tv Gutfeld FOX News March 18, 2023 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. we have rules here, joe . >> i'm on the show tonight. kayla, you got to let me end. well, give me the password phrase. get it really. okay, greg. quads are the best to fox. that was last week's jesse's hair isn't real. that was last night's password snack pack. better not the tapioca. all right, get in there. yeah, at price and i am wearing green . you just can't see ijust ct. me al's inside me. all right. let's welc let's welcome tonight's guest.
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he's a comedian who owns a razor company, which makes him a real cut up, uh, western razor .com owner. david angelov. he was into red hat way before it was founder of the guardian angels, curtis sliwa, she doesn't needed x-ray vision to see through your b.s., co-host of outnumbered and former white house press secretary kaley mceneaney. and finally, if you're a fan off big government, prepare for an argument. fox news contributor katdare a. oh, all right. as you know, it's friday. so before we get to some news si stories, we're going to do this gregs leftovers. >> mm-hmm.s. yeah, that's leftovers where i read the jokes we didn't use this week. and as always, it's my first
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time reading them. so if they , i get a kill a writer. >> here we go . a during wednesday's episode of the view, host whoopi goldberg appeared to audibly pass gas. critics are calling the mostat intelligent thing she's ever said . the pentagon is blaming a russia n fighter jet for causing a us drone to crash into the black seah into. and now officials worry the the russians plan to hide the wreckagereckag by leaving ii a laptop repair shop. >>r a new report finds that fourthrk fourth graders saw test scores plummet duringdurint the covid lockdowns. on the bright side covid, teachs say students are now stabbing at a sixth grade level. >>t yeah, that's funny. violent kids make me laugh. new data from the fda shows the pills most likely to be mostgled into the united states are generic viagra. investigators were tippey d oftf
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the drug sniffing dogsthe dr their legs for six hours. for oh, remember her? actress lindsay lohan has announced she's pregnantpreg with her first and you can tell the kid takes after her since the ultrasound t came back as mug shotser. poor thing. a former california teacher of the year has been arraigned on charges that she had with a 13 year old boy or his friends call him student of the year. >> anyway, new jersey environmental officials say they have new jersey environmenl officivet officials have you been to new jerseyanywy anyway? .they've cleared twenty one acres of forest to create a better habitat for the endangered american woodcock bird. >> they also hope to breed it
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with the european crested tyt to create a bird with the name ever. nam get over here. >>ke till you're blue in the face. eye test. might khloe kardashian] is called out this week for posting unrealistic photo shopped pictures on instagram? and rightfully so.ho if you look closely in could the background, you could see a book. i bet she reads the piece making a cruel joke that i decided not to do.h what's wrong with me? all for st. patrick's day today,y fo former new york governor andrew cuomo wore a kiss me irish button on his pants. his that that's funny because younye
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couldn't get away with that now. >> and todayha, oft. course, wag the big st. patrick's day parade here in new york city. hw here's how i iltt breaks down if march. the parade makes a mess ofue fifth avenue. then in june, the pride parade tidies it up. stereotypes. >> and finally, a british prison made headlines this weeka after it was revealed that female guards have been havingnx with male inmates. upon hearing this story,male david angelo has decided deciove to england and rob a bank rather well.. rather than just just commit a crime. >> i mean, you know, marriage i is a prison. so you end up there one way orea another. >> there you go . all right, let's get to the stories. disturbing story still lingers. die stord ron eat pudding with s fingers? >> and how diding wi the floridv lose those handles of love?
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>> former governor ron desantis is fueling speculation he's lost a lot of weight, slimming down ahead of a presidential run. folks are noticing a leaner,r meaner gov on his recent trips. and we put this graphic together because all the weight loss stories need a handy dandey before and after.this >> i ss o this is the before rie there. well, what we would call husky bordering on jolly, >> those are the words we usedy. when i was young. oh , he's jolly. >> now, here's the oh, goodness. >> that is amazing. actually , this is him now. i mean, i guess so. he does look i so is this the proverbial sign like it was for other candidates? who lost weight before a run like mike huckabee or chris christie or even william howard taft? yes. was you thought taft was kept in office, but this is how fats is taft was before he ran for office. >> i remember that picture,
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a guinness book. but reallyly h, how diowd ron is slimmed down? some think he might be on ozanne pick the trendy diabetesy drug that celebrities are usingg to get thin quick. but like what david tangelo actually does for a living? >> it' s all speculation. the meanwhile, the daily beast is obsessed with ron's weight, too, and his old eating habits. they report that in 2019 on a ca private jet, he ate chocolate pudding with three of his fingers. now we don't know which three fingers. so we said a staffer to learnmo more . >> thanks, greg. we actually caught up with a putting expert on his lunch break. >> that's right, jeanne. i love this stuff.h lov i can't. tuff. so, joe , tell us , how do you eat pudding with just three fingers? honestly, my hands are a little dirty right now. >> demonstrate by showing you. >> okay, oh, joe . oh, oh, oh.
