tv Hannity FOX News March 23, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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>> oh, my gosh. was fun. if only we had more time. but we do not. we hope you have the best time with the ones. >> you'll be back tomorrowth night. friday night. the show. that'se sw the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. e have we have some good news for fox viewers tonight. >> sean hannity right now. >> tucker, i have a group of people here and they like to say something to you. that feel i can't help but i'll trust you. okay, thanks to a great show. all right. welcome back with our audience tonight. wow. e th we've got a rowdy crowd in justi a minute. and former vice president of the u.s., mike pence, righghhert here in studio tonight. we'll also have south dakota governor kristi noem. tudor dickson is in studio tonight as well. donald trump's attorney ,
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joe tacopina, will join us .ht but first, happening right now, our top story right here out of new york . alvin bragg is now sweating even more than usual tonight. >> now he's put his has pathetically weak case againsttl former president trump has. letr totally imploded. , th let's be very clear here. the case died this very week., s it is very obvious. it is very clear .n of it's transparent. alvin bragg had every intention of indicting donald trump this week. but for the second straight day, grand jury proceedings rere canceled today. now, braggut is now telling reuters that it was former president donald trump that created a false expectation of t it was never actually going to happen. according to brag, it seems really after a multi year investigation, the formation of a grand jury, the meetingeate with law enforcement to coordinate an impending anes of a former vice formerevet
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president . and we're supposed to believee that somehow donald trump now created the false expectation of arrest. now, the new york times, they reported, of course, pulitzer prize winning grouprepo that they are based on fakrte news. anyway, they reported that criminal charges against trump were likely on march the 9th. that's when they first did it. remember maggie haberman, a pulitzer prize winner fo, r a story she got wrong. and the russian hoax, she was all over fake news. cnksn. t yeah, looknis like it's going to happen. well, that story was outs before nine days before donald trump even mentioned itht on truthso, social. as d hions is aal platform. so i don't think it was donald a trump that created the expectation. it was actually braggend his, oh the media mob and his office probably leaking to the "new york times" and probably others. and now it looks like braggeg tl is havineg trouble delivering on his campaign promise. he promise wd duringould the can that he would go after one man,p donald trump, one company, famiy
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the trump organization, one family, the trump familyandr and as most of you know by now, the entire case relied on the testimony of a serial liar and a convicted felonhe fit by the name of michael cohn.d and this week, for the very first time, the grand juryebod actually heard the truth about cohn from somebodys who is not a serial liar, who's notm an ex-con, but we heard from hisb o former legal adviser right here on this showstd, bob costello, and he blows michael cohn storya right out of the water. take a look. star what do yoteu have on donaldor trump? and that's when hehe startedtw with the same litany that he used the rest of the two hours.d i swear to god, bob , i don't have anything on donald trump. but the point is , whennd somebody is really thinking of committing suicide and you're offering them a legal wa hy outn of this, if he had any information about donald trump rialthat would have been the one time, even for a serial liarn like michael cohen. s up andto to fess up and say, ,
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i know this or that because i want to save my own but he didn't do that.n wh michael cohen, who , as isudden said before, was pacinlyg back and forth, which suddenlyot stop in the middle of whatever he was talking about,, and turn and point his finger at us and say, i want you guys to understand. e f i will do whatever the f i i to do. i will never spend a day in jail. he said that at t least 10 to 20 times during that two hour period, it was it wa s a bizarre t mantrip. o usbut it made it clear to us t michael cohen was saying,spen i will lie, cheat, steal, shoot someone i will never spend a day in jail. >> wow. powerful testimony that happened this week. cohen said to costello many times, i have nothing on donaldo trump.e cred and not only did costello state's power witness, cohen destroy the credibility of the state's star witness, cohen, but callingcohe himself, completely contradicts the state's case . 2018. look at this newly uncoveredicha
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document. this is from 201el8. this is from michael cohen'sin a own lawyer to the fec. quote, in a private transaction fund016 before the u.s. presidential election, mr. cohen used his own personale funds to facilitate a payment of one hundred and thirty thousand dollaro s to mit stephanie clifford. neither the trump organization or the trumphety campaign wassao a party to the transactionn msi with miss clifford. ent to so is lying under oath now or during that statement to the fec? now, os f course, at the verylyg center of the caseal, is a completely legal what's called an nda over an alleged affair i from two thousand and seven. there is zero evidence whatsoever that the trump d focampaign paid for this nda.d pl a matter of fact, cohn says they did not. fact, th there's no evidence they played a role in the nda. in fact, there's no evidencen be that the affair in question ever took place. lievant, tpeople can believe whs they want, but there's no evidence of it. accordint g to the washington
