tv Hannity FOX News March 16, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
stack, that accommodate a weapon to identify your threat before you shoot, which is important and carry it comfortably and care are extra ammo if the person wants to do that. i created a holster with a magazine. it took over. everybody makes a holster in that style now. >> tucker: that kid is smart. sean hannity is next. in fact, he's right now. [cheers & applause] >> sean: what do we want to say to tucker? >> we love tucker! >> sean: that's just for you. great show, tucker. >> tucker: thank you. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." we're back live with our great studio audience. thanks for coming. [applause] tonight is the first tv interview, two brothers that helped jussie smollett carry out
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is hunter's lover at the time, no judgments, whatever, a messed up family. anyway, she got $35,000. unknown biden received $70,000. we don't know what these various members of the biden family did to actually earn the money, but what we do know is where it came from. it came from the people's republic of china. now, we're going to know more when we get the suspicious activity reports. they've been very slow to hand them over to the committee. this is the house government reformed oversight committee. according to the ongoing investigation, prior to making the bulk of these payments, robinson walker llc, which is operated by a biden business associate, they received a $3 million wire transfer from a major chinese energy company. that's not always. in 2015, when joe biden was still vice president, robinson walker, l.l.c., they received a
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wire totalling nearly $180,000 from an unknown company with a foreign bank account. now, that was money that was divided between walker and members of the biden family. so again, we ask, what did the bidens do for all of this money? what did joe do for any of this money? what favors might be owed to the likes of china and russia and ukraine and all of these foreign countries that they apparently have made a lot of money with. if you think that joe wouldn't sell out the country to benefit his low-class money hungry family? let's follow the money because that's where the answer will eventually be found. because it happened over and over again. look at the case of ukraine. zero experience hunter, goes on gma. do you have any experience in ukraine? no. oil? . no. energy? no. gas? no. coal? no. why are you being paid millions?
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hunter biden said i don't know. and to abc's credit, they said maybe because your father is the haven't in charge of ukraine? probably. yeah. makes sense. how do you get all of that money without any experience? anyway, in a statement, hunter biden's spokesperson, they finally got back to us. glad to see that. they say they didn't deny the payments. they called the investigation a wild and baseless right wing conspiracy. where have we heard that before? hunter biden, a private citizen with every right to pursue his own business endeavors, joined several business partners in seeking a joint venture with a privately owned legitimate energy company in china. it was all above board according to hunter. now, thankfully house oversight committee chairman james comer is following the money and he joins us now with more. all right. let me -- let's get to the facts in this case. we're now following the money. i understand that at the
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treasury department they have agreed to hand over the suspicious activity reports. in other words, the banking reports that went in about the bidens. where are we now? where does this money come from and what did they do to earn it? >> well, that's a great question, sean. that's a question that the biden family is yet to answer. one thing that i noticed that was unique about these wire transfers is each transfer is like a check. you have the name, address, date, dollar amount and the memo which is what it's for. every other wire transfer had something listed in the memo except the ones to the bidens. if they put in the memo, i might have a better idea what the money was for that the bidens received. at the end of the day, what joe biden's defenders have said is this is a business deal. this is a business deal. well what is the business, sean? there's no business. there's no business.
