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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  March 13, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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♪ >> thank you to my guests and our studio audience. "fox news @ night" with the dreamy trace gallagher is next. i love you, america, so much. >> t l1] good evening, everyone. welcome to "fox news @ night." i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. breaking tonight, trading in more than a dozen regional u.s. banks was halted today because their stock price plummeted and now markets around the world including asian markets are opening lower fearing the u.s. economy might be facing trouble. president biden says the american banking system is safe but with u.s. markets set to reopen in just hours, it could be a rough ride. the white house correspondent kevin corke is live in the nation's capitol with more on what could be coming. kevin, good evening.
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kev kev quite a date here in the nation's capitol. good evening, trace. breaking tonight, investors in silicon valley bank have already taken legal action to recoup their losses after, of course, the bank collapsed on friday despite the class-action lawsuit and a volatile day on wall street. as you pointed out, the president wants americans to believe our financial institutions are, in fact, secure, while also being careful to not use the banking "b" word. bail out. no losses will be born by the taxpayers. instead, the money will come from the fees that banks pay into the deposit insurance fund. >> reporter: while the fdic insures bank deposits to a quarter of a million dollars, nine of 10 depositors of xeb had more than that amount in the bank. still, the administration says they'll be covered. nothing to worry about.
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that also includes customers of new york-based signature bank which also collapsed over the weekend. the third largest bank failure in american history. signature, for those of you who don't know, has deep ties to broadway and the crypto industry. meanwhile, the white house is calling on congress to intervene after the president, this current president, blamed this latest crash on his predecessors, roll back of banking regulations but that's a lie says the man who would know, former trump economic adviser kevin. >> they came out and they blamed the dodd frank rollback which was a bipartisan bill in 2018 but barney frank was on the board of signature bank. barney frank came out today saying there's no way the 2018 law had anything to do with that. >> reporter: well, there's that. on capitol hill, republicans are accusing president biden of
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making a financial decision bail out the silicon valley investors and those down fossil fuels but president biden is getting hammered by his own party tonight after apw oil-drin alaska. matt finn live with the breaking information come into the newsroom. matt, good evening. >> reporter: president biden is being slammed by top democratic lawmakers for approving the alaska oil drilling project expected to produce 600,000,000 barrels of oil over the next few decades. his decision was tactically leaked to the media last week in a last-ditch effort to get biden change his mind. he did not and announced today the administration is moving forward with the willow project which is considered one of the largest proposed oil drilling projects on public lands in decades. now, the trump administration previously approved it but a federal judge ordered more rigorous environmental analysis.
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conoco-phillips projects the willow project will produce 180,000 barrels of oil a day, create 300 long-term jobs and deliver up to $17 billion to the u.s. government, alaska and local communities. but climate activists and progressive democrats including alexandria ocasio-cortez are condemning the president's decision. top democrats writing 98 statement today, "the biden administration has committed to fighting climate change and advancing environmental justice. today's decision to approve the willow project fails to live up to those promises. their decision ignored the either refutable signs that says we must stop building projects like this to slow the more ever-devastating impacts of climate change." president biden hasn't been considered a friend to america's oil and natural gas industry, so one question being asked is why he apparently reversed course now? the big assumption, trace, he's running for re-election. >> thank you.
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heritage foundation economist e.j. antoni and the host of the next revolution cj hilton, welcome, both. this is president biden we heard it a little earlier, a bit with kevin corke. it's important because it really kind of kicks off our talk here. watch. >> no losses will be born by the taxpayers. let me repeat that. no losses will be born by the taxpayers. instead, the money will come from the fees that banks pay into the deposit insurance fund. >> president says it's not a bailout. e.j., you say it is. explain that for us. >> oh, absolutely, trace. i mean, it's utter nonsense to think that the taxpayers are not going to be on the hook here. let's face facts. those fees that are charged to the banks for the federal deposit insurance corporation are simply passed onto the bank's customers, in other words, you still pay for those fees just indirectly. the idea that somehow we won't
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be on the hook for this is ridiculous. furthermore, even if the fdic can't cover these costs, which is very likely, which is why the federal reserve had to set up a $25 billion emergency fund on a sunday, taxpayers are still going to be on the hook for this either through taxes through the treasury or just by inflation. >> yeah, it's interesting, steve, the washington examiner writes the following here, quoting, the svb collapse is a very loud warning siren if biden further monkeys with moral hazzard by bailing out svb without a change on spending, regulation and energy, the economy could implode. are you looking for bad things to come in the current days, steve? >> well, none of us want that to happen, and i don't particularly love this kind of overheated rhetoric that we're seeing which i think contributes to a sense of panic and makes things worse but you've got to be honest about the causes of this and the causes of this aren't just the biden administration.
