tv Hannity FOX News March 13, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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palestine, ohio, questioning whether russian sanctions are effective. that's why we're number one in cable news. fox news channel theba thatnford are thrd dean. the politics of self-pity really are the most as. havek yourself, have you evr li been unhappy in your entire life except through self-pity? >> sel and is the root of all unhappiness? who have the best dealt with the ones you love? >> sean hannity taking over right now. all right. tucker, thank you. >> and i apologize. we don't have our audience tonight. it'll be here later this week st to wish you a whole. i miss them.oo i miss them, too. >> but we have so much breaking news. it's insane tonight. ith welcome , hannity.g >> we begin tonight, this monday night with a fox news alert. breaking tonight, reports indicating that the forty five president of the unitede td states , donald trump, is likely to be targeted indic e indictment in new york city to r over an alleged twenty sixteen payment to stormy daniels. fo're going to speak to the former president'ssident's attoy attorney exclusively straight ahead on what is just
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the latest example of of america's weaponizes system of justice. you know, it would be beyond ald unusual for a state prosecutor to use an alleged violation of a federal law rather thanfinancs a state campaign finance lawe as grounds to elevate a falsea e paperwork case from a misdemeanor to a felony. wow. tha they get really creativeuld be u because they hate trump that much. that would be trump derangement syndrome. we'll explain. but first, anothersyndrome. anor massive crisis for reckless, the reckless, incompetent joe biden and hisstem and administration. america's banking systemour . >> your money is now in peril. this is a very real crisis. there are real fears tonight that this could very well be just the beginning of a massive biden banking crisisat with biden, billionaire bailouts and world wide collapuences to banks now have officiallysed. collapsed. nearly two dozen others. they were forced to halt
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trading today amid widespread panic. first, republic bank stock plummeted a whopping 60%. $100 one hundred billion was wiped out in one single day at banking the very core of all of this banking crisis is joe biden's record setting. fy his multitrillion o dollars spending inflation caused by hisen multitrillion dollar spending spree. and remember inherited a, bidend a very low inflation rate of one point four percent and his horrible economic, horrible energy policies drovrrible ee in to one record high afterher, another after another. all, 40 record highs and biden has inflation has been anything but, quoten anythi, transitory,y told us . inw, this followed by , what, 17% increase in the ratefed, the increases in terms of the fed, the first financial institution the sito fail the silicon vallek saw its massive holdings inrd b us treasuries and mortgage securities, quote, hit hard by the fed's aggressive interest rate hikes caused by biden.
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inflatio whicn, which still remains uncomfortably high. it is still not under control. t but according to joe biden, un citot just his fault. it's transitory. h instead, is blaming not hard to figure out, but take a look.n >> during the obama bident in administration, we put in place tough requirements on banks like siliconnd s valley bank lat and signature bank, including the dodd-franko law, to make sure that the crisis we saw in 2008 would not happen again.adma unfortunately,ti the last administration rolled back some of these requirements first. if joe biden is lying. these regu if these regulations were so reinstate themhad over two years to reinstate them with ah th democratic house sen and senate. no banks, by theate. no way, tho large , no bank failed under donald trump. in reality, multiple senate democrats voted to ease theses d restrictions, including to easee senator tim kaine and jon tester and claire mccaskill and many others, even former
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congressman barney frank. remember him, dodd-frank, heel regula beat in support of the exact regulatory rollback as a boardei member at signature bank, whicha was the seconds th financials ch institution to collapse today. now, the bill that was change. that's right. it was the dodd-frank bill inr c 2017 in an op ed for cnbc,t let's look at what congressman barney frank wrote . quote, there, ther is one legise issue on which i am strongly c supportive of a change thatt will benefit signature raising the fifty billiochn asset levelt at which a bank becomes subjecto to the extran. supervision. so you've got a former democratic firebrand, barney frank coauthored. the dodd-frank bill was instrumentaln in removinged the oversight at a bank that has non thw collapsed that he'sn wa the board of. fault? and we're supposed to believ no, this was donald trump's fault. now, the bottom line is this. it was joe biden, not donald trump, that caused inflation
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to spiral out of control econom and that created the tenuous thtuation for all banks and our economy. at wasit was biden, it was not e who sat around and did nothing ab as one expert after another wasy warning about a looming disaster.tran they all lied.sitory, it's tem they said, no, it's transitory,y no it's temporary. t real, don'it's not real. don't worry, it'll go away. is fact, analysts at jp morgan, they actually issued a warning specifically about silicon how valley bank in november of lastj year. so how did jp morgan know while the biden administration totally clueless? well, that's right.upid and the people who work in the biden white house are poli stupid and incompetent, but they're also politik. in maybe these are silicon valley friends of theirs. it will gein the dayt interestin the days to come when we find out how much money was donatedak by who and if anybody involved in these bank failures in fact,f donated big dollars to democrats instead of preventing crisi preves with ext analysis and sound policies,
