tv Hannity FOX News March 20, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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in the united states. hillary went to chelsea city and got a taste of hospitality. have the best time with the ones you love. here she is. >> tucker, a great show, a lot to talk about tonight. welcome to the special edition of "hannity," i am in for sean who'll be back tomorrow night. all eyes are in the manhattan criminal courthouse of new york city. the 45th president, donald trump, is expected to be indicted as early as tomorrow. these unprecedented charges from the state of new york could range from a misdemeanor to a low-level felony derived from a novel theory of an alleged payment to a porn star, six years ago. in front of that grand jury, the state's key witness, michael
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cohen was discredited from his own legal adviser, robert cos costello. take a look. >> i just spent two hours or so testifying before the grand jury at downtown manhattan. i got my point across although it was clear to me that the manhattan da's office did not want to get to the truth. i need to explain that a little bit. i called them up after i saw michael cohen on tv, stating things he said he was going to tell the grand jury and had told the grand jury. it was contrary to what he told us when we represented him in april of 2018. so, i'm siting at home watching these lies and i said i got to do something about it. i don't represent donald trump, but i do stand for justice. i have a legal obligation to inform both sides. that's what i did. >> so, what does this testimony actually means for the case going forward? in just a moment, we'll review
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the horrendous track record from new york's leftest sorrel funded and alvin brag. joining us now on more of what we can expect this week is trump's attorney tacopina. what can you tell us about the charges if they are coming or if so, when? >> you know, janine, they're not kee kkeeping us in the loop. i really wrapped my brain trying to figure out - it is mind-boggling that we are at this point. this is a case that has - i heard you said novel-legal
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theory, some said. there is no legal theory that matches the facts here. there is two very important things that happened. this is a settlement, a nuisance settlement in a claim of this manner where someone claiming of a relationship and they were going to go public with it. aka, extortion, by the way. that's nothing more or nothing less than what this was. it was a subsequent made by the lawyer. but, understand this, there is two really crucial distinctions here. this was paid by personal funds. >> right. >> president trump though, if this was a campaign violation, it would not have been paid with campaign funds. secondly, most importantly, the bright line test for personally used whether it is or not a campaign donation is when you
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have personal funds, you look to see if that payment would have been made in respective of the candidate's campaign. here clearly answers yes even michael cohen had to testify under oath when he pled guilty. that was done to protect the president from personal embarr embarrassment. it is mind boggling that we are at this point. the rule of law is stretched to this prosecutor and this prosecutor's support system is the far left and george sorrel of the world who loathe everything donald trump. they're using the case that by all accounts turned down by every agency that looked into this. this district attorney's office put us in the grand jury two years ago and withdrew it from the grand jury because they did not find enough for the case. >> so, there is nothing illegal about giving someone money for
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them to be quiet. it is done everyday in the corporate world and the business world. it is called an nda. when they say it was an illegal payment, let's make it clear, it was not. that's number one. number two, the statue of limitations have run on this and you got a manhattan da, pros accuser who's trying to boot strap the federal crime when the fed said it is not a crime. >> the feds have said it. . the federal election committee has not ever ruled that this was a violation. i looked at it. the former chairman of the fcc said this was in no way shape or form a crime. the facts presented and couple with the laws don't equate to a crime. look, again, this government official should not be stretching the laws or should not be taking novel legal theories beyond their normal
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means to get people that they think are unpopular or they don't like. one of the prosecutors left that office and decided to write a book. but, what he said in that book was - there were so many for president trump. one of them was they despice them so much. just think about that statement and implications. here is the kicker, they hated the man so much that they were looking at the crime to fit. it is not supposed to be that way in the country. it is not supposed to be where you look a crime to fit a target that you don't like. you are supposed to get the information that gets your attention of a crime and you hold responsible of those parties that you deemed committed as crime. that's not what happened here. it is not what is happening here and it is unbelievable. now, i got to be honest with you, people on the opposite side