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it's so weird. it's so weird. a >> was it a coincidence that joe mackey had pitched this story? no one else is covering this,ths but. but we are. and then he does that.all all right, david , do you eat pudding with your pants?s? >> i use a spoon, greg. a i'm a little more civilized. yes, yes. to just discount him from running. if you're going to look at can you look him now like that? i >> the lady that ate a salad a with her comb, what's her name?n >> amy. amy klobuchar. the only thingame. amy i know t her. yeah, that's that you get stained by these things, david . likegs being r being a razor sa. >> yeah, it's true. i'm a one issue voter and it's s it's pudding cups. this is definitely going to turn me have to run. but it's nice to see him lose in some way, doing some stuff. just, you know, body image. it's the one you know, it's. it's not really supposed to say things about people's body
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anymore, but a republican ings abopolitician is fair game yeah. and that's like the nice thing. it's like with trump, you know, his hair is face sessions, like, look at that little elf. yeah. but then all the rest of the time, like you guys, we can't talk about. >> yes. tha yes, exactly. that's not nice. yeah. elf. how would you describe t your body type. >> fantastic. i mean look at him. all right. perfect. yeah. i guess that's why they cally cl you a comedian, because that was a joke. runnright, curtis, do you think desantis is running and you think he has a shot with trumpw looming in the darkness waiting to pounce? >> you know, you know, mentioned gutfeld , shamoo. oh, hefe.y chri chris christie, right? yeah. man, was he you know, look at rc pompeii. oh, i didn't even recognize hel like what the happened to you,e michael? yeah. what werm e you, a bulimic and
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can we ever forget al slim shady sharpton. yes, he looks like a bobblehead doll. yeah, it's hard to that'sks lik because his hair doesn'te shrik ,but his body did. well, let me tell yous something. desantis, your mansmann,r lick three fingers, finger lickingin good. >> yes , original out of the bucket. i mean, that's the message. >> dippin, you gave me an idea dipping a drumstick in pudding . oh, i think about that. ye yeah. see 's a combo you don't see very often. >> all right, kelly , we have you for these deepe deep political stories. so let's dig into the pudding story. yoyou are you you had to dealt with a lot of fake news.e oh, have to fake news. yeah. do i watch it now?h it do you think it's fake news d that he. he, yeah, i do. here's why it's it's really funny to watch the press and their obsession with republicans in food. you know, the left has gottene e precisely one headline about food and it's the one you mentioned. salad fiend amy klobuchar once berated an aide for forgetting
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a fork. but when it' fors republicans, my former boss, president trump, everyone loves to talk about his affinity for mcdonald's and fast food. just this weeky love, there was reporting he had kfc on boardfo trump force one . yes,od a and then you look over to desantis and they say their problems with hithm are a that he eats in front of people at meetings. okay, what's the problem?meet yes,ings that he goes to placese where there are cupcakes. there's a cupcake at a meetingon on capitol hill. he would have gone to that place. i would have done that at foi wx cupcakes. well, you guys never have cupcakes over at gutfeld . >> maybe the jesse watters team. i'd go over there cupcakes when they're not whistling or singing with singing. >> and then there's aboutpuddin the pudding. i mean, what is it with the press? just leave the eating habits alone. there's so much else you guys >> after, but the eating habits ,they just can't give it up. >> here's a bigger issue about the concern about diet is why does it matter if somebody is using those epic, if itf is actually works? and like if you drop ten to 20% of your body weight, that lengthens your lifespan. so even even outweighs no pun
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intended. >> that's comedy. david know taking notes here. craig. yes, yes. yes. that actually outweighs the side effects. like i tt f itou was has a sidet effect, but it causes youause of bose 20% of your body weight . could be liky e forty i'at's like a big deal . i'm not, by the way, o on the payroll of ssempa. it's epic. but but i could be . yes, i always practice my selling point to good. didn't >> well, don't you know, did y they ever tell you tv puts ten pounds on your chubby. yeah, yeah, yeah. i sat there with rudy giuliani e when he raren for and he was having a slice like a slice of pizza. m his campaign manager, a guy o named david gordon, took it right out of his mouth like he mam was a mama. so you need to lose ten pounds because you're ten pounds fat on tv. ten pounds. >> weight loss y way like that.o to going to iowa, weight loss. you go to iowa, you're running n for president . oh, corn dog. >> everything's corny and you w wash it down with ethanol. asne wita man i would love i wov
