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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  March 16, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> we are out of town. thanks to everybody. [applause] >> good evening. welcome to fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. breaking on the, video evidence that proves russia is lying about exactly what happened when kremlin fighter jets chieded with a u.s. drone downing it over the black sea. moscow called the aircraft a provocation. national security council says not true. matt finn is live with where the order to shoot it down may have
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come from. >> new video appears to show that russian jets spraying fuel on to our american drone before colliding with it, the defense department says it attacked the american drone damaging the propeller and forcing the u.s. to crash the $30 million drone. russia has suggested the video doesn't show the jet contacting the drone but the biden administration says russia is responsible for its unsafe behavior. >> the video is pretty conclusive about what happened and absolutely just december mates the russian lie about what they said happened or didn't happen and it's pretty darn good evidence when you look at it that that fighter jet hit the
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drone. >> it happened about 40 naught camp miles southwest of crimea. the u.s. thinks its unlikely russia will be able to recover the drone and the pentagon took steps to protect information on the drone. the defense department says the u.s. did not ask for apology for the down drone. the u.s. insists it will continue to fly in the air space above the international waters where the collision mapped and the white house says it can't confirm if it was intentional but if and accident the white house says it was reckless and at worst unacceptable. >> let's bring in brent sadler. great to have had you on. i want to play more of national security council spokesman john kirby. i think what he says is important. >> it is not clear to us that
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the pilots intended to strike the drone. it's at best reckless flying, at worst it's reckless incompetent. >> just feels to mean brent like we are giving russia the benefit of the doubt here, nowhere was the word deliberate, maybe they don't know but it a appears we are giving russia the benefit of the doubt. your thoughts. >> well, thanks for having me on. a couple things, there is an active water about a hundred miles north but this was clearly international airspace but the dangers are higher. i don't think they wanted to hit the aircraft. they definitely wanted to i guess get in the way of its sensors. in the process they got too close and damaged their own aircraft but i don't think that was intended.
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last time we had something like this was 2001 off hinan island. >> i was waiting for them to come out of china. the question is response the "wall street journal" editorial board says mr. biden may prefer to let the moment pass and herald his own strength but he won't like the decisions he will be forced to make if russia escalates and downs a plane manned by u.s. military pilots. should there be a response? >> absolutely. i think even a response to this unmanned drone. there's some question whether or not the incidents at sea treaty signed in 1972 was meant to minimize the risk of this happening. it wasn't manned but there should be consequences. it is the question is what does president biden do next. at the very least he should continue these operations and surveillance to make sure we
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know what the rugsz are up to monitoring the war in ukraine the goal being to keep it from spilling over outside the borders of ukraine and make sure responses are appropriate month my next question what would we do about the black sea? what are our options there? >> well, the russians are being challenged right now pretty effectively by the ukranians and they claim a weak hand. we have nato member country friends but the only one that has the ability to go into that deep of water or actually about 600 meters of where the aircraft went down are the turks but we don't have good options, we don't have ships in the black sea and a treat doesn't look like anybody a black sea nation is going to be sending a warship or salvage vessel to the black
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sea soon. >> brett sadler great to have you on. thank you. meantime we are getting more heartbreaking examples of what the border chief means when he says the border is unsecure uncontrolled and needs a wall. we are learning a texas woman and her granddaughter were killed this week in a crash involving a human smuggler and it comes with alarming new numbers about suspect's terrorists coming into the united states. anita vogel is live with new information. >> good evening trace and one day after the border patrol chief revealed america doesn't have operational control over the southern bother we are also learning from customs and border protection that 16 people on a terror watch list yosed into the united states illegally in february. so far this fiscal year 69 people on the terror watch list came through our southern border and you can see the number of
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known terrorists has been climbing since 2021 when president biden took office. here's how the national border patrol council is reacting. >> how terrifying could their criminal background be they went that extra step not to be detected or apprehended. >> trace as you mentioned tragedy in west texas where and grandmother and her young granddaughter were killed after a human smuggler hit their car in ozona where texas dps says the driver of this truck was fleeing from police while smuggling 11 illegal immigrants. he sped through a red light and crashed into this red truck, killing 71-year-old maria and 7-year-old mealio, innocent locals. two liam immigrants died in the crash. the smuggler a u.s. citizen from louisiana and loaded gunned and is still hospitalized.