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they always blame donald trump.y they even blame him for the blame for the border crisis they caused. they blame trump for what record setting illegal immigration? noer, the border was secure undr trump. they blame trump for biden's whn record setting. inflation knows one point donat officen donald trump left office, they went all 9 the way up to nine point one percent. one forty year high after another. they even blame donald trump for the wahighr in ukraine. vladimir putin didn't invadehi ukraine when trump wasn derailme president . they even tried to blame himnt i for the toxic train derailment washast palestine. in ohio, evenington p "the washington post" was osforced to call out this blataf lie. but that's not going to stop repeg the samektinro lie over and over and over again. i whatever happenef thd to the buy stops here? if the dog bites, the beell stings. and if you're feeling sad, ita . is all donald trump's fault, according to joe biden. take a looe downk. >> you take down regulations. you watered down regulations, you weaken the power ofal
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the administration to deal with freight railroad companies and then you shoht railrow up wg to be a great friend of the people who have been a raimpacted by a rail disaster. administration, r the damage that was done by the laste administration, the mismanagement that was donea by the last minutest tactnistration. >> there's a bit of a different tactic, a bit of a differentsidn approach. and that's probably why president biden and not his predecessor was ables predec tos the world and the globalte community and taking steps russ' against against russia's aggression. we were able to determine thatae china has a high altitudeon cont balloon program for intelligence collection that'se people connected to the people's liberation army. it was operating during the previous administration, but they did not detected we detected it. t th the president inherited a messaa because of what the last administration did. they hear it?d yo we heard it a mess.
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and , you know, republicans in congress made it worse by blocking comprehensive immigration reform. >> i take the blame for inflation. no . go >> why not? because it was already there when i got here.t here man. come on , man. now, when they're not passing al blame and shirking all responsibility, the whitponse h is just flat out lying and pretending that an obvious crisist all. is not really a cra at all. i they don't have a crisis atn the border. the border af is secure.h th we saw it in afghanistan. we see it with inflation. bankin we saw with the supply chain crisis.s no and now we have the bidendiffer banking crisis is no different. >> take a look.nfidence americans can have confidence that the banking system is safe . >> your deposits will be therebn when you need them. the american banking system is really safe and wells resili capitalized. >> it's resilienent.t. th and the head of the omb talking said the same thing. sounds like they read the same poimemo. secutalking point meml
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and resilient to significants ce banks, one the sixteenth oth largest in the country hasnow fr collapsed, with two others now facing a similar fate. according to jen psaki,d the situation is so urgent thati biden started working at 9:00t a aa.m.. it was a big day for joey. i'm sure he's asleep by now and probably had his ice creamsn and went to bed. >> take a look.t now, it's importantot to noteeah president biden does nothing at 9:00 a.m. he is a night owl. so, th th the fact that he is doing this at nine a.m. anyway speaksh to how vital the white house recognize it is for him to havee his voice out there conveying that to the american public. lic. a night owl.e fo minute. i'm not buying that your pre a minute. that is early morning presser. well, your president, joe , t claim it would be no bank bailout and that the taxpayerser would not be on the hook. over the weekend, treasury secretary janet yellena look said exactly something similar. >> take a look. during the financial crisis,nved
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there were investors and owners of systemic large banks that were bailed out.d th and we're certainly not lookingn . and the reforms that have been put in place means that we'ree not going to do that again. but we are concerned aboutt thee depositors and they're focused on trying to meet their needs.t >> all right. what changed, janet? because twenty four hours, actually , less than twenty four hours later,t silicn the white house has completely bailed out silicon valley bankv. . the administration doesn't know and and lastdoing week, janet yellen was in ukraine for the past year. now she's been focused on achecu global minimum tax. joe biden has beenty muc checkey pretty much from day one , but now fear not, because every ube tech startup, vinyard and anricl uber rich celebritebriy with millions of dollars that they banked at the silicon silin valley bank they will be
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valley bank, they will nownot gs be reimbursed full and they say it's not going to cost you a penny. will come from. ry penny it will come from you, the american taxpayer. that is their biggest lie. the taxpayers won't be bailingbi out biden's billionaire bankerll buddies because you will youe la will be now no word if there will be any legal or financial consequences for those in charge of svb.n charge of svb, the shareholde but the shareholders, they are now suing the ceo, the cfo, fors fraud. lawsuieep in mind, by the way, it was a quick lawsuit. keep in mind, this is a bank. that had no official risk officer for eight months, a bank that just committedons. a five billion dollars to finance carbon neutral operations, a bank that paid out bonuses only hours before the collapse on friday, a ban k that hosted an exclusive dinner at an expensive steakhouse the nightl before they collapsed to celebrate south celebra by st and a bank with executives thats sold millions of dollars worthns
