tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News March 13, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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a quick programming note tonight . at wednesday, a mixed martial artist, mcgregor will join us live in front of a live audience . if you would like to be part of the show go to get all the information you nee and how to get free tickets. set your dvr so you never miss an episode. that's all the time we have lef this evening. let not your heart be troubled. here lori ingram. >> are you a big mma fan? >> i am when you attack on, mcgregor by using your very fancy krav maga ripping people to shreds. what will you do versus mcgregor ? i'd pay to see that cage match. >> i would get my ass it kicked. i'm a student of the martial arts. i'm only been at 11 years. i can throw a hard punch. >> you are. i know. i have elbowed buy you a few
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times it. i can attest two that. he and eddie, i. >> you have not been elbowed by me. >> , r. connor is one of my favorites. can't wait to wash it. also show great to see you. i'm a laura meier grome this is ingram angle from points unknown . but you're gonna know where i a you go on instagram. i will take about that by the end of the show. they win and you lose it this is the focus of to single. >> my daughter asked me about the holes welcomed valet big meltdown last night. the best explanation i can come up was with was this. the next time you play monopoly allow one of the players to hav unlimited money from a federal government. meaning every time they lose money, they get it back. and then see who wins the game every time. of course of the biden administration was going to convince everyone that it was not really bailing out the bank at all.
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it depends on what the meaning of the word bailout is. >> let me be clear. german the financial crisis, there were investors and owners of the systematic large banks that were bailed out. we are certainly not looking at the reforms put in place. it means we are not going to do that again. >> well, they don't want to cal it what it is for one reason an one reason only. 2024. now as absurd as it is, biden i once again going to try to run as working class at joe like he did in 2020. he must get all of his media panels to do back to convince america that this was a one-tim thing. >> what if you were to believe it was a one-off and they have the under control. you have to believe that three years of massive fiscal policie
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spending that we've never seen before will have only a limited impact on the financial plumbin of the economy and the markets. that seems absurd. thanks take roscoe. all the banks and took the type of risk of these guys were taking. particularly with short-term liabilities and that long-term assets. you put that together, that is toxic. >> toxic indeed, he's 100 percent correct. this is not 2,008 at least not yet when the housing bubble burst completely it's a bailout triggered by risky moves by the bank the depositors are precipitated by the biden teams refusal to deal with inflation back in 2021. instead what they did it spent trillions of dollars, printed money, drove up inflation. now this is gonna cost real people we money to fix.
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>> given the station says is knocking to come out on the taxpayer. do you believe that? >> i don't understand how it doesn't come out of the taxpayers. i can't figure that one out. i when like you explain it. who's paying that? how do they pay? >> a course of the taxpayers pa the bill. what is it go entries? were it not provided, the poor depositors, they would've lost everything we see. again, biden's team is partly responsible. those being bailed out aren't exactly destitute grandmothers. the sophisticated investors and their sophisticated players who make deposits in this it bank i excess of what the fdic clearly enjoys. they all knew they were taking risk in keeping that money and that one bag, but they did it anyway. he was a partial list of the businesses you are bailing out. raghu had $487 million and spv.
