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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  March 15, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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is all said and done, kevin, there will be tens of billions of dollars stole from the u.s. treasury. unbelievable. great report, thank you so much. that is it for tonight. it is america now and forever. go to instagram and see photos from spring training and from the recovery effort. greg gutfeld and the gang, take it from here. >> todd: fox news alert, republicans say president biden pitch to boost military spending by 3.2% is inadequate. rus russian jet brings down a drone over the red sea. i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. budget proposal today as adversaries around the world become more embolden. lucas tomlinson is live in washington with more. good morning. >> lucas: the drone went down
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southwest much crimea near ukraine. russian fighter jet collided with it. stop hostile flights in the area. raising concerns about sensitive u.s. military technology falling into russian hands. there are no u.s. warships in the area. here is reaction from the white house and pentagon officials. >> we do not want to see this war escalate beyond what it has done. this is inappropriate, unsafe, unprofessional by the russian pilots. >> this is unsafe and unprofessional. >> the senator did not hold back while speaking to our colleague, jennifer griffin. >> i would like to get your reaction to what happened today in the red sea. >> pissed off, be honest, from
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our government, this is unsound. they shot down a united states war plane. they took it out of action. that is the response we get back? yeah, not very happy about it. >> lucas: the u.s. drone is worth up to $32 million, roughly same price as a fighter jet that collided with it. pair of russian flankers what the pentagon call recklessly engaging with the drone for 30 minutes, including dumping fuel on before the american drone was clipped. the russian jet landed safely. t russian ambassador saying it was moving toward russian territory. can you imagine the reaction if such a drone were to appear near new york or san francisco. many republicans have called for increase in u.s. defense
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spending saying the latest budget is only 3.2% increase, which amounts to a cut. many say china is building up their forces like 1930s germany. >> ashley: thank you. gop lawmakers says the white house needs to remind russia the u.s. does not take orders from putin. watch. >> we should be putting three drones back in to replace this one and sending a clear message to russia, this was over international water. they don't get to decide where the united states sends our aircraft, our ships or who we or how we decide to defend it. before the invasion happened, biden pulled our ships out of the black sea, where this drone was forced down, voluntarily pulled ships out and aircraft out. turkey has closed the vosvus
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strait. >> biden pulled out of afghanistan and that set everything in motion. obama's president invades ukraine and takes crimea and putin is trying to dismantle ukraine. the border is broken, the mexican president is taunting the united states, belittling the republican party, claiming mexico is not responsible for fentanyl. our commander-in-chief is playing the fiddle while the world burns. >> ashley: carlos gimenez, member of homeland security committee, talk about the response from the ambassador to the u.s. in russia. his response makes it seem like they are just walking all over the united states, what should president biden's response be?
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>> well, we can't go back into the black sea and that is one of the first mistakes he made, withdrawing warships from the area. we should, i agree with my colleague, send three more drones over the area and tell the russians, show the russians, we don't care what they say, this is international water and international incident. we can fly there any time we want and should go back and show this is not the terrorist and what we want to do in the area and intelligence we want to gather. that should be the response. environmentally, talking about the environment at a time like this is ridiculous and shows you where the biden administration is. we need to crease our defense budget. as signal, he should reverse his energy policies here in the united states and say what this is going to cost you russia is dollars. we are going to be the dominant
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energy producer of the world, not you. there is a whole list of things he could do to punish the russians for what they did yesterday. >> todd: you mentioned the environmental concern coming out of the white house with regard to the incident. you heard lucas tomlinson saying a spokesman said it was unsave and unprofessional. are you worried biden is allowing a slippery slope and next provocation will be ramped up and be much, much more significant? >> look, biden could be the chamberlain of our day, peace in our time dealing with hitler and that led to world war ii. when you are weak, you invite trouble. when you are strong, you invite peace. so this president shown time and time again throughout his political career that he's completely weak when it comes to
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foreign affairs. he will placate and try to negotiate, negotiate with people you can't negotiate with. you have to show strength and that is one way you can attain peace through strength, never, never negotiate with bullies and that is what putin is. >> todd: that chamberlain reference you made, i've been thinking it for a coupler yoos now and it is growing more pressing everyday and that is frightening. >> ashley: you are joining from the u.s. mexico border as house homeland security set to hold a hearing on the border crisis this morning. there is no democrats in the committee showing up, why do you think that is? >> because what we'll find out is embarrassing to this administration and embarrassing to the democratic party. we've lost complete control of the border, we have millions of aliens flooding through.
