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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  March 24, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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from chipley, florida, is kamal putting wax on the air force on you guy thought they looked pretty good in his yearbook picture, how about show us your yearbook picture. >> how about i don't. tucker is up next, always remember, i am waters and this is my world. ♪ >> good evening, and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. it has been a long week and the news business. all sorts of things you thought could never happen did in fact happen in vice versa, a whole bunch of predictions failed to materialize, the big theme of the week was lying, there was a extraordinary amount of lying, at this point the people in charge seem like they tell the truth only by accident freight
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somebody in power will say something true and is swiftly punished for it. can't have that. it's infuriating to watch, but it's also if you look at it right, fear him using. these are not sophisticated deceptions for this is not dwight eisenhower planning. this is your five -year-old telling you he never touch the birthday cake. if you're human, you will laugh cake? what cake. it's hilarious, the kid has no idea how he relates ticketless years. with that spirit in mind, we ar going to devote the next hour a a special presentation on lying in american politics for it we will stay are best to stay amused because that's much better than being angry. we're going to start with what could be the funniest lie of th year. vladimir putin blew up natural russia's natural gas line to europe. why would they do that? because he's evil pray t so evi
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he murdered his own country's economy for the thrill of doing it. that's evil, it takes a bad man to declare war against himself. next he will be invading moscow. that was their story, the story the biden administration told u and every single news organization and the country with no exceptions at all, backed up that lie. of course they did it. there was for a moment a perfectly united front of falsehood on the question of what happened to nordstrom, but it wasn't enough. the story was to absurd even by the standards of 2023. anybody thought about it for a moment thought even let 'er rip you didn't wouldn't blow of his own hyperlink, the biden administration blew up the pipeline of course very joe biden himself had promised on camera that he would do it and then widen officials celebrated after it happened. every person knew the truth.
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after a few months, the person who live for living decided to make it news story but this was dumber and less believable. okay, putin didn't do it, that was wrong, will admit it. it wasn't putin that blew up th pipeline, it was the ukrainians but not the ukrainians you're familiar with, not the ones tha are getting the tax dollars, no our ukrainian friends, they wouldn't do that. it was ukrainians we'd never met . it was rogue ukrainians acting against russia with no connection to the biden administration whatsoever. doing it entirely on our own with other assistance or knowledge, that is what the new york times told has actually happened. and everybody swallowed it. watch cnn. >> in a separate but parallel story, the north stream pipelin back in september, for an explosion of sabotage it is the subject of an ongoing
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investigation by an ongoing authority. they believe according to sources there may be perpetrate by a group aligned with the, bu not actually backed by not run by key, but an independent grou acting on behalf of and in its name. >> totally independent. imagine if you find yourself repeating something that ridiculous on television. her you have an explosion, at three part explosion part of a deep-sea operation and the baltic sea, 300 feet underwater that happened at exactly the moment that nato wargames we're going on in the area so you would think there was probably some involvement from the military somewhere, but no says the lady on the tv repeating th new york times. it was a shadowy unnamed group of unnamed ukrainians who happe to live in a country that the biden administration runs in hi pensions are being paid for by
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you. right, totally independent. this anybody really believe that ? does and human being even believe that? no. that's the thing about so many of these lies. you don't believe them, but you're not special. nobody believes them. even the people repeating them. nowhere is that more true than on the question of the claimant emergency. >> that is what climate change is about, it is literally not figuratively to vliet, a clear and present danger. the latest climate report said code red for humanity. let me say it again, code red for humanity. >> you can buy that or not and by the way a lot of good people some smart people, people of good faith to believe that and that's okay. but do the people telling you that believe it? does joe biden actually think