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it's also years before that, the fed with its loose money policy, zero interest rates for years, that encouraged banks to do this kind of risky behavior, but it was made much, much worse by the excessive spending of biden the minute he got in and still wants to do. if you just look at his budget! that inflation risk is real. the recession risk is real because of the high interest rates. none of this helps, and the moral hazzard point is exactly right which is if you think that you're going to be bailed out somehow in a round-about way through the government or the fdic or whatever it may be, then it just encourages more risky behavior. >> yeah, it's interesting because, e.j., did silicon valley bank not realize into the rates were going up because everyone knew they were coming up? and why was there no stress test done on these regional banks? i'm still kind little bit vague on that. >> well, no, they absolutely knew the risks here, and one of the proofs we have for that is the fact that the management of
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this bank actually purchased financial investments which served as hedges against this kind of interest rate risk and then they told them off to make a quick short-term profit, so the fact that these people -- or the idea that these people didn't know what they were doing i think is utter hogwash. >> yeah, i think that steve hilton, you know, to help other banks, you know, you have to reduce inflation to some capacity, right? now you have the fed that's scared to raise interest rates even more so we're kind of in a standstill and it really is unclear what direction is next. >> yes! and i have to say it's important for everyone to bear in mind, trace, that all this talk about, you know, whether it was trump's policies to blame or whatever, this bank, silicon valley bank, was regulated in california by the california regulator. our governor, trace, in this state where you and i live set up that regulator under what was there from jerry brown, the
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previous governor, appointed the commissioner to run it. that's the regulatory mistake that was made. they turned a blind eye to all of this risk taking that was encourages for all the reasons we've discussed. the regulator here in california should be held accountable and gavin newsom forgiving that regulator a whole bunch of mandates, not surprisingly in the direction of sustainability and dei and the rest of it which must have contributed to this because silicon valley bank tried to take those boxes and then the regulator turned a blind eye to the risks it was taking. >> it's amazing. steve hilton and e.j. antoni, thank you, both. >> thank you, trace. in the meantime, we have exclusive fox news video tonight of a massive surge of migrants rushing port of entry in el paso, texas. it's the latest dramatic example of a border crisis out of control. bill melugin is at the border. >> to see this kind video, our border is not secure. >> reporter: lawmakers on
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capitol hill reacting today to exclusive fox news video showing a massive rush at the southern border on sunday. [screaming] hundreds of migrants pushed past mexican border guards on ciudad juarez and rushed a major port of entry in el paso, texas. the mostly venezuelan migrants ran up the paso del norte bridge in an effort to get into the united states but they were met in the middle of the bridge by svp special response teams dressed in crowd control gear behind barricades and barbed wire. the standoff shut down the port of entry until the migrant group was repelled with the help of the mexican military. >> i was glad to see mexico finally do something. >> reporter: exclusive video of the aftermath shows the seriousness of the response on both sides of the border as cvp set up a blockade and skirmish line. >> this is what could happen as long as joe biden continues to leave this border wide open and
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invite people to come to america. >> reporter: migrants involved in the rush tell fox it all started with the false rumor in this facebook post telling migrants they would be allowed into the u.s. if they showed up at the bridge. >> [speaking in spanish] >> we came to see if it was true but it was a lie. they shot tear gas at us. they didn't care we had chi children. we have been here two months waiting here and we're desp desperate. >> reporter: cvp tells fox news they had to temporarily shut down two other ports of entry in el paso yesterday after migrants were seen gathering near those bridges as well. reporting in mission, texas, bell melugin, fox news. as the border crisis gets worse -- if that's even possible -- we're now joined by fox news contributor tom homan. you watch those pictures, tom -- thank you for coming on. we appreciate it -- you watch those pictures and it just seems like we take our eye off the ball a little bit because something is happening with the banking and the next thing you know, you have 1,000 migrants
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crossing the border in el paso. what is going on down there? who starts the rumor that the border is open on facebook? >> you know, i don't know who started the rumor on facebook but the aliens know the border's open. since joe biden's been president, there's nearly 6 million encounters on the southern border. 5.5 million encounters. add that 1.2 million get aways. these people have friends and relatives that have already crossed the border and been released. they've been flown to their final destination at taxpayer expense so the cartels use that. people talk. these people are going to keep coming because the secretary has said if you're able to cross the border, you're going to be released. here is what the secretary said, being in the country illegally on its own is not enough for ice to go find you and arrest you. he's on record saying that these people know even if they lose their case which according to the latest data, 9 out of 10 will lose their case if they show up in court, no one is looking to remove them even when
