tv Hannity FOX News March 20, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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in hillary and chelsea went to new york city and got a taste of localhost hospitality. >> maybe judge jeaninee will address that inof the nexti hour. she's sitting in for sean hannity. we hope that she does.tality. in the meantime, best time wit t time with the ones you love. we'll see you tomorrow. she is the tucker. >>e is the tucker. great show. t great there's a lot to talk about tonight for sure. welcome to this special edition of "hannity". i'm judge jeanine pirro. infrasonic will be back tomorrow night. but tonight, all eyes are on the manhattan criminal courthouse in new york city, where the 40 fifth president of the united states , donald trump, is expected to be indicted as early as tomorrow morning. these unprecedented charges from the state of new york could range from a misdemeanor to a low level felony derived from a novel legal theory about an alleged payment to a star six years ago. but today, in front of that grand jury, the state's key witness, michael cohen, was
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discredited by his own former legal adviser, robert castelo. >> take a look. i just spent two hours or so testifying before the grand jury in downtown manhattan. and i got my point across, although it was clear to me that the manhattan d.a.'s office did not want to get to the truth. i need to explain that a little . but i called them up after i saw michael cohen on tv stating things that he said he was going to tell the grand jury and had told the grand jury that were contrary to what he told us when we first represented him in april of 2018. so i'm sitting at home watching these lies and i said , i've got to do something about it. i don't represent donald trump, but i do stand for justice. and i think i have a legal obligation to inform both sides. >> so that's what i did. so what does this testimony actually mean for the case going forward? in just a moment, we'll review
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the horrendous track record from new york's leftest incompetent, soros funded and politically charged district attorney alvin bragg. but first, joining us now with more on what we can expect this week, trump attorney joe tacopina. all right. good evening, joe . there's so much to talk to you about. i find i find that statement that bob costello gave to tucker within the last few minutes to be stunning , but not so surprising, i guess, in terms of his saying. it's clear to me the manhattan d.a. did not want to get to the truth. what can you tell us about the charges if they're coming? and if so, when? >> you know, jeanine, i mean, they're not obviously keep us in the loop. and i've really wrecked my brains trying to figure out how they could fit that round hole into a square peg or square peg into the round hole. >> it's it's mind boggling that we're at this point. this is a case that has, i heard say novel legal
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theories. some said there is absolutely no legal theory that matches the facts here. there's two very important things that happened this was a settlement like any other settlement in a nuisance settlement in claim of this matter where someone's claiming they had a relationship but they were going to go public with it, a.k.a. extortion, by the way, but but that's nothing more . nothing less than what this was. it was a settlement made by a lawyer and the lawyer subsequently created invoices and build the client for much more than that and for other things. but understand this, there's two really crucial distinctions here. one , this was paid not with campaign funds, but with personal funds. if president trump thought this was a campaign violation, certainly, or something that would fall within the purview of a campaign and would have been paid with campaign funds. secondly, and most importantly, the bright line test for personal use, whether it is or
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is not a campaign donation, is when you have personal funds, you look to see if that payment would have it made, irrespective of the candidate's campaign. here. clearly, the answer is yes. as as even michael cohen was had to testify under oath when he pled guilty, that it was done to protect the president and his family from personal embarrassment. so it is it's mind boggling that we're at this point, the rule of law is being stretched to pursue a political opponent of this prosecutor and this prosecutor support system, which is the far left of george sources of the world who loathe everything donald trump. and so they're using a case that, by all accounts, was was dead on arrival, by all accounts, was turned down by every other agency that looked at it. and by this district attorney's office who had put this in the grand jury two years ago. and then withdrew it from the grand jury. >> all right. i didn't find that there was enough to bring a case. >> all right. so just so we're clear , there is nothing illegal about giving
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someone money for them to be quiet. it's done every day in the corporate world . in the business world , it's called an nda. so when they say it was an illegal payment, let's make it clear it was not. that's number one . number two , the statute of limited, joe , has run on this. plus, you've got a manhattan d.a. this source funded prosecutor who's trying to bootstrap a federal crime. and the feds have already said it's not a crime. is that correct? the feds have said it. yeah, the feds have said it. the federal election committee has has not ever ruled that this was a violation. they looked at it. as a matter of fact, bradley smith, the former chairman of the fec, said this is in no way, shape or form a crime, that the facts presented here, coupled with the the laws don't equate to a crime. look, again, this government officials should not be stretching the laws or should not be taking novel legal theories beyond
