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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  March 24, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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sometimes you have to think fast. watch here. the video of a high school softball player are texas going viral. rounding third. the throw from the outfield beat her and she went to first base. the catcher went for it. she was just goofing around and amazed she did it. a great way to end the week. thank you for being with me this week, john. >> john: great being with you. >> dana: martha maccallum is in for harris, "the faulkner focus" is up next. >> president biden hinting at a run for re-election. numbers not looking so good. let's look at the president's approval numbers as the list of struggles that he faces clearly gets longer. his second in command not doing well, either. a former white house official, a huge headline this morning. telling reuters if he did not
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think she was capable he would not have picked her but it is a question of consistently rising to the occasion and there is a lot more in this piece from these reuters reporters about how biden feels about vice president harris according to this report. peter doocy joins us live at the white house. >> that quote in that reuters story has officials here doing something they almost never do, which is weigh in on palace intrigue. the new white house communications director saw that story and posted this. the reuters report on vp is silly season material. here are the facts. vp has shaped and helped pass historic legislation improving lives and lowering costs for working families across the country. v.p. is leading the fight against the rollback of women's rights. the vice president's detrackors make up a imagine or tore of those polled.
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36% approval. a major drag on the biden/harris numbers, the economy. 68% disapprove of the handling. president biden said recently he intends to run for reelect onand teased this on tuesday. >> president biden: i'm looking for back-to-back myself. [cheers and applause] >> remember during the last cycle hoping to rally democrats who had dropped out around his candidacy, president biden offered himself up as a bridge candidate to help the country transition from his generation to the next. but in one of his only comments about the possibility of handing things off, he told us this. >> you ever talk to aides about a one-term pledge? >> president biden: i never have. i don't have any plans on one term. i'm not even there yet.
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>> for as long as it's possible president biden could be in office for another term, he carries a lot of extra clout. there is a practical disadvantage to announcing that he wouldn't run again if that's what they decide. that would be you become a lame duck. martha. >> peter doocy at the white house. hutcheson, former republican of arkansas and jonathan kott, assistant to joe manchin are here this morning. jonathan, i want to get your reaction to more of these comments that surfaced in the piece this morning that peter referenced about how the president feels about his vice president, kamala harris and at least according to this reporting, it says these former officials say that biden thinks that harris couldn't beat trump if she were the democrat nominee in 2024. she isn't somebody who takes
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anything off his plate and that she is too tentative and hesitant when it comes to engaging on major issues. those are strong sentiments, jonathan. >> sure. i would like to see those people put their names to that instead of giving blind quotes. the president and vice president have done some historic things. so we faced things, the pandemic, economic collapse. he brought us out of those things. it was the biden/harris team that did it like the obama/biden team that did it in 2008 and 2012. they have to find a way to work together and what she can take off his plate, what he doesn't want to take on. keep in mind this is a president who has taken on some of the most historic challenges we've had in our country and he beat them and helped us come out of them stronger. i think the two of them are completely fine and getting ready to run for re-election and
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i expect they win like they did in 2020 because i think donald trump will be running against him. >> it is interesting. a lot of this sentiment surfacing out there on both sides of the aisle when maybe some people in the party are sort of hankering for a change or want to get a message out there. what is your take on these comments surfacing now? what do you think it means politically in the back rooms of your -- of the other party? >> actually i think what the american people are saying, we do not want to have a repeat of the biden/trump campaign. that's not something that intrigues them. they don't see that moving our country forward. in reference to president biden, i think his numbers are starting to get locked in. these are very, very low numbers. but whenever you talk about the principle problem that americans face right now is simply the
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economy and the inflation that is inspired by this administration excessive spendsing has led to high interest rates. the american consumer and families getting hit by high prices and high interest rates that impact them and now we see it impacting in terms of our banks and sure he took quick action. it all starts with that inflationary pressure from excessive spending and he is being held accountable as a president should. his numbers reflect that. of course, then you have the challenges abroad, the weakness that has been shown. i think this illustrates that the american people are saying let's have a change in leadership and i certainly hope that's not going to be reflective of a biden/trump contest in 2024. >> let's pull up this poll. it is a brand-new one that came out this morning. these polls are really shocking when you dig into this "wall
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street journal" data which i think shows a massive amount of pessimism about the future in this country. it is stunning, really. 78% think that the country is going in the wrong direction and you can compare that to when this president was inaugurated it was at 49%. almost a 30% jump in people who feel we're headed in the wrong direction, people don't think college education is worth it. they think their kids won't be as well off as they are. jonathan, what's going on in the country? >> i think we faced a lot of challenges. covid hit the country and the world hard. inflation is a global phenomenon and you say inflation rates higher in a lot of european countries. the president is stepping up to meet all these challenges. i think there will be -- >> why are the numbers going in the wrong direction? >> we keep getting challenge after challenge. economy was looking better. we had the bank collapse. we have had these things that keep popping up.