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that climate change is code red for humanity? don't listen to what he says, watch what he does, this week h spoke to canada's prime ministe about how terrifying this claimant emergency is, but he didn't talk to him on zoom, no, instead he flew on a private airplane to the capital of canada where he and drove aroun the city in a 20 vehicle convoy complete with ambulances and armored vehicles. if you were concerned about climate change being driven by humans and burning of fossil fuels, which produce carbon dioxide, you probably wouldn't behave like that. you can get on the phone and talk about climate change, but they didn't. none of the global warming experts that were telling you that you're suburban is sin a sin said a word about it. in fact they were busy lecturin you about the rest. your the gas stove bay and was
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conspiracy theory. anybody worried about the government cracking down on their kitchen was a nutcase. we are quoting, people are getting real heated over gas stove fan that isn't happening, note and appreciate the pun, that is always the first move, you're imagining it, crazy person, then we move forward a couple of months and that conspiracy theory is actually well, it's true, and if you disagree with it you're a wacko. this is from a political blog i virginia yesterday. they deal to be on gas stoves i new homes. so they say something, if you take it seriously, it's your fault, because it's not true, and then they tell you that in fact it is true and if you don' agree with it you're a criminal. you're told something you're required to believe something
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that is clearly false. if you don't go along with it, you are banned from social medi may be if you keep talking, j.p morgan cancels your bank accoun and once you submit and submit, yeah, you're right, now, you've seen this on a lot of different topics, but you never saw it more clearly in more sustained pace then over the three years of covid. remember they told you first because they told you every day this is the pandemic of the unvaccinated. >> it is pandemic and an outbreak of the unvaccinated. >> this is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated. >> as the dr. said in an earlie briefing today, this is becomin a pandemic of the unvaccinated. >> this has been a pandemic of the unvaccinated. >> we're going to use this global in deming which was a
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legitimate threat to vilify and isolate and punish with law enforcement, people who didn't vote for us for it if you're trying to keep get people to fear doctors never go to the doctor again, this exactly what you would do and that is the effect for millions of people, faith in our medical system has evaporated because of their lying. we know they are lying because the vaccinated started getting covert at a higher rate than people that exercised and ate well in may be developed natura immunity. in the fact if that undeniable science they had to change ther talking point but nobody told editor tina smith of minnesota so here she was on tuesday of this week assuring everyone and the words of the advertisers, this medicine is safe and effective. >> thank you for being with us today. i want to start by just saying that the covid 19 vaccine is safe and effective.
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>> how is that different from the you just repeat it every week. you don't think about what it means. you just repeat the slogan. it is literally a liturgy, safe and effective, at shot that gives young people heart inflammations is safe and effective. all this does, all this level o lying does is make people cynical not simply about the people in charge, about words themselves. i'm not sure anymore. she has not thought about that much. here she is how the biden famil took seven-figure payout from china. watch carefully, it may be for the first time in your life to how she responds. >> the house oversight says they've got bank records show a chinese energy company playing
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three biden family members for through a third-party. what were they paid for? >> i'm not going to respond to that from here. we've heard for years and years and years the inaccuracy and lies when it comes to this issue . i don't even know where to begi to even answer that question because again, it's been lies and lies of inaccuracies for th past couple of years and i'm no going to give into it from here. >> here are some bank records, here are some numbers on paper that no one's supports. you are sopping wet, the water seems to be coming from the sky. is it raining? lies lies lies. of course that's there the response, they accuse you of what you're doing.
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he has no debilitating he's way sharper than you are, whatever happened to john fetterman by the way? he supposed to be serving in th u.s. senate? singh somebody take a picture o him holding up today's paper so we can certain? that, she doesn't care, republican lies, it's been years . she has to say that because she doesn't want to get into the details of what her own boss is saying he really seems and we will concede in a very amusing way, utterly disconnected from reality. he began his campaign you probably remember in 2019 from telling us how he liberated nelson mandella from prison in south africa and it's just gotten more florid from there. we are absolutely determined to be amused by joe biden. here he is telling you that during selma, he was actually a the forefront of civil rights.
