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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  March 23, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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taylor swift. and performances by award recipient and more radio, the eye heart radio music awards this monday. live on fox sunday on fox. like the nascar cup series takes on the circuit of the americas will cause the echo park automotive grand prix sunday at 3:00 eastern on fox. re good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. tonight, if there's one thing your average liberal understands perfectly well, it'sll, their safety in number. >> don't go out alone. bring eighty million people with you. it's safer that way. a there is a reason, a fundamental reason the democrats are natural joinerand s organizers and petii signers and that their highestlr virtue is conformity.
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>> they know thagt as longwill as they're all wearing the same uniform, they'll probably be okay. this is whiny you'll see one person in brookline or bethesda raise the ukrainian flagn th in the yard and the veo next day everybody on the street will have one tocy suddenly. it's an entire neighborhood of s foreign policy experts, all specializing in eastern european border disputes. >> is amaz it's amazing. just last year, these very same people were all eminent virologists, every one of themst with passionate views. on the details of pandemicothe management. >> thir words not s is , in othn not a movement of rugged t individuals. this is a parthey based on the idea of the group, the bureaucracy, the blotyb. lev it's the party of weak, fearfule people who are huddled togetheri for collective power.ys w when the democratic partye speaks, it is always with one voice, often in a north korean accent. >>y one thing the party often speaks about is gun control. the right no american has the right a to own an effective firearm, yu
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a firearm that does what firearms are supposed to tell you. this at length. having a gun like that is just too much autonomy for you. if it continues, you may start d to believe that you're a free citizen and we can't allow that and we won't. joe biden, for instance, makes this point regularly. can't >> watch. we're living iwan a country awah in weapons of war. i've got it done once.minate i'm going to do it again. eliminate assault weapons. >> it's time to ban these trying to ban these weapons, the right to bear arms, not an absolute right that dominates all others. >> you don't need an ar-15. i'm serious. think about it w.eaig ban assault weapons, highucker: capacity magazines. >> i nee yeed and a muffin or whatever they call it. >> so that's the head of the democratic party. clearly that the party's position on gu speaking very clearly that the party's position on guns, if w e don't control them, youas par can't have them. >> everyt democrat thinks this is part of the catechism. so your can imagine our surprise. the other day.
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we're driving through cambridgeo and the old hybrid subaru, adjustinugg our surgical masks a to cover both nose and mouth and listening needless r to saya to national public radio, the voice of menopausal i liberalism. >> and as we'rt e listening, wfe hear this. we're going to pla c uy for you and see if you can understand are total shock mass shootings targeting lgbtq spaces and a rise in anti-trans rhetoric have inspired some people to take up arms. new hampshire public radio todd bookman joined the monthly gathering of a gun group that sees firearms as key to their own self-defense. and as you might imagine, this story does include the sound ofn gunfire. >> on a recent saturdayutheas morning, the parking lot of pittaway state partek in southeastern new hampshire is filling up with hikers. a routealso a different ,packing up warm clothes and weapons. >> thank you all for coming to rainbow. reload your anti trans rhetorict makes the trans community carry guns. rainbow reloadguns. th.