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of stock just two weeks prior to the collapse. coincidenc le or just good luck? or maybe not anyway, now, this bank full of biden donors hasmii been bailed out by the bidenstrl administration, really by you, the american people. do you think you will receivefae similar treatment? are american farmersttd of, areo they getting this kind of treatment? are american ranchers getting this typf treatmerse of treatment, american truckers getting this type of treatment? health care workeritals with thn our hospitals with their vaccine mandates, they're getting this kind of treatmentfa . no. kudlo here with reaction is the host of kudlow on our sister network, the fox business network, larry kudlow. all right.. so interest rate cuts, i'm sorry, inflation was at one point four percent when joe biden became president . then we had one forty year high after another going up to nine l plus percent. and they have not, in spite ofee all of the interest ratehold increases, they have not been able to gain a hold of inflation. so you have banks like this
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bank out in silicon valley. they had invested in ten year treasuries, for example.s are then all of a sudden the peopleg want their money back , interest rates are higher, and now they're selling those treasuries treasuries at a major loss. >> is that what happened? >> well, more or less. look, a well, more or less. i mean, look, a couple points. barney frank, liberal democratoa barney frank, said today thatlaa this was not a regulatory problem as the bidens areli charging trump that this is a by liquidity problem. a and barney frank, i know he's a liberal democrat, but he's pretty smart guy. t and it was a bipartisan vote to relieve some of the onus bank regulations of the obama biden administration. so that's one point a second onr point is in my service in the government under president trump, he often called it seven a.m., call,nine o'clock was a late c, nine a.m., third point, bidens t
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inflation is what caused these huge interes t rate increases.upside d it's an upside down intereste cs rate curve. in other words, short ratesth became much higher than longsilo rates. and the problem here with thek y silicon valley bank is that they were unable to manage the risk involved in that., the here's who the culprit is .n francisco fed whose president is the san francisco fed, whose president is a woman named mary daley, did not exercise their supervisory responsibilities. they should have seen this it wa coming. it was over two hundred billion dollar bank. nobody said you couldn'tuso it supervise that. o they just didn't do it.n and so now this thing is that who knows? i mean, i hope the contagion is going to stop , but we can't country, be sure because there is other banks around the country. fed i don't know whether they'reor e being supervised properly by the fed or whoevet isr, butd that's still going to be an issue. we'll hope day by day that thatt doesn't happen. ce okay, what would you advisee
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them if you were in the bideni white house tonight? because now they're bailing out billionaires. and i would imagine e the averaged being li american is pretty angry edd beinhearing and being lied i being told that it's not going b to be their money when in fact,a it will be their money. >> do you know anybody elselarrs that will pay that bill ?t. larry, well, look, i think whatn has to happen here, sean, that all these circumstances around the silicon valley bank areomew very peculiar. they're somewhat mysteriouhas ly because they should have been able to handle the liquidity issuess thatnot able that they e to handle. and there may be solvency issuesy issues how good . i don't know how good their assets are. i don't know good. i don't know badgood, i don't. someone like p you got to have somebody like patrick henry. he's got to go. >> you know, he runs the house financial services committee. xs he's got to bring bank examiners in and they got g a become transparent and tell people exactly what is going on , whether the loans were any good or not or why the san that'
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francisco fed, for example, didn't make the right supervisioto happen. don't wantt that's what has to happen. we need transparency here. we don't havoe it. but i don't want to jump to conclusions. i mean, look, banking 15 years is a very difficult is a very di difficult issue. playinntagion is vere. you and t issue. you play with fireg with n on tn one . so i wan wat to go a day at a time, larry, if they're going to bail out this bank way fdi beyond the two hundred and fifty thousand dollars the fdic guarantees, s like and they're going to pay hundreds of millions of dollarle likely. >> who is going to pay that bill ? won't it be the american t taxpayeraxpayer? think? >> well, i think you can make your case ultimately. the yes, the banks pay for this through fees to the fdichough. s insurance corporation. he's saying that the americank taxpayer won't pay a penny. >> and i think that's a lie. liu while i think ultimately they will pay. e payi i mean, after all, that's whyife
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the banks are paying more fees . if the banks are paying morei can, fee, i want to be as explicit as i can because this stuff is very tricky and it's very important. banks should paypaying fees wil, will probably charge their own customers more fees.xpayer so in that sense, i would agreet with you that it will beilout, ? a taxpayer funded rescue mission. is it a bailout chompe m nor? t >> i'm not sure. i'm not sure it's a bailout.y i'm not sure i want to say that. . all right. larry kudlow, thank you. sean: k here with more makinudlow,g mont host charles payne, along with the founder of the committee to unleash prosperityh stephen, stephen moo i guess, charles , let me startt with you tonight. do you agree with larry's analysis of this? and isn't this a billionaire bailout? and at the end of the day,diplot well, i'm going to be less diplomatic than larry. banks okay, yeah. this is obviously ultimatelyighe when banks when banks have higher fees, they pass them on to their customers. so that' we know that that's wht businesses do. yeah, this is a bailout. y