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>> i was a big part of the civi rights movement. i remember feeling how guilty i wasn't here. how could we be up there i can still picture it. i can still picture it. at time of bonds and whips. >> can you even believe what hi actual racial attitudes were in 1963 and delaware? this is the same joe biden who said he was in the car with his dad 60 years ago he saw two men in downtown wilmington casting angela or any said joe, you've got to support marriage. there is something almost metaphysical going on here. your people that believe if the say something, it will become true. their words will create reality itself. that is the same standard by th way that the biden administration seems to be
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applying to what is happening t the former president and gender ideology. they want you to believe eight -year-old boys can become women overnight just by wishing for a. that's why kamala harris sent a that's why she goes around yapping about her pronoun spread . >> i pronounce nc and her, i am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit. >> we're not going to say anything snarky about that, tha is great and if there is one piece of video evidence we can see from the time capsule insid all of our hearts to represent what it was like to live in thi country in 2023, it is that right there. kamala harris, she her arm i pronounce and i wearing a pantsuit. to keep one of the great lies going on right now is the forme president of the united states he was also the front runner fo the republican nomination has committed some kind of crime an the state of new york to which
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they have been indicted. tempt offenders, people voted for trump. we thought it would be more credible to have someone who di not vote for trump or agree wit trump, who is pretty serious about the law and who will spen his life in it. the republican front runner in new york. you make of it? >> first of all, i just got a tweet or a note from donald trump himself in which he endorsed my book and encouraged everyone to read it. allen enjoys saying i didn't vote for trump, i believe he probably did, he just uses that phrase for added credibility, but it doesn't matter he's a brilliant guy and you should
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read his book. no, i did in. i never mix politics and my constitutional analysis. is with the january 6 did when they left out the words peacefully and patriotically. michael cohen might be the world 's biggest liar in the district attorney has made a very hard decision now. does he put his bar at risk, hi bar certificate at risk by putting on the stand the man he knows will lie in violation of the rules of ethics? it is all about lying. my book documents lie after lie the so-called liberals, they ar not liberals, they are radicals and will do anything, stretch the constitution, destroy the
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constitution to prevent trump from running for president. >> tucker: it is degrading to our country in to all of us. i appreciate you for writing this book. thank you for coming on. >> thank you so much. >> tucker: one of the most obvious lies we keep hearing including form jim cramer and all the geniuses on cnbc is tha the economy is just fine. just fine. settle down, wacko. we will assess that claim in a special edition of tucker carlson tonight.
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♪ >> tucker: welcome back to a special edition on "tucker carlson tonight." the lighter side of lying. one of the biggest lies were told right now is the economy i fine, the banks our fine, some have failed, but those are freaky little bangs even never heard of, don't worry. you couldn't help, but notice this morning, one of the bigges banks in the world have fallen more than they have in three years, it's hard to see well there are actual fears tonight
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that something bad that is on the horizon. stephanie conboy is not fire, her predictions are starting to come true, it may be unfortunately. thank you so much for coming on tonight. it is a little weird that the treasury secretary who once run the fed is can tell us that everything is fine. do you believe that? >> absolutely. nothing to see here, tucker. pay no attention to the tens of thousands of layoff announcements you lead in the. for sure, this has nothing to d with the reckless policies, monetary and fiscal that have been implemented over the last several years. nothing to do with $10 trillion in combined monetary and fiscal stimulus that they did during covid, two years, 10 trillion into the covid and we are scratching our heads into where
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this 9 percent inflation rate suddenly came from. it's got nothing to do with that . there will be no broader repercussions, this is in 2007 or 2008 all over again. nevermind we've got twice as much debt and the economy now and they are raising rates on that debt at the fastest pace i history. it will be just fine. so keep your money and the banking system. i'm sure it will be okay. all kidding aside, the only thing worse than all of the reckless policies that lead us to this moment is watching the policy response to it. the performance in front of congress actually has accelerated the crisis because it has undermined confidence an the banking system so dramatically. what could have been isolated t a couple of banks that were grossly mismanaged is now a full-blown banking crisis because they are flip-flopping
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unwelcome that we might bill ou some banks and not others, yes, we do have a blanket deposit coverage, no we don't. so this is really a very seriou moments, and unfortunately we don't have any serious in charg to take the lead on this and lead us in a responsible matter i regret to say. >> i think you're right. and it's hard to imagine what they are going to say it when commercial real estate starts t collapse as it will. we will be back then. one of the saddest most painful lies they keep telling you is you are imagining it if you think children are being physically mutilated in the nam of gender ideology, but it's real. hospitals brag about the surgeries and we know this really because of the founder o a twitter handle called she has reported on it extensively, of
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course this is infuriated peopl who are dedicated to lying like sidney cortez. you are all wires. and she content that directly s she decided to pay sandy cortez of visits and here is how it went great. >> a few weeks ago aoc lied about me on the floor. >> are you familiar with the account, that account posted false information about boston children's hospital claiming they were providing hysterectomies to children. >> i am right outside the canno building and i'm going to go inside and hopefully meet aoc and asked her why she lied abou me and get some answers. >> hyde. >> hi. >> as the congresswoman here? >> she is not. >> is the person in charge of her policy is? >> basically she lied about me on the house for a couple of weeks ago. i wanted to ask her why she lie about me.
