tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News March 24, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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did you have a nice day? look at the size of these butterfly shrimp. just normal for shrimp. what now? rine to >> well,to d then add the wou listerine. your routine new science shows it gets in between teeth to destroy five times >>re plaque above the gum lines and blocks for a cleaner, healthie'tr listerine street. >> feel the whoa. >> good evening and welcome tucker carlson tonight. happy friday.arls iton has t been a long week in i the news business. all sorts of things you thought could never happen. di d in fact happen and thensa vice versa. buwhole lot of, predictions failed to materialize. the big theme of the week,the wk as usual, was why there was an extraordinary amount of lying at this point, the people in charge seem like they telltruth the truth only by accident.
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occasionally b somebody in powee will say something true and is swiftly punished for it canit's have that. it's infuriating to watch, but it's infur also, if you look at right, very amusing. these are not sophisticatedcate deceptions. this is not dwight eisenhowerd deg. thily plannin this is your five year old ambling in with frosting on hisy face to tell you he never touch the birthday cake. should that make you mad ?yo of course,ever toubirthday shou mad . but if you're human, you will also laugh at it. takeke? what?ha cake. it's hilarious.ow he the kid hares no idea how ridiculous he is . so with that spirit in mind,g to we're going to devote the next u hour to a special presentation on lying in american we're going to do our beststay to stay amused because that's ecause tmuch better than being t cod we're going to start with what could be the funniest lie of the year. vladimir putin blew russia's natural gas pipeline to europe. now, why would putin do something like that? well, they told us because he's evil. do thatputin is so evil that he
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murdered his own country's economy purely for dark thrill of doing it. that's evil. o it takes a bad man to declaren war against himself. next, putire wn will bar ae invg moscow. sto sory that was their story. the story that biid administration told us .ews and then every single news organization in the country a with no exceptions at all, backed up the lie. of course, putin did they lecture us , don't ask c questions or you are a russian agent. rfectl faere way s for a moment a perfectly united front of falsehoon of d on the question f what happened to nord stream. but it wasn't enough. the story was too absurdeven by to stand even by the standards of 2020 three . 2 anyway, we thought about it forf even a moment, realized that oof course vladimir putin didn'trip blow up his own pipeline. why would he do that?blow the biden administration blew te up vladimir putin's pipeline. fa of course, joe biden himself wod had promised on camera that he would do it. and then biden officials publicly celebrated after it happenedaf. >> every rational personne knew the truth.
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makeo after a few months, the people who lie for a living decided to make up a news storys . unfortunately, this one wass evb even dumber and less believable. le okay, they conceded putin didn't do it. that was wrong.l will admit it was not putinw up who blew up the pipeline. it was the the ukrainian s, buts the ukrainians. >> you're familiar with th you'e ones who are getting billions of american tax dollars every month? no, no, no. not our ukrainia e tax n friends. dn't d they would never do that. it was we've neveat.r met. it was rogue ukrainians acting against russia, but with no connection to the biden administration whatsoever. these are goodbiden people figg for a noble cause, but doing it entirely on their own withoute r our assistance or knowledge. that's what the new yorkowledg told us actually happened. and then everybody swallowed itn . >> watchn. cnn. in a separate but parallel>> i story, we've been learningn a more about the nord stream attack. you remember the nord stream sta pipeline back in september saw an explosion, a sabotage effort .