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>> this is a bailout of really silicon valley itself. kend siliconover the weekend, ss valley went on the attack. they stoketo particud fear, para on social media, that thisd peoe is going to be a chain of will bevents, that people be lip across the country at regional outbanks to take their money o, i went to three banks on saturday. there wasn't a line anywhere . it an exte nobody was panicking. so here's the thing.t for they were calling it anlley extinction event for silicon valley. how do we get here?0 years sifor 20 years, silicon vy has been able to take these companies public that were exorbitantly overvalued. they made billions and billions and billions of dollars.f dolla, they bought the world's biggest yachts t. biggesuilt the biggest homes in the world. and from the moment cove, when all that extra money came out sn from the federal reserve and then the federal governmenlt ,silicon valley bank, their deposits went up. three hundred percent almosterao to two hundred billion dollars. the average bank in america,s gd their deposits went up 30%. it was a good times.t so they had all of this cash .
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did they do with it? they didn't let it out. and they certainly never, nevery lent it out to regular folks.. y no. regular folks got this mont ? none. okay, so they decided to invest looking it and they wanted to get yield there. he was looking for yield theseta days. and so here's the thing. o sa and everyone's got to listengoig to this from president biden comes out today and he startse u to say, well, i'm going to ,anks you know, demonize the banks. i'm going to make sure that welh these banks don't do anything reckless. what they bought bonds bond with us ,bonds with it. there's no other investment in the world they call a risk free. the problem, though, of coursefa because the federal reserve has had to come in and aggressively attack inflation, which, by the way, went over the top with that biden two trillionds h dollars. they've jay powell hands haveben been tied to a degreeion. last r and they've tried to battle inflation. and consequently, last year, bonds had their worst year -- ever. the last year, last fourteen and months, fourteen months in anyone's lifetime. >> it's amazing. >> sjpsteve moore, how jp morgan
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peter thiel, other smart peopleo . jp morgan was writing about this in november for crying out loudcrying. but explain how it's biden'sec economic policies, his energyred policies that caused record high inflation, record high inflation resulting treasuries, et cbankk investingn of money and treasuries, et out on athen all of a sudden people need their money and they've go massivet to cash. a massive loss. isn't that a bigor contributing factor here? >> and how many other banks around the country might be doing this? licate >>d yeah, you know, it's a complicated story, but a lot of ways it's not so complicated. thesa pretty, you kind of did ay good job of explainingit and connecting these dots. first, it starts with trillionso and trillions of dollars out ofn control spending. then the government has to borrow that t money to finane all of these six trillionad dollars of additional spendingdm enacted.s flow then the next step is alinl thit money is flowing intoy
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the economy. and as you just correctly said , that additional money so caused interest rates to risew and inflation to rise. o and so now the fed has to actwn and it has to raise these interest rates to bring inflation down.these in and you've seen a big increasete in these in these interestr ban. rates over the last three years. and this has caused big problems for i do thinks, there i d may be or banks. i don't think we're going to see a major bank run or something like that. i think peopleairl should feel fairly secure. but there are probably other other banks as. i banks, as you mentioned, that are in this situation. ngly abot i don't., one other point that i feel strongly about, john . all i've heard from biden over the last several weeks since his budget came out, we're going to make the rich paye their fair share. makie going after these rich people that are making tono much money, et cetera. a and who do you think is goingint to benefit from? and look, i will call it pe a bailout because i think ith de posiis people with with deposite less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars. that's the middle class, right, sean? they are protected under provida
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current fdic rules. but this is going to doe is provide a bailout forf the people with , you know,llare millions and millions of dollars of these ise accountn c. to and i thought he was going to sock it to the rich andthem g always give him a big bailout. b unbelievable. all right.ut sea steve moore, thank you.n: steve and charle,s, thank you. l >> we have a lot more to come tonight. will the left ever learn their lessons or will they continue to your economy? cripe make tougher on the americane li family?ving you know, two thirds of our country, i living paycheck to paycheck. are you kidding me? this is ridiculous. people tapping intot card their pension plans at credit cards, using credit cards to get bare necessities. and where do you see what gavin newsom is proposing out in california? it is incredible. the great one , mark califor ev he is in a mood tonight. i was just on his radio show. he's this man needs updated covid prediction. so to see you. these guys do because gold
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is still out there and so aret t you. before september 2020 two , youc you're out there with fadingan o protection. but an updated vaccine restores your protection so you can keep doing you get an updated covid vaccine, stay out there safely. i just wasn't feeling well. >> i went in the bank one day and the lady behind the counter, she looked at me, says, you need to take what my husband takes. >> and i started taking balance of nature. and within a few weeks i was so much better. i've taken it for 20 some years and i wouldn't go without it. i want to be like my grandma will be 100 when you get to be eighty two years old. that's a blessing. and balance of nature. >> i really believe it's helped me do that.i' to balance of nature and don't forget to use to balance of nature >> i'm jonathan larsonli here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial pen program. pen program. if you're age 50 t
