tv America Reports FOX News March 22, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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those out to everybody as i tour. such a great story, a lost bit of american history i thought should be reclaimed. thomas was thrown out of school at 8 years old, his mother took him home, home-schooled him, he is the patron saint of home schooling, we capture the tour, and come see me. >> excellent, keep the lights on. we'll see you tomorrow. "america reports." >> especially given like the history of banks with everything that happened in 2008, it's definitely at least for me a cause for concern. >> i don't remember a time when i felt good about the economy. >> as someone who uses these banks never concern, because i don't know if my money is safe or not. >> i believe we will handle this, whatever the situation will entail, i believe we'll have it under control. >> americans will soon find out if the cost of borrowing will soar even higher, we await an announcement from the federal reserve whether it will hike
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interest rates again. >> sandra: the decision less than one hour from now on the heels of two u.s. bank failures that could push fed chair to pump the brakes on his reining in high sky inflation. our econ panel is here, plus charlie hurt will weigh in. >> john: we gin "america reports" with the developing sorry, grand jury proceeding in the hush money case against donald trump canceled today, this as we await news on a possible indictment. sandra, we have climbed the mountain to midweek. >> sandra: hump day for sure. jam packed hour is coming up. sandra smith in new york. the grand jury was set to meet next hour to hear from the final witness and a source is now telling fox news the reason for the cancellation is still unclear but that jurors were notified this morning that they
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would reconvene tomorrow. >> john: we are covering this from all angles. former assistant u.s. attorney and fox news contributor andy mccarthy will explain what could be behind the move but first, bryan is live outside the manhattan criminal courthouse and bryan, do we have any idea why it was canceled today? >> yeah, john, good afternoon. we still do not know why the grand jury proceeding was canceled today. we do know the grand jury was notified it was canceled this morning and they had been put on stand-by for tomorrow. they were set to hear testimony from one final witness today, though, we do not know who that witness is. now, we do know that grand juries are run under the sole discretion of the district attorney and that is manhattan's d.a. alvin bragg who can decide to cancel the proceeding for any reason. grand jury proceedings are highly secretive, but do know this grand jury has been meeting
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on mondays, wednesdays and thursdays. typically 23 jurors, only need 12 of them to vote yes on whether trump, on whether there is actually legally sufficient evidence and reasonable cause to believe that former president trump committed the crimes that he's being charged with. now, trump is said to be facing multiple charges, including falsifying business records for labelling a $130,000 hush money payment to adult film actress stormy daniels as legal expenses. the charge could potentially, though, be elevated to a felony if trump is found to have falsified records with the intent to conceal a violation of the campaign financing laws. now, trump says he did nothing wrong. if this grand jury returns an indictment, trump's lawyers would be notified and then negotiations over the terms of his surrender would begin. fox news has learned that if indicted trump's arraignment would not take place until next week and that a virtual hearing
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has been taken off the table. but now with all of this news today, timing is up in the air. this abrupt cancellation will surely only really fuel speculation about whether bragg could decide not to go through with this case by simply withdrawing the case before a grand jury decides whether to indict. he can unilaterally make that decision. or bring new charges or lesser charges. bragg has been under intense pressure from both sides of the political aisle as we know as he attempts to indict a former u.s. president for the first time in u.s. history. john. >> john: lesser charge may not play well with critics who say if you indict a president for the first time you need to bring something big. bryan, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: andy mccarthy is here on set in new york. great to have you here. >> great to see you. >> sandra: to bryan's last point there, this is certainly fueling speculation. is bragg getting cold feet with