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their normal means to get people that they think are unpopular or they don't like or have a political animus towards. i mean, one of the prosecutors from that office left that office and decide to write a book in violation of grand jury secrecy laws. and hundreds of ethics and all those other things. >> but what he said in that book was there were so many pearls of that book for the president. trump, but one of them was that they despised him so much. he despises he would have paid to prosecute donald trump. think about that. we were both prosecutors. i mean, just think about that statement and those implications. and then here's the kicker. they hated the man so much that they were looking for a crime to fit. >> it's not supposed to be that way in this country. it's not supposed to be where you look for a crime to fit a target that you don't like. you're supposed to get information that gets brought to your attention of a crime and you hold responsible those parties that you deem committed this crime. that's not what happened here and it's not what is happening here. and it's unbelievable. and now i'm going to be honest
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with you people on the opposite side of the political spectrum from donald trump are coming out saying, what are we doing here? this is we're going to create a breakdown in the rule of law in this country and anarchy. it's horrible that a prosecutor's office is being used as a weapon against the political opponent. and you know what happened today? i assume the house judiciary committee, led by jim jordan, said that he's very terse, very strong letter to the bragg's office saying, we want you under oath and we want to understand exactly how this political as they call the political prosecution began and when it began, because according to alan bragge, a few months ago, he wouldn't have trusted michael cohen for anything. i mean, he said there was no world in which he could be either. why anyone trusts michael cohen, the man been convicted of perjury, lying to congress. you know, he said for years there was never any problem
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with with donald trump and now all of a sudden there's a problem. but joe tacopina, i must tell you, this is making america a banana republic in terms of our justice system, in terms of the inequity that's going on . so stay in touch with us and let us know what you here in this and whether or not this will go forward. but your sense is that it will . >> joe , you know, i still hold out hope. i really do hold out hope that that some sort of sanity is going to prevail inside of that office. i understand there's a lot of disgruntled employees in them, and i'm hoping, holding out hope that justice will prevail. >> and if that happens, then there will be no charge because it's a case that will die on the vine. this will be a lasting stain on the legacy of that d.a.'s office. so they won't win this case. i promise you that you could play this tape back in a year from now. they will not win this case. we will win it on the law. >> we'll win on the facts wherever we go . we will win this case. all right. >> joe tacopina, thanks so much for joining us tonight. and for the past several years,
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new york county has been very busy investigating every aspect of donald trump's life. the old soviet phrase, show me the man. i'll find a crime is alive and well and liberal new york . but the very same time actual crime in the city is on the rise. and out of control. one major reason for the crime wave is that same prosecutor, alvin bragg, 50% of all felony cases, including violent offenses, have been downgraded to misdemeanors under that d.a. bragg, for example, in september, a man named justin washington received a sweetheart plea deal from bragge after allegedly a teenage relative. washington was set to serve just 30 days in jail before terrorizing five more victims. bragg also reduce the charges for a man who attempted to rob the same pharmacy twice in
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one day at knife point. the man had a lengthy rap sheet with more than 20 arrests for . robbery, assault and other crimes. but alvin bragg didn't care. he hands out plea deals for violent crimes like and armed robbery, but is now using a convoluted novel legal theory to charge a former president with a felony over an alleged payment from six years ago. this reeks of banana republic politics. and here now with more, the author of trial of the century fox news, legal analyst greg jarrard and the author of yet trump, harvard law professor alan dershowitz. okay, i'm going to start with you, professor dershowitz. the truth is that there is this misdemeanor in new york and it has to do with falsifying a business record . it is past the statute of limitations cannot be prosecuted. what they're trying to do is to take a federal crime where the fec has already said there
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is no crime, bootstrap it and somehow get jurisdiction in new york state of a federal crime. and as a state prosecutor, prosecute this. >> is there anything illegal about what they're alleging? i don't think so. even the false records case is very weak. there are thousands of non-disclosure agreements every year. do you think anyone has ever told the truth about the payment? can you imagine the record saying we paid one hundred thirty thousand dollars to a star to buy her silence about an adulterous affair with our ceo? what? he said it was legal and it was a settlement of the case. so they don't even have the misdemeanor. that's beyond the statute of limitations. and then to turn it into a felony, you have to then assume that the only reason he did that, that record was because he didn't want to be prosecuted for illegal campaign