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many are apprehended and released into the united states and many get in without being apprehended. we have tons of drugs, fentanyl coming through the southern border killing tens of thousands of americans every single year. basically an act of war by the mexican international cartels, drugs that the products come from china go through mexico, get manufactured and floods into the united states. i looked at figures on overdoses. americans are dying at rate 30 times more than mexicans and this stuff is being produced in mexico. what is going on here? no wonder the mexican president is going bananas and threatening the republican party, he's doing nothing to protect america. i guess we're going to have to take matters into our own hands, that is our duty as representatives of the people to
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protect the american people and that is joe biden's number one duty and he's failing miserably when you have 100,000 americans dying from fentanyl coming through the border and we know exactly who is doing it and we're doing nothing about it. >> todd: not just joe biden, though, not only are democrats boycotting this are hadding, they are issuing statements like this on the senate side. dick durbin asked if cartels should be terrorist organizations, he said, it is complicated, do i think that is terrorism? i do, ask the question, what does it mean if we make that declaration in terms much our relationship with mexico. weak language. based upon your time at the border on this trip, you toured it yesterday, what have you seen? does it lead you to believe yes, we should designate cartels as terror agents? >> they are enemies of the
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united states and in my estimation, it is almost as if they were income combatants, they are killing us. they are killing young people from the age of 18 to a34, highest rate of death. 100,000 of us. on 9/11, 3000 died. in afghanistan, we fought a war. we know who is doing it, we are doing nothing about it. yes, it is a terrorist organization. when i had christopher wray in front of me, i said, don't you consider them terrorists? he hemmed and hawed about it. the mexican president said you have to control this. you have out of control situation at your border that is killing americans and you are doing nothing about it.
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if you don't do anything about it, we'll do something about it. >> ashley: would be nice for democrats to show face at this field hearing today, especially in light of what happened with the rushing of the migrants to the border. if there is any time, the time is now to get onboard with what is happening. carlos gimenez, thank you for your time. >> todd: thanks, sir. >> ashley: the department of justice is preparing investigation into the collapse of silicon valley bank, but we're already learning the bank's board of directors pumped millions into democratic campaigns and causes. >> todd: brooke singman isser hoo. >> brooke: several members of the silicon valley bank board of directors spent big on democrats and we have receipts to show you. kate mitchell, donated to hillary clinton's 2016 campaign and mary miller served for
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obama. stagland owns an estate and made several donations to democrats totaling $150,000. former barclay ceo tom king is only member of the silicon valley bank board with prior banking experience. svb donated $73 million to groups tied to black lives matter. signature bank has donated $1.2 million to the democratic party since 2017 compared to $750,000 given to the republican party. the new york-based bank was shut down in the aftermath of svb's collapse and hosted a seminar on pronouns less than six months before it went under. >> folks are nonbinary and don't identify as male or female.
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z is another gender neutral pronoun and here spelled hir. >> brooke: there is a sketch video posted on social media in 2014. watch this. >> so many use the meetings, some banks will sell souls, some banks feel real old. ♪ >> brooke: in the same video, the executives called starting a bank the stupidest idea i've everheard. >> todd: we just played that song, tucker played a katy perry song. thank you. south dakota governor kristi noem warning against a government bailout, here is why. >> we've seen this going on for
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quite sometime, not just in these two banks, seen esg pushing this woke liberal agenda and deciding who can do business and who can't. we had a bill in front of us in south dakota that would have changed the definition of money, banks and financial institutions said it was general federal guidance we needed to do, but excludes bitcoin and cyber currency and paved the way for cbd's and would be detrimental if we allow the federal government to come into this base. defined currency in the bill to decide what you can buy and what you can't buy. this is a trend we are seeing in financial institutions and it is to control people. be careful what you ask the
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government to bailout. when they start precedent, like with these two banks, it could take away your freedoms. >> todd: protesters disrupting a charlie kirk speaking event. the show did go on, we got it covered in a live report. >> ashley: arizona has a wake-up call, launching a hotline given parents a chance to report leftest messages. we will have more on that when we come back. ♪ ♪ to all the chevy silverado owners out there. the adventurers and the doers. to everyone that works hard and plays hard. whether it's your first silverado or your tenth.