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all the criticism? >> i think there are three moving parts here that we have to keep our eye on. one is we don't know what his interpretation of the statute of limitations is. but if it's the felony charge, it's a five-year statute of limitations. and assuming that he thinks the last event is around spring of 2018, the frenetic activity we are seeing could be because the statute runs in the spring of 2023. so, some of this could be pushed by the timing. he may have a different theory and that could be by the boards, but that's important. the second thing is bragg has walked away from the case once before. he looked at it, the federal prosecutors who had it looked at it and decided there was nothing there, he looked at it and decided nothing there, he's been pushed i think to bring this case but always had misgivings about it. and then the third thing, which may be the most important at least in the immediate term, the last thing the grand jury heard on monday was a witness who was
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damaging to the state's case in robert costello. now, if i'm the prosecutor and i have time, why would i want to take someone like cohen and throw him on the stand without preparation right after costello gets off and risk that he's not prepared well enough. if i can take a few days and prep whatever i think i need to do to respond to what costello gave them, give that to the grand jury and then ask them to vote. seems to me that's probably what's going on here. >> sandra: more time to prepare, interesting. in your piece grabbed attention, you write more evidence the crusade against trump is political. bragg is best known soft on real crimes committed by hardened offenders, and something you've been writing about a while. you say truly shameful if the elected progressive democrat district attorney best known for downgrading felonies to misdemeanors or dismissing them is trying to inflate a
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misdemeanor to a felony by applying to a national election for federal office state campaign laws not enforced criminally in new york. still more evidence the crusade is nothing more than brass knuckles politicalization. >> i wish it wasn't true. the campaign finance laws, and we are speculating here, right, we won't know until we see an indictment what other crime that bragg thinks he has. the reason that's relevant is the only way he gets a felony is if he can prove that trump falsified records, which is a misdemeanor in new york, to conceal another crime. so we are all speculating about what is this other crime. i think he's got two big problems with that. one, if it's the campaign finance laws, they are federal. they are not new york state, he does not have jurisdiction over them. i don't think they are triggered by the statute he's dealing with. i think more to the point, sandra, he's got an evidence problem because the likely -- the rational interpretation of
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this is that trump was not trying to conceal a crime. he did this because of the same reason you do the nondisclosure agreement in the first place, he probably didn't want his wife to know that he had entered a hush money agreement with a porn star and didn't want voters to find out on the eve of the 2016 election. i think they are disreputable, they are not crimes. and for a felony, he has to say he knew about the crime and covered it up. >> sandra: quick and dirty on the next two days before you go. >> i think if he's not up against a hard date deadline, you probably won't see an indictment 'til the early part of next week. it could happen tomorrow but i would not hold my breath. >> sandra: great analysis, first legal analysis to the breaking news top of the last hour. >> john: the growing battle for parental rights in the classroom in the spotlight on capitol hill as house republicans advance
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their investigation into the weaponization of the federal government. a new report finding collusion between the biden administration and national school boards association. gillian turner has been looking into all of this, there is a hearing coming up shortly. what are we going to learn. >> it's scheduled to start a couple hours from now, the house rules committee will meet to talk about the parents bill of rights act, legislation that aims to give parents more rights inside their children's classrooms. in a separate interim report put out last night, republicans say they plan to go all in on attacking the biden administration. take a listen. >> i think it could be a hot button issue if the democrats continue to jam their policies like this down americans' throats. >> in that report, republicans accuse the biden administration of colluding with the national school board association to use law enforcement and counter terrorism resources against
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disgruntled parents back in 2021. >> this was simply a case of moms and dads saying we have had it with the woke curriculum, we have had it with the mask mandates, keeping our kids out of school, they show up at meetings so the school board association gets together with the biden administration and how can we use it in a political way. >> back in 2021, attorney general merrick garland outlined in a memo alleged threats of violence against school board members amid sweeping protests about school policies in the country that year. >> bureaucracy has branded teachers -- excuse me, branded parents with a scarlet letter and called them terrorists. we cannot have education bureaucracy call parents who care about their children, are involved in their children's education, radicals. >> democrats now have proposed a counter measure to this bill, called the bill of rights for students and parents, sponsored