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it is the subject of an ongoing investigation by german authorities, according to yorkt. times report. they say tha bt they believe tht according to sources, it may have been perpetrated by a group aligned with the aims of kyiv, but not actually backed by kyiv, not run by kievan independent group acting on its behalf and in its total independent. now, imagine if you found yourself repeating something thatyourse ridiculous on televi here you have an explosion, thr a three part explosion that was part of a deep sea operation in the baltic sea. three hundred feet underwater. a moat happened at exactly the moment that nato war games are goinwe're g on the area. so you would think that there was probably some involvement from a military somewhere, buta no, says the lady on the tv, new ating the new york times. >> it was a shadowy, unnamed group of totally independent ukrainians who happen to live in a country that the bidenstrai administration runs and whose pensions are being paid foonr
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by you. right. totally independenallyt. >> does anyone really believetht that as a single human being, including the hair hats repeating it, actually believe that heing? >> no. and that's the thing about so many of these lies. these l you don't believe them, butre nt you're not special. nobody believe sal. s them. even the people repeating them. and nowhere is that more true te than on the question of the climate emergency.emergenc >> here's the climate emergency basswood. , climate change is about it is literally, not figuratively,. a clear and present danger. the latest climate report, cli nothinmag less than, quote, code red for humanity. r we say again, code red for humanity. >> okay, so you can buy that or not. and by the way, a lot of good people, some smart people, people of good faith do believet that. and that's okay. bu t you the people telling you that belief, it just joe biden
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actually think that climate change is code red for to wh humanity. watc, don't listen h to what he says. watch what hh it. nister he does. this week, biden spoke to canada's prime minister, justin trudeau, aboutw terr how terrifying this climate emergencif this y, but he didn'k to trudeau on zoom. no. instead, he flew on a privatecaa airplane to the capital of canada. l nadaottawa, where he and justn trudeau drove around the city in a 20 vehicle convoy,n complete with ambulancesh ambu and armored vehicles. now, i f you were concernedge bg about climate change being driven by humans and the burning of fossil fuels which produce carbon dioxide, youon t probably wouldn't behave like that. you probably get on the phoneut and talk about clima climate ch. but they didn't. and none of the global warming experts who were telling youu that your surburban is a sin said a word about it. fact they were busy lecturing about the rest, your woodstove yoour gas stove.
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you remember in january , a gase stove ban was a conspiracy theory. anyone who was worried at the government cracking down on their kitchen wase a nutcase ,a ruby ridge level wacko. the golden republic reportedople back then and we're quoting, people are getting real heatedra over a gas stove ban that isn't happening. note and appreciatnote ande the. so that's always the first move. you're imagining it crazy. firstperson. we move then we move forward a coupleco of months and the conspiracy theories, actually . well, it's it's true. welland if you disagree with ity you're a wacko. this is from a politico, a political blog in arlington, virginia, yesterday. >> quote, new york nirs deal to ban gas stoves in new homes. so they say something. t if you take it seriously, it's your fault because it's not true. >> and then they tell you that, in fact, it is true.e and if and if you don't agree with it, you're a criminal. you se it e this a lotyou'.l. you're told something required i
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to believe something that's clearly false. and if you don't go alon g with it, you're banned from social media and harassed and maybe you can't use airbnb . and maybe if you keeyop talking, jpmorgan cancels your bank accounmorgant. and then once you submit,t and they admit actually . yeahsuyeah, , you're right. now, you've seen this on a lot of different topics, but you never saw it more ly in a more sustained pace thar the three years of covid. >> remember, they told you? of course you remember because they told you every day this o is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. >> it is , as we've said , it is a pandemic and an outbreak of the unvaccinated. this is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated as dr.emic wilonsky said on an earlier an earlier briefing today, this is really becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated told a long way to go. the fact is , this has been a pandemic of the un vaccinated. >> yeah. so going to use this global pandemic, which was
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a legitimate health threat to push our political goals into vilif threay and isolate and punish with law enforcement people who didn'ple t vote for . if you're trying to convince people to fear doctors doctnever go to the doctor again, this is exactly what you would do. and of course, that's the effect for millions of people, faith in our medicalapod system has evaporated because of their lying. and of course, we knowlywe they're lying because getti the vaccine started getting covid at a higher rate thanga n people who exercised, ate well and maybe developed natural immunity. so in the face i of that undeniable science, they had to change their talking points. but fo had to r some reason, non told. senator smith of minnesota,a updateh of talking points. so here she was on tuesday of this week, assuring everyone, in the words of the advertisements, this medicine is safe and effective. >> thank you, mr. menzel, for being with us today. so i want to start by just saying that the covid-19 e vaccine is safe and effective.
