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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  March 11, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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this saturday march 11th, 2023 i'm christina coleman in for jon scott thanks for wonderful fox viewers for watching we'll see you tomorrow and don't forget to turn your clocks forward one hour tonight. gutfeld is next. ♪ ♪ [applause] greg: there we go. there we go.e there we are. g look ao,t that. look at them -- yeah. somebody should have told meld m about my collar. i'm firing somebody i don't know who it is. happy thursday everyone i'my, superexcited.yo i'nem welcoming russell brand to the show. yes. [applause]
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i have been a fan of brand for decades ever since his talk show big brothers big mouth it is show that was so outrageous legal wouldn't even let us show it. which sucks but even at the start of his career he was aw brilliant brain in search ofucks food at a time when the shelves were bare but now most abrupt change in any career since o.j. simpson. [laughter] brand was a great comedian, successful actor, bigger than most rock stars it helped that he looked like rases putin had sex with janis joplin and play rock stars in movies because he was better at it than they were and before sober proved no amount of drugs could take himug down so comedian movie star married to hyperarctic and tall and handsome and inspired me to get hair plugs on my chests. and what does he do? h he walks away from it, he walks
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away from it like hunter biden strolling away from a strippers baby. literally he lets it go. and for what --e to dleo a podcast -- because you know we don't have enough of them. but he wasn't pushed he wasn't victim of cancel culture, no it is the opposite they didn'ts cancel himth. he canceled them. and no one does that, ever -- he dumped stardom. e so who was the side piece he couldn't resist? something called truth -- here's a taste. >> i've been on that msnbc it wa ms propaganda not crack rei.a .sgive me specific example.e anth example. the ludicrous outrageous criticisms of joe rogen around iva deliberating referring to effective medicine --fe that's examplect. turning on tv saying if you take this vaccine you're not going to get it when it was clinically trialed participating in the
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same game. >> i feel so bad for him it has like hore wore that joy division shirt for nothing. but it is not like brand was knocking just msnbc but us as well but i can take it i'm a big boy even though i buy my shoes at baby gap. [laughter] because i know that i'm biased just like i know that i'm short or strikingly handsome. that's the difference. i don't pretend you wouldkn mistake meow for edward becausen he's dead mainly and still gets better ratings than don lemmon so what could drive a movie stan to leave it all behind to joine an uncertain future one that may, in fact, way out today we're watching narrative pumped up by algorithms that insight conflict because it makes money. and it preserves the power ofit such algorithms in corporate bosses, it districts our behavior by spiking our anger with every headline in missing o fact. and as long as we as a nation fight amongst ourselves, we
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can't fight them. it is genius really -- if only someone had said this three years ago.d sa >> we're watching narrative pumped up by algorithms and inciting conflict because it makes money and preserves power and corporate boss it is districts our behavior but spiking our anger with every headline and missing fact and as long as we as a nation fight amongst ourselves, we can't fight them. it is genius really -- >> wow it is almost like i age backward. [laughter]selv five years from now i'll be doing this show in a diaper. so that's how i fell about russell how does he feel about me -- i bet greg gutfeld vibrates as a human being in hatred. >> greg gutfeld vibrates as a human being and a snide silly sausage stealing oxygen and wasting time. o your name, your weird facial looks like caving in anus youryr
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emptiness echoing tub of your mind. greg: very good. after describe my face as anus he received complaint letters but from anus by the way i consider that anus is important i can crack a stock of celery in half.- did i burn all of my posters of him in a bonfire? no.d because i remember that i had it coming. >> you know it is bad when aw left wing scum named russell brand actually weighs in and what russell brand is lecturing united states on bigotry -- the deadliest form of bigotrytr radical lamby, is spewing from home land but too much of and coward to actually focus on c thatow. he should talk about what's
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going on in his home and not in ours. >> oh there you go i'm bad. if not worse -- which is why i'm grateful brand came here because he didn't have to. he doesn't need me that's for sure. meanwhile as brand visits us in bill maher and joe rogen we see how corporate media and protects go after all four. we know how cnn accuse rogen of advocating taking horse pillings it was a lie so bold even horse said nay -- but it was a direct attack on someone threatening their power. and now here's a headline from the new statesman about russell brand we have lost russellen brand. and why -- [laughter] you know i didn'ndt read thewh article because it was behind a pay and if i want to give money tof progressives i'll tip a barista. but their reason, he's no longer saying what they want him to say. just using the word lost implies they own him in the first place but now he's what elizabeth
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warren would call off theth reservation. and, of course -- there's tucker who adds more and not less information to a storya that theti media claims is biggr than 9/11 and yet when they get all of that new stuff they go after him instead and why, because he undermine their? corrupt narrative. and there's this -- t anhi actual senator. >> last night millions ofs americans tuned into one ooff te most shameful hours we have ever seen on cable television.n he's goingca come back tonighti with another segment. fox news should tell him not to. i urge fox news to order carlson to cease propagating big lie on his network. and to level with their viewersr about their truth.view that's one of our oldest old senators you can smell himt before he enters the room.e it is a combo of bengay callingl private companiny to sensor a employee i think it is good toy hear that out in the open.