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by a democrat from oregon, her aim to unite parents and educators rather pit them against one another, what she says republicans are trying to do. >> john: going back and looking at the footage, the guy wrestled to the ground, scott smith, loudoun county parent, why was my daughter raped in a bathroom by a guy that had previously done that, and the superintendent said that didn't happen, but it did. >> they are going to start rolling out this afternoon, another one tomorrow. >> john: prediction this will be a big issue in 2024. gillian, good to see you. >> thanks, john. >> sandra: fox news alert, a shooting at a high school in denver, colorado. police say two faculty members were shot by a student and have been transported to local hospitals. one is currently undergoing
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surgery, we are told. the other is in stable condition. they know who the student is, and believe he was -- he has left the scene and they are currently searching for him. we are going to bring you further developments from the ground there in denver as soon as we have news on that. that is video out of denver. we are monitoring it, john. >> john: stand by for that. paul pelosi's alleged attacker, david depape appearing in a federal courtroom. inside the courtroom and breaking developments as soon as we get them. >> sandra: also, ron desantis dipping his toes a little bit deeper into the presidential pool. hear what he said to piers morgan, has people buzzing about a potential 2024 run. >> john: president biden accused of lying about his son hunter's chinese business ventures. now the congressman investigating the family has issued an ultimatum for biden to
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come clean. katie pavlich will react to both of those stories next. >> it's rich the president stood there and lied to the american people. also rich the mainstream media has not called him out on it. i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100% of your home's value. if you need cash for you family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no... give us a call. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhhhh... here, i'll take that. [woo hoo!] ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar and nutrients for immune health.
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>> i didn't say that, i said i think i could. i think that that's -- if you look at florida. >> who would be harder to beat, biden or donald trump. >> i don't know, two different -- >> john: ron desantis saying he could win the white house if he runs against president biden. he has not yet made a final decision he is making trips to early primary states, iowa being among them. katie pavlich is editor of town
10:18 am and fox news contributor. if you were a betting woman, how much would you put on desantis running? >> 100%. >> 100% everything you have or dollar, or -- >> i would bet a couple dollars he would get in the race. look, number two person in the presidential polls despite not being in the race. a very successful run as governor of florida, the most recent midterm elections, he was successful while a number of other races were not. turned florida ruby red, essential to winning the white house in terms of the electoral college. on the tour, unofficial presidential tour around to cities around the country talking about things that have worked in his state he thinks other places could be successful in implementing, whether it's crime or healthcare policy and priding himself against pushing back against the federal government on issues and the white house frankly is attacking him for months from the white house podium in the press
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briefings over what they see as policies they disagree with. so inauguration was opulent and over the top, not a regular governor's inauguration, so i think he's ready to put his hat in the ring and as he said, he thinks he can beat joe biden as he hedged on the question of president trump. >> john: he has not declared yet or intention to declare, he's been attacked by the white house, and also attacked by president trump, all sorts of pet names for him. piers morgan asked whether the names bothered him. >> what's your favorite nickname he has given you? even he went off meat full run. >> i don't know how to spell desanktimonious, it's long, a lot of vowels. you can call me whatever you want as long as you also call me a winner. >> john: unlike some of president trump's 2016 rivals,