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they're ordered to remove so they're going to keep coming. why wouldn't they come if they know they're not going to be deported? >> the point s they're on facebook, they're on twitter, they're on instagram, these people are getting direction. all of this information that's coming from the united states that it's easy to get in is being sent in on social media and they're following it and they're leaving their countries and they're coming to the border. i want to put this up if i can. this is southwest border encounters fiscal year to date in 2023, 874,000. it's up 29.8% and you think could it possibly get worse from last year? the answer, tom, is yes! >> yes and here's what people need to understand. they call them asylum seekers. menendez out there senator menendez talking about asylum seekers have the right to claim asylums. here is the facts based on court data and dhs data, 9 out of the 10 people who claim asylum don't
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qualify for asylum. these are fraudulent claims. 9 out of 10 get ordered to remove by a judge and go to a family group but they only leave 6% of the time. this is the underbelly of what's really happening. they know even if they lose their case they won't be leaving. they'll wait in the shadows in this country for a couple more years for the next daca. until we secure the border, until we put the policies back in that we had under the trump administration that were proven effective, they're going to keep coming. the numbers this year are going to beat last years which were historic that beat the year before which was historic. there's no end in sight until there are decisions to secure this border. >> i want to put this up. for the second time in three weeks the republicans making a field trip to the border. for the second time in three weeks, the democrats are ghosting them at the border. ranking member bennie thompson said this to fox, the congressman, unfortunately it's become clear that republicans
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plan to politicize this event from the start breaking with the committee's proud history of bipartisanship. there's no wiggle room on either side on the border and it's astonishing, tom. your final thoughts. >> you know, democrats, they know what's going on on the border. i just told you, they have the same data i have. they know this is because of biden's border policies. this isn't a resource issue. this is a policy issue. the data's clear on the trump administration, illegal immigration was down 83% a 45-year low. we know how to secure the bo border. they're refusing to do it. they see some political end game, something benefiting them at the end of all of this and the republicans and democrats both ought to be concerned, not just about illegal immigration but the fentanyl that's flowing across that border, the known suspected terrorists coming across that border, the women and children that are sex trafficked crossing that border, illegal immigration overwhelms
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the border patrol causing all of these other problems. it's a lot worse than just the immigration issue anymore. it's a national security issue of huge proportions. >> some are speculating maybe the cartels put that message on facebook saying the border was open because all of these officers converging in el paso and that leaves a big chunk of the border open for that fentanyl to cross. tom homan, great to have you on. thank you, so sir. >> bingo, you got it. appreciate it. first up in tonight's crime round-up, the man convicted of murdering eight people and wounding others during a terrorist rampage in 2017 will now spend the rest of his life in prison with no hope of parole. he's a citizen of uzbekistan. he said he was supporting isis when he used a rented truck to mow down dozens of people on a bike path on halloween. the jury could not agree on the death penalty so he got life in prison instead. very scary footage out of texas caught the moment a thief attacked a woman after she made
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a large atm withdrawal for an upcoming trip. she dropped her things and tried to run but when he realized she still had the envelope of cash, he grabbed her and body slammed her to the ground. the woman is now paralyzed. police believe the thief tracked her 24 miles from the atm to this shopping center. in missouri, a s.w.a.t. team takes a man accused of shooting two police officers into custody after a 12-hour standoff. the police originally tried to arrest kenneth simpson over outstanding warrants but he opened fire on them killing one. simpson fled to a nearby home and barricaded himself. police used tear gas before he eventually surrendered. and a brutal murder in philadelphia left a 25-year-old man dead, riddled with more than 70 gunshot wounds. police are still looking for his killer. philadelphia has already seen nearly 600 shooting incidents since january. that's an average of eight a day and that is down a little bit from last year. well now to a murder case