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they were influence pedalling. looks like they were getting money for some type of service. i don't think hunter biden could provide the type of service that would generate millions and millions of dollars from the chinese communist party. i believe his father could. so when they say that joe biden wasn't involved, we don't nope that. we just know that joe biden met with a lot of these people that ended up going in business with hunter or ended up paying hunter rather and the family. that's another thing that they have tried to imply that there was only a couple family members. what we found is there's multiple family members and will end up being between four and seven bidens who received significant amounts of money from communist china. >> sean: let's focus on china and look at what has been reported by peter schweitzer and others. hunter biden travels to asia with his father, go to china and
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ten days later, apparently does a deal with the bank of china for a billion dollars. later that deal becomes 1.5 billion. have you confirmed that? >> yeah, i mean, none of this makes sense, sean. the money is what we're following. we're following the money that ended up in the bidens' pockets. the thing that every american should be concerned about is what exactly was the service the bidens were providing? i can tell you what our whistle-blowers have told us. they were trying to help china do all the things that this congress is in a bipartisan way trying to block china from doing. they were trying to help china get their foot in the door on the american energy -- >> sean: did that deal with the bank of china happen? peter schweitzer is convinced it did and there's a money trail that shows that. >> we're going to do -- we're going to subpoena more bank records. we're going to do everything in our ability to follow every bank
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trail, this one deal with robinson walker, this is the first deal. there's at least 10 or 11 more. none of those businesses ever materialized. so there was a lot of money that transferred from china to the bidens and what we want to know is what did china get in return. i don't think china would spend this much money on this many different members of the biden family if they weren't getting a return on their investment. that particular deal will be one of specific interest to us. we'll continue to follow the money trail. there's at least a dozen different money trails. >> sean: i assume you're looking to the $100,000 shopping spree with a chinese national and the no interest forgivable loan. i assume that happening. what about russia? the oligarch, the former first lady of moscow and the 3.5
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million that have been reported frequently and the potential that anyone between 100 and $200 million she made in a real estate investment with hunter biden? is that true? >> well, it's something that we're looking into. i can tell you that the bidens received a lot of money from russia, from the oligarchs. mysteriously those were the two oligarchs that weren't listed in the sanctions. joe biden put sanctions on just about every oligarch in russia after russia invaded ukraine except the two that paid the bidens what we're going to investigate is not just the money trail but what exactly did they get in return. we're able to pinpoint several things like with burisma. joe biden held up foreign aid while he was vice president in exchange for burisma terminating the special prosecutor -- >> sean: let me ask you about that. so hunter goes on gma, know experience in anything. he's being paid a fortune for
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burisma. joe biden is in charge of ukrainian policy. goes to ukraine, brags about it in a speech later. he said i'm not going to give you a billion dollars unless you fire the prosecutor. turns out the prosecutor was investigating not only burisma but they were investigating his son being paid all of this money who admitted on national tv that he had zero experience. so why would they be paying the son of a vice president with no experience that kind of money? can you give me a reason? >> i can't. sure looks like a quid pro quo. the prosecutor said in an interview on oan that he was told the zelensky predecessor that he had to resign because they weren't going to get their foreign aid money because the vice president was holding it up because he was mad because he was investigating his son. so there are a lot of areas of concern here where joe biden's
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done things in order for his family to receive this massive amount of money from our adversaries around the world. we're on the money trail, sean. we have treasuries giving us the bank violations. the bank violations will identify additional accounts. >> sean: those activity reports. >> we can subpoena and look in to. >> sean: thanks, chairman comer. now to europe where many of the wealthiest nations on earth are not paying their fair share to protect their own continent. joe biden just keeps throwing billions and billions and billions of dollars at ukraine. we're paying more than all of europe combined. that has to end. now, we will all admit that vladimir putin you know, a hostile invasion of a sovereign country. it's now entering year two. no end in sight. ever biden said recently, this may go on two or three years. ukraine is a sovereign country. they're now fighting for their
