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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 30, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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the heart right now in our country. and i don't know how it's resolved. your advice on revival seems likes a good as an idea as any. tim burchett, thanks for coming on. we know your state is grieving and we appreciate your efforts coming on this morning. >> thank you some. >> todd: with that, "fox & friends" begins right now. have a great thursday, everybody. [siren] >> todd: emergency response near fort campbell in kentucky. >> black hawk helicopters conducting a routine exercise which when these crashes occurred. >> we don't have any information on the condition of the crew. >> vigil in nashville as the community mourns. >> investigators are still working to piece together a motive. they have not yet released the manifesto. >> our police officers have cried with nashville. >> the united states and china have differences when it comes to taiwan. we have managed those differences. >> taiwan's president is set to meet with mccarthy.
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>> china retaliation. >> we have to start talking about it that way. >> fox news poll shows trump's lead is growing in the g.o.p. primary race. >> 64% is disprove. >> top numbers on the economy, the border, on all kinds of things. >> elon musk and other major tech leaders calling for a pause on artificial intelligence. >> bret: they are worried about the risks developing machines smarter than humans. >> foreign adversaries are still going to be developing it. >> brian: we begin with a fox news alert and it's not good news. two u.s. army helicopters crashing overnight in kentucky with multiple deaths reported. a parent complication happening during a training mission northeast of fort campbell in trigg county. >> steve: about 10:00 last night. the blackhawk helicopters crashing in a field. emergency crews are at the scene. the choppers involved are used to transport soldiers to the battlefield and perform medevacs and also deployed for special
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operations. >> ainsley: quent's governor releasing the following statement we've got some tough news out of fort campbell with news of fatalities expected. we will share more information as available. please pray for all those affected. a police news conference is expected at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. we will bring you the latest on this treapgd throughout the morning. >> steve: that's right. we do not know at this point how many people were on those choppers. we will get more throughout the morning. so stay here on fox. meanwhile to another fox news alert. we now know that the covenant school shooter's manifesto in nashville will be made public. it is just a question of when. >> ainsley: nashville police and specialized fbi units are now combing through the manifesto and other evidence surrounding the shooter. >> brian: lucas tomlinson joins us live with the latest. >> good morning, steve, ainsley and brian. john calling the shooting nashville's worst day.
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hundreds gathered including jill biden to honor the six victims of the private school this week. the city council member says the trans shooter's manifesto will be released but did not say, when quote. manifesto is going to be released just a matter of when. incredibly brilliant psychological mines combing through her entire life. nashville resident and singer sheryl crow among the performers last night in nashville. it christian hymn broken circle brought to tears. officers bravingly moved rapidly to the sound of gun fighter to kill the shooter said his officers are grieving alongside everyone. >> just two days ago was our city's worst day. >> our police officers have cried and are crying with nashville. and the world. from your support we gather strength and the will to carry on. [siren in the background] >> and the protection of our city. >> the family of 9-year-old
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evelyn dieckhaus said she died trying to save her friends. a celebration of her life tomorrow. two republican congressman demanding the justice department investigate monday's shooting at the private christian school in nashville as a hate crime. texas congressman lance gooden and andy ocean has written president biden's attorney general be demanded it's called hate crime this was an assault on american christians, device. >> steve: that's absolutely right. thank you very much, lucas. meanwhile, it while republicans are calling for this to be called a hate crime. the motive is unclear. and while lucas talked a little bit about how the manifesto will be released after the fbi behavioral unit goes through it, i don't think we're going to see it for a long time because they said we will not be releasing the manifesto during an open investigation. and right now the investigation is wide open because they're so
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many dots that have not been connected. >> the council member said as far as the it manifesto goes brilliant psychological minds and analysts will be combing through it all. there is a fundraiser for the custodian that was killed. his name is mike hill. nickname big mike. he is the father of 8, y'all. they collected more than $500,000. the goal was $25,000 to put towards his funeral expenses and his service did you all the hear the friend of the shooter called nonemergency member just before it happened. her name is avenue anna patten. >> steve: directed message she said can someone go and check on her. all i have is her instagram information but i received a very weird message it was suicidal thing. i don't want this on my conscience. she called the hotline they called the sheriff's department. and the sheriff's department told her to call you guys, whatever number she was calling. >> brian: she went up to her dad
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and said what do you think about this? dad said you better call -- you better call the authorities. that's one of the reasons you confiscate guns to people if they are a danger to others or danger to themselves. that's why this investigation is so important. what do the parents know? how many red flags were for the parents? how did they not know they had any guns as opposed to seven guns? what was going on with the therapist? does the therapist have an obligation to come out? were there any indications that this shooter, this killer was capable of doing this? and, if that does happen now, if it's happening right now, the obligation between the client as well as the doctor is something that has got to come over. this is all about first line of defense. this is well-planned. there were maps, we know that it looks like she knew how to use a gun. we know that it looks like she was well-armed. we know that we know exactly where the guns were bought. >> ainsley: she lived at home. parent's house and they found two more guns.
