tv Hannity FOX News March 15, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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survive. witness benjamin hall story of survival and recovery saved earlier today on fox news. books that come wherever >> ts that come wherever we are sadly out of time, but8 . we hope you will tune innd tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m. and every weeknight, the that's a sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. have the best night the great sean hannity awaits right now. >> all right, tucker.its >> sean: want to say hello to by the way, i want to say hello to tucker. >> nick , for this friend. we have a lot of fans here. e bc anyway, welcome to "hannity". our ay, welcome to "hannity". we're broadcasting in front of our live studio audience tonight. >> and tonight wt wee have tom . this is a fun, rowdy crowd. onlo tonight is standing room only ,n to be honest. now, we have good news and we have bad news. the good news in just a minute. my ledger ufc champion, the great conor mcgregor stu will join us right here in
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studio. and he has a a major announcement. you don't want to miss that. news.s. upside down unde the world has completely turned upside down under our pathetic a excuse for a presidentof t who doesn't know what day ofhe the week it is .ne other than a none other than america'sem hostile enemies. now,ies no they have no fear or respect for joe biden, notussia. china, not iran, and definitely not russia. putin' thugs, as we talked about last night, they took down a us reaperer drone over international mos waters, which in most cases most presidents would viewilitar as an act of war.response that would be some. militaryo i? pretty much nothing.militaryo i? response. what did biden do in response? pretty much nothing, actually . worse than nothing. the white house started to make excuses for putin's putin's risky behavior. they callehavior.d it an accide. >> really? anyone here believe it?it's it's an accident. n now.- they probably what they said. it's probably unintentional. they said it probably was a result of a profound
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incompetence of these russian pilots. does anybodyn here believe thae there are incompetent fighter jet pilots that not once but t twice the jet fuel on top of our drone and then took it out of the sky?, the bi i don't believe that. anywayde, the bidenameric administration, they are lying to you, the american peoplanndee and putin's pilots, as i said multiple times, fuel on the drone. and they ran the propellerr by we're supposed to ropellerr by by ax. . it was supposed to believe. i don't think so. 9 odds are9.9% ninety nine point nine percent that vladimir himself ordered thismself or to in fact, breaking tonight, even, from fake news, nbc, quote, russian leadership approved aggressive actions of jets that damage the u.s. drone. obviously, biden'sstinct i administration, their first instinct is to want to alwayswas lielie. d trump. all the border is not secure because of donald trump just the opposite. now, get this. russia is now attemptings attemp to retrieve our drone from
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the black sea that they took out of the sky before our navy can get to it.where is the where is the pushback, joe ? cor where are you?n chief. you're the commander in chief.yo where is american leadership?u why are you goingoing tog to ta? time preyou goingoing tog to ta? not a single word from our part, time president . t cowardly joe. well, frankly, the cowardly joe biden now back here at home, lawrence anthony , this week's middle class taxpayers, well, you're all forced to bail out some of the richest peoplewo in the world.i call i call it biden's billionaire bank bailout. bailout. tech ceos, people that have nap vineyards that are very rich out. napa, california, california's fanciful governor , gavin newsom, he has three vineyards, other millionaires and billionaires from northernbo california were made whole by the biden administration after what is the collapse of the silicon valley bank. now, cvb b was california'streny woke trendy bank. so naturally, instead of
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safeguarding every penny depositey d, s.v. be diverted a massive amount of money lef to left wing causes. now get this is what we have discovered. that includes a whopping seventy three million dollars to blm related groups. five billion dollars ine billion dollars commitments to climate change and , the banksclimate change obsessive obsession diwith diversity and equity and inclusion that took precedence ove over risk manage is a matter ofpe fact. on their board, there was exper one person that haied any real experience in banking. now be was set up as a safe space for its employees. they hosted a month long celebration and implemented racial quotas.lutely n svb had absolutely no chief risk officer for a whoppingth eight months as the bank was in the process of imploding. a you get won't go broke is isslo. not just a slogan when you trade logic and merit forfo radical marxism victimhood,imhod
