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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  March 29, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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it. >> martha: lauren, thank you very much. >> bill: that was interesting to hear. before we go on the topic of a.i. talk about this for hours. the artist used the technology to make images of characters from the symptoms. the results. marge, homer, ned and mo. you can decide at home what you think of how the old computer did. >> martha: these are created human beings and look pretty real. >> bill: check out the letter from elon musk. thank you for coming in today. >> martha: "the faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. the man in charge of keeping our nation safe was taken to task about the desperate situation at our southern border. homeland secretary alejandro mayokas faced a brutal four-hour session before the senate judiciary yesterday and at this very hour a committee in the
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house of representatives is already grilling mayokas today. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." house republicans are taking their turn to hold homeland secretary mayokas accountable for the worst conditions at our border in our lifetime. this time yesterday senate republicans were tearing into him over his handling of the border crisis and repeatedly called for him just to resign. for hours they pressed him over his repeated claims of having -- we put this in quotes -- operational control of the border. he trow i had to -- tried to redefine the word and he did linguistic gymnastics why operational control means and why it works for him. a big focus on the raging fentanyl crisis and skyrocketing deaths from the drug. >> regain control of the border, go after the cartels, tell the mexican president get with it, work with us, or we're going to
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have to do things differently. secure the border now before we get attacked. >> it appears to me to be something that is perhaps an intentional effort to ob if you skate to hide the legal disaster we have unfolding on the southern border. >> would you like to take the opportunity today to apologize to these parents who lost their children because of fentanyl poisoning because of the policies of your department and the biden administration? >> your behavior is disgraceful and the deaths of the children assaulted and raped are at your feet. >> your refusal to do your job is revolting. if you had integrity you would resign. >> harris: those were the highlights. it was tough on mayokas yesterday for hours. republican congressman andy biggs of arizona, member of the house oversight and judiciary committee, co-chairman of the
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border security caucus, great to have you in "focus" and get your perspective on how things got started yesterday and where you think we sit with mayokas? is he going to quit? >> you know, harris, i watched much of that hearing and particularly the cruz/mayokas interaction. i will just tell you, as tough as cruz was on mayokas, mayokas deserves it. i think he should be removed from office if he won't leave. what he has done, the result of his policies. these are his -- he is directing this. it has been hundreds of thousands of deaths, untold amount of criminal conduct. we have terrorists that have entered the country. harris, we don't control the border and he won't even bother to say it is a border crisis. it is just unbelievable. >> harris: i was already off the air, went back to my office and watched it on c span.
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i couldn't stop watching it. it was unbelieve ashley to see the man in charge of homeland security not be able to explain why the border is not secure and not even believe what he is seeing with his own eyes. >> i couldn't understand it. i just got back from the border a week ago or so and had interviews with a sheriff yesterday and talked to a former cbi today. it is unbelievable what is happening and this guy is supposed to be the homeland security secretary. he has no answers except for we talked about the cbp1 app. that's not working. what it is doing is providing -- he has previously testified parole is a one-on-one incident type of occurrence. what he is doing is he is granting parole for hundreds of thousands of people. they get in. given work permits. he is providing every incentive
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and we know where that's going on. at the same time you've got the narco terrorist cartels who control our border. even chief border patrol officer ortiz testified to that. sector chiefs have said the same thing. the homeland security secretary is in denial. >> harris: we carried that, too, with raul ortiz. i don't know if they watch their own people speaking on their behalf. they don't even hear each other let alone see the rest of us. mike kelly did not hold back when sparring with maryland democrat glen ivy over the surge in illegal immigration at our northern border now. let's go north with it. watch. >> this administration by its failure to admit we have a problem, is the problem. now, ranking member, i appreciate when you went through
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in the beginning. not us, them. i will just say this. i will not yield right now. taken us too long to get here. >> harris: you have to get the facts out. here is some. can you believe it? in 2022 we had 200 of these crossings on the northern border. we reported to you when they were ticking up. now look at it 2,000. it is only march. they've crossed the northern border through vermont, new hampshire and new york from october to february of this fiscal year up by more than 800% from the same time last year. you know, we watched it cook like this on the southern border. will we make the same mistakes twice, congressman? >> i am very afraid that's going to happen, because they actually moved so many people from the northern border down to the southern border, which is why we now have between the ports of entry up north so much wide open