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all right. how is that different from the nicene creed? the you just repeated every wee you don't think about what it means. >> you just repeat the slogans. it's literally a liturgy safe and effective, really a shot that gives heart, people heart, a young people heart inflammation without protect them from cova. >> it's safe and effective. >> all this does all this level of lying does is make peoplearge cynical, not simply about the people in charge. you have reason to be cynical about them, but about words themselves. is there a connection between a word and a physicalsure a observable reality? i'm not sure anymore.ny karine jean-pierre at the white house has never even thoughtouth heret that or much. he or she is confronted with the evidence of the biden family took a seven figure payout from chine a. watch carefully, maybe forshe rp the first time in your life to how she responds. >> house oversight says they've got bank records showing a chinese energy company
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paying three biden family members through a third what were they paid for?ly look, i'm just not going to respond to that from here. lookto , we have heard from houe republicans for years and years and years. how hor w the inaccuracies and lies when it comes to this issue and i don't even know where to begin to even answer that question becausanswer te, e an's been lies and lies and inaccuracy for the past couple ohe f years. >> and i'm just not goingere. to get into it from here. yeah, just docketingare some he. some bank records. here are some numbers on paper that no one disputes are real. what do you say to this? republicans lies years up. the words you're sopping wet. >> the water seems to be coming from the sky. is it raining lies? rainin >> a of that's the response. u of they always accuse you ofg. exactly what they themselves are doing. remember, when they told you that john fetterman was totally qualified to be a senator and he had no debilitating
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mental issues whatsoever. in fact, he's way sharper thany you are. >> shut up, dumbo. whatever happened to john fetterman, by the way? where is he supposed to be serving in the u.s. senate? s caenn someone take a picture of him holding up today's paper so we can be certaisomebodyn? but karine jean-pierre doesn't care. republicans lies. that, she doess. i >> and of course, she hasshe to say that because she doesshe detawant to get into the details about what her own boss, the president of the united states , is saying. he really seems and willn concede in a very amusing way, utterly disconnected from reality. so he began hiity.s campaign, yu probably remember right around9 2019 from tellinfrom g how he liberated nelson mandela from robben island, from prison inenr south africa. and it's juse t gottenid fro more florid from there. and we are absolutely determined to be amused by joe biden. so here he is telling you that during selma he was actually at the forefront of civil rights. >> he may have on the edmund
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pettus bridge. >> watch this. i was a student of the civil rights movement. i remember feeling guilty. ling how s i wasn't here. how can we all be up there? and you go through those.cture i can stilitl picture.stil still picturl pie. >> truth is lot of times, which can you even imagine what joe biden's actual racial attitudebelievs were in? nineteen sixty three in delaware is thn e same . you told us he was in the car with his dad sixty years ago and talked to men in downtownons wilmington kissing each otherti and his fatherr any said said ,, you've got to support gay marriage. there's something almost somethi metaphysical going on here. metayou have people who believen they say something, it will become true, their words will create reality itself. >>y wow. tandard that's the same standard, by the way, that the by demonstration seems to be applying to what's happening
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to the former president and to childre andn and gender ideology. they want you to believe thalogt eight year old boys can become women overnight just by wishing for it this way. s justoving for sent a letter praising a man dressed as a woman that's why she goes around yapping about her pronouns. >> we can't resist this clip. it's too great ya. i am kamala harris and i pronounce her. she and her. i am a womanrono sittingunce atb the table wearing a blue suiletg so we're not going to sayything anything snarky about that. that's just so great. there's one piece of video evidence that we can saver the time capsule inside all ofa our hearts to represent what it was like to live in this country in twenty , twenty three , it's that right ther e. kamala harris, she heard a my pronouns and i'm wearing a pantsuit. >> yes, you are. so one of the great lies goingf on right now is that the former of the united states , who was s also once again the frontrunner for the republican nomination, donald trump, has committed n some kind ofhas crime in the sr
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of new york for which some point he's going to be indicted. now, we coulicted haved. had a f people on to talk about this.s, for p defenders, people who voted for trump. we thought it would be more to credible and probably a lot more interesting to have someone who di did d not vote fr trump, who does not agree w with trump, but who's prettyab serious about the law. out thand has spent his life in. and that would be alan dershowitz, formerly of harvard, author of getting trump the threat to civil liberties, due process and our constitution, the rule of law. alan dershowitz joins us tonight. thank you so much for coming on . and with that introduction, i do think you're a credible assessor of the case against the republican frontrunner in new york . >> what do you make of it?st ofl well, first of all, i just gotem a tweet or a note from donald trump himself in which he endorsed my book, urged everybody to read. but he says alan enjoys saying i didn't vote for trump. i believe he probably did. he just uses that phrase foratte added credibility. but it doesn't matter. he's a brilliant guy.