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everybody loses except, , ofs course, the billionaires that course, the billionaires that doesba anyone in this audience deserve think these billionaires deserve a bailout? >> a they don't. >> everybody knows the fdicto protects, what, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars? tha so if yon u have more than two hundred fifty thousand dollars, why should the taxpayers of this country have to bail you out?who said te and then why are we lied to by joe biden, who said all. the taxpayers aren't going to pay? goi no, we're just goingngo in to increase bank fees whiletheya most americans have a bank account and they're going to end ureo upp paying this big, massive bill to billionaires. now, w thie see this all over california, similar to every, frankly, socialist around the world. how wealthy, well-connectedfo california's. well, they havrnians e great lives.f ians they're not impacted by thee no high cost of living then notno impacted by biden inflation.impb police.d by biden inflation.impb laws, defund and dismantle the police. they live inalle their walledy k
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mansions with armed guards. they have plenty of moneedy p ey have plenty of moneedy banked awaconny and deep connections inside of t their government to protect that money. helyso they don't really care at high taxes or expensive social programs. e sociit doesn't affect them.n s but the middle class in thisunt, country, hardworking americans , get up every day, work hard, play by the rules,aw pay their taxes, raise their kids, obey the laws and small business owners. brunt you are bearing the brunt of this burden. and now the woke up city ine no california, san francisco, they are nowng the reaching ther of insanity. and city leaders there are now seriously considering a plan million apiece fering a plan african-american resident five million dollars apiece. for reparations. now, this plan could cost nearly $1 trillion in moneytril that san francisco doesn't have. in fact, the entire state of california is going broke less than two years after biden'sewso blue state bailout. newsom is already in the holecai again. budge this time, california's budgetda deficit is at t a whoppingis joe
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twenty four billion dollars. so is joe bide gn goinoingg to m them out once again?in the probably with your money now int the new democrat party, the socialist party, the marxist party? well, you carty, your state n de criminalu carty, your state n de into the ground. you can release violent criminals ontoto the. the stree. you can vilify police and firstt responders. n or the but just don't you useword o the wrong pronoun or the wrong word? you'reoingor you're going to bed a racist and sexist and worse. now,worst. no one is safe from the word police, not even our friend whoopi goldberg overs at the view, that hard hitting news show. >> takkee a look a at.t we still believe that he has got gypped somehow and theelectn election was still believede cae that he cared enough about his wife to pay the that was gas. t >>wa hey, you know, when you'rea kwroeuey, you know, when you'rea certain age, you use words thatn ,you know from when you were a kid. are you remember sayind today.g and that's what i did todayi sh
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and i shouldn't know. i should have thought about a little longer before i said it, but i did. i and i should have said she di. and i used another word and i'm really, really sorry. >> sean: ially sorry. >> i , i've known wapi for years. wapiwhoopi stop apologizing.sto. >> are you tired. the no, i'm not really sure. anyone on the left can evene navigate the complicated ever changinger maze of victimhoodn o and wrong words that we can nou. longer use. intention when i don't think she hadse a negative intention when she used the word that was soai offensive to people as iy should said at the top, we're living in an upside down world . everybody should be concern here with reaction. >> former senior trump adviser steven miller is with us , the host of the larry elderelde, show at the epic times. larry elde newr, fox news, contributor ari fleischer. >> guys, welcome aboard. thankse . thank you know, stephen , let me let me start with you. i retart with you. >> i don'tally fear i really fr
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this country because i see iran on the verge of getting a nuclear weapon. i see an alliance betwee on iran ,china and russia emerging. i see the saudis now beingew a part of that, potentially a part of that new coalition. and you see the hostilities, l the balloon that joe biden leteo fly all over the united states . now we've go tt russiaheir and s hostility towards us . and joe biden doesn't lift a finger, doesn't do a thing. ao there are no consequences. so i would expect they see that as weakness and we're only going to see more of it. what d and wngo yo u think, wild >> the whole world is a tinderbox right now, sean. since the day that joe biden evy came into office, every single country in the world has been engaging in more destabilizing you seng in more destabilizing and provocative behavior. you see it in iran.e it i. you se e with russia, you see itd. with china. you see it all over the world. and of course, you see whatyard the cartel's right in their backyard. our adversaries areose wh on the march and those who threaten american safety
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and american freedom do note respect joe biden. but at the same time, whatcused is joe biden focusedon radical woke politics at home, pushingic executive orders to require gen, every federal agency to put race and gender not. but it's not qualifications, not capabilities at the center of all decisiolln n making. o am joe biden is doing to america what the executive silicondi valley bank did to that institution. inst svb.on. he will drive this country right into the ground.ound >> you know, ari, we've been prt around politics for a pretty long time.i. and i will tell you, i don't afrai think i've ever been this afraid for the country. i don' for the country. i don't like joe biden. he won't deal with china. he won't deal with russia. he's not dealing with iran.he's he's buying oil from venezuela.. >> he won't produce oil domestically.pen borders. we've got wide open borders. we've got banks collapsing. we gotcollapsi 60 plus percent f the american people living paycheck to paycheck. >> you got people tapping intot their pensions, other people o thtapping into their credit cs