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does not seem to let it get to him. and saying look, you can call me anything as long as you call me a winner. he brought it home in florida, 16-point victory. >> the nicknames from president trump, he does not have to take it personally. in terms of the trump-desantis line-up, president trump takes it personally. he believes in 2017 when ron desantis was running behind adam putnam as the front-runner for the gop nomination, not over the top just in the primary but in terms of the general election in florida and that it was not part of the deal when he endorsed him to run for governor. he would not come back and run against him for president. feels he made ron desantis, ran on his agenda, remember that famous ad that ron desantis did, building the wall with the bricks, with his kids, even though florida does not have a border wall, clearly taking president trump's agenda and putting it in florida to get his voters to come over and vote on election day. that was successful for him and president trump believes ron
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desantis owes him and that he is essentially a traitor for running against him if he decides to do so for president this time around. >> john: what are the other big issues that we have been covering of course is the money trail between china and the biden family. president biden was asked about it the other day. >> house gop memo about your family dealings? >> family dealings -- [inaudible] >> hunter biden's business associates sent over $1 million to 3 of your family members. >> it's not true. >> john: not true. however, james comer says he has receipts, he has not made the receipts publicly yet, just the idea he's got them and saying to biden look, you've got to come clean. we have the information, we have the bank records and we are getting more. >> certainly this is something that president joe biden will have to face on the campaign trail in 2024, he has not
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declared yet but expecting in april he will. he has always said he has never spoken to hunter biden about the business dealings, there is documentation showing they were business partners, they shared office space which brings into the question the classified information debacle and whether hunter biden and the other business associations had access to the information. now we have from the oversight chairman james comer saying they have received information and a paper trail through subpoenas that shows these payments have been made to a number of these biden family members by shady foreign adversaries that are controlled by enemies of the united states. big questions there. >> john: including a biden that does not have a first name. >> correct. maybe the biden could be the big guy, that's some of the questions they are looking into, but the bottom line is president biden has lied about this before, seems like he's being dishonest at the least when it comes to the payments and certainly something we have brought up on the campaign trail regardless of which republican is running against him.
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>> john: i'm looking forward to april, all this speculation about who is running is starting to drive me crazy. i want to see names. >> get ready, two years to go. good to see you. >> sandra: here i am already chatting away with the panel here. the federal reserve, gearing up for the big rate hike decision as expected top of the hour and a big question is should the recent bank turmoil cause the federal reserve chair, jay powell to pump the brakes on his efforts to bring down inflation. put that question to the econ panel. they are ready to go. >> john: day two of the gwyneth paltrow ski crash trial. academy award winner expected to take the stand in her own defense. will that prove to be the right legal strategy. mark eiglarsh will break that down coming up. >> that she somehow left him, an unconscious man and bolted and -- it's -- i can tell you we
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believe it to be utter b.s. my name is brian delallo. i teach ap and honors economics in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. financial well-being to me is knowing that i can be free to do the things that i love to do. i hope when i retire someday, they say, that guy made this place a special place to come to school and gave as much as he could to help the community.
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i'm his father. it's not a competition. listen to your tv dad. drivers who switch and save with progressive save nearly $700 on average. >> john: fox news alert, the man accused of breaking into then speaker of the house's nancy pelosi's san francisco home and attacking her husband paul with a hammer appearing in federal court this hour. 42-year-old david depape is facing federal assault and kidnapping charges, could put him behind bars more than 50 years. claudia is live outside the courthouse in san francisco. is the defense trying to move the case elsewhere? >> yeah, they sure are, john. it's not too surprising, either, given all the publicity surrounding this high profile case. but just minutes ago here in the federal courthouse behind me his lawyer announced she was