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territory. actually even longer border. so we are incentivizing people to cross the southern border and yet we aren't defending against the northern border. it is just an unbelievable thing to watch what happens here. it leads me to believe it is intentional. i really wanted to give these guys the benefit of the doubt. this administration. they have had record levels of encounters at the border month after month for 26 months now. it is not going away. they are not willing to even acknowledge it is a crisis or try to do something constructive to stop it. >> harris: it is helpful to know what you just told us about the assets and personnel that are moving from north to south now. if you are wanting to perpetrate terrorism against this country, you pick a border that maybe isn't watched as much. we are creating that ourselves. interesting about the assets
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moving. that's a dangerous situation for us. speaker kevin mccarthy is demanding a meeting with president biden to talk about the nation's debt limit. he wants to raise the debt ceiling to cuts in federal spending at the same time. the president is not on board. at least not yet. >> the president has misled the members of congress, misled the american public that he was going to negotiate. he hasn't done that. economically we're in a worse situation because of the extreme spending democrats have done. >> i don't know what there is to meet on. >> harris: i don't know what we'll meet on? is he serious? >> well, president biden again is in denial on this as well.
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his spending has eroded our ability to pay our national debt. so when you think about it, harris, we're in arrears every month about 100 to $120 million. there are is money we can claw back and bring into the treasury and forestall lifting the debt ceiling if we would do it. green new deal programs that are $350 billion in subsidies and tax credits. you have this student loan deferment and forgiveness programs. that scores at $609 billion. you have so much that's out there that this administration has put into play. if we could start clawing some of this back you might be able to push that debt ceiling lift past the end of the current fiscal year. i think speaker mccarthy set the
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right tone yesterday. he was talking about recessions, talking about making reforms, doing things like work requirements for people who receive -- that are able bodied. you see social welfare benefits. all things that people in america understand work and would reduce our spending and this administration instead, you know, gave us a 7 trillion budget request, which is an increase of $8 hundred billion. they keep spending like there is no tomorrow. that's causing us problems. >> harris: and in good faith you see republicans, led by mccarthy, saying look we'll raise the debt ceiling. we aren't going to default but we need to do some other things to make that happen. that is more than an olive branch. that's negotiating. the president doesn't understand what he would go to the table
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for. i mean, wow. that is unbelievable. all right. congressman, you gave us a lot to work with today. thank you so much for being in "focus." >> absolutely. thanks. >> harris: mississippi and other southern states are reeling after those powerful storms and deadly tornadoes hit the region this weekend. to help people out, to help them begin with the rebuilding process, fox corporation has donated $1 million to the red cross. donations will go to resources including water, medical supplies, and housing support. fox corporation is also matching employee donations by doubling whatever employees give to the red cross relief effort and at this hour the relief fund has raised nearly $1 hundred thousand on that portion. if you would like to help, log onto red forward. the debate over reparations continues.
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one city in illinois is approving $25,000 cash payments to eligible people who live there. black people, obviously. reparations for slavery. the activist that backed the program admits she has no idea how even san francisco would pay for its massive proposal. so they are putting all this out there and you know what they will do, they'll come to us taxpayers no matter what your background is and you have to pay. another former business partner of hunter biden appears to have visited the white house more than a dozen times when joe biden was vice president. what did he want? what was he doing there and getting for his visits? brian kilmeade in "focus" next. except your income, it's time to cut your monthly expenses. and the fastest way to do that? pay off your debts and high rate credit cards with a lower payment newday home loan.
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>> harris: breaking at this hour. an intense mission to free three runaway barges pinned against a dam near louisville kentucky. they've been working with it overnight and not getting better. one of the barges is sinking. here is the problem. it is carrying 1400 tons of highly flammable methanol. at this hour we're told nothing is leaking. but it is on the move as it sinks. remember just about seven weeks ago a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in eastern ohio. the concern would be is this tributary, this ohio river, being shared by some of the same disaster victims in east palestine about 400 miles away? a monster body of water and a monster barge situation going on right there. david lee miller is on the story for more.