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six nine three six nine . all right. much like its clients inch the tech industry, siliconan valley bank prioritize weakness over almost everything else, including keeping the company solvent. now sve be released. a twenty page diversity equity i and inclusion report back in january . now the website bragge brd about the company's environmental, social and governance e ininitiatives, and the bank didn pledge five billion dollars toward last yes green programs e year alone. to be fair, cfib may just havewm been following the lead of california gov.. gavin newsom. he's managed to turn the state's one hundred billion budget surplus into a twenty two billion dollara budget pushg deficit. f but he's still pushing for a six and 40 billion dollar reparations plan. for california because in california, it doesn't mattert,a if you're financially solvent tl hosts g as you're woke enough. o
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here nowth with hie s take on at of this, he hopes the number one show on the weekends, life, liberty and in the great one , great to b mark levin is with us . great one . how am i ?r radi it was great to be on your. radio show. >> listen,listen, any time you . only on mondays. you on .he banne >> as far as newsom goes,d petru i thought he banned petroleum, products, apparently, except ra for his hair.ras if you notice that reparations shoul are very interesting.y so people who never owned should pay people who never were .thon you people who came into this ci country longvi after the civilne war, how are we going to deal with this? that i thi more than that,io i think they're on to something about this reparations. t i've always said this. the democrat party should pay reparations. f the democrat party is the party, the confederacy. it's the party of slavery.'s it's the party of segregation. and it's also now the party ofcs poverty as it's impoverishing people from coast to coast. so i think coast. th the democry should pay reparations.o me amazing to me.
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democrat generals, democrat president of the confederacy, democrat monuments support, okay pulled down and people are saying take down the confederate flaghow does t.s okay, fine. how does the democrat partylitie survive all this? when it wahi its the political m institution behind it all? i so my views, is pay reparations. democrats pay your reparations t to whomever you want to nowhe want to . takand yoehen you the dumbest man in the senatep n and you install him in the oval office, you have the dumbestecom man in the ovaicl office. joe biden is an economice gu illiterate. joe biden is the guy who . so we need to spend more money to beat inflation. when he came into office, as you said , there was no inflation, interest rates wereoi negligible. now they're through the roof.ha destroyed our banking system, he has destroyed our joe biden has destroyedfo our banking system. he's destroyed our food system. he's destroyed our immigration system. syst. destroye loanstudent system. he's destroyed our energy system. he's destroyeds destroyed our ai
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system. he he thinks thr, but i think he's more herbert hoover. and moreover, he tak takes thest sort of autocratic powers. you know, at leasthous mussolini got the trains to run on time. o this can't get the trains don to run on time. time as a for the airlines to fly on timet or anything to be done on time as a matter of fact, i'm very troubled by this becauseon budg, he's proposed a six point nine trillion dollar budget, which is massive, with almost five trillion dollars in tax mat increases. he plays this marxist class clas about the rich versus th warfare about the rich versus the poor, which accommodates nothin g that doesn't bring foodit doen prices down. it doesn't bring gasoline prices't get down.'t d it doesn't get crime off our street. it doesn't secure the border. those thit doesn't do any of the things. obj he's constantly throwingects ouy objects out there for people shy is ahase when in fact, he's the shiny object that we need to stay focused on . one-manhe is a one man wreckinl
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that is destroyed so much that is good with this country and he's not done. he's not a moderate. he is .jo biden's facers in joe biden's face mask. , he that's what he is . he's a radical. and by being a radical, quity he's destroyed this country. now we talk about diversity,ana equity and inclusion. artythis bank was essentially a democrat party bank. the democratgeverythin a democrat party wants all of our financial institutions to d do.o all of our businessesn to do, which is this idiotic diversity, equity, inclusion, which is against diversity, against real equality,nt and certainly against inclusion. they poured all this money int . i wanto . i want to remind people thationt joe biden is still pushing for esg for corporations.ith an that means rather than investing in good faith and rationally and wisement s foinvestments, for people with pensions and so forth,n that they woulthd be able, marxs to invest in this socialist propag as a mattersaid
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of federal law. and so the republicans in so, we'r said no and joe biden says no, they can. , th so we're subsidizing the destruction of the countrye taxpayers paying for all of this. that taxpayers are paying for all of this. joe biden claims to be to be dob this for the little guy, all autocrats always claiming to be thguy.doing for the little guy. and one footnote, while he's trashing the rich, he got rich off the communist chinese.e . he didn't seem to mind very much about that. and he setcos uprporat to corpoe nation so he doesn't have to pay medicare taxes and obamacare our taxes. e oval we have the worst person in the oval office imaginable. and he's setting fire to this country economically, politically, socially,d and militarily. . that's that's it. i'm okay. i got one request. i have a couple of questions.lop i want to follow up. >> okay, so this is the guyn and that says he won't raise taxesa.