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of donald trump are coming out saying what are we doing here. we are going to create a break down in the rule of law in this country and anarchy. it is horrible that a prosecutor's office is being used as a weapon against a political opponent. janine, you know what happened today, i assume. the judiciary county led by jim jordan, sent a very strong letter saying we want you under oath and we want to understand how this political prosecution began and when it began. a few months ago, he would not have trusted michael cohen for anything. there is no world -- >> joe tacopina, why would anyone trust cohen? the man is convicted of perjury and lying to congress. now, all of a sudden there is as
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problem with donald trump. joe tacopina, i must tell you, this is making america a banana republican of the term of our system and inequity that's going on. stay in touch with us and let us know what you hear in this and whether or not this will go forward. yyou yy yyou senses that it will? >> i still hope. i hope that some sort of sanity is going to -- i am holding out hope that justice will prevail. if it happens, there is no charge. it is a case that'll die. this will be a lasting stay on the legacy. they won't play this case, i promise you that. they'll not win this case. we'll win it on the law and the facts and wherever we go, we'll win this case. >> joe tacopina, thank you so much for joining us tonight. the past several years, new
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york county have been busy investigating every aspect of donald trump's life. the old soviet phrase, show me the man, i will find the crime is alive and well and liberal in new york. the same time, actual crime in the city is on the rise and out of control, one major reason for the crime, that same prosecutor, alvin brag. violent offenses have been downgraded under that da brag. september, a man named justin washington received a sweetheart plea deal from brag after allegedly raping a teenager. bragg also reduced a charges for a man who attempted to rob the same pharmacy twice in one day
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at knife-point. the man had 20 rapes. alvin bragg did not care. he's now using a legal theory to charge a former president over an alleged payment from six years ago. this reeks a banana republic politics. here now with more of the author of "trial of the century," greg jared and the author of "get trump," allen dershowitz. what they're trying to do is to take a federal crime where the fdc already said there is no
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crime, boot strap it and somehow get jurisdiction new york state of a federal crime and as a state prosecutor prosecute this. is there anything illegal about what they're alleging? >> i don't think so, even the full record's case is very weak. there are thousands of non-disclosure agreements every year. do you think anyone had told the truth about the payment. can you imagine the record saying we paid $130,000 to a porn star to buy her silence of her adultery affair with the ceo. they don't have the misdemeanor that's beyond the statute of limitation. then, to turn it into a felony, you have to assume that the only reason he did that, that record was because he didn't want to be prosecuted for an illegal campaign contribution. that was the furthest thing from
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trump's mind and the reasons he didn't want that to be made to the public is embarrassing to his family and friends. i am reminded when i was a young civil rights worker and i trained to go down south in the 1960s, our trainer told us one thing. don't spit on the floor, don't put out your cigarettes, because they are targeting you. they are looking for you, the civil rights worker. they'll indict you for a felony if you put out a cigarette on the floor. we all learned that lesson because we knew we were being targeted. nnow, da bragg is following th and targeting somebody who was unpopular just like this civil rights workers. it is a terrible precedent to follow and establish a terrible precedent that could again be used. >> greg jared, what they are talking about is unreported
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campaign contributions that was filed or documented as a legal expense. now, hillary clinton, the fdc found her responsible for funding the pfizer of the sealed dossier that was a lie and they fined her for it but didn't prosecute her for it. it was her on money and they want to indict trump. the unfair, unequal application of the law is stunning here. >> yes. >> you are right. this is not just selective prosecution, unequal justice, but really it is an abusive proprosec prosecutorial. it is an unfair game.
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the chief police who oneself boasted. show me the man and i will show you the crime. i will scour somebody's record and if i don't find something, i will fabricated. that's what alvin bragg had done. he boot strap a felony to it, involving campaign finance, you know, it is absurd, and you know one of the things that i think people overlooked and you mentioned it with joe tacopina, all of it is driven by a former district attorney. he quit because bragg was not moving fast enough. so, he writes a tell-all book and in the book is very revealing. he confesses the motivation for targeting trump that he personally hated trump and he
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disliked the policies and he thought he's a threat to the nation. this is the guy who conjured up in thin air a crime that does not really exist. >> truly. you know, professor sherowitz. this is a case brought by trump's haters. there is no basis in it for the law. yet, you got this guy wrote a book that was unethical. it was about a case he was in the middle of the investigation. this is what they do in third world countries. >> well, it is worst than that. you know she ran for office.
