tv Media Buzz FOX News March 12, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you for giving. please call or go online now. if operators are busy, call again or go to to say yes right away. ♪ going to report today on the lawsuit against fox news filed by voting machines which people on all sides agreed is an important battle over the first amendment. the litigation is at a later stage in the company's agreement i look at both sides and give you my take. that's coming up later in the program. journalists matt taibbi, calling it spineless, corrupt, immoral and i can't say this on tv.
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elon musk who provided the internal documents to journalists is objecting to a serious attack on the constitution by a federal stitute. as the wall street journal reported federal trade commission asking twitter to identify all journalists granted access to the company's records and has committee report says there's no logical reason why the ftc needs every single internal twitter communication about elon musk. at a hearing jim jordan the other day more diplomatic language. >> effectively news media became an armed of the state sponsored thought policing system. >> there were angry clashes between jordan and making democrat stacey plaskett. >> the republicans and two of elon musk's public scribes to release cherry pick out of context e-mails and screenshots designed to promote his chosen narrative. elon musk chosen narrative. >> the first ftc letter to
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twitter after the first set of twitter files, the first question was, who are the journalists you are talking to? and you guys don't care. you don't care. >> sylvia garcia had this tense exchange with taibbi. >> when was the first time mr. musk approached you about writing of the twitter files? >> i can't give it to unfortunately because it's a question of sourcing and i don'- >> did you consider mr. musk to be the direct source of all of this? >> your trying to get me to say he is the source. >> i am howard kurtz and this is media buzz. ♪ joining us now to analyze the coverage, molly hemingway chief of the federalist and connecticut, harold ford, former democratic congressman both are
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fox news conservators. what you make of the fact that they are demanding the names of journalists dealt with journalists because i find it troubling x. >> we had much coming out about how twitter was working with federal agencies as part of a big censorship scheme so there's interest the government should have and how privacy has been violated, the first amendment violated but instead of digging into those things, they are going after twitter and elon musk for exposing some of this nefarious activity. it's alarming and speaks to how powerful our bureaucratic initiative say is, not elected representatives but they are doing more damage to the first amendment. >> the ftc says is doing this to protect the privacy of users despite the layoffs by musk based on 150 million-dollar court settlement last year but doesn't dragon journalists into it feel like over reach?
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>> it does. good morning and happy sunday. what the ftc has done is not over a decade of trying to ensure twitter, the votes protect its users. i think that's one bucket and a legitimate pursuit on part of the ftc but when it's demanding the names of journalists, it's a taller burden do not in reporting and things i've seen, i don't know of any justification, it would have to be a tall order it at least in the public record battle. >> this is the biden administration like lena cohen, the only is there no logical reason why the ftc needs the identity of the journalists but no logical reason the ftc needs every single internal twitter communication about elon musk except i guess looks like the administration doesn't like elon musk very much, he says he's a little to the right but he's obviously a liberal. >> it looks retaliatory the information that, twitter is one
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of the many social media coverage that controls so much of public discourse and debate. we've gone through an era where public debate is suppressed, very important use information censored and what the twitter files showed was social media companies themselves are working with and in some cases being paid by federal tax payer dollars to take part in the censorship of american thought and he is course. it's a massive scandal, important not just for the hill to look into it but journalists is terrifying to see the government agencies themselves are working to suppress further discussion. it's a intimidating thing to do is to say, tell us which journalists you are talking to. >> using in favor of free speech and now one government control or at least government influence over social media platforms. i don't quite get why matt taibbi got into this back and forth about whether he was the
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unnamed source because i think twitter is open about us providing this information to taibbi and other journalists they do's seemed determined to prove this storm water was unethical or trying to make a lot of money off of this and even one of the democrats called him a so-called list. >> i agree, i thought it was not the finest hour if there was. the effort was to try to understand of what mr. taibbi was and what he uncovered concerns him so much and he found so disconcerting. i probably would have asked questions a little different than they were asked but i do think it's important to separate the two things, this data, the concerns around individual privacy in terms of data each of us who use twitter, it's a legitimate pursuit and they obviously have been had an arrangement with twitter and they had to pay that back but this effort here, i think it