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>> brian: they found seven. the gun shop owner, too no gun shop owner wants to sell a killer a gun. what's on the background check? anything there that would turn had up? if the therapist knows this person is violent. where is the move from the therapist to the background check to the confiscation of guns? i know about the second amendment. but nobody is pro-arming killers that to me has got to be the answer. >> steve: her family did not know she had any of the guns. that's why it was such a surprise hey, look what we found here. what we do know for sure and while the manifesto has not been made public and probably won't be for a while, she did apparently target two other schools one of the local authorities said they were both public schools. she drove up to one of them and realized, you know what? there is too much security there obviously security in front of a school works because then she chose the christian school
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because there was no security in front. they did follow the protocols. they did lock the doors. it is really hard to harden a soft target. ultimately that school, that church was. here is kayleigh on "primetime" last night with jesse talking a little bit about how important it will be for everybody to see what is in that woman's manifesto. >> because it obviously doesn't fit the liberal narrative. that's the clear answer. i mean, this is basic transparency. people want to know why this individual did what she did. but it's unfriendly to the left wing narrative. if we learned anything, jesse, it is this how obvious and profoundly disgusting the liberal media anti-christian media is. a.p. hero principal left the zoom meeting ran into a hallway into gunfire without an arm
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herself and gave her life for her students. women the associated press, a mainstream wire service in this country described her as a rare female leader within a male led religious culture. >> brian: it's absolutely nuts. the other thing is in terms of hardening the targets, just in talking to people over the last few days, there is ballistic tape go on all these windows it's not bullet-proof it slows you down. think about this, it took four minutes to kill the killer. if you could slow that killer down for just four or five minutes with good cops, which they were in nashville, that might be enough time. all these things are done could be done, especially a christian school in a well-off community you would think they have some resources along with all the covid money we fanned out to all these schools, a lot of it is just sitting there. can we agree as a country, the smallest and biggest town, the smallest and biggest district right away, today, put that stuff on, make the purchases and
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also get an arm and see what you can do the retired cops for the most part retire in their 40's if they start in their 20's during the prime of their career. a lot of them are looking for second careers. who wouldn't want to get paid to guard the youth of your town. >> steve: sure. >> brian: that's what happens in my town. >> ainsley: schools are probably rethinking all of this. many of the school districts in south carolina have gone through extensive training on this. but, when it documents these glass doors, maybe you put bars over them. maybe you put metal doors on so you can't see through them. have one entry point and have an armed guard there at that door. >> steve: i'm sure all the publc schools are trying to think. public schools get funding through the public and taxes and private schools do not. they have to pay for their own things. and then when they do -- for instance, if they hire security, then the cost of tuition is going to go up. and less people will be able to afford it. but these are costs that have to be made to keep people safe.
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because we know for sure that she saw the security in front of the public school and said, you know what? not going to go there. >> brian: these killers don't want a gun fight. they want a slaughter. >> ainsley: every mom and dad around 9 country drop off your children at school spring f. it's not spring break and said a thought or a prayer. forefont. >> steve: if they drop the kids off. a lot of people are -- is my kid safe? >> ainsley: many people are questioning that. i know. coming up, a fox news alert. a train derails overnight in minnesota, catching on fire, prompting the town to evacuated. we are following the development. >> brian: plus, new outrage over the search of matt taibbi's home while he was testifying on capitol hill. our next guest ask is biden, like past presidents, unleashing the irs on his enemies? ♪ hits your supply chain and ryder makes sure you're ever delivering with freight brokerage to transportation management, truckload capacity and dedicated trucks and drivers.