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just to make basic ends meet in their family. and i don't see them changing all.d down on e them changing stupid. that they just doubled down con on stupid. >> and that concerns mcerns e. yeah, i think it's fair to say when you look at joe biden's career, what has joe biden t touched that he hasn't bungledes ,whether it was withdrawal from afghanistan, which he bungled the withdrawalrawa. t you remember when he was asked p afghanistan? when he was asked p was happening with the taliban taking over afghanistan? and he said , i don't wantt to l to talk abouabout thatbout ht t. let's talk about happy things as july 4th weekend and then days later, kabul fell to the taliban. joe biden is acquiescing america's strength and america doesn't do the n't do was jimmy carter, the era we live in a lot like the late a lot feels an awful lot to me, likejm the late 70s, the jimmy carter era, which don't forget, was followed by morning in america. amllowed by morning in america. and by leadership. nothg joe biden is bungling can't be reversed if americatrya
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elects the right people because our country has always beenh, buil nott on strength, not feard but strength. and our adversaries need t to know it. >> you know, let me ask larry i elder. larry, you can go inan any direction you want, but yout know what? i know what it'sik like to live paycheck to paycheck. that happened for a full decadee iof my life. >> in my early adulthood, i see people suffering. ry. it is so unnecessary. the average household. joe bide >> ten thousand dollars since joe biden has been president a year and a biden inflation tax. >> then you see this weakness on the world stage that concerns me evenoncern more . >> well, as you said , thisrelyu is entirely, entirely unnecessary. >> i want to remin lld you of what in two left wing reporters said in a book that came out aboutbook a the obama biden campaign 2008. . barack obama said , and i'mjoe i quoting, how many more timesdegy is joe biden going to say something stupid?his firs
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end of quote. and remember his first se, gatesber his first said that joe biden has been wrong on every single foreign policy issue for the last 40 years.m we've gone from being energynde. independent to energy dependent. we hcord. a lo we have people being paid notfoc to work. we have a low labor forcerticip participatioatn rate all undert. joe biden's watch. and i still cannot conceive of how and why he reversed virtually everythingy donald trump did on the borders to thel point now where we have a five million illegalliens alieo this country taking upey resources. we have no idea who they are, many of them on the terror watch list. and those are the ones that we know about and all the vitriol coming in. i guess the reason is to put pressure on republicans to do some sort of massive amnesty think wht of massive amnesty bill . that's the only way i cany he figure out why he has reversed what donald trump did regardingd the border when we had the most secure border in our nation'we s history. >> all right.ry i want to know and i want i wan a direct answer from all of youo . same question. joe biden, allow china to fly
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a spy balloon over the skies of alaska down the western coast of canada into idaho, over the montana, right over grea down to kansas and missouri. >> the great long balloonp to flight, then up to kentucky, then off the coast of of the carolinas, steve miller.they and then there was no reale didt response. r te and they said , well, we didn'te want to shoot it down over over territory where there were peopleree.. s but then they shot three still unidentified objects. . we've not been told what they were, but they shot thoseh down with one hundred thousandte sidewinder missiles. downwinder missiles. down. then we i'd like an answer to that question. then we have this incidenth with russia. now, you can't tell me thatyou can't tell me this is likely an accident by incompetent pilots when in fact, they dumped fuel on on the drone not once but twice.enk and then they took the drone out of the sky. assuming so i'm assuming vladimir putin
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watch what china did and made a decision. joe biden's not going to ding o anything. and it looks like he looks proby won't. and what does that mea dn now?ot in terms of what future foreigne policy is going to look like? are we going to let the iraniana mullahs get nuclear weapons?r arllahs get nuclear weapons?r we're going to let chinae we fly more balloons over america and american laner amerid. why are we letting the communist chinese buy farmland, ranch land and land near military installations? what are we going to stop that? steven milleland? e r, what's next?'s >> the whole entire world lookss at us right now is weak, soft and pathetic. and it begant tr, as presidentu trump said , when joe biden handed our weapons, military baseapons, our airplanes, our military base, our munitions, our resources over to the taliban in the most humiliating, embarrassing withdrawal in human history.hum after president trump had in place a stable peace plan thato3 was working and no one wass dying.r had