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post, of all places, stormy daniels denied affair multiple, multiple times, including in writing on january 30th. 2018. this is a letter that was obtained by tmz. take a look at your screen. quote, i am not denying this affair because i was paid, quote, hush money. i am denying this affair because it never happened. sty daniels, formerbreaki lawyer just inng a, ton john solomon breaking tonight. a michael avanade, he's ineeting prison, but he's tweetin ig in prison. >> i can't figure that one out. but he tweeted out that manye ye critical pieces of evidence have yet to see. the light of day will be very te damaging to the prosecution.a so let mine get this straight. the d.a. in manhattan, alvin bragg, dedicated thousandsou of hours, millions of tax dollars to a case surrounding a legal nda over an alleged affair fromi two thousand seven that both
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parties deny based on allegations from a serial liar. convicted felon michael cohen,lt who is bent on getting revenge against his former boss. now a low level felony that is so weak, so convolutedo and possibly even outside the statute of limitations that a grand jury a in deep blue newm york city might very well seemsd to be rejecting it. now, keep in mind, you can indict a ham sandwich sandwichd' and a grand jury. you don't needneed a unanimous verdict. and the only and only theo pr prosecutioes. in othn gets to pt evidence. in other wordsport, the defensut gets zero opportunity to even speak to the grand jury, letevin cealone present any evidence tht they have. and it appears that braggess has failed to pass that very, very,i very low bar. in this case, it seems he can indict a ham sandwich. now, thims is émilie. sorry, can't resist. >> this is humiliating for
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the d.a.'s office and impure waiting for the people ofstin new york . bragge wasted precious timeg and resources over a political hit job that probably won'te th ever see the light of day.lent while very real criminals,ls violent criminals, are are roams the streets of new york city every day. all right. w are let's give a warm welcome to donald trump's attorney , joe tacopina. who's with us >> u joe , second day in a row,l grand jury getl s canceled and all the reports are saying the same thing. all is broken. i loose in the manhattan d.a.'s office. what are you hearing? have you heard frohem them aari. all? >> we haven't heard from them directly. >> there's the lines of communication have brokeao,n ouo a few weeks ago.r obviously, every time i appear on this show or or a radio truth show, they seem to gethe more angry. but, you know,re i'm jus, tow i'm calling the truth here, sean. you know, thise l is unbelievaa lking , the fact that we're stil talking about this case, a case that no matter what side,
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the fence you sit politically,l the right, the left, the middle, whether you're woke or asleep, whatever it is , you should notsh want the weaponization of our justice system, which occurrin here. crimi yonau know, instead of focusing on prosecuting actual criminals ,new york city, a city that's under siege with violent crime ,they're using that officepo to harass a political opponent and that's something that is troubling to anyone. whatever side of the fence you'e siant on , it's really, reallyfi disturbing. and i'm hearing there's chaos inside that office right now. i've heard from people insideith that also i have relationshipson with who are unhappy, who arhaei saying that there's such such a disagreement on how this is being perceived and being viewed as a political tool as opposed to a doer of justice. it's you know, thi s is thenazi united states of america and ,, you know, in nazi germany, iniou soviet unionss, russia, in chin. you pick the person and then you find the crime, you pick
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the person, you show me the man. >> i'll show you>> the crime.ths beat. wha >>t exactly. and that's what they did. and that's what they do. it's something we in the united states have done. created all right. so f bragge is now claiming thai donald trump created a false expectation when it comes to arrest now. yeah. yeah.h the that couldbo have nothing to do with the bomb squad. that's at one hundred center street every day. . alcenothing to do with three million police officers that they're doing that. why would anyone think that we're going to get arrested when there's a bomb squad downtown? oh, wait a bit. now, the new york times spoke about it nine days beforementio donald trump ever mentionened i, and then five days before he ever mentioned it. it but bragg blames trump for and then trump finally mentions it. but bragge blames trumg thp fort creating the expectation. how do you explain tha tt to me >> i don't get it. w enforcemen >> i can't explain it. i mean, they leaked to thee th press that there was a law, ce some meeting on a monday where the secret service, the police
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department, the d.a.'s office and the court officers. dod we're going to mee mt to tak about logistics for anre arraignment. based on that, donald trump goinesd, okay, so they're going to arrest me on tuesday.r you know, based on these false e leaks or these real leaks that turned out maybe not to be truen . but fact of the matter is , based on everything that was leaked, why wouldn't he think he was being arrested? and then when you go down,y to go down to a one hundred industry. right now, we're down there,s as try and get near thate alre courthouse iadn. e it's as ifpl he's there already. so why wouldn't anyone think that that was the plan to go forward? look, they shouldn't go forward becaushave a cs winne they don' that's winnable or sustainable. not only was not a crimea committed here, there is not't a a wrong act committed here w. sean, this is a simple everyday thing. nondisclosand non-disclosure agn a civil settlement that happened six years ago. that some way somehow they're tryingo ato fit that square peg intoon a round hole. where is no campaign law violation whatsoever. and those those can'att finance laws are very clear . there has to be exclusively for the campaign any expenditure. o