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♪ >> ashley: we start your headlines with a fox news alert. a train derailed in minnesota earlier this morning forcing road closures in the region. numerous fire departments responded to the scene after the car carrying ethanol caught on fire. all residents within a half a mile radius of the derailment are being urged to evacuate. local officials have set up an emergency shelter at a nearby school. a "wall street journal" reporter is detained in russia and accused of spying. evan was taken into custody in the city about 1,000 miles east of moscow. russia's federal security service saying he quote is expected of espionage in the interest of the american government. adding he collected information constituting a state secret about the activities of one of the enterprises of the russian military industrial complex. the "wall street journal" says they are deeply concerned for the safety of mr. gears vic.
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we are in the second week of the gwyneth paltrow trial skiing into retired optometrist. he brain scans revealed he had brain damage before the crash. >> brain problems that he complains of as a result of the collection were actually all pre-existing. did you hear dr. black say that? >> yes, i did. >> do you agree with that opinion? >> yes, i do. >> paltrow maintains her innocence, claiming sanders crashed into her and those are your headlines. steve, back to you. >> steve: all right. thank you very much, ashley. there is new fallout this morning over the irs visit to the home of matt tiberiasy the journalist, while he was testifying to congress about the weaponization of government. in a brand new op-ed in the "new york post," our next guest asks is biden, like past presidents,
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unleashing the irs on his enemies? journalist james boebert joins us from the d.c. area. good morning to you. >> hey, thanks for having me on there was a knock on his door the day he was testifying you whether wonder moronic or a fear tactic. >> decade maybe 100 years. told congress in the 1990s the irs collects more taxes from fear than through the law. and it doesn't matter what the motive was for this visit, on the same day that matt taibbi's testifying before congress, getting beat up by all the democrats on the committee. this is a message, you know, you go there, you bash the government, irs might knock on your door and, you know, again, it's hard to know what the
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motive was. maybe it was coincidental. might be kind of like could be controversial, we don't know yet. you know they are trying to send a message to mr. taibbi. you write, almost every administration since the irs inception the info and power of the tax agency has been mobilized for explicitly political purposes. what did fdr do with his enemies to the irs? >> yeah. franklin roosevelt used the irs to harass newspaper publishers beating up on the new deal and went after people like andrew melon. that was a tactic that was ratcheted up by john f. kennedy in the early 1960s. john f. kennedy explicitly set out an irs program to go after conservative groups, christian groups, anti-communist groups. there were over 10,000 different groups on the target list nixon
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came in and made a hell of a lot worse. john dean, white house counsel saying nixon is going to use the irs to screw our political enemies. i mean, and, you know, there were changes after watergate. there were reforms put in. and how did that work out? , eh, typically d.c. >> steve: what about during the obama years they targeted 300 conservative groups that had things like tea party in their titles? >> yeah. early on, during the obama administration, the irs sent out a bolo list be on the lookout for groups applying for tax exempt status names tea party or patriot. targeting groups that advocate education about the constitution or the bill of rights. very important not to let these kind of groups get loose, you
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know. so, the irs blocked the tax exempt status for that trying to weaken obama's political enemies. and the house majority leader, eric canter said it was like the hallmark of authoritarian nations. federal appeals court said the irs had abused its power in this issue. >> steve: sure. the question was was it simply -- as you write was it moronic or militias or simply a coincidence that the irs guy showed up at matt taibbi's house that day? will we ever know? >> i think we might get some insights. again, it's possible it was a happenstance. however, i mean, the irs has got a really bad record and the fundamental fault is congress. congress has not reformed the irs, the tax code. the irs has all this arbitrary power over americans. when you have that much power, it's going to be abused.