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because you know they always say the first amendment only applies to the public's sphere. but when the government puts its thumb on private company that censorship too. and now the ftc is asking elon musk to identify all journalist who had access to twitter files. and any word from any media reporters nope. i haven't soon a media this speechless since the view discovered an old donut and joy armpit and today this is from today watch how these democrats treat matt taibbi. >> when was first time he approached you about writing the twitter files. asking a journalist to reveal source. >> consider mr. musk to be about direct source of thawfl? >> now trying to get me to say that he is the source. >> you can't answer because it>> is your source then that only logical conclusion is that he is, in fact, your source. >> well you're free to conclude that. >> sir i don't understand you can't have it both ways -- c >> he can. he's a
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>> he can't. >> if democracy dies in darkness they're the ones turning off lights so implosion of two partt system but not in government it is the media we've been stuck ie prison of two ideas so long youo have two choices left or right. but now it is falling apart i people like brandes tucker roged they're voices that identify request not one yet millions identify with them. if that's how future looks weks should all be happy.d and it is thanks to no small part to the epic journey of mr. russell brand my continue say this is flapping anus. [applause] let's welcome tonight's guest like a scone in a volcano actor, comedian, russell brand. truck drivers blast when she>> starts outnumbered co-host emily. she's like a hair drier full of
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hot air and electrocutes people in bathtubs fox news captain -- and his pronounces are bite andg me -a my massive side kick in nwa champion, russell welcome to the show finally you know, do i still look like an anus. >> i've been looking at you throughout the analog and it is the most valued one. >> from a male perspective. [laughter]le's >> thank you. >> that an insult. >> also that point we were in abstractly discussing some issues around which we thought we were deeply at odds but i can see over time we've come to agree that broadly speaking decentralization and meaningful attack attacks of systemic power are only way that america and
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world can allow people to organize their own communities to have as muc h individual and communal freedom as possible tov permit people to live as traditional or progressive lifestyles as they want to andn formize to be able to confront centralized institutional powerw and unnecessary now than ever..n i don't usually say that to people if i think they look like a bottom hole, greg so you should bflate flattered. [applause] >> emily do you think i look>> like an anus? >> no. >> that's what the whole blockol will be about by the way. what do you make of this by the wadoy do you think two party system of the media is dead? >> i think it is dying in terms of its credibility and we've learned that a long time ago i agree with russ that will new alliances you spoke about decentralizing these alliances and the points of power -- we've seen how strong the liberal woke left refuses to leg go of it right how strong they're attached attached it lat
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amount of prosecutions over journalist in terms of trying to identify source os cur in the obama administration. here we have sitting senator schumer that's to your point to decry fourth estate access to transparency and freedom of information. that's the very last person on the planet that should bet attacking what is disseminating video of something that we've spent hundreds of millions ofhi dollars onng prosecuting. and the left always eats their own.e le we see it in twitter, we see it on social media if you dare toal not have that group think and bp an african-american senator who is conservative, then you're called names i can't say onco television if you dare to not operate in lock step, the left will eat you alive. recently reuters and oxford conducted a poll where they --e. >> two men -- >> two men -- >>co identify as, greg only assume. >>re but they asked who peopleen trust and top ten journalist or sources that americans trusted five of them work at thisso network anurd the articulate -- >> was i on that list? >>
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but not at that time but the --l but the point that people articulated was because it infused fact with strong opinion.icul so it is not about the lies thah we keep seeing perpetuated by left and you pointed out is a game that both sides play. but it is about those who bring you the fact and i say this is what i think this is freeth thinking i joe rogen glenn greenwald and otherwise they're fed a talking point and a script. >> well done. kat you know what i'm going aski you -- >> intf you look like a butt hole -- [laughter] i mean, yeah. >> oh, no. >> i mean it is true i'm all right with it.ue you know if you're going to loo. like something, i mean, look like what everybody has --like >> some people are into that so -- so look, i agree i'm a way moree interested in this point atpo conversations about like the people versus the system than