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contributions. that was the furthest thing from trump's mind. obviously, the reason he didn't want that to be made public is it would be embarrassing to his family, to his friends. but, you know, i'm reminded when i was a young civil rights worker and i trained to go down south in the 1960s, our trainers taught us one thing. don't spit on the floor. don't put out your cigarettes because they're targeting you. they're looking for you as civil rights workers. they will indict you for a felony if you put out a cigarette on the floor. and we all learn that lesson because we knew we were being targeted and now bragg is following the absolute lead of the segregationist south prosecutors and police by targeting somebody who is unpopular, just like the civil rights. >> it's a terrible, terrible precedent to follow. and it will establish a terrible precedent that could again be used as it was against the law. >> exactly. all right, greg jarrin, what were they're talking about is an unreported, alleged , unreported campaign
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contribution that was that was filed or documented as a legal expense. now, hillary clinton, the fec found her responsible for funding the the eyes of the steele dossier. that was a lie. and they find her for it, but they didn't prosecutor for it, and yet they're taking something where the fec was not a crime. it was his own money. and they want to indict trump. the the unfair, unequal application of the law is stunning here. it is . >> you're right. this is not just a select prosecution, unequal justice, but really it's an abuse of prosecutorial authority in the weaponization of the law for political gain. >> and i wrote in a column today, and you mentioned part of it, it reminds me of stalin's ruthless chief of
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police, the secret police, who once boasted, show me the man and i'll show you the crime, meaning i'll scour somebodies records. and if i don't find something, i'll fabricated. and that's what albon bragg has really done. >> he's taken a misdemeanor that dubious on its face and he's bootstrapped a felony to it involving campaign finance. >> you it's it's absurd. and , you know, one of the things that i think people have overlooked, you mention it with joe tacopina, is all of this was driven by now former district attorney mark pomerance. >> oh, yes. in a fit of pique, quit because bragge wasn't moving fast enough and balked at it. so he writes a tell all book. and in a book, it's very revealing. >> he confesses the motivation for targeting trump, that pomerance personally hated trump. he disliked his policies. he thought he was a threat
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to the nation. >> so any means justifies a malevolent end and this is the guy who conjured up out of thin air a crime that doesn't really exist. >> and then so. >> well, it's an affront to our system of justice, truly. but, you know, professor dershowitz, one of the problems here is that this is this is a case brought by rabid trump haters. this is not about justice. it's not about a crime. we already know that there is no basis in it for the law. and yet you've got this guy, mark pomerance, wrote a book that was unethical. it was about a case and he was in the middle of the investigation up. and you've got alvin trump hater, letitia james , the attorney general in new york , a trump later. >> this is what they do in third world countries. well, it's worse than that. you know, she ran for office, letitia james on the campaign pledge to get trump.
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that's how i name my book, get trump. i didn't make up that. i got it from her campaign. she went out on the streets. she said , i promise you, if you elect me, i will get trump. and if you can do it to trump, you can do it next month to your uncle charlie or your nephew. this is so dangerous. this is so much in violation. is 60 years of teaching and practicing criminal law. i have never seen a greater abuse of prosecutorial discretion and i have seen plenty of abuses. this is the worst even in the al capone case. they went after him for tax, but he was guilty of tax. he didn't make that up here. they had to make up the misdemeanor, make up a felony, relate to felony to the misdemeanor, violate the statute of limitations or to stop him from running for president . well, i have some bad news for these guys. still run for president , even
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if he is improperly convicted , which could happen in new york . >> right. and you know, greg jarrett, the last last thoughts to you. the truth is that even if convicted , it doesn't prevent him from running for president . do you think this helps him in some way? greg? yeah, and in fact, i ended my column that way, said saying that this may well have the unintended consequence of rallying even more support for donald trump because, you know, look, americans are pretty smart. i think they see through the veneer of this fraud by the district attorney that donald trump has been targeted for purely partisan political reasons. and i think they'll be a severe backlash among people who just feel as though there's a dual system of justice. there's one for hillary clinton, but there's a completely different one for donald trump. and the same goes for the bidens and trump.