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>> steve: james, let us know if somebody knocks on your door today. okay? >> ha ha, will do. >> steve: thank you, sir. james bovard. read his op-ed in the "new york post." baseball is back. the 202 3m lb season teeing off today for the first time since 1968. all 30 teams will play their first games on the same day. let's check in with abby hornacek. she is having breakfast with friends at christian's tailgate in houston. home of the 2022 world series champs and that's why they've got a band ♪ be a be a that was the band. i didn't hear a word you said. the energy here is already unmatched it's 5:15 in the morning here. the reason why the energy is so great because we are in the home of the reigning mlb champs the houston astros as we gear up for
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mlb opening day. first time since 1968 take the field. we will be walking around christian's tailgate talking about their excitement leading up for that the buzz is not just about baseball either. we have one of the most sneak final 4 matchupping in maybe all of history as four teams take the court at nrg stadium on saturday. we have got people here later on in the show. we will be talking to rob schneider, mattress max. i want to know everything there is to eat in houston. are you excited for later today. >> really excited today. >> i see you have an astro's jersey on how are we looking for 2023. >> looking strong this year. be a an okay. we are going to move this way. what are you guys looking forward to? >> can i be honest? i would love that. jeremy pena. >> a lot of cheers. we will end with that u. you guys take it away. back to you. >> steve: more with the band and
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abby down in houston, coming up. meanwhile, it is 24 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, despite being in the grips of a major crime crisis, washington, d.c. is choosing not to prosecute a lot of cases. and it's upsetting even some democrats. a neighborhood commissioner sounds off next. you're watching "fox & friends" live from new york in houston and all over the place ♪ come on ♪ ♪ all week long it's a farming town ♪ they're making that money grow ♪ tractors plows with flashing lights ♪ backing it's the moment when you realize that a good day... up
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hold my wand. don't wave it at anything. get the best price by booking direct at mmm! yeah! what did i say!?! >> despite being in the grips of a major crime crisis the u.s. torn for d.c. is choosing not to prosecute a large number of cases. new data shows 67% of the less serious cases were declined according to the "the washington post" d.c.'s decline to prosecute is much less than other cities detroit, chicago and filly. denise is a d.c. neighborhood commissioner and lifelong democrat and she joins us now. good morning, denise. >> good morning, thanks for having me on today. >> thanks for coming on. what made you want to come on this show and talk about this? what's your reaction to that? something you said. the u.s. attorney chose not to
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prosecute. we have 52 homicides this year. 42 sex abuse cases. 1628 thefts of cars, and 150 carjackings. so crime is going up over all by 22%. and we have a u.s. attorney in the washington, d.c. that is choosing, affirmatively choosing not to prosecute. that's problematic. that means that we have got. >> ainsley: how do you feel about those stats when you know about 70% are going to be let go. >> i'm pissed. those are the stats that i'm giving you. i had an individual commit a carjacking in front of my house. i had two men killed a block from my house in the last two years. a u.s. attorney that is refusing to prosecute? why? why? i mean, what's the justification for those, you know, for not prosecuting and looking at those of us who live here in washington, d.c. and say it's okay. trust me i'm your u.s. attorney i know what you are doing. no i'm going to look at at you and say i don't think you know what you are doing. i don't think you understand people are terrified to walk out
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on the streets and people re terrified to use wamota and people are terrified to send their kids to school because of crime. so what are you doing? >> ainsley: here is the city council chairperson phil mendelson he says you don't have a crime crisis. listen. >> i know this belies the common belief and whether it comes to crime how people feel is important. but there is not a crime crisis in washington, d.c. >> ainsley: there clearly is a crime crisis when you are letting 70% of those arrested go. >> while mr. mendelson was saying that yesterday, there was a double shooting with one person dying and there was a carjacking about a mile from the capitol. so while is he claiming that there is not a crisis in crime in washington, d.c. i open my door to a carjacking. >> ainsley: what's the reason for this? the criminals know this. there are no more deterrence. what about the victims? >> well, as somebody again who had a car jacking in front of their house, i don't know what they're doing. i know he chose.