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partisan conversations of republican versus democrats i'm, obviously, i'm not either one o those things i'm not republican or democrat and never have been. and it is just become so clearhe to me that it is more about party than principles. and the one thing that's made that so clear to me lately isth the views on the military. i've always been really antiware always been ena huge critic of e military industrial complex i think that department of defense is more like the department war makes money. and you know just you can see how many times they've lied to e us for those ambitious and money reasons.ious but that's something in the past that people on the right would scream at me about and now -- >> including you -- >> yeah. especially you. [laughter] and now it is people on the left are screaming at me about it. and i think that it is any conversation that we can have i don't think that's a bad thing but i think more free thinkingii and i can sometimes have a conversation that's better witha someone who is left wing forne example rather than a party lind
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democrat for example because they agree that the system and people in power kind of lie to you and -- we should be confronting that and be honestly searching for truth based on principles. >> well i stopped listening when she said i looked like an anus. >> you asked -- l >> last word tyrus what do you think? tyrus: you do.ou unfortunately man it's -- a we've become like the mob. you know and this is hot rightco now thatme people are blasting p other. but we're just one street attack away from falling right back in line. a they're justtt waiting for the next so-called racism police attack or celebrity decides to go on a yacht trip with his wife and she falls over and we'll w follow that for six months andfa not pay attention to all of then good putth out there to people pay tenges and i would say this you don't have to pick sides buc whenever someone when you've got to somebody with something like we have a photo that shows this
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and their sans where did you get that from. who is your source i want to know. not oh, i can explain that or -- so that's their angle well bring out ours they have a whole production team and b footage of january 6th but instead it was where did you get that from who is it? we want to know and get rid ofvs them. tell us now. d that comes from somebody who is corrupt because when -- just like if you were cheatingcr on your wife like we have this photo it is not i'm sorry i shouldn't cheat but how did you find out --e lookinthg at my phone honey how you violate my trust same thing -- [laughter]t on unfortunately. but it all sounded good, though. you're all on a thawnchts. >> it. dug that. greg: it's true we need another weird controversial -- we celebrity death. tyrus: just coming off theould murdaugh death. >> i don't to give up the gift of life simply to provide more
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in the media. rather employ -- >> endless glory and grace. endless diversity -- the sweetness of just to give you a bit of a laugh greg just so that you can pucker up the sweet sphincter that's your -- not just about laughing it i about ratings. greg: up next iqs are falling because schools are appalling. there's a story in every piece of land. written by those who work it. like the upshaws. the nelsons. and the caggianos. run with us and start telling your story.
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>> is it really a bummer that we're getting dumber? w study published in the scientific journal intelligence suggest that for the first time in 100 t years average americanh i.q. is declining which is greated as good news i in the
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journal stupidity. i thought it was better when ihi saw it this morning. it is a reverse a trend that saw average i.q. jump 3 to 5 points every decade since 1930s. so let me say be the first to say it nice job kardashians. [laughter] the age group showing the steepest i.q. decline 18-22-year-olds group scientist callis girlfriends of dicaprio. [laughter]ed researchers theorize that, quote, even caliber of educatio is decreased and/or a shift in perceive value of certain cognitive skills and further proo sf i.q. declined i'm not st what the hell that means but study could be devastating for students self-e same unless attractive then call me students. >> a pervert would say -- >> all right tyrus what do you think is causing this decline? >> stupid ass parents.