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the president is meeting all of these challenges. >> you can say that but we also have seen people attacked in syria this morning by an iranian drone. there is a question about how strong we are as a nation. what we are projecting and how good a job we are doing at running the country. the federal reserve and these banks. these things don't just happen. they happen because of policy. >> the president has united the world to defend ukraine against russia. that's something he has done. that's showing our strength around the world and showing china they don't have the ability to invade taiwan. that's showing them what will happen if they try doing that and yes, i agree with elizabeth warren. the fed should have stepped in sooner and done something on the banks. as these problems arise the president steps up to the challenge. >> let's get in this one other piece. president biden we've seen some
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bizarre moments questionable in terms of the things that come out of his mouth to be perfectly frank and we've seen three of them just over the past two days. watch this. >> president biden: we like babies. you don't have to worry about it. it is okay. it's all right. [applause] matter of fact i like babies better than people. puts message on my mirror when i'm shaving to make sure i see them. one that was put in about a year ago was stop trying to make me love you. >> governor hutcheson you what i do think about these gaffes? >> i don't know whether they are bad jokes or misinformation or what. but it obviously is concerning whenever you see a president doesn't articulate as clearly as
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should be and provides an inspiring message. we all make mistakes in our speech but it is important to clearly communicate policy and direction and we don't see that in this president. and while you have palace intrigue and while you can have worry about his ability to communicate, the biggest challenge is the policy, whether it's what's happening in higher education that nobody is happy with, or the concern with the economy, or the concern with weakness abroad. that is the overarching concern. these other things are more humorous and disconcerting in a smaller way. >> are they disconcerting to you, jonathan, or do you maintain full confidence in this president and want him to run again? >> full confidence. i like babies more than adults. i like dogs more than people. >> he said more than humans. >> he was saying i like babies more than dogs. i hope one day to have a
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marriage that seems as happy and loving as he has with the first lady and he misspoke. he wants to keep guns out of the hands of domestic activities. i would rather have a president that misspeaks on that and doesn't try to stop the guns getting into their hands. he misspoke. i think it's fine. his record is one he should be proud to run on and i hope he is announcing later. he shouldn't focus on campaigning right now. his record is something he can stand on. i have no problem supporting him for another four years. >> thank you very much. good to have you here this morning. thank you. the u.s. striking back with lethal force after an iranian drone killed an american contractor and wounded several service members in northern syria. the bigger question, was the islamic republic emboldened by the big meeting between the leaders of russia and china this
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week? something that people are calling a new axis of evil. plus republicans not backing down on their promise to empower parents. democrats not so much on board with this. watch. >> our constitution gave the power to our parents to make sure that we empower our young people and they can be involved in their learning and education. >> it is a stark reminder of the different visions for america the two parties have. mike johnson is here and will weigh in coming up next. get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high-rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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children's privacy, the date
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that can't be set around and parents should know what they do with it. democrats thought it was too extreme. we thought parents should know if there is any violent activity on campus. not just your child but to any so you will be warned. democrats thought it was too extreme. today was a win for every mother, every father, most importantly for every student in america. you have a parent bill of rights now. unfortunately, the democrats are too extreme to believe that parents should have a say in their kids' education. the bill will go on to the senate. we hope they can take it up. this is a win and change for america. we watched just a short time ago the biden administration would go after parents if they went to school board meetings just to find out what was happening. we watched a father get arrested at a school board meeting when his daughter was attacked in a bathroom. all that is changing today.