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distracts from what clearly legitimate in identifiably legitimate responsibility of the ftc. for them to clear in this space without full explanation why and what and how they believe this is part of will aid their investigation in terms of protecting data and privacy, it's unclear to me and until then, they will continue to get these questions. >> you are the one here asking questions and i'm sure you would have asked them differently but they were so determined to make this into a payday for matt taibbi and he said i haven't gotten paid anything for all the work including travel and hired a team to help them research because it's complicated and a lot of man hours so he said it was a wash rather than a goldmine. >> regardless of whether it's money or not, it's a legitimate news story and something all journalists should take the
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information that came out from the twitter files and move it forward. i have a colleague who use this information to the disinformation industrial complex trying to suppress news information. other reporters have to but it's not led to the major media reporting you would hope for, it seems like people on the left are happy with the censorship regime so they want to suppress any discussion how it operates and why it is a problem. >> it's not like they are carrying out musk's agenda, to look at the files and sometimes say request for suppression or deletion of a tweet came from the biden administration, sometimes the trump white house and sometimes campaigns. let me turn to something that's gotten a massive amount of coverage and i'll come back to you, molly. a story based on warren named sources, donald trump is likely to face criminal charges in the stormy daniels case, manhattan district attorney's hush money payment to the former porn star in the key thing is the report
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that donald trump himself is offered a chance to testify this week before the grand jury which often not necessarily always but often is a signal that an indictment could be coming. what will be the media reaction if trump is died on the least serious accusation against him ask. >> they seem to be happy no matter what they can do to go after this person. the new york attorney general run for office claiming all she wanted to do was indict him for something which is not how it should work in our system of government and system of law. >> a civil case against this. >> they been going after them for all sorts of things but it's the manhattan da. reporters should care more about the legitimacy of this entire operation whether it's good to be so political and prosecution but probably just celebrate. >> i don't know whether harold will be celebrating but i want to read the comments donald trump made, i did nothing wrong, never had an affair with stormy daniels, nor would i want to. this is a political witchhunt
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trying to take down the leading candidate in the republican party so he's saying is all political because he's running for president again. >> your question from the outset was how will the media react to this? scene some reaction including from people who've been critical or constructively critical from former president trump when he was president and there thinking at the outset, this case seems like three or four other seems to be the weakest of the four and there are concerns if you're serious about going after the serious things that this could distract from so i'll be curious to see how the media is about. in terms of the district attorney, his office secure a conviction against the trump organization so i think they have mentioned the. we will have to wait and see, i
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know the georgia case is one people think has more legs and special counsel looking into the documents in the president's behavior, but has even more. >> just to remind people who have forgotten or never tuned in, this is one 30,000 dollars payment with the help of an inquirer that went to stormy daniels in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign so she would not go public with her allegation which former president denies about having had this affair. the check was written by mic michael, fears critic but at the time, trump fixer so let's say this happens, it seems to me the harder media hit trump, the more the maga base will rally and say this is an unfair and maybe dumb prosecution. >> he's been persecuted by every single local, state and federal
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law enforcement agency. the example of the classified documents, we can see the difference between how merrick garland handled it with donald trump versus joe biden, there's not one standard of justice we are under right now and everyone can see it and understand they are going after this person not because they think it's a crime, they are going after him because they find him disruptive. the media have hurt feelings, law enforcement has hurt feelings have disruptive his, that's not what we should do. >> hurt feelings? >> they are very destructive and they don't handle it well but is not a legitimate reason to go after someone. >> is been unfairness -- i'll let you in in a second but i want to throw this on the table, there have been legitimate skepticism, new york times said conviction is far from shore, he pleaded guilty to lying so he's not the most credible witness and business records usually is a misdemeanor. >> i'm not necessarily disagreeing how media react, you
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still have these two investigations, who should have another debate whether the legitimacy and efficacy of the investigations, i think the media at least what i've witnessed thus far, things this case is likely to bring what we think is coming from of the weakest and if you believe the other two or three are stronger, if you read with weakness and was only trying to talk about how the media will react to this. howard: we are seeing a lot of reaction and i do think people will jump up and down, we've been through six years with mueller, weight until this, not saying it won't happen but i am saying it might help donald trump in his campaign, even if he gets charged is not dropping out he says. ahead, a look at the publicized lawsuit against fox news. when we come back, ron desantis and gavin newsom taking on giant corporations and their states and let's say the coverage strikingly different.
