tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News March 21, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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rocketings the va 0 to 60 in a blistering 1.6 seconds. the ride has a starting price of nearly $97,000. will yikes! and please join me for fox news at night at midnight eastern. we will dive more into the los angeles teacher's strike putting 400,000 students out of class and low test scores in that area. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. jesse watters owes us four more seconds but he starts right now, jesse? >> jesse: it was a case of mistaken identity. i thought you were bret baier and i apologize. >> trace: wow, you are forgiven. thank you, jesse. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: there are few photos that are burned into the memory of every american. u.s. marines planting our flag in the japanese soil during the battle of iwo jima, muhammed ali standing over sonny liston after landing a quick right hand.
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throwing up does after being the first president in-to-resign. caught on camera priceless. democrats are setting up the most famous picture in american history. donald trump's mugshot. most controversial president of all time trump indicted tomorrow democrats are already drooling. i certainly booking officer is respectful doesn't take advantage of some stupid joke. [laughter] mr. president, this will be your mugshot i'm going to snap the photo on the count of #. okay? mr. president, here would go, 1,
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2, hit the wind machine. 3. ended by one. trump's mugshot is going to be lethal for the democrats next election. it's no coincidence this frail bookkeeping case right as trump's rising unfoddle. biden is going to use trump's mugshot in every campaign ad now until next november. lead story of every network and capable show. democrats will print t-shirts up and put it on billboards. it's going to be the most famous people of all time. and once it's released. it's going to be the most viral image ever. the public had have 30 seconds after the flash goes off. took a month to get pauly p.'s dui mugshot and he actually committed a crime. we had to write letters and get lawyers involved.
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hey, alli. pauly p. has democrat privilege. they are obsessed with getting trump's mugshot and they are going to use it against the former president, the 74 million people that voted for him and anybody else who supports him in '24. democrats think you think we are soft on crime. republicans nominated a man who was booked and fingerprinted inside a riot. biden's family got cash bribes from china. who cares? there is no mugshot. democrats will run on trump is a criminal and leading a dangerous movement of white supremacists. that's it. that's the biden 2024 campaign. he called the shot last year, remember? donald trump and the maga republicans represent a extremism that threatens the very foundation of our republic. the republican party today is dominated, intimidated by donald trump and the maga republicans. and that is a threat to this country. >> jesse: they crucified the man and then they criminalize the
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reaction. they know trump is going to beat the rap, but it's not about the case. it's about the mugshot and what happens after. prosecute church retall united states they will fire a new charge. unleash a special counsel on him for two years. they even tried to charge him for obstructing a crime he didn't even commit not allowed to resist. that's the point. shut your business down over covid. fine you if you open it back up. suppressed hunter's atlanta before the election and censored you and called you a conspiracy theorist if you talked about it. they force girls to change in the locker room with boys. teach our kids racial and sexual propaganda and then call you a terrorist when you speak up. and once you are a terrorist, they can do whatever they want to you. use war on terror tactics on a political movement. persecute the man and then prosecute the reaction. for years the media told us how
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chanting lock her up would end dome crazy. >> donald trump would say lock her up as a call and response audience about you. guttural about the amount of rage about you personally. >> kept hearing also that phrase "lock her up, lock her up." you heard that last night. you heard references to put her in jail the night before. tough stuff. >> jesse: they told us only tyrants jail their political opponents. and now they are cheering it on. >> are you saying that today might not be the day for the indictment? stop toying with my emotions. [laughter] rough saying it's not going to happen today? not fair to me. >> you should prosecute the case. and happen in a timely manner. but the timely manner was a year ago. that timeline is the 2024 election cycle. like her up was a joke. trump never indicted crooked.