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you now have a say in your kids' education. you get the warning if there is any violence on the campus and get to know where money is being spurned and reading materials and protect your children's privacy as well. i want to thank people for all the members putting this across the line and for the american public to trust us with the majority and keeping our promise to you. our commitment to america, the parents will have a say in their kids' education. let me bring up steve scalise, our majority leader. >> thank you, mr. speaker. today was an important victory for parents who deserve to have a say in their kids' education. it is unbelievable that here in washington you didn't see everybody coming together for such a basic right. the parents bill of rights. the fact that not a single democrat would vote to allow parents to have a say in their kids' education shows you how extreme this democrat party has
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become in washington. yet parents have been calling for this for two years. we saw during covid with shutdowns and lockdowns where parents looked beneath the veil and saw what was happening in their kids' education. many were alarm they weren't seeing their kids learning reading, writing and math. they saw things that made them concern to ask questions saying can i see my kids' curriculum? there were union bosses who didn't want their kids to be able to find out what was going on in the classroom. they didn't want the parents to know. so we brought forward the parents bill of rights. i applaud all the members of the education committee for making this a priority. as speaker mccarthy said when we laid out our commitment to the america we would fight for those families left behind. up here in washington some issues should be so straight forward that everybody should come together. if they are not, then at least we're willing to stand up and
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fight for those parents and kids who were being left behind. who were being denied opportunity. so here in washington today, members of congress had a choice to make. do you stand with union bosses or parents and their kids? there was no middle button to press. you either sided with the union bosses, who don't want parents to see what is happening in the classroom, or you side with the parents and their kids. all of us here today are proud to say we as house republicans sided with parents having a right to be involved in their kids' education. if democrats will be too extreme like they showed they are today we'll fight for them anyway and let's have a senate hear from parents across america and president biden hear from parents across america and maybe they'll get the message. we'll keep fighting for them. the man who delivered the votes as our whip, tom emmer. [applause] >> tom emmer about to speak for a few moments. let's see what democrats were
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saying yesterday about the bill. you hear the back and forth from congressman scalise why they couldn't get common ground. >> bills like this make schools more hostile and results in hate, bigotry and death. >> jamming the extreme maga republican ideology down the throats of the children and the parents. >> when we talk about progressive values, i can say what my progressive value is. that is freedom over fascism. >> congressman mike johnson, louisiana republican, member of the house armed services and house judiciary committees and chairman on the subcommittee on constitution and limited government and weaponization of federal government. that's a lot of committees. good to see you, sir. thank you for being here today. explain to people at home as they hear both sides of this. they hear an argument from kevin
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mccarthy and steve scalise that it is good common sense for schools and the other side says it will promote hate and even death. explain to people what this bill that you all just passed, what does it actually do? >> listen, i think the comments from democratic colleagues speak for himself. it is absurd they would say such things and that we would need to have the vote we had today, martha. the supreme court has acknowledged the obvious fact that parents have a fundamental and constitutional right to make the decisions with regard to their care, custody and control of their own children and should be able to go and exercise the first amendment right to go to a school board meeting and advocate for curriculum decisions and other things. washington democrats and their allies on the left believe they know better than parents and they have been trying to censor and silence parents' views, keep them out of these decisions. we affirmed once again what has
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always been known in this country and acknowledged widely that parents shh ube -- should be the ones to have the say in those things. >> intimidating parents to silence and you looked at garland's order to look at parents at school board meetings and one man had this testimony. >> a few days after the letter garland mobilized federal law enforcement officials. he claimed it was focused on violent acts. but his own memorandum sweeps much broader and it chilled parents in exercising their rights. >> this was fascinating. at the time we had the sense we didn't know what events they were pointing to that would sort of justify this kind of reaction from the f.b.i. to these school board meetings. a newly released email chain from october 4th, 2021, the day mr. garland issued the memo reveals some senior officials were not on board with this
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directive and pushing for the department of justice to reconsider this letter with one f.b.i. attorney in the email chain saying i hope d.o.j. reconsiders. another employee wrote requesting it be reworded because it essentially equated some parents with terrorists in this country. >> it directly equated them and then the f.b.i. under the direction of attorney general merrick garland and the department of justice used counter terrorism resources to assign a domestic terrorist threat tag to parents showing up at school board meetings. it is outrageous. the u.s. attorneys in the system and the field agents in the f.b.i. offices we now are subpoenaing documents to show they were not on board with this. they recognized how far over the line it was. the department of justice was weaponized to engage in this leftist agenda against parents who were merely showing up at school board meetings.