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this was not campaignan funds like john edwards. this was persona l funds. and it would have been used and paid irrespective ofll the campaign. so that's your that's the end ed all and be all. so nothing else matters? >> absolutely nothing else matters. two big>> things that came out this week.thin michael cohen's attorney'sk letter. isi think, is exculpatory and i think really devastated. that's numbe.r one .rogram then bob costello right here i have program saying nothing on trump and then saying over and over and over again that i'm not goingy to jail under any circumstances. and the interpretation of bob costellob costel is devastating as well. now, you add we have, according to tmz, they printed the letter ,they say, with stormi signature saying that an affairt did not happen. now, if had happened and that i was not a signature, i wouldmaoh have imagineeyd years ago she would have sued them, you know, and all that just noise, it'st
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stilthl doesn't matter. >>af look,fa the president's adamant that affair never happened. matterno matter >> he was not paidhe with campaign funds. this resolutionn settlement, michael cohen took out a personal loan because he wanted to ingratiate himself to the president , become part of his inner circle when hepresd became president of united states. of tnited statthis guy would hae anything for president trump. if you go back a few s yearsof, go and look at the clips of michael cohen on tv. donald trump was the greatesthan thined g that ever happenedse he is to this country. you know, now, of course, he's singing a different tune because he's trying to sell a book and he's on a revenge tour. i think that's the name thison book.o is you know, the guy is a pathological liar, someone who's been convicted of lying f in many forms. according to this letter, according to this letter, hemit now has another form. he lied through the fec, the federal election committee e . so he is in the least credible i human being in the world. so to build the case over himlit and i'm a former prosecutor, you would never take someone like that and build the case.brg as a matter of fact,nvisio alan briggs said a few months go . i can't envision a world wherea i would bring a casen th on the word of michael cohen
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against donald trump. something happened in those con two months where somebody yoalu did something to this guy to make him consider doing something is politically suicidal. is this this is absolute. t this will leave a stain on the legacy of that officen r that will exist in our lifetimea . and i really am hopeful thate someone is talking some sense into him because this will benee a case that they will never win, ever win. >> joe tacopina, thank you. so i tonight, the media mob and other democrats, they are voicing deep concernrump aboutnf protests that could take placeav if donald trump ever got indicted. and , of course, it didn't have a problem with the five hundred and o3 4 f1 actually peaceful, fiery, fiery, peaceful. ousand now, dozens of americans were killed, thousands of policemoloo officers assaulted, bricks, rocks, bottlesv, molotov cocktails and worse, entire city blocks burnedurned to to tl
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ground, resulting in billions in property damage. r electekamala harris, other eld democrats, media mob people actually promoting a bail fund in the case of kamal vioa harris to get violent rioters and arsonists out of jail. mpr published an op ed entitledc in defense of looting. aoc praise the riots, tweeting,o quote, the whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable. congressman bush, congresswoman bush excuse me, praised antifasd nancy pelosi said about the rioters, well, they're going to do what a riots they do. a few months later, maxine waters called on rioters, get more confrontational, get in their facional, ge and t. >> the hysteria was even worse. take a look. bartles. do what they do. this mostly protest. king it is not it is not, generally fires havenruly been started. is uhere needs to be unrest in the streets for as longt
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as there's unrest in our lives. >> and unfortunately, there's plenty to go around. noey're not going to stop and everyone beware because they're not goint they arg to st it is going to they're not going to stop before election day in november. and they're non day.t going to p after election day. >> show me where it sayst says the protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful. >> i don't know. we could have the summer of love. >> we have been covering these various peaceful protests, destroying w property which can be replaced is not violent. >> our country was started because this is how the boston tea party rioting.o no >>t so don't do not get itappee twisted and think that, oh, this is some something that haas not never happened beforees and this is so terrible. and where are wel in these savages? and all of that? >> this is how this country wasp started. i can with folks that arep saying we need to stop this unrest. we neeasd to stop violence,thoua as though charging someoneve thousand dollars a month forn' insulin that they needt vi to survive isn'tol violent. ke i
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>> all right. up, they democrats, the mob, the media, i know you can't make it up. they can spare us the feigned m phony outrage. t, my message has always been, by the way, if you wantpeacef to protest peacefully, do itay lawfully. >> violence is never, we okay. we condemn the riots in 2020. we condemn january six , lives n me this show, live on radio that day. and i wish i democrats and thelw media mob i wish they wouldhi forever be consistent like we are on this issue here with more form of florida attorney general pam bondi and fox news contributor in studio jason chaffetz. >> thank you, pam. donald trump uses the word. bu protest and everybody freaks out. but you just heard what you heard. can you explain that?n' to me? >> >> because i don't get it. >> yes. on the left goes aftere on republicans for threats to democracy when they're the ones who are calling for violence..