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getting national attention for a reason. two suspects in the shooting death of a georgia high school football star in the parking lot of a popular restaurant have now pleaded not guilty but the victim's parents say the restaurant should have warned their son to stay away. jackie ibanez is live with new answers on this. jackie, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, trace. these are the most recent developments in a story that's been ongoing for months now. on october 5th , 17-year-old elijah dewitt was gunned down outside of a dave & buster's in a suburb of atlanta with some of his friends and that suburb was known for criminal activity. police arrested kumar brian and chandler robinson, both 19, for the shooting. officials say the suspects were in the area looking for someone to rob. both have now plead not guilty to his murder. now dewitt's parents are filing a lawsuit against the mall and the mall security director. the suit alleges that the businesses knew the area was dangerous based on high crime rate and they failed to warn and
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sufficiently protect patrons. the suit says in part they knew of the "hazardous conditions and they were likely to result to injuries and/or death to their invitees including elijah." the parents hope the lawsuit holds the businesses accountable for their share of the responsibility and ultimately save lives. trace, back to you. >> jackie, thank you! well, no rest for the weather-weary in california. the golden state is once again under a high risk of excessive rainfall and a flash flood as the second atmospheric river in the past six days slams the west coast. one of the big fears in mountain communities now is that heavy rain is set to fall on feet of snow, and we mean dozens of feet of snow left over from an historic winter storm last month. that could trigger something called roof-a-lanches. multiple feet of snow predicted in higher elevations,as much as 18 feet overground.
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nor'easter is projected over northeast united states over the weekend bringing with it high winds and coastal flooding. the impact of silicon valley bank's collapse on california's right is tech economy is not yet fully known yet governor newsom is set to bill out hundreds of billions of dollars of reparations. later, majority of college students in a survey say they're afraid to express their views on certain issues in class on afraid of possibly offending somebody is this concerning? because i think it is. let us know on social media, twitter and instagram@tracegallagher. weigh in and we'll show you the results and the best responses in the night cap.
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>> trace: first up in tonight's real world round-up. virginia district under fire for a test question for a.p. students. the college board says the question was not part of its official a.p. test and has now pulled the question from the class. >> so you've invited me to speak here and i'm being heckled nonstop and i'm just asking for an administrator to sign -- [everyone speaking at once] >> your racism is showing. >> i'm uncomfortable because this event is tearing up the fabric of this community that i care about and i'm here to support and i don't know -- and i have to ask myself -- and i'm
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not a cynic to ask this, is the juice worth the squeeze? >> that's a taste of what federal circuit court judge kyle duncan experienced when he came to speak at stanford's law students. caught on video obtained by the ethics and public policy center, duncan was heckled so much he asked for an administrator to help control the crowd as you saw. so a diversity dean then gave a speech saying she welcomed him but wondered if as you heard free speech was worth the division it caused at the school. she condemned the judge's views as abhorrent and harmful! he never gave his prepared remarks. stanford has now apologized. this is going to come up in the night cap you can bet and researchers in norway have identified the latest climate culprit, moose. norwegian scientists say the animals in the norwegian forests have been altering the carbon cycle by dining on trees as you see. the proposed solution is to balance moose numbers and regulating their population, in
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other words, save a tree, kill a moose. well, growing concern across the country tonight about the growing fall-out from the collapse of silicon valley bank and other california banks could be next at a time when california is already seeing some economic distress. let's bring in texas public policy foundation v.p. chuck. chuck, great to have you on. as for the collapse of silicon valley bank, i want to read this. this is from bloomberg today, right? the fall out stands to bring a reckoning to the bay area's tech-driven economy. a center of the state's recent economic boom, just as california is facing a broader slowdown, tax collections from high earners that drive revenue are falling as the stock market flounders and the theme there is that half of california taxes are paid by the top 1%. if they're not making money in the stock market, california's not making money. >> trace, it's absolutely correct. california has the highest