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anyway, greg, thank you so much for joining us . the house judiciary committee is now demanding that new york district attorney alvin brang testify before congress over what the committee is calling, quote, an unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority. joining us now with more, trump attorney ileana hoba and former florida attorney general pam bondi. all right. it's great to have both of you here tonight. now. i'll start with you, pam. the truth is that, you know, you've got congress alleging that, look, we give money to prosecutors. and you and i both know as former prosecutors that they do and we have the right to at least decide whether or not that money is being properly spent, especially in the way of grants. what say you? is this a proper move on the part of jordan and comar and the oversight committee? >> absolutely, jeanine. and as you and i also know, prosecutors have are bound to act with fairness and integrity because as alvin bragg is showing, they have
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a tremendous amount of power. and that's what's so frightening. and everyone should be treated fairly under the law. but what they're doing is trying to influence an american election, not just any election, the highest office in our land. and i think jim jordan and congress, they're doing the exact right thing to find out, to ask him, did you coordinate with the white house? did you coordinate with the department of justice? because this is the president's direct political opponent, joe biden. and if that's the case, he's in big trouble. alvin bragg, as he should be . and i think robert costello today threw a big wrench and there, which huntlee absolu ,pam, i thought that costello was a stand up the way he handled that. so, allena , what you've got is congressional scrutiny over how much is being how this case is being handled. no. one , and the money that's being spent when the truth
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is they're not spending money on crime victims. what i want to ask you about the fact that this case is relying on the testimony of a perjurer, of a liar, of a trump hater, and that is michael cohen by another trump hater, alvin bragge, and by a whole series of people like mark pomerance, the guy who wrote the book. i mean, will america tolerate this in the end, if there is a trial? i don't think so. i don't think they're going to tolerate if there's an indictment, frankly, janine, i think that if you have anybody watching the news, both liberal and republican news, you can see that we have balloons coming over from china. we've got hunter biden smoking crack and he's not getting any penalty. if it was eric trump, we all know he'd be arrested in front of his children in two minutes. i don't think the world's going to tolerate it. and you can't be an anti trump or and just go into the day after day. ag's office is grand juries, what, 20 times and think that people are going to find you credible or that that's going
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to give you any merit. you know, alvin bragg is a soros backed d.a. nobody is confused about what's happening here. i have people that are on both sides of the coin coming up to me, janine, and saying, thank god the house committee is asking them to come forward. and by the way, i think we should be looking at ag is and across the country and how they're politicizing their offices. it cannot happen. this is not about justice. it's about politics. and we need to keep it straight. all right, pam. and last question, pam, the truth is that you've got michael cohen who has lied. he is the main witness and the essential witness in this alleged crime. that if it ever and i still don't know what court they end up prosecuting case because it's it's a it's a overdue misdemeanor wrapped up with a felony where the where the federal election committee said there is no crime by a state prosecutor alleging a federal crime. and i think the statute of limitations is passed for that as well. but cohen has repeatedly said that donald trump has done nothing wrong.
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you referenced bob costello and what he said this evening, what he said to the grand jury today. how will that impact this case? it's crucial. >> so we have cohen, who is a convicted felon, a convicted perjurer on top of being a felon. he has lied multiple times. joe tacopina has a record after record after record of his lie. robert costello came forward. i've never been in a grand jury. i don't think you probably have either. we're defense witness came in and said, i want to testify. i want to describe it. your main witness and robert costello is a very credible attorney . he went in there 10 prosecutors. they said in there are more winning this. and he told them how many times that that cohen lied and is a liar and is not credible. and there is no way that they can have a case after. i think there's going to be a delay now based on costello's testimony. we'll see what happens. but i'll tell you, in all the grand juries that i've impaneled, i've never had
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10 prosecutors in that room ever. all right, pam, elayna, thanks so much for joining us this evening. and coming up, governor to santa shared his take on the looming trump indictment . plus, sarah carter took to the streets to hear what new yorkers have to say about the case. tommy laren and pete hexapod join us to react shop now for michael's lowest prices of the season on thousands of items with 70 percent of kansas and 60 percent austrian beats. plus, check out big vogels plus, check out big vogels on frayn's and half of springow. easter. the decor saves storewide and online now through march 26 . rel overnighwith goban, you s own term, s. retinol overnight means the smoothing benefits of retinol are now for your whole body. plus, fast working great director diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. >> go by, champions your skin. i really enjoy playing golf. expect to play into my 80s and balance of nature is going
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know, like their brother and sisterhood. back to welcome back to this special edition of "hannity" tonight. multiple high profile officials are speaking out against new york d.a. alvin bragg, including florida governor ron desantis, who accused bragg of, quote, weaponizes his officice. de. so what do the people ofrict ate new york think about their own joining us now with a full own attorney ? joining us now with a full
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report, fox news contributor sara carter. good evening, sarah . , >> reporgood evening, judge j. i spent the afternoon here inouo new york city talking to folks about how they felt about manhattan districtct att attorney alvin bragg.or and , you know, many o alvif themknow, many o echoed the exact same sentiments as governor ron desantis of florida. d sametake a listen. lis >>te here in new york city, obv you've obviously heard about president trump's possible upcoming indictmen t. what's going through your mind when you hear about that? it's upsetting because going t s very own livelihood was actually so much better under trump's presidency. >> i know a lot of problems came when biden came. i'm not too political , butshouf i know that's the thing. i think that he should probably l crimes.hat he should probably we focus more on local crime. we live up on the upper easte side, soon the i think crime ar the streets is probably more of a problem than prosecutingn th trump right now. do you think maybe he should spend more time here takingter:d
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care of what'so going on in hi city? absolutely. absolutely.the city? >> absolly.the city? yeah, definitely. you know, the places that arece the most populars , like grandd central, penn station, the you know, the commuter places definitely need to be cleaned up more and they need to focus on those places. >> do you think has anything to do, too, with not crimes? prosecuting people for crimes? >> yeah, most definitely.os >> yeah. and t i you know, last year orh ofd t i you know, last year orh judge, the city saw an increasem of 23% in crime. and manhattan district attorney alvin bragg also reduced felonies to misdemeanors by fifty o two percent. the people of new york city areo more concerned about what's happening here in their own community than they saypresid targeting president trump, which which is what appearens to be a weaponizes use of this prosecution. judge, you know, i must tell you, sara , it's fascinating t to hear people talk about it..