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>> give me one second. >> okay. okay, i don't think we're going. >> to talk to her. i don't know if she's in or not but i think that door slam was really telling. i don't think they want to talk to us. dear aoc, please don't lie abou american citizens. >> what is so funny is she woul not exist if it was not for social media in than her staff seemed shocked that maybe this is on video. she is the phones or have lives that tik tok pride she joins us now. thank you so much for coming on. i mean, did you think that she would own up to the provable lies she told about it, she claims something different happened that you proved on video did happen. did you think she would admit that?
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>> aoc claimed that i lied abou boston children's hospital, she claimed that i inspired a bomb threat and i absolutely had no expectation for her to own up t a. i went to her office and was ready to sit down with her and get to the bottom of this and explain it, i don't know she wa in the office or not, but she cowered away. i don't think she would ever phase me or have a discussion about it. i as american citizen don't appreciate being defamed in front of millions of people. i wanted to confront her and sh cowered. >> thank you for adding details that i should have added in the intro, she accused you of inspiring violence, of effectively be having a crimina act. >> yes, she is unfortunately protected by legislative privilege so she's allowed to lie about me in a commuting hearing and not just that, but she as using her position of
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power to call on big tech to censor people that she disagree with that's what she did in the hearing and that is really scary . >> fink you for trying to face her directly, which is a nice thing to do in social media age. that conversation is a reminder that there are victims very often of them, and there are a lot of victims of the lie covid of is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. wives were destroyed by that. from the special lying edition of "tucker carlson tonight" is next.
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in critical condition after being found in a train car stil not clear how many migrants wer inside that train car. i am jonathan hunt and now back to tucker. >> tucker: welcome back to a special edition of "tucker carlson tonight" where in we consider the growing phenomenon of public lying. for a couple of years they told you that lockdowns will save yo and the covid stop transmission.