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leticia james. she went out there on the streets and said i promise you if you elect me, i will get trump. and if you can do it to trump, you can do it to uncle charlie or your nephew. this is so dangerous. this is so much in violation. it is 60 years of teaching and practicing of criminal law i had never seen a greater ab abuse prosecutor. this is the worst and even in t tthe t tt tthe al th capon case, th after him for tax. here, they had to make up a misdemeanor and violate the statute of limitations and all to stop him running for the president. i have some bad news for these guys. he can still run for president
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even if he's improperly convicted which could happen in new york. >> greg, even if convicted does not prevent him from running for president. do you think this helps him in some way, greg? >> yes, i ended my column that way saying that this may well have the unintended consequence of rallying even more support for donald trump because you know, look, americans are pretty smart. i think they see through the near of this fraud by the district attorney that donald trump had been targeted for purely partisan political reasons. i think it will be a severe backlash among people who just feel as though there is a dual system of justice. there is one more hillary clinton but there is a completely different one for, you know, donald trump. >> yep. >> the same goes for bidens and trump. >> greg and al, thank you so
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much for joining us. the house judiciary committee is demanding alvin bragg testify before congress of what the committee is calling, quote, "unprecedented abuse prosecutory authority authority." it is great to have you both tonight. pam, i will start with you. you got congress, alleging of look, we give money to prosecutors and we have the right to at least decide whether or not that money is being properly spent especially in the way of grant. is this a proper move on the part of jordan and comer and the oversight committee? >> absolutely, janine. prosecutors to have our bounds and act as fairness and integrity. alvin bragg is showing us they
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have a tremendous amount of power. that's so frighten. everyone should be treated fairly under the law. what they're trying to do is influence an american election. not just any election, the highest office in our land. i think jim jordan and congress there is doing the exact right then to find out and ask him. did you coordinate with the department of justice because this is the president's direct political opponent, joe biden. if that's the case, he's in big trouble, alvin bragg as he should be. i think report costello threw a big wrench. >> absolutely, pam. i thought costello was a hand-up for which he handled that. what you got is how this case is being handled number one and the money that's being spent when they're not spending the money on crime victims.
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i want to ask you about the fact that this case is relying on the testimony of a perjury and a liar and a trump hater and that's michael cohen by another trump hater, alvin bragg and by a series of people. will america tolerate this in the end if there is a trial? >> i don't think so. i don't think they're going to tolerate it if there is an indictment, janine. if you have in this case watching the news, liberal and republican news, you can see that we have balloons coming over from china. we have hunter biden's smoking crack and he's not getting any penalty. if it is eric trump, he would be arrested in front of his children in two minute. you can't be an anti-trumper going after grand juries 20 times and think that people are going to find you credible or if that's going to give you any
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merit. nobody is confused about what's happening here. i have people that are on both sides of the coin coming up to me, janine, and saying thanks god the house committee is asking them to come forward. we should be looking at ags and das across the country and how they're politicizing their office. this is not about justice, it is about politics, and they need to keep it straight. >> pam. the last question, pam, the truth is you got michael cohen who has lied. he's the essential witness in this alleged crime and i still don't know what court they end up prosecuting this case in because it is an overdue misdemeanor and wrapped up with the felony where the federal election committee said there was no crime by the state prosecutor alleging a crime. but, cohen has repeatedly said that donald trump has done nothing wrong, you reference bob costello and what he said this
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evening and to the grand jury today. how will that impact this case? >> it is crucial. we have cohen who's a convicted felon, a convicted perjurer on top of being a felon. he has lied multiple times. joe tacopina has record and record of his lies and report costello came forward. the defense witness came in and said, i want to testify and discredit your main witness. robert costello is a very credible attorney. >> yeah, amazing. >> he told me how many times that cohen lied and is a liar and not credible. there is no way that they can have a case after that. i think there is going to be a delay now based on costello's testimony. >> we'll see what happens. all the grand jury i have panelled, i never had ten
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we pulled people off the street and asked them about their hearts. how's your heart? my heart's pretty good. you sure? how do you know? you're driving a car you have to check engine light. but the heart doesn't have a hey check heart sign. with kardiamobile. the fda cleared a personal ekg device. you can take a medical grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. kardiamobile is now available for just $79. order at or amazon.