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you know, it's not sometimesit it's not just an issue always weaponizes in the criminal justice system. he's literallyjustic ignoring va in this city. and this city is now a high crime city. it went from one of the safestcn cities in the country. large cities, i thinkecause the safest to a disaster w because he won't prosecute crime anyway. sara carter, great to see you. thanks ssao much for joining us. all right. and joining us now us with reaction, outkast hosts tommy larin and fox and friends weekend will speak to them. all right, guys, it is pretty amazing. we're all in new york city.k tommy. nd i maybe not as muc ah as as pete e and i are.e but, you know,afraid a lot of ue afraid to go out on the street at night. it is very dangerous. fac and it's because of the cashless bail and the fact crimes are being prosecuted. i mean, am i right or wrong, tommy? , >> oh, you're not wrong.n and i spenned a lot of my weekends in new york city and i cad n tell you, you alway
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have to look over your shoulder and you don't have to be a higha profile person. s i have to do that.lders, everybody ha ms to look overs wh their shoulder. my mom was jus mt recently dakot with me in new york city and she's from south dakot a every's from south dakot and she seesth everything going on in the and s and she asked me if there werehe bad areas. and i said , momsked, it can happen. any area we're i n times square, it can happen here. it really doesn't matter. and the fact that this trump derangement syndrome on steroid s is overtake this day's actual duty to protect the people of new york city. i don't expef new york city. again, i don't expect anything different from an activistg s what soros funded de , but this is what happens and this is how you vote and this is what youtrt get .h is well, you know, the the truth is that when alpen breg first startet when alpen breg first came into office, he started saying, you know, if it's an armed robbery, even if they have a weapon, butoh they don't use the weapon, will knock it down to ita misdemeanor. i'm not going to prosecute theft of services, trespasse services services, trespasse aggravated and, unlicenseding to operation. i'm not even going to prosecute resisting arrest. it is ing arrest. i mean, i won'lit go down the list, pete, but it's almost
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like this guy is looking for anarchy, chaos, and is onlychy, chaos, and is political vendetta. >>cern of course he is it's knock it down for the rest down for thet down for the rest of us .knoc knock itk up for trump. thatk itk up for trump. ron desantis. desantis, th >> he's totally right. this is a saurus based this is a saurus based actually disappointed. ron desantis today i talked aboubaution.isappoint the politt persecution, but he started with a too cut pole by half political jab at trump mon by saying, i don't know what goes into paying hush money kinf to a star in the donors kind of chuckled in some ways.e wa ity felt sanctimonious. it was it felt like a jeb bush sort of scott walker cheap shot . >> i don't'two thinkrk. that's g to work. this is a closed ranks behine da a former president who fought for america first. s and as a selective politico persecution from a day funded by soros. so you can acknowledge that, but don't take cheap shots. desantis, and i like ron desantis. i like him a lot.political seasn
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we're in a political season, ai i get it. but thisget is a moment to stand him t firmly behind donald trump behind donald trump nature . e this is political persecution and the irony of i trumpt and mn democrats want trump to be the nominee. i don't know. buakt the ironiny of it is theyo making it more likely he will be because of his noll be because of his political persecution. if you're a republican right now, backed trum dumonp on thist >> yeah, i happen to agree with you on that point. and , you know, tommy,t th the truth is that it's almost as though the rule of law doesn't matter anymore, thate what these soros funded prosecutors focus is on the criminal, protecting the criminal, ignoringprosecut the victim, unless it's a it's a politician that we can that go after a former president .thg i mean, think about ituy could.b i mean, this guy could be the a dea, the first in the history of the united states to indictee a former president . i mean, how did thes pe peoplelw even live with themselves? >> r well, but i think that's also carries a bigger message for statey and local races. you need to pay attentioattentin
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who your days are you pay attention to who's funding attention to who's funding weth focus on national elections that are very important. senate races , but we haven't focused enough on these smaller races that soros is fundinsmall so this is really a cautionary tale. s but i'll also saory this going into twenty , twenty four . again, i do think you're right.l we're going to circle donal the wagons around donald trump. bud t i think inin this case, the left wins either way. they know that they have a probably a pretty flimsy casev against this president . investm for years and this int . investm they've been investigating himy for years and this is whatwith they come up with . but they win because the left has an insatiable itch to see donald trump in handcuffs. and if they deliver that, whether it's right or wrong, an they are going to be reallya celebrated by the base, which is virtuall the base of their party right now. and i think that they went inc on that and i think they wanh.t to run against trump, so and make him the nominee. wefully. got to play this very carefully. >> yeah. final thoughts, pete. hey, if if there's a mug shot of trump over a political persecution, then let's printeod