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i concentrate on the water and how people will be affected. david. >> indeed. a lot of people are very concerned. the barge that has so many people worried contains more than 1400 tons of poisonous methanol and it is sinking. they are looking at health risks. ohio river provides drinking water for 5 million people. last month following a train derailment fears were raised the river had been contaminated. louisville emergency management reads in part. currently 0 evidence of a tank breach or any leaks and air and monitoring resources are in place. the statement continues there is currently no impact to louisville water intake or water quality. according to the government's national institute of health, methanol exposure if left untreated can be extremely dangerous and even fatal. windshield washer fluid and
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other fuels. it was 1 of 10 barges that broke away. three of them got stuck against the dam. all the other barges carried soy and corn. kentucky senator rand paul says he is keeping an eye on the cleanup operations. >> so far there has been no reports of any leakage of dangerous chemicals. i know a lot of people in the barge industry and know they will work diligently and hard this morning to try to recover this and hopefully it will be done without any kind of leakage of any dangerous chemical. we're watching this closely. >> so far no word on what caused the barge to break loose. it is not an uncommon occurrence. we expect to learn more at a briefing scheduled for this afternoon. >> harris: we'll be there. david lee miller, thank you very much. appreciate it. "fox & friends" host brian kilmeade is in his radio studio ready to join us. we like to simulcast at the same time. it was 2019, evans ton, illinois, the first city in the united states to approve
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reparations for black citizens and this week the city council voted to expand that program to include a cash option. the $10 million program initially just applied to mortgages or down payments, help with those. now a cash option allows about $25,000 to each black resident who qualifies. i have to get into that. what does that mean? how black are you? this is unreal. one of the activists behind that program was also asked about the san francisco proposal to offer $5 million per black resident. >> how will they pay each resident? i don't know. so those are the challenges that we all have as municipalities. >> harris: it is not just a matter of paying for it. critics say reparations won't solve the real issues facing black families. >> this isn't about black lives or improving the state of black
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america. it is about black votes. they don't care about the betterment of black opportunity or care about again ending this violent crime wave that disproportion naturally affects people of color. i am sick and tired of black people treated by chattel up for sale to the highest bitter. we should demand more. >> harris: now brian kilmeade, co-host of "fox & friends", host of brian nation and the brian kilmeade show. this is more than just about the money. that's going to be big whether it's california, illinois, no matter where it is. but it doesn't make any sense. how do you figure out who even gets this money? c.j. said yesterday and others have said you don't have slavery in the country now. you will have to test people, put them in a discriminatory situation to figure out who is black enough and close enough to
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a slave to get paid. >> it is unbelievable that we got to this point. i'm not convinced they thought it got to this point. it sounded good. california is in deficit. more homeless in san francisco than maybe any other cities in that state. nancy pelosi's influence she hasn't delivered for her city. they decide they will give $97,000 a year, a cost of $250 billion. if they want to do it for the whole state it will be $8 hundred billion. 2 1/2 times what they actually generate and paying for a state not involved in the civil war. no one is soft pedaling our past and saying there was no 1860 civil war and no one saying in 1865 they shouldn't have done more to flood the south with teachers and security and massive education which lincoln
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would have done. no one said the 1870 compromise wasn't horrific and gave us jim crow. no one said the civil rights wasn't necessary. in 2023 explain to pe if there is a more successful more multi-cultural country in the world that somehow wants to beat itself up again and write checks on an account where there is no money. >> harris: explain it to me. explain it to all of us. we all want to know why you would do that. i understand where we're going here. this eventually comes out of all of our pockets, whether you look like me or not. eventually everybody has to pay. these states, as you said, are underwater as it is. particularly california. they can't pay all of their black residents to the tune of billions. that's not reality. so that means the whole country has to pay. somebody explain that to us. >> it makes no sense for the country. if somebody is profiting big time off dividing this nation in
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a way i have not seen. almost like there is an outside force forcing everybody to say you're italian, black, indian. everyone has a problem. everyone's problem and soon it will be white people will say they have a problem because they're oppressed because they've been blamed too much. we have to get back to a melting pot. everyone get in it and let's come together again. this will do nothing except divide. whether it's $97,000 a year or whether it's $25,000 deposit on a house it is never going to be enough. >> harris: by the way, if you are going to be heating up the pot can we still use our gas stove? we don't have time. it appears that a second hunter biden business partner made a lot of visits to the white house. visitor logs reviewed by fox show rob walker made at least 16 trips there while joe biden was
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vice president. this, of course, backs up concerns about influence pedaling and casts doubt on biden's many claims that he knew nothing about hunter biden's business dealings. >> president biden: i don't know what he was doing. i did not know he was on the board of that company. i've never discussed my business or their business my son's or daughters. i never discussed about having to do with ukraine. i've never spoken to my son. i have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses period. >> harris: we now know when he was vice president personally approved a response to a 2015 story on hunter biden's involvement with the burisma energy company and biden family members got more than a million dollars from a chinese firm. you know what, brian? we need him to ask the questions all over again. i can't believe he won't have talked with his son by this point. >> what else are they talking about? his blow paintings?