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>> they're packing heat. they'll be appendix carrying ind more ways than one . thought. >> watch out. wait a second. we i thought this is npr nationl public radio suddenly telling you that actually guns are good, they're valuable. tools of self-defense, really against you. >> so there are times when gunsh are good, says npr. >>wait a s we thought, wait a s, we've been listening to npr since, well, click and clack,am, the tappet brothers. and we remember very tlearly their position on guns, for haexample, the u.s. has more gus in any other country in the world. this is the same npr that in between updates on the latestn trans dinosaur emojis, we've been following those very carefully, routinelye runlike segments calling for more gunnt control and not subtle oneshe like the segment entitled many gun owners support gun control . so whyn don't they speak out? cn oh, yeah, a lot. a lot of gun owners, because i they do. >> and yet here's ths thatat same national public radio state radio statioran. t
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media controlled by the bideno h administration encouraged al people to go to the gun store immediately. >> but not all tra peoplnse, jut trans people. guns aret bad except in the hands of trans people. pre wow. >> here's more groups like callbow reload exist around the country, often called pink pistol clubs. clubs, experts in the gun it's a place for experts i and the gun curious to practicep and improve their shooting. but this goes beyond hobby. d there's a practical goal herethy to prepare and protect themselves. >> i bf the world is dangerous, then you have to be dangerousino back . and that very much has pushed me to where i am now. >> >> the gun t curious, will you know and then prescribe somethinr descrig they fill in the blank. >> curious. then it'edophis a goodle c thin curious now the gun curious. dae >>ro the world is dangerous. you have to be dangerous.a back now. is that a quote? from an fbi indictment of npr
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the proud boys? >> no, it's from an npr sigma. at this point, it's hardking to tell the difference in the lip smacking.ying w >> npr reporters just say ititht without any sense of self awareness. any at all.. what what is goin'sg on here? g you know, what's going on here ar that npr has decided that gunse are bad except whene gu the enforcers of its ideologys have guns. yoheu can have guns, but faithfl servants of the democratic party, can that make sense?l toi because like allta totalitariano they want a monopoly on forcpoen >> right? so debate ends at that point when one side has all y the firearms. you don't have to argu saye. sh, you say, well, you can't change your . bang >> shut up, bigot. bang, bang, what's interestingth is this is not just one nprjustc segment. >>rter f the social justice repi from npr station and tate x in seattle, a reporter called lily in a fouler just reported on asf
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fascinating story. it's the suicide o-dersofn called usi a self-described trans person called lucy. you want to look it up? it's use y. here's how thar t npr reporter described the suicide of lucy, quote, spoke to rachel,y suic a friend of the ballard resident who died by suicide yesterday while being evicteidgt by king county sheriff's deputies. rachel says her friend had tried to getgeut help in paying rent, but exhausted allt options. >> well, that sounds awful. so here's a person who's fallen on hard times, like so many americans is getting bounced out of her apartment. t anand kills herself out of h desperatioean and anyone hearing or reading that dispatch from npr report, liliana fowler f would feel pretty bad forn the person who killed him or her self., politics aside, completelycomplo buryt it turns out npr didn't tell the entire story. what npr left out was that uzi i had shot a sheriff's deputy
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prior to killing himself. incy fact, uzi put that sheriffe deputy in the hospital where he remains tonight after undergoingrgoingergenc emergench that wasn't of any interest whatsoever to npr's social justice team.they wan they just didn't care whatted they want to know was an uzi was part of the trans community and he died. and so lucy's life matters much more than anyone, including the cop he shot and certainly o more than yours. f so what underlies all of this? >> it's not about trans rights, of course, do you really thinkre joe biden and his faithful vice apresident careht about transare ab rights? da not one bit, about as much as they care about the dailyaban suffering in selma, alabama. >> not at all., alabama is a selma, alabama, is a desperate, place. poverty and violence defin e, but they show up once a year to relive the civil rights movement. >> then they leave. that's how muc preciselcareh they care, and that's precisely how much they care about the trans community. forthe community, of course, ia vehicle for something else, and it's always the same thing,o wer. powerwhich political power and political power made thssible by political violenceli