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and our 13 soldiers never had te to die. and after that happened,lega the wholn e world began unwindi. everything tharld began unwindi. and everything that's happenedt' can be traced to that fundamental epic national debasement. >> all right.l so, larry elder, what is joebido biden going to do is goingis to let china get awayis, ru with this? is he going to let g russieta get away with this? is he going to allow nucle going to allow the iranian mullahs to get he gn nuclear weapons? is he going to sit back and doto nothing? ou is he going to keep our borders open even with all the fenthion ,all heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine coming across that border on top of people that are on the terrorist watch list? >> terro well, sean, if past is prologue, it sounds to me like the answer to virtually everything you just now ask is yes. and look, let's face it,ompromis joe biden is compromised by look at the money thatnn bid th. biden center. biden got in look at all the money that hunter biden got in dealing with these overseas companies
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for which he has absolutely no experience. it is pretty it obvious that the biden administration ministrais compromised. and this is this is the only rational explanation for whfor why y he hasn't done anyt. china is on the move. ayatollahs are on the move.r enr north korea is on the move. thel our enemies are on the move, all because they perceive joe biden to be absolutely, totally weak and compromised.d >> let mcomproe ask ari fleischw i know you were with president bush on 9/11. pre two thousandsident one . and i'm not i want to be very clear . i'm not comparing what happened with this drone with 9/11. >> i'm not comparing the spy balloon with 9/11.1. i'm non with 9/11.1. i'm not comparing open borders where people on our terror atchwatch are crossing into andr human trafficking inug drug trafficking or taking place with 9/11. >> but we are under attack and i don't see a president w that in any way has the
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the fortitude, the strength to stand up to this threat. and that scares me. alliance.scares me. and then i'm watching the new alliance under president busbuss we saw an amazing thing happen. we had the united states , israel, the saudis, the jordanians, the egyptians,, the emirates. they came together in an alliance against iranian hegemony. my question is , if we don't respond, what is the likelywher consequence of this? >> where does this t end? >> yeah, this worries me deeply about the russians taking out our drone over international waters. two things neeings need to happe sean. and b, it needs to be in sequence. one , weone, we do need to fig. exactly what happened. these things often de things ofo get confused. was the drone truly in overrnato international waters or did itni er did somebody er and did itr c enter airspace that wasn'tse internation and therefore did russia do something that had a justified right to do. just to be clear byif. the military today, the defense secretary, the administration, they are very clear .
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there's no ambiguity. >> they said this wasnterna international waters. right. and now i understand thati. t t now i understand thati. the military i understand that i still want to see the verification. alrea millie also said he's alreadyy m ready to move beyondov thisbeyo. incident. i'm not ready to move beyond iti if we verifyfy tha that it was r international waters and these things are verifiable. we h, we canerifiable. we verify it. we need to splash a russiania drone. there is no question about it.nd you cannot let an adversary dot if ycannot let an adversary dot it. if you do thatou do , they're gd to continue. anothetinue. they'll do another one andr one. another one . it is so remote, suc remindeh a reminder. jimmy carter, it wasse a forn ee for america's weakness.'s weakness. it was wro was wrong for america to stand ronald reafor america to stand ronald reagan comegan cos and r reagan just talks toughdown and russia backed down. it's time to remember those lessons. so, yeah yeah., this incident with the drone verify where itt was. buwas but don't accept it. and don't do what millie didsay, i'm and said i'm ready to move beyond it. i'm noo moveond t ready to moved
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it. >> i'll tell you what i do. i know i'll never be president .president, i have no aspirations to be president . but if i was stephen miller, my plan would be you shoot down one of our drones. e i'm shooting down two , three , four or five of if you shoot down two , the r i'm going to shoot downesndd >> that ought to be the response. se ] and you saw that. and i'll say one other in iraq. >> you saw you took out irani the iranian generaanl who was killing our troops, who is planning terrorist attacks. >> he tookro outrist solamente.d president trump is building a peaceful world , a safe world , a stableld, world , a world without war. but he was doing it by project, by projecting confidence, stability and strength. >> but i'll tell you anotherstrg thing.>> sea thing.>> sea one thing the one thing i would do with the communist chinese, they don't all allow americans buy land, ranch, land, farm, land or land their military installations. i think america as a downthe da payment for what they owey caus us for the damagede they caused with covid. we ought to taked every bitthe.