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on t-shirts and run on it because it is a symbol of tha the banana republic that weo have become because left wing progressives wante dt to tear dn our constitution and targetpone. that's wheretion and targetpone. political opponents. that's where we're at. it's war, political war.ey d on that front,ecid they've deci, to wage it.ur they've taken off the gloves. it's our it'e ths our job to tae them off as well and fight back metaphorically, of course.h judgorically, ofe metaphoricall, about fighting back . tommy and pete,s toni thanks so much for joining us tonight.ghstraighthile mand straight ahead, while mos of the world was focused on the meeting between putin and ge today, biden was busy hanging out with celebrities at the white house. newt gingrich weighs is n when e come back . do you listen to the tv on high volume or have trouble hearing conversations? then you would benefit from hearing aids. don't waste thousands on expensive hearing aids when you can get nanos revolutionary
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welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". now america's top two geopolitical foes are now closer than ever. vladimiro this putin and presidi jinping met in moscow todayw to. as the country strengthen an already dangerous alliance. but while the two leaders held, historic talks, joe bidebin spet the day hosting the cast of ted ted laso at the white house to talk about mental health.his. >> take a look at this. elf >>an i just want to say that on behalf of myself, everyonemes here with me today and the olksh numerous other folks that thatat it takes to make our show, ted laso, it is sincerely an honor to visit the white househa and to have the opportunity to speak to the president and to the first lady abourtunity t the importance of mental health. >> here with reactioof mental ns contributor newt gingrich. all right. i've never r, new watched ted laso,r watche but i guess they thought it was important to put them up. i portant to put them up. but they and the white houset
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press room. anisy thoughts on that one ? >> well, first of all, mentalsun health is a very importantd issue. and the number of americans who are committing suicide or dying from drug overdose or having their lives ruined by ending upl homeless a, that's all a trageds but i think what today showehod you more was the absolute shallow behavior of the biden administration. we are in a very dangerous situation. we have n. we have to dtwo our two major international competitors, russia and china, comingd closr and closer together. we have a president who clearly does not havo e a clue what to do. and we have a vice president who is an embarrassment and the best possible insurance policy forsit keeping biden as president..eri and americans neednot a to understand this is not th. nderstand this is not this is not one of those things you get on xbox. we're in a real world facedl
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with real crises and we have wi a president who is totally out of touch with realit oy in terms of what's going on inon the i personally, as aly as histor, think that this is the most dangerous period we've been inet since washington crossed bee the delaware on christmas night, 1776. in si think the number of thingg going bad are sore great and tha threat to our civilization real need a dramatic chang that we really need a dramatic change.w and you saw today the know not i only is the show a situation in comedy, but in large part the biden administration is a situation comedy. and that's dangerous because the worl d is not a comedy. >> well, and the saddest partis about all this is that apparently when you when putin signed a no limits partnership
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with xi jinping last year, shortly beforetly befo he attacs the ukraine and now within a few days of putin being called a war criminal, by an t international court, xi jinping shows up to kind of give him diplomatic cover.of give him it is a dangerous time diplomatic cover. i it is a it is a dangerous time in that regard.states but the united states is now in a i think, an untenablen position, because as we give arms to ukraine, you know,s we really don't give them enough to win, but just enoughi to keep fighting. >> am i wrong? no, i think you are right. first ofhink you are right. no, i'm okay. i think you're right. i think, first of all, it's very sobering that xi jinping last week, the secretary general of the chinese communist party, which is hise real title, gave four different speeches in one weektake on preparing for war. and i think people should take w that seriously and understand how determined, how aggressive and how competent xi jinpingt xn is .