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planning to file a change of venue motion in the next few weeks. that will be followed up by a hearing in may. also just moments ago in court, federal prosecutors told the judge that the defense now has all of the discovery in this case, including, of course, that bodycam video shot by arriving police officers that captured the moment depape swung a hammer into paul pelosi's head last other, viciously hitting his skull, and using a hammer to break into the home through a glass door and heard his confession during a taped interview with police in which he candidly laid out his plan to kidnap, then speaker nancy pelosi, and even break her kneecaps if need be. david depape faces, i'm sorry, he appeared in court in an orange jail jump suit shackled at the ankles. he faces felony kidnapping and assault charges here in federal
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court. while in the parallel case in san francisco superior court, he faces half a dozen state charges, including attempted murder that could send him away for life if convicted. and the state's case is expected to go first. the 82-year-old pelosi continues to recover from physical injuries and emotional trauma at recent public appearances he's worn a hat and gloves when he's appeared alongside his wife. now, the other headline, john, from today's hearing, a pretrial date has now been set for october 11th, again here at federal court. but by that point, the state's case may have already begun. the next hearing there is three weeks from today. back to you. >> john: this guy is going to spend a lot of time in the courtroom. claudia, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: get ready for it, the count down is on for the federal reserve rate decision, whether powell will raise rates to tame inflation or pump the brakes in
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the wake of the latest banking system meltdown. will it be a quarter point or will he leave rates alone. it affects everybody's wallet. bring in our econ panel, robert wolf is here, and aaron gibbs, all right, i've been looking forward to this, we have already had a fabulous discussion before this has even began. let me start with you, aaron, first. because lay this out for the american people what's happening at 2:00. how this is going to impact them. why we are here, and what the federal reserve is really tasked with here. >> it's about whether we are going to see the rates increase, that means your credit card rates, mortgage rates, whether lending is going to get tighter so whether it's easier for you to get a loan or a business loan, all of that. and whether, or whether we are going to focus on stabilizing the banking system so we can sort of get a pause and basically get these crises we
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have been seeing one day after another under control. >> robert, the screen the higher rates and how they have hurt home buyers. take for example a monthly payment. if you buy the average home price in this country right now, about 350,000, 20% down. at 3%, $1,180. now 6.6% 30-year mortgage right, you are almost at $1,800 a month. so, now we are waiting a decision 28 minutes from now could raise the rates even further. what is it going to do to the american economy? >> a few things. i think they should raise 25 basis points, after the last labor numbers i was at 50 basis points. if not for the recent banking crisis, i would have stayed at 50. so i think 25 basis points, they have to separate monetary policy from financial stability. we have a myriad of tools for
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financial stability and that can be at a different topic or question. with respect to the rates, yeah, it's going to slow down the economy, but i don't think it's going to slow it down to a hard landing recession. i'm just the opposite. i think it's going to slow it down to a point where we see actually wages do better than inflation and purchasing power will go up. i'm much more bullish on where we are goings an a country. >> sandra: and i mentioned to you, looking forward to playing out the new sound by elizabeth warren stopped by grady trimble earlier today, and this sounds like she's making an admission that president biden baled out svb with taxpayer money. listen. >> there's got to be a cap somewhere. somebody can't "deposit" a billion dollars, get a special deal from the bank and still get backed up by taxpayers that they'll get their money back if the bank fails. that's not going to cut it. >> sandra: backed up by
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taxpayers, wait a second. didn't the administration say taxpayers are not on the hook for what just happened? >> i think she is contradicting this, and i agree banks should be allowed to fail in certain cases but blaming on the fed and powell is another story. >> sandra: and also threw jay powell under the bus ahead of the decision. >> he has raised interest rates at an extreme level unlike anything we have ever seen in modern times. and it has certainly created problems throughout the banking system and then secondly, we have a banking system that we have lost multiple banks now and why, because the fed under chair powell has failed to supervise and regulate those banks as they are required to do. >> sandra: whoa, ouch. i mean, jay powell didn't create the inflation that he's been tasked with bringing down to be sure.