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they are going after him hard. they never cared what trump was arrested for. they just wanted him behind bars. they are not prosecuting a crime. they are prosecuting a person. democrats arrest the republican frontrunner and bait you into reacting and arrest you if you do. they disenfranchise you and call you gesk extremist. remember blm rioters weren't call terrorists if they burned cities down, looted. billions damaged. thousands of cops injured. cartels aren't called terrorists when they pump poison into our streets. shoot down americans. they call antifa an idea as they are lobbing molotov cocktails and bricks at cops and civilians. look at the junkies and lunatics just slicing open innocent women and people right in front of train tracks. they are not designated tastes. that's all fair play. but if you are running for the republican nomination, and settled a civil case with a woman, they want to handcuff you in front of the whole country. even the president of mexico. not known for its democratic
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institutions, says arresting trump is a democratic scam to remove and opponent, watch? >> president trump is declaring the ex-president trump that they are going to detain him, i think today for an issue supposedly like the lawyers say allegedly yes, amorous. and they are going to detain him. if that was the case, well, the whole world would know. because we are not sucking our thumbs. it is so he will not appear on the electoral ballot. and if i say that is because it seems application of a crime because they don't want him to be candidate. >> jesse: there it is. if you are going to arrest a president there, better be a dead bat body or a suitcase fulf cash or as kilmeade said full of bodies. a former president has never been arrested. the leading presidential nominee never been arrested there isn't
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any old prosecutor a far left prosecutor doesn't want to lock anybody up except trump. he campaigned on it. >> a lot of people are wondering whoever has this job, are they going to convict donald trump? >> that, that, that is the number one issue -- i'm the candidate in the race that has the experience with donald trump. i was the chief deputy in the attorney general's office. we sued the trump administration over 100 times. >> and you believe it should happen? >> you know, i believe we have to hold him accountable. >> jesse: alvin bragg is guilty of prosecutorial misconduct and he should be disbarred. the timing is perfect. no one is talking about biden's chinese bank records and no one is talking about russia chining up with china or crime wave or broken border. this is a mugshot hunt. and, once they get it, you won't be able to unsee it until
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election day let's turn to ohio congressman jim jordan member ever the judiciary and oversight committee. how dangerous is this. >> very dangerous. great monologue you laid it out. it's president trump for this? it was going after parents who showed up at school board meetings. if you are a traditional catholic, you were labeled a desk extremist. if you are pro-life you are targeted by this justice department. so, i mean, if they can do it to a president, they can do it to anybody and they are that's the scary thing. think about this prosecutor. the department of justice didn't take this case. the federal district of new york didn't take this case. cy vance the former district attorney didn't take the case. alvin bragg, when he got the job, didn't take the case. he only now is taking the case and bringing the case forward because of, what because donald trump announced he is running for president and winning in every single poll. this is political and the country sees it for what it is.
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>> jesse: you know the fbi better than anybody, congressman, is this an attempt by the left to say the nominee here is a criminal and he is leading a dangerous riotous movement and we need to move anti-terror tools to stop this movement. is that what is going on here? >> joe biden said that in front of independence hall last year. of course that's what is happening. we are going to release this report on the school board on that whole issue start about a year and a half ago. one of the things democrats said oh the department of justice use counter-terrorism measures against moms and dads. yes, they did. in our report. our interim report that comes out. so, yeah. this is a scary direction, the left wants to take the country. and, of course, it's all been focused on president trump. now for seven stinkin' years. first it was russia. then it was this call with zelenskyy. then they wanted his tax returns. then they wanted his business records. then they go after his children. and now it's this on something
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every crimes and misdemeanors. the few felony cases he brings he loses most of them. who is the star witness for this prosecution of president trump? michael cohen who came in front of our committee four years ago and lied six times in front of congress. that's their star witness who the basis of their prosecution. again, this is crazy and the country understands. >> jesse: congressman, bragg doesn't have to bring the former president to manhattan, to book him. hey, they can do this over zoom. do you think that bragg and the left are trying to bait americans here. >> trying to do what you said they want that picture. that was a great monologue. this is where the left wants to go. it's all about politics. everything they do is driven by political considerations and that's what is frustrating so many americans when you see that the department of homeland security was going to set up a disinformation governance board