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and shouldand you should read h. no, i didn't. i never mixed politics and myx i constitutional analysitis get trump is a book about lying. it's all about lying. it's about the four lies that have resulted in foreign investigations, including doctoring a tape when which is , of course, with the january 6th committee did when it left oujat the wordnus lef peacefully and patriotically. it's about michael cohn, and p who may be theat world's biggest liar. he gets albel the pinocchio'smaa and the district attorney has making a very hard decision.cisi how does hon ne put hie put hist risk, his bar certificate at risk by putting on the stand the man he knows is going to lie in violation of the rules of ethics. so it'all s alaboul about lying. my book, get trump documents, lie after lie. the left, the so-called liberals are not liberals. r they're radicals. voters will do anything stretc h the constitution, destroy
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the constitution to prevent trump from runningy constitu for president . >> and it's and it's degradingon to our country and to all of us . i appreciate your writing this book. i know you paid quitalel a personalappreciaook. cost forg things like this.yo and we appreciate your comingu on . alan dershowitz, thanks. thank you so much. so one of the most obvious lies we keep hearing, including from alles on cnmer, the geniuses on cnbc, but certainly from the administration, is the seonomy is just fine. it's just fine. settle down, wako. assess t we'll assess that claiham and t special edition . tucker carlson tonight. nextto on fox nation, it's the all new season for being a public servant. >> it's called me one of many things i expect the unexpected . that was not a smart move on your end, sir, that you can't get anywhere else to come out. new cops are only on fox, a new
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and see how much you can save. welcome back to a special edition of tucker carlson onlineac, the lighter side of lying. we're trying to stay amused. it's not that hard, actually . one of the biggest lies we're told right now is the economy is completely fine. the banks are fine, some have failed. but those are just freaky littl little banks you never heard of. don't worry. that's the word fromard of, our treasury secretary. janet yellen. you couldn't help but notice this morning that shares of deutsche bank, not a small bank, one of the biggest banks in the world, have well fallen more than they have in three years. it's not har d to see why there are actual fears tonight that something bad is on
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the horizon. the definitely, probably is not a liar. she's an economist and ceo, e st macro mavens. comer predictionsy are starting to come true. maybbeately.e, unfortunately. o toephanie , thank you so much for coming on tonight. s a little weird thate they can the treasury secretary who once ran the fed is supposed to know a lot abouht economics, can tell us everything is fine. do you believe thadot? in oh, absolutely. see h i mean, comeer on . t nothing to see here, tucker. pay no attention to the tens of thousands of layoff announcements thatousands you n the paper every single day. you pick it up and one after another being bailed out each weekend. there's no problem here., this and for sure, this has nothing to do with the reckless policies. monetary and fiscal, that have been implemented over the last several years. i mean , nothing to do with ten0 trillion in combined monetary and fiscal stimulus that they did during covid two years, t 10 trillion into the economy over two years. and we're scratching our heads
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as to where this nine percentis inflation rate suddenly came from. 9 perceit's got nothing to doht with that. don't worry about it. there will be no broadersions, repercussions. this isn't two thousand seventy eight all over tis in neve.r mind that we've got twice as much debt in the economy now and they're raising rates on that debtsing rat, the fastee in history. it'll be just fine . so keep your money in. the banking system. i'm sure it'lli'm su be okay. i mean, all kidding asidedding there, tucker, it's reallyas the only thing worse than all the reckless policies that led us to this lead us moments c is watching the policy response to it. hingponse toi mean, janet yellen performance in front of congress fngress a actually has accelerated the crisis becausead it's undermined confidence iner the banking system so dramatically. andso what could have been isoa isolated to a couple of banks that were grossly mismanaged is now a full blown banking