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they told you this not once, no twice, but about a million times . what happened to the people who told you that? now that they've been proven wrong? sometimes people are wrong in good faith, but sometimes they are taught lying. they are trying to absolve themselves of the responsibilit that from that lying, one perso who told the truth and the face of ferocious opposition was a physician called scott atlas, h was the coronavirus advisor per tees written a new piece in newsweek and in the aftermath and he joins is now. doctor ellis, thank you so much for coming on. i know that this has been a ver billable during experience for you as an actual man of science to pt people get lie, get caugh lying, and not admit that they lied. why do you think now that it's over to correct? >> i think this is very critica because that lying has created massive loss of trust and that trust needs to be there if
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you're going to follow any kind of crisis of guidance and believe in experts. the lies go back from the beginning in the spring of 2020 they were lying about the infection for an talladega risk being magnitude higher the influenza, everyone with a high risk they couldn't get any protection after recovering fro the protection. that mask stop the spread and eliminate the virus. that lockdowns are going to eliminate the spread rate even though that lockdowns were more known for more than 15 years to not work. then they lied to the public to get people to believe in the lockdowns by making everyone wh was against lockdowns villains for they said people were choosing money over lies when that was against decade of economic data that showed that when you have a severe economic ground turn you killed people because these is low income people bear they said anyone
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against the lockdowns mean you are for herding unity strategy. no one said anybody has ever discussed it and not to add insult to injury to make sure you didn't understand they lied about a consensus by using censorship. the social media the regular media, used censorship, and tha was aided and abetted by the people in the agency, not just the right in the ministration. the agencies colluded, and this is as well as people like my ow university members, colluded with social media to take down traits including recently about the vaccine so now we are sitting here with very little trust, and right when we need transparency, right when we nee to trust. we have the biden administratio saying that we fully support an
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we haven't even seen, we haven' even seen the agreement, that i ludicrous to say something like this, this is a who that lied, they said china was being transparent, this was at the en of january at 2020, they said there was no human to human transmission. they said that the masks and lockdowns were the right strategy, they praised china fo being the pinnacle of transparency in in their barbaric lockdowns imprisoning their own people, this is a new standard, that is what the who stat said, the general who had history about lying about eight cholera outbreak as the ethiopi health minister. now we are in a place where we have destroyed truth where we need it and the lying has severely harmed, public health, they kill people with allies pretty get in they will continue . people will go into acupuncturist to treat and crea
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it cancer because are so distrustful of doctors after al of this. it's really corrosive after all of this. thank you. >> florida was a blue state now it is a red state for ron de santis. they are seeing a travel advisory warning african-americans not to go there. straight ahead on a special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." ♪
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it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou
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i was hit by a car get t tand needed help.oiblele. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehi called the barnes firm. that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is let our injury attorneys know he how much their accident cget the best result possible. ♪ >> tucker: welcome back to our buying special, a couple of purposes of lying, the most obvious is to hide what you're doing, but the more sinister intent is to cause people to be terrified and hate each other. you see a lot of that. the florida naacp just declared that it is unsafe for black people to visit the state of florida. watch this. >> to warn other blacks across the country to not come to
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florida, don't change your filter filter into florida, do not vacation in florida pretty get the president of the lee county naacp he said the travel advisory is necessary and what he called rick o'neill and laws targeting african-americans supported by governor ron de santis. he said it would be a sacrifice. >> 's so it's not oakland or gary, indiana, or chicago that is dangerous, it is florida. byron donald's lives in florida and represents florida in the united states congress, southwest florida he seems to b thriving and joins us. congressman, thank you for coming on. i am laughing at the absurdity of this but what do you think the effect of saying something like that is? >> the effect is dangerous because it continues to divisio our country which is ludicrous, especially in the state of florida, we are a great state
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and open to everybody. we don't want indoctrination, but we teach black history, we allow black businesses to thrive , so many black professionals are thriving in florida, it's a joke. >> especially, the recent bolding voting result in florid show lots of people of differen colors voting for the same candidate so if you believe in an integrated society were raised isn't the most important thing, that seems to be happening in florida. >> it is happening in florida and so much more. with the naacp is trying to do is score political points, but they are feeling friends into the democratic party in florida is failing and it's with good reason and think frankly it's a good thing because people are choosing florida more in more, you see that all the time. i can't wait to leave dc and ge back. that's all i have to say about it pretty it's just a factual matter that you represent the prettiest place in florida, so you have reason to say that. but it does seem like maybe