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because some agency can tell you what is appropriate speech and what isn't. you have got to be kidding me. we have a thing called first amendment. it's all driven by politics. all about advancing their narrative and do exactly what you describe. joe biden toll us so last year when he stood in front of independence hall and gave that redick ltedz speech. >> jesse: tell us a little bit about what you mentioned this report you have coming out. remember these parents got upset about all the craziness at the school. they let their voices be heard at these school board meetings. what did the fbi do exactly? 25 were open. smoke was prosecuted. u.s. attorneys was saying this is ridiculous. this is -- this is u.s. attorney. democrat u.s. attorney in the biden administration. this is a manufactured issue. no one gets. this why did they do it? we know why they did it? it was politics. democrats said oh, they initially said threats to school board people all over the country. no, there wasn't. then they said the school board association and the biden administration didn't collude and work together before the
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letter and before the memo, yes, they did. and they also told us no counter-terrorism measure also ever be used against moms and dads, yes, they were in georgia. it was done. that's what our report brings forward. this was simply case of moms and dads saying we have had with the woke curriculum. we have had it with the mask mandates and keeping kids out of school. show up at meetings. the school board gets together with the biden administration how can we use this in a political way to help terry mcauliffe win the virginia's governor rails. that's what they did. backfired on them in virginia and our report shows all of that. >> jesse: thanks for digging into that congressman, we appreciate it. >> you bet, thank you. >> jesse: coming up. aoc wants to be crystal clear, she does not support the military. ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: aoc has a serious problem. she is founding out in politics people lie. >> politics is so crazy because people can just like wake up and make up whatever they want to say about you. it would be totally false. and people will just believe it, right? they will just believe it. so, today, someone made up a rumor that i, me, was hosting a military recruitment fair for high schoolers. now, like does that sound like something i would do? >> jesse: now, it's okay to be a little skeptical when you are sending billions to ukraine and voting for biden's defense budget but aoc says those are rumors just not true. all she did was hold a
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recruitment fair for high schoolers just happened to be recruited into the military. but that's not the point. the point is aoc is realizing that lies are mean. >> i was really subject to a lot of really vile rhetoric and attacks all day today. because of a rumor. and i can't stress how much this is not just a right wing thing go out the door and run around the world before the truth has a time to put on its shoes. and it really has an effect because these campaigns are usually targeted most toward candidates and officials of color and women. >> jesse: aoc is now fighting disinformation and aoc of all people think we shouldn't be able to trust those who lie to us. >> so if you are trying to
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impact the decisions that are made, but you have lied in the past about the decision makers, then why should people believe anyone with a track history of sharing misinformation and then not owning up to it? >> jesse: that's a good question but it's not like aoc would ever make anything up, right? it's like she would ever take an arrest. put her hands behind her back and put her fist in the air like houdini. well, maybe. she would never lie about somebody knocking her door down on january 6th. >> violent bang, on my door and then every door going into my office. just bang, bang, bang -- oh, shoot, i'm banging. bang, bang, bang, bang, like, someone was trying to break the
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door down. >> jesse: bang. well, she happened to just be across the street whether that happened and the guy who was knocking down her door could have been a delivery guy. but aoc would never be responsible enough to tell us the world was going to end in 12 years, would she? >> how many years until the world ends again? we have 12 years left to cut emissions by at least 50%, if not more. and for everyone who wants to make a joke about that, you may laugh, but your grandkids will not. >> jesse: why is she always eating? okay. aoc clearly has a history of lying. by her logic we should never listen to her again, right? because "primetime" is all about second chances and maybe aoc is maybe having a change of heart maybe serious this time or maybe we are just being a little hopeful let's bring in kayleigh mcenany co-host of outnourished and author of new booker" is ren city in the