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. they want to be able to commit it and they want youca defenseless. n't fit baso you can't fight bar a lot of people in this countrys want it, not just npr o listeners. when police are holding a press tran conference about the shooting, again, the shooting of a police officer by a transit identifying individual called outi activists heckled. the police spoke woman as the cop was in the hospital undergoing emergency why surger. why? because they said the spokeswoman, miss gendered ,the shooter. ye watch this. we've beenar led to believe that you're twenty nine year old mane >> actually a transgender. is there any truth to that? i have no idea. >> i actually knew the person. they are trans and i ask that they don't get think. >> yeah, okay. so obviously this country has reached peak frivolity. the office for hisr is in the he fighting for his life.r we'r but the debate is whether we're dead
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, naming someone who shot him so the people in that frameo and a lot of people actually who listen to npr care more about pronouns than human life. npr would rather you didn't know any of this. we only know that this actually happened because reporters like jason , rantes and andy, no one like npr don'dt take any money from taxpayers were paying attention and knew the details. and by the way the numbers, andn the numbers what these claimtsis of violence and against the trans community. and here's what he found.e is having done actual research into, quote, there is no ofact, trans people in the u.s. orf tr anywhere in the westan. in fact, there's been ans is explosion of trans identifying people, which research suggests is a social contagion spready by social media fads. and youth peer the few dozen trans peopler ar tragically killed in americautio each year are usually murdered by black men in the course of activities. so we believe that thatthat iis factually true. >> none of that ever getss ge mentioned, of course, least ofas all on national public radio.arh
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>> what does get mentioned? well, the neo-nazis, of course, are the real threat. >> they're the ones targeting rainbow reload, melissia . s tr >> watch this.>> a one of the members, sharon,ndfr recently transitioneomd and i i went from concealed carry every once in while when i was sort of feeling it to every single day because reading the news, having a few experiences, realizing that i've gone from old cis, male, white, upper middle class, really. mi fearsdd about anythingt to there are people thatlo just looking at me will want to hurt me. there's that individua whal feas what may happen simply existing in public. >> but for some , there's also a more organized and ominous threat, including a neo-nazi grouw englp active in new englac that's targeted trans peopleke. the neo-nazi group active in new england, the least right wing region in america. ever therey state is blue, but
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there's a neo-nazi group that's terrifying. everybody lookeno, just to be clear , we're not against people, american citizens carrying firearms, having firearms we support, including trans people. >> it's fine. bu re is not what you're watching e is not the exercise ofhi the second amendment. ng herwhat you're watching herer is political hysteria, feaiar ginned up on purpose max with maximum dishonesty intion order to get people in a state in a of agitation, armed people s int a state of agitation doesn'tater matter if they're trans or not. >> whatever that t. it's is , ie the same template. always cra scare the out of are your voters. tell the am that their lives are at risk. encourage them to get guns. how do you think that ends?owledg >>e but by the way, if we're following the logic here, and why not, that's in shorts th supply in this country. >> you have to kind of wonder, like, what's the limit to this? >> so if trans people are in fear for their lives in every region of the country,new engl including new england, whichhy apparently is crawling with
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nowouldn'tw, why wouldn't we bes them as we are, say, ukraine's trans army? >> t and therera arens famouslys people in ukraine's army. they're very, very proud of that. so why stop with ar 15s? i mean, why not f thirty fives or tanks? you know, that's a question for our highest ranking trans admiral, richard levine. >> here is richard levine ine july of 2020 describingle a the threat, the most vulnerableo among us continue to suffer, including lgbtq individuals of color, lgbtq youth, lgbtq seniors, and lgbtq immigrants. >> so none of that is factually, true as we i just told you. in fact, some of the people he's describing are not the most oppressed in our society, but literally and measurably the most entitledd and privileged. t
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the biden administration hiredo a kid to oversee nuclear waste disposal who's only qualified was his fetishes.s no so, no, there's not going on . i >> there's some weird affirmative action program going on . but if you listelisteno npn, npu wouldn't know that. and that kind talking might get scare the heck out of you.n an and if they encourage you to gou get a gun and arsem yourself because are taking over vermont, you might do it againts . words for guns, as you could possibly be . but this seems like an incitement. jason rants is our man in the pacific northwest. >> and the andn wh by the way, the man who filled in the blanks in an incredibly misleading npr story. we're happy to have him join us now. jason , thanks so much for about coming on . it does seem t sec and again, iy this as someone who is aboutmulp as passionate about the second amendment as you can be and a multiple gun but this does seem liked fren they're trying to whip people into an unjustified frenzy and then telzyl theml them to b. >> that's not reassuring. but i don't think it is not.