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now since the new fiscal year began in october border patrol says it has encountered more than 9,000 migrants come from 147 countries around the world. all of them looking into the, looking to slip into the united states and just disappear. trace. >> keep thinking it can't get worse but it does. anita vogel in new york thank you. also new information out of the hunter biden investigation with allegations that members of the president's family got payments from a chinese energy company. kevin cork is live with a choser look what could be influence peddling. >> evening trace. house republicans are calling at this time first actual evidence of a money trail going from china through a business partner of hunter biden's into the bank accounts of other bind family members. they claim roughly one third of three million dollars sent to a
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biden family associate from individuals linked to the chinese communist party somehow managed to find its way into the accounts of biden family members. up to this point we knew names of two of those biden family members. >> they tried to imply there was only a couple of family members but what we found is there are multiple family families and going to end up being between 4-7 bidens who receive significant amounts of money from communist china into the plot thickens. fox news has confirmed the third biden family member was the president's daughter in law, hallie who spent time with the first family last weekend in del delaware. according to bank records hallie biden was the recipient if you will of two transfers, of
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thousands of dollars. of course you probably know the story, she's in a relationship with his brother hunter after bo died. ahead of transfers he says millions of dollars were wired to biden family associate rob walker who sent more than a million bucks to the bind family. the white house is firing back statement saying, after a disgusting attack lamenting the president's foe was never prosecuted while he had was alive congressman comber has decide to go off beau's widow. notice they didn't address the money going through them. by the way while critics say investigations the past several years since the president's son and others have yet to yield in criminal charges the house oversight chair comber says he's being very patient and expects more questionable banking
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records to coming out in coming days and trace. >> you don't have to respond to testimony. you just have to act. >> washington speaks. >> live in d.c., let's bring in former house oversight committee chair. >> so forever the treasury was blocking us, the reason that other banks were blocking from information is because the witt was saying it wasn't true this is a win hunt. >> they did jason and the white house said this was a witch hunt. your thoughts on what's happened. >> well, if these financial transactions, which were suspicious according to the banking industry, have the name biden behind them. remember trace you follow the money to find out the facts and where it's going and it begs the question as chairman comer time
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and time again why did these people get paid? why is it two months after the vice-president leaves office money is flowing into a biden bank account and i would remind you this isn't the first time the bidens were paid a ridiculous amount of money for funneling business. there is money from a person convicted in romania that went through louie freeh the former fbi director who put money in biden accounts as thank yous. >> people say this doesn't lead to the president. this is four years of wasted investigations. it's clearly showing that this family a family business this whole influence peddling. >> hunter biden went around the world with his dad at taxpayer
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expense to go into china and now you start to see the flow of money and we've seen it by the millions of dollars, this is just more direct evidence and you notice that the white house and all the spokes people don't deny the actual charge that money was flowing into the biden bank accounts. they don't deny that at this point because it's true. >> we want to move on because we have been talking a lot about the border. i wanted your take because the democrats refused to go to the border hearing this week and you had the border chief destroying the biden administration saying it was insecure it is wassin' uncontrolled, it needs a wall. i play this sound bite from mark kelly a democrat who jabbed at his fellow lawmakers. >> i think it's always beneficial to go and visit a place and do it with your republican colleagues or republicans going with democrats. i mean you're always going to get a better result.
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you're going to get more relevant questions from both sides. >> 20 seconds to wrap this up jason. >> these things don't need to be this way. it's the biden policies, kamala harris policies put into place that is allowed this human trafficking and now it results in death in a digs to the drug running. it's horrendous. it's a choice that is deadly. >> great to have you. thank you sir. >> thank you. >> well, first up in tonight's crime round up shocking video from new york city showing teenagers beatsing a 15-year-old autistic boy and shouting hat him. police say the teens pulled the victim off the train. the video shows bid standers watch and recording with nobody intervening. the suspects remain at large. >> you can see here there's no handle on the outside. so in the event of an emergency
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or feature or administrator is able to close the disorder and lock it so the students are kept safely inside. >> that's an alabama elementary school revealing a pull out bulletproof classroom. the pilot comes as u.s. schools have seen nine shootings on school property this year according to education week. in houston the suspect robbed a convenience store at gunpoint. the clerk handed over cash. the suspect fled, and remains on the run. and crazy footage out of new jersey when a towtruck did not follow the state's move over law and crashed into police cruisers as the officers dealt with a separate accident. the truck narrowly missed one officer. florida investigators have a major break in the case of jared began began, a young niekro soft executive gunned down last year