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land they have in the united states , take it back and give it to the american people. >> 1088. >> ari, am i if you take down, an american drone, i thinkesn'to five of yours need to come down. why doesn't joe biden do that? for the same reason jimmy carter wouldn't. if america doesn't, it's wrong. and these democrats, these liberals distrust american. strength. ronald reagan and people who believe in peace through strength, the how to project power, to preserve peace, they understanthey undd a morale can play by projecting strengthn . that's how you avoidgs war.limie that's how you make thingsd you limited incidents. that's how you stopot let your adversaries from escalating. and you cannot t bulli let the o get away with this. so, yes, john , you're onto it.e you're correct about what we need to do. donald trump was right about wenald trump was right about policy. and we cannot le cant russia or theywe cannot le cant russia or taking down the balloons by balloons or russia taking w
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down our drones over international waters. all right. i want i to thank all three of, larr you, steven miller, larry elder and ari fleischer. ari fleisher.cher. and i'll bet you now conor mcgregor will be coming up a little later in the show. any kind of mcgregorow fans here now? conn up the bottom of a gray hair and hit conor mcgregor. america he's going to destroy you. that's that ought to be american. foreign policy. it's that simple. all right. coming up, another week, anoth another long liser t of biden blunders and drama brewing between elizabeth warrenan and that ever so smartwitty and and witty and articulate vicee president kamala harris. we're going to tell you what that's all about when we come back . and yes, later, the great conor mcgregor on set right here in studio. ts...
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i don't have to stress about cleaning any more seriously. >> $19. up a19. wrapped up a west coastaising busiped up a west coastaising as official business and it went well, pretty much as you might expect with joe biden.ght what day is today? >> joe doesn't know it's wednesday. joe , how are you anyway? >> take a look. your doctor is is there a doctor in the house? this is a different breed of cat. now, he's in charge.
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>> no, but i think think about it. meantime , executive orderke directs my attorney general to take every lawful action. possible. possible. oh, wow. didn't see all of their holy mackerel. don't jump another radical about what i'm proposing. there's a lot more coming. a lot more coming. by the way, it's indian nations ,indian nations, 15%, desplechin, alpay. pay guess what allowed me to cut the deficit? >> herates oe are the united nothing beyondare the united nothing nothing beyond our capacity. if we work capacity if togethera so let's work together. god bless you all. may god protect our troops all under cho.h of >> that's a bunch of malarkey. you know, i love his favorite. t
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that's a different breed of. cat, a different breed of cat. come, i'm serious. i'm serious. and it's irresponsible. iti can't take it anyway.d.c. back in d.c., bad blood isis brewing between vicedent president the genius , the the giggling vice president kamala harris and senator heavily elizabeth warren after warren heavily suggested that biden 20avily suggested that biden 2020 four , harris haseportedl reportedly refused to speak to her former colleague. the take a look at your screen. the two were recently seen together in this kind of cringeworthy hosta video frome y the vice president's presidency. so maybe they buriedshow the hatchet or they're justwe b putting on a show anyway. we bring iringn thn the author incredible new book, a best seller, serenity'sincredib outms co-host kayleigh mcenany, and the host of the fox truenhad crime podcast, also a regular on the five, a regular on outnumbered. a ll tshe's on all the shows.oo >> emily companya. .
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all right.t. so i'm mad over russia.worrie >> i am worried over russia. worried about iran.l of this. >> i'm worried about china seems and all of thi ts. o and he seems to be oblivious to what's going on because these are the thingse th he's involved in and everything is donald trump's fault.ault and you notice that everything is his fault except away. russiarussia didn't invade a coa on his watch. no, because i've talkedpicked to people who sat in the room ce when president trump picked upd the phone and called the leaderd ,the taliban, for example. h and i was told that he said words that were so harshhe they could not be repeated to me. i've heard the same story. th i know what the words are, okay? >> i don't know the word on mcgregor may say i'm he may. after that phoy say i'm he may. but apparently after that phone call, not a single american was killed in afghanistan.istan. >> sean: for a year and a half. >> that is the for a year and a half, for a year and a half. that is thcte kindio of action r president trump took and got tangible results. thisthis president , they callee russia sniping down essentially
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the wing clipping a us dronethe. coming out of the sky. they called that unprofessional. they called thatl the taliban professional in business. like the results you for twenty our american troops are men ando women in battle bleed and dieda for on that battlefield and losing a country to the taliban. that'she taliban. what happens with weakness. >> so we hav pres guy,s v the spokesperson for biden, saying about the russianti shootingng taking down ofbeliev our drone.e >> and i'm not stho sure i believe the story. so the story is that they dumped the jets, dumpeddron fuel twice on our drone, and then they took it downaccidt accidentally. now, our o now, our own government firswn asw, our own government firswn said that, quote, the best assessment right now is that it was probably unintentional o and it probably was the result of profound incompetence on the part of the russian pilots. >> okay,. is there any fighter pilot that's incompetent? because i tend to not believe