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survival. the people have fought with valor and courage. i really applaud their hard work. i do. i'm going to show you the work of vladimir putin. this is a viewer warning. this is the reality, the horror, the evil of war. this is all caused by vladimir putin when you look at those pictures. that is evil in our team. the military is blowing up apartment buildings, levelling entire neighborhoods. murdering civilians on ukrainian soil, destroying infrastructure every day. we're talking about indiscriminate bombing and killing of innocent men, women and children daily. our hope has to be that vladimir putin is -- i hope people are around him are listening, remove him from his position. that would be the best solution. bye bye-bye vladimir. it's in the world's interest interest to stop evil when we see it. that's what is happening in
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ukraine. it's in world's best interest of ending the killing of innocence with funding and weaponry to stop putin's hostility in their tracks. right now american people are getting fed up. support is waning for this. one of the main reasons, europe is once again relying on you, the american taxpayer to pay their bill to cover their continent. they're not pulling their weight. instead, they're taking advantage of we, the american people, all while our president pretty much is asleep at the wheel and put handcuffs on the ukrainians and the path that is now past time for biden to demand that every single european country, you need to step up and you either pay your fair share or it's time for biden to say, no financial aid is coming from us and it will only be contingent on europe going all the way in to protect their own continent and fight to
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win. we don't want to fight for a tie here. if you're going to fight, you got to feig to win. that also means that joe biden has got to allow poland to send in fighter jets. he allowed four finally. he denied them that opportunity over and over again. in other words, if you're going to engage in a war, take off the handcuffs and fight to win the war or go to the negotiating table and stop wasting our money and time and creating another quagmire. have we not learned anything? until western europe contributes their fair share and until biden commits to allowing ukraine to win until biden allows poland to give the 30 meigs that they wanted to give ukraine, u.s. aid has to be stopped in the meantime. they have to do their job. they have to contribute.
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we're paying three, four, five times more than western europe combined that has to stop. poland bake the first nato member and sent war planes to ukraine. that's a good start. let them send another 10,000 of them if they have them. joe biden stopped this numerous times. for the first time, it will be mig 29s handed over in the next few days. they're going to need more than four. europe, you have to step up, protect your continent financially, militarily and then when you do your part, we the people of the united states will gladly help you finally that means win and defeat putin and evil in our time. the only way to stop a bully in his tracks is to make him fear you. putin needs to know that he will not win the war in ukraine. he doesn't believe that right now. he needs to know that we will
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not put up with his hostile behavior. right now putin does not fear joe biden. neither doesn't xi. neither does kim jong-un. the white house doesn't even talk tough. they say this is probably a little accident. probably an untrained pilot. what happened when they -- not once but twice poured foul on our drones? and then took it out of the sky? are you kidding me? that was an accident? putin's thugs caught on tape down ago sophisticated u.s. reaper drone. what did biden do? nothing. no one in this administration will even call it what it is. they are declaring war on the united states if you take down our drone. i don't want war with russia. nobody wants war with russia. however, a message to putin needs to be sent. some people are pretending that it was just one big accident at
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the hands of these incompetent russian pilots. really? they were that incompetent that they dropped on a tiny drone fuel from their jets while they were flying the jet? doesn't sound like an accident to me. according to our sources, this drone was targeted because of a direct order from moscow. it had putin's seal of approval. right now russian ships, not our shops, are in the black sea trying to recover our drone that they took down. this is eerily similar to biden's cowardly enact as a chinese spy balloon flew over u.s. military, nuclear bases all the way from alaska, idaho, montana, missouri, kansas, kentucky to the carolinas. that happened a full week and biden did nothing. so what the world is seeing is the u.s. president that is weak, is cognitively compromised, inept, at home and abroad and
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the world's worst actors know this and now taking full advantage. sadly, we the american people, we'll end up paying for this and you'll pay, by the way, for europe because they're not protecting their own continent and you'll pay for biden's rich friends that deposited millions in that liberal leftist woke bank in silicon valley. this is a biden billionaire bank bailout. you know, best question from james langford today came in, if this happens to my constituents in oklahoma, are they going to get the same deal? janet yellen said nope. why should we be paying for millionaires and billionaires in silicon valley? no hadar how hard janet yellen sells it, it doesn't work. take a look. >> we worked with the federal reserve and fdic to protect all depositors of the two failed banks.