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crisis because of her flip flopping on , well, we might bail o some banks and not other. and yeah, we do have a blanket deposit coverage. no, we don't. so this is really a very serious moment. and unfortunately, we don'ts, ad have anyone serioue s in charge to take the lead on this. and lead us in a responsible manner. i regret to sai to y i think you're right and i'm trying to imagine what they're going to sayan in commercial real estate starts to collapse as it will start happening. stephanie , probably we one have you back here to see your . >> thank you.of the sopa one oinfuf the saddest and painful lieske they keep telling you is you're imagining it. if you think children are beingi physically mutilated in the name of gender ideology. but it'sof gende actually real. wish it weren' ho were imagining it. hospitals brag about thesewe kno surgeries and we know this really because of the foundew r of a twitter handle called lives of tiktok hierarchic. she's reported on it, of extensively. wh course, this has infuriated
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people who are dedicated to lying like sandy cortez. lyig you're a liar, she said . and she called hierarchic that directly. so rachet decided to go paydy cr sandy cortesio visit. >> steo i went a few weeks ago, aoc lied about me on the house floor mats. never really. are yo u familiar with the account lib's of tiktok? that account posted false information about boston children's hospital claiming that they were providing hysterectomiesming they w to twa >> and so i am right outside the cannon building and i'minsie going to go inside and hopefully meet aca and askan her why she lied about mee an and get some answers even here. hi. hi. hi.>> a it'ss a congresswoman in. no, she's okay. is a person who's in charge of her tech policy in. no, okay. >> b. so basically she lied about me u on the house floor a couplple weeks ago, so i just wanted to ask her why she lied about
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me. give me one second. okay, okay. so i don't think we're going to got to talk to her. we don't i don't know if she's in or not, but i think out that door slam was reallyt t telling. so i don't think they wantalk to talk to us. dear a c please don't lie about american citizens love by . what's so funny is city cortez would not exist as a publict figure were it not for social media. she literally filmed herself applying makeup and in her staff seemed shocked that maybe thismayb is video. hierarchic is the founder of phe lives of tiktok, the woman you saw in that video. m i uce joins us now. thank you so much for coming on . i mean, di, d yodiu think that e would own up to the provabled au lies she told about you? i mean, , she claimed that something didn't happen, that you proved on video did happen. did you think she would admit
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that aoc claim that? ?i lied about boston children'st hospital? she claimed that i inspired a bomb threat and i absolutely had no expectations for her to own up to it. nd was i went to her office and i wasn ready to sit down with herwi and get to the bottom of this and explain it. and she i don't known't know ifs in the office or not, butcot th i know i she cowered i don't think she would ever face me or ever haveabou a discussion about it. buit.t i as an american citizen, i don't appreciate being defamed in front of millions of peopleng defam. >> so i wanted to confront her and she cowered. what i mean and thank you fordel adding details here thats i should have added in the intro. she accused you of inspiring violence of effectively a criminal act a crimin. yeah. and she is unfortunatelypr protected by legislative privilege. so sheotecte is allowed to lie t me in a committee hearing and not just that, but she's using her position of
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power to call on big tech, to censor people who she censor people that she disagree disagrees, if that's what she did in the hearing. >> and that is really scary. it's reallhey scary. and thank you for trying to face her directly, which soca is a nice thinl g to do in a social media age. hi, rachel . levitical, appreciate it. so that conversation is a reminder that there are as amusing as these lives may be , victims very often of them. and there were a lot of victims of the lie covid as a pandemic of the invested lives destroyed by that. . and we shoul d remember that. >> more from this special lying edition of tucker carlson tonight. he fox news media is proud to bring you this. she's a hero moment ine can't new york city. e to hav e a skill and the drive to make it here. not all chefs are men .know w ohhe, she can't do that. she's a girl.