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i'm not sure. devon archer, another big time business partner in legal trouble. they golfed together. picture of them on the golf course. rob walker visiting 16 times. rob walker, million dollars to the family, 16 visits to the west wing where he had an office. how could you possibly want to speak to your son's business partner and not talk about the biden business? we know this. has anyone asked him do you know tony bobulinski? who was working with rob walker. to your point on voicemail a call left on hunter biden's laptop, which was his phone, that says i think we're in the clear about the "washington post" story. not even in texts but actually his voice. so he has lied. that president looks down the barrel of those cameras when he debated mr. trump and asked if it was his son's laptop he lied.
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he knew it was his son's laptop. he knew those emails were real and looked at america and lied. what else is he lying about? five times you just rolled the tape five times saying i never discussed overseas business with my son. does anyone watching us now do not think he lied every single time? of course he did. what else is he lying about, harris? >> harris: i find it hard to believe he didn't know the north of 150 suspicious activity reports that are also about his family. i find that really hard to believe. the federal government taking that close a look at you and they don't tell him? i have to let you go. you will hit a commercial there on radio. thanks for simulcasting with me. >> thanks, harris, that will do it. >> harris: liberal students at george mason university outraged. they are dead set against republican governor glenn youngkin speaking at their
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commencement ceremony. the president said silencing different viewpoints is not the answer. the white house suggests republicans bear some blame. they are full on finger pointing after the massacre at the el me entry school in nashville. lawmakers don't like it. >> how many more children have to be murdered before republicans in congress will step up? >> all they are trying to do is demonize anyone who disagrees with them and to blame republicans as if we think this is okay. >> harris: you know who killed those people? the shooter. the politics of guns goes round and round. tammy bruce in "focus" next.
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every year we try to exercise more, to be more social, to just relax.
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and eating healthy every single meal? if only it was this easy for us.
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felt emotion but again those are just words. what the people of tennessee need, what the people of this country need, is action. >> harris: democrats calling for more gun control. that's usually the case after a mass shooting for them. they reflexively go to politics within seconds. six people died at a christian school in nashville, tennessee on monday. police took out the shooter at the scene. the white house went full politics pointing fingers at republicans. peter doocy is live from the white house with more on this. peter. >> president biden says he owns shotguns. he says he supports the second amendment but he also supports new limits on what kind of weapons civilians can buy. >> president biden: i know you see on television it's not just -- the weapon in terms of its semi automatic, in effect. the velocity with which it comes out of that muzzle, what it does when it hits the body, most
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bullets would go straight through and out but it blows up once inside your body. >> the assault weapons ban he wants went nowhere when democrats had unified control of congress and now his team is blaming republicans for a lack of progress. >> what i will say to republicans in congress is what are you going to say to these parents? what are you going to say to these family members? 63% of americans -- i heard this poll laid out on this show earlier today. a political poll. said they want to see safer gun safety measures. they want to see that. that's the will of the people. >> senator tom cotton is saying it doesn't get much lower than blaming republicans in congress for a transgender killer who targeted a christian school. republicans said they're open to hardening school security. >> let's work to see if there is
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something we can do to help secure schools. we've talked about things that we can do and it seems like on the other side they want to take guns away from law abiding citizens. >> harris: thank you very much. peter actually had something in his reporting that we want to do more on now. republican senator josh hawley claimed the christian school was targeted. he tweeted this was a hate crime against christian children and teachers. there is no defending it. however, president biden thought it was the perfect time to tell a joke before even getting to the massacre at that elementary school. watch this. >> josh hawley believes christians were targeted. what do you say then