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welcome back to this special edition of "hannity," tonight, many are speaking out against alvin bragg, including ron desantis who accused bragg of weaponizing his office. so, what do the people of new york think about their own district attorney? joining us now with a full report, fox news reporter, sarah
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carter. good evening, sarah. >> reporter: good evening judge jeanine. i spents the afternoon here in new york city talking to folks about how they felt about manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg. many of them echoed the same sentiment as governor desantis. take a listen. >> you obviously heard of president trump's possible upcoming indictment, right? what's going through your mind when you hear that? >> it is upsetting because our livelihood was so much better under trump presidency. >> i think the da should focus more on local crimes. we live on the upper east side, crimes crimes out on the street is more of a problem than trump.
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>> reporter: do you think he should take care of the city? >> absolutely, absolutely. >> the places that are most popular, the commuter and grand central, commuter places need to be cleaned up more. >> reporter: do you think it had anything to do with not prosecuting people for crimes? >> most definitely. >> reporter: you know last year, judge, the city saw an increase of 23% in crime. and, manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg, reduced felonies to misdemeanors by 52%. the people of new york city have more concerned of what's happening here in near own community than they say targeting president trump which appears to be a weaponized use of this prosecution. judge? >> i must tell you, sarah, it is fascinating to hear people talk about it. it is not just an issue of
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weaponizing the justice system, he's ignoring victims in the city and the city is a high-crime city. it went from one of the safest cities in the country. the safest to a disaster because he won't prosecute crime. anyway, sara carter, great to see you. thank you very much for joining us. >> joining us now with reaction. all right, guys, it is pretty amazing, we are all in new york city. tommy may not be now as much as pete and i are. a lot of uses are afraid to go out on the streets at night. it is dangerous and it is because of the fact that crimes are being prosecuted. i mean am i right or wrong, tommy? >> oh, you are not wrong. i spent a lot of weekend in new york city and i can tell you, you always have to look over
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your shoulder. everybody has to look at their shoulders, my mom was with me and she's from south dakota and see shes everything going on in the news and she asked me if there are bad areas. mom, it could happen anywhere. this trump's derangement syndrome on steroid is over taking this da the duty to protect the people of new york city. i don't expect anything different but this is what happens and this is how you vote and this is what you get. >> well, you know pete, the truth is that when alvin bragg first came into office, he started saying if it is an armed robbery or even if they have a weapon but they don't uses the weapon -- oh, we'll knock it down to a misdemeanor. i am not going to prosecute services and trespass or i am not going to prosecute resisting arrest. i won't go down the list, pete. it is like this guy is looking
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for anarchy and chaos and his only concern of his political ven vendetta. >> of course, he is, knock it down for the rest of us and knock it up trump. that's where you mention desantis, this is an sorrel based prosecution. i am disappointed in desantis today. he started with a half political jab at trump by saying what goes into paying hush money to a porn star and the donor kind of chuckled. in some way it felt like a jeb bush/scott walker cheap shot. i don't think that's going to work. this is a close rank behind the president and fought for america first and is a selective political persecution from a da funded by sorrels. i like desantis, i like him a lot. we are in a political season and
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i get it. this is a moment for him to stand behind donald trump. this is political persecution and the irony of it and maybe democrats want trump to be the nominee, i don't know. the irony is they're making it more likely he'll be because of this political persecution. if you are a republican right now, dump trump on this. >> i happen to agree with you on that, pete. the truth is it is almost the rule of the law does not matter that with these sorrels-funded prosecutors, the focus is protecting the criminal and ignoring the victim and unless it is a politician that we can go after, a former president. i mean, think about it. this guy could be the da, the history of the united states to indict a former president. i mean -- how do these people live with themselves? >> right, i think this also carries a bigger message for state and local races. you need to pay attention to who your das are or who's funding
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your das races. we focus on national elections that are important senate races. we have not focused enough on smaller races that sorrels is funding. going into 2024, we'll circle the wagon around donald trump. the left wing either way, they know they have a flimsy case around this president. they have been investigating him for years and this is what they come up with? they win because the left has and and an and an sensational inch. i think they want to run against trump. we got to play this carefully. >> final thoughts, pete. >> hey, if there is a mugshot of trump over a political persecution, let's print it on t-shirts and run on it.
