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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  March 16, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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just saw? wow! >> i have been feeling sick to my stomach all day. thankfully, uva, a couple of years back and there is always alabama. that's it for us tonight, thank you for watching. it is america and it is now and forever. greg gutfeld and the gang and they take it from here. [ applause ] ♪ yeah, i change my casts for you. everybody, happy thursday, everyone. you looked tantalizing. you know, i make fun of "the view" a lot because they keep on talking. those
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hands are always clucking. they get to say stupid stuff everyday and i get to say stupid everyday on purpose. take the covid lockdown. remember all the small businesses that went under and all the children scarred psychologically and emotionally because they could not socialize with each other. it broke up marriages and ruined what i had with taylor swift. never mind all that stuff because covid taught sunny hosten how to get her groceries delivered. that means it is time for -- ♪ ♪ living your life ♪ ♪ when you are feeling low ♪
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♪ you don't know what's true ♪ ♪ so you click on the channel and watch sonny ♪ ♪ on the view ♪ ♪ oh my god, where the hell ♪ ♪ do they get this stuff ♪ ♪ from, if you want the show ♪ ♪ the people know, the host ♪ ♪ is so stupid than you ♪ [ applause ] oh, nicely done, jean. you are hired for one more day. so, sonny, i bet you have not been in a supermarket for about three years. >> i have not been in the supermarket for three years. i give them a big tip because they
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don't always pay their people wel welwell. i man, you can get big towels. >> you can get it on costco. >> she had to tell the audience that she tips big because she knows she sounds unsufferable. >> hey, i am [ bleep ] but at least i tip. >> this virtue signal on the toilet. >> that's not the point here. well, everybody else is trying to figure out how to survive as the government told us breathing in public could kill us. sonny was around in her big house clicking on pictures of arugala. oh, the oppression. i wonder if she wiped down the groceries herself or had her maid do it. she tips her, too. sure, lots of people start to get their groceries delivered during covid. we were told it would help serve the world from the deadly virus that appeared
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by no apparent reason. we are all in this together. we are all in this together, remember? just like jones sound. but, unlike this chick, we didn't think it was the best thing that could have happened to us. although it did get joy baher to wear a mask. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> you make me sick. it is funny, her being named joy is like me being named ugly. we didn't breathe a sigh of relief that we never had to set foot on a grocery store again. i love grocery stores. i treat them like strip club. i will spend hours in the cookie isle until i a a aam a a aa aam aroused. i am only kt when security thinks my jean shorts are too small. they can never be too small. most people
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went back to the grocery stores when the emergency was over. we went back to normal. true, i went back to not washing my hands and instead happily sneezing on the elled elderly. if you work on "the view," they are insulated from the world. i give those poor people a big tip for screwing around and gathering food for me and hauling it to my mansion. yeah, thanks to the 20 bucks, lady, that's good for two gallon of gas where i get home to my kids and we are having baloney sandwiches and urinal cake for dessert. people like sonny waves it away because it had not affect them at all. she does not care because she does not have
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to. it is a class thing. it is why she plays if race card so often. so, you don't notice it is a class thing. her life stinks of classism. illegals are flooding into the country. don't live near the border. covid? just stay on forever. schools suck. more idiots to watch "the viewview," this lady is more o touch than janet yellen's barber. it is a barber. it is the old howard stern rant. you idiots need freedom are killing people. why don't you just sit home like me and like my hamptons compound and work from home. my god, how the mighty fart man had fallen. these elites are so isolated that they forgot most americans don't get paid to sit on a comfy chair
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pontificating all day. some of us are camera men whose names you don't know. but, maybe one day when we finally strip away this phony race, we'll expose this elite mentality and we'll find out sonny is just like marie antoinette, except she says "let me eat cake." [ applause ] >> welcome tonight's guests. co-host of america's newsroom. he's responsible for more collars than i thought. former aand nypd inspector, paul mora >> retired bomb technician,
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johnny joe. she's hard to read and covered in dusts. fox news contributor kat timpf. [ applause ] >> welcome to the show. >> it is a pleasure having you. >> thank you. >> very sophisticated. >> yes, i am glad you kept the same clothes you wore. >> well, it has been a long day. >> we are the only show that bucked the sediment. we are the ones that say we are on tv and we can't tell people how to live their lives. >> absolutely. >> i specifically remember being worried about taxi cab drivers because a lot of people in america actually live paycheck to paycheck. if you own a cab, and you are not getting any customers, that means you are not able to take care of your family. that was a really big deal. also, for sonny, if you are a person that talks about
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how big of a tipper you are -- the chances of you not great of a tipper are really high. >> that's the jesse waters thing, always talks about tipping. jesse is honest. he's not a great tipper. [ laughter ] >> okay, he's honest about it. i would imagine the people filling up her insta-cart don't think she's a great tipper. she bashes the company -- they don't pay their workers. she's still one of them. i give them extra money. she's so sweet, that sonny. paul, do you catch "the view" very often. is it on your dvr? >> it is "the view" of domestic hell? who came up with all the names? sonny and joy? we are supposed to believe, first of all, what does she do? she research the company to see what they pay the people and went on
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the internet and pulled their tax returns and the idea that joy baher is so interested in going out to the market, i want to hear from trump nation. >> right. >> you know what she says when she talks to conservatives in the supermarket? where is your manager. that's what they are hearing, right? i want to talk to your supe supervisor, this coupon is good. >> it is sad that this 12-pack of pastry was on sale. >> i know, it says 1999 but i am tell you it is still good. you know who i am? >> yes, exactly. she tries to put all the food before she put it it on the scale. >> that mental image of you in the short shorts, thank you for that. >> does not have to be mental. talk to me later. joey. i don't know -- >> we are good, man.