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marginal income tax rate in the country and when you have these equity events from these start-ups in silicon valley, the tax man in california really benefits and so what you're having right now is california's deficit went from almost 100 billion-dollar surplus last year to about 22.5 billion deficit and now the legislative analyst office is thinking that even that's too rosy so it may be like a $30 billion deficit and that's before the fall out from this silicon valley bank. >> while you're talking about billions, you know, gavin newsom is still talking about reparations. the california secretary of state said the following here, quoting, if california can admit its sins and change the narrative, then there's a way forward for states and cities across the nation. i want to put this up because this is the reparations tax force plan. give every black restent $365,000. 1.8 black californian who has have an ancestor enslaved in the u.s. will receive money even
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though california isn't a slave state. total cost would be $640 billion! that's on top of the $22.5 billion deficit. where are they going to come up with $the billions of dollars, chuck? >> i don't think they'll come up with it at all. this is certainly something to help gavin newsom and his possible ambitions to run for president but let me tell you, trace, here is what california could really do to help its middle-class and especially its black citizens, it could turn around its economic policies. trace, california lost about 2% of its black population from 2010 to the 2020 census. in texas, african-americans up 19%. in florida up 10%. nationally up 6%. and so why is it that people are leaving california? you have middle-class folks leaving california. you have black californians leaving the state. because there's no opportunity unless, of course, you happen to be some billionaire out of
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silicon valley getting bailed out by joe biden! >> yeah, it's amazing and by the way, since you left, chuck, california has really -- the homeless thing, 12 homeless encampments from where i live to this studio, 12 different homeless encampments you drive through. i want to finally touch on this, this is gavin newsom. he's boycotting walgreens because walgreens refuses to send abortion pills to 22 states where the attorneys general says don't send them or we'll sue you. walgreens is facing the same circumstances as all retail pharmacies and no other retail pharmacies have said they would approach this situation differently so it's unclear where this contract would now be moved. in other words, what's gavin newsom going do when he runs out of pharmacies to boycott? >> again, this is all about performative politics, trace. this isn't about making californians' lives better. walgreens actions are in what? 21 states not named california.
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so he punishes one of the nation's largest retailers of pharmaceutical products to make a statement because, what? he's going to run for president or something? this is ridiculous! gavin newsom needs to focus on getting california's house in order. instead what he does is he goes to mexico to work on his tan and he comes back home with cov covid-19. >> yeah. the snow was piling up in the mountains and gavin newsom was sunning it up in mexico. chuck, great to see you, my friend. thank you. >> thank you. well tonight, we begin a series on how america is failing its teenage girls. they're dealing with mental illness, sexual abuse, eating disorders and even suicide attempts. tonight, jillian turner has the story of two girls and their families. >> i kept this a secret for a very long time. >> reporter: 17-year-old caroline zuba suffers the after-effects of trauma for months before turning to self-harm. >> as time went on, the cuts got
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worse and deeper. it turned to suicidal thoughts. >> reporter: she eventually tried to take her own life before confiding in a teacher. >> i will never forget the day my daughter's guidance counselor called me and she said, "you need to come down to the school. your daughter has been cutting herself." >> air klein is now in -- caroline is now in recovery after six hospitalizations in three years. she isn't an anomaly. over the past year, 13% of teen girls in america attempted suicide. 1 in 3 seriously considered it and 3 in 5 felt so persistently sad, they stopped regular activities. cdc official deb ourry calls the stats a disturbing wake-up call. >> that's really a cry for help and shows that so much is going on. >> reporter: 17-year-old ingrid explains that young girls' battles are often invisible. >> it's not treated as a legitimate problem until people see the suicide rates and they're like, oh, well, we never knew. >> reporter: the american academy of pediatrics, though,
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is painfully aware of this crisis. >> we just don't have the resources to provide all of this support we need to whether that's counselors or physicians and providers. >> reporter: caroline and ingrid are in recovery, but teen girls just like them continue filling emergency rooms seeking treatment for anxiety, depression, suicide and eating disorders. >> never would have thought, you know this would happen to her. mental illness is not bias. >> reporter: caroline and ingrid now run a mental health club at their high school. they advocate for teens and help others as they battle demons that are all too often invi invisible. trace? >> trace: very compelling stuff, jillian. thank you. dwight from the office calls out hollywood for anti-christian bias. that's coming up. but first, mountains upon mountains of snow from coast to coast. winter not nearly coming to an end. residents of this part of indonesia are being asked to wear masks. and it's not because of covid. the day's best viral videos are next.