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i read them tech had 54 men of million bel holdings had 300 million. something called ginkgo biloba exerts 74 millions. roadblocks 150 million. lending club $21 million in the list goes on and on. you cannot make a moral hazard argument essay the globalist. that's not fair. larry summers tweeted today tha this is no time for moral hazar lectures were less and administering puréed or for an alarm about political consequences. my question is, when is the tim right to ensure that there are consequences for bad financial decisions in our banks? is anytime the right time? the truth is when those taking undue risks are mostly members of the liberal elite class. it's never a good time to talk about moral hazards. if you're a darling of wall street or silicon valley, being reckless actually pays off. talk about bad incentives it fo
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future bad behavior. how many of you think the biden administration would have into rescue a regional farmers bank in alabama where eight tenths o all the deposits are over $250,000. andrew ross sorkin and a few others describe get this way if svb was a small regional bank that had not have ties to allowed political connected ventral cap capitalist and the tech community, it might've bee allowed to die. its customers, individuals and small businesses would suffered. instead, because it's silicon valley, it commanded attention. again, the experts brush all of it off. this was an extraordinary situation. it was an emergency. they always scream emergency, don't they? your constitutional rights trampled upon. from the pandemic to your cream
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to a course the famous bailouts and tarp programs in 2008. the government looked the other way when all the bogus financia instruments approach the housin bubble to burst causing a massive pain for american families. as usual, the banks like j.p. morgan and goldman sachs, they got their big checks from the government. every time the elites run the same playbook and when it's all over, they have more money and power and the rest of america i worse off. everyone needs to understand that self-inflicted emergencies like this will destroy faith in capitalism. reagan hasn't present a system in which he took your chances o how to live at the results. that's not the system we have. young people can't be tricked into believing it is. every time that rich people get bailed out, it's going to further corrode what little faith is left in our system. as for 2024, this it demonstrates that republicans
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will need to focus on the economy. not woke schools or transgender is. i'm not saying those issues are important, they are. this'll be an election like 1980 . once again, it's the economy stupid. a donald instinctively understands this rhonda santos only to understand as well and surround himself with populist conservatives who understand markets and why we can't allow the twisted game of spending an borrowing and bailing out continue. svb wasn't the case of the government thinking it was too big to fail the bank. svb wasn't a democrat to fail. to connected to biden. he can't afford to lose support the silicon valley and expect t win a 2024, and he knows it. remember this, the same folks who are applauding the biden bailout never blinked twice whe working-class people lose their jobs to outsourcing or to workplace and flooded with illegal labor. when playing is felt by blue
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collar types the globalist response is essentially evolved or die. we need a financial system that's transparent and clear to everyone. not one where certain rich people have access to unlimited funds because they are able to intimidate unelected bureaucrat and to letting them have their way. it's farcical to say that every time a single bank fails, we will have a crisis that will think the whole system. that is a bluff that should be called. otherwise going forward, it wil always be heads, the days when and details, we lose. that's the angle. joining me now is amin malik th founder and ceo of farquhar partners. good to see you tonight. this broke moments ago. to my opulence says they're conducting business as usual within the united states and expect to resume cross-border transactions in the coming days. your reaction?
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>> this is probably out of the receivership and bankruptcy context that they put in the ne ceo and they're going to try to get whatever wisdom blitz of ne request that they can but make no mistake, ultimately what wil happen is that every equity holder of this bank will be completely wiped out. as you point out it's the right thing. we did not do that 2008. it there's one silver line and gets it every equity holder needs to be wiped out. as you point out, that's capitalism. >> roku isn't wiped out, right? roadblocks isn't wiped out. there deposits are covered. >> that's right. in the context of the last few months, we've had the largest ponzi scheme in us history unde ftx. the second and third largest bank failures was at with svb and signature. this administration made the decision to protect the depositors. i think it's an interesting
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question. at the depositors are different than equity and bondholders. but that said i don't think you can retroactively apply the roles. i think 30s to be a clean course of action. the administration did not do that. it does smack of a white color bailout. it seems to me that this was a very politically connected grou of folks in silicon valley that you have undue influence. we also need to be very considerate of contagion. how do we make sure that this government right now is not responsible for every deposit i the country because it seems like that's the case. exactly. my point in the angle was that while the argument is that there's going to be a key contagion of run-on bank situation across the country. your point is it could sweep th other way. the contagions that let the money well go for 250,000. the bank is going to be
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ultimately rescued and at the depositors will ultimately be made whole even though they kno the rules. >> i think the bank it definitely should not be rescued . just take svp for example. this is not an institution that acted without impunity. this is an institution that was more concerned with getting an a+ e sag rating. di policies it did not have a risk manager at all last year. and conducted no risk managemen as related to interest rate risk . i want them to fail. i think were on the same page. the only novel question is what to do with depositors. you are saying the depositors o this bank should lose their assets. because of the typo depositors they are. i don't like the other regional banks to be harmed. that the only point i'm making because regional banks are partnering in our country.