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putin, of course, was a kgb agent and is himself a ruthless, tough, smart. so got two people who are sort of gangster allies and they represent the competitive alternative. they represent a totalitarian dictatorship. dictatorship. they take care of eachct other against the democracies. almost exactly a recreation ofrr the axis powers of italy, germany and japan. in the nineteen thirties who took on the democracies. 0s and now, unlike the 1930s, we have a president dedicated to weakness, dedicated weakness and eakness, dedicated weakness to confusionco, whose family yoi just saw this last week got three million dollars from the chinese communist and one check. there's lots of other money out there. we have no idea how corrupted the biden family is , but we doe know is that with the geow is that with the
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as bitter and as, frankly, dishonest as the current attorney general, nothing is going to be done. dth and that's a crisiat's as in it. yo su have an american system ii enormous crisisis with the news media that doesn't want to cover the truth. > well, and finally, just a final question. with our reaction to the spy and letting it float across i d letting it float across has already tested us .th >> and i think we failedk the testwe. hink look, i think jin ping looks ats the biden family, which i suspect he thinks he owns. right. and he thinks this is themoment a d he thinks this is themoment is what mao zedong once called us .tiger. a paper tiger. and i think it's a very sobering and frankly, as a citizen, a very frightening moment in american history. >> well, newt gingrich, thank you very much. a very lucky to have you. god bless. n dr. up next, dr. fauci had his
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latestt, dr. fauci had his latest vaccine push rejected to his face. we'll show you what happene as kayleigh mcenany and jimmy fallon react when thish specials hislon react when thish specials edition of "hannity" continues to finally lose 80 pounds f with goloeight is amazing. >> they've been maintaining the weight is gone and it's golo never coming back with golo. i t i've not only kept off it of i've not only kept off it of the weightf., but i'm happier, i'm healthier, and i have a new! lease on life. lease on life. golo is the only thing that will let you lose weightan and keep it off. >> who loses one hundred and thirty eight pounds in nine months? i goal a lifestyle change and you make the change and it stays a heart attack. do they have life insurance? no, but we have life insurance ,john . >> i'm trying to find something we can afford. fortunately, in only a few minutes, aliquot found john five hundred thousand
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find your blood for a better us . welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". now, pbs recently profiled itsht hero, dry,. anthony fauci, and released some never before seen footage from june 2020 one showing dr. fauci and d.c. she showing dr. fauci and d.c. mayor muriel bowser going door to door in washingtoown, beratig the city's covid vaccine. goe city's covid vaccine. skeptics herine, the highlights of. thank you. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> thanks for gettin
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the thanks for getting believe vaccinated. >> i'd like to believe tha peope listen to me, but some don't. ds >> do you think it hurts orngs what is it? other things to me. >> >> i know. how old are you? what are we going to about? those other states ? >> oh, my god. they're going to keep outbr the outbreak smoldering in the country. it'sea smoldering in so crazy. i mean, they're not doing it because they say they don'to want to do it. they're republicans. >>ey're republicans. they don't like to b re told whk to do. and we've got to break that.o ps >> you know, unpack that. you go up half definitely.n your right, because when you start talking about paying people to get vaccinated, when you start talking about incentivizing things to get people back to something else going on with that, something >> it is going over something. right. but i'm glad but i million mill like me and almost everybody here didn'.t you know, what's your sense of worth protecting their health and protecting you.
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and yours? okay, my , my >> tha, my campaig is about fear.fe it's about inciting fearar and people you all attack people with fear. >> all right. jojoining us now, the author ofh the new book serenity in the storm out, harvard co-host kayleigh mcenany and fox across america host jimmy fallon. i love this guy.jimmy yofau are paying people to get i vaccinated. there is something wrong and you're inciting. and did you se e how they shut him him down, jimmy ? , you should have made that video go away like heaway d to makideo go away like heaway d tried to make the lab leak theory go away because that was such a bad look for him.that wa judge, that videbao is whye more people, when it comes to health care, trust dr. dre, s then dr. fauci, it shows hime th doing what will always right. alwag what will always right. we'll always remember him for, which is mugging for the camera mugginand being wrong.