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on anybody making under four hundred thousant yed a yea but yet he's raising taxes on gas, on oil, on coal. i he's raising taxes on pensions and retirement. plans. he's raising taxes on corporations. mark, you don'rporations. you ds to mit or harvard businessinno to know corporations. they don't pay those taxes. w they pass that cost on to, the t the people consumer. now we have a bill. what ultimately is like babillionaire bailout of his silicon valley friends. friends.ile companies, you know, every other american has to live with a system, with an, fdic insurance of only twohe sa hundred and fifty thousand dollars. this. so he says the american people aren't going to pay this. who are who will pay that markao and why is he why is he allowed to bail out without any, thes congressional approval? banks withese banks with this kf money, he shouldn't be in this particular bank. >> b subsidizing fifteen hundre and fifty technology firms,
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according to then "new york times", that were focused on solar, hydrogenso and battery storage projects. that's why he's going to bail them all out. on these ardee democratr hos. t people wonder how canaren billionaires be democrats? because most of them't rea arent real they feed off the government. they're subsidizedbsidized by te government. so they'll set up theser, companies on solar and whatever and so forth. >> and themy vote democrat compa because the democrats take the money from the productive companies that areell- run an actually well-run and they cread give it to these phony entities that they've created, these potemkin villages that they've ' created. and you know what?s it's only going to get worse with this guy. this gu shortages on electricity, y. shortagesshortages on oil sh, on food people coming over on as the border and on and on and onh . why? because he's an idiot. that's why now you're really done. >> all, mark levin, thank you. neve the great one . mark levin, thanr enk you.ding now, straight ahead tonight, tr never endingump whic trump witct continues reports indicating all overctment against the placn
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indictment against the former president is cominth stormg, dey with stormy daniels. w trump attorney joe tacopina. het will react forcefully coming up next. >> for people with diabetic nerve pain of the fauci, it's time for great feats. help get them with croutons up. the only topical prescription treatment approved to help reduce diabetic nerve pain of the feet. great feats, the day to day, ordinary things that seem extraordinary when your feet feel better. castanza is different. 1:30 minute application in your doctor's office can provide up to three months of diabetic foot pain relief q10. that can only be applied by health care provider q10. that can cause severe irritation of eyes, mucous membranes, respiratory tract and skin. patients may experience pain and burning upon application and following removal of hands . reduced sensation in the feet may occur. the most common side effects were redness, pain or itching where cutugno was applied. if any of these side effects
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are ignored. and trump's attorney , you joe tacopina, joins us now, with much more . >> do you believe, joe , we've known each other a long time. doat are you believe these repos they're everywhere that are they expect this indictment. stl >> are you expecting it? listen, i still hold out hopes o that justice will prevail soon because there ha be and ths to e and there is , in fact, a heavyd dose of disgust in the legal, ds attounity in the bar with prosecutors, defense rneys, tattorneys, judges that e doing this. this is not what we do. ed. yo this legal system has now been weaponizes, completely weaponizes. and , you know tha, you canr' read that that idiot marks pomerance, his book, who violated all sort of grand w jury secrecy laws, hadrote a fiduciary duty to keep things confidential. you read his book, he eve and instead wrote a book. and if you read his book, he even said it was amazing whatitt he admitted there, that he was just looking for a crime to fit the person. and that's not whaouldt we do. b it's not what we shouldnhatta be doing clearly here. the manhattan district attorney's office has stoopedins
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to that level. if they are looking at this sinl foormy daniels case, because one thing is clear that everyra single legal scholar, former members of the federal electiona committee have opined that no crime was here, that there wasuh no campaign law violation at all. >> well, let me ask you, this is an article by msn .com, and the headline is prosecutingn trump. stormy daniels money would include hurdles, according to expertsgxperts. he at one point, they say if braggd were to do this, it says itprosc would be unusual for a state prosecutor to use an alleged violation of a federalf law rather than of a state campaign finance law as a grounds to elevate a false paperwor k case fromd be a misdemeanor to a felony. but it would also be unusual to prosecute a presidential candidate for violatinndidate fc as opposed to federal campaign finance laws. e lado you believe that that th they're doing something this unusual? first of all, do you believe it's unusual on purpose for