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>> i probably don't then. i have no idea. >> harris: if a republican believes it i probably don't believe in it. tammy bruce from fox nation is here. your reaction. >> one of the important jobs, of many, of the president is to be an empathizeer and able to understand what the american people are going through. it is something that saved bill clinton's political career after the federal building bombing. even though you might not like some of the things he was doing he really cared and felt our pain. this is shameful. the same as when he went out first during a press conference to talk about his ice cream. there is a disconnect with regular people and human beings. it is shameful and awful. he laughed. it was -- i don't think he was joking. he says he is not joking. i don't think he was joking at all. this is about chess moves. it is a game for them. it is a horrible framework and then, of course, getting back to
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the gun issue and hate crimes. there is the manifesto. it is important for people to know why these things happen. >> harris: there is only one person who killed those people. that was audrey hale. the left can do whatever they want to make it look like republicans played a role in that. there was one person who did that killing. we'll get to their lives in a moment, the victims. we'll keep it there. a radical transgender group is issuing a statement saying the shooter felt she had no other effective way to be seen than by lashing out, by taking the life of other. life or transgender people is very hard and hate has consequences. twitter users piled on as well. they understand the shooter's outrage against an intoll rat state that brainwashes children through religion.
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others mocked the state's ban on transgender issues and called for thoughts and prayers. tammy. >> let me tell you, only one group having days of revenge, right? days of rage. arguing about there is a genocide and really setting up those who might be easily tipped over into being violent and then those remarks, those kinds of statements excuse it and send a message to everyone else that this is a reasonable kind of reaction considering that. some have said it's the argument of suggesting that well the rape victim's skirt was too short. that there is you are making this happen. you are causing us to react. abusers say that as well. if you were nicer, if you were better to me i wouldn't have to break your nose. if you knew what i needed your life would be better. i just have to say also for many americans this may be the only experience of watching a
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transgender person. this is the other thing for this community. everybody knows these are marginal extremist co-operating this issue using these people's lives, abusing them even further by casting them as well. a lot of people are marginalized. as a black woman you with a minority when you're seen. as a gay woman not easily seen. a lot of people grow up feeling not understood and marginalized. >> harris: we don't all kill people. >> americans understand life is not perfect but this is not what most people do and it is not what transgender people do, either. >> harris: that's a good point. they are getting used in this whole process and they become even more endangered through this process because if that's the only way people see them, there might be the thought everybody is like that. we are normalizing murder by allowing those people who
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support killing if others don't agree with your lifestyle, by allowing that to be part of the context of our lives we're normalizing our -- >> the gay and transgender community should be the first to speak out against this. >> harris: none of us can tolerate it. >> harris: we are grateful to the police officers who took down the shooter, they are amazing. i do want to put focus now on the precious lives that were taken at the christian elementary school in nashville. the head of covenant school is being hailed a hero. we learn more about what happened during the shooting. she went straight for the shooter immediately after hearing the first shots. nashville's police chief has said based on how officers found her body, she had directly confronted the shooter. god bless her. two other employees cynthia
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peake a substitute teacher and mike hill a custodian were killed. weak was an educator for decades and it was her life's dedication. hill leaves behind seven children. 14 grandchildren, a go found me page has been set up to help his family. as of this morning, people had donated some $4 hundred thousand. let's talk about the three children. all just nine years old. also taken from their families. evelyn dike hawes, hallie scruggs and william kinney. evelyn tried to pull the fire alarm before she was shot. now the police officers who stopped the massacre. along with the team with them. a tremendous effort. michael collazo and wrecks engelbert ran to the shots and ran to the danger risking their own lives to take her out before
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anybody else was killed. police got the first 911 call at 10:13 a.m. by 10:24 a few minutes later the shooter was dead. experts praise the police response as near perfect based on body camera footage and credit not only to those officers, but to the department as a whole for the training that went on. 31-year-old collazo is a nine year veteran of the force and served as a marine, firefighter and swat team paramedic. dad to a young daughter as well. 27-year-old engelbert is a four-year veteran of the force. just last week he received a commendation for precision policing. we will continue to remember and mourn and pray for the victims. for their families, for the entire nashville community, and for our nation.