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on monday morning, customers were able to access all of the money in their deposit accounts so they could make payroll and pay the bills. shareholders and debt holders are not being protected by the government. importantly no taxpayer money is being used or put at risk with this action. >> sean: all right. it only gets worse from there. you are bailing out very wealthy americans. it's going to be your tax dollars or fees that you pay to banks as they raise these fees. also, chinese nationals that deposited money in svb, guess who predicted this? turns out if you go to 2016, then candidate trump, this is what he said in a debate with hillary clinton. >> we have the worst revival of an economy since the great depression. believe me, we're in a bubble right now. the only thing that looks good is the stock market, but if you raise interest rates even a little bit, that will come crashing down.
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we're in a big fat ugly bubble. we better be awfully careful. we have a fed that is doing political things. this janet yellen of the fed. the fed is doing political by keeping the interest rates at this level and believe me, the day obama goes off that he leaves and goes out to the golf course for the rest of his life to play golf, when they raise interest rates, you'll see some very bad things happen. because the fed is not doing their job. the fed is being more political than secretary clinton. >> sean: here with reaction, kellyanne conway, michael waltz. kellyanne, let's start with you. first of all, i do not like to see this great country of ours that we love not respond when hostile actions are taken by kline and russia. what should the reaction be? >> sure. well, so much chaos and crisis going on. i think those are the two words
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that define the biden administration, its international -- the banks seem vulnerable, our bills seem insurmountable in the bailouts for all of above seem certain. people should know the news today. the white house won't tell them. it was revealed that china is sending body armor and other weapons of war to china. we know what they're doing with that. they're killing ukrainians. the german chancellor, i think in the last day or so has warned china against sending some types of arms. you're right. people in western europe should start paying for the common defense in ukraine if they want ukraine to succeed and putin to fail. this reminds me of something else president trump not just said but did while he was president, sean. he made sure that our partners in nato contributed more to the common defense.
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i watched him with some of those world leaders. they would be in the middle of the conversation, the interpreters going back and forth and minding your business. and in any language, you have to start paying. you're paying .5%. you're paying half a percent. you have to pony up. people need to wake up. folks are. quickly the polling says that republicans and independents say the greatest country that is a threat to the united states is china followed by russia. it's the same for democrats. democrats, their only separated by nine points. republicans it's 81 to 10. independents, china over russia, independents, it's 67% say china and some are in the 20s say russia. now they're in cahoots. look what china did last week. they're proud to broke area deal, they want to play peace maker between iran and saudi arabia. this makes us nervous for israel. >> sean: let's bring in michael
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waltz. no consequence for china and that balloon incident. no consequence for russia and the drone incident. we should not, you know -- we should not be bailing out billionaires and millionaire liberal friends of joe biden and the democratic party. we are we doing that and how do you stop it? >> well, sean, your first point, this is how you restore deterrence. president trump restored deterrence because dictators are going to push until they meet steel. when the russians press too hard in syria, when they crossed a red line, he bombed them and killed 300 russian mercenaries. when the iranians shot down our drone over the arabian gulf when they attacked our embassy, he took out bad actors.
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u.k., $4 billion, around germany in less than three, italy less than 1. i've introduced a measure that they should match us dollar for dollar for euro. the european union is the same size of the united states. they have to step up, demand that they do more. instead biden inviting them in to this cumbaya session. >> sean: i'll tell you right now -- >> -- 2% -- >> sean: you're breaking up a little bit. if we don't defend this country and let this continue, we'll have war. when we come back, the brothers in the jussie smollett race hoax. more coming up.
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>> tucker: it was a year ago, actor jussie smollett was sentenced to jail for a fake hate crime in downtown chicago. that happened in 2019. smollett claimed that he was attack by two white supremacists watering maga hats and said this was trump country and targeted him because of his race and sexual orientation. we know that was all false. smollett hired two associates to stage the attack. they're telling their side of the story for the first time in the new fox nation special, "anatomy of a hoax."