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>> so it's an interesting conversation because you and i have been talking about it for a while. you know i've been negative on powell with respect to saying it's transitory, and so he was playing catch-up, and he used an immense number of blunt instruments, which is raising -- >> sandra: it was the biden white house as well, and then downplayed it. >> powell has monetary policy, it's the fed. so, let's just stay on that. he's increased it multiple times, i understand warren's point. i disagree with warren's point on the supervision part because the truth is, even democrats approved, i probably would not have been there, but they approved to go from 50 billion to 250 billion on those banks that were deemed systemically important. i thought that was probably too much of a move, i would have been more at 100 billion. silicon valley bank should have been supervised better, i agree. we should have seen the risks they were taking, that being said, that's not why they went
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under. they went under because think mismatched assets and liabilities and earnings went down and tried to play catch-up. >> sandra: you saw the microphone in washington, we are going to hear from jay powell and then the news conference guides what may happen next. i'll put up on the screen the fed rate hikes that are leading up to this moment. and this is a historic time for this country where we are living through this, and it will have a significant impact on us not just today, we are starting to see that, but this will have a significant impact on us for some time to come. aaron, if i put the high average loan rates up on the screen, this is what's happening to credit card rates. the average, 20.1%. new car rates, 6.5%. and as mentioned earlier, 30-year fixed rate mortgage, 6.6%. so this is happening now and will continue to happen if we keep hiking. >> totally agree. and again, like i said, i think
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we should be raising rates because we have been seeing strong numbers. i agree, the economy is doing well and the only way to slow this, bring this inflation down or one of the main ways is to raise rates even though it's painful. >> sandra: larry kudlow says you can promote growth and eventually cure all if you just promote growth. >> the economist debate. >> listen, i think you've covered this better than anyone. but we are at this inflection point of recession or inflation. and this hard landing discussion we are having, my view is we are not going to get there and i think we are more concerned about inflation, and impacts every american every day. >> sandra: one more number and last word if you don't mind. acknowledgment that massive government spending got us here, and learn from those mistakes. >> no question. >> no question. >> sandra: you got last word. thanks to both of you for joining us. john. >> john: fox news alert and update on a sorry a short time
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ago, a look outside of east high school in denver, just east of downtown where earlier today, 10:00 mountain time, two school administrators were shot after a search of a student turned up a gun. we do know that both of those administrators were taken to the hospital, one of them said to be ok, the other one said to be in critical condition. the student apparently according to police is still at large, though obviously they know the identity of the student. it looks like the school obviously would have been placed on lockdown and think these are students who were kept out of the school while the investigation continues. so again, a shooting at east high school east of downtown denver, two administrators shot, one of them in critical condition in the hospital, the other one apparently in stable condition in the hospital. the search ongoing for the suspect in this case.
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>> sandra: watching the live images with you, john, a news conference was held a short time ago while this person is still on the run, and not identified to the public, which is interesting to note that, they are not saying this is it who they believe it is, so the public can watch out for that person. it is also unclear at this time whether the shooting happened inside or outside of the school but denver public school systems is confirming the victims were indeed as you mentioned administrator, both of which have been taken to area hospitals. one in surgery, one in stable condition. we are actively trying to get updates on their conditions. i'm just also noting for the a.p. wire earlier this month students from the school skipped class and marched to colorado state capital to demand stricter gun laws following the death of a fellow student who was shot sitting in a car near the school. so this is a live look outside of that high school, k dvr are
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bringing us the images, and officials are actively looking for the person on the ground. we'll continue monitoring it, john, and bring our viewers updates as we get them. >> john: and of course every time one of the school shootings happened, particularly in denver, brings us back to the horrible day in 1999, where two boys killed 12 students and one teacher. that's not the case in this incident. two school administrators, one in critical condition. i'm sure that they are getting top medical care, the other one in good condition. so we'll keep monitoring this and see how things develop. >> sandra: absolutely. we will check back in a short time. meanwhile, gwyneth paltrow is expected to take the stand in her ski crash trial in utah as early as today. we are watching that courtroom there in salt lake city. but the question is, is that a good strategy in her defense? plus this. >> it's important to me because
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i just love my son and since i couldn't protect him i'm going to fight for him. >> john: new details in a 2015 death linked to the prominent south carolina murdaugh family. why detectives reopened the case of what had been ruled a hit-and-run accident. criminal defense attorney mark eiglarsh will weigh in on both of those legal stories coming up next.