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that the fact that they dumped o the the fact that they dumped o twice, that's not believable to me. the fact thay tookt they took the drone down and said it wasn. likely unintentional, that is just that sounds like a bunch of cowards makin wg tha excuses for an enemy that just took out your 14 million dollar drone. thone. that's right. the only profound incompetence thatat w we see in the scenariow is president biden and vice president kamala harris. s been dayand that's how it's bh thbeen dayand that's how it's bh the peace through strength administration, through president trump, we enjoyed a pause ine in russian russian h we enjoyed a pause in the explosion of al qaeda and the like.qaeda and afghanistan..qaeda and not only was it in afghanistan. now, they said not only was it unintentional, but they said it might be escalated unintentionally to these consequences. what elsconsequence. what else is intentional? ir we have been sanctioning russia. this entire administratione ad, the new surge since february, patting ourselves on the back. that clearly hasn't happened . te clearly hasn't happened there's been no deterrence whatsoever. in fact, we have obviously emboldened russia. and emboldened china with our spy balloon. w i
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and the fact that we take it on our knees without sayinge bil this is the build up, becauseyo this repaiu owr. thirty two million dollars, you're going to also pay interest and you're going to pay with your blood and inter treasure. i see none of that insight.e i'm more frightened for the the future than i am for prese day.future than i am for prese thought that was possible. incoe but this incompetence, it'tences derelict and it's dangerous. >> joe biden, by refusing to get oil energy domestically, saudi arabia, their biggest oilv laudi arabia, their biggest oilv last year. one hundred and1 bill sixty one billion dollars inio profit. f a >> joe biden, even though helote cut off a lot of the energye' supplies to western europe, he's makin, g vladimir putin is making more money than evere before because joe biden, artificial reduce the world'sd the supply of energy. nowow we'rly oe importing energm venezuela.e so he's going to make putinro rich . he's making saudi arabia rich . he's making venezuela rich .i and what he didn't know is ae bg year ago, he bought even oil from iran. n'
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so i'm asking, why wouldn't we produce that oil here? ere whenwhen we have more naturl resources than all these countries combined? >> scombined the ure.o we had energy independence and the administration that i was inhata because we tapped into american resources and okay, let's put mn our heads in the mind of inr heads in the mind of a crazed climate lunatic. but in the mind, i can't go there, okay? i can go there.i ca n .i can go that sounds like a very dark space to me. i went to some of the schools kewent to some of the schools i can go there. thes theree people, they want to produce energy. they want to produce ithtey wan cleanly. so whyt would you produce in the cleanest energy production place you could do, whic h is here in america? insteae in america? instead, you let venezuela produce it and china and saudili . how do you thinkr their standards are for energy production? so essentially not a goodst touch. >> a great point. right. we'll give you the last wordemil anyway, because remember,y. gre the greatest enemy to president biden is us. it's the hard working american esident biden is u person, the person that flieson the american flag. it's not iran. who t it's not china. it's not the governmentshe icanf russia and the like.g to he's demonstrated that over and over again. he is willing to sacrifice sacrd
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and will sacrifice our jobs, freedom and security for him, ce currying favor to the woc leftet or to these countries that see him as nothing less thanless tha a patsy. >> all right, emily, compañeron ,all the already. straight ahead, the great the carnamah gregory, the tunnels, the tower power ceo frank siller join us right here strai on set. ghah >> they have a majorwant t announcement. that's straight ahead. you don't want to misso miss it. s is cowritten debris where nail fungus grows nugenix, nails gel cleans, out fungus by removing cowritten debris, using non-exchange 90% of nails improve get clinically proven results. nugenix is so effective, it's money back guarantee left out
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they have honor the memory of stephen siller, a new york firefighter who made the ultimate sacrifice on 9/11 . two thousand one thousand and seventy seven of our fellow americans that day by the way, i do want to point out in our audience tonight, if we can get a camera over here, we have firefighters, guys, if you don't mind standing up, i want to give you all the applause and a big shout out and a thank you for all that you do. they embody every one of these guys is willing to risk their life to save others. thank you. we honor all of you. thank you. now, in 2020 two years after launching his whiskey brand, which is amazing, by the way, proper number twelve , ufc legend, the great conor mcgregor, partner with tunnel
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to towers and has since donated millions and proceeds from his whiskey sales, is now speakerphones brother, the ceo of the public palace, chrysler is with a friend of the show and in a minute, we have a major announcement with the man of the hour. let's welcome a warm welcome to champion tonight. 80% imids. big a fan as they are. i've never gotten that reaction in my life. so great to see. i am. i have watched your entire career. i'm a big fan of yours. i'm so glad you're here. this gentleman is a rock star
