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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  March 30, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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the only way you would get free trump is reelect free trump at this point. this is only one case against them. this is law fair. the republicans have to wake up and fight fire with fire because this is totally unacceptable and it is a disgrace to country. "jesse waters primetime," good night. ♪ ♪ good evening, welcome to "tucker carlson," a fox news alert, american politicses thrown into complete chaos when a grand jury in manhattan a place where 80% voted for joe biden decided to indict biden's political opponent in the upcoming election, the republican front runner who leads by 30 points in polls, donald
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trump. the jury did this at the urging of a man called alvin bragg, the district attorney who have been famous by making the city much more dangerous by refusing to enforce laws against crimes like robbery or rape. we don't know what the indictment says or what the charges are, but previous news reports suggest they'll imminent from an alleged payment seven years ago, alvin bragg apparently believes it is a crime. the net results is donald trump is the first former president trump of the united states ever to be indicted. so, no matter what happens next we can be certain there is no coming back from this moment. there could be retaliations from red states. desantis issued a statement saying he'll not participate in any extradition of donald trump to new york, that's apparently scheduled by next
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week. we are not certain of the full outlines of this story but we know this moment is a historic one. we want to set tonight in fact, those that we have so far, we'll do that as we always do with the help of fox's trace gallagher. >> we'll have more of desantis coming up. it is important to remember that manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg, chosen to reject the two prosecutors. even alvin bragg himself decided against prosecuting trump. the case as tucker was saying centered around $130,000 to porn star stormy daniels who claimed she had an affair with trump. alvin bragg could not charge this case as a misdemeanor because the statue ran out in 2018. the charge it as a felony,
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the da had to perform what many called financial gymn gymnastic. experts pointed out it would be monument tally improbable. here is your law professor weighing in on the indictment, watch. >> the concern is if this theory is the basis of the indictment then this is a rather noble moment in history. donald trump may be the first president, first former president to be indicted. if this is the standard, he won't be the last. >> the case would rely on solely on the testimony of former trump's lawyer, michael cohen who directed the hush money on the eve of 2016 in exchange for keeping
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her quiet. robert costello testified before this grand jury was on tucker carson tonight back on march 20th. watch this. >> i called them up after i saw michael cohen on tv stating things that he said he was going to tell the grand jury and had told the grand jury that were contrary to what he told us when we first represented him in april of 2018. so, it sitting at home and watching these lies and i said i got to do something about it. >> okay, so we still don't know what the actual charges are because it is unlikely they'll be unsealed until the former president trump legally surrenders which will happen sometimes next week. donald trump issued a statement that reads in part, quoting here," the democrats have lied and cheated but now they have done the unthinkable indicting an innocent
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person," even desantis who could run against trump slams the indictment, the weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head. it is un-american. desantis makes a great point because if the charges are what we expect, then it does appear this is a political prosecution. federal prosecutors turned this case down and now you have a state prosecutor taking it on. donald trump's poll numbers have gone up in the past month and this could lift those numbers even further there will be a ground-swell of emotions for or against. that ground-swell will continue to rise. >> i think that's absolutely right. trump's numbers in the last ten days in one poll went from eight up to 30 up. so, all kinds of consequences only someone can predict. >> trace gallagher, thank you. this indictment is the
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beginning of something. it is a culmination certain to make sure that donald trump is not elected president again. that was the whole purpose of the january 6th committee. so far, it is not working, trump is leading by a wide margin. in georgia, a partisan grand jury who's for women is giving an interview on msnbc is also preparing to charge donald trump with a crime of doubting election results. as far as we know the doj is still investigating donald trump on another pretextual offense storing documents at his home. pause for a minute and consider the escalation on tactics on display here. the most powerful interest
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in this country decided that donald trump could not be president and in fact for the most part assumed that he would never be which is too ridiculous to be real. just to make sure he was never was, the fbi worked with the clinton campaign to spread false allegations that the president had been colluding with the government of russia. the fbi was never defunded and shutdown as it would have been in a functioning country, it continued to interfere in elections and does so this day. that did not work and trump took office anyway. federal agency did anything they could to make sure trump would be an in-effective, one-term president. he knew exactly how the system work, they took him out first. the cia operative in the white house filed a fake whistle blower complaint about ukraine and that got trump impeached and they impeached trump again for holding a rally to call on
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his supporters to protest what had happened to him as you would in a democracy. so, this effort today is one in a long line of unprecedented steps that permanent washington has taken to stop donald trump from holding office in a democracy. whether you like trump or not, that's true. none of that had stop republican primary voters from telling pollsters that far away, trump is their first choice for president in 2024. it may have changed their minds and made them support trump again. maybe not because they love trump but they hate to see their beloved system destroyed, subverted and destroyed for political reasons. so, the rule appears to be suspended not just for trump but for anyone who would consider voting for him. democrats can attack police officers and seize control at the tennessee state house as they did today and no one
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is going to go to jail. the transgender community are the real victim. this is what it seems to be. it is a political purch and confronted with it are washington calling for r a surrender. asa hutchinson is saying donald trump needs to withdraw now because alvin bragg does not like him. one of the reasons that trump won in the first place in 2016 because people like asa hutchinson, people have no interest in winning or governing, people like that had been in charge of the republican party for generations now and its voters are sick of it. and if those people continue to run the republican party much longer, that party will no longer exist within a few years and there would be no reason to have it. donald trump's attorney, she joins us tonight. thank you so much for coming
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on. the key question here, so much to sort out, what do you believe the former president will be charged with? >> well, he'll be charged to he didn't do, we know that for a fact from michael cohen himself and his lawyers. it is a book and record kind of charge and knowing alvin bragg, i assume he's going to try to stack several of these mismeaners that a normal person would never be indicted for or led alone charged with and trying to make a felony of something that the fec had already turned down and the federal prosecutors. that's what happens when he's leading in the polls. >> >> you wonder how a da who's decriminalizing violent crime effectively and he has, could decide a bookkeeping error is a felony.