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that's the important thing today, he chose not to prosecute while violent crime was going up. so here's what i did because i'm looking at a problem. i went to congress and said i need you to do something and so it's my understanding that congress is going to be writing letters to the u.s. attorney and saying why aren't you prosecuting, which is good, and then, two, demanding he finally show what cases he is prosecuting. when you chose not to prosecuted then what are you prosecuting and why? i mean, we need to hold multiple hearings on the u.s. attorney and just demand a lot of answers right now because, again carjackings in front of people's houses. carjackings in front of the capitol. murders in front of people's houses we have got to do better than this. >> ainsley: we are almost out of time how do you think this is going to effect the elections? you are a democrat. >> i sure am. i was a political appointee for the obama administration. i think if people don't address crime, then people are going to look at that election day and say i'm not going to vote for
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somebody who is not strong on crime. >> thank you so much for coming on. keep fighting. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. red threat rising. china vowing to fight back if taiwan's president meets with the speaker of the house kevin mccarthy next week. this as an air force secretary speaks out on the communist country's nuclear are a certain. >> i don't think i have seen anything more disturbing in my career maybe than the chinese expansion -- ongoing expansion of nuclear force. rybelsus®. ♪
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us into a new world that we have never lived in before where you have three great powers essential whether i large arsenals of nuclear weapons. >> steve: there was scary testimony yesterday in front of the house aappropriations committee. that man who was speak something air force secretary frank kendall. he has been in the military for 50 years and what he is seeing right now from china terrifies him. you heard a little bit how he talked about china was satisfied with having a couple of hundred nuclear warheads for decades. right now the estimate is they have got 400. but what is scary is that within 10 years we they will have 1500. and we have got no treaties with them regarding the nukes. >> ainsley: china is fighting back now because they say if the speaker of the house kevin mccarthy meet with taiwan's president he is coming over here. >> steve: today. >> ainsley: going through all the americas, to new york and end the trip in l.a. before going back to taiwan will also go to belize and guatemala.
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in l.a. she will likely meet with mccarthy and other members of congress. and the white house says this is not uncommon. she has had so many trips before and always done that. her trip across the u.s. is consistent with the one china policy and urges beijing not to overreact. china says this is another provocation. we firmly oppose this and will take measures to resolutely fight back. >> steve: that's a threat. >> brian: taiwanese president has been here six or seven times, in particular. now kevin mccarthy was going to go over there like nancy pelosi did. they said i have got a better idea. things are a little hot right now why don't i come and visit you. taiwan walk on the road of freedom and democracy walk through the road is rough and steep. we are not alone. the spokesperson for china's taiwan affairs office says if she makes contact with the u.s. house speaker mccarthy, which she will. it will be another provocation that seriously violates the one china principle it. undermines china's sorcht and territorial integrity and
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undermines peace and stability in the taiwan strait. that's just nothing but garbage. this has been the relations for the last 40 years. it's an understanding between the countries, china is now going doing everything it possibly can to make countries like argentina make a choice. us or taiwan. all right. i'll pick you. there are some other countries there that pick taiwan because they are much more productive per capita and a place they can count on, not oppressive and they can sleep at night knowing that there is no holocaust going on in a section of their country. >> steve: well, keep in mind it was just last year that nancy pelosi said okay. i'm going to taiwan china said you better not or something bad is going to happen. what did they do? they do what they did. and they tried to flex their muscle. china launched missiles. they deployed warships. they carried out military exercises in a simulated
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blockade of taiwan. of obviously they are just trying to say hey, don't screw with us. marco rubio was on with sean last night said this is the current threat, china poses to all of us. we're in a conflict. and i think we have to start talking about it that way. it's been about 30 years since there was another super power on the earth that was in conflict with the united states. we are back in that place. we need to stop pretending like that's not the case. i hope it's never an armed conflict but it's a conflict at every level you can imagine. we have a couple problems. number one, the white house, the biden administration is filled with a bunch of traditional, you know, conventional political figures that grew up over the last 20 years talking about cooperating with china. we saw how that worked out. they took all of our jobs and factories. they got rich, we got poor. otheir middle class grew ours dropped. when you hear him talk does not