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the purpose of elevating what would otherwise be a misdemeanor in new york to >> a felony nationally? yeah, sure. they clearly look, any prosecution in this matter would be completely unprecedented, meaning this would be the first ever inment.t the history of this country. and think about that. that statementlbrain fo that rod around your brain for a minute or two . campaign financeare are murky to begin with . and all the underlying legal tht theories that they have here that we've been hearing about from them these days, all of office are untested, completely untested a untested, and have never been utilized in this manner.n so there are things here thata e i mean, look at john edwardstelr john edwards, which was roo a completely different situation. right. you had a third partm an yman that w paying for room and board and rent to keep some someass woman that was pregnantthir with his child a secret.d pan fa >> and that wacts a third party and in fact, actually happened here.m president trump has denied fromh day one having an affair with this woman what he is is
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an extortion victim. and by the way, it's regardless of whether he did or didn't, hei says hnk is poe and i believe him. and the evidence, i think,ly hes is very powerful that he never v had an affair with her. ortion,h but more importantly, he's a victim of extortion because sheo came out right before the campaign and said, well, the electiony me i a said , unlu pay me, i'm going to make s a public storyomething about soo that he says is completelymethat untrue. so would that's something that l be done irrespective. here's the key. it wouldd be be done irrespectie of the campaign, because perjure, l cohen, the convicted perjurer, a liar, a guiay who he zero credibility, i don't evensi think he had a license, quitee d frankly. honestly, what he said when he t pled guilty in this case wasin emba the client, his client was doing it for to preventen personal embarrassment it ou and prevent embarrassment to his family. that takes it out of the realm m oof exclusively campaigncampai finance. this is not a campaign financeae law case. lawse, not atat all.d an >> let me go back. i know you did an interview with george stephanopoulos this morning and he asked you three questions. if the president authorizedy das
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the payment to stormy daniels, was the payment properly recorded?the paymen and was it connected to thed, ws election? and what i sai thed, yeah, wasso the only one that matters there is number three , because it'sof not connected to the campaign. e and had the purpose of affecting the election, thens so, th two do not matter at all. at'swill it's not a crime. that ag's a crime.o sogain. this i'll go back to the this has to be tied to any the e laws and there election and more importantly, the campaign finance laws. and there's a critical distinction separating campaign funds from personal funds here. this was all personal funds.i'me >> let me ask if i'm hearing right. e laws you're saying campaign finance laws areot are not, you know,e t etched in stone, that there's some somewhat ambiguous and the ean: andunderlying legal theorit and this goes to the morsan article are are untested. >> explain what what they mean and what you mean by that. holars andand other legal schols
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and former members of the fec f have publicly stated in the past about this. >> sure. i have a write ifn fouer mencint the purposes influencing an election. >> that's what this has to be about solely for that purpose, u not a primary purpose, has an e to be solely for the purpose ofi influencing an election. this payment right to thiss stormy daniel . so here is the statutesaign prohibition on divertingu campaign funds for personale use. and there's a reason for that.o obviously, you don't want persoa people who are donating money to a candidate to all of a sudden have that candidate spend money on his personal items. >> i mean, anything inn theo t y could be to influenceyo the campaign or the election. i mean, you want the campaign in a nice suit. $ you don'20t want to have a a chin twenty dollar suit made in china.s falling apart at that's falling apart at the seams. you don't have a nice vie expenditure in theoryis, according to this theory, coulds be a campaign finance law violation. of course, not it's not. so the crucial distinctionfrom is separating campaign funds from personal funds. could you imagine showin bg whee we'd be tonight if if president trump had used
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campaign funds to make this. payment? oh, my god, they'd be calling for his scalp.y, instead, he did everythingd so the right way. he did nothing wrong, as he has said repeatedly and so spendingo campaign funds from personal funds and separating those i'm two is a critical distinction here. so personal funds and personal funds use. i'm lookin lookig to the statutf regarding this spending usedcomt to fulfill any commitmenmet, t l obligation or expense of what won that would exist irrespective of the campaign takes it out oalkingf the real f what we're talking about here. exist irre of course, of course, this would exist irrespective of>> si a campaign. all right, joe tacopina, he's is the president. dent -- theor thehe's a lawyer t of the united states president.e 'll be followingforty five , doe we'll be following thisw closely. all right. when wdevelopmene come back , he new developments tonight. congressman james colmar, the oversight committee has the very latest news on the investigation intoden's i hunter biden's shady business dealings and how many democratns are trying to get in front of that.