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that's just we've all gotten stupid and lazy. you let the tablet raise the child. you don't t have real lifehild lessons.u then you send them out in the real world and don't like something they get a safe space to hide in or teacher says something they don't like teacher goes away so, of courses we're alayl getting stupider. the reason and those of us who don't want t to comply into that we get dumber hearing conversations so that's why you see intelligent people witr h headphones on all of the timey just tryinyog to survive.u [laughter]ll trying to haveig headphones on n the airplane i would be drools on himself and eating human flesh by time i get here.g let's beon honest when america stops to watch reality tv, we'r stupidon. like -- who enjoys that? like it's -- >> i do. see you're all getting dumber iy is always saying go outsidebe there's a thinr.g called theed sun -- t go out there and just wait something will happen. wai >> yes. that is true. greg: especially in new york city might get a naked manou
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masturbate on you. >> if that's your thing then go for it i'll look for more wilderness stuff. >> a butter fly watch a deer eat some grass. >> first thing you thought of -- >> he is an anus >>ou i've got series of good points because education is effected by poverty.fe and herect are some facts that c will help us understand this. it won't take very long and doing this because i respect ann love you and reading out actualo facts okayve i love if it gets boring you can stop me and -- we could perhaps wrestle that b would beor a brief -- >> her first. >> i would prefer that order --d p>> work the room. if i began wrestling emily i might not get around to youar couloud we prolong this? for just another couple of decades? >> running out of time -- >> waiting. [laughter] e is>> okay so listen to this gl citizen poverty is the main
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barrier to education in the united states. i want tr o draw your collectie attention to the pandemic io think we alljo understand thatue during the pandemic education decline i can see it go one minute break to commercial so ge wrap this >> other panelist russell. i have other panelist. thanks for coming. [laughter] >> now listen during that pandemic period, billionaires added 5 trillion to their fortunes that means that the during the pandemi pc a new billionaire was created every single day while extreme poverty increased everywhere while small businesses closed everywhere and i'll say something on fox news and recently not been possible. as president donald trump's tax cuts help billionaires pay less taxes than working class in to 18 for first time in american history 400 healthier paid lowen tax rate and you're going toroup like this bit 2021 democrats scale back plans for a crackdowt on tax cheating. bowing to aggressive lobbying campaign by the banking cindustry, while joe biden told
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rich stoners on campaign trail that nothing would fundamentally change if he were elected president so like some of theun great pointsda in your money log having that reference i was like rasputin although he was like a sexy guy and two system itself e in particular manner in which i was funded that prevents meaningful change for ordinaryn people and this education problem jokes about cultureth kardashians et cetera really education if the state has a duty at all is the younga americans is protection of young americans this would be my point greg gutfeld. >> very good. [laughter] [applause] edit out the last two minutes of that. m >> that was the last bit. tether to promo and watch fox news and affiliated news with fox international. >> emily what do you say make it fast -- >> sorry. i say social yenned screen time
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kids are given screens from asc tiny age threere to five that'se effecting their complex memoryft and reading it is affecting their cerebral development as they get older they have thinner cortexes from it. and we know that your brain if you are physically hurt exhibits same reaction as when you are socially shunned so you throw im socialen media, you throw in those -- teenagers who are getting ostracized and told to kill themselves that is erosion of k the brain and the suppressive results that happen from that that's why i.q.s are low but i feel strongly that social mediae the screenra time thatted a vent is immediate decline of the e >> kat last word. >> i think some of it has to do with last block because binary thinking is critical thinking saying two option when is there are limitless possibilities. and when you pick side you don't have to think because thet thinking is doneha for you. you just --
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my side good, other side bad and if your side does bad instead of confronting you list off bad stuff other side did and how they're worse that also leads to corruption in government, which stops from any help coming to the people a s you mentioned.s >>an there you go all right we have to move on up next republicans aren't stunnedic liberaanl wants them shunned. [applause] senegal 38%, portugal 29. did you know that? i had no idea. the more you learn the more you want to know, and then it just fuels that fire. we now live in a place our ancestors have been for many, many years and we had no clue. nigerian. i got a lot of it from you. explore your family story with ancestrydna. now on sale.