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peacwhen donald trump says peaceful protest, he means alacefuleful protest. by the way, i wish i was in. ree the studio with all of you tonight.what sheila di and what she did, what she did. our justice is sean calling for a worldwidy e end and the com justices will pay the price. john roberts had to comeou and defend the justices. remember what maxine waters di,d as a direct result of maxine waters calling for violence agains t conservatives. she got attacked at a moviet sp theater. yeahit, i got spit on . t i got yelled at. and you know what?us i would not leave that movie. nt and the police t wanted us to go out the back door. we went out the front door because we cannot let them intimidate us , nor will we act like them and behave like them.e >> let's get your take, jason .a you know, i served in congress. >> it was an honor and privilege to do so. but to have my fellow colleaguesd sayi going out and t unat they should get up in our face, make it uncomfortablef . remember when rand paul camewaln out of the white house and there was question about his safety with his wife walking out of the woods afterto
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the rnc convention, aftert it the convention, all sorts of times that they did this? >> isn't i at amazinmazig for yu that these people preach tolerance, but if you disagreeu thwith them, on , you know,figh, gloves off, they're ready to fight, throw thes ae and the terror that they put into these kamala harris, they're not going to stop. they shouldn't stop. s houldnthey're not going to stop before the election. they're not going to stop aftert the election. they shouldn't stop.eeting we'r oe not going to stop.nd t okay, and then tweeting out a bail fund to get the people involved. money, johnny, get him back out . m >> donald trump to my goodness. this >> oh, my goodness. it' no, this is the type it's such a one way street with them. and you know what?e when i see conservatives b and republicans show upri to protest, they bring in american flag. when these people show up to protest, they bring a gas gmask because they're going to actually knock some people and knock some heads and throw some thing ands that you don't t to be.up and the poor law enforcement officers, they have to put u
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>> with this garbage. it's terrible. w i mean, at least we support our law enforcement. they put their lives on the line. they should have to deal with this garbage night after night after night. >>ve pam, we give you the last word. yeah. and jason, that was so well said about law enforcement and sean, remember blm, it suddenly disappeared when we found out they're basicallred wy a ponzi scheme and all of it not so peaceful protest taxare h that blm did. ah, thanank goodnessk . now over because they were allyi criminals. >> all right, pam bondi, nexo st time, come in studio. you >> would you like to see pam? wt everybody okay, jason , greatwhw to have. interestine comeg to be with us. all right. when we come back right here in. studio, former vice, stra president mike pence will join us . you don't want to miss it.ig and much more straight ahead. oh, you guys ready? they're ready for it this spring. export everything. fox station has to offer for
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all right. we are less than one year untili the first republican primary. ie now, the race for the party's nomination is heating up. one possible for candidate, forn vp mike pence, made headlines this weekend and he's now calling for common sensend reforms on both social security and medicare. so what coulr yod that mean forv you, the american people? well, let's ase k let's give a warm hannity audience. fe >> welcome , former v.p. mike . good to see you. for the record, when i came out, i did not get a standing ovation. yes, i did. i actually did not. but what a great crowd right there. some people thank you for being here.