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also, we'll explain that. and tony fauci lashing out at his critics. find out what he said straight t ahead. a >>t jussi smollett, an actor who films the hit tv show empire, told police the victim of a hate crime. >> i've been truthful and consistent on every single level since day one . let me paint a picture for you. most folks going out at 2:00 in the morning on the coldest night of the year, jesse hired them to beat him up. this is where we waited for justin to come. >> we were the ones that did it. >> yeah, it was a how does this nobel prize winning doctor support his memory and stay focused? he relies on the powerful antioxidants in these memory and focus. choose on super beats. the number one pharmacist recommended beat brand for cardiovascular health support. >> i need to be sharp and stay at the top of my game because i feel i have so much more work still to do.
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dog today, house oversight committee chairman james comey is now pushing forward with his investigation into cerovicy buss experience, hunter biden and , of course, a shady business rankings over the weekend, ranking member jamie raskin revealed that commerce raskin, subpoenaed financial records spanning 14 years for hunter associates that are involved in the joint venture with cfc china energy. and meanwhile, as he faces more scrutiny for covid failures, well, doctor flip flop fauci is lashing out at out his critics, including elon musk, over thihis december tweea where musk wrote , quotere,
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my pronouns are prosecute fauci. that his pk at this. >> we've seen elon musk tweet o that his pronouns, he's the owner of twitter, that his pronouns are prosecute for fauci others in the gop haveingn talked about arresting youd and prosecuting you for your handling of code. what's your response to that?tot your response to musk? >> and what has that been likel, for your family? well, i mean, there's no response to that. >>raziness craziness, jim . i mean, prosecute me for whatea, what what they talking about? i mean, i wish i could figureinh out what the heceyk they were talking about. >> i think they just going off the deep end. >> all joining us nowte with reactioner is house oversight committee chairman james comey. has i want to start with the n subpoenas that you sent out. anere'sts been a lot of stall stonewalling in your committee ,a lot of stonewalling ofcritic jim jordan's committee. the subpoenaalous are critical r you to get to the truth.r plan and all of this. y what arede your plans if
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they don't if they defy a? r subpoen >> well, luckily for me,aed they they complied with my subpoena two weeks ago, sean. bank fk for records for three different former hunter biden business associates. one of those associates ins ro. particular waswe rob walker. d t we got his account. we confirmed tha that that accot around two months after joe biden leftvice pre the offif vice president , received a three million dollar wir wiree from two individuals directly associated with the chinese comcommunist party. , th the very next day after that walker wire was receive ad, the walkery account started transferring money intoo thre three different biden family member's accounts.w including a new biden familyr ts member that's never before beene identified as someone being involved in the influence peddlingthe infl scheme. >> so this is very serious information that we've received, very troubling
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information. it does showa patter a pattern o the biden family was receiving mone and ty directly from chinar and the question i have, john , is what weret they doing inacco return for that money?un and now this is just one account. there are many more accounts for and many more associates. bu t fortunately for us , we've had people, whistleblowers that have been coming in. we knew pretty much which account to investigate. with our fortunately, they did comply rit with our subpoena. orts >> all right. there are something called suspicious activity reportt s that banks write up if the transaction is suspiciousldo in any way. th you've been trying to getn a hold of those, but you'velk t been facing a lot of resistance. what will it take to get theo mn >> well, as you know, sean,theso we've been demanding these for c over a year. rethe treasury secretary yellenm said we couldn't have them because we were in the minority wheninlipped i became chairman f the committee, when the house flipped, she said , well,y yo i don't understand the purposes
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for why yo u need the suspicious activity report, which is hea joe .pe well, then wrsone as fk for a committee hearing with the person from treasury that i signed the letter, declining our most recent invitationnv. is they say they had surgery that day. then they offered another person, this persodeclinedn then declin. so we offered to invite them in with the threat of a subpoena for a transcribed interview. we just gointerview.e justt wors has now said they're going so let us have access to those suspicious activity reports. learn how we are going to learn receive thos about how we're goingg to receive those. but we're moving in a good direction with with respect to this investigation. to me, >> sean: to this entire case will come down to follow the money. and it seems like you're on the right track. it seems that's why they have been reluctant and resist to being of any help whatsoever anyway. congressman, thank you for being with us. all right. when w e come back , a big announcement for hannity right after this. >> i can't believe this is how
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