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we do not want every american t be to bank with the four larges companies. my big emphasis is, we have to protect regional banks. if the power is concentrated in the four largest banks, that's effectively having the government control our assets. i don't think it's anything any of us want. you have to look at what happened in canada when you hav the truckers are protesting the vaccine mandates to see that th government can actually touch our bank accounts. the farther away that banks are from the federal government, th more liberty and protection we have. i believe the regional banks will do that. they protect-- >> i agree with you. however, there is a rule and place that looks like it can be lifted whenever connected group of people gets in trouble which is the 250,000-dollar limit limit. the role is there but now i can be dispensed with it when somebody's a bite into are important reelection are upset. i feel like that's a role
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problem. a signature bank mcguff's video from our jenavee of roche will put a backup on the screen vector. a money manager who has been on the show she is terrific she said she spoke with someone who worked at signature bank which ran into the same trouble for several years. said the management team was a like that show the office. they waste money on things like producing parity videos here's one of the once she was talking about. ♪ ♪ the only way we are going to do this thing, is if we start a bank is. >> across federal government ha to jump in sunday night because of this one was going to go dow as well. quickly, how can we take bags like this is seriously? that is certainly not one i think should be protected.
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>> of course that is sick and absurd what you just showed me. it's kind of indicative of wher we are. i also point out that barney frank was on the board of signature in the irony of that is someone who is at the name sink all that donna frank who i upset that the chickens came home to roost. we cannot be protecting these kinds of banks. it's a broader point that will get some has supplanted merit across our country and your single-member application we can't reward that behavior whatsoever. we have to be concerned about regular american people. >> great to see you tonight. thank you so much. it. >> peter schiff it came on this show nine months ago and am pretty whining. >> thanks to the federal reserve , everyone has so much at that that cannot afford to pay an interest rate high-end have to fight inflation. it was going to be high enough
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to cause a massive recession an another financial crisis worse than the one we had a 2008. >> joining me now is a chef himself he's a chief economist equitable strategist. kim griffin found the hedge fun sydow said the rescue project shows american capitalism is breaking down before our eyes. do you agree? >> american capitalism broke down a long time ago. the latest bailout effort is another nail in the coffin. explain that for the viewers. >> the reason that we are now having another financial crisis and it would already be a lot worse if it hadn't made the mistake of backstopping all these insolvent banks. the leaves they got insolvent was because of the government. the federal reserve kept interest rates at zero for 12 years, and during that time
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banks and it pretty much everyone else loaded up on low yielding debt. in order to keep interest rates at that level, the federal reserve had to create massive inflation. they call that quantitative easing and the adverse consequences really started to show up last year when we had these big elevated increases in the cpi. inflation was becoming such a burden on americans that that fed it was a forced into taking action. it raised interest rates and checked the bubble inflated. now all the institutions are insolvent at higher interest rates. we have a bigger debt crisis no have the one we had in 2008 which was also caused by the artificially low interest rates that followed the bursting of the nasdaq bubble when the fed kept interest rates at 1 percent . that inflated the housing bubbl but this time 0 percent inflate a much bigger bubble which is why were now having a much
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bigger financial crisis. that none of this would've happened had we stayed with a free market. the free market would've purged the economy from all the successes a long time ago. instead of having a bible, we would have had a general genuin recovery with row prosperity instead of the pony that we've enjoyed. now the chickens have come home to roost. >> mary summers is rejecting this idea that interest rates are behind this. watch this. >> these problems have much mor to do with the failure of risk management at silicon valley bank. i also think that if we didn't operate to contain inflation, w would have even higher interest rates. and even the higher interest rates would make more financial problems not less. >> so what's the problem? he was the one sounding the alarm on inflation in early 2021 .
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your work as well. what is it? >> it's both. at the low interest rates is what led to all the excessive risk-taking in so did the moral hazard of the 2008-2009 bailouts . wall street learned a lesson that you can gamble and if you when you keep the profits. if you lose the government bail you out. that was part of the reason for the risk-taking. government regulation banking regulations encouraged all bank to load up on treasuries and mortgage securities because of the favorable way they are treated for accounting purposes they don't have to take any haircuts. they don't have the mark on the market. it's government policy that caused all of this. none of that would've happened had they not have a 0 percent interest rates are the quantitative easing. inflation, unfortunately, is about to go through the roof it. what president biden said that nobody is gonna have to pay for these bailouts, he is it wrong. we all gonna play through
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inflation. because the federal reserve is financing by printing money. the price of everything is goin to go up and the big deposits are more at risk now than ever before because inflation is going to destroy the value of everybody's savings. >> on that shearing out, thank you for joining us. the democrats reaction to a potential run on the banks is i a lobby for our consumer protections. more social media censorship. the details and reaction with stephen mellor monica crowley and moments. stay there.