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but i mean, part of me wonderseu why we didn't just allr deciden to change our first names and identitiest to a different w gender . we've goe t 17 thousands ocaf t to actually pick from. ce that we could actually be celebrated as gun owners or second amendment enthusiasts. i'm going to i'm coming out now. my name is justin. amendment eny i'm a sdpo non binary. second amendment and now i should be celebrated. buart you're right, of course, the reason why they're doing this is that it fitsoppr intesso the narrative of oppressorized,o versus oppressed. so you have one group that is marginalized. you have the other group that is causing all of the the angeae and angst and the threat. and all of a sudden, you've got the transgender community, which i'm assuming democrats probably didn't want to inspire to get armed . but now that's exactly what they're doing to protect themselves against a threa t created, that the democrat party created, a threat that doesn't actually existat ex. but ironically, the good newshe is the transgender community, anyone who responsibly owns
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guns, you're going to get to protect yoursel f from the criminals that the democrat party has enabled. it's not whitet supremacists. >> it's the criminals that aren't actually going to jail >> ts. aof policie >> well, that's a really faire k and good point, i think is as a factual matter, the the risk you run is not fromts political violence from the right. >> it's from armed robbers and opportunists. who to the grwho will grab on the way to t grocery store. and so maybe there's an upside. >> i just hate to see the second amendment d gun ownershipaybe politicized any fundamental right, politicized. but bu t maybe you're right. ben >> wefe benefit. yeah , we do benefit. and look, at the end of the day, every single right always gets politicized. >> tuckewe're talking about politicians. you've got one side that s actually stands up forecon nce us to get the second amendment and you've got the other side that'spreten trying to convince us tod get rid of it or at least ignore the laws that pretend the second amendment doesn't exist. and so in a lot of ways, it is just inevitable. again, i'm kind of with you. tht i'm glad that there are me, more people who are saying to themselves, okay, this might
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be the right thing for b me.if e i'm actually going to getd to trained. i'm going to be responsibl proe >> and if they're armed to protect themselves against actual threat t doesn't exist, well, there's no harm that can t come of that. the only harm thatol comet is when an actuaacl threat that you're told doesn't exist but created, yo actually existu ars like a thret that the left has created. you're now actually prepared and maybe this changes mindsy across the board. >> look, i mean,ge it's certainy changed mine. corr >> i now see gun control. correctly, i think is anti trans hateo plac and hate has no place in this house. and i'm just going to be clear about that with jason for writes, i hope you agree with me. >> no, i really appreciate that . and thank you fo r seeing me bea and acknowledging me and my gender identity and my right. to bear arms. >>o appreciate that you're the best. jason rae,d to it' ss great to e you tonight. thank you. good to see you. appreciate. >> so as you know, if you'veunte been following this story, the fb i had hunter biden's laptop for years and never did anything about it, despitefe w the blatant evidence of felonies on which you brought to you many times. now, we have some sense why
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the fbi may have been workingelh directlyat with hunter well, thats would be amazing. miranda devine is on the story. >> she joins us after the break. i will bless those who bless you. >> it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union, but we're finding thousands of destitute elderlym who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzi is a holocaust survivor. >> she keeps saying, >> she keeps saying, my refrigerator is empty. wow. wow. as you she's embarrassed to asr help with their need, as you help with their need, as you can see, is extremely urgent. >>io right now. you can give a gift of life ofau twenty five dollars, the international fellowship of the international fellowship of christians and
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well, you know, if you've been following the story at all, the fbi has in been in possession of hunter biden's laptop for years.ession of hunts laptop ove now, even if as they've arrested over a thousands , a thousand more to go people who walk through the capitol on january six . but in the casesident'e of the president's son , they've done nothing with it at all. nome indictmentsnts, a, even th, as you also know, there is evidence of felonies on thatl laptop. so what is this about? well, it's possible the fbi tha is working with hunter biden. the new york post now reporting that biden had an fbi mole t called one eyeip, and this mole tipped off hunter biden's chinese business partners that par investigation. that is according to an israeli energy expert who was arrested last month in cyprus on gunrunning charges. >> and it looks like he may be innocent. we don't know. >>be miranda devine is on this story as it develops. she joins us tonight . if i so those are the outlines. and i apologize ifated i've misstatedy them, but we just kind of sum this up. this is an amazing story.
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seem like. biza, tucker, it's actually bizarre. i mean, it's anothert bizarreoy twist on an already bizarre story about the biden family chd the cast of characters involved in their influence peddling scheme around the world. e world,and doctor gal luft is e latest one . hereal is an israeli energy expy a professor. he was y arrested in cyprus, as you said , and is still in a cyprus jail. y withhe's charged, apparentlygn with gunrunning and thorough violation and various things. and he claims that hem is innocent and that he's only been arrested to shot him up about what he knows abouta lot the biden family business. hisand , you know, a lot of his story does check out.d in he is regarded in his orbit in washington, d.c. as you know, he's well regarded. he's a legitimate energy expert. he's a former high h rankinge fc
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officer in the israeli defense force, has multiple degrees. and he also talks about thisiden fbi mole that he claims hunter biden used to tip off his chinese partners, that there o was an fbi investigation into them. and there is somat froe corroboh of that from the reporting that we've already done from hae laptop. we know that hunter biden did f have contacts within the fbibi. we know that he used them to benefit at least one of hiso chinese business partners, patrick . and whenatrick h patrick was ad at jfk by the fbi, hunter bidena then contacted his fbi contactcs . and we don't b know what they dd for him, but that sort ofng fro accords with this story that's coming from gal luft and gal luft worked for three years in washington, d.c. with hunter biden's chinese business partners.