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take a look. >> we got here with ten minutes to spare. we had to plan our escape route. he's building is right here, right above the stairs that we're going to attack him at. we made sure why got him there at 2:00 a.m. sharp on the dot. >> on the dot. >> we had no phones. he didn't not want us to bring any phones. he said so we don't lose him. i don't know if that is really the reason. is that him? >> that's him. let's go. he's mowing fast. let's get him. >> as we cross the street, we say hey, to get his attention. >> hey, nick. >> he turned and. looked at us. that's when we started yelling the slurs that he wanted us to hell. >> hey, empire [bleep]. it's maga country. he said what did you say to me? that's when i threw the first punch at him. then i threw him to the ground.
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after i threw him to the ground, he had no bruise. i wanted it to look more real. so then i threw him to the ground. after i threw him to the ground, i used my knuckle and gave him a noogie. i went like, this why did do that? to give him a mark. to make it look real like he really did get his ass beat. >> sean: joining us now for their first live tv interview, the two brothers, ola and bola osundairo and their attorney, gloria rodriguez. great to see you. wow. you ever think it would become this big? >> no. we did not. >> not in a million years, no. >> so this thing begins to get to the public consciousness. people are rightly -- if that really happened, i'd be angry. most people deplore racism. most people deplore people that are anti-gay.
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they should mine their own damn business in my view. so all of a sudden this is viral and believed. what do you guys think? >> well, before i allow my brother to answer that question, i just first want to apologize to everyone in the audience, the country and anyone who might have been affected by this directly. when we were asked to partake in this, we really didn't foresee the ramifications of what something like this could do to the country. >> sean: you're sorry you participated. >> yes. it clouded our judgments. >> sean: were you getting paid? >> it wasn't about the money. >> what was it about? >> opportunities. >> we were actors. >> we are actors. jussie -- >> sean: i'm acting as a talk show host. >> you want to do a hoax? >> sean: i'm hoping one day.
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>> so jussie was in a position to help us. in the acting world, it's who you know. so helping us out would have helped him out. >> sean: you're the attorney. you take on this case and it explodes. you did a great job. congratulations. >> thank you. [applause] >> sean: what was your initial instinct? you have clients that might be legal jeopardy here, the whole world is watching. it gets tough in those moments. >> you know what? i had been doing these kinds of crisis situations for ten years. by the time i met the brothers. so my immediate thought wasn't oh, my god, this is a national spotlight case. my immediate thought is oh, my gosh, i have two innocent guys here that are being accused of doing this horrific hate crime. so my natural instinct really was to first unlike a lot of the
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journalists that were out there reporting this, my instinct was to first get a handle on the facts. that same night that i met them, i went by myself, had to cancel my plans with my wife and say i got to go down to the scene of the crime. i looked around and i just remember thinking, it is dark, it is late out and there's nobody out here. it's super safe. this is ridiculous how this would happen. >> sean: this particular night, it was freezing. no criminal would even want to work that night, right? >> the night -- exactly. >> sean: a cold night. take the night off. i'll get back to work stealing, robbing and killing in chicago. so you go through this -- our audience was laughing because some of it is really funny. maybe really good actors. that's part of it. but there is a sad part of it here. there's this impulse among people that they want to believe the worst in human beings.
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that people are racist. that trump supporters are sexist and racist and hope phobic and xenophobic. as a conservative, i'm called these allegations all the time. they're not true. i'm a christian, i believe in god. i believe he created every man, woman and child on this earth. people say wow, you're demonizing a whole group of people. have you gotten to know conservative people and realize how that could impact their lives? you -- trying to let your brother cover? >> not only have we gotten to know people that were like that, our parents are pretty conservative, although they are democrats, but in their thinking, they're conservative. in turn, we are conservative in a way. >> we have conservative views. >> yeah. more conservative views than
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liberal views anyway. so -- >> i've been republican my whole life, proud of it. you know, some of the local papers when -- i had ran for a local election. i had been running as a republican for over a year. they were still printing that i was a democrat because i'm a latina. i must be a token democrat. >> sean: next time, i want to support your campaign. come on this show. thank you for coming. i think people need to go to fax nation and watch this. it's interesting. the best thing that you both said is you apologize. you know what i saw? sincerity. thank you. >> thank you. [applause] >> sean: thank you for being here. straight ahead, l.j., lawrence jones, joins us with a shocking report on spring break. parents, you better know what your kids are getting into and tomi lahren when we come back
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straight ahead. somewhere out there is that one-in-a-million. someone who thinks with their hands. who can shape raw materials into something meaningful. and who wants to serve in their own way. if you're out there. if you're looking for more. we're looking too. we're calling on a new generation of builders for navy's next-gen submarines.