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let me let me ask you this question first. alcause it's news of the day, and this has to do with alvin bragg and the new york d.a. and what they're trying to do "t to president trump. fee >> and you called itls, quote, t feels like a politically motivated or politically acred prosecution here. >> what did you mean by that? well, look, i think what we're witnessing is what i call the criminalization of politics. >> i mean, the truthet m. the >> let me stipulate no one'se ac above the law, but no one is below the law. in the american people aresystei tired of a two tiered justice system in this country. >> i believe. i mean, we saw the we saw the politicization of the justice department during the trump pense years. we saw fbi agent fs falsifying documents to pursue the russia hoax. then we sad wew the whole zeleny zelensky phone call business and and it
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just hasn't stopped. and here you have here ins new york city this manhattan ong d.a. who literally campaigned on goingafter after one americ. you have an attorney general in this state that campaigned after going for going afterut one american. and let me say, i know nothingh. about the allegations. i'm not here to defend them. and i know president trump canif defend himself. but the american peopl. e are tired of politics playing t a role in justice. and i think tens of millions of americans look at what's happening in the manhattan d.a.'s office and say enoughoug is enough. we've goght to end this political prosecution of the presidend ent and endystem the politics. it's playing a role inar the our justice system. around the country. >> jim jordan, jim jordaninvest is investigatingig whether or nt the fbi has politicized and the doj is weaponizes. not i wonder and i do not believe at this point in history thatw r
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we have equal justice undertiono the law or equal application of our laws. >> it breaks my heart to say that what if we don't fix it? that takes away the heart ofs a our constitution, doesn't it? >> well, there's a reason why that statue outside of virtually every courthouse iounr the country, lady justice w is blind. >> and the truth is we all deserve equal treatment in the law. s >>over and it's one of the reass i spoke out on this over the weekend when i first heardhe rumors of it. >> i an m hopeful that as the american people have learned the more about this, i are hopeful that the manhattan d.a. thinks better of it, because the realit y is very, very bad week, thankfully. >> and i think lie's rethinking the whole thing. >> hhat. ie has to be this. you've brought an awful lotb yo to light on that. >> and i know everybody appreciates the job that the american people. but i want to i just want to say this is bigger than any
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one person. right.e un t and i think the american peoplei understand that, that in thisav instance, we simply have gote to we got to stand do the principle that the law needs to be equally applied jusi to agree with every person about we don'tce have equal for justice under the law. for example, nobody was held accountable for lying on a fisa application at the top of a fisa application. it says verified they used a dirty russian dossier paid for by hillary clinton. and it's unverifiable. inton. >> i it was all false or the fat that the fbi was working with big tech and 20, 20 and they meeting with them once a week and they were saying yofu might be a victim of this new information and it might be about joe biden or hunterat biden. so the new york post breakshe that story about a very realpori laptop and they didn't report it and they wouldn't even let people post on it. >> sup well, i think the suppression of the story about hunter biden's laptopy by virtually every artery ofatia the national media was hav
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a disgrace. and i've said so. but let me say this. >> this is bigger than just this instance that i honestlyits believe, whether it's the fbi going after a pro-life father, stan, or the fbi, a memorandumtg that targets people going to school board meetings to stand up for their kidsp fo interests in their schools, weak just we just got to make sure.nh >> we just got to make sure that we've taken the politics out of our justice. em asystem at every level. m >> and let me also say the american people are they're tired of a two tiered system of justic se, buta. they're also tired of the drama. you know, the justice department ought to be and local prosecutors ought to be focused on putting bad guys in jail. >> in this city, which is probably the crime rate in the flip side of it is as this i travel all over the country, seanis stuff, i have to tell you
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is not the stuff the american people are talking about. g ouere. ii mean, there are famt are hurting out there. i mean, i mett i met a mother at a gas station not long agoo to who told me that she has to go to a food bank twice a week because gasoline prices and grocery prices have dugge into their family budget heating and air conditioning prices. i'm telling you, you know,soli whether it's gasoline pricesne,> the crisis at our border, ea whether it's inflation at a 40 year high, literally, joe biden has weakened this country at home. >> we've got to have we got to focus on those issues that matter most to the american>> people. and that's where als seaf the ao the american people living paycheck to paycheck. >> many people are tapping into the pensions at a big losse ar to do so. thme people are putting bare necessities on a credit card. this is happening in america eci right now because of these horrible economic and energy policies. >> but competing, criticize people, criticize you because you say i'm proud of the four
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year record that i hadum with donald trump. p.i'm incredibly proud of the record of the trump pence administration left and more. prosperous than ever before.d ts and this administration has systematically dismantledt the progress that we have madeo at home and abroad. tebut i have to take that. wit as i said , most of the national media is obsessed with this most of the nationaldia is medie is obsessed with my old runningd mate. but as i travel around the country, the american people are deeply concerne d about what's happening in this, economy. they're deeply concerned about their familythey a deey budgetse deeply concerned about whether their children or grandchildren arw upe going to grow up in ame with as many opportunities incuou and i had. and i really do believe that it's it's incumbent on us to stand firm, to speak plainly, let our yes. be yes and our no be no. comes t when it comes to the equal treatment of the law.