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storm." almost like describing the russian hoax. how could anybody make up a rumor they are harsh. >> make up lies about you. it tends to usually just be a right wing thing where lies are made up about you. what is so interesting about this story two components. one is she is being attacked by her own. you recall whether there were protesters who shouted her down over her ukraine support and sending funding over there and then, in this case people are calling her warmonger. i went on twitter and typed it in just tweet after tweet after tweet second part insane theories, what is so bad by being recruited by west point and the naval academy in annapolis? that's probably one of the noblist things you can do in society is serve in the military in those ranks. for her that's a curse you can't do that on the far left. she learned that the hard way. are people calling her a
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warmonger? is this what she was responding to. >> she was at this fair essentially recruiting people for internship. some of the people happened to be from military academies so the far left attacking her on twitter. sending out the fliers saying you hosted a military recruitment event how dare you warmonger how dare you get somebody into west point. protested at town halls over support for ukraine. i think we have some of that action. >> all right, listen, listen. listen, okay. >> jesse: she is obviously very defensive about her support for ukraine. and she is not going to take it anymore. >> no, this is why she puts all these backed out theories out there. send signal tolls far left base calls herself a menstruating person. at the top of that video i, me, i expected her i, me, menstruating person. >> jesse: she calls herself a menstruating person? >> yes. if you call her out for calling
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herself that you are transphobic. you are about to be hit by her on that point. >> jesse: her pronoun is menstruating person. >> that's correct. and you are transfolk bic if you think that's funny. >> jesse: not her or she men's straight person. >> new gender. >> jesse: she is serious about that. >> she is serious. >> jesse: is she is a congress menstruating person who wants to have children but is afraid to have children because of climate change. that was another aoc theory. >> jesse: she is not married yet. they are engaged. you don't want to ever -- i don't want to be. >> they not may procreate she says because of climate change. >> jesse: is her fiance aware is he not having a son. >> you never see him or hear from him. >> jesse: never defended her when that guy called her a -- i'm not going to say it. it's a classy show. thank you kayleigh for classing it up here. next, dr. fauci hits the campaign trail. >> y'all's campaign is about
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>> jesse: i want to take you back to the year 2020. everybody was afraid of covid. we were locked down in our homes. and every time we turned on the tv we heard this. >> dr. anthony fauci i can't tell you how much i appreciate you making time on this very busy day. >> dr. fauci is with us. >> dr. fauci himself. >> tonight dr. anthony fauci joins us on the beat. >> what do you think about the job anthony fauci is doing? >> i think he's great. >> i can watch tony fauci the misinformation elves on capitol hill all day long. >> jesse: back in those days nobody got more air time than dr. fauci not even kilmeade. on every cable news show. every magazine cover made documentaries about him after all he was the science. so if fauci said to mussel up
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and get vaxxed. if you asked questions you were a far right crank didn't care if your neighbor died. at least that's what they wanted us to believe. this week some interesting footage come to light. it was shot in june of 2021 for a pbs special that means we paid for it on the vaccine which airs tonight. the documents fauci going door to door in washington, d.c. pressuring people to get the jab. but here's the thing, these residents in deep blue d.c. weren't buying it. they didn't trust it. listen to this. >> i heard that it doesn't, um, cure it, and it doesn't, um, stop you from getting it. >> no? on the very, very, very rare chance that you do get it, even if you are vaccinated, it's a very -- you don't even feel sick. it's like you don't even know you got infected. it's very, very good at protecting you. >> jesse: fauci just lied to the woman's face. millions of vaxxed americans have gotten covid including fauci in fact he got it twice.
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why is he telling her it's extremely rare. mad scientist sponsored the lab that leaked the virts and now going door to door lying to people about the vaccine. interesting, right? but some of these people weren't buying what frawsh was trying to sell, watch this. >> thousands of people like you don't get vaccinated you are going to let this virus continue to percolate in this country and in this world. >> something like the common flu then, right? >> not like the common flu. >> much more serious than the flu. >> well, the flu kills a lot of people annually, too. >> do you know how many people died of the flu the last year? 20 to 30,000. i don't know how many people have died from covid-19 in the united states? 600,000 americans. >> well, that -- well, the number that you all have given that died that's once again that's you all's number. >> jesse: guy's got a point. the way the hospitals reported covid deaths was strange. if you had stage 4 cancer and died it was marked with a covid death.