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a corn dog shake cat. do you think it's fair that i mean, do you think it's righti that people have to lose weightu before they run for office? or does it display a kine ord o self discipline that we look for in leaders who i don't know. i don't i don't think thate they everybody loses weight before they run for office. >> i don't know. w >> i think it was just weirdseeh to see the words reportedly and putting. >> yeah, same headline. i also think i agree with kayleigh. some of it was unfair becaus oe another thing they said thatunfa he's alwayirs this is their words, not mine, that when he's eating, he's always, quote, getting eatin everywhere. and that's a little ablestleep because when i eat]e, i make a mess like this. and it's it'mes a fine motor fin issue. e moreit's not it's not a mannes issue. i just can never seem to getkers i all the crackers in the soup.n that is a problem. you sometimes i miss. sitti yes.own and i would it's not likege i'm sitting down like, oh,l i want to get all the foodlai'mo
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everywhere so people will laugh and say, oh, cat, you're disgusting. hoice.i'm not making a choice. yeah, it's it's a problem.e bein you're what you're being slob. shame. yeah. no, it'st' it's ablest. is it about us being a slob. calling so i think start calling somebody a slob. yeah. >> well i think everything's a bonus if you try hard enough that it's true yea. f yo that is true. hardright. well we learn nothing. upe next, everyone got money, even hunters on sunday. the faith and friends concert series. yo, church, travis green and forward city music must see performance sunday on fox and friends weekend presented by the chosen download. the chosen app and watch season three allergy sufferers bedtime means it's time to take zeisel zeisel release allergies. >> why do you sleep? so you wake refreshed. plus it works faster than claritin and on first dose provides the same relief. desertec in a pill nearly half the size bitwise, all take zeisel at night. >> food especially healthy
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danger. this gentleman's funny at his drugs. >> really well gone. flabbier fluffernutter of the drugs. what kind of drugs? one t we just got a nine one one on bear. get this in a hot tub. did he turn the jets on answers the call. oh, he's got a crazy look in his hole. it's huge. grab the head right with the head. >> you grab it. joel mchale. it's me now. animal control tuesdays on fox or watch any time on hulu. hey man. celebrity things for their lives. but who are they gonna get ? oh no. why the long face? the new season is epic. you can watch any time with wheatly d new york eighty nine night and a new twist that will have everyone talking what dunwoody's oh new maxxi wednesdays on fox or watch any time on hulu. dan bongino. hello friend.
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i screwed up. mhm. i got us t-mobile home internet. now cell phone users have priority over us. and your marriage survived that? you can almost feel the drag when people walk by with their phones. oh i can't hear you... you're froze-- ladies, please! you put it on airplane mode when you pass our house. i was trying to work. we're workin' it too. yeah! work it girl! woo! i want to hear you say it out loud. well, i could switch us to xfinity. those smiles. that's why i do what i do. that and the paycheck. lookwhole bitin tribe looking for a bribe?a >> it must be time for my family. we this can be said it's
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and yeah, make it even more stuff being uncoveredd abo about their shady financial dealings of our favoriteth crackhead hunter.f ou wannabe records obtained by the house oversight committee revealed back in 2017, the biden family received more than one million bucks in payments related to chinese business deals. recea millio knew it was chinese because it came with twod packs of soy sauce and somtoe hot mustard. i have so many of that now. thos those deals involve the joint venture with shady business buddy rob walker, who allegedly owns the account where the cash came from. >>e cash he was the go between use th when i use the corporate card oratto purchase my leather, it's the same account that according to documents, was wired millio three million dollars from a chinese company. shortly after joe biden left office as vice president , the house committee found hunter joe in hailey, biden or.