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>> trace: well, first up in tonight's viral videos, talk about a crazy winter from my hometown of mammoth lakes, california. these are pictures taken by my dear friends mike and marlene who have lived in mammoth for 60 years and never have seen this much snow. look at it, 700 inches at the top of the ski area. you can walk up to the tops of telephone poles and they could get 30 more inches in the next 36 hours. the skiing is great. the driving is not. well, forget rain and snow falling, what about volcanic ash? residents of central indonesia are being asked to wear masks to protect them from the fall out of an eruption that happened on saturday. smoke and ash still spewing from the mountain causing poor air quality in the surrounding ar areas. well, minutes ago, we covered the nor'easter barreling towards the state of new york. here is behind-the-scenes
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footage of the city of rochester prepping a parking garage for the storm by dumping the remains of the last snowf. out -- the last snowfall. out with the old, in with the new and the new is coming. >> space x, that was one heck of a ride. we're happy to be home and looking forward to next time. >> that was space x crew 5 splashing down after almost six months orbiting the earth. they passed the baton to crew 6 that arrived in the international space station a little over a week ago. we took to you cape canaveral to watch the launch. it was a sight. if you have a video to share send it to trace gallagher or fox news @ night on social media. well, popular hbo series "the last of us" is being called out for manifesting hollywood's alleged anti-christian bias, this as faith-based entertainment projects continue to inspire and enjoy phenomenal
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success. let's talk about all of that with the creator and director of the hit crowd-funded tv series "the chosen" dallas jenkins. he joins us now. i was watching that, too, dallas. i was watching it with my family. as soon as that character starts reading the bible thing, you're like, you might as well put a black hat on him, right, because you know there's the villain right there. it's just -- it's one of those things where it's become -- it's become so, you know, cliche. >> yeah, my family and i were watching. we're fans of the show. when the bible verse showed up on the back wall, it was actually a spoiler. we needly knew, ok this guy is going to be abeaussive. we -- we immediately knew, ok, this guy is going to be abusive. we thought it was going to be weird. he turned out to be a cannibal. it has become a cliche. >> moving onto your projects. you created and directed "the chosen." huge success. congratulations to you on that,
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dallas. i'm wondering where the crowd funding idea came from. you crowd funded this to get the money put together. one, why did you come up with that concept? and, two, now that it's working, is this kind of the vehicle for further projects? >> yeah, i think -- i mean to be fair, it wasn't exactly my idea. i didn't actually think it was going to work. it was the idea of angels studios so i have to give them credit for that but i think the concept comes from what we actually did talk about. when i look at the show like the last, those filmmakers are great filmmakers. they have great stories to tell. they come from different perspectives, different persuasions and have different stories to tell than i do. the idea is instead of complaining about it, let's tell our own stories. now, the problem would be if crowd-funded successes like this, like "the chosen" and like other projects f they're looked at -- especially if they come from the faith market as some sort of niche or a museum exhibit to be observed, i think the key to be realized, it's good for all art, for you the
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pop culture conversation for there to be diversity of thought and lots of different stories like this. i think you can see by the success of "the chosen" and the success of the size of the audience you don't actually have to be a practicing believer to appreciate a story about the most famous man in history any more than you have to be a britt to appreciate "the crown" or a fan of zombies to appreciate "the last of us." >> this is from angel. i want to play a clip of it and get your response. >> lord chose that man out from the wicked that hope may endure. >> take me! we've seen rerivals, we've seen hit movies about christianity in theaters. why is it striking such a nerve at this time in this place? >> yeah, it's directed by a
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buddy of mine, david, who is great! you're looking at, you just mentioned, "jesus revolution" still in theaters, doing very well. our product is a tv show. it actually surprised people in theaters because of its success. i think right now more than ever because we actually live in ditchedded times, people are looking -- ditchedded times, people -- divided times, people are looking for hope. a lot of stull stories u find they're culturally reflant. story david is telling, his son took place thousands of years before that but it's universal in terms of its relevance. we're finding what they went through we're going through now. i think people are looking for as i mentioned diversity of thought. i think sometimes we see that our stories aren't always portrayed in some of the mainstream areas, and i think we go, ok, look, then let's tell our own stories. it's a free country. no one is keeping us from doing it, so let's do it and hopefully there can be the shared stories that are told that multiple people can appreciate. >> all very fair points, dallas