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bruising battles between governors and corporate giants, a classic case study and media coverage. florida's ron desantis took on disney which objected to a new state law barring the teaching of sexual orientation and gender identity to public schools in the third grade and below. one control of what had been a special tax district governed by the company. >> disney may have gotten everything they wanted in florida for the last years but there's a new sheriff in town now and we are not backing down. [cheering] >> gavin newsom announced his state cutting ties with the nation's second youngest drugstore chain for saying it won't sell abortion pills and
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certain other states. california won't be doing business with walgreens or any company that cowers to the extremists and put women's lives at risk and we are done. we're just getting started. mollie, the federalists had a piece about this tale of two governors and basically says ron desantis was attacked for looking like is out for revenge or it's all political while the media treated gavin newsom as a hero. >> when ron desantis said disney interfering in their legislative process against a bill that would protect just young children from radical teaching that he was an authoritarian, totalitarian, major media ripping him to shreds. when gavin newsom says they won't do business with walgreens, walgreens is doing nothing like that, just not handling abortion, drugs and estate were those are permitted, they are not lobbying for changes, all of a sudden he got favorable media coverage even though his situation would be on his face as worse than what ron
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desantis is doing even if you care about this. >> i think corporations should express views retaliated against but also a standard. looking at the contrasting tone of the coverage, to think it's more about disney which is governed in orlando district and huge subsidies in florida but tourist magnet or walgreens which says it doesn't want to run lost in other states when it comes to selling abortion pills or is it more to do with the santos and newsom? >> i think it's more to do with voters. it's not lost on me that governor newsom seems his handling of the different treatment and governor desantis but at the end of the day this is what happens when you elect people to office, they come in with a theory of the case on a lot of issues and act on it. voters have the opportunity whether it's two or four years depending on the office to ratify or not ratify with the
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elected officials are doing. in terms of media, it could have been fair. there are those who are probably agree more with the situation with governor newsom and governor desantis but i fall back to this is about elections and elections have consequences and voters recognize that in the media should as well. >> desantis won in a landslide. are the media starting to cover ron desantis which washington post reports he's definitely running for president as the likely strongest challenger to donald trump? let me play a soundbite from nbc historian and contributor, michael. >> he really has tried to turn himself in to a local florida with the book band. >> michael is a clown and bc is clownish having him on to discuss these things but the
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media are treating ron desantis like he's a strong contender for the republican nomination and i think that matches what we are seeing in every poll. president donald trump like the strongest of the contenders but between the two, they are grabbing 70 to 80% or more of the republican primary go and i think is how republican voters view media hostility to both of those men, they understand media tend not to like reporting voters and the people they care about so they see the cost of coverage is confirmation that these are the people they would like to represent them for president. >> i think he was a resected historian but he's extremely person in his role as a commentator and i don't like hitler when you make those analogies. the california situation governor newsom pulled $54 million contract with walgreens, just as certain newsom told politico, are you just going to cower in the face of bullies? reference to 21 republican attorneys general sending out letters saying you could have legal problems if you sell these
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abortion pills in certain states but not everybody shares the governors pro-choice views what usa elections have consequences, right? >> i think it is different, they may, who knows walgreens executive management team may share his views on choice but they have to follow the law and i'll leave that to the warriors on both ends. i do think with governor desantis, about him and president trump, it will be interesting, one of the country not only republicans want to see but i think the country does as well and governor desantis not only with disney will have to answer questions about how he governs in one thing i have a particular issue with and holding teachers accountable weekly accountable for teaching black history, above to learn more about one of red is troubling and i hope he's able to explain not only for his presidential race but the notion of how we educate kids black, white kids and kids with all backgrounds. >> the advantage of being governor's you can do things as
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he will be doing, he got big record for people to think that but there's no question right now it kind of feels like a two-person race in terms of the coverage at least. thank you very much, great to see you this sunday. i look at the legal battle between the meaning voting machines and fox news and why so much is at stake. ♪
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round-the-clock coverage of the lawsuit box. now that the legal filings are in and a judge in delaware will give consideration the smoke to whether the case goes to trial, it's time for me to weigh in. i'm not sugarcoating allegations is $1.6 billion suit for the fact that fox has taken a hit in the court of public opinion but there is a crucial first amendment argument here involving the coverage of unsubstantiated claims of 2020 election fraud by donald trump
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and his allies. fox's dominion has been cherry picking flows from depositions. he's been caught red-handed using distortions and misinformation in their pr campaign to smear fox news and travel on speech and freedom of the press. going to give you both sides but let me say this, fox critics and competitors hard announcing the network and many of them rooting not just for fox to lose the suit but myself as a company because they can't stand the mostly conservative views of relative handful of opinion h host, essence of free speech. the heart of dominion suit is a gap between some hosts privately saying they didn't believe terms claims or didn't like the president and what was said on the air. fox duped the audience to boost ratings but will any company's messages would be embarrassing, a couple things you may not have heard in the negative which. real barroom embedded dominion ceo john to come on her show but he declined and numerous other requests. she read a statement saying the
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latest absurdities deeply concerned. only one humanist spokesman agree to fox news. what you are missing is in the customer cares about the media, just more words from their perspective and bartiromo wrote some instructions so much worthless to think about this totally unsubstantiated election fraud claims life from foyer powell she interviewed and we will need to see hard evidence in the next three weeks. some of the allegations skeptically and others did not. a news conference and so did c-span in which powell and rudy giuliani made unproven claims that dominion machines were created and venezuela to help chavez steel elections. >> the dominion voting systems run an algorithm that probably ran all over the country to take a certain percentage of folks president trump the them to president biden.