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[chanting] >> harris: george mason university students protesting the school's decision to select virginia republican glenn
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youngkin, the governor of the state, to speak at this spring's commencement. you would think that would be a great honor, a great thing to have at your campus. a petition has nearly 7,000 signatures against the governor's appearance now. the issue has the student body divided. >> in a society, you need to hear all people's ideas. when those ideas directly target people on this campus it en rages people who came here to find a better life. we're upset about this. >> as amaze on student i want to apologize to our governor. childish and spot -- not supposed to be a political event. >> that being said i don't believe that we should silence the voices of those with whom we disagree. it is a tradition at the university. youngkin would join four former
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governors who spoke at graduation. power panel now, jason riley, "wall street journal" columnist and fox news contributors. and a former alaska senator. senator, what's wrong with having the governor come and speak? >> actually i don't see anything wrong with it. the thing about universities or college campuses allow this free exchange of ideas. you sometimes agree, sometimes you don't. but if we start stifling free speech at any level, i think it will be the downfall in many parts of the country. i don't have the problem with the governor. i have been events when i'm not very pleased with the guest speaker or dinner banquet but it is part of the process of universities and colleges. where a lot of exchange occurs. >> harris: you led so many in your state. why are people on the left who do that to conservatives? why are they doing this?
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we see it over and over again and we don't see it in the reverse. >> i don't think that's true. you may see it more disproportionate on the hard left. but hard right does the same thing. i think what happens we are a much more extreme- >> harris: more democrats do this than republicans. talk to me about why that happens? >> i think you have a lot of students that, you know, come to these events and want to have their voice heard and they may not like who they are saying. maybe the conservatives students are quieter than the liberal students who want to speak their mind. >> harris: my other guest may have something to say about that. what do you think? >> well, i think the students are continuing to do it because they are being indulged by the adults on campus. it's the adults i take issue with. they are indulging that.
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a law professor was shouted down in stanford. a dean was in the audience. not only didn't stop the hecklers, but essentially sided with the hecklers in denouncing the speaker. college campuses have become some of the most intolerant places in this country. they are by and large controlled by the political left, which i think tells you a lot about the left's view of tolerance particularly when it comes to ideological and political tolerance. it is unfortunate. schools should be a place of open inquiry where you learn critical thinking and how to grapple with different perspectives. that's not what is happening today. >> harris: if you can't debate with your words, when life gets tough what are you going to do? you can't cancel everybody. let's get to this. climate czar john kerry. >> let me say one -- >> harris: we'll move on. cannot escape his defense of climate activist leaders who
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travel on gas guzzling private jets. ted cruz the latest to take him on. >> john kerry embodies the rich, out of touch contempt that today's left has for working men and women. when john kerry puts his privileged butt on a private jet he is destroying planet earth. it is such dripping contempt. >> harris: reverse order quickly. jason, your response. >> john kerry's self-regard knows no bounds. if he really thought that climate change was an existential threat to the world he would find a more environmentally friendly way to travel. he doesn't. it is performance and his hypocrisy shows loud and clear. >> harris: he could ride a bike, he could take a row boat. >> i am in a state where villages have fallen into the
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ocean. in a state where buildings no longer can be constructed in certain areas. >> harris: do you think it is helpful to see the hypocrisy by kerry? is he helping? >> let me just say this. i would love to answer. that is the administration currently is looking at different type of fuels for planes. what kerry says i won't disparage them. >> harris: he is the czar on the subject so it matters. thank you for being with me. "outnumbered" after the break. turns out they didn't trust the printing of paper money, but they did trust gold and silver. article 1, section 10. gold and silver. good for the founders, good for me, good for you. rosland capital - is a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital to receive your
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