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talks about art and stings like a part. fart i know. new york magazine art critic told his followers instagram not cult to shun anybody who supports gop candidates even if they share your dna if you know anyone who voted republican including friends and family you should shun them no need to tell them you're no longer xiewctingn with them or why and great news for anyone related to jerry who can avoid him by just claiming they're republicans. [laughter]
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yeah no more turning off lights and hiding when they hear him scratch at the front door. he ended with yet and they wanto tor. bring back lynchen past tid before republicans made them knock it off and old jerry backi downng telling maga reallies you buy ticket for portraying yourbl country you takeic the ride. a which republicans are happy to do apparently when they're in charge the trains stay on the tracks.g >> coming -- >> yeah. what do you say, kat? what do you say unhealthy to think this way to cut people out of your life you were talking about this before. >>we yeah. but also to cut them out and not tell them why.d no that's the -- that's saying that you're worse than a criminal that's saying okay not only republican he says republicans are evil but doesn't stop there he says they're evila in a way that they cannot beil rehabilitated ever.ot because then you would be sayini okay maybe you should tiewk them and if you disagreeu communication can change heartms and minds. he's saying like they're worse n and worse of criminals becausey'
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peoplere in prison no why they'e there at least, our legal systems gives them that respect you killed that guy now you havu to stay here he's saying no you stop talking to him so either ho really believes it is not possible for people tosser change their minds. or --fo he just wanted to show thad the most liberal points. like he has the most points one his team that i would have cut h them all out of my life. >> do you shun family memberswh who o aren't attractive?t >> stop it. that's so messed up -- greg: i would i don't to beer around ugly familys. members thy bring me down and unhappy. i can't see them in my mind's eye -- >> in your brown eye -- >> brown eye -- thank you emily. [laughter] she whispered it. secretly ten years old. [laughter] >> that was amazing. >> because i'm secretly -- i'm not overtly --
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>> also up pitch on that joke you could do mine's anus as well. yours was good, though. really good. >> that means a lot i appreciate that.u yeah look --id to carry that theme, the biggest [bleep]ey are'e the ones that refuse to engage they're ones that refuse to hav e a conversation i'll never forget a dinner here in the city with a diverse group of people of all like a journalist people wholo most left leaning d person that left the table thatm refused toos engage in the conversation and had to leave because they were so upset that we were talking about where wesa work andti fox news and "new yok times" and where everyone was from was the one person who never watched our network and he felt so strongly about that than he had tevo leave the table.ork. so he can shun his family members it is him that's going t to have suffer that loss. it is him that is suffering the true connective tissue that is this lifetime hyphen and tombstone at the end whater matters is friends ands
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connection if he can't rise above that to have ae th conversation with them then who wants him at their thanksgiving table anyway. >> have you been shunned since t you've transformed yourself? w >> well isn't it odd that -- last time you and i interacted or bit remotely using too manyt explicatives you were calling me marxist scum now a right wingd s conspiracy theorist and i'm saying same thing that. centralize establishment power is ayo problem that no one is doing enough to advance the interest of ordinary people we need more democracy not less maximum power in our community x and maximum amount of individual freedom. i think difference for me greg gutfeld if i may say is that -- my principles are derived from a faith in god and you cannot love god and not at least operate in good faith in your dealings with other enemy you have to move beyond contempt of the opinions of other people that yourle involved with and lovingly and openly i remember continually
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because i don't remember people about their lives and suffering and reasons they have their perspective and points of view. i think like youre said in your monologue about me and rasnt raspiewten to not and in the o clip that you showed three years ago anhod like kat was saying reducing our ability to analyze various perspectives so i'm here because you've made jokes in ths beginning or like bein.g a movie star all of that kind of stuff i was not fulfilled by that lifeot in particular. i'm from a ordinary background, i don't dress like it because d i've goton a little sexy thing called but -- [laughter] like i'm from new jersey essex so you understand it it is -- >> smells about the same in new jersey. >> smells of aftershave but over body odor for me what i'm