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>> murdaugh said this was crazy stuff damaging everybody, i fear. tucker carlson described powell as a liar but publicly paul called her out after the show text for proof of the allegations. >> she never sent any evidence despite requests from a polite request. >> this began as fox's ratings were dropping after the network projected joe biden had one arizona and despite tremendous pressure the network stood by the decision desk accurate call. as a dressmaker top executive's were concerned about alienating pro trump audience, fox news ceo suzanne scott wrote we will highlight our stars and plant sites letting viewers know we hear them and respect them. rupert murdaugh testified some opinion host did endorse unproven election fraud theories but not all of fox he said and i think i was like to be stronger in denouncing it in hindsight. fox challenges dominion claim of
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1.6 billion in damages inflated given private equity firm got three quarters of the company five years ago for $38 million. legally, dominion must prove fox acted with malice or disregard for the truth. there was straight reporting by the news division which caused friction but the fact that some people privately dismissed it as nuts or outlandish or saying it doesn't necessarily mean fox couldn't cover and comment on the extremely newsworthy skeptical of the president saying election was stolen, that's why the case is a major test of the first amendment. footnote, auckland murdaugh said is an obligation to report the news, i think the noise you hear is not about the law or journalism and it's about the politics. that said reflects our polarized society. next on media buzz, failed to get the public and candidates and likely contenders to challenge donald trump and keep deflecting. what kind of campaign is this?
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is one clear front runner for the republican nomination, why is it tv interviews those running or gearing up to run against donald trump is taking these thinly veiled off or sidestepping questions about him? >> we can't become the left following delivery leaders for their own right of identity politics. those with egos who refuse to acknowledge reality. >> fragile egos, who were you talking about? that i was talking to the american people. >> there are only two candidates right now, you and your former boss you guys are excessively talking about him but i will tell you it's okay, i don't kick sideways, i kicked forward. >> joining us to analyze the coverage, senior editor at magazine and political analyst for siriusxm and w vom. probably, journalists are just doing their job asking these questions and where do you
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differ from donald trump on policy? they can't get a straight an answer. >> i'm sure we will get there eventually where there are other republican candidates attacking terms, maybe it's early but i think it's totally fair the media to grow the candidates on how they feel about former president donald trump and these cancers are going to need to differentiate themselves, it doesn't mean they denounced trump to the end of time for they can ask about electability. also they can ask about what he did with respect to the weaponization of the federal government. we had great hearings this week with independent journalists like matt taibbi and others share the pressure on social media companies, a lot of this happened under trump. he says i'm your retribution at cpap but so much of this censorship and other policies, it happened under his watch so i think they argue he was asleep at the wheel and would be again if he got another term. >> i guess she was trying out for campaign manager. when nikki haley said you are assessed with me talking about him, he's a front runner.