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findings tha biden, the president's daughtern in law. presiden parte all part of the pat'y out it's nice to see the biden share something besides a bed. a biden, as you know, was and hunter's brother's widow, who ended up sleeping with hunter. of course, a spokesman for hunter would say it's on the up up. >> he after all, he representsau a guy who's always high. er i >> meanwhile, hunter is hittingh back at the computer repair man ,john paul mckissic, is thatan his name?, mack mcisaac filing counterclaimsalle based on an alleged invasion of privacy. hunter seeking a jury trial and compensatory damages. s >> i've got to wonder whatng. joe's thinking. w thato, no, no, no. look, look. was a l what was this?on twenty , seventeen i was a long time ago. who remembers what they were doing back then and it let'sink face it, i didn't think i wasg b going to be president . >> did you be honest?
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i don't know how i got here. curtis. here. >> do you think this is allet h bubbling up to get him out of office? >>f let me tell you something.g this is classic organized crime . the biden family is the sixth ih family of organized crime. yoe u have the genovese. >> you have the gambino. yeah, the colombo's. you have the lucchese. >> right. you have the bonanos. and now you have the biden family. who's mr. big who gets the big deer hunters always they got to keep kick kick it up to the big man. and remembero , organized crime since i dealt with these guys i sinc want to in charge. right. will always say i need to feed i my people because if i don't bee put their beaks in the trough,tu then they eat the parmesan cheese. they go to the feds, the fbie parmesforever busting italians i go to the big that's the way biden runs his biden organized crime for what you just all family should be like this. wis
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i was my dad. ad this enterprise had i work for a living. you know, it's funny l. all these things that we're seeing being exposed are precisell y the things that the media was like frothing about with the trump family that wasn't turned up. i think all they're getting is a guy that worked. ganizati the trump organization hid stuff on his taxes. yeah. f on histhat's all i figured oua >> yeah. and apparently you had a democratic congressman saying, oh, well, all you're going to find with bide n is starbucks receipts and papa john's. well, we found a little bit is s john's. more and we're just startingnves this investigation. so a million goes to this. rob walkero , three million to rob walker. nor he transfers about north of jamellion to hunter biden, to james biden, to holly haley biden. however, say it. and then a bank account calledbe just biden gets seventy thousand dollars. i wonder who just biden is .just >> could it be the big guy? and it's funny liberals love to say biden, nothing to doo wih with this. t i have nothis. met a liberal yet asked ifave asked, okay, if not
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joe biden, then who is the bigy? guy? and they all just stare at you blankly. who's the big guy, if not joe biden? he's at the center of this,n i thought pop corn pop wannabee . great. he's a bad dude.d bifig and wend find out the bigg is corn pop. like it's like it's like the end of the sixth sense. not really.l like >> it's not at all like that. no, no, no. no. a cat., ar are the walls closing in. is this worse than watergate.? i'm using all the cnn tropes. yep. closink they're probably not closing in because you reached that level of power. you can pretty muc reah get away with whatever. but maybe he is nervout sever and that's why he's like, so ou but t of it all the time. like ar yeah, he's totally fine, buto he's actually just like, are they going to get me? yeah, i don't know. i feel like i don't have the mental fortitude for doing crimes. no, no. i would be so nervous, like every time even send an email i'm like, oh my god, i don't know if i should have gone with the period or the exclamation point. and like the of the period there, the thing is aggressive with the exclamation point,
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like she's an idiot. you can't take poin seriously. ten people andknow, i'll ask, like i've already asked exhaust ten people that i've exhausted all the people in my lifen my with my stupid question. so i don't know how you can do this o it. but again, i couldn't get awayne with this like one of thesentene sentences. it's like, you know, first cleaning llc and they're like, huthere's one hundred thousand dollars in there. and it's it's not it's unclear u what servicencleservics are prod to obtain that exorbitant amount of money. so for me, the sentence woulfo d end. n there would be like and that's why she's in prison. you know what's interestin you g about your point is that, like, the thrill of shoplifting, like when we were growing up, when you shoplifted, you had to be like, ohwhen, my god, it's terrifying. oh, i stole a shirt one time because the girl, like, i was, like, invited and all with the cool girls who i stole a tankl l top from wet seal. but thenan every store i was like, they're following me. they're following me. so i hade an a meltdowern. i had to borrow the keys and i had to hide in the trunk of her. i didn't have you. i thought i had to hide in the trunk of her mom's minivan. in her trunk while they while they continued to steal that. i know tha becaeling that
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feeling, however, is goneft because you can shoplift now. a at will . so where's the excitement? born in the wrong time. at the smash and grab is like, g right? .rab is the smash and grab is too like shoplifting. it's it's eliminated. pornthe earthy thrill, david , h real life. >> that's so true. and i agree with curtis, you. know, to although we both are rn run ins with organized crime. >> youns got shot and then they wouldn't let me usee load the loading dock at the javitsth center and i to walk around a block. bertus. but the you know, the bidenscurt i love that it's a familyi wantt operation. i want to know how faro know hot on the family tree.e you know, there's like a third cousin who's trying to dos tryi something to try to get something yeah, just a newt so back uzbekistan. >> like, you know,g i can u get you on air force seven if there's a it's a propeller.