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but i also believe that that, too, to win back america in the months and years ahead, we've got to focus on what the american people are focusedo on and that is securing this country at home and abroad and bringing back this economy for working families.g >> all i think i don't thinkt fo you guys got enough credit taking out sulimani. i don't think he got enough credit . >> during the trump pence years, there was a coalition put together, the u.s., israel, the saudis, historic egypt, jordan and the emirates against iranian hegemony and fightingno against a nuclear armed iran. okay, now we have china. i call it a new axis of evil with russia, including iran. that is according to reports, w close to a nuclear weapon. >> and north korea, a new alliance created and they want
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a new world order t joe biden, lots of balloon fly.o all over the country and spy u on us. >> you know, you go up, up and away and our beautiful balloo n, but no serious. >> and then russia takes outo one of our drones. there has beennc ne oro consequ no response, nothing. >> right.with well, let me let me just say, with regard to the america's place in the world, today, that there's a truism in history that weakness is evil and thatln disastrous withdrawal in afghanistan. afghan the capitulation, literally begging for the better part ofi, two years for iran to reenter ia the iran nuclear deal .tulati >>ng the capitulating on nord stream two to russia without securing any while killing off keystone. i , shutting down energy in this country. i believe that thaoft is sent a message of weakness around the world. it has emboldened the enemies enem. edomened the the answer is we havee amer to produce americaicn strength..
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>> and that begins are all right. i say your favorite question for laughs. f yeahe , a lot of speculation.runnin you're going to run fog r president in 2020 four .l kare >> where where are you in that process? well, karen and i've beeneves i taking the matter to prayer. >> we're a family that believesn in sean: i prayer, and i know yh >> and we've been traveling around the country, mrs. oh, erh by the way, these were the few new yorkers that are normal that you can mention. >> god , it'ans by the way, if n new york you mention god in the public school, you get arrested. but that's another story., >> iiled. g closer to but i tell you, we'g closer to a decision. we've gotten a lot ofow encouragement around the country. >> and , you know,-- our our our thought on this has less to do with us, less to do with my my son is a marine corps captain. my son-law is was a navy captai >> it has more to do with i think this country's in a lot of trouble..
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so di o i know wha.medi >> and i know the mediaobsess is obsessed about on any givenen day. but the truth of the matter is we have to produce leadership in this country thatu will take our country back to the policies that leftrr us stronger and more prosperous in the trump pense years. >> and if we can play a part int that, we will .le gentlemen, mike pence, thank you. straight ahead, his weakness on the world stage has never been more apparent. republicans are picking uppi the slack. we will explain. south dakotaup governor christie noem is next. >> a heart attack. do they have life insurance? no, but we have life insurance, john . i'm trying to find something we can afford. >> fortunately, in only a few minutes, selectquote found john a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty
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is by weakness on the world stage has never been. repu more apparent. bublicant republican leaders, thankfully, are pushing back against our adversaries now. yesterday, south dakota governor kristi noem signed a bill banning china and other ,quote, evil foreign governments from state contracts. and today, tick tick toc gk ceon was grilled by lawmakers on capitol hill over concerns that the social media company is spying on americans. >>. ake a look do you disagree with fbi whe director wray and nsa director nakasone when they said that the ccpp coul cot have the capability to manipulate data and senhed to the united states? i >> do you disagree with theirs statement? t has could. dul >>on so do you disagree with that? no, i don't disagree.erican >> that has bitin spied on american citizens. >> i don't think their spying is the right way to describe it. south dakota governor kristi
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noem is with us . >> governor , how are you? . we got a great crowd that wish you were here. es you all right.e he itre sounds like it. so you were the first one of the first governors to say no ci to tiktok. now, your bandna and, china andr evil foreign governments from state contracts and you mention them, you know, china, cuba, iran, korea, russia, venezuela.n thank god you're doing that. thank god you're leading frontry on this front. >> i wish every governor will follow sui>>t. e acti well, it's been wonderful to see some of them take action. after we did, we were a state that first brought the ban of tiktok on state devices and on our servers. we made it a criminal offense. if a state employee or someone did download or access it from one of our devices, and jeopardize people's personal information, over 30 30 states took action after did here in south and then we sas wew congress t as well ban it for federal devices as well.