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thank you for making chevy silverado the #1 best-selling retail full-size pickup. (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust.
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daughter 1: mom was always organized, but she started forgetting to pay her bills on time... daughter 2: and she'd buy the same gifts over and over, mom: telling the girls about my alzheimer's diagnosis was really hard. daughter 1: at first we had our cries, but then we were like, ok, let's make a plan. daughter 2: early detection gave us time to adapt together.
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mom: it's so important for you to think about what you can do and making the most of what you have. vo: if you or your family are noticing changes, it could be alzheimer's. talk about seeing a doctor together.
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the eagle has landed. that's one small step for man... hey, what's up? -one giant... uh... houston... we have a situation. how did you get here? you're characters in our video game! video game? yeah, it's what we can do with the xfinity 10g network. basically, the greatest achievement since the moon landing. i think they're talking about us. i know. you can play from anywhere. -yeah, i'm in the basement. i'm at the dentist. check this out. it's super smooth even when everyone's online. whoa, can i try that? you're in the game! what the heck is that? those are the bad guys. -are they friendly?
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nope! ok, here's the plan. on the ship there's some wire cutters, some tubing and rubber bands. now with our know-how and some elbow grease and a little bit of luck, i — you're probably going to want to start running. the next generation 10g network, only from xfinity. one giant leap for mankind. >> todd: antifa clashing with riot police late last night. violent protesters leaving one officer hurt and the university trashed to keep -- from speaking. >> riot police forced to take down a violent crowd of antifa membering harassing people for standing in line for a speech by
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charlie kirk. this was on campus of university of california davis. charlie kirk says violent left wing agitators smashed windows here at uc davis. reports are some of the group made their way into the building before police removed them. pray for safety for all involved. graffiti was painted on the side of the auditorium. uc davis releasing statement that reads, tonight's event at uc davis by registered student organization occurred with minor incidents. two people were arrestd and taken to yolo county jail for allegedly painting graffiti on the auditorium. here is our charlie kirk
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reaction last night. >> i don't know if you saw, they broke windows, the terrorists did outside, to try to come in, people had things thrown at them, the whole place was spraypainted this week and tonight. you do not shut down people you don't like, we will have free society based on speech, dialogue and discourse. tonight is message they are losers and speech wins in america, that is what speech is all about. >> two protesters were arrested outside the event, charged with misdemeanor vandalism and resisting arrest and one faces threats to a police officer. >> ashley: thank you. students at hillary clinton's alma mater calling on the all female school to consider male students, biological females who
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identify as male they want to apply. the school the college nonbinding student bailout initiative, no plan to revisit it as women's college, the college will continue to engage all students, including transgender male and nonbinary student and will accept applicants who identify as female. >> todd: arizona set up anti-woke hotline which allows parents to report school lessons. call if they know kids are being taught critical race theory, social and emotional learning or inappropriate sexual content. tom hornis, launched the hotline and joins me now. this was key campaign promise of
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yours, how does it work? >> that is right. it is honor to be with you. it is 1:23 my time, i appreciate fox news. >> todd: how does the hotline work? >> we've asked parents to call in when they become aware of inappropriate teaching like lessons that focus on race or ethnicity, rather than individuals and merit, gender ideology, social or emotional learning or inappropriate sexual content. when we get the calls, we investigate them to see if this detractses from academics. >> todd: why is this necessary in the first place, tom? >> there have been negative trends in society and public schools, my predecessor was a democrat who emphasized woke
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ideology in all those categories i mentioned and we have to fight back and bring power back to parents and stop the woke teaching and focus on academics. test scores have hit the bottom of the well, we need to focus on academics and get rid of other distractions from academics. >> todd: not everyone is supportive, here is one arizona teacher's response, listen. >> being loos like arizona is giving desantis's florida a run for its money now in being most fascist, white supremacist state in the country. i think maybe we should call this hotline, let them know how we feel, they had to shut down the virginia hotline that governor youngkin set up back in november, maybe we should call. >> todd: your response, tom? >> yeah, i'm the exact opposite
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of white supremacist, i believe we are all individuals, brothers and sisters under the skin. what is our character and ability to appreciate beauty and race is irrelevant. critical race theory teaches opposite, race is primary and we want focus on the individual and individual merit and get focus away from race, which is not relevant. >> todd: what is the response from parents? >> the response from parents obviously is positive, we get prank calls, as from the woman you had on your program here. but we ignore the prank calls, we will not shut down this empowered parent hotline just because we get crank calls. i was used to hate mail and we know how to ignore that stuff and focus on what we need to do. >> todd: what are consequences if schools are found to be teaching non-core subjects?