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inspire. >> brian: he makes so much sense. he would be a great secretary of state by the way. brazil and china talking about attacking us from all aspects. umbrella and china struck a deal to ditch the u.s. dollar in favor of their own currency and transactions. for those of how said boss narrow facial. like that horrible donald trump. no, he was pro-american and last hope we had for brazil and u.s. to have legitimate u.s. trade relations. the guy they helped was lula who worships lenin and castro. so you basically turned the keys over to a prisoner, a criminal former truck driver now in charge of a country that sees their number one partner as china. we start losing our currency to these countries sitting on our hands that, is dereliction of duty. >> well, let's see what happens
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when kevin mccarthy meets with the president of taiwan coming up in about nine days. >> ainsley: she will be back in taiwan on april 7th, i believe. so the trip to l.a. would be a day or two. >> steve: it's at the end. >> ainsley: breaking overnight, multiple deaths reported after two black hawk helicopters crashed. >> steve: this happened about 10:00 last night during a training mission in fort campbell near kentucky. >> brian: sydney snow joins us live from the scene in trigg county, kentucky. a dozen cars. all law enforcement with their lies on and we did see inside of an ambulance and there was an american flag draped over what is believed to be a person that died in this crash very obviously a military member here. just to lay out where this crash happened katie's kentucky in
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trigg county about 120 minutes northwest of nashville. we are only about 40 miles from fort campbell where we know that these black hawk helicopters came from. again, all of this happening during a trained kentucky state police tells us these two helicopters crashed in a nearby field. right now a very large perimeter set up as well with the u.s. military so we aren't able to get any closer. all morning long i can tell you we have been seeing a number of law enforcement vehicles. military vehicles and trigg county search and rescue vehicles headed to that scene. again, just moments ago we do know at least one service member died in this crash. now, we are expected to get a little more information from fort campbell coming up later this morning. there is a press conference happening at the base at 10:00 a.m. so, of course, get you some more information as soon as we know more. so that's what things are like here cadiz, kentucky. southern kentucky coming off the
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wake of the covenant school shooting. i will send it back to you guys i'm sydney snow. >> steve: thank you. as the sun comes up they have a better idea what happened last night at 10:00. terrible. it is 17 minutes before the top of the hour ashley joins us with news from the west coast. >> good morning. we will start with this in los angeles. jonathan announcing a bid for l.a. district attorney. he says is he determined to end the tenure of his soft on crime boss. >> gascon is trying to divide you. he is it trying to divide all of you by constantly using politics. this race here has nothing to do with politics. it has everything to do with doing the right thing. >> ha tammy best known convictig child killers: pleads not guilty to assault. shoots is accused of sucker punching a bowling green player
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while in line give hand shakes. the victim suffered a swollen eye. shoots is scheduled to be back in court next month. the duo set to host the academy of country music awards. dolly parton will be back to emcee the show alongside country legend they have, quote. admired each other musically and as people and a how we handle our business. this year's show will be live just outside of dallas, texas on may 11th. those your headlines, guys, back to you. >> steve: fantastic. a quarter before the top of the hour. >> ainsley: check in with janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> i have got a friend this morning. what's your name? >> arthur. >> where are you from. >> melbourne, australia. >> janice: what are you doing out here so early in the cold. >> australia. fox is out there in australia live 24/7. >> janice: we can use that as a commercial. >> absolutely, yeah. >> janice: it's turning into
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fall, right? >> yeah. that's right. just come back from over there. beautiful. if you want to go to australia. you go in march. that's the time to go. a bit warm. a bit cooler than the summer. it's a beautiful time of year to go there. >> janice: if anyone needs a weather forecaster in melbourne, australia i'm going to recommend you. >> okay. >> janice: take a look at new york, because it is chilly. we are at 33 right now. it's 28 in chicago. 6 in fargo. where is spring in we do have the potential for stronger storms this weekend, actually friday into saturday. can you see that storm moving through the plain states. we have got another one behind it. we are in the severe weather season. already above average in terms of tornadoes. and this is the threat for friday, okay? so know where you are going to get your watches and warnings. all right? you like steve, ainsley and brian? >> yes. i enjoy the program a lot. >> janice: isn't he amazing? >> ainsley: nicely done. >> steve: good day. mighty fine. thank you. >> ainsley: his name is arthur?
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>> steve: something like that. >> brian: right. by the way i feel bad for him because is he missing barack obama's tour of australia. he is here. >> steve: maybe that's why he is here? >> ainsley: that's true. >> brian: good thought. we find out next hour. >> ainsley: coming up, baseball is back and abby hornacek is having breakfast with friends with the astro fans in houston ahead of opening day. >> abby: that's right, we are having an absolute blast here. we will be talking all things food coming up with the hangry houstonian. are you guys excited? [cheers] >> all right. you heard them. guys, hit it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ allergies don't have to be scary. (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain?