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as well. he's done so much good work for victims of 9/11, two thousand nine hundred seventy seven americans died and we still have 9/11 related illnesses. and you're helping them. you hope and homeless vets, you have donated nearly four million dollars and you're going to donate molossia. yeah. yeah, i want to show this to the audience. i'm sure have i want to say, sean, i'm honored to be on the show. >> i'm honored to be. that's all the very crowd. yeah, for sure. you want to fight mike lindell? yeah. they're brilliant that all four grandparents. i love it. love it. oh, i'm honored to be on the show, frank. i'm honored to support you. i want to just say steven is a excuse me if i here you had it right the first time. >> he's a hero. you're here. i'm here. twenty seven . you're out of. i'm proud of myself and all the people that i've working behind the scenes and stuff to make this happen. here's another donation from up
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here. i'm here not necessarily for this. it's tom . i would have to call on fox, but paul is a weaponizes now. i have donated a building homes to heroes and of course, your great organization. >> i'm going to add one hundred grand to your million and your friends and partners. now, and this has always been a passion of mine. and i've worked with a lot of charities, military related. i'm so proud to be a part of yours as strong as human beings. >> it's our air. it's a must to give back . you know, i walk to give back . i walk to support my family. and , you know, this is what we must deal with if people want
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to help donate to this great foundation. one of the towers you also we'd appreciate that greatly. and that's it. that's what life is about, giving back . >> he's a great, great. all these programs you ask people to commit. >> eleven dollars a month, correct. eleven hours to build building a land o'lakes village in florida, a home just for families of the fallen heroes. first responders, military vets, people with severe disabilities, that's part of your work, helping the homeless out homeless vets. that's part of your mission. educating american kids in school. >> you got this big tractor trailer you bring around the country. i know it's going to tennessee. march. that's part of your work. you know, my daughter was born thirteen days before 9/11. so they do this incredible, incredible work. >> and i applaud you for it. and i know your brother's looking down in heaven. and when you reunite with him, he's going to say, brother,
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well done. >> that was my . so what do you what do you see out there? >> there was a firefighter just outside buffalo, new york , jason left behind a wife, saradha daughter, olivia, it was a tremendous fire . it was an explosion. he gave his life in the line of duty and the families was left behind. and you should know that this money that you gave us and the view is that have helped us for years. this is how we pay off these mortgages and we're committing to that family tonight that we're going to make sure that that's all is paid. >> thank you. by the way, just put it up on the bottom or lower your website if you can give eleven bucks a month. and i know these are tough economic times. i know people are struggling. >> eleven bucks a month. that's like two stops at starbucks. the letter the no to the letter t dot org t to dot org stands for tunnel to towers. kind of did a psa for us several years ago. it helps make it other
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celebrities involved. >> mark wahlberg has done it for us and frank, you only need to pick up the phone. >> my , my , i do whatever you ask. i want everybody. i want everybody. when i say that to me because i call them, i wouldn't say it otherwise. you're here means and i got them. >> all right. we have forty thousand homeless vets in the street that went out to protect our country. and for whatever reason, came back and was unable to assimilate back into society. we need to get a lot of them over deployed. >> and you know what? let me tell you, ptsd is real is i met these guys. i've been out on boats with these guys. i've been on trips with these guys. >> attrill, can i talk to you a little bit about anybody? so you're a martial artist yourself? i'm a student. i the all students to the day. you're not a student, you're in trouble. yeah. yeah. we all know the guy that things you know, i got in the octagon with you. i'm in trouble. trust me.
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yeah. i'm not i've no doubt that's how you are successful at what you do here, because you keep that student mindset. i trained i trained four or five days a week, an hour and a half a day. i've been doing it for 11 years. we go in, we go like this without partners. we we respect the arts. i do an eclectic blend of martial arts, krav maga, campo's, japanese jujitsu and situational street fighting sticks, blades, firearms. you know, but i . but you're not being honest with anywhere. i'm an old man. yeah. anyone that gets in that octagon like you do has courage and bravery. what's that like for you? it's a beautiful game. >> it's a beautiful discipline. it can be you it can be the best business in the world. it can be the cruelest game in the world. but, you know, i'm honored to be in the position i'm in. i'm super excited about getting back . i've just finished a reality show called the ultimate fighter. i was coaching these young fighters open. they fight for a contract with the ufc that rap coach know, if i don't know another old guy now probably will do something for sure that is money. >> let's go .