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>> at firs but then we were like, okay, early detection gave us time to adapt together. to adapt together. it's so importan to think about what you can do and making the most of what you have. >> i f you or your family are noticing changes, it could be alzheimer's. >> talk about seeing your doctor together. >> there areand re some things t go better together. go better together. hey, like your workplace benefits and retirement savings with gooya considering all your financial choices together thandt comb for unexpected events, foro. brighter financial future. vo thanks.ya oh, pretzel and mustard. >> another great combo boya well planned. well invested, well protected. welcome to fox news live. i'm marianne rafferty. massive storms are ripping through south at this hour. mississippi was hit by at least one tornado that caused widespread damage and injuries northeast of jackson. the national weather service
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issuing a rare tornado emergency for silver city and rolling fork and warned this is a life threatening situation. search and rescue crews are out looking for victims, but damage assessment won't begin until daylight. and police say two people are dead, nine others missing after an explosion at a pennsylvania chocolate factory. the explosion friday destroyed one building and heavily damaged another. a spokesperson saying eight people are also hospitalized following that blast at the rnc palmer plant and west reading the cause of the explosion is still under investigation and people living nearby are urged to avoid the area. i'm marianne rafferty. now back to tucker carlson. >> tonight, welcome back to a special edition of tucker carlson. >> tonight, where in we consider the growing phenomenon of public lyings. for a couple of years, they told you that lockdown's will save you and the covid shot will stop transmission not
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and they told you this not about once, not twice, but about times a million times. so what happened to the people who told you that now that they've been proven wrongpeople and sometimes people are wrong go good faith, but sometimes they're caught lyingod. l so the people were lying, are now trying to absolve themselves of the responsibility for the disaster that resulted from their lying. one person who never lied, who told the truth and fate in the face of ferocious opposition was a physiciantlas,e called scott he was white house coronaviruses adviser in the last administration. he's written a new piece in "newsweek" on his experience and the aftermath, and he joinsl us now. dr. alice, thankis you very muc. for coming on . bi i know that this has been a very bewildering experience for you as an actual man of science, to see people lie, get caught lying and not admit n they lied. why do you think it' admits impa not itw that it's over to corret the record? well, i think this is very v critical because that lying has created a massive loss of trust and that trust needs to be
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there. if you're going to follow public health guidance or beliow any kind of crisis guidance and believe in experts. i meants, allies go back from the beginning in spring of 20 , 20 , they were lying aboutab the infection, fatality risk beinfog orders of magnitude higher than influenza that everyone was ainfluenzt high rit you couldn't get any protection after having recovered from the infection. that may stop the spreadk stop and even eliminate the virus. that lockdowns are going to to work and stop the spread, even though locktoeliminatn wer5 for more than 15 years to not work and to be extremely harmful, then they lied to the public to get people to believe the lockdowns by making everyone who was against lockdown villains. sai then they said that people werey choosing money over lives when that was against decades of economic datonomic da that showe when you severe have a severe gr you killisturn, people, particularly low income people. people anyonelockdome
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is against lockdown's means you're for letting it riwnp the so-called herd immunity strategy, which, of course, nose one said no one in the white ant house ever discussed it.o add and then to add insult to injury, to make sure you didn't understand the truth, they lied about a consensus the by using censorship. the social media, the regular media use censorship. and that was aided and abetted by people in the agencies, not just in the by the administration. by the way, in the trump administration, the people in the agencies collude the mind. and this was revealed inis as the twitter files, as well as people likewe my own university members colluded with social media to take down truth, including most recently about the vaccine side effects . so nowsi we're sitting hereittl with very little trust. ght when and right when we need that transparency, we need to trust we have the pandemic accord being put forward where we have the biden administration official, kamamoto, saying we so fully support and we haven'trt even seen the agreement. e