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that checks out to so he when he says that those business partners told him about boutbiden's were up to the hundreds of thousands of dollars that tha he knew about t was going to hunter and his uncle, jim biden everynth, month and their contact with this fbi rele. it ipot does. it just bolsters, i guess, the reporting we've done from the laptop so quickly. >> this guy, the israeli energy expert, as he was being arrested, he tweeted it and said, they're arresting me to shut me up. i have the facts about hunter biden. he's a smart guy.erson. his social media still up, if you want to see it, confirms he's a very smart person. has he had anything else to say from his jail in cyprus? >> wnow?e know look through his lawyer, which is the only way i've been able to talk to him.ou het certainly has other allegations, but without documents or other evidence to back it up, you know, it's difficult to report those.
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he did get bail fromt that the cypriot courts a couple of weeks ago. vigorousbut that has been vigory opposed by us authorities. b and i'm told by gal luft lawyere that the ambassador in cyprus is putting a lot of pressure w to keep him inan jail. they want to extradite him to the us on t've known gal f luft for a long time. and theys not really he do in his nature. >> yeah, well,es he doesn't hava the profile of a gun runner that might be worth a trip to cyprus. either. >> miranda devine, thank you very much. tucker.thanks, tucker. wee we've been telling you all week because weco think it could happen that donald trump at anyp moment is going to be indicted s for some made up crime7 year involving stormy daniels fromtok seven years ago. now, wone know the grand jury is not expecting any action on the case.. aply. so, w hathis week, apparently. >> so what exactly does this
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mean? has the case fallen apart? foric how hard is itan to indict pre g a former republican president in new york city? what is going on ?, founde >> stephen miller is a formerer senior trump adviser. he's also founder of america fifirst legal, which does remarkable work. he joins us tonight. stephen , thank you so much. ere? for coming in. happening >> what do you think we'rew watching here? well, clearly, what'iss happenin right now is the radical left prosecutor, alvin bragg, iny is manhattan is having a struggle which frankly is unheard of, ah getting his grand jury across the finish line to achieveth the indictment that he's been determined to achieve and that the progressivssive power structures in this country have been trying to achieve now for seven years. we know that there's beene explosive revelations recently, documents that have comeou out, including a letter from michael cohen disavowing and denying all the things that he has now testified to . but let's remember, at the heart of this lie, if a case is a monstrous perversion of federal law by the imperial prosecutor, in l manhattan, i've worked inone
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washington for many years and they drillth one thing into your head over and over and over again. thou shalt not use campaign, pr funds for a personal, private, familiar or business matter. ree you shall not. it i is the red line ine im washington. the imperialpe prosecutor. i only know people appreciaten this in manhattan.s whol his whole case is that donald trump was obligated under federal law to use campaign funds to settle a private0,000 dispute, turning all oamfe poli campaign law for three hundredti million americans and their whole political system on its head. it is such a brazen perversion violation, subversion of federal law. it's astonishing., it's been allowed to go on thisi far , particularly because a local d.a. in manhattan who won his primary with eighty thousand not ha votes does not have entie authority to rewrite federal unit the entirer united states of america. and now he's saying he's even willing to defy the subpoena from jim jordan. r an james comey and brian style,
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three committee chairmen in congress, even in the law,l i don't. do >> but even if that d.a. went>>e to harvard, he still can't dn oe that, even if even he wentrd to harvard, yale, princetong hee and stanford, he couldn't dou ta it. let's be verlkeduty clear aboutr what's happening here. and you've talked about itli is we are now living in a post progtitution, post truth era, where progressive soros backedee prosecutors will decide for themselves who is free a and whe is not, who goes to jail and who does it, who can speak d freely, who cannot speak freely, who is allowed to exist and do business in this. and country, and who must be crushed into the earth and ultimately destroyed. and if we allow if we allow our legal system to become weaponizes wea in this way, then all of our freedoms exist solely on the sufferance of whichever prosecutor is in charge. >> wherever we livr prosecutore >> i think every word that youud just said is true. is truethe principles here aree foundational and have to be defendedso. >> steven miller, thank you so