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>> in the months leading up to the milk out of the banking sector, it's important to remember about the biden team has been up to. four weeks ago president biden signed an executive order requiring federal agencies to build agency equity teams. to implement the president's equity mandate. just last week that he was bragging about what hit massive budget plan was going to do. not protecting consumers, but rather how it will advance climate justice. and what about his treasury secretary? she's on top of everything. she's another first. janet jallen was more concerned
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with rebuilding ukraine at than america's prosperous future. >> i'm proud to announce the transfer of an additional-- >> the message i bring you from president biden is simple. america will stay stand with ukraine for as long as it takes. >> and here she was at last wee with what is it not just a lie, but looks bad on the other side of the potential run of the banks. >> president's proposals and prioritize growth enhancing investments that will build on the economic progress we've mad along with significant tax reforms that will substantially reduce the deficit, improve our long physical outlook, and reduce fiscal risks. >> how is that reduction and rest looking now, jenna? >> stephen mellor under president trump and monica crowley former assistant
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secretary of the treasury. stephen, they're not asleep at the wheel. they are wide-awake and driving us off a cliff. whether it's at ukraine that money is gets another very gonn turn off or any of the dir book stuff they're doing meanwhile i looks like there could be continued run on some of the regional banks. >> you are right. it's all deliver it and it's a mistake to think that you busy or there they are too confused. they have an agenda. you mentioned that, they had implemented the executive order. that says equity or ddi is the core mission of every single agency and the federal government. they want to run the country th way the executives at silicon valley bank will have that institution. take a huge, risky gambles on crazy woke projects. crazy climate projects. a virtua signaling with no financial integrity. at no financial sound is
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underneath. this will country will go the way silicon valley bank if we don't change direction. >> monica, you will not desert because you were so upset early when you were working at the treasury department. you work so many long hours. ahead of biden's a speech this morning jen saki gave us insigh into his regular schedule. >> it's important to know resident abided as nothing at 9:00 a.m. he has a night out. the fact that he is doing this at 9:00 a.m. anyway speaks to how vital the white house recognizes it is for him to hav his voice out there. >> monica, are they kidding me. he supposed to get a gold star for doing something at 9:00 a.m. ? this is hard to believe a. >> is a former process secretar is not admitting a national television the president of the united states is not functional at 9:00 o'clock in the morning. she blames it on him being a night out. they're all the stories they
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know he goes to bed early. we have a part-time president who is in the process of deliberately destroying the united states of america. stephen is right. we been making this point a lon time. if this weren't the leper right from the takedown of the us economy, the wide-open border, cities and collapse, sky high inflation skyhigh crime rates-- he would've changed course by now. he hasn't. they have set this country on a trajectory of absolute and utte ruin. two stevens a point about acuit of the executive order cheating us to the entire united states government to all of the executive branch offices, this is a cultural and economic marxism. there is no other way of puttin it. woke de i.e. sag all of these things as social justice. they're all euphemisms of her cultural and economic marxism. this is where we are. that one marks of socialist institutions over many decades
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that you can start coming home to bruce. all of these institutions is no longer about their core mission. whether it's banking or running the federal government, it is about the fundamental transformation of the nation. and now here we are. >> stephen, another alarming point. mark michael schellenberg got reported today about the silico valley bank bailout, seminar market kelly asked representatives from the treasury department and the fdi if they had a way to censor information on social media to prevent a run on the banks. >> whether it's covid or something with ukraine or their racism rationalizing and be everything obsession, they want went censorship period. they don't need an excuse to censor. >> that's right. they wrote the playbook with
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covid and now they're using tha for everything. you can't question the narrativ on ukraine. you certainly can't question their narrative uncritical on critical race theory a gender theory. and now you can't even question joe biden's a policies without democrat senators a calling for you to be censored. this is a marxism as monica said . this isn't the the old-school liberalism that we grew up with. this is hard-core authoritarian marxism trying to squelch the free speech and the freedom of americans a. might i added that now that we know that joe biden doesn't do anything at all in 10:9 o'clock in the morning, it's safe to sa if they tack us it'll be sometime between six and 8:00 o'clock in the morning because apparently joe biden will not be able to get out of bed. >> monica with whatever gray to this kind of bail out of the bank? >> i don't know. that's an interesting question. this a bank is silicon valley it's green energy all the way.