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if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can see if it may qualify for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee. all it takes is eight minutes to get started. then work with professionals to assist your business with its forms and submit the application. go to to learn more. >> john: another death linked to the murdaugh family getting a fresh look at investigators. happened back in 2015 when a classmate of buster murdaugh was found dead in the middle of a rural road in south carolina. that death originally ruled a hit-and-run. but the teen's family now says
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law enforcement officials believe he died by intentional homicide. let's bring in criminal defense attorney mark eiglarsh for more on this. listen first of all to what stephen smith's mother sandy said about what she was told by sled it could be a homicide. listen here. >> i just love my son, and since i couldn't protect him i'm going to fight for him. i hope to find the real reason for stephen's death. and the real why. >> john: and what she said to the hampton county guardian last night, i've been waiting on this news for almost eight years. i'm in shock, i'm elated, i'm waiting for the next chapter. not often, mark, you hear a parent say they are elated to find out their son was murdered but she has long suspected there was foul play here. >> yeah, i get it. i'm a father of three and if i learned that they said my kid was involved in an accident and
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i knew that there was something nefarious like she's alleging her son would not have left his wallet in the vehicle and then walked along a roadway, or that there was no skid marks at all on the asphalt to indicate that somehow this was the accident they are claiming it to be. no vehicle debris, no parts of the vehicle left, no evidence consistent with him being dragged at all. you know, that's hokey, and you don't just as a parent say okay, we are going to let those inconsistencies go. you fight for your kids. >> john: the fact, too, he was found in the middle of the road when he was hit by the mirror on a transport truck didn't seem to add up and the fact he had on loose-fitting sneakers, many times if a person is hit by a car they lose their shoes. >> right. so the first thing is, this all seems hokey, right. that's one part of it. the next part is okay, if you
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don't think it was an accident, and you think it might be a homicide, that's another level. you have to prove that this was a death intentionally at the hand of somebody else, a whole other level is who did it, who did it, who is responsible. and as we have learned from the murdaugh and other high profile cases, possibly probably did it, not enough. >> john: but as you said, in terms of who did it, eyes are turning toward buster murdaugh, the only surviving member now of the immediate murdaugh family. the two were in high school, there were, i mean -- i don't know if it's speculation or if it's rumor or actual reports that buster murdaugh and stephen smith may have been in some sort of a relationship, the death and the body was found some 15 miles away from the murdaugh property we heard so much about. here is what buster murdaugh said in a statement, i've tried my best to ignore the vicious rumors about my involvement in
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stephen smith's tragic death that continue to be published in the media as i grieve over the murder of my brother and mother. the rumors of my involvement in the death are false. the trust factor with the murdaughs after that trial, not exactly high these days. >> that's correct. but let's not, you know, hold buster accountable for the acts of his father. i don't know enough about buster to know whether he's capable of doing anything nefarious like this. he enjoys the presumption of innocence unless there is solid evidence he did something here and possibly being involved is not enough. so i will zealously defend him unless he was the last person that saw smith and might have contributed to his demise. >> john: the latest sell brit -- celebrity trial, gwyneth
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paltrow, accused of running into someone who suffered a traumatic brain injury and broken ribs. yesterday a friend of his was on the stand and said oh, no, i saw gwyneth paltrow run into him and then this happened under cross examination. listen here. >> terry was wearing a helmet, true? >> true. >> the person he collided with was not wearing a helmet, is that true? that's your memory? >> i don't know. >> did you tell me she was not wearing a helmet? >> i'm not -- i don't remember what she was wearing. >> john: he was comparing what ramon said in a deposition five years ago to what he was saying on the stand there and according to some reports he basically fell apart. >> yeah, that's how it looks. and that's what we do on cross examination. you get a statement and say didn't you say on another occasion this.