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remember, the protests mask mandates and school closures and curriculum decisions. a fundamental right of parents to be able to have a say over what their children are taught in their schools and the policies there. we are still searching and getting to the bottom of this to figure out why and how it happened and to ensure it never happens again. we have to have accountability for this. our agencies including the department of justice are way out of control now. they really are weaponized. >> i think parents have a right for their children be actually educated and we have school systems across the country where kids aren't even proficient in reading and writing at grade level. we have to get some sort of satisfaction for parents on that level. they should assume their kids will be proficient in reading. we need to get back to the basics in a lot of places here. thank you very much. always good to see you, sir. fox news alert now a pentagon
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official says that an iranian proxy forces launched some seven rockets at a military base in northern syria near the oil field. no injuries reported. this attack coming after the united states retaliated from the iranian drone strike that killed an american contractor and injured five u.s. service members. u.s. air strikes targeted an arms depot at a port in syria. eight iranian fighters were killed in that strike. there is a grave warning of the growing threat from iran. >> i ran is taking actions to approve its capabilities to produce a nuclear weapon. they make the decision to do so while continuing to build missile forces. they could produce missile material for a nuclear weapon in less than two weeks and only several more most to produce an actual nuclear weapon. the united states remains committed as a matter of policy that iran will not have a
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nuclear weapon. >> jennifer griffin joins us with more. good morning. >> good morning. this is one of the first times that i can remember the pentagon putting out a statement blaming iran for killing a u.s. citizen and targeting u.s. service mombers. u.s. contractor was killed by an iranian drone strike on thursday in syria. the target was a maintenance facility shared with the kurdish syrian defense forces. five u.s. service members and one contractor were wounded in the attack. two service members were trothed on site and three additional american troops and u.s. contractor were evacuated to medical facilities in iraq. the u.s. response was swift. president biden directed lloyd austin to launch precision air strikes in eastern syria against facilities used by iran's revolutionary guard cord. austin said in a statement these
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precision strikes are intended to protect and defend u.s. personnel. no group will strike our troops in impunity. iran proxy forces launched seven rockets at a u.s. base in northeast syria near an oil field. no u.s. casualties and no damage to that base. a general visited syria in november and met with the 900 u.s. troops based there ahead of core testimony last week. >> today iran possesses the largest and most diverse arsenal in the middle east. many missiles capable of striking anywhere in the middle east and the largest uav force in the region. >> this attack by iranian backed forces poses a significant challenge to the white house which was caught flat footed earlier this month when china brokered a surprise reconciliation deal between iran
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and saudi arabia. it comes a day after china and russia vowed to join forces to create a new world order while meeting in moscow. >> a lot of things shifting in the middle east. thank you very much jennifer griffin at the pentagon. the tiktok ceo was torched over danger to national security and health and safety of our children yesterday. president biden's long-time denials knowing anything about hunter's business dealings continue to collapse today. >> president biden: i did not know he was on the board of that company. i found out he was on the board after he was on the board. i have never discussed my business or their business, my son's business. i never discussed a single thing with my son. never spoken to my son about that. >> newly-released emails show that then vice president
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personally helped draft responses to his son's controversial deals. marc thiessen next.
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give us a call. >> they can encourage you to engage in behavior to destroy your life. it could happen in the future. the long term goal of the chinese communist party is the demise of american power. >> five hours lawmakers pressed tiktok's ceo over national security at the hearing yesterday. a huge focus on the app's chinese ownership as well. and the impact on children. one child dying after attempting a choking challenge. another taking his own life after being fed hour after hour of psychologically disturbing videos on his tiktok account. they confronted the ceo directly. >> i can find videos with kids
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actively choking themselves, 50 of them within five minutes easily. when i find the same ones every single day and report them they never get taken down and here four years later they are still up. >> he is not concerned with anything of dealing with this. his concern is with china. this doesn't scare him. china scares him. he is not going the modify his behavior because there isn't a threat here. >> heartbreaking what these parents have gone through and they are not the only ones by far. there are so many examples of kids who have taken their lives after being exposed to these videos pushed to them. fox business correspondent grady trimble live on capitol hill for us. >> really disturbing. we saw some of them in the hearing yesterday. i think as that five-hour hearing went on, the chances of a tiktok ban just grew and grew. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle critical and skeptical of