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interested in is open conversations with a variety of people. i feel like the obvious thing ii notht a culture war but ain culture truce. to allow people to live traditional lifestyles and progressive lifestyles why are we arguing about this you can't ever be one centralized system with a right to oppress any group of people on base of their identity, and all the while not with economic issues that means many are suffering unduly.y pe>> tyrus.ll y.>> i recently called white supremacist and i was actually shocked at the meeting ho diverse it is now pretty cool. [laughter] especially guest speaker withal larrlyy eldridge you come a long way but is it really that muchuy of a big deal to be shunned?ll i've been a lot of things and no one has ever shunned me doesn'tn even soundgs tough there's tyrus shun sounds like somebody who was afraid to say he shun --
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and emily that individual let me just tell you that's an old guy move the game was on. it was bored ass conversation going on, and i just would wait i would have been sitting there be like today at fox news you n fox news -- i'm out.d neveber been so offended in a lt of my life.t get info the car just in time f the gameam be like wow i almost got -- [laughter] >> comine g up with fauci lax with shi covid facts. shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. have you ever considered getting a walk-in tub? well, look, no further! safe step's best offer, just got better! now, when you purchase your brand new safe step walk-in tub, you'll receive a free shower package. yes, a free shower package! and if you call today,
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fauci said please no speaking about the lab that's leaking. but now a cdc director blabs about fauci's dangerous labs. former director robert redd field says at the pandemic start fauci shrined him from internal discussions for supporting the lab leak theory and also for calling him half pint. redfield told lawmakers yesterday that only the naturalt origins narrative was allowed in thnae public discourse. and the lab leak theory which
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stay as silent as p in pfizer so became about wet market for me took all of the fun out of wethh markets. earlier today redfield discussed how pew chee and francis colin screwed him over. let me guess do you believe there was a concerted effort? >> i do believe that there was concerted effort by dr. fauci and dr. collins to make sure. co that no one really focused on the lab leak. eventually wthe will all come to learn that this pandemic was a direct consequence of scientific experiments. >> s anyway, pandemic features , slew o tf coincidences.c likefe how coincidental that a covid virus explode in a town that has covid viruses two that a guy behind game of function research steer you away as a cause of the pandemic and labdi leak theory or is there a bigger
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point at stake let's hear from my painfully pail friend tom --f tell uros tom do you care if i s a lab leak? >> i don't care if it is a labce leak i don't care. you know what i care about care about freedom. i want them to craft legislation about medical freedom. no more forced injections no more healthy people being qarn quarantined ever again no morete force testing no more revealing who has a vaccine or virus whos doesn't.ccin we need medical freedom in thiso country that's what we have tohi concentrate medical freedom.y.o to you come is screwed so many>> people over, the only disease he should be worried about is o chlamydia. >> don't loonlk at me when you y that. [laughter] >> i'm interested in your body language has shifted now. you seem comfortable at fox would you consider hosting fox x & friends" weekends? >> it is basically four hour gig you and ainsley be doing bible
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stories -- f >> i would be very happy here. retract the chlamydia claim. and i'll shog w up on time. h [laughter] >> you've been following thise for mea while, though, how do yo feel about fauci in general? >> i feel like if that -- thing didn't come out of -- i'll sit up straight if that foul respect for america. look, problem is if it came out of a particularly with any, economicth ties to the united states of america then i supposy it is a little w embarrassing fc being charged witha. solvingr problem or potentially involvedd in the creation of the problem and it also diminishes our trus in those kinds of institutionsho or ases those redacted e-mailson shows considering possibility that it came from the lab at the time of its origin and yet they chose to crush that narrative. but having said all of that this market was absolutely soaking. s it was soao wet. all of that stuff everywhere all
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over a market -- it could have come from there. >> it was innocent that market it was innocent. >> in this case yes, of allit other things you can get per the market. covid wasn't one os yof them. if it was -- it would have been called the wet flu. or it would have been like sexat with vats and armadillos make you not breathe good and named after the [bleep] place it camnoe from and they insult our intelligence.s to if you're going say it didn't come froinm a lab don't give ita scientific name with a number oi it. [laughter] covid-19 shouldn't it have been covid 1 could have been 1 because it is the first one? we didn't get chickenpox 48. you're the first person to point this out. o i believnee thank you. >> that was a good point you inspired me. thawnchts very much. >> rest assured that i will never shun you. >> god i hate being shunned.