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>> it's a propeller. one of those trick planes by >> by plane. yeah, yeah. ite. goes both ways. you know what i'm saying these days, you know, now, that was a terrible joke, but i don't b care because overall average,ra the jokes have been pretty good today.kes are pretty good today. so i get a few stinkers.stinkers >> it's okay. all right. it'okay that was you're doing a great job. >> thank you.e pr that'll be the promo for the show. yeah.o fo yeah. they store your spicr thise and racist vises. it's empire. today's biggest sale, the fifty fifty fifty cent, 50% off carpet and flooring 50% bannigan materials and fifty percent off installation. that's right. half off your entire project . you can save thousands empires . fifty fifty fifty . sale won't last long. don't mess 50% on carpet. it's 50% off bannigan materials and fifty percent off installation. 898 three hundred.
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to retirement. is happy coming down easy. it sounds so easy now you're saying you can sell our cars, live your life, play smart and easy and sound. if you've had a change in health or you're over 65 and paying for one hundred thousand dollars of a life insurance policy don't need to get paid for it. >> instead, take the money that you get . oh, you call me ss se ss. and so your oh oh oh oh.
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time to get this show started. kansas city. you can already feel the juice building here. and there is the reaction. what a dream with the first pick in the nfl draft. everything else racist. >> welcome back. one professo welcor blubbered. there's racism in your cupboard, claiming thatboar a stock pantry can show tre evils of jim crow. true, tidey organize pantries are popping up all over tiktok and instagram and so-calledm an pantry posts say that five times really slow.really
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you probably could, actually . >> a loyal marketing professor argues that clean, wellbeauti stocked, beautiful pantries areu actually bigoted. quote, what lies beneath is as d history of classes, racist, sexist, social structures, influencers, who produce pantrys are predominantly white women who demonstrated when it looksnt like to maintain a nice home won by creating a new status symbol. sta the perfectly organized, fullyty stocked pantrymbol the. and so there you have it. pant organized pantries are now classist, racist are, sexist, especially if they're filled sexistwith crackers. now, yeah, we can still say no the c word. >> not thaatt one . h now, what if you don't have a pantry? well, you're racist. yotoo, for reasons we'll make uu later. >> outdraw your lack of a pantry is typical of white privilege. why the need to stop food whend
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you can just take it from black people? >> so does professor agentedso trenton have a point?so i don't think so.ct is some fact is , some women will sayhow i behing to avoid housework.or >> i bett she' she's a real laz. susan. >> oh, a sexist would say, oh, my nose is running anyway. cat, we never had a lazy susan r when i was growing up.alou i was jealous of everybody that had a lazy susan. thing you know, the little thing in the table that goes around and round as a white supremacist. , do y >>ou do you own a pantry?fr noid, pantries like a small room off the kitchen. >> yesm , i live in new york , w my kitchen is a small room that is also my living. so my li the small room off your kitchen is your bedroom. exactly. and that's a big stebedroop up r me. kitchen it was not that long ago thatdr it was my kitchen, my bedroom,li my living room and my bathroom.