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>> taxpayers pay teachers salary to teach academics, academic standards adopted by the state, not to use a captive audience i consider unprofessional and could lead to discipline. >> todd: we're in educational war in china, losing badly and a number of other wars within choo. specifically the educational war is one we are not winning and hopefully getting back to basics, math, science, reading, hope that will help close the gap wichina. tom horne, thank you. california truly a wild, wild west. a criminal steals a car, tries to lose the cop and crashed into a fountain and flips over the entire thing. what officers found in the back seat. >> ashley: white house is celebrating yesterday's
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inflation report, americans are paying more for everything. we'll ask a business owner and grandmother about the struggle to make ends meet after this. (dr. aaron king) if you have diabetes, getting on dexcom is the single most important thing you can do, and it's covered by medicare. before using the dexcom g7, i was really frustrated. my a1c was stuck. (female announcer) dexcom g7 sends your glucose numbers to your phone or receiver without painful finger sticks so you can make better decisions in the moment. so easy to use, and my a1c has never been lower. (female announcer) dexcom g7 is the most accurate cgm. call now to get started.
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>> todd: a suspect in stolen vehicle taking police on a wild high-speed chase before crashing and knocking over an iconic park fountain. police were trying to pullover a driver to tell him his headlights were off. the suspect, who was on probation, was attempting to steal a hyundai sonata. raymond salazar felix is in the hospital being treated for two broken legs.
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alec baldwin -- served in this case is to step down so the prosecution can focus on the evidence and facts which show disregard for basic safety protocol led to the death. the baldwin victory comes one month after his legal team argued she should be dismissed from the case due to her recent election to the new mexico -- applied the law incorrectly. officials from the state of ohio are suing norfolk southern company over the devastating toxic train derailment in east palestine. dave yost calling the accident avoidable and vowing to hold the company accountable. >> this was avoidable, this
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lawsuit will make sure norfolk southern keep their word to people of east palestine and ohio. we're going to pursue discussions and also going to make sure the court process goes through and that the obligations are ultimately, by agreement are enforcible. >> todd: lawsuit wanted the company to pay for the clean up and damages the town will see for years to come. residence didn'ts were forced to evacuate for days because of toxic chemicals. >> ashley: tension is sky high under president biden up 6% year over year as americans struggle to make ends meet. everyday prices are soaring, eggs are up, airfare climbing 26%, bread up 15 and gas is up 14%. an illinois small business owner
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operating hotel real estate and a florida grandmother, who is dealing with the impact first hand. thank you both for being here. yesterday we saw headlines that say inflation is cooling, we've been seeing those for a couple months now as far as headlines. you're a small business owner, tell us are you seeing inflation cool? >> thanks for having me. nice to be here. i would say as far as what we've seen in the industry, inflation is battering for the last probably 12 to 18 months and it doesn't seem like it is slowing down, at least from our perspective yet. the fed has tools to offset it and has to be time lapse between when they start and when we
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start seeing changes. from our end, we're seeing cost rise and seeing vendors give us letters that costs are going to rise and everything seems to be still increasing at pretty significant rate. >> ashley: tracey, look at the common grocery store items anyone can buy at the store, eggs up 55.4%, bread up 15.8% and bakery products up 14%. how difficult is it for you to adjust to this and where have you had to cut? >> yes, thank you for having me. as i stated previously and another segment, the cost of food increased drastically, my family has had to adjust and pivot in many ways, especially seeking discount items and different stores that have sales, buy one, get one sales.
