everybody off. >> kayleigh: that is a key thing. why turn everyone off by using that as a mechanism. instead encouragement of other options is the way to go. the other thing, making solutions or broad brush as if we make these big changes like going to electric cars, electric cars still pollute but all kinds of things that add to the equation. so making a sweeping statement that certain people driving cars is what is killing all the error, this is not the sweeping thing and not scientifically correct and nothing that will urge people to do the right
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thing to live better with the environment. >> emily: we need to encourage rather than mandate, it dictate, regulate, et cetera which the administration does the same thing. to your point, electric cars depends on fossil fuels. it is more expensive. so you try to amp up and live underserved communities commit is more expensive and zero plan to transition to get them over to the woke left sort of pictures ideal told told libertarian society. >> kayleigh: we will see a lot more of this in california. do you remember the headline be discussed here were california looking to band diesel powered trucks to rectify decades of practices. we will see more of that. to jason's point, i hope we get more fact checks on this because twitter now run by someone that check the claim. and ellie's population 48.4% hispanic latino, 28.1% white only, not hispanics.
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twitter is fact-checking the claims of the left. >> emily: the fastest growing population of truck drivers are people of color. so, let's get rid of an industry. we will be right back, guys. -to? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie! this is going to be great. taking the shawl off. okay i did it. is he looking at my hairline? my joint pain isn't too bad. well, it wasn't this morning.
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>> here we go coming up live at the white house, president biden with bilateral meeting with president european commission. we will listen for news and remarks as they happen at the white house. also a press briefing set to take place 2:30 p.m. eastern time which are in bay director and council of economic advisors chair will be speaking following today's big jobs report. we will be listening for that.
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also, reaction from econ panel shortly and west virginia's ag patrick morrissey will be joining us live on transgender's in sports. we will joining us live top of the hour come join john roberts and me and "america reports" begins at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: welcome back. it is time for "in case you missed it." the oscars is on tonight and it could be the last time someone wins best actor or actress. the academy is considering getting rid of gender categories to be more inclusive. my first question is, who cares, jason? [laughter] >> jason: you think i care? do you think i'm the one like oh, come on! i can even name the nominees. i don't give a but we have to be
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politically correct. i'm so tired of it. >> kayleigh: i don't see any of the movies but last year there was a lot. so maybe we should watch it. [overlapping voices] 's >> if we don't change the categories and we will get smacked. >> kayleigh: no, that is the most popular category. speed two and then what would happen? would it then be one recipient? i have a lot of questions about it but i agree where the hallowed halls of the academy has been eroded and obliterated a while ago. so they can do what they want to do which they always do anyway. but will it be -- i don't know. >> kayleigh: if they were talking about recipients. they don't have a lot of viewers. next, thanks to newtek we have
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the guilt tip. you know what we talk about, they turn the ipad to you and a tip 10%, 30% and these are propping up places you don't normally give gratuity like the grocery store checkout line. emily, on this, inflation like grocery bills are $200, $300. 10% is a lot of money. >> emily: i always use self checkout lane and the writer of this article says he got a really dirty look when he didn't check the person checking him out. he felt so duped in the moment that you are right, this cost is skyrocketing. people don't have that amount appeared to feel shamed because of it is terrible. keep in mind, astronomical numbers, 20%, 25%, one, two, three, and all appeared to the algorithm of the app. people are getting socially -- >> kayleigh: don't try buying a case of wine, marie with a 20%
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tip. >> marie: no. maybe it is my midwestern guilt. every time i see it, they are looking at you and you have to do something. i feel so guilty. although, i tip at coffee shops and things like that here at a party agree it's gotten out of control. sometimes it is astronomical and sometimes ridiculously low. i don't know what is happening here but it is out of control. >> kayleigh: the guilt is real, amy. >> amy: pressure. if i could do it currently with my uber, then i don't sometimes, depending on how the uber went. but if i'm right in front of the person come i can't deny it. i fall for it. i feel bad walking away. >> kayleigh: jason, you are so nice. i would want you to be my tipper. >> jason: be careful because it depends on what you are doing. i tip like at the hotel when i leave my room. i leave a $20 bill. people that have to come in and clean up.
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but if you are doing nothing and at the jimmy john's and turn that thing around and 16-year-old is looking at me for $20? >> kayleigh: buddies looking at you! >> jason: zero, zero! on jesse watters that way. [laughter] if they do something tip them but if you are simply hinting that my sandwich? you don't need $20. >> kayleigh: jesse watters apparently. finally poodle hybrids are taking over the dog community but not everyone is safe and pure "the wall street journal" spoke with haters including one who had this to say in a reddit post. i hate dogs and i'm really talking about doodle breeders and pet parents who are willing to go out and spend $5,000 on what is essentially a scam. i am tired about the way these dogs are advertised, and i'm sick of how these dogs have a fad. i didn't know that about this. >> emily: i say love the dog, hate the fad because so many
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breeders creating a talk to mike treating it on because of how it looks and instagram like we tals what is publicly such a turnoff for so many. >> kayleigh: may be and are getting them because they are cute dogs and they want to woo women. [laughter] >> jason: like a fishing reel? yeah, well, i'm outnumbered. there is a reason they call that show "outnumbered." i like poodles. >> kayleigh: you like poodles. that is the quote of the day. >> emily: i intensely dislike any type of breed fad because it ends up running the breed. those dogs everybody is obsessed with, when they don't perform standards and put in shelters, the deaf ones, et cetera. and the two breeds disproportionately euthanized tens of thousands a year our huskies because "game of thrones" and pit bulls. so when i see these fad to commit says volumes about the kind of person that buys them. i don't know why you want
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something everybody else has. it is all the dobermans dobermans. >> adopt, don't shop. >> kayleigh: exactly, stay >> kayleigh: exactly, stay away fro more "outnumbered" and just aof moment. ♪ ♪ t ben ity for a va loan, for up to 100% of your home's value. if you need cash for you family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no... give us a call. ♪ i like to move it, move it ♪ ♪ you like to... move it ♪ we're reinventing our network. ♪
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truckload capacity and dedicated trucks and drivers. ♪ >> last but not least, check this out, the u.s. air force has unveiled brand new photos of b21 radar during the 2023 air and space forces warfare symposium in colorado. it's the first american bomber aircraft in more than three decades and described as a bomber adam itable for future -- adaptable for future threats and b21 radar isn't expected to make first flight till next year. when it does, jason, i'll be on the ground cheering when i grew up with photos and posters of b22 all over my wall and it's been described as you can hear it but can't see it. >> no, look, this is the best of america and take as lot of money
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and resources to do it. but you want to have the biggest, baddest military so nobody dares takes on the united states of america and it's this kind of technology that makes a difference. >> that's right and go raiders to boot. all right, guys, thanks to everyone and now here's america reports. >> we chose freedom over fauciism like iowa, and we were right and they were wrong. [ applause ]. >> florida governor ron desantis speaking today in the state of iowa. his first trip to the first in the nation caucus state. at least if you're a republican it is. high profile visit comes as washington post is reporting that desantis is privately telling people he does intend to run for president. >> the governor appears to be testing the waters in the early voting state before top 2024 presidential candidate donald trump campaigns there. so who has the upper hand? kelly anne conway and charlie hurt joining us on t


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