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so no, i buy her logic. i'm not a i'm like a diversity educator, really. >> yes. ve that, she said . according to her research, yes.s the people who have these organized pantries are white women. >> are and i'm like watching teq talks of fitness influencers is research. yeah, becaus pe she's probablyrp the same person who would be littlere. d beli anyone who saittd they did their own research on covid narrative's people. like, that's not research, but you watching tiktok is all day like all day. that's research, bro. ative.this is like ridiculous. like being a professor.being it sounds awesome. wha you just say whatever exactly. t you just got to do it always. i always feel like nowg th everything that they call call an object or racist is an object or an activity that one should aspire to . so being on time is beings on time i being being just ambitious,io being wantinus. g to be first is racist. >> now having something where w you can put your food is racist. . >> it's ridiculous.>> iculous this woman needs to ge.
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thatr life. that caugh ct my eye when i saw research. i did a student tuition, paid ta for this research that i couldi demolish singlehoodemolid right, right now because she says in order to be a ideal mother, ideal wife and ideal woman, you have to have this pantry. well, i must because my pantry is ridiculous. i debunk your theory right here. i mean, my pantry is aht wreck.r yeah, that that that is definedd as research, according to .r right.arch. >> ha that's all you have to a i'm your research.d or do do you havyoe a pantry, david , or do you live in one . >> i have a cupboard. how bad things. >> but you call it you tell the girls to come over to murphy bed. you. >> murphy's law applies to mys murphy's bed. >> what can go wrong will .what but it's important. >> sometimes after a night ofak
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drinking, you wake up with ah murphy brown . did i go too far or not far enough? >> that's all right.s all right. i don't remember what i don't remember what i was saying. it's there. yeah, my pantry. y ki i mean, what my kitchen looks like, you know, in the movie, de when there's a divorce cop and they want to make him look like like he's having a hard time. g >> yeah, that's like what my i ' watch those movies like that he's got baking soda and this guy. >> yeah, he's always drinkine'g whiskey out of a coffee mug. yeah. right. he's poor and the poor and the . whiskey sits down. ey he's wearing a wife beater. he's got he still has a transistor radio. >> it's twenty , twenty three . that's who you are.stor yeah. but you can't just as a side that you can't say wife beater. i know i do have to like it'se you know but there's no actual name for that. >> sure. yeah. shirti o no like i went into nordstrom' i wanted to buy them. the yeah.m an and i, and i had a gussy it up.
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>> i was like, do have any spousal abusers. you have a they know what kno to say. fantastic.ur altzl right, curtis,ies. you mut have a very strong opinion on this. do you have a yi don't thinou u have a pantrsey because you have nineteen cats. eighteen cats. i how do you o y cat i have thee cat because i'm a slob. slivinski now my wife keeps what they call a pantry. we live in one hundred and thirty square foot apartment in the upper west side. right. i do not know how you do that. you must be very carefully. yes, very carefully. so my job is she's got all the in boots products for the catse and i have to change the litter. three times a day, which means g i get a triple hernia every daye . >> but there's one little portion for me that provesd i'm a racist. i am a racist. i pleaded.m i have my white bread, my silver cup, white bread and my fluffernutter. no, that is nothing wider in
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the world to eat. yeah, fluffernutter and silver i cup, white bread.y as >> so i plead guilty cha as charged. wow.rged. >> you know what i find interestin you know what i find interesting about this topic though? this syn is they take like an ie of class, okay? they're talking about wealth and status. but they triniti to race. and i always try to figure out why do they do that? why is the left, like the left, are afraid of any kind of class issues? so they paint it as race. they should say, like pantries a are a sign of status o and wealth. ever say that why do you have to say rate?. and they're doing this with everything anyway. to to serious.good no, that was really good.s oh, inspired.ou you h thank you, kaley. you can stick, the rest of you get out. p the e all right. coming up, the panel says what's good in their neighborhood. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? i know it's scary. you can't fall asleep or
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with nine time emmy award winner chet van janzon. and now here's chet. >> thank you, scott. it's local news.s to >> it's the segment where each guest has to share a real news story from wherever they're from and how youi vote vote on the winner. >> m and that person gets to gi me a scalp massage. >> rooting for you. curtis, let's go around curtis. the horn. >> all right, curtis, you fir go first because st. patrick's day, right, is a guy who every time he ingest food or any kind of pharmaceuticals, it becomes his. a still, it's a microbrewery. the poor guy is half in the bag all the time. cher and so as a teacher, he's been he's been put on the shelf put put on the shelf. he's been put in the rubber room. he can't get a job. pull h he moves to long island, they pull them over.k the cops say, walk the line.e they give him the the i breathalyzer himself.n the bag screamin the bag is screaming and yelling. g he wants to impaleyell himself o
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harry. gary, suddenly a doctor in islaa staten and says, i know what that is .'s the that's the corn squeezing i your stomach is still everything goes in there,rments ferments and becomes alcohol. and i'm saying on st. patrick'sb day, oh, wouldn't you be a lucky guy with jamison? >> oh, yeah. said right.jameson. you imagine if he was with you. you just pour anything into his stomach and his wee wee would be like a tap. e right.tap. it go .erybod and then everybody, everybody come with a cup. could grab it. imagine but i could not imagine but apparently you can . s not i'm imagining it right now.a seu this is noalt a thing. it it's an actual invention.dr >>ip brooke, goes through the intestines. >> it's just like it's just like a refinement i don't think does he go throughur your intestine? i don't think so. that the doctors will figuregure that out later.