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in front of his disarmament. authorities arrested mario hernández charged with murder. another man also pleaded get to the murder just before herds's arrest. tenant will testify against hernández and with that let's bring in criminal defense attorney trial attorney brian claypool. what are your thoughts on the b bradigan thing her new his ban accused of killing jared. >> new his band is a heap in trouble balls they tracked down checks, i think three checks they tracked down and he allegedly paid to this guy to allegedly kill finnegan. then you have over two most over 60 phone calls between the guy fernandez the husband and
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tenant, so that clearly going to implicate him. then you have them testifying. >> jared bradigan is the victim here. i want to move on because we are talking about a 13-year-old dallas girl found in a shed locked up a thousand miles away in north carolina. a bunch of evidence against 34-year-old jorge camacho. i was telling our producer had this happened ten years ago 15 years ago when we were covering the case of elizabeth smart, this would have been national coverage for days and it's not getting much attention. >> i helped victims of sexual abuse and human trafficking. i think has got to try to help pay attention to this. i think the problem we've gotten into especially with president biden and trump, a lot of
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attention on trump now biden i think we need to get back to helping these kids and oobts issue not talked about is social media portals instagram facebook should they be held liable for not controlling these sites. this girl is a minor and there's a predator communicating with her on a social media platform. maybe biden should focus on trying to create a law to hold some of these social media outlets responsible for these kidnappings and murder. >> texas is now allowing fentanyl distributors to with murder. greg abbott the texas governor said you killed people with even if in it you get charged with murder. >> it sounds good but doesn't have a strong legal bite. the reason why is in order to present vague and ambiguous on a
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first degree felony you've got to prove that the seller of the fentanyl knew that he or she, the drug had fentanyl in i. we have been hearing about drugs like adderal the sellers are going to say i didn't nope fentanyl was in there. who is manufacturing and distributing these drugs? you just did a piece on the border. maybe biden needs to be doing more partnership and collaboration with president of mexico to try to work on finding members who are sending the fentanyl over and work on extradition policy to get them over here. let's prosecute them. >> i wonder do these laws have a deten effect against somebody who might want to distribute? >> it's always good to see a state like texas go after criminals balls we live in california where i don't think our prosecutors do so it is a good law and you're right maybe some who has got a drug thinking
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of selling it is will think twice because they're going to go to prison for 20-30 years so it can be a deterrent. >> thanks for coming up. up next, how parents can help teenage daughters recover from emotional and physical abuse that seems to be getting worse across the country. take it from the dad of two daughters. this is information worth hearing. a hug can mean different things to different people but what if a stranger walked up to you and asked for a hug, would you consider it? it happened this week to my 92-year-old uncle. lets us know on twitter and instagram. we will show results read responses and tell what you my uncle did in the nightcap.
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>> this time we look at what parents and concerned adults can do to help our girls recover from a mental health crisis. here is jillian turner. >> the american academy of pediatrics says when it comes to managing teen mental health preventing approximate is better than treatmentsing them. >> making sure we take the time to get young people into resources before it becomes a lets inning emergency is so keen. >> connecting with teens turns outs most important adults can do to help them, whether they have mental health oishs not. >> not terrying adults that can believe in young people to help them. >> dr. jennette says getting teens to on up all it takes is creating space for conversation
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whether at the ice cream shop on the sofa or an office. >> just asking how was your day? >> dr. delaney ruskin says teen girls like most people have clear health. >> when a person is not feeling well they lose moeth investigation. >> signs include the following. >> look author changes in your child's behavior. are they irritable? are they losing weight? have sleep patterns changed? >> kelly zuba who helped her disarmament navigate hospitalizations agrees. >> don't accept the i'm fine mom, behavior because it can happen to anyone. >> the good news for teen girls and people who love them is that they are inyesterdayably resilient. they cannot overcome mental
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health problems on their own without help. jillian turner. >> woke army women's network senior fellow, asmir it's great to have you on. seattle children's hospital put on a listing talking points and suggestions and i thought the most compelling and most relevant and i wanted your thoughts. it says quoting here, listen more than you talk and truly hear what your child is saying. be aware that your child may not want to problem solve they may just want to be heard and accepted. be curious. they just want someone to listen. >> yeah, i think everybody knees somebody to listen. there's a poem i thought about this idea that our children are mirrors of ourselves and oftentimes children also need us to just be there to be a mirror
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in their own lives to be able to reflect for them what is happening to them. some of the most important words that i think we can say to them is how can i help you, but also how do you feel, and you know, i have witnessed so much tragedy now the has few years, trace, i'm waiting for to you talk to you. i was remembering standing burial side at the suicide of a classmate of my son and then at the cremation of another classmate. >> yes. >> there is so much tragedy happening right now for these kids and the best concept that i learned from a psychologist friend of mine is that our brain health which is what i call it, it's about our brain and what's happening is so tied to our sense of self and especially for kids it's so important that we give them that unconditional love so they build a great sense