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this is what happens when you take men out of serious conversation. a sexes would say -- >> nicely done. >> yeah, i learned from the best. we always have one lucky biological assist-gender male sitting in the middle keeping things where it needs to be. when you left those four or five women have at it, they just go places that make no sense whatsoever. listen, how much are you supposed to pay somebody to pull things off of shelves and putting things in a cart for you. what is paying them well and badly? i paid a guy $25 an hour to help me pick things up and move them but at least we were being productive. you can't just hand them your dignity which is what you should do. what can you pay them? >> i do use - it is not
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insta-cart, once in a while i will send somebody to 7-eleven. >> are you buying your firewood that way? it is 11:00, i got munchies. >> this says nothing else, i chop my own wood. >> she says she's been doing, she's buying fire logs and paper towels. >> i think she's part of antifa. i think we broke some news here. so, kat, let's talk about the class issue here. i think and i said this earlier and in my monologue that i believe that she is a perfect class. she's a snob, she's an elitist but she hospitalized behind the race card so you can't come at her. she got all the breaks and the money. she wants people to take all the risk. >> i don't think that part was that bad. i don't want to sound
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like a huge one-percenter here. i don't think that insta-cart is a millionaire thing. not everybody that uses insta-cart had that much money she had. it was so boring. i watched the whole thing for an extended period of time. sonny was like i hate the store. and, then she's like i like insta-cart, don't worry, i tip the poor. joy, you don't like insta-cart and you do like the store. and joy is like yeah, i do like to go to the store and i see what i want. maybe i want tuna fish and i want to hit myself in the face so i can feel something. [ laughter ] >> it is so boring. [ applause ] >> i am not so bothered by the fact that oh, she's so rich and she uses insta-cart, i am
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bothered by the fact that she got rich and having conversations that are that boring. >> yeah. [ applause ] >> there you go. >> you keep applauding her, she's going to continue to use that foul language. [ applause ] >> i tried. >> up next, identity over biology. is the woke gynecology. [ applause ] research shows people remember ads with a catchy song. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's a little number you'll never forget. did you know that liberty mutual custo— ♪ liberty mutual. ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ ♪ custom home insurance created for you all. ♪
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♪ now the song is done ♪ ♪ back to living in your wall. ♪ they're just gonna live in there? ♪ yes. ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i think i changed my mind about these glasses. yeah, it happens. that's why visionworks gives you 100 days to change your mind. it's simple. anything else i can help you with? like what? visionworks. see the difference. ♪ this feels so right... ♪
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tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi, the number one dermatologist prescribed biologic. learn how abbvie could help you save.
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when it comes to gender,
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wesley is on a bender. students at wesley college, a women's liberal arts school voted to allow non binary people into their hall. if you are born with a penis and identified as a woman, you are getting into wellesley. the administration says trans-men, people who were once born female won't be allowed. so, you got to a college for women who says the hell with biology, anyone can get in if they simply identify as a woman. if you got the female parts and think you are a dude, no such luck. if you think this is confusing, you have never been in larry kudlow's hot tub. same exact rules.
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[ laughter ] >> true. >> but it gets weirder. the canadian cancer society -- is making itself look stupid for implying that trans women, those are people born as a male need to get screened for cervical cancer. by the way, that's why people love the canadian cancer society. they're a sense of humor. men don't have cervixes, obviously, if they did, they would be better making sandwiches. >> so funny that dana is laughing the hardest to that. >> kat, should there be colleges anymore for specific genders? now, it is super compensated. you are kat today, right? >> i am always kat.