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it's been great to see them hold hearings finally and to be talking about thi s importantrty wi issue, recognize that the chinese communist partym inb will put its people througonh n order to keep them in. i hope the american people are willing to be just a little bit inconvenienced to protect their freedom, because that's is about.t this it's about giving up and it's about giving up an app to not o allow our enemies to spy on usud and manipulate our children. and to use algorithms i ncto influence us . other it's incredibly important that we take action like this. i'm so gratefustates a il that r states are taking action and the federal government as well. >> well, could you maybejoetello joe biden and tell him the nextn time a chinese spy balloon i flies over our entire country? yes. maybe they should shoot it down before it gets over alaska , you know,ituse they got away with that and then he leh tat putikingn gy with taking out one ofof w our drones. now, to me, that's nothinges but a sign of weakness and thatr agr
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will incur further aggression. we seeespresid president presidt putin basically hugging i and kissing each other in love.s seems like a romance is nowo th brewing, but it's a danger tha to the world , isn't it?se >> oh, absolutely.s and that's why you see governors taking action. that's why i brought ann st executivate order months ago to ban state contracts and telecommunication contactsit within the state. that's we got that codified into law, signed it yesterday that now no evil foreign will be able to gain revenue from business with the state of south. to help. l follow thata l as well. and i brought legislation thatf' would keep china from buying our land here. so i'm hopeful thatl we'll continue to see progresson on that. listen, the only reason that w feel like we havbee to be so aggressive is because our federal government, our president, our failingresid they are endangering the american people. they are weak. and so governorsk. governoe have a responsibility, a duty to protect our people. and that'su why you see us getting so engaged on these foreign policy issues. >> your name, governor , comes u
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up in terms of a possible candidate for twenty , twenty , or have you consider that?ell yo >> are you considering that? feo >>ur i tell you what, i am considering going to bed in a few hours when i get done with that, i work today. - >> so i you of the lot to do.ou but i like to do here with is grateful that you're willing to chat with us once if thnat w a while. >> sure. if tha i woult wasn't mad so funny i wd really be mad. yo iu didn't answer the questioo nsidbut is there any, any consideration at all? eed a pren cou know, listen, i think we really need a president in this countr wy that doesn't wake upii every day dreaming of beingizest president . i want somebody who recognizes the responsibility of the joheew how important it is right now to do it for the right reasons. we need a different the president than the one that we've got. and i think thatright we've got to get the right leader in this country so we all get theomor chance to wake up, savroe tomorrow morning. all right.n: i wil so i'll take i'll take that as you would consider if somebody asks you to be vp.
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i'm just guessing.or, but honestly, governor , thank you. thanks for what you're doing. thanks for your leadership on this. we appreciate it. xtbiden'thanks for being right. up next, find something to get a load, a series of very cringe worthy blunders today. jimmy failla and tooter dixon right here in studio. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? i know it's scary. you can't fall asleep. you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep you need to stay healthy unless you use relaxium sleep relaxium sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night you try it. it helps you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed. >> earning your body those quality hours of sleep that it desperately needs to prevent so
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please join us by visiting als dog. >> thank you. are your president. joey mad ae a very important policy announcement at hoe today. s babies >> he loves babies. >> take a look at drug inf companies that raise prices faster than inflation. now,ke that's right. we. like babies to work.i li so we talk right back .r
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i like babieths better people ob . >> he loves maybe he will stop forcingtaxpar taxpayers to pay for planneds parenthood. >> an abortionto pay for one ren joe might prefer babies h to people is that, well, peoplel just don't seel,m to like him. look, this new ap poll, biden's approval rating now is almost back to its lowest recorded level. but don't worry about 2020 four is approaching. >> hillary clinton has a big announcement. it? >> go up. oh, my god.inton, what is it? it's hillary clinton. she's running wild.s she's running again. >> here i am. harry, you're running again. well, i sure care. and i just got here early forch the new class we're teaching together on foreigton policye th decision making. now, what are situe we going tom it inside the situation room? >> yes. and i'll cover the theory of w political decision making