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tiktok ceo chew's performance yesterday. he didn't calm lawmakers' worries from their relationship with the chinese party, addictive nature and ability to flag and remove that harmful content you reference. chew tried to sell lawmakers on what the company calls project texas to have an american third party oversee the app's data and algorithm. lawmakers accused him of dancing around their questions. those who don't support an outright ban of particular tiktok say congress needs to do something. >> by the end of the hearing i was more convinced than ever that the communist party controls them. the project texas is a joke. >> he says project texas. i don't care about project texas right now. i care about what is happening now. >> a number of business leaders, including apple ceo tim cook,
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are in beijing for a forum where they will have the opportunity to meet with heads of the ccp. the "wall street journal" reports american ceos there plan to keep a low profile as tensions between the u.s. and china grow. back on tiktok, the company put out a statement right after that hearing ended saying that it was all about political grandstanding from lawmakers. so you could see from the company's perspective, martha, they were in cleanup mode right away. there wasn't a single positive review of chew's performance yesterday. >> hard to say the parents are grandstanding. they have had very personal experiences with this and are speaking out. thank you very much. one progressive congressman doubled down say concerns over tiktok are rooted in racism. watch this. >> republicans have been beating the anti-china drum since even before they took control of the
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house of representatives. and this is more governing through fear mongering without actual evidence. >> marc thiessen, former white house speech writer and columnist for the "washington post." this feels like the ground is shifting under this issue after this hearing yesterday. but to hear bowman going back to what we heard a lot of during covid, too, was that anything that sort of smacks of questioning the chinese government's role is deemed racist by some. >> if yesterday's hearing is any indication he is a minority even within his own party. there is not a lot of things today that republicans and democrats agree on but the fact that tiktok is a threat to our country and children, there is bipartisan unity on that as we could see yesterday. he got hammered from both sides from the left and right on everything. with good reason. look, to downloading tiktok onto
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your phone is like downloading your own personal chinese spy. the chinese communist party can track key strokes and location, track your face print and voice print, they can read your messages and read your passwords and read anything you type into your phone. all that information is stored and at the beck and call of the chinese communist party. you look at the outrage in this country over the nsa surveillance program under the bush administration which just collected phone numbers, no names associated with them. we were outraged our government had that information. the chinese communist party has the content of your communications at its beck and call whenever it wants. this thing should have been banned five minutes ago. >> a great point, marc. your thoughts on the newly released emails that show then vice president biden personally approving a 2015 statement about hunter's business dealings for years we have heard this, watch.
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>> president biden: i don't know what he was doing. i did not know he was on the board of that company. i've never discussed my business or their business, my son's or daughters. >> i never discussed a single thing with my son having to do with ukraine. >> never spoken to my son. i have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses period. >> jonathon turley saying the only reason biden would even attempt to maintain this clearly false defense is he could count on a supportive media to blunt attacks and limit inquiries. at some point democratic leaders will have to recognize the obvious or join the bidens and many journalists in the cast of this theater of the absurd, marc. >> he sound like colonel klink from hogan's heroes. i know nothing. it is untrue. others have reported that fact.
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not only did he know, the vice president's office was working with hunter biden's business partners to suppress stories about it. you have emails from the communications director with hunter biden's business partner talking about what the vice president was being asked in interviews and assuring him that they were doing their best to suppress. what is more disturbing is the response from the reporters. one email she said the reporter assured mmef she is doing everything she cannot to use it and she will only use it if her editors hold a gun to her head. this is -- if this was donald trump's son or one of his kids and -- every investigative reporter in america would be going after this story with visions of pulitzer prizes dancing in their heads. because it's joe biden they let it slide because the mission isn't to destroy joe biden. the mission was to destroy donald trump. >> do you sense that there is a
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shift here on this story that is happening? >> as the facts come out eventually they can't ignore it. but if you look at most of the reporting on this, it is us, it's the "new york post," it's -- i don't see a big front page story in the "new york times" about this now or other mainstream papers. i don't encourage anyone to flip the channels. you won't see a segment on this. maybe the facts will become so obvious they can't ignore it but if this was someone whose politics they didn't like, they would be talking about it 24/7 and sending their best investigative reporters to dig up dirt. >> sad but true. thank you very much. good to see you. culture wars hitting the ice again. another pro-hockey team deciding against wearing pride jerseys during their warm-ups. why the team says it needs to protect its players. liberal critics are not happy
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about that decision. plus the world athletics council not caving to the woke agenda. track and field body sticking to its ban on trans women competing with biological women. joe concha next. like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. subway keeps upping their game with the subway series. an all-star menu of delicious subs. there's the philly, the monster, the boss. if i hadn't seen it in person, i wouldn't have believed it. eating is believing steph. the subway series. try subway's tastiest menu upgrade yet. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps?