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>> i thought you were norman yesterday. >> except when i am doing deep reporting, i am katherine k. timpf. the students are taking the conservative side without realizing it. they're saying college is bigoted because they're not accepting the vagina men. vagina men are men. i think the biggest insults to trans people came from the canadian cancer society. because, okay, there is a different kinds of cancer that could develop. i am explaining this like i didn't just learn this all today. i read this. there was also a sentence that was like if you are or born a man but identify as a woman but still have your penis, you don't need to get screened for this. i would be like okay, can i ask
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you why that you think i am an idiot? i may have boobs and the butt but i still have a brain. >> yeah. >> it is like the way they sometimes, they're so afraid of saying the wrong thing that it is really patronizing to people, or at least i would probably feel that way. >> i am glad you said neo-cervix. >> that's what they call it. >> what's your name? neo-cervix. what's your name? at your service. your majesty secret cervix. [ laughter ] >> thank you. >> i didn't think it was that funny, joey. > >rp > >rp joe, what dil this. i had to read this script six times before i figured out what's going on. >> i don't know if we had this kind of [ bleep ]. i thought i had it figured out until you said vagina men and now i am
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questioning -- >> they're men but they have vaginas. >> listen, i don't know why you need a school just for women. i don't think they teach home e et in high school anymore. i will tell you this. y'all know i am kidding, come on. [ laughter ] >> at least i hope you do. it is unsafe. here is why. if you don't have it figured out what you are yet, you don't need to jump full both feet into something, right? hey, i am going to an all-women school, next year you may be in all-men again. i don't understand the need for it. it is all [ bleep ] at this point. i was okay with it at the beginning. i am very much on the course of live your way the way you want to but now we are
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indroctrinating children? >> yeah, you need to cut it off. do you think we'll be at a situation discussing what is a woman or vagina-man. >> i feel like this segment, i just did for you. vagina-man and neo-cervix and they are suggesting that men gets pap sm smear. let me ask you something. w w wwho w w ww wants to get a pap smear this is the service canadians are providing to men who identify as women but not really sure. the only thing i would say from the school that gave us hillary clinton -- can you imagine the spring break must be this joint. >> it is a very confusing spring break.
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>> it would, but educational. >> it is true. i think what joey is alluded to that it is not going to stop here. we are watching and i have never seen a trend explode so quickly and it is one that terrifies people into silence. that allows the kind of weird hysteria delusion. >> that's why i think mockery is essential. i mean how do they do the pap smear. if you think about it -- >> let's not. that would have to be very painful and they want you to screen for something that does not exist. your three-year-old came in and says, i am superman, great, we'll screen the house for krip night.
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we have a colleague went to an all-women school. she loved that experience and it is not for this. you wonder another way besides mocking and ridied cuin kkul ridiculing them. >> i think they should screen for brain at the cancer society. >> i wish i got screened for more cancer. i am always worried i am going to have it. >> if this leads to football team, that may bring more money. >> start a trans college because the women's team would crush everybody. [ laughter ] >> it is a thought. talking about you know -- up next, he took her to task for not removing her mask. ♪ well, the stock is bubbling in the pot ♪ ♪ just till they taste what we've got ♪ [ tires squeal, crash ] [ applause ]
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al, progressive gets you right back to living the dream. now, where were we? [ cheering ]
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in return, you will get money to burn, it is the subject of tonight's "hero or jerk." >> in a tech tycoon named jerk. he sold some software in tthe '90s more millions. i got myself a swanky used -- alec baldwin's gun, he's loaded. last week he tweeted this. i am on board, a delta flight right now. the person sitting next to me in
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first class refused a hundred grand to remove her mask. no joke. this is after i explained they don't work. she works for a pharma company. it is pharma and not farm, joey. he never said he was flying to but started the bidding at 100 bucks. the flight attendants did the same thing when they had a clean in-flight blanket. [ laughter ] >> but, his story went viral like it was made a chinese lab. some called him a creep for harassing a woman for minding her own business. others said she should have taken his money. it does remind me the time i offered a hundred grand to a woman sitting next to me on a flight to remove her mask. boy, was she pissed? paul, is this
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guy a hero or a jerk? >> it begs another question. for $100,000, all we wanted was for her to take off her mask? i think she expected a little bit more. i would say this, i would to follow them around because i am going to sit next to him in a full suit and see if he's going to get me remove it. i think it was starting how long you are in town. >> here i am, a, in first class, b, here i am offering this woman a hundred grand and c, maybe i will be on "the gutfeld show." >> what good is money if you can't use it with the same stupid people. >> yeah. >> i never had it. this is hike sophie's choice of our generation. what's the right play here? is he a saint for