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you have to beat him to get the nomination, it's not like they are highly personal questions are scandal questions, where you differ on policy? >> she's refusing to that in the mud, she doesn't want to fight. we've seen how donald trump fights and nobody was prepared for it the first time he ran and few people were perhaps the second time so i think she's trying to stay out of for as long as she can and now that she's in this, she's announced she will run. she will have to it's a hit but she doesn't plan to do it any time to early because trump showed his strength and annihilating his opponents and still irrespective to generate six and the issues many people on the right, particularly reagan republicans have with him, he's still someone pulling extremely high so she has to be careful. >> extremely high in the face of unrelentingly negative coverage but ron desantis is not officially end but he's in iowa
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the last couple days and of course he doesn't want to get in the mud with trump, kathy wants legislative session but i will seek the question asking, are they looking timid ignoring trump. >> i think he actually looked strong and smart, baby taking failed shots but concentrating on legislation that popular in florida, a runaway winner, he has consolidated an impressive coalition of conservative republicans, independents and democrats who like the desantis message so he doesn't need to waste time right now fighting trump. eventually he will have to, he will show, he will have to show his vision for governing can resonate with people outside the narrow trump republican coalition because of not enough people to get in the second term. >> of course they don't want to alienate potential voters for them, what's funny is front desantis sold copies of his book the first week and donald trump is charging, the outflow from a previous time although numbers
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must be inflated. president biden unveiled the budget this week he said would/the debt and make medicare solvent, the new york times described it as dead on arrival. let me ask you, new york times described dead on arrival, that's honest because usually the press does this dance, and uphill battle, house republicans will not swalwell tax hikes on people and corporations in a special tax on billionaires. >> i think that's exactly right. this is essentially the build back better agenda reinvigorated. we've seen it before, the reductions, tax increases as we look at the out world of medicare, it makes sense because it wanted solvent. >> you can get past when democrats controlled both houses. >> but americans still want celtic childcare support in early childhood education and housing is available so it makes sense. they want a lot of the things part of the build back better agenda. however, they had a hard time
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the first time getting it through, not only amongst republicans but we recall the two democrats voted against it as well so i do think there's a tough route here for the president but is also his basically sticking out the flag that he's running in 2024 and these are things he's running on, the thing he promised americans in 2020. >> like presidential budget and messaging strategy also, they all know the house republicans will not to $5 trillion in tax increases but washington post today bobby says biden angering some liberals and i've seen refocus on both sides saying biden considering a return to the trump like for policy leaked to the new york times, and his commitment to sign a republican bill overturning a change in the criminal code that would have lowered sentences for carjacking, sexual assault and armed robbery and so forth, the pendant class is saying he's moving to the center.
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>> i certainly would like to see, there should be outrage from the mainstream media over the biden order policy, kids in cages, the whole new cycle about how inhumane it was, then we found out some were under the obama administration anyway so to be fair, there better be theory from the mainstream media, the main issue is voters don't trust either party on spending and neither party has given reason to trust that they know what they are doing because the growth of our federal, of our program in social security and medicare, we can't pay for these things and neither party is honest about that. democrats say we will raise your taxes and people say we don't want that and they say we will cut the programs, they don't want that to go back and forth. >> everybody knows in the media that these programs will have to be changed somehow or they will go insolvent but nobody wants to go with that. you had mike pence last night at the gridiron video, there's no video, he's running but not officially saying history will
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hold donald trump accountable for january 6 endangered my family and he took this swipe, he said tours don't injure 140 police officers by sightseeing, the capital right. >> i think that is very important mike pence reinvigorate january 6 was because we've seen level conservatives tried to basically whitewash what actually happened, it was an insurrection, people's lives were at risk but several of that, those elected leaders were facing that particularly expense, gallup hanging outside threatening to hang the man literally, i don't think anyone else could basically put a spin on this other than what it was but i find the location he decided to make the speech interesting in addition to the fact that he's not going to testify. mike pence will write books, might not he's going to run but at the end of the day he's not going to testify against former president trump.
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>> company position because he was his vice president for four years. axios had a story saying trump is considering for women including carrie like as his running mate, are we really going to start as early? look at the papers and websites every day and i think they are bored by the legislative sausage making and everybody wants to cover 2024 but we are not there yet. >> treating politics as sports or entertainment is a favorite thing for the media ranking of top 20 most likely vp picks into the end of time but republicans who want to run for president should think about who on the ticket would be growing if the coalition we need to do better than they did in the last election. his carrie like who lost his the right for that? you got to think through those things. >> you get to go to iowa, new hampshire and other states. robbie, make you for stopping by. after the break, fierce controversy over kevin mccarthy
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>> the footage does not show an insurrection or riots in progress, small percentage were hooligans. they committed vandalism. we've seen the pictures again and again. the overwhelming majority words. they were peaceful, orderly and meek. those are not insurrectionist, they were like sears. >> many detractors disagree with that assessment and mccarthy said he provided the fox primetime host with an exclusive think not unlike the week from the democrats control generous six committed to the new york times washington post and plans to make the funds available to all ballots but that's not happened. most of the media harshly to next week the video was presented as have senate majority chuck schumer and biden white house but as we seek and destroy but chad pergram for special report, some gop lawmakers praise the carlson said with my others and mitch mcconnell have been highly critical. >> january 6 committee right try to create the impression most folks who came here were terrorists and it's wrong.