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did i just say, yes, keep that in the show. angelo angelo, you got this great story out of the boston area.t o it's about a small company with big ambitions. >> and you could say a golden touch. say see this company, western rasor. oh, wow. .it was yeah, it was started a few years ago by two guys, one named mike and then another this young up and coming. karisma comedian who put his hollywood career on hold. >> and there were offersn thatn were offered. yeah, to start a company that made raiser's in america think at a cost less than the disposables. oh, i mean, how do you beat that? how did you bring shavar fordiss each one of the sharks? e sharks look, we inventories tight
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right now. i tell you w but i tell you what, greg, we g got the gold ones now a news one , and then hats are forsale sale, too. >> how about that? now, that's a great local story. it's like a rags. >> rags. yeah. you know, we got little betterwv rags now. yeah, a little bit of rags. y at some point you're going to have to retired. >> the phrase up and coming came and went, i'm a young go getter. >> you are. g >> it's a beautiful razor.g me you will be getting me coffee. later. >> great, right? it's beautiful. can we get a photo of you with it? you don't have to wear it hadyol but it'd be nice. inu'll end up on some weird ad and back in a biker mag. kaley, what story do you have. . >> so i picked my story because i knew you would care deeply about greg steven stamkos
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to even know who he is . no. okay, well, he is a tampa bays s lightning player and thank youtt for that kind of >> is that lightning?e you are you kidding me? ice hockey. n califo >> come on , california.n th they won the stanley cup in 2020 one anyway. so great. i got cups at home. >> stamkos he made two goals last night and lightning beate e the devils. new new jersey devils, by the je way, four torsey dev three in a shootout. timed and th a shootout happens when yous go into overtime and there's still not a winner. >> they go to a shootout. and steven stamkos for the win. here's a good question. why don't they just go right to the shootout? you don't we think about this i' like when you watch soccer, it's like zero zero at hal0-f and then it's like zero zero sho the end. peop and then they havele the shootout. people would just rather jused t see a shootout. >> same thing with hockey. they already have shootouts intn the nba. they have guns in the parking lot, though. anyway, sports i won. >> i get to do the emphasized
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ya there. yeah, i wish i signed refreshing every now and then that a girl will talk about sports . abo >> you know what i'm saying?ut cacs, what is your story from fo michigan? michigan. >> yeah. now ranks fifth in the nation >> howle sirup production. how did this happen. e sure does.iterally everythin okay, first of all, in my defense, literally everything else was about of murder. yes. second, well, maple sirup, lake michigan, i actually learned to tap maple sirup as a child.>> really, i was a junior naturaliste. no way. yeah. i thought those people were. no, i was a child.>> i >> those are naturists with an interest in nature. but again, you know, just whenen you thought you've heardt an michigan's the best place and i can't get any better, boom, number five and sirup.u ta how do you tap it? you ha you go you take a little theory and you tap it and they got tha the little buckeret and what dos
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that remind you of? >> i don't know. something disgusting, huh? that's that's no different. than feeding feeding the dude. or you can create maple sirup beer with this guy. you shove maple sirup down his throat, comes out, may be slightly carbonated spigote p that just spigot to spigot. >> yeah. you are just such a brilliant entrepreneur.t entrepeneur. >> i i really am. so r what'eas it going to be. sharks.. wh how do you feel about my oil spigot? >> i admire your energy and i think the product has problems, but i'm interested. i got to all right.o no i got to go now. oh yes.nathan progra progan i'm jonathan lawson hered to tell you about life insurance through the colonial pen program. if you're age 50 , what a threed looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember