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it is a symbol of the banana republic that we have become because left wing progressives want to tear down our constitution and target political opponents. that's where we are at. it is political war on that front. they decided to wage it and they taken off the glove, it is our job to take them off as well and fight back. metaphorically, of course, judge, metaphorically as we talk about fighting back. >> tomi and pete, thank you so much for joining us tonight. straight ahead while most of the world was focused on the meeting of putin, biden was busy hangig out with celebrities at the white house. newt gingrich weighs in when wee come back.rrec tor diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. gold bond. champion your skin.
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welcome back to this special edition of "hannity," vladimir putin and president xi jinping met in moscow today. while the two leaders held historic talks, joe biden though spent the day hosting the cast of ted lasso at the white house to talk about mental health. take a look at this. >> i want to say that on behalf of myself and everyone here with me today, and the numerous other folks that takes to make our show, "ted lasso," it is an honor to visit the white house and i had the opportunity to speak with the president and the first lady about the importance of mental health. here is reaction with fox news contributor, newt gingrich. i never watched "ted lasso," but i guess they thought it is
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important to put them up add the white house of the press room. any thoughts? >> mental health is a very important issue and the number of americans who committing suicides or dying from drug overdose or having their lives ruining that's all a tragedy. i think what today shows you more of the absolute shallow behavior of the biden administration. we are in a very dangerous situation. we have two major international competitors, russia and china, coming closer and closer. we have a president who clearly does not have a clue of what to do. we have a vice president who is an embarrassment in the best possible insurance policy for keeping biden as president. and americans need to understand. this is not a game. this is not one of those things where you get on x-bots.
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we are in a real world faced with real crisis. we have a president who's totally out of touch with reality in terms of what's going on in the world. i personally as an historian, think this is the most dangerous time we have been in since, the number of things going bad are so great and the threat to our civilization is so great that we really need a dramatic change and you saw today. not only is the show, the comedy, the biden administration is a situation comedy. that's dangerous because the world is not a comedy. >> newt, the saddest part of all this is apparently when putin signs a no-limit partnership with xi, xi jinping, last year
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shortly before he attacked ukraine. now, within a few days of putin being called a war criminal by an international court, xi jinping shows up to give him diplomatic cover. it is a dangerous time in that regard but the united states is now in an unattendable position because as we give arms the ukraine, we really don't give them enough to win but just enough to keep fighting, am i wrong? >> no, i think you are right. first of all, it is very sobering that xi jinping last week, secretary of general of the chinese communist party, gave four different speeches in one week preparing for war. i think people should take that seriously and understand how determine and how aggressive competent xi jinping is.
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putin was a kbg patient and ruth l less. they represent a totaltarian, dictatorship-led world where they take care of each other against the democracy. almost, a recreation of the axis power of italy and germany of japan in the 1930s who took on democracy. unlike the 1930s, we have a president dedicated to weakness and confusion, whose family and you just saw this last week got $3 million. >> exactly. >> got $3 million from the chinese communist in one check. we have no idea how corrupt activity the biden family is. what we do know is the attorney general who's as bitter and as frankly dishonest as the current
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attorney general. nothing is going to be done. that's a crisis itself. you have an american system and enormous crisis with the news media that does not want to cover the truth. >> well, finally, just a final question. with our reaction, you know xi jinping already tested us. i think we fail the test. >> i think xi jinping looks at the biden family which i suspect he thinks he owns. >> right. >> he thinks this the moment what america is truly is. a paper tiger. i think it is a very sobering and frankly as a citizen, a for frightening moment in america's history. >> newt gingrich, thank you very much. up next, dr. fauci had his latest vaccine push rejected to
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welcome back to the special edition of "hannity," pbs released never seen before footage before june of 2021. showing dr. fauci and dc mayor going door-to-door parading of the covid vaccine skeptics. here are the highlights. >> oh, do you want to take a picture? >> thank you so much. >> thanks for getting vaccinated.