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jenkins. thank you for coming on. we appreciate it. best of luck to you. >> thank you. >> trace: well, the fox news @ night commonsense department couldn't help but notice the material of this year's oscars. not the songs, movies and monologues but the fabric. actress jessica chastain was applauded for wearing a cloth mask except when she was questioned by the host jimmy kimmel, chastain took off the mask as if covid was in a commercial break and no longer was transmissible but chastain's face mask certainly covered a lot more than some people's entire outfits, sheer was here, there and everywhere. in the meantime, commonsense noted there was not a lot of support for the fabric of the country, you know, the red, white and blue. top gun maverick was credited for saving the movie industry but got snubbed by the academy. some think because it's the movie was too patriotic. msnbc op ed called top gun an
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insidious movie because it showed the u.s. military as a beacon of virtue. the academy awards had a patriotic moment when best supporting actor was won and called it "the american dream." high praise considering that the winner is a vietnamese refugee of chinese descent. the born-and-bred americans in hollywood don't appear to share his patriotism. commonsense thinks hollywood is losing popularity because america sees through the facade and last night saw through a lot more. well, we asked if it's concerning that a new survey shows more than half of college students say they're afraid to speak out in class and express their views on certain issues. remember when college was an exchange of robust ideas? there's still time to weigh in on twitter and instagram be@tracegallagher. the night cap crew is next.
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>> trace: we're back with the night cap crew. kevin corke, jackie ibanez, matt finn and dallas jenkins. in a recent survey on pro speech, more than half of college students say they're afraid to express their views on
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certain issues partly because of professors, partly because of their fellow students. is this concerning? for me, kevin corke, it's very concerning because i want my girls to be in class and i want them if they have to say something that's been well-thought-out and well-research, you say what you want to say. on the flip side at stanford university, they shouted out a federal judge and the judge left without saying his piece and the dean came and backed the students which is crazy. your thoughts? >> i thought that segment was really illuminating. i think that's exactly what is happening on all college campuses but i think you're right. i think if you want to really teach your child or be a student yourself and stand up for what you believe, do that, because that is the essence of learning. >> it is. if i had a federal judge come to my college class, i would have sat there and listened because i would have picked up a few things. your thoughts on the whole college speaking thing?
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>> i also thought that was a fabulous segment and such an awful story. yeah, when you go to college, you know, you would do that, trace, because you're a polite person. i think it just boils down to having manners. at a university, you should have a marketplace of ideas where you feel comfortable having a discuss. there's no longer a discussion. it's this way or that way. that's not what education should be. >> yeah. the poll says is it concerning half of university students are afraid to share their views? twitter, 98% say yes. instagram, 99% say yes. matt finn, your thoughts? >> well, trace, first of all, we've covered so many stories here where people were booed out of auditoriums and not allowed to speak on campus. that's unfortunate. it's such a noble and mature trait to be able to listen to someone you don't agree with. there needs to be discourse. you need have a healthy and rigorous debate especially in college campuses. we had people speak on my campuses where i learned some things. >> dallas jenkins? >> it's a parenting issue.
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i tell my kids when you go college, you not only speak your mind but you also listen. if you're in a college that you're not allowed to do either, that's a college that shouldn't be receiving our money. >> one brandon says there are times that i won't share my opinions because i'll be heckled. that's crazy. thank you. dallas, matt, kevin, jackie, thank you. that's the night cap. thank you for watching america's late news, "fox news @ night" i'm trace gallagher. see you tomorrow. all businesses, but to the all businesses, but to the people who build them, there'sg, nothing small about them. that's why a t mobile for that's why a t mobile for business, you'll save more than a thousand bucks versus verizon. and at t-mobile,kd making sure will never raise your rate plan. plan. so you can kee smap your focusl. on toter and making sure the source is extra spicy at t-mobile. >> there are no small businesses. number one ?
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