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we do that because we want to get foods that my family enjoys, that my grandkids enjoy, but not have a pain in the pocket when doing so. >> ashley: what are you most nervous about in the future? are you seeing any end in sight? >> i've been optimistic through this entire ordeal. when we came out of the pandemic, we thought we would have relief, but prices started to increase. families are looking for relief. my family has struggled to assist other family members, we're kind of all putting in together to make it through this. i'm not sure at this point, as i said before, we remain optimistic and hopefully by end of the year, we can see decrease in costs we've been paying. >> ashley: stuff adds up, especially when seeing it every single month, trying to make
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ends meet. look at transportation in america right now, i assume that is big part of your business, especially being in the hotel business. people have to travel to get to stay with you. airfare is up and transportation up 16%, how is that causing strain on your business? do you see lack of people staying at hotels because it is too expensive to travel? >> every market is different. we have hotels in different markets and we have seen a pullback this year compared to last year and that is just goes to show people are looking to save a little bit and transportation and logistics related to supplies. food cost and things like that where vendors build in prices to get goods to our business. we've seen increase in freight and shipping cost and things
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like that, things you wouldn't expect other than the consumer or traveller pulling back a little bit to save money, yes. >> ashley: issua, you talked about vendors increasing their prices, is that making it harder to operate? are you worried about the future of your business because of that? >> owning a business comes with risks and challenges, i can't say this isn't something we didn't sign up for when we decided to go into business. it is within the realm of what he woo may expect and there are cycles. we are in a challenging cycle know with the hospitality industry coming off covid and coming off and still in many labor shortages affecting the industry and construction and renovation costs are like all-time highs. it is a challenging time. we're optimistic and believe in the backbone of the american
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economy, small business and optimistic about the future, as well. >> ashley: tracey, you have helped out other family members, what about your daughter? have you had to help them out with your two grandchildren? >> absolutely, my home is a two-income home, as well as my daughter's. she and her husband are both employed. even with that, it is a struggle. they have two kids, we help with the kids, getting them to and from schools, purchasing bogo discount food items to keep both pantries full. it does take all of us together to make this work and we remain optimistic. there are a number of food giveaways and so many are struggling, our americans need relief at this point. >> ashley: that is great of you to help, i know they are extremely grateful they have you
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there to help especially with inflation being what it is. thank you so much and good luck to you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> ashley: you're welcome. house republicans have their hands on bank records related to the investigation to the biden business dealings and there is a major new twist. >> there were three different biden family members that received a cut from the $3 million, including a new biden family member that has never before been included in the investigations. >> ashley: that is new, we'll look at how this new revelation could change the entire investigation. >> todd: and governor ron desantis cracking down on miami hotel that hosted a racing drag queen christmas event with kids in the crowd. details next. ♪
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i screwed up. mhm. i got us t-mobile home internet. now cell phone users have priority over us. and your marriage survived that? you can almost feel the drag when people walk by with their phones. oh i can't hear you... you're froze-- ladies, please! you put it on airplane mode when you pass our house. i was trying to work. we're workin' it too. yeah! work it girl! woo! i want to hear you say it out loud. well, i could switch us to xfinity. those smiles. that's why i do what i do. that and the paycheck.
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>> ashley: florida governor ron desantis moving to strip the hyatt regency of their liquor license.