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the heavy democratic connection including to maxine waters into gavin newsom. i think--these are all very difficult calculations when you're in an emergency but we d know that there are heavy democratic ties between this bank, the founders of the bank and a heavy democratic players. it's no surprise. >> we got a raw. >> we need some peas. subpoenas to get to the bottom of it. >> absolutely. if there's gotta be consequences . republicans should be for the bailouts. great to see you both. at the oscars must apprise surprising moments in president biden reveals what he considers to be a simple policy. women has all the details. next.
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>> in more ways than one the ratings were only slightly better than last year. making it the third at least watched oscars of all times. the trouble started on the red carpet were at least he granted didn't seem to want to be. >> what's your favorite thing about coming to the oscars. >> and frustrating. of the whole of humanity is here . as vanity fair. it's all about vanity fair. that's where we let loose and have a little bit of fun. what are you wearing tonight? just mehsud. >> he gave her no answers and when he referred to vanity fair it was at the faculty novel fro the 1800s it not the magazines party after the oscars. maybe she got that memo later. >> did you see any of this? not one minute.
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not one second. >> you will never get that time back. you grant like so many of us--g ahead. >> you know i watch the watch the big short i've seen it before. i wanted her to sort of remembe what the whole financial meltdown what it's all about. what a funny evening they had up . like so many advise if you granted not want to be at the oscars a. a senior timbs did not. care who was there. that's her there with the two-story mosquito netting blocking the view of half the orchestra behind her. how she was allowed in, i did not know. that's a permanent blockade. >> i gotta tell you the truth i that the oscars were a pokey affair this year. there were nice moments like when actor q. week juan who as child wasn't goonies and indian jones. >> my journey started on a boat. i spent a year and a refugee
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camp. somehow i ended up here on hollywood's biggest stage. this is at the american. >> there was a marked emphasis here to not get to politics and it would was the last time you are the american dream celebrated at the oscars? >> he got best supporting actor. he looks at same as he did a good knees. he's adorable and. hosed jimmy kimmel couldn't hel but chop a january 6th joke. it was received with the warmth that liz cheney in a trumpet rally. it went nowhere. >> it [ laughter ] i did not watch it. i did see a tweet from mpr during the broadcast breaking michelle yeah what wins oscar for best are just making histor as a first person identified as asian to win the award award. >> how do you like that? >> just give her the oscars.
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>> the first person how about the first woman? she doesn't identify as asian. she is asian. she was born in malaysia. i have to share this. this is a rather odd to fight. we came across it today. you might call it from the dail show it is probably the worst o foreign-language performance by a mostly politician. this is a reaction to wanda santos is medical boards forbidding gender transforming surgeries at two children. see if you can follow this. >> transgender kids is a really hard thank you. what's going on in florida is a my mother would say, close to simple. a terrible what they're doing. it's not like a kid wakes up on morning and says i decided i want to become a man or a woman or i want to change. what are they thinking about? to me--i don't know.
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it's cold. >> i one to let you react first to. >> it's cool. it's cool. >> the man does not know from a subject verb about direct objec were any given sentence is going , first of all. the arguments--those aren't arguments. it is a random thoughts ricocheting around the hollow head. the idea that he's talking abou sinfulness and protecting kids, want desantis is protecting kid as our european countries rejecting all of this. the united states, alongside. >> i doubt if mama biden would consider it simple to that parents have a say in the surgery that could alter their child's future forever. we are talking about banning these agenda blockers and surgeries for children. not every. i cannot believe i've made this comment. it does not really follow either . a medical try the diagram that
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when we have been. >> i am surprised you didn't do the while joey when a boy wants to become a girl and let me tel you what i used to say, what? is totally not believable. we gotta go. good to see you. it ready or not the 20 for gop primary it's heating up. donald trump wrapped a speech a little while ago. in davenport, iowa. he takes on rhonda rhonda santo who himself used in iowa. it's a friday to level to close as they get to a response to trump. the details next
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>> the two men who will most likely face off the republican nomination and twentytwenty for our now tracking each other. and campaign stops at least a. at donald trump held a big campaign event in davenport, iowa just three days after florida gop governor rhonda santos spoke before several hundred in a casino room in the same town. dispensing with the niceties it for his home state governor, trump went full frontal. >> rhonda santos strongly opposed ethanol. we don't even know if he's running but i might as well tel you happy is not running i'll say, he was applying on ethanol.