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>> sean: what a great time. if you're in spring break, you have kids going to spring break, it's if full swing now for colleges across the country and students flocking to warm and sunny and beautiful dest destinations, thanks to mom and dad free from parental supervision, there's always the risk of things getting out of hand, especially when it comes to drugs and drinking. now with fentanyl on the scene, that is a game changer. l.j., lawrence jones found out at miami beach. many students seem to be well
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aware of the risks. take a look. >> have you heard about the kids that have been dropping dead because of the fentanyl? >> oh, yes. >> they don't know what it is. >> no. >> they're trying like a xanax and end up being fentanyl. >> we're staying away. >> it's a xanax laced with fentanyl. you know about this. how do you know about this? >> i just -- a lot of stuff. >> kids are dropping dead. you know why? >> fentanyl. >> we already know, man. >> it's bad. >> it's everywhere. >> how did you know? >> it's on the news, man. it's big. it's big. >> does it scare ya'll that these kids are like essentially being poisoned? they they're they're just experimenting? >> we're spring breakers. >> sean: l.j.'s full report on spring break will air saturday at 8:00 here on fox. lawrence jones across america. he joins us now with outkicks,
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tomi lahren. l.j. -- [applause] >> sean: i told both my kids, you're friends with my son, i told them huh-uh, not happening. you're not going to spring break. don't bother asking. i would give them an alternative that would be safe and secure that would have supervision but they're not going on their own to any of those places that we see bad things happening. >> i've been covering spring break a long time. department seem like the young people were aware of the drugs. this time i went to spring break, it's like their parents engrained in to them -- they claim they're avoiding the drugs because of fentanyl. but sean, when you have the leading cause of death between
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the ages of 18 to 45 being fentanyl, i think it's a wake-up call for these young people. >> sean: have they stopped using the drugs or are they testing to see if fentanyl is in the drugs and then there's no fentanyl, they take it anyway? >> some of them confess to still using the drugs. some say they didn't use the drugs at all. that's the concerning point. they have so much faith in themselves. behind me, sean, this is the calm before the storm. once they get intoxicated, they try anything. >> sean: my advice to you, get rid of the fox mic flag and any association with hannity. i don't know that guy. tomi -- >> may get me in trouble. >> sean: it breaks my heart. young kids are our national treasure. they're dying and being targeted by china open borders because of
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joe biden. this can be prevented if we really, you know, put the full effort in. >> every drug will have fentanyl in it. it's laced with anything. adderall. >> weed. >> it's a real concern here. i worry about the lawlessness in our country. it's not just the drugs. even if you stay away from the drugs, if you're going to spring break, just to be in the sun and have fun, i worry about the lawlessness and the kids that will fall victim to that. we see it when people are being raped, assaulted and attacked. nobody wants to stand up and say anything. >> sean: your message has resonated on social media now for years. you've had a very big presence. you have a lot of young people that look up to you. do you talk to them about this? >> i certainly do. i think it's important for us,
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youngkin people in the count servive movement to look at the long game. i have people aspire to do what i do and what you don't i aspire to do what you do, by the way. i tell them all the time -- >> sean: hannity, drop dead so i can have your job. i'm teasing. >> they aspire to do big things with their life. they're ambitious. >> sean: i admire that. i want people to strive to be their best. i've had people lift me up at times. great warning. l.j., we'll be watching saturday night. great job, my friend. stay safe there, please. stay away from all my admonitions, all of my speeches. >> aren't you going to say the girls? okay. >> sean: he's friends with my son. they trade speeches that i give the two of them at different times. thanks. up next, kamala giggling herself
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through another interview, this one with stephen colbert. we'll show you the low lights. hi, i'm michael, i've lost 70 pounds on golo. i spent thousands on other diets that didn't work. on golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high school weight. you're not gonna believe this thing is possible but it is.