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the hotel billing the event as a drag queen christmas in late december. all ages were welcome to attend until event posters were updated to be 18 and up. complaint filed and read during the show in front of persons less than 16 years old, performers wore prosthetic female genitalia. >> todd: reparation proposal would give each black resident $5 million. the advisory committee presenting the concept to the board yesterday. unclear who among san francisco residents would qualify for the checks. the city budget already faces estimated $728 million deficit. >> ashley: in washington house oversight committee investigation into the biden
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family business takes a new turn, records reveal payments from people with relations to the chinese communist party members. listen. >> james: plural, three family members received a cut from the $3 million, including new biden family member never before included in any of the investigations. >> todd: the host of grace curly show, congrates on finding a show that had your exact name in the title. by the time this onion is unpeeled, how deep with the entanglements go? >> such a good question, this is one of the first invoices we've heard about since the treasury gave access to the committee and gave them invoices and files. this is a tangled web. furthermore, what comer
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highlighted, he said there is a person in here who we haven't associated with the crime involved with this family or schemes, i'm paraphrasing, obviously. i'm curious who that is, i tend to think it is a female in the biden family. we need to know what this person got in exchange for a cut of this $3 million wire. when you look at all of the records this oversight committee is about to get and look at the history of the biden family, i don't think this is a family of criminal master minds. this family doesn't cover their tracks, i think there is an arrogance involved and so much more to the story. >> ashley: yeah, like they are above the law. biggest question about the treasury department. comer tried to get the documents, does this show another government agency just
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feels like they show bias against the gop? >> absolutely, that is a great point. you see headlines, the treasury gives access after two months of dragging feet and stalling, this is something they should have been able to do in a couple hours. why did it require all this time? it makes people skeptical of these agencies that are supposed to be nonpartisan. they are playing politics with something the american people should have truth on. >> todd: congressional democrats have known about this biden family entanglement for years and they have been closing ranks around joe biden and his family over the course of the last couple years. accepting 3 million from chinese energy come according to congressman comer.
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how much of security nightmare will the biden influence pedalling machine turn out to be when all facts are lay bare? >> such a good question, i don't think we're even at the tip of the iceberg, this is the first we're hearing about this. i think once we get into the knitty gritty of the transactions and wires, we will be astounded how deep this runs. >> ashley: environmental groups are suing biden administration in attempt to stop the willow oil project. no single oil and gas project has more potential to setback the biden administration goals than willow. my question to you, grace, is all of this happening and heckling and lawsuits from progressives coming because biden is talking out of both sides of his mouth and it makes no sense, there is no rhyme or
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reason to what he's doing, approving this and shutting down other things. >> that is what i was thinking, he's trying to make everybody happy, but he's ticking everybody off. you take this situation where he says, we're going to approve the willow project and he's trying to make it seem leading into 2024 he can be more moderate and rationale on the front of oil and energy. the same time, he says to the progressive radicals who are used to getting what they want, we're blocking millions of acres of future drilling in other places in alaska. this is not going to work, groups are not used to compromise, not going along to get along. they are used to kowtowing to every demand. i don't think this will calm anyone down or make anyone happy. what he's managed to do is look like he's betraying the radical
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left and giving the right a little bit more, but not enough to make up for the last couple years of the united states being so dependant on the whims of opec and other countries. >> todd: fighting we can expect between now and election day 2024. >> absolutely, i mean, if you follow the climate activists or any part of the radical left-wing base, this is not a group that takes no for an answer or backs down from something or can be pacified by these things and really, whether you agree or not, which i don't tend to agree, they are fighting for the future of the planet. they are not about to play politics with joe biden, they want what they want. that is a huge problem and issue with this administration. they have gotten so used to giving the left whatever demands they want and that is hard to come back from, hard to give
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someone everything and stop and try to reason with them, that is not how human nature works. >> ashley: it doesn't make sense, i don't know where they think the lights will turn on from. thank you for your time. defiant response to the biden administration over the u.s. drone downed by russian fighter jet. >> todd: greg steube here to tell us how the white house needs to respond. through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price?
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>> todd: a fox news alert, the department of justice investigating collapse of silicon valley bank. the board of directors pumped money into democratic campaigns and causes. this is "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. the other bank that collapsed last week shared this cringe-worthy musical number online. ♪ >> so many use this meeting, some banks will sell their souls, some banks just feel real old. ♪ ♪ >> todd: that is not easy to watch. brooke singman will tell us more. >> brooke: two members of the silicon valley bank board of directors spen


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