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that guy looked void of credibility and add to it gwyneth has her ski instructor who will say the opposite. injury as a result of an accident, i don't know if the guy, the plaintiff will be able to show she was responsible for it. she's alleging he did it to her. he slammed into her. and as anyone who knows who has been skiing, stuff happens out there, ok. >> john: it does. she's going to take the stand, maybe tomorrow, maybe in the next couple days, accomplished actress, academy award winner, how do you think she'll do? >> well, you already suggested it. listen, if actors can't pull it off -- but all she has to do is connect with her energy and emotions and say what really happened. and her position is she was the one who was struck and as long as the jury said i don't know who to believe, then the plaintiff didn't prove their case. >> john: mark, great to get your take on this. appreciate it. >> my pleasure, john. take care. >> sandra: we are going to head back to denver now where a
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manhunt is underway as police are searching for the student who they said shot two deans at this school, it happened a short time ago in denver, a high school, 2500-student high school, laura joins us with more. what are we learning now? >> hi, sandra. two staff members are being treated for injuries at this hour in denver after police say they were shot by a student who was being patted down in the morning as he was entering school, being patted down for weapons under what school officials called their safety plan in which students with behavioral issues are routinely checked for weapons. the interesting part of this story, sandra, is going to be that other parents did not know that this was happening. that according to a parent i just spoke to who has three students at this school. now, all of the students that were in class were in their third period classrooms and placed under a lockdown shortly after 10:00 a.m. local time.
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police say a controlled release of students will begin once denver police allow, looks like it's starting to happen now. the high school was the scene of a deadly shooting, when luis garcia died after being shot in his car outside the school. that act of violence prompting students to walk out saying they were concerned for their safety. denver students who have said they are fed up with gun violence in and around their schools have been taking actions ever since garcia's death with student activists organizing a summit with officials from the city school board, denver p.d. to keep students safe. also a lot of debate about the use of school resource officers which came up at the news conference earlier today. reporters asking why there was not one on campus. the school board made the unanimous decision to remove sros ahead of the 2021 school year in the interest of student safety, they said, due to civil unrest over their policing, issue that still remains a sticking point today and i've
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just learned from the parent i spoke with that there will be no school for the rest of the week. there will be two armed police officers stationed at the school through the end of the school year, some very upset parents having a lot of questions at this hour about why kids with behavioral issues are being patted down for weapons and that other parents did not know that this was a practice that was going on at this high school. we will bring you more as we get information here in our newsroom. >> john: if they have a couple of police officers there for the rest of the week, it begs the question why they didn't see fit to put them there recently. the fact that this student was discovered with a weapon after he was patted down and the wake of the shooting that you told us about, i mean, it suggests that this could be a problem that may be more widespread than this one individual in terms of students bringing weapons to school, laura? >> certainly something everyone seems concerned with. the item i told you about, how
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the students have banned together saying something needs to be done, and the fact that parents have been saying there was not a school resource officer here. and imagine being a parent at this high school and you are just finding out that there are kids patted down for weapons and you had no idea that was going on while you are sending your kid to this school. so there has been a lot of questions about that practice, a lot of people want answers, hopefully we'll get some more details. they cut that news conference a little short saying they had to get on to the business of the day. we are hoping to get some more clarification on that a little bit later. >> john: a lot of questions that need to be answered. laura, thank you. >> sandra: and john just some of what is going on on the screen, we are getting some idea of what is happening outside the denver public school. hundreds of parents lining up along the road near the school where they have been told to line up to retrieve their students. the scene that you are looking at has been sealed off by police, you can see the police tape in some instances. you can imagine, obviously, how
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scared so many of these parents are when they got the phone call to come to the high school, no reports of injuries to students. parents are lining up, the students are lining up to safely receive their children. east high school what we learned out of the news conference a moment ago, is that the person is still on the run and considered armed and dangerous and willing to use a weapon. we'll have updates when we return. ient roman coinage? no. he's making real-time money moves with merrill. so no matter what the market's doing, he's ready. and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. we'll replace your windshield, and recalibrate your advanced safety system. so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ my a1c stayed here, it needed to be here. ray's a1c is down with rybelsus®.
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financial well-being to me is knowing that i can be free to do the things that i love to do. i hope when i retire someday, they say, that guy made this place a special place to come to school and gave as much as he could to help the community. >> sandra: fox news alert to denver, colorado, watching live images outside of east high school in denver. police chief giving an update on a situation a moment ago detailing two school administrators were shot at that high school this morning around 10:00 a.m. local time after a handgun was found during a search of a student there. the latest update is the juvenile suspect remains at large and the gun was not immediately recove
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