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>> sean: your giggling vice president, kamala, giggles her way through another uncomfortable interview. this time -- this guy is an idiot. he's just the worst late night host ever. stephen colbert. anybody like him? he's not funny. anyway, she claimed her life as v.p. is similar to the comedy show veep. when asked to describe her actual role as v.p., she refused to answer the question and instead she just, you know, kissed joe biden's ass.
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take a look. >> what is the actual role on a daily basis as you have found it? >> well, i have the great privilege of serving with joe biden who is president of the united states. he is an extraordinary leader and i wish that people could see what i see because there's only one person that is behind that resolute desk. the decisions that person has to make are the decisions that nobody else can make. he's an extraordinary leader. [applause] >> an excellent answer. and the question was what is the job of the vice president? >> sean: the passage of time. means time is passing because it's passing. anyway, jimmy failla, joe
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concha. >> good to see you, buddy. >> sean: so we have a giggling v.p. going on a hack's last night show. >> it's hard for me to make fun of people because i look like a stripper named tragic mike. mike's chubby brother. cheaper if you can't afford the good show. she's such an embarrassment. she doesn't answer the question. you know what it feels like when you get set up on blind date and you want to know if they're good looking and they won't tell you? you know what that means. >> sean: she's got the best personality. >> how does she look? she loves sports. is she hot? you like burgers? she makes a mean burger. she's a he and i'm nervous. she didn't answer the question. the one thing -- i don't know how america is okay with this. >> sean: the woke crowd is -- they're sweating right now. >> they've had it. understand, vice president of the united states is the only job in america you can get if
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you laugh for no reason. if you're hiring a baby sitter and you're like, all right, we're going to dinner and a movie, she's like i'll watch the kids. ha ha-ha. we don't trust you with our children. how are we trusting her with the country? >> sean: how do i turn this in to a serious question for joe? >> how do i follow that? >> sean: here's the great news though. you know who is kicking colbert's ass and kimmel's ass? >> i know. gutfeld's guest host. >> sean: you got half of it right. the gutfeld part. i love that. that is such a great story to me. i'm so happy. it's because they're not funny. he was funnier than all three of them combined if you watch tonight. they're all echo chambers is the problem. when you watch greg gutfeld, you
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know that you get something politically incorrect and not all the things that they talk about. it could be cnn, msnbc, you can't turn on a difference with colbert, kimmer and myers and the like. kamala harris said california is a model of what the country should be. with a straight face, mind you. here's the job -- >> sean: got help this country. >> the president gives the vice president almost nothing to fail at. the one job she had to do is the u.s. border and failed that by design. when you compare ice to the k.k.k., you probably don't want to clean up what's going on, the u.s. border. >> sean: how great are guys? [cheers & applause] nice jacket, too. more "hannity" after this. my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators
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>> sean: unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening, did you have a good time tonight? thank you for coming, thank you for making a show possible. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of speed tony five,,, free tickets to the show, come in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham is up next. you tomorrow night. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i am laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" tonight, thank you for being with us. the establishment versus ron desantis is the focus of tonight's "angle." and now the g.o.p. nominee fight has not even begun in earnest, but many of the bush republicans artie seem worried. i think they thought they had seen the last of america first populism after 2020, but i was just wishful
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