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>> track and field's governing body getting flak for what some call common sense. banning trans women from competing with biological women if they went through male puberty already. they say it's about fairness. alex hogan from london. >> this decision is already getting a lot of backlash from human rights groups that say this is discriminatory. the president of world athletics made this announcement yesterday saying that they will definitely be a lot of changes. criticism but it is necessary for equality in female sports. the main changes we'll see is the ban on athletes who went through male puberty from competing in female world ranking competitions. the second stage will cut with sex development differences slashing the maximum amount of
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testosterone in half. 5 to 2.5. according to the national institute of health women on average have testosterone levels from 0 to 1.7. now the maximum is 2.5. so athletes will need to maintain these testosterone levels for at least half a year. that change will directly impact athletes like a two-time champion. she will have to undergo hormone suppressing treatment for six months to compete. same goes for a woman from -- they were born girls but medical conditions that cause some male traits. a final change we see in the decision that came out yesterday from world athletics is also banning russian and belarus athletes from competing. this, of course, amid the ongoing war in ukraine.
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>> thank you very much. alex hogan from london. let's bring in joe concha, columnist for the hill and fox news contributor tore. all of these sports governing bodies are in positions where they have to make decisions about this. this one was interesting. saying in these circumstances we decided to prioritize fairness and integrity of female competition before inclusion. >> it's the right priority. my wife ran track at georgetown, division one. you know what kind of sacrifice goes into competing in sports at that level. you know that from your son who played linebacker at notre dame. i met and talked to him about this. it's a full-time job. my wife says imagine if you are a swimmer, for instance, and you go through the grueling process of making it to the ncaa
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championship and then you are on the blocks about to dive into water and look down and you see a six fought something male who says she is a female in the form of leah thomas and you have to race against this person seeing the times thomas put up and knowing before the race starts that you are going to lose because that person has a biological advantage just like we saw during the steroid era in baseball. some players having a chemical advantage over other players. it is the same situation here. the governing body here made exactly the right choice in the name of all those females competing against those they know they don't have a shot against because of the biological advantages. it is common sense. not anti-anything. it is pro-fairness, martha. >> you think about how long it took for women's sports to achieve parity with men's sports in terms of funding at universities and high schools and expanding the options of
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sports that were available to young women across the country. and i think you make a very interesting analogy with some of the drugs that baseball players were taking. what you want to do is remove unfair advantages. you want people to be able to train as hard as they can and compete on a fair level. this is sparking backlash online because these subjects always do. a blanket ban seems unfair. another called it appalling declaring we will not stand for this, joe. >> yeah. social media for you, right? a cess pool on twitter in general. everybody has a right to their opinion, of course. in this situation to say it's unfair for the very few who have that advantage not to be able to compete against the very many who are simply doing it naturally, i don't see how that is unfair. this is prioritizing sports in the way it should be
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prioritized. >> i want to ask you about this one. the chicago blackhawks are now the fourth team to bail on wearing pride jerseys during their team warm-ups. the team decided not to wear these jerseys due to security concerns, they said. for their russian players because of their home country's anti-lgtbq laws. it began this month when a flyers and goalie for the sharks refused to wear the pride jerseys like the rest of the team was doing and cited religious reasons. watch. >> i have no hate in my heart for anyone on this specific instance i personally choosing not to endorse something, sexual orientation that is counter to my convictions based in the bible which i consider the highest authority of my life. >> so interesting. lots of backlash. personally i don't get how your
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religious objections you can't wear the pride night jersey and play then. when do hockey fans say enough is enough? at what point do they stop cheering? i hope soon. joe. >> we have seen from commentators on espn that call these players bigoted. we saw that sound bite there. the player is very respectful in saying that look, due to my religious beliefs i can't wear this jersey yet he is called a bigot, right? when did we get to a point in this country where you can't express yourself in the way you would like, including protest and objections to things that go against your religious beliefs? we saw it with the tampa bay rays in baseball. the philadelphia flyers, a player there that refused to wear this jersey and cited their religious beliefs but they are called bigoted. it is wrong.
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>> it seems a lot sometimes to ask players to wear the different colors and do different things to support something that they may or may not be interested in. it seems like we have gone too far down this road of making them take on these roles that some of these folks don't want to do. thank you very much. always good to see you. >> thank you, have a good weekend. >> thanks for watching "the faulkner focus" today. i will see you at 3:00 eastern on the "the story." "outnumbered" is up right after this break. see you this afternoon, everybody.
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9:00 am
>> missiles slam into another u.s. military air base in syria and iran back fighters retaliate after president biden ordered air strikes in response to a deadly drone attack that killed an american contractor and injured five u.s. service members. this is "outnumbered" on this friday. i'm kayleigh hello everyone, i am


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