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of self. >> you talk about psychologists and mental health experts. a woman named alyssa moran says, there are so many things typical with teens that aren'ters inly cause for concern like general moodiness and fighting with parents. i think understanding that line is super important. i get it for us to understand where that line is because you worry so much, right? you worry about your kids so much and when they're having a problem it's hard to say eh that's just normal stuff. >> yeah. one of the strongest points i want to make for folks is that believe to have treatment before tragedy happens. i haven't spoken much about this. a lot of people know me as a fierce mama bear but the reason i got into this war was to protect kids and trace my first vold tear work at my son's high
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school was for the health and wellness committee because some 40 years five-0 my brother got ill when he was a teenager so for four decades i saw how important treatment is and early intervention so critical. i want to encourage everyone to do this training i did like cpr for the brain called first aid mental health first aid and there's volunteer training all over the country. this is specific training for youth and also forward adults, but the more trained we are and the more ed cases we are, the better we can get them help when they need it. >> thanks you for coming. we appreciate it. >> thank you trace. thanks for helping all these kids. >> first up in tonight's real news round up fox news at night woke lerpts turns out the tiktok trend of showing off perfectly
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styled and organized pantries is awoke trifecta apparently rooted in sexist and racist social structures says a marketing professor who noted an uptick pantry porn of white women that show off fully stocked kitchens and home supplies. the naacp in san francisco is among the critics of the city's $5 million per person reparations proposal but a deputy supervisor approved it despite saying san francisco could not afford it. one small catch. they don't know where the money would actually come from. a group of middle school students in utah were told to eat insects as part of assignment on climate change and how cows are allegedly killing the earth.
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the mother of one sixth gradeered told fox news she believes the children were being drauktd into a dark climate change religion. there were reportedly no objections allowed with the teacher saying quote there's only one right answer to thisses say and it's that americans should be eating bugs. well the fox news at night common sense department was watch ghg vice-president carl's jr. was interviewed by stephen colbert. he's a comedian so it doesn't third degree or all out enter gonzaga. she was sgd what the vp job entails. softball question should have been a home run. you can man's common sense was a bit surprised when the vice-president appeared to be stumped. >> what is the actual role on a daily basis as you have found it? >> wellive great privilege
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serving with joe biden, who is president's of the united states. [cheers and applause] >> right. >> she said right three times but it's wrong wrong wrong he asked about your job not the president's and grand the constitution outlines two roles for the vice-president take over the president's is unable to serve and preside over the senate. job a has so far been unnecessary and in b kamala harris has been senate tie-breaker 26 times and aside from that her duets list slip. her biggest role is as border czar but the border chief says the boarder is unsafe and needs donald trump's wall so that position is unlikely to make the vp's resume. common sense makes you wonder how it's possible to do the job when you can't define the job. well jesus revolution performs miracles at the box office following pastor greg laurie's
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pads to finding faith and he joins us live on set next with a fascinating conversation but first, a record breaking frigid stunt. would you do this? plus big cats who aren't so big yet. the day's best viral videos next. but an updated vaccine restores your protection so you can keep doing you. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults.
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>> first up in tonight's viral video a czech free driver just broke a record for free dive under a lake without a wetsuit wearing only a speedo swam down 171 feet and back up in would be minutes leaving him coughing up blood with swollen lungs but he broke the record. cool? crazy? you decide. [screaming]
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>> that is the heart lifting moment sydney holmes loved ones greeted him as he walked out of prison after serving 34 years in jail heat was a free man and served that time for a crime he didn't commit after being misidentified as the get away driver for armed robbery in 1988 but exonerated following a new investigation. and check out these cats. these sumatran tiger you cubs doubts a thorough health check and passed with flying colors. sumatra has only 4b hundred left in the wild. if you have a viral video sends to it trace gallagher or fox news at night. the biden administration is nearing a decision whether to cancel a trump rae rule that relates to religious freedom on
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college campuses. chief religious correspondent lauren. >> freedom on college campus may be under fire as the biden administration is looking to take apart another trump era policy critics say used to fund discrimination by student groups who keep values regarding agenda tore discriminate against the lgbtq community. >> america is toughest on the promise of religious freedom and that means you can't use your religious beliefs to cause harm to others and expect to be funded by taxpayers. >> supporters of the rules say it allows religious groups on campus who decide who can and can't lead their organizations. >> the larger question is should people of faith be tim dates or treated fairly? why is it when it is comes to christian's when they want a club on campus to make sure the leaders are christian why is that a problem?