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calling out hypocrisy to his face because in the story, she took her mask off to eat a whole meal. is he a jerk for not abiding the rule. at the end of the day, she works for big pharma, she's getting paid a lot more to wear that mask than she would have gotten paid 100 grand to take it off. >> interesting. dana. i don't think it is right to make fun of people in masks even though it is hilarious to see somebody jogging with one and in a car by themselves. >> it is hard. >> you got to be nice. i always say -- take that mask off. what if they have cancer, right? i don't know. let them have their own decision. i give this woman a lot of credit. paul was going
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where i was headed. when i was that age. if someone gave me $100,000 to take off a mask, i would taken off more than that. >> yeah. >> my shoes -- >> like your shoes and my hat or something. >> you did meet your husband on a plane. >> i did. >> if they paid me 100 grand to take off my shoes, boy, they got gypped. >> nicely done because he does not have any legs. i can spell those jokes out. "decent proposal," remember robert redford, remember him and what's his name, the guy that plays in "cheers," woody harrelson was with demi moore and robert redford shows up and offers -- >> i can't listen this long. [ laughter ] >> he offered woody harrelson a
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million dollars. they're husband and wife. >> what's the relationship? >> they could have banged someone else. >> million dollars. >> interesting. >> it is robert redford or if dadanny devito. >> i don't know who robert redford is. >> oh my god. >> someone just got so upset. >> he was a very good looking man but as he got older, he looks like an old woman. >> i can't believe it, making reference earlier than my generation. >> there is a victim in this situation that nobody saying they feel bad for who's the woman who was caught in the photo behind him. that makes him a jerk. when i am on an
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airplane, you do not take a photo of me. that's a horrible thing to do. she's sitting there and she's not wearing a mask. she's on his side and now what happened to her with this. don't spread this picture. what if she was lying to her? what if she was lying to her spouse about where she was. >> exactly. >> yeah. >> that's the beginning of this. >> it is so hard to have an affair in the age of social media. >> it really. >> i would not know. >> but, yes. >> it is like you should not be in backgrounds of any photos for that. that's really offensive. i would get up and smack him in the head. >> probably not. >> i would not be doing that. >> i would be asleeped. coming up, i will tell you what, my dog is flying high. [ applause ] ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪
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♪are you ready♪
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so many people are overweight now, and asking themselves, "why can't i lose weight?" for most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they don't even know they have it. conventional starvation diets don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. now there's release from golo. it naturally helps reverse insulin resistance, stops sugar cravings, and releases stubborn fat all while controlling stress and emotional eating. at last, a diet pill that actually works. go to to get yours. chairs, gotta go... okay! i'm thinking couches... or loveseats? yeah, loveseats. something about loveseats make me feel happy. kevin...? i bought the team! ♪ cash brothers! as the country lost its
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fever for the labrador retriever. america agreed on a n n newnew favorite breed. accoo the american kennel club, the country's new favorite canine is the french bulldog. [ laughter ] >> oh. >> oh, you are going to hate this segment. you know what that means. ♪ ♪ >> aw. ♪ >> all right, kid. so, he was not really any competition to begin with. basically, the marianne williamsons of dog breed. i didn't write that. labs have held a top spot for 31
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years. so, it was time for a new kid on the block. it is been a quick rise for their frenchies. although, that seems insane. take a look at this fella. ♪ >> you know, maybe i am wrong but the producer who made that montage is gay. [ laughter ]
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>> i feel violated. all right, dana, i turn to you. i turn into you. [ laughter ] >> it is true. >> i am thrilled for you. >> yeah. >> i don't believe you. >> i think you are a much nicer person now. >> do thank you think that's true? >> no, not really. >> i think i added another layer of stress. >> it is another layer of stress and you do get some joy and you are talking a lot more pictures now. you are really getting out there. the thing is, they get robbed of everything and that's fine. i congratulate the french bulldogs on this win for a year. it will only last a year because the french always surrender. [ applause ] >> this is the first too many, dana that i have done something that like maps with the mainstream. >> i know. >> it is weird. >> this is like all of a sudden
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you are going to start listening to keith urban and kenny chesney. taylor swift. >> oh, it is never going to happen. do you agree with this? you are a dog dude. >> i will be honest, my house has a french bulldog. i won't go so far to say i have one. only t tthe gen z of america in 2023 would replace a dog that can sniff out bombs or drugs. recover a duck, if the duck is not dead, they would kill it for you and bring it back and not mess it back. it can help the deaf hear and blind see. that's what a lab can do. o o oonly o o oo the gen z's of america c prefer a dog that looks like it was born with a stroke. it is so