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>> new pictures showed people strolling around the capital sightseeing, capital police meddling with the intruders but other republicans paid a different picture of january 6. >> a lot of people in the capital at the time who were scared for their lives but it was an attack on the capital. >> a mistake in my view for fox news to pick this in a way completely at variance with chief law enforcement here at the capital think. >> for top democrats attacking him by name, tucker played a clip of chuck schumer urging fox to stop him from further pursuing the story. >> millions of americans tuned into one of the most shameful hours with ever seen on cable television. >> you don't often see senate majority leader open the call for censorship on the floor of the senate as if that was
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totally normal and didn't contradict the spirit and letter of the first amendment but of course it does. >> i can understand the word insurrection and plenty of people committed no violence but more than 1000 people have been arrested in connection with january 6 putting 329 defendants charged with assaulting, resisting or impeding police officers or employees. when alice broke out in seattle and portland after the george floyd murder, many people were trying to protest peacefully but totally overshadowed by a flood to attack police and smash property. you can call what happened in such cities anything but a riot in his opening description of the tragedy of january 6, 2021. now a different story involving someone here at fox, benjamin hall, severely wounded while covering the war in ukraine in attack on his car that killed his colic describe what happened sean hannity. >> i was in a dark place, i couldn't feel or see an uptick in shrapnel in the eye and in my
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neck. i was out, out dead. then i saw my daughter out of nowhere into this blackness, right in front of me came my daughter, anna. she said to me daddy, you get out of the car. real as if she was in front of me and i pulled myself out and got out of the car and the third bomb hit the car itself after that. next thing i know i wake up, it drew me away, my right leg is gone. >> spent hall coming out with a book called saved is a journalistic hero and a brave one. still to come, video rent wasn't racist at all and chris rock dark counter punching. ♪
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we did a segment last week and the cancellation of gilbert charged by creator stop adams led to newspapers dropping this. i thought we were extremely for recording not just that adam said black people are a hate group and white should stay away from black people but his video explanation that this wasn't really racist, linking blacks to poor crime ridden neighborhoods but he criticized the segment on twitter, i was swamped by his fans. to keep you updated, is what the cartoonist told chris cuomo on news nation. >> if you knew me as a cartoonist and all you heard was the headline, a racist rant and they heard the video, there's no other way to interpret it in the worst possible way. i would agree with that so obviously the hyperbole i used get away from black people, there's no way to do that, i don't even recommend it. you have to understand the media
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is monetizing outrage. >> i can't disagree with the last sentence. he uses words for a living, he knew he was claiming playing with fire and it doesn't change the fact that he's the one who charged his career. not often a successful television host invites trash and is a horrible human being and mocked his looks as well but that's what greg gutfeld did with russell brand starting with 9-year-old video of his and i gutfeld rent. >> is a swine and a snide sausage. you are stealing oxygen and wasting time. you are a weird facial courses that looks like caving in amos. your emptiness, your echoing tub of your mind. >> do i still look like an anise? >> i've been looking at you throughout that monologue if you resemble anybody at all, it's the most valued one, from a male
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perspective. >> being able to laugh at yourself is no mall thing. it took almost a year but chris rock has finally and few journals have been able to resist of us, slept back at will smith at the oscars. rock seemed angry, who wouldn't be? especially at jada pincus smith in his live special for netflix. >> i got smacked by this -- and people i didn't hurt. it still hurts. will smith practices selective outrage. >> biden rock swing back even though smith is much bigger? >> you know what my parents taught me? don't fight in front of white people. >> what bothers me is he waited until he had something to sell, the netflix show rather than answering media questions about the disgraceful incident denouncing, it seems like a long time ago but that's showbiz and we hope there will be no violence at tonight's oscars. that's it for this addition on
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media buzz, subscribe to my podcast, media buzz meter, we have a good time looking at the five hottest stories and thank you for sharing your time with us today on a wide range of controversial issues and media coverage thereof. we are back here next sunday, 11:00 eastern with the only media analysis show on national television. ♪
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eric: well, the good news is you will not be on the hook for a bailout of the silicon valley bank. that is the word from if treasury secretary janet yellen as the massive fallout continues from the second largest bank failure in u.s. history. investors and oh venture can capitalists are calling for the federal government to save that bank from billions of dollars, but the treasury secretary said that the u.s. banking system is stable and insists that she is working closely with regulators to help protect the svb customers, but that the u.s. taxpayers will n
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