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>> i'm no, i'm the only onefive that. oh i just want to make sure. w yeah, yeah, yeah.? i used to i used to pack supermarket shelveparkets into dog food ais mm .e. the bottom shelf which das h dog food for cans for a dollar.doll. yeah. when i would opewhen in it up fr my dog he would run away. now i have dog food.od. it's like exotic food.o ta yokeu want to take a . littl yeah. and you want to takee do wit a little dog food or maybe with your finger. yes. fingeand eat the dog too.. i'm telling you you get boffed.. yeah. oh food is better than humans ju food. it's protein. it's just pure backroastd. hey desantis, forget the jellojl pointed three fingers. ngers! i'm some good do g you'll get shows like gigantor kaili. >> do we know what's in dog kaly food? do we know what's in dog i mean, is it like i mean, ifits they have meat in there, i think it's like chicken orlam. they don't do horses lamb, right? they don't dngo horses and thing like that. because
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i'm asking you because you're ae mother. well, you're asking me because, you know, my favorite foods, taco bell, which is apparently grade meat, but i love i one step from dog food.s oh, yeah. bell. >> they're going they're going to come after you. oh, i'm kidding. t i love taco you. my favorite. they won't come after me. they love a plug n g o matterno what you do, though. >> yeah. tactaco bell. it's better than dog food. dog trust hailey >> well, it's also better than >>ke filets and steak. but we won't get into my beef i habits. but anyway, so no to this.t's however, have you ever gone to those like dog treat stores where the cupcakes look like human? oh aes andever gon, my god. yeah, totally.e th get on board with that. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. there's a one near me and i walk by it every day and it's c? like, god , imagine being like a poor person and seeing thats a the dogs eat better than you your family. just cupcake somethingr you're going to be looking at. david , if you ever have a family, you're an up and comer. >> i know doa g food. h jeez, must be nice, but these bodybuilders are doing this. yeah, we got
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we got to destigmatize steroids. >> yes. yes. this is just getting out of des control. yeah, that's true. just go get a needle, guys. put the alpo down. yeah. yeah. do it the right way.ti >> exactly. i don't know. ster people can shove needles into their face with botulism, botox to to get rid of wrinkles. why can't muscle men injectces stuff into their veins? toto get. but that's a great question, cat. wri posed that question to you.? >> you have ten seconds. >> i mean, i'm fine with that, if that's what you want to do. n oh, food excellent. why do? youhave feel about eat dog food? >> have you ever tasted it? sampled it? dog no, no. i've never even dog food. no. there's another story that i've decided not to tell. but i'm if t i should or not. i >> go ahead, tell you.d or non't know if i should or not. oh, okay. okay, i , i did. if i did one time long time ago i was only twenty. >> i accidentally smoked catnip . interesting. there yo u go . you well i think we again we've learned nothing. but, you know, that's a very tha
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valuablet' there's a lot of stuf people we've also forgotten stuff. >> yeah. that's howthat's so good. the episodes back . >> all right. go go away. we'll be right back . do you have trouble hearing conversation? are you constantly asking loved ones to repeat themselves? do you miss out on discussions or talking with friends? then you would benefit from neno hearing aids. don't waste thousands of dollars on expensive hearing aids or settle with the frustration of cheap amplifiers. right now, you can get to revolutionary nano cic, recharge hearing aids regularly . seven hundred and ninety four dollars for just two hundred ninety seven dollars or opt in to our payment plan of four easy payments. i love how affordable the nano hearing aids are compared to some hearing aids are as much as three, four , five thousand dollars. >> don't be fooled by higher priced hearing aids. the cic recharge is a true hearing aid, not an amplifier. it has rechargeable technology that many customers say is superior to more expensive models. these nano hearing aids are
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