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covid and car crash marked as a covid death. didn't make sense. but, again, you weren't allowed to ask questions, remember? and since when is it okay for the government to go door and door to debate with people about what they should inject in their bodies. >> when you are start talking about paying people to get vaccinated and incent siding saying get people vaccinated there is something else going on with that something else going on with that. >> it is something going on with it you are right. >> you all's campaign is about inciting fear in people. you all attack people with fear. that's what this pandemic is. it's a fear. it's fear this pandemic. that's all it is. >> jesse: again, the guy is asking legitimate questions. all americans should be suspicious especially when the government is going door to door paying to us do stuff. >> dana loesch a nationally syndicated radio host, i got vaxxed because i had to in new york city. i had to go out to dinner. but, i understand what the stakes were. it's okay to ask questions. do you think that guy is now
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under fbi investigation? >> yeah, that's a great point, right? you kind of wonder what i love about this, jesse, is that these were regular, average, everyday people in washington, d.c. and they were -- this is pretty early on like january 21 i think this particular part was filmed. they were giving him a piece of their mind. saying everything we were getting banned on social media for saying or if we questioned any of this we were chased off the airways, it was insane. one part of this that really struck me. it was the point after they had been talking to all of these individuals in d.c. when fauci turns to some of the people is he walking with and he says well, you know, it's the republicans in these red states that are going to keep this going. they don't like to be told what to do. figure out how to unpack this. the leftist mindset explained. he said that in d.c. he is walking around in d.c., which is historically a blue city. i don't know if they have ever voted for a republican. walking around with what i would presume are democrat voting neighborhoods because d.c. votes
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democrat and he is complaining about red state and republicans and people who are republicans not doing what fauci says but he is getting an earful from probably democrat voters. so, for him to say that he is not a political animal and that his career has spanned both democrat and republican presidents, i mean, this guy clearly, he loves the attention, he loves the fact that he had a documentary film crew following him around. he absolutely made this political. he is just like a glorified hog gel from the labyrinth that is washington, d.c., jesse. i have no other way to explain it. >> jesse: what did you think of fauci's bedside manner? did you think he was persuasive to this gentleman out on the stoop. >> no. i thought he was condescending. >> jesse: so did i. he seemed really condescending. >> other people had to intervene. gave up on talking to the guy and other people intervened fauci mentally and physical expression you can see watching the clip had already moved on. he was done talking to this guy.
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he didn't want to have anything else to do with him. the people that were community leaders continued the conversation but then they broke away. is he incredibly condescending i thought that ever since day one when he took the day as up there lecturing america. i thought it was weird. he seemed so selfish really just inflated ego. he always seemed very condescending holier than now. in hindsight we completely understand because he is. >> jesse: seems funny now looking back at all of this three years later that these people -- >> -- i don't think it's funny. i'm mad. >> jesse: cable news thought they knew everything. >> i'm mad. >> jesse: you should be. a lot of people lost their careers because of this virus. >> people lost careers. i lost friends because of this. i couldn't travel because of this. you had the entire-out biggest, most powerful country in the world that was brought to its knees by medical bureaucracy which was allowed to take the rains of a free country. it is unforgivable and i hope people stay pissed about it forever.
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>> jesse: so do i and hopefully get a declassified origins document pretty soon unless biden redacts the whole thing until it's all black. we will wait and see. thank you so much, dana. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: what happens when a squatter moves into your house and won't leave? ♪ detect this: living with hiv, i learned i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why i switched to dovato. dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. detect this: no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. research shows people who take hiv treatment as prescribed and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit hiv through sex. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients, or if you take dofetilide. taking dovato with dofetilide can cause serious
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♪ >> conducted surveillance on the vehicle for a while. [sirens] [gunfire] >> jesse: that was new police video out of houston. cops tried to stop a car they were told had a rifle and drugs. the suspect refused to stop. when he was cornered he just opened fire at cops. causing them to fatally shoot him. cops jobs put in constant danger. not even safe in their own
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precincts. >> gun, gun, gun, gun. gun, gun. gun. gun. [gunfire] >> jesse: and even when the guns around aimed at them they have to make extremely tough choices in baltimore, a guy was caught tackling a woman to the ground and holding a butcher knife to neck. he was freaking out. she was freaking out. it was chaos. >> get down, get down. [gunfire] >> shots. [shots fired, shots fired. >> police fatally shot him and now the police are being criticized for using lethal force. i think the woman who was about to get her throat slit feels like police made the right call. what are the cops supposed to do? people can be viciously attacked in a half a said. scene out of new york. warning this is graphic. two people in queens savagely