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for muscle cramps and spasms. >> thera works. relief works fast, so get back at it there. works, works, for fast muscle relief. therrell works, works available in stores everywhere.erm >>iq the term iq stands for intelligence quotient. the idea is controversial for o some reason, like it some racist crackpot thing. but it's not. it's a feature of sociald ha sciencs be lon e and has been for a long time. >> it's an imperfect measurement, but best it's thee we have the best way to measureh someone's reasoning and problem solving. iner abilities. >> and there is a correlation that has been shown in research for well, again, aee one hundred years between iq and family income, socioeconomi c status, school and work performance, law abiding. >> this health habits, even some moral qualities. >> who knows why ? >> so it has never been controversial to think that having a high iq country is a good thing. it's good for individuals, it yu is good for society. it's noth , again, a measure of
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your worth in god's eyes, but it is a measure of a lot things ,apparently, according to the research. so for y 80 years, increas the collective iq in the united states increased every decade and nutritioition n is always of the reasons people thought that was true. but it's ngeo longer true. in fact, the opposite is true in all o cf your suspicions are now confirmed. americans are getting dumber. sn and not just sandy corte cortez >> she gets elected forwester a reason. so researchers at northwesternn am university recently found that american iq arere droppingreason and they had all kinds of suspected reasons for this. and we have no idea if any ofnts them are true. th, we arect is ti getting dumber. what's interesting is thewot response to that so called father says it's not bad. it in fact, quote, this might not be a bad thing, really.s >> have you noticed how your weaknesses, the things that youg personally are ashamed of, are now being redefined chritrengths? so you get super fat over christmas or you spend all day looking at tiktok, you wake up
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and do a bong hit like be proud of that. that's lame.n that's making you weaker. l yobut all of a sudden the peo' in charge tell you, no, it'sod good. >> it's totally good.h life >> fat, drunk and stupid actually is a way to go through life. why are they telling you that? ohd , because fat, drunk and stupid people are compliant. that's why. so the biden administration has made a practice now for over ten years of picking federal judges based on the way thes look based instead of their competence. >> and the confirmation hearings for these judges arey as painful as you would expectwo they would be . ketanji brown de., sh jackson famously said she can't define a woman, and yet she summoned the supreme court, another judicial nominee inonstt washington state couldn't explain what article two ofut ne havethe constitution is oncee have federal judge. >> and then there's the latest guy called cato.o >> cruz is biden's nominee to ad federal judge up.e is
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how did he do in the hearings? well, here's a clip. >> tell me how you analyzeadymot a brady motionio. how i analyze a brady motion. ths, senator . ine my four and a half years on the bench, i'm not don't believe i've had the occasionad to address a brady caree motion> my career. >> do you know what brady motion is ? osenator ? in my time on the bench, i'veto not had occasion to address that. and so it's no at coming to mind at the moment. what brady motion is right. he later gets it must have seen you with gun control because president reagan's press secretary was called brady and he got shot. his wife became a gu gotn contrl advocate. >> right.ntrol. so this is not a small question to miss the brady thatnn senator kennedy referred to emanates from the supreme court case that requiresculp government to turn over exculpatoratoro thy evidence toe defense that the core of tha our justice system by the
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that's the rule the dojs violated in hundreds of cases of january . what it >> sixth defendant, this guy th' wants to be a federal judge, had no clue what it was. that's a deal. and right there. no, you can't be a federalsome judge. sorry.thing us go do something useful with your life. ef lifu can't judgeyou can't b. probably will no nerth dakotad, as ceo of americt majority. >> he joins us tonight.e and ryan, thanks so much. i don't know what is going on , but when they start look, it'sya fine if you have flaky sociology professors orwh administrators at stanford or whatever , who cares? but airline pilots, heart surgeons and federal judges, pig us ?e allowin >>po well, i think this is ther entire point for progressives.or i mean, you have a judge that te doesn't know article two orw th article five ofbrad the constitution. >> this gentleman that doesn'ty know the bradyon, th motion,ut the brady rule, again, as yous f pointed out, were hundreds, if not thousands of americans are being denied this basic right because of their political views. >> well, there are a couple of things going on here, tucker. first, they are diversity hires are hoping to skate by on g their skin or gender orprefer
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sexual preferences. but it really does highlight that the abida administration, whoeveenhoeverr is actually run, is putting up activists masquerading as judges, becauser the whole point is to get more votes to rubber stampan the left's social and politicalk agenda. but evener more so, tucker, .oui nkas you think about a progressives, they've always viewed the constitutiosn and the laws obstacles to be avoided,ul but even more so, maybe dismantled. n to t sohe why would you even bother knowing about it? because you're not going to pay attention to them anyway. and the whole point of progressivism from day one until today is to bend ttiti to dismantle the original intent of the constitution, separationonpowers powers and ae other things that were put in place by our founders. they don't carm,e about them.go they don't want them. so why should you bother with them? because you're never going to implement them, because they're more series of suggestions that you're trying to avoid them,s you ar , beca. >> well, here's why. because you don't have the rule thouaw and equal application of the law. you don't have civil rights.ther t they were for civil rights. >> shao i don't know why peopleg like lindsey graham vote to confiresm judge judges who don't