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. >> kat.i >>wo this wouldn't fly at a mide school science fair because when theyd teach you scientific metd draw conclusions as the last step. not the first step. but a middle school kid couldn't get away with this because if you ran across stuff you couldn't have this discredited okay which is why --ed actually people who have theseel high titles are sometimes the least trust worthy because with those titles comes power, that they can abusetles. >> emily. >> yeah and just reminder he'sr, highest paid government employee. he makes more than all four million government employeesfo include thure president and two years ago he testified in front of the senate things that have been blown out of the water thanks to the redacted e-mails now so martha stewart went to prison for less. let's say that. n anowd fact that at the time we know in nonclassified sensitivet cables, twewo years priority the lab leak, delegates from the united states and scientists raising alarm because safety
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measures were so willfully and if thi s stays at this level something dangerous is reallyom going to so we knew way before the labw happenwa sod for him to down ply even the remote possibility and then down play shift in deny the funding that occurred and then get paid by our tax hours more than anyone else to boot --d get out of >> get out of here. >> forget about it. >> og handled that with stripes. yeah. [laughter] >> glad we got that in.>> al ul right up next. >> her name -- >> ouija made them queasy. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue.
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ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala.
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♪ >> a story in five words story inou five words ouija boas make girls sick. all right russell dozens of girls in columbia went to i hospital witn h anxiety after playing with ouija boards att theithr school what is if ouija board really works? >> if you want to speak to the undead you merely want to wande into congress. a joke -- [applause] there you go. >> free joke. >> perfectly done. >> kat, what if i'm serious we have ouija boards as a kid scared crap out of me. >> i have three older sisters they forced me.
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my mom told me incompetent catch the devil from those. >> what if she was right -- >> which is like i wish she could see this but if she's right she does -- she knows what happened and she's like those fools.s [laughter] i don't knowlise. >> why are -- do they tell us it is just a game we have mind bodyme experience we can -- when we do things it does affect our body. >> right. >> no. >> we're so frail. so brittle . >> in the hospital for one more time could you say iinf again fr the audience, anxiety.t where are thage parents? >> they fought the devil -- >> didn't see the devil they got in hand pushing argument. [laughter] that's what all ouija board is. bunch of girls playing i would run in who wants to kiss me and it begins. >> and then -- i'm stronger so i startedrl leaning towards s that one and then all of a sudden the power of the spirit pushes it that way. [laughter] r he s>> so -- my mom will be so mad when she sees you say that. >> i've said a million times you
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can possess my house and haunt spirits are welcome i asked when i say turn off the lights you turn the, m off when i ask you o and if you can conjure up funds let's get it done. >> emily do you have any ouija board experiences?any >> like you i did it all summer party every everything we were obsessed it was amazing. it is like winchester mystery house anyway we love ouijas those of us who grew up in 80s, however, this reminded me o ofui whaptd in 1962 when my brother was eanld lasted had 18 months yes.te ald l in all 14 schools closedded -- affectedpeople were and it was going like fromed village to village so this stuff is real don't mess with young girls. [laughter] >> rea that's the lesson -- that don't mess with young girls? >> hear that. >> any chance it was a soccer game going on in tunisia everyone wanted to get to? [laughter] >> we've got to go. we'll be right back.
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5:00 pm
>> be sure to catch russell brand the new comedy special on rumble. if you haven't tried rumble, yo should join rumble. >> thank you, greg. thank you to our studio audience . goodbye. brian: hi, everybody, welcome to "one nation" it's saturday night and i remain brian kilmeade coming to you from our brand-new studio. i'm excited. i hope you are too. amongst our great guests are governor ron desantis. we live through his little league days. kayleigh mcenany will be here.


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