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beat their neighbor with a bat. stabbed them with a knife in broad daylight all over a parking spot. [shouting [bleep] >> jesse: it's time americans start acting civilized. >> during covid, democrats were throwing all sorts of crazy laws on the books, remembered you had to mask up, get vaxxed and if you were a landlord you couldn't evict anybody, so people decided to stop paying rent. just stay in their pad for free. and have the land lord foot the bill. and when you stopped kicking people out of their homes, you know what you get? you get squatters. who take over your house without paying a dime. now, apparently these squatters have rights. remember squat tore's rights? maybe they had more rights than you. hundreds of landlords across the country are stuck in legal battles that kick strangers out of the homes they rightfully own. in chicago with young owns the property of her late mom. the home sat vacant while she
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and her siblings figured out to do with it. this was until last september when she received a call from the neighbor saying there was a shooting at the property. so she rushed over to the home to see what's up. but when she tried to enter the house. she found the locks were changed. even worse, there was now a bullet hole in the window. that he was when she realized someone had moved in. the house was taken over by a man tikito murray. he is a well-known criminal. been arrested at least six times for, i think, drugs and weapons charges. now, he is letting her home go to hell with garbage piling up. neighbors thinks is he slinging drugs out of it too. what a great house guest. while he puts her family through hell, there is nothing they can do about it thanks to chicago's stupid eviction laws. the legal process can take, are you ready? 8 months for you to kick a squat tore out. 8 months. during the process takito gets
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to kick back and live it up in your house while she says the pills. takito racked up a 1800 water bill in the meantime. at least is he showering. the owner of the problem that the squatter now lives. in this is absolute insanity. 8 months, 8 months? what are you going to do? >> well, the only option i have is going through the legal process. as you talked about squatter's rights, i have been doing my research and in the state of illinois, all of the squatters, anything that has to do with a squatter comes under tenant's rights and tenant's rights is different from squatter's rights. with a tenant you have to go through the legal process. i have had to give three day notice. in court three times. i have had to give unknown occupants as well a five-day notice. and every time we go to court it's continued.
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i'm scheduled to go court on monday. >> jesse: keep us posted. this squatter is identifying as a tenant and now he is stringing you along and tying you up in court. are you thinking about maybe doing anything outside of the legal system because if this happened to me, i might take matters into my own hands. >> well, you know, everybody says that. but it's illegal. and i could be arrested. evicting a tenant or a squatter is illegal in the state of illinois. and they make it really clear that you can be arrested or you can face charges. >> jesse: okay. what if you lure him out of your property somehow? and then you get a few. >> he never comes out. >> jesse: he just orders everything delivery? >> yes. he never comes out of the property. i have been over there for hours and hours, had the police there. he won't come out. he had two pit bulls living in
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the property. it's more than just him. i'm not sure how many people are even on the property. >> jesse: probably a house party with pit bulls sounds like a nice mess to clean up. do you bang on the door and say takito what the heck, man? >> he will open the door or holler out the window. >> jesse: what does he say? >> he told me he is a professional squatter and he knows his rights. >> jesse: he confessed. >> he is not leaving. >> jesse: oh my god takito if you are watching i hate you. >> in front of the police. >> jesse: the police can't do anything about it? >> they can't do anything about it. when you first went over there. you have can see the window was broken. broken in and changed the locks. my mother's furniture and personal belongs are still on the property. when i talked to the police and takito came back to the hospital after getting shot. first of all i said yeah, i got a lease paying rent to who? , oh, i can't find it.
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when i asked him to remove him for breaking he told us he is a professional squatter and he knows his rights. he has rights. >> jesse: we are going to talk off camera i have creative ideas how to deal with takito, okay? wait for my call. thank you very much. and good luck with the legal system. it looks like it could be a while. thank you for joining us and we are praying for you. >> okay, thank you. >> jesse: from one squatter to know, you won't believe what happened to hillary at the theater. also the results of our "primetime" nickname bracket. ♪ ♪ helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. i work hard, and i want my money to work hard too.
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under the time it took us to get polly piece mug shot? i think we're going to get in and about five seconds. jim from maine the president should get ahead of it and provide his own mug shot their thunder. perfect lighting haley for maya. i disagree on your theory of trump's quote. arrest think he's gonna be the nominee and this will help them beat them. that was my theory. kj from clinton, iowa. sorry i think that trump circus. this is a distraction to give the biden crime family more time to destroy evidence. i know we actually saw smoke coming out of the chimney and the biden vacation house that one night when they were there without the
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