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know anything about the constitution. what is this? >> because from the very beginning, progressive statists have have been the enemy of overc civil rights, of the rule of law, of property rights, ofy, all these things. and over the last hundredd more years, it's like their colors gg are coming out more and more and it's getting harderhide and harder to hide that. but this has been the whole point of progressivism from day one , tucker. e basithey have no intention of of these basic rights. their goal is thean state. rative and quite frankly, ultimately,r. it's power, authoritarianism. and so the constitution and thea law are to be disregarded. b they will make of themhateve whatever they want them to be to achieve whatever they want.or the point is not the originaigir intent of the constitution. the goal is not the rule of law is whatever they can make them to be to achieve what they want. >> and here we are. we're soe mesm mesmerized by wag them tear downe do our institutions. >> we don't think enough aboutnr what they're going to replace them. with and we should. authoritarian hadrien exactly. than authorik you so much.
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>> thanks, tucker. tucker. so a core right in a freeca society is freedom of association. o be friendsha with anyone you wantve. a you can have any opinion you want, but that's going so now being friends with roger stone can get you fired fromfich your job. just happened to a new york city police officer . he joins us next to explain. we are the early risers firstthe to arrive and the lastt to leave. fishing is our second nature fishing is our second nature by way of life. and we know it's not alwaysshop about what's iann the net. shared passion. >> start another great season out on the water at bass pro shops and cabelas during our spring fishing classic save our spring fishing classic save on great plus get the best boat deals of the year, including a tracker for less five dollars a day. bass procedes and cabel as your adventure starts here, you guys ready? >> they're ready for it this spring. explored everything fox station has to offer for one ninety nine a month.
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$19. it's true. >> if you're the secretary of state right now, you've got a lot to think about, thanks to your reckless and shortsighted and frankly, stupid policy. poliamerica's two most powerful geopolitical adversaries, china guarrussia, just announced a partnership that will guarantee the evaporated creation of american powernea around the world. it's a brand new erathanks thans to the state department and joe biden, but they're not worriedye about that over at state. instead, tony blinken just sent, a memo this urgent memo to all diplomatic and consular posts around the world. and here's the subject line anna call for nominations. stic first annual secretary of state's award for racial equityl and justice champions globally choklye backe back the vomit, gh
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your throat and continue to listen, please. the memo says the state e stat department's specialor representative for racial equity and justice wantsrginaliz to honor individuals from, quote, marginalized racial, ethnic and indigenousdocume communities, citing closer to rwanda every day. >> thentn the document tells you that, quote, covid permitting because, of course, are still c terrified of covidovid, because deep down they're sad and . but covid permitting the awardao ceremony will take place in person in washington, dc. and by the way, it's d.c not jut the state department. this is completely insane. the world is changing faster than any time in our lives.bein the unitedg is being shut outnn and they're worried about this. >> and at the pentagonorried ab, they're worried about it to the pentagon's diversity, equity and inclusiof isn in chief is called calipso wing, and she's a flat out hater, a bigot, an anti white racist. >> she's written statements like this, quote, i'm exhausted by ninety nine percent of the white men in educationhite . 95% of the white where can i get a break from?a whitbre nonsense for a while nod under normal circumstances, sheh
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would be indicted for thate .on exhat she's not going to be. >> so she goes on to complains that she's , quote, so exhausted that these white folkwh s who actually had the audacity to say that black people can be racistt th to what do they get thatat idea? >> i hate 99% of a racial group. why are they calling me racist?s so how is the pentagon handling this? >> oh, no,g ? big deal . >> lisa wing will face zero consequences. >> separately, pentagon doctors just said children as young as seven and take puberty is re blockers and hormones. >> this is reallaly a disaster.. you wonder why do we keep refunding this every year ef? what are the effects well, here's one effect.% of yog according to the washington post, the pentagon just reported that only ninameric aet of young american adults are the willing to serve in doe the military. okay, i wonder why see does any see cause and effect at all, anywhere , ever? no. no n one .