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yeah. hey, training. they want to take a break for conor mcgregor. silver on the other side. as we continue, we'll talk more about his career and an announcement about his future straight ahead. straight ahead. >> what if there was a community of like minded when you need it most? >> cathe impo christian healthce ministries is an organization ministries is an organization with over forty years of trusted care who understands the importance of familyfering a group that sees you for who you are regardless of your health. >>learn more history, offering s based, affordable health care cost, illusion. >> learn more today at your omg about health care that puts you in control. >> topanga's is tough to kill and it can spread.
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tell us about that. but i have the bigger question for me is , when is the next>> m fight? i'm hoping end of summer. >> i hope we're working towards i i hope we're working towards some well, i always train like myself.. like yi plan every day. but, you know, i was filming the yeah.ow and i've got a couple ofi have g otcommitments. this as well. this this tour around st. patrick's week. but when this commands are when this finishes, it will be, youo know, isolation. i'll go into formula i camp and i'll go from i watched you d with floyd mayweather and letiwr 90th floyd mayweather and letiwr behind his back .. now, i'd like to see mayweather get in the octagon and let him fight that way. >> yeah, that was the original. you know, it was it was a verbal agreement. i boxing him. he fights me, but, you know, he nailed down. he didn't he didn't want her to get, you know, who knows? i mean, he you still dom in relaxium so he you against him in another boxing. but that i want you because i had ice in the arctic. yeah, well i could do.
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yeah i could always i couldi co always just youlu say it's goinj to be a boxing fight and then just bend the rules a little bit when we're in there. maybe what i thought about thant for a mixed martial artist to give up 90% of your weapons ,it's like, oh, you serious? >> all right.u so you got a movie coming out. g >>ot you tell us about yeah, i got a movie coming out. i'm shooting a shooting reimagined version of the cult classic roadhouse looks allick the one with patrick swayze and patrick swayze. doing a version of that. i'm doing a version of it. so it's a real imagination of-- it. and stars myself, jake gyllenhaal and daniella melchiorrem do. s and it was a great experience. r had a great time. jake's a phenomenal actor. things i learned some great things in from him. when you make out in thosethosec scenes, that's not real. you don't know feelings.l? hello. i just he wasn't >> wasn' making out ineaning oua this movie. i was actually like i was cleaning out basically anything about i was cleaning out. so i don't like the way there's the enforcer right. enforcer, right?forcer right. enforcer, wh yeah. now, what about this?d reality you have netflix and a reality
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show. what you got there? have yeah. so, yeah, i have a documentary coming out next.lix ha netflix is a four part series. basically it's been following following my life. i had had i had one previous before it was on netflix also. i haas on netflix also. and then we got a freshman coming out.lly detailin so it's basically detailing, you know, the fight careerg behind the scenethe fi s, alleople donethe fi the training my family life. >> and people don't really have a clue how hard you train, train how when you're in training. >> you know, this certainly this will certainly shine a light on my type training. >> you can start, you know, i think they can roll.ean: thi >> yeah. this is froms is fros years ag. i don't know if they're playing it or not. yeah, well, anyway, look, i'vey been a fan ever since. by the way, my buddy mark levin on the channel, he wrote me. he's a fan. he got me into my right. a big talent goes this now. ago? oh, from day one .n: day day one . i'm great. anyway, thank you thanksyw foray your great. oth. yeah.en we i want to come back . we have a big announcement today. i can't believe this is how
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12:00 am
will have a good time tonight. quick programing note.heers an we will be doing another live io audience show tomorrow night.u if you want to be a part off ths this great audience, we have a lot of fun. we throw footballs around,, go t go to hannity .com forformatio information on tickets are free. >> no liberals, though are, any, tomorrow the two ofthe br the brothers who are accomplices in thiots case, juse that's all the time we have. let not your heart be troubled. de we want to give a message to my dear friend laura ingraham? >>ingraham hang on .ers and what will say it in unison. >> what's the message to laura tonight? we. aura oh, did you hear that?>> we love laura or sean. i love them. l here. okay okay. all right. sean, i can't wait. wait. i've been waiting. i've been i've been waiting for them. by the way, the cage match
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