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what is he saying to that guy?ta oh, if you get vaccinated, you hello, you get vaccinated, you won't get sick. hello? vaccinated people died. i'm justaccinated people d one confident in the i don't make my neighbor put on a jacket so i don' get frostbite. stupid. all right, kelly ,i don' now yoe to be you have to be absolutely stunned by this, given the fact that obviously you are ine the trump administration and everybody was fightinge tr to get the vaccine. but this guy, why diumd we only have one guy out there? guy why didn't we have like a manhattan project with a bunch of doctors? >>ha judgettanwi jeanineth a, ye the million dollar question. i worked with dr. fauci . he would show up to meetings. he would do a lot of media appearances. but the stac qk of papers, of graphs, charts, whatever he would bring in wasnces but shorr not nonexistent, where you would have other doctors come in. drbrings . burks, by way of exa, who did do a lot, a lot of research. it was voluminous. but dr researc. fauci , i mean,e how could he expect to bece received any better than he was? he was wrong.
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w. ng olockdown's he was wrong en d masse. remember, mass , they don't work now. wants t they do work. he waso back anpud forth on alf finger a back anpud forth on alf that. and now he wants to put. the finger at republicans, which is what he said in thatt video. i'm sorry, dr. fauci, yo u lost a lot of our trust, including dt mine. and you say dr. dre, but i say t dr. pepper, i trust dr. pepper a lot more than dr. klein.>> i'm afraid of that as well. i'm afraid of that as well. to stop drinking soddra by thei wardrobe department. get they said, i'm getting a little chubby in the face. is that what i'm toltingtlchubbd on analogy? >>t? and probably fauci is alwa the reason nobody trusts valgeer . he has taken every position inoi this debate. as kayleigh said , it was no mask, some masks. i can't believe it's not masks. okay, just go away. why is he even out there still? because he's got addictede to hair and makeup. or. i like to see there.t about eve and he's a terrible doctor .e oo but but what about everybodyd an who got vaccinated once, twice? boosted, boosted.
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they still got the they stillas got covered .you, but kayleigh, i'm going to ask you one thing. approva did you notice how they're not looking to get approval for covid vaccine from the fda because of the negative reports ,the medical effects listed cdc, that? believes listed no. no, i didn't. the look, i i'm a believer in the vaccine. trump warp speed. i'm i'm a believer, but i'm also a believer in the right to ask questions, particularly some of the things we've seen going, i with youngo people, young males, children. a we have a right as american is people to asgrk questions. histr you can say it's a great accomplishment in history, butt. >> we sure history, butt. >> it is sti llwe can ask questions.more of h we sure can.e sp and still, america, more ofl edf this special edition of "hannity" after the break. >> shop now for michael's lowest prices of the season on thousands of items with 70 percent of canvas and 60 percent off strong beats. plus, check out big bogle's on frayn's and half of spring ie and easter decor. save, storewide and online nowch through march 26 .in
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monday, march 27 . it's the iowa radio music awards with many grammy and it all happens live to change the change with innovator award recipient taylor swift and performances by icon of what recipient team coldplay kelly clarkson, keith urban, pat benatar and neil giraldo. bluto moneyless. cody johnson enmore in my heart radio. i love you guys. i heard radio music awards monday, march 27 . live on fox. when news breaks, fox news is reporting on the stories that matter. the most consequential threat to america's national security . the norfolk southern ceo testifies heavy fighting is expected in the coming months. that's why we are number one in cable news. fox news channel. >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". t this unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. remember, yomember yu can catche on the five weekdays. also on wednesday. on thursday, hannity will host
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a live audience shows at 9:00 h p.m. go to hannity .com. personl to register. tickets are absolutely free. and finally, some personal news ., crimes in may, i will be releasing my new book, crimes againstrepul america the left's takedown ofic our republic. it's available for preorder today on amazon and barnes and noble. barndot . and as always, thank you for tuning in. sean will be back tomorrow. laura ingraham takes it from here. >> l judge, crimes against america, that's going to have to have >> frole editions. okay, goes from your lipsps t to god's ears. o yolaura , there is enough of them. crimefillsgere a lot of to fill. many, many editions of this youh book.av great job tonight. it's great to see you.e all right. i am laura ingraham. this is ingram angle from washington. tonight. s be >> thank you as always for being with us. sis any place for christians in professional sports today? well, we're going to tell you what happened when one proy this hockey player refused to wear a pride jersey
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