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>> i like to believe that people listen to me but some don't. >> do you think it hurts? >> no, it does other things to me. >> how old are you? >> >> what are we going to do with other states? >> oh my god, they're going to keep the outbreaks smoldering in the country. it is so crazy. they're not doing it because they say they don't want to do it. they're republicans and they don't like to be told what to do. >> right. >> we got to break to unpack that. >> you are going to pay us? >> definitely. >> when you start talking about paying people to get vaccinated a aa aand incentivizing -- ther something else is going on with that. >> it is but i got millions of people and me and most of everybody here. you know what their incentive is? protecting their health and the city.
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i won't keep you anymore. >> thank you. >> y'all campaign about fear. you all attack people with fear. >> all right. joining us now the author of the new book "serenity of the storm," kayleigh mcenany and jimmy fallon. do i love this guy? you are paying people to get vaccinated. there is something wrong. do you see how they shut him down, jimmy? >> yes, fauci should have made that video go away like he tried to make the lab leak theory go away. that was such a bad look for him. that video is when more people comes to healthcare trust dr. dre than fauci. right? it shows him doing what we'll always remember him for which is mugging for the camera and being raw. what is he saying to that guy?
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oh, get vaccinated, you won't get sick. hello, vaccinated people die. they didn't have confidence in the vaccine. i don't make my neighbor put o a jacket so they don't have frostbite. >> kayleigh, you have to be stunned by this and obviously, you were in the trump administration. why did we only have one guy out there? why didn't we have manhattan project with a bunch of doctors. judge jeanine, you hit the million dollar question. i worked with dr. fauci and he would do media appearances but the stack of paper he brings were short and nonexistence. dr. burke did a lot of research. dr. fauci, how could he receive any better than he was. he was wrong on lockdown and
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masks. he was back and forth with all of that. and now he wants to put the finger at republicans which is what he said in that video. i am sorry, dr. fauci, you lost a lot of our trust including mine and you say dr. dre but i will say dr. pepper, i trust dr. pepper a lot more. >> >> go ahead, jimmy. >> well, i was told to stop drinking soda by the wardrobe department. they said i am getting a little chubby on the face. >> is that it? >> nobody trusts fauci. he took every position in this debate as kayleigh says. just go away. why is he out there still in he got addicted to hair and makeup. the guy likes tv. he's a terrible doctor. >> what about everybody who got vaccinated once or twice or boosted and boosted. they still got covid-19. kayleigh, i am going to ask you,
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did you notice how they are not looking to get approval for the covid-19 vaccines from the fda because of the negative report of the medical effects listed by the cdc, did you know that? >> no, i didn't. look, i am a believer in the vaccine trump's warp speed, i am a believer. i believe in the right to ask questions. we have the right to ask questions. you can say it is a great accomplishment in history but we can ask questions. >> we sure can. >> it is still america. more of the special edition of "hannity" after the break.
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i'm not a doctor. i'm not even in a doctor's office. i'm standing on the street, talking to real people about their heart. how's your heart? my heart's pretty good. you sure? i think so. how do you know? you're driving a car? you have the check engine light, but the heart doesn't have a hey, check heart sign. i want to show you something. put both fingers right on those pads. there you go. in 30 seconds, we're going to have a medical grade ekg. -there it is. -that is you. look at that. with kardiamobile, the fda cleared personal ekg device. you can take a medical grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation,
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one of the leading causes of stroke. and it's the only personal ekg that can also detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think this device cost? probably $1,000. $99. wow. that's impressive. it's never been more important to check your heart at home. kardiamobile is now available for just $79. order at or amazon. >> welcome back to this special edition of to hannity. unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening. remember you can catch me on the "five" hannity will host live audience shows at 9:00 p.m. go to to register,
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tickets are free. personal news, in may i will be releasing my new book, crimes against america. the left's take down of our republic. it's available for preorder today on amazon and thank you for tuning in, sean will be back tomorrow. laura ingraham takes it from here. >> laura: crimes against america will have multiple editions. >> from god's lips to your ears. >> laura: a lot of crimes to fill. great job tonight, judge. great to see you. >> you have a great joe. >> laura: this is ingraham angle from washington tonight. thank you as always being with us. is there anyplace for christians in professional sports today? well, we are going to tell you what happened when one pro-hockey player refused to wear a pride jersey this past weekend. a former nhl star i
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