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florida is a destination for people who are specifically rejecting that kind of old-fashioned rhetoric. >> it is, what people reject an why they come to our state is one they just want to be left alone, they want their kids to actually learn, they want commonsense policy and they wan an environment where all people can thrive and not be concerned about political rhetoric, indoctrination, foolishness. come to the free state of florida, it's better pretty maybe talk about race a little less in just treat people like people. happy to have you on tonight, thank you. >> any time. >> you felt like for about ten minutes and the first obama administration, it may be america had moved beyond race. within an entire industry rose up. why are they doing this? because a lot of people are getting rich from it, joe biden
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$7 trillion budget has a lot an therefore equity professions, where is this going? thank heaven for investigate wh has looked into the details, thank you for coming on. what did you find? achy thank you for having me write like you said, president joe biden released nearly $7 trillion budget which increases spending five roughly $700 billion from this year, an a lot of that new spending goes to equity programs and in particular, there is a $500 million carveout for a new program called addressing the maternal health crisis. now, on its face addressing maternal health crisis sounds unobjectionable, but if you dig into the details, some of that money, it's not clear how much of it, it will be used for implicit biased training which know is something you have covered on your show before. >> for the babies or for the mothers? dude that babies get called racist for the moms? big think it's for doctors and
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other medical professionals and is part of a trend we see in medical schools, nursing programs and continuing education programs were implici bias training holds that all white people by nature of just being born harder prejudice and bigotry against minorities. it's important to know, really important to know that there ar myriad of studies showing that this does not work, it doesn't actually change behavior, but more than that, people who have participated in implicit bias training programs before have called it humiliating for you have to affirm that you are essentially a racist. it is not very clear what purpose this serves, but as you said, a lot of people can make lot of money off holding the seminars. >> really quick, if you convinc an entire group of people of being able because of the genes they carry isn't that exactly what we don't accept in our
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society? >> sure, absolutely. it goes back to what i just said , these programs really don't work. some have shown that they increase resentment from the target of the programs in the case would be white people come out white doctors, white nurses. >> that is also so ugly. we wouldn't know the details without you, so i appreciate yo bringing them to us tonight. >> thanks, tucker. >> we often use because we love clichés, snakepit. there are real snakepit out there, we want to bring you, in invasive species of snake takin over estate. an update from that state's next . emor brand in america and the world's #1 one best selling fishing and pontoon boats are built by and sold factory direct
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at bass pro shops and other select dealers. plus, for a limited time receive a bass pro shops gift card worth $500 and more. escape into the great outdoors with tracker boats and atvs.
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>> tucker: comedy is the hallmark of a free society. >> they want to make comedy illegal. >> there is a fear of getting canceled.
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>> nobody can speak their mind. >> oh, wow. >> is that comedy? >> what a disaster. >> it is now. >> i am not doing a ted talk. my job is to be funny on stage. >> ♪ ♪ >> tucker: snake pit is a metaphor. but there are actual snake pits. the state of florida a form of python has exploded in the state. they will likely be there forever. michael kimmel is the python cowboy and assesses the state of snakes in the sunshine state. who is that with you? >> this is my partner in crime here. my lead assistant. he helps me locate and find
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these invasive pythons. >> tucker: that's your snake dog. does he sniff them out? >> yes, definitely. he is a crucial part for me. the state has been talking about how we have pythons further north than ever and how our methods we use now are not enough for eradication. i agree. the methods are not enough. management is possible. what i have been showing is using traditional and old methods of trained canines has been very beneficial for me. >> tucker: a dog can find anything. their noses are amazing. what do you do once the dog finds the snake. what do you do with the snake? >> he will find the snake. he will alert me by barking or freeze and point at it with his body. from there i like him to get back and sit by my side.
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then i can go in and capture the snake myself. these skins on these snakes are very valuable. that's how i make a good portion of my living. you can see here some of the products i have made from their skins. i don't want him going in damaging their skins and i don't want them injuring my jog -- dog. they can are dangerous. >> tucker: do you or moose eat the snake? >> i have. moose doesn't eat it. i tried it before. it's not something i eat regularly. their mercury content can be high on larger snakes. it is not something you want in
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your main diet. >> tucker: and they are snakes. thank you very much. we are out of time. it's friday. we will see you monday. have the best weekend. see you bright and refreshed monday evening. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity." i am pete in for sean on friday night. violence in the middle east. one contractor killed and six u.s. service members injured after a suspected iranian drone slammed into a base in syria. the 78th


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