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>> so as we told you, the pentagon, the biden administration has expanded its january 6th dragnet more andple. two years later, they're going to round up another twelve hundred people. >> they say, well, be among them. >> we don't know. but we do know that weaponizes g law enforcement and theoi judicial system is going after people like salvador. grecco gecko's, a 14 year veteran of the nypd, has gote more than 50 medals. no one complained about hir.s bu service as ae police officer , but because he knew a mand call called roger stoneed, the nypd fired him from his job. apparently, grecco violated the criminal association clause in the nypd patrol guide, which bars cops from contactd in with anyone, quote, reasonably believed to be engaged and likely to engage in whatna you have engaged in criminal activities. here's the thing. roger stone is not a criminal. he is politically controversial. >> and that was enough. r co several agrico joins us now to explain what happened to him. mr. grecco, thani hope we k youh for coming on . i hope we didn't oversimplify
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that you were fired for knowing roger stone. r: of that's a correct and thank you for having me car tonight. of course, that's silly. eer hei had a i had a fourteen r career and my pibor unblemishedd record . and one day i believe somebody was irked that i i had hadriends a relationshiphi and a friendshp with roger stone. and that ensued a 19 month witch. and they ultimately terminated me, saying that my relationshipi with roger stone wouldnt be corrosive, that i if i had we continued employmentw yo with te new york city police department. and that's why i had to sueny the nypdpd, the city of new york . >> it's a little bit weird a ste is the standard. inals i mean, of course, they don't want cops consorting i with criminals, taking bribes, o who ourse, fencing, fencing,m stolen merchandise, etc. but i know a lot of cops froms, i new york who know a lot of underworld figures. it doesn't mean they themselvet criminal. and roger stone's not anhow underworld figure. he's not a criminal. so how does thishi se even make sense? >> well, this rule, tuckeren i,4 been in the books and he might be a patrol guy for about 40 , maybe 40 or 50 years, i'd
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and they arbitrarily appliedy wa this rule dependinntg on who they want to apply it to , because, as you know, tucker,th a few weeks ago, the police commissioner or somebody in the new york city police inolicedepartment invited cardio the police academy, which is a secure police facility. and she is a convicted criminal co andand known gang member, alg with being adversarial to the police department. thenow, if you invite her to te police academy and stating that she was theracademy,e for a men, which, remember, there is noon exceptions to that rule, that they terminated me on , then how is she allowed to associate and parade around the police academy with numerous officers? and ifare police you're saying t the police commissioner didn't approve this, then is a breakdow, thenn structure in thw york city police department. and it should there shouldno o nebe somebody discipline. one ha bus t to this day, no one's been terminated. no one's been disciplined.mayore and actually and mayor adams should step in here and actually terminate the police commissioner stating, using that very rulteea that they terminated me for.staa
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that canrd only be one rule, tucker, and one standard. you can'roger t say that roger e is bad, but cardi b is good. do you think just i mean, theoretically, of course, but that if roger stone had insteada of being a republican activists had been a hot lady rapperpper t to felony record that you would still have your job, i believe,r tucker 100% ifog this was not only roger stone, but d more importantly, if this didn't have anything to do with anyone associated with president trump, becausehee that seems to be the mantr, a here, then this would have never happened. i would have still beenployed employed when the new york city police departmen.10 st let it ot very quick in 10 seconds. >> don't you guys have a union? i have. >> they allowed this? n well, the union the the unione member was his name. lynch is the head of the union.h he actually walked away from mea when he did see me. a couple of months back . so i think that pretty much tells the story of all of this. >> yeah.e yo speaking of corruption, severalg grecco, thank you so much. >> good to see you tonight. good luckbr thank you.■s a her
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streaming now fox nation. >> oh, my gosh. was fun. if only we had more time. but we do not. we hope you have the best time with the ones. >> you'll be back tomorrowth night. friday night. the show. that'se sw the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. e have we have some good news for fox viewers tonight. >> sean hannity right now. >> tucker, i have a group of people here and they like to say something to you. that feel i can't help but i'll trust you. okay, thanks to a great show. all right. welcome back with our audience tonight. wow. e th we've got a rowdy crowd in justi a minute. and former vice president of the u.s., mike pence, righghhert here in studio tonight. we'll also have south dakota governor kristi noem. tudor dickson is in studio tonight as well. donald trump's


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