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should we have an eighth yes running the club? >> the department of education said the rule put undue legal burden on schools and we have not seen evidence that the regulation has provided meaningful increased protection for religious student organizations beyond the first amendment protections that exist. organizations and schools have until end next week to comment on the proposed change to rescind the rule in the new york, lauren green. fox news. >> meantime church pastor the man thinned story that made the film jesus revolution a box office hit. pastor laurie. congratulations on the movie. quick 17 seconds traileder of the movie and the end your response afterward. >> if you feel like you're misunderstood and judged you will find forgiveness and freedom right here. >> that was awesome. >> that door is open. any time of day.
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>> some don't like that, that door works both ways. >> all right pastor. let's begin. >> this is a movie about your life very compelling because it's got $40 million revenue one of the biggest movies for this company in five years. >> yes, really is. your last story about religious freedom on campus the fact is i came to believe in jesus christ when i was using my drugs my life was strung outs, i was going the wrong direction like so many young people today and i was on my high school campus a speaker, so i support religious freedom on campus. >> you say that 2023 is similar to the late 60s early identify 70s. why do you make that comparison? >> just in the stories you dealt with in this program, the explosion of fentanyl use, the potential of a hot war with russia and the united states and
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now china escalating what they're doing, so many scary things happening, the cdc did a report last month and pointed out that i believe it was 57 percent of young girls feel hopeless and a third of them thought about suicide. we are telling a story about what 50 years ago and we are finding young people are responding to this jesus revolution film in a big way even moved to the point of finding hope which is needed. >> i want to put on the screen because i found fascinating a charted from last spring saying 46 percent young liberals say they never -- hard to see -- never attend a religious service. what do you think? >> i used to be one of those
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young liberals. never attended anything. i knew nothing about god or the bible but someone entered my world on campus and i heard the truth of the gospel but how could i have a relationship with god and as a 17-year-old boy i made this commitment to jesus and that's what this movie is about among other things so i think it's a relevant message and people need to understands that god loves them and he has a plan for their life. good night. open up the bible. people are so afraid of it. why can't we have a discussion about this? god says in his word let's reason together and you'll find the lord. >> pass toward thanks for coming on. would you let a strange are walk up to you and hug you? a woman asked that exact question of my 92-year-old
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uncle. i'll tell you his response, your response you can weigh in at twitter and instagram, the nightcap crew next. prilosec otc reduces excess acid for 24 hours, blocking heartburn before it starts. one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. so when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight.
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>> nightcap crew kevin anita
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matt my 92-year-old uncle former chancellor university of pittsburgh said he was in a supermarket a woman said to him i need to hug someone today, do you mind. he says he didn't really have time to answer before he got a big warm hug. would you allow a stranger to hug you impromptu on spot no questions asked? anita vogel. it's a big ask these days and you wonder if people would comply. your thoughts. >> you would come to me officials on this, trace. you know, i might but you might want to give me a reason. i might want to know why you want to hug me. then i'll consider it. >> some one walks up anita is like why? who are you and why down want to give me a hug. i want to put the poll up to
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give an idea what the feeling is. would you allow a stranger to hug you twitter 47 percent, instagram 42 percent yes, i thoughts it would be higher pastor greg laurie, you're like i hug people all day but what do you think people walking up in a store saying i want a hug. >> i am not a big hugger all the time but people hug me all the time. some lady heard my me on the radio, it was a little long hug and longer than i wanted but it was sweets and so i just rolled with it. >> somebody walks up and says pastor $40 million for the movie how about a hug? >> when it comes to me. >> would you lie to somebody if it was a woman would you do it? >> you know, you wanted to ask why this person wants to hug you
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and if i felt it was going to make them neil better maybe a quick hug. >> gigi says i would say yes because i believe it's what god would want me to do. gloria p. says a stranger want to go someone is looking to pick my pockets and my uncle said i felt bad after the woman walked away first inning did i was checked my wallet to see if she was trying to lift it. kevin cork is saying i hug people just because. would you say yes? >> i would say yes i'm a hugger and sometimes you're the only example of humanity that someone would get it so i'll take a chance give them a hug and listen. good can happen, bad can happen. i'm a hugger. >> i would say probably absolutely yes you give somebody a hug what the heck?
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kenny southwell i did this once after my mom masses passed a woman in the store looked like my mom i asked for a hug she said yes it it was most emotional hug i ever had. good for you kenny. gloryy my uncle enjoyed the hug. thank you matt kevin anita and thank all more watching america's late news and i'm trace gallagher in let me take a look at the numbers for you nigerian. >> i got a lot of it from you. the more you learn, the more you want to know, and then it just fuels that fire . it filled my soul, to be honest. explore your family story at shop. >> now for michael's lowest prices of the season on thousands of items with 70
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