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and the congestion that causes it! flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good! there's always a fresh deal on the subway app. like this one! 50% off?! that deal's so good we don't even need an eight-time all-star to tell you about it. wait what? get it before it's gone on the subway app! (vo) some people say the metaverse will only be virtual. but firefighters entering a burning house... will one day save time when lives are on the line. visualizing a patient's most recent scan... will help speed up decision making in the er. and while the woolly mammoth is still extinct... that doesn't mean students can't take field trips to visit them. the metaverse may be virtual, but the impact will be real.
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♪ >> ashley: we are back with a couple of quick headlines beginning with this. jetblue is preparing to cut flights in the new york city area spring and summer. airline ceo says it's in response to the shortage of faa air traffic controllers saying, quote: we don't want to pull flights but if we don't cut them the system is not going to be workable this summer. the faa says it's working on staffing and looking to find ways to ease air congestion in new york. okay. so wake up and smell the noodles. ramen brand noodles is taking a bite into the breakfast world with new flavor supposed to taste like maple syrup, pancakes sausage and eggs. classic diner breakfast in a cup. the limited edition flavor is sold exclusively in select walmart stores bang to you guys. >> steve: sounds savory i'm willing to try it. >> ainsley: it means steve can
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partake. we used to eat the cup of noogdzs. weave wouldn't eat the noolingsdzs we would sip on the broth. >> ashley: i have never had it. >> steve: i went to college on those things. >> ainsley: have you never partaked this is what you love. >> steve: we mind me of college i ate them every day. >> ainsley: cheap. >> brian: i love food that gets activated. comes to life when you pour water on it. >> steve: reconstitute. >> brian: i love bringing things to life. >> ainsley: do you prefer the cup of noodles or breakfast cup of noodles? >> ashley: i have never had. >> steve: what would you like? >> ashley: i don't know. i have never had it. >> brian: she makes everything from scratch. >> ashley: i do i'm a scratch girl. >> ainsley: my momma with a love you. >> steve: thank you very much. >> ainsley: thank you, ashley. having breakfast with friends in houston, texas home of the 2022 world series champs. >> play ball. >> steve: not only the astros with the big game the ncaa final four tips off there in houston tomorrow.
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>> brian: abby hornacek the most athletic person at fox joins us live at christian's tailgate. >> ainsley: the band dances. >> brian: yes. it's amazing. ♪ ♪ >> abby: they are amazing, aren't they we do not have cup of noodles here. we have something better. we have actual food that we will be eating this morning. i am joined by danielle do you ba known as the angry histonian knows all things houston. if people are coming to houston, what are they supposed to eat? >> houston is nobody to be a barbecue town. obviously mexican food i love asian could you seen in houston. ultimate guide to houston check out hangry houstonian. and then amazing dishes. chili. >> abby: you said what barbecue joint should people go to.
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>> i love pit room. a mexican and barbecue combination which is so fun and so houston. >> abby: what do you think makes houston food better than any other place? >> oh, it's a hard question. it's made a lot of love. there is a lot of soul and so many like different unique elements that go into houston food with like the different culture. all the diversity within the city. lots of love. >> abby: yeah, so later today the first pitch will be thrown out minute maid park. a lot to look forward to. what should people eat around that area? >> it there is actually two residents next to the stadium owned by the astro's owner. two great restaurants with in the downtown area. >> abby: thank you so much. i'm going to leave you here and lee you with two those but i will bring chicken and waffles to our friends over here. guys what is going on. >> good morning. how are you? >> abby: i'm doing great now that i'm with you guys. this looks delicious, doesn't
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it. >> absolutely. yes, ma'am. >> abby: you guys are astro fans i assume. >> yes, ma'am. >> abby: being from houston what do you think you are more excited for opening day mlb or this saturday in final four. >> i would be more excited by wayne because they got eliminated by miami i would say -- i'm going with opening day. in other words, astros. >> abby: we got to go but go astros. guys, there you have it. >> steve: it's astro's hometown. i hope they go for astros. >> in new york they are not going for astros the yankees play 1:05. the mets play at 4:00 in miami. the new allegation being president biden accusations his administration is censoring free speech. we are live at the white house at the top of the hour. . . botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine
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