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>> he strongly opposed ethanol and fought against it. he also fought against a social security. he wanted to decimated and vote against it three times. that's a bad one. he also to severely cut medicare . i will not be heading medicare or cutting social security. >> desantis hasn't announced he's gonna run and still hasn't responded to trump in the closest he comes to this. >> if you look at my administration, we don't have any drama, it is just execution every single day. >> for four years we did. >> meanwhile, mike pence to the bigger collapse often hit trump at the annual of the gathering of the gridiron club. saying i had no right to overturn the election and his reckless words words and danger of my family and everyone at th
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capitol that day. i know his durable hold donald trump accountable. chief political correspondent a the washington examiner both fo news contributors byron. your reaction first to trump deciding to come out so hard an this iowa event tonight. >> it's not only him hitting desantis hard. it's how he did it. it's really extraordinary what former president trump is doing. he revived the grandmother in a wheelchair off the cliff critique it. what he did was he went back to a 2012 democratic attack on pau ryan saying republicans want to cut medicare and cut social security. there was even and add it made of a paul ryan figure that are really pushing in older women and a wheelchair off the cliff
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and that she's in terror as she falls down to the water. trump actually is endorsing tha as a way of attacking rhonda santos because when rhonda santos was in the house, he validated for at nonbinding resolutions which it went way t cut the expenses of social security and medicare in the future. the question is, is it really going to play with republican audiences? we will find out soon enough it. >> it worked against mitt romne and paul ryan. >> it was successful in. >> it worked for democrats against them. >> at dead. it. >> and the republican primary, is it going to work? >> that's a fair question. trump hits hard and desantis hasn't even gotten in a race yet . we are fast forwarding to the first debate. that's probably good to be the most-watched debate of any
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primary season ever because it' going to be the two of them on stage. is that what you think that rhonda santos will finally take the gloves off against presiden trump? >> i think it's at the prospect certainly for observers like us. absolutely fascinating. it's the young bock who is now challenging the alpha bock. i don't think that trump is really even taken his gloves of yet. so far, i think he is circling rhonda santos. sizing him up. a trying out lines and seeing i they work. so far they've all been pretty soft. rhonda sent the the sanctimonious hasn't worked at the geese todd tried wrong to suggest an iowa. i think that works. he's going back a long way. at 2012. i don't think that will work either because rhonda santos is unknown at now for his great successes in florida. that wipes out anything else
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previously. i think it's interesting also that rhonda santos has not attacked trump. it trump is so beloved by the base. i think you will have to be careful about what he does. i think you will remain respectful and showcase his achievements and talents. in trouble also have to be careful about how much he destroys or tries to destroy th florida governor. ron desantis is the future of the party. he does not want to be seen to be a wrecker. >> i'm not sure the rules apply. i don't think those old rules apply. you've written about this extensively. at some point, if you can take down the king, you gotta go after the king. i don't think dancing around a troubled him at this time. he has his own record, which wa fantastic. most of us supported his policies. if you can try to take them down , take him down.
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>> and the question is it, what we saw in 2016 is a trumpet systematically demolished when republican opponent after another. he will certainly try to do it again. when trump appeared in south carolina several weeks ago, i was down there and asked number of people. they did not like his attacks o desantis. we will see if he continues to do that. the audience it does not really love it. >> i think the substance of the policies and to the economy, that will decide the election. he can fix the economy and help the american people. i think that's the best point. great to see you tonight. i think you both a. >> when i was up to today, you wonder where i was at maybe you will figure it out the last bit next
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my friends at a night invited t spring training to see yes of the world series champs at the the houston astros against the washington nationals. the nationals beat the astros a 7-6 and i get to hang out with the presidents. that was fun. if you can go to spring training , go. nothing like it it's american now and forever to bayala is an forgot field he will take it from here. have a good night. >> jannie mae, hey everybody i am jimmy phelan for greg gutfeld . i would like to say if you like my jacket it comes for those of you who don't know me watching at home among former
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