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stupid, you just have to convince yourself the stupidity in itself is cute. >> >> i love chief. he's a great dog. he kind of lays here with all four paws you. >> you are accurate. you are accurate. you believed that i was not going to keep them. >> i figured by now that kat would have that dog. >> i am not going to keep the dog but continue to call it gutfeld to remind you of the failure. >> according to this breed, they are loud and chubby, small, smell bad, and won't eat anything. >> yes. >> where am i going with this, right? >> we know next year you will be walking around saying oh, french bulldogs is like so last year. i was there already. >> yeah, yeah. >> what do you make of the
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criticisms over the french bulldogs? you also have a french bulldog. >> carl. >> i mainly want to tell you something but it will make you mad at me. should i do it? >> what? >> you have not become dana. you are far worse. [ laughter ] >> i want to be clear of something, when you see him on tv, that's the only time he's talking about anything else other than the dog. >> really? >> can you think of another conversation we had recently. >> he was constipated. >> i told you! >> he had diarrhea all over my apartment and he got stopped up. >> hear that? now you know how i feel. >> and he pooped all over my living room. >> that's not a condition. that's just how they are. [ laughter ] >> that cycle does not stop. >> you were the one that made me
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g g geget 'em. >> i didn't make you. >> that dog is your dog's nephew. >> uncle. >> with a cervix. [ laughter ] >> my dog is a sis-gender male. although he does not have -- >> i got to do that? >> do i have to remind everything. >> i will have a calendar invite for you. >> i would not do it at seven months. i would wait. >> i think you have to give them a year or if not two if you can so they can get all the hormones they need. that's the new science. >> oh. >> that dog is going to need everything it could have. >> all right, up next, want a date in a tinfoil hat, there is
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an app for that. [ applause ] what's the big deal? gasp! what's the big deal? what's the big deal? what's the big deal? what's the big deal? ♪marching band music♪ ♪marching band music♪ i'll get a cart. get two! scotts daylawn saving is the biggest deal of the year. stock up early and save up to $20 dollars on the best scotts products. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®.
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i go to you, joey, if that's your real name. a german name
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captain future launched an app for conspiracy theorist to meet and find love. users have to give their age and height and say in their profile, what conspiracies they believe in. it is only in germany, figures. >> i don't know. i have never used one of these profile app things. i will tell you this. have your beliefs in line. if ru an alabama fan, you can't marry a georgia fan. if your conspiracy is porimportant to y i am down for it. >> i disagree. >> why? >> if you are a true conspiracy theorist, you would believer this app is started by the government. >> yeah. [ applause ] >> that makes you the true, conspiracy theorist. >> i am the truth.
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[ laughter ] >> if i don't see you tomorrow, i will know what happened. you know what, paul, i am in the situation now where i believe everything is being called a conspiracy to degrade people's ideas. it used to be conspiracy was, you know, 9/11, now, an election may be tampered with. >> you can rename this at the conservative dating app because of reviewing the bidding, let's go through it. russian collusion and hunter's laptop and we can go on. if you wait long enough, all these conspiracies, oh, covid-19 come out of a lab, you got to be crazy. they all come true. i am in favor of signing up for this. going to meet some interesting people, i think they'll be like-minded and maybe some fox contributors. >> bring a little white boar.
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dana, do you believe in any conspiracies? >> no. none, no ufos, i actually think we landed on the moon. >> yeah, that's good. >> an unpopular opinion. this explains of this romantic comedy. it is called "you got mail" from alex jones.' got mail" from alex jones.v got mail" frome got mail" from alex jones. >> hey, how are you? you want to meet at tgif? it was not very good. >> well, you got your shirt on. i believe the moon is flat. >> oh, you do? [ laughter ] >> how could you see on the other side anyway. what do you know, go ahead and laugh at me. i don't care. >> they milked it up in the studio and put the flag on it. [ laughter ] >> well, this was a really bad segment. [ laughter ] >> that's not true. i had a great point. >> you had a great point. that's when you know it is a bad
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segment. >> whoa! now, it is a good segment. [ laughter ] >> don't go away! we'll be right back. [ applause ] can see if it may qualify for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee. all it takes is eight minutes to get started. then work with professionals to assist your business with its forms and submit the application. go to to learn more.
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perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service.
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>> we are out of town. thanks to everybody. [applause] >> good evening. welcome to fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. breaking on the, video evidence that proves russia is lying about exactly what happened when kremlin fighter jets chieded with a u.s. drone downing it over the black sea. moscow called the aircraft a provocation. national security council says not true. matt finn is live with where the order to shoot it down may hav


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