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we have never even seen the final agreement. that's ludicrous to say something like that that. this is a show that lied. they they said china is beingwa transparent. this was at the end ofuary january . 2020. trey sai ad there was no human to human transmission like china said . they said that the masks inlocko lockdown's werwne the rightthey strategy. they praised china for beingised the pinnacle of transparencycy and truth and in their barbaric balocked towns, imprisoning their own people. they said this is thoplee, thw new standard. that's what the wto, said tedros, the director genera sl who had a history of lying about a cholera outbreak as ethiopia ethiopia health minister. so right now we're ina plac a position where we have destroyed truth, where we need it, and the lying has severe harm in public. they kill people with the lies. yeah, and they'll continue. people will be going to acupuncturists and using crystals to treat pancreatic
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cancer because they're so distrustful of doctors. dists it'sof this, it'so really corrosive as as you said , scott atlus, who took a lot of for telling the truth. thank you. lorida >> thank you. a so florida was a purple state. now it's a red state under ron desantis. that means it's incredibly dangerous for black people. that's whaeyt the naac apre is saying. they're demanding g a travel advisory warning african stericans not to go there. straight ahead o on thisn a spl edition of tucker carlson tonight, you guys ready this spring? explore everything fox nation has to offer for one ninety nine a month. when you sign up for a yearly plan. what a privilege it is for you to have me here to see the super change experience, new stories that will renew your faith of the poor and hosannas is the kingdom of greatest story ever told happened right here? yeah, sxrensen we're gonna
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a cleaner and enjoy a spotless house for $19. welcome back to our lying special. here areob a couple of purposes of lying. the most obvious is to hide what you're actually doing. but the more sinister intent of lying is to cause people to be terrified and to hate each other. and you see an awful lot oft of that. here's one example.p ju the florida naacp justst d decld that it is unsafe for flack people to visit the state of florida. wa watch this.or to warn of the contrary, to not come to florida, not
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to florida. not vacation in florida. >> james lee, wallkill is the president of the lee county naacp. he said the travelunty naa advi is necessary in wake of what he called draconian laws targetinn african-americans supported by governor ron desantis. milwaukeeansby said if the travl advisory hurts black business sacrificeke jones, it will b a sacrifice. >> so it's not oakland or gary, indiana or chicago. thiso that dangerous. it's florida.s byron donal's lives in florida . so fact, he represents florida in the united states congress, southwest florida,utt florid see thriving. he joins us now. congressman, thank you so much. for coming on .g at i'm laughing at the absurdity of this, but what do you think the effect of saying something like that is ? i mean, the effect is dangerousd our use it continuesan is division in our country, which is absolutely ludicrous, especially i n the state of
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florida, where a great state, we're open to everybody. we don't want indoctrinatet and that's clear . but we teach black history. weal allowlo black businesses to thrive. obviously, i'm thriving. so many otherk black professionals are a. iving in florid this is a well, yeah, especially becausee the recent voting results in florida show, you know, lots of people of different colors voting for the same candidate. so if you believe sof e in anisi integrated society where race is not the most important thinsg ,that seems to be happening in florida, it is happening in florida and so much more so what the naacp is trying to do, in my sense, is trying to score, political points, but bthey're failing. in fl frankly, the democrat partory ih florida is failing and it's with good reason. and frankly, it's a good thinger because people are choosingsi floridng floa more and more . you're seeing that allt wait t the time. back, i can't wait to get leave and get back , so that's. all so i've got to say about it. i should also say just a factual matter. ma you represent the prettiest place in florida. sothe your extra reason to say that. but it does it does seem like
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maybe florida is a destination for people who are specific, ret rejecting that kind of oldinrher fashioned rhetoricic. it is . well, i mean, what peopleeople rejectre and why they come to or state is because, one ,t they just want to be left alone .ac they want their kidsea to actually learn. commywant common sense policrn,h and they want an environment where all people can thrive and not be concerned aboutl rher political rhetoric, indoctrination, foolishness, comedoctrina to free state of fd >> it's just better.a, ima yeah.ybe ta and maybe talk about racelike a little less and just treat people as people. congressman byron, donald's ofog southwest florida, happy to have you on . >> thank you. any time.ut >> so you felt like for aboutrs ten minutes, the first obama administration that maybe america had moved beyond race admihwithinve to be mad at eac about race. then all of a sudden, this a entire industry out of nowheren to convince to hate someone else because he or she haswhy a different skin color. >> why arear they doing this? well, because a lot of people getting rich from taxpayer money, joe biden seven trillion