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and strategy and i'll cover what it was actually like in the room. >> now, ife, you'll excuse me,i karen, i've got to run. all right.>> sea let's give a warmn: welcome to former michigan gubernatorial candidatf the, hot of the tooter dixon podcast. it's on i heart radio, dixon and fox, of course, americameria host's jimmy fallon show. it's so great i interview you do all these, you know, timesr and i never met you. >> welcome to new york. what are you doing here? i'm here to see you. is that okay? have you. that's great. bui t i havewo i worry about republicans winning michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, of high because so many people areut saying bye bye. the sick high taxes, shutdowns, and they're going to low taxs, states like texas, florida, tennessee, the carolinas. we're goingressig to getve more aggressive, though. we're going to go afterfter michigan in a different way,n like the dems are going after r michigan with technology. campg we're going to reach out years to voters in different ways. we're still campaigning likego.t was fifteen years ago. so we have to change that. o
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we're going to do it., you we're noart i refuse to give up on michigan. >> you are trying to and i'm not going to .e with do m you agree with me?republ republicans need to get rid of the resistance and reluctance they have to voting early on . >> but yes, yes, yes. and most states allow legal ballot harvesting and democrats of playing that game. and republicanblicans s are not. democrats are playing a totally different game. we are comin ife. this g to a gunfight with a knife. we're this is ridiculous. we hav de got to absolutely we have to change what we'rend y doing. >> we're going to anou ad we'ret going to win. tooter, you're not movinm nog? a >>n: no, not that. well, your beloved president loves babies. >>t jump in lovjus on that? babies because they both wear the reason he loves babies is because they both wear diapers. >> i mean, diape it was where i. there was an aliyu penalty. come on .t man. did was there or was it all ally the way you go right. there you go . are you.
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that's to you.t? what arethat you talking bout. oh, that was ridiculous. okay, i do hate what a taxpayers, especially people of conscience, have to pay forpe other people's abortions. ople's a porand why it's outrag. >>yo it's outrageous. but everything you nee abod to c se you should or not run again can be seen in that video by how nervous people are when h when hee picks up the ba you know, the video to make it look like when i was on vacation with my mom and dad, go to that one niceaby. souvenir shop. and she was like, don't touchy anything. f colu thin's joe arounmbd the baby. but really quick, the hillarye at columbia thing. yeahri , a little ridiculous. she's teaching a class on foreign still better than the time bill taught sex ed to theintern. interns. but, oh, sorry sorry. he is >> but what i wanted to sayn hi to that, though, he's way on his a game tonight. oh, hi.. i don't think the this is your columbi but i don't think because it's foreign policy, i don't think the people at columbia knoa knos like a warmonger. she was, you know, like sheregie hasn't even started class. she's already calling for regime change at yale. like she's not she's not messing around. >> tutor let's talk about the twenty twenty four race.
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and my personat l opinion is it will get nasty at the end. ght o it always does, buw,t it seems to be getting pretty intense. right now.e >> your thoughts on that?'s yeah, absolutely.s well, it's going to be intense, but it's different this time run socause you see a trump running after. we've already seen, ump is usinp running. we krump i is using the same tactics that he used in 2016. but we know those tactics. and so now you have candidates that understand what he's going. >> if you were running against him, would you want one of his nicknames? i don't know.i don' i don't thint k it would be nice . >> i don't want to be horsee is face or something like to .s no. wow. ce on she's just fishing forn, companionship. oh come on , dixon. it' you're better than that. do yous want to know why, becae though? really quicky know, why it's so cutthroat is because they know whoever wins this primartoywillb is going to be president . anyone, anyone will be fired. any any trump baron trump woulde be welcome to new york. thank you for being with us. jimmy fallon. thank you for having me. right after shop now for
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streaming now on fox nation. all right. programing note before you go . don't forget tune in monday night. j donald j. trump for the entire houumr on camera right here on hand and join us .nnity. please set your dvr.s al unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. but in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. let's give a warm welcome to the great laura ingraham. >> say hi, laura . hi, everybody. hey, sean. how may i make an announcement to the audience? okay, hang on . laura wants to make an announcement to the audience. i would make everybody in the audience tonight gets a free football and a free beer. >> let's get a free beer, okay? oh yeah. so, yeah, i have a good one . everybody that got a football. hold up your football. yeah. it's almost game. and you going to give them beer. actually sean has a keg.
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