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dollar budget has a lot inion bu there for equitydg professionaln how much and where it'g?s going? well, they came in for joe salmonsen, senior investigative reporter at the washington free beacon, who was looked into the detail s . >> so thanks for coming on .or n what did you find? thanks for having me, tucker.lie sure. nt so, like you said ,rl president joe biden released this nearly seven trillionses dollar budget, which increasessp spending by roughlenyis yea seven hundred billion dollars from this year. and a lot ofnd tha t oft new spg goes to equity programs and in particular, there's a five hundred million dollar carve out for a new program callede addressing the maternal health crisis. now on itscrisis. face, addressing the maternal health crisis inunds unobjectionable, bultt if you drill down into, the details, some of that moneyo moneand it's not clear how muchi it will be used for implicit bias trading, which i know is something that you've covered on your show before. >> sow beforo for the babies orr the mothers to the babies get called racisest the moms. >> i think it's for doctors and
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and other medical professional s . and it's part of a trend we're seeing in medical schools and nursing programs and continuing education programs where implicit biasn pa training holds that all white people, by nature of just being born, harbor prejudices and bigotries againsr t minorities. now, it's important to know,reah really important to know thaatts there are myriad studies d showing that this does not work. itnot doesn't actually change behavior. but more than that, but , peopl who have participated in implicit bias training programs before have called i t humiliating. you have to affirm that yor you. essentially a racist and it's just not ver y clear what purpose this serves. but as you said , a lot of people can make a lot of money m off holding these seminars. oneyff holdibut just really quiu accuse an entire group of people of bein g evil because of th the genes they carry isn't that blood libel, that's like a predicat e to a? >> isn't that exactly what we don't accept in our society? isure.
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>> absolutely. and it goes back to what i just said . these programs really don't work. and it actually some, ese progra me studies res have shown that they increase resentment from the target of these programs. of the in thin the case woulde people, white doctors and white nurses. >> it's also so, so ugly. just imagine we wouldn't knowpra the details without you. and so i appreciate your bringing to us tonight. thank you. tebringi tthanks, tucker. >> so we often use because we love cliches, the phrase snake pit wash. it's a snake pit, but there are realistic pits out there. and we want to bring you details on one of those invasive species of snake taking over a state. an update from that state next sunday. the faith and friends concert series nashville wickham's must see performance sunday on fox and friends weekend presented by pallo. >> the number one program, make
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. so that'sives your snake dog. so what can you be specific about? his role? pytho >> does he sniff them out? yes.f them yeah, he definitely does. he's become a crucial part for me. he ithe state has been talkinghn about how we have pythons further north than we ever haveu and how our methods we use now are just not enough for eradi eradication. and i agree with that.on. the methods we're using now just aren't enough to eradicate them. but management mana is possible. sho and what i've been showing is using traditional and old methods of trained canines has been very beneficial. canines hasfor me. >> yeah, i mean, a dog can findn anything. amaz their noses are amazing.o so what do you do once your dog finds the snake? >> whau t dodo you do with the t snake? so will find the snake. he he will alert me to it either by barking or he'll actually kind of freezere i and point at it with his body from there. i like him to kind of get back g
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and sit by my side. so then i can go in and capturee the snake myself. of ms on these snakes are very valuable and that's how i make a good portion of my living. yoodu cauctsn see here some ofee the products i have made from their skins and i don't wantins. mousse going in damaging their skin, and i don't want them possibly damaging or injuring my dog. you know, these pythons are very aggressive. they can be very dangerous. and moose is a crucial part of the operation. for me to have a soft mouth on a snake. >> doug , really quickly, please be honest, if you would,r mr. kimmel, do either you or moe moose eat the snake? i have moose doesn't eat it. itve tried it before. it's not something i'm i'm eating regularly by any means. there are mercury content can be quite high, especially on some of these larger snakes . >> s snao it's also there.g and you want to make your main diet by any means but.
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>> right. little by and also and there snakes like a kimlin moose. >> and thank you both so much. >> and anderson, it's great to see it. we are out of time. and of course, it's friday, sot we'll see you monday.ekend. had the best weekend with the ones you love. you'll see bright and refreshed monday evening. welcome to this special edition of "hannity". i'm pete hegseth, in for sean on this friday night. and tonight, violence in the middle east once again, one u.s. contractor killed six usmiddle service members ind after a suspected iranian drone slammed into a us base in syria. >> this wasusps a seventy eights attack. seventy eight against an american base carried out by iranian force
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