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>> that's right. that's right. you know what else, tucker? we have seen this da in particular. let's take alvin bragg and take out all the political stuff that everybody spoken about. this da in particular is the king of woke, right? he's mr. i don't believe putting people in jail and i turn felonies into misdemeanors. he went from 50% to 28%. when it is donald trump, he's trying to do the reverse. hs trying to create a situation where you take a misdemeanor that he didn't do, his attorney settled an issue that was made up. we have stormy that admitted that, right? >> right. >> and create something out of nothing. it is a sad day in our country no matter what your politics are. >> if you believe in our system and you want to continue, you have to raise your hand and say stop. this is too great an assault in our system. that raises the question i will post to you, how is he
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going to respond to this? this is political, enough to take him out of the presidential race. will he participate in the process? he's going to go to new york and be treated like a criminal. >> you know, i am not the criminal. attorney is handling this obviously. i know my client though. he's not one to coward and as he said in his statement, this is proof that we need to change this country immediately. i don't see him hiding from anything. i would be shocked if that would be the consequence or the result of this. i think he would deal with it head-on and i would hope so. that's for his legal team to deal with handling this criminal issue. it is a sad thing for me, they want this picture so badly that we have corrupt das all over the country and trying to be the first one to get this.
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tucker, i think it is going to backfire and we have seen that the last couple of weeks. >> you would see and could counsel him if he asked you to participate in this. the system becomes sos politicized and illegitimate and ridiculous that some people decide not to play along with it. why would i participate in my illegitimate? >> i don't think so. my advice is go in, face them and make them look you in the eye and make them look the american people in the eye and you know what, you wanted drama, that's what you are going to get because they're going to win. there is no crime here. they're going to win. da alvin bragg will go down as the worse da in history. he's going to get his place in american history and it is not going to be a good one. my advice would be to go in, face them, however which way they want.
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if they want a production, that's on them. i think they have done that, frankly, and you know how it goes. we'll hear a leak just like we did with the georgia four women that came out and wanted her moment on msnbc. we'll see what happens. >> does this moment feel dangerous to you? >> what was that? >> does this moment feel dangerous to you for the country? >> terrible. terrible. i am petrified for this country. i am a lawyer, i am supposed to take the law by the country and abide by them no matter what my personal beliefs or politics are. this is the scariest moment from somebody within my profession and i am embarrassed for my profession at this time and i am scared for our country. there is no better way to say it, tucker. i am petrified for our country. this is third world stuff and we don't put politics before our law. we have a democracy and we
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have the right to fair and impartial jury. if you are republican donald trump or you don't agree with somebody, you don't get that. it is not okay. >> so last question and i will say i am going to disadvantage because this is just happening and we are figuring out what's going on. don't you think you would be really helpful for the preservation of our core systems for a prominent democrat who dislikes donald trump and didn't vote for him and stand up and defend the principles for the quality under the law for the sake of america. would that be reassuring for everybody right about now? >> yes, yes! i think that person should be the president of this country. i think the president has an an obligation to be that person. i want to see what karine jean-pierre says. i am an american citizen. my parents are immigrants and i will tell you right now that i hope for our country's sake that the president stands up. i hope that congress is looking in and i know they asked da bragg to come in
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and refused. i want this country to get on track, period. i don't care how we do it. the leader of the free world needs to do that. we don't have the right people in that place right now, unfortunately. >> no, we don't. >> alina habba, thank you very much. as first we know and we could be wrong because we are caught up in the story as it unfolds. no prominent democrats stood up to defend the system against this proversion of the system, certainly the president had not done that. one of donald trump's opponent is happenty to do this. he would like to win but he thinks this is a grave threat to the country. vic, thank you so much for coming on. how do you view this indictment? >> this is a grave day for american democracy. this is fundamentally un-american. it is not even about donald trump. it is about every american because if they can do it to trump, they can do it to you and this is something that's
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bigger than partisan politics. yes, i would like to defeat donald trump in this primary and in the election but i want to do it by convincing every voter to vote for me. at the end of the day, the american people get to decide who governs this country. this is a prosecutor who's effectively fulfilling a campaign promise that he made. if it is any individual citizen a prosecutor campaigns on indicting him or investigating him, that's itself is politicized. we are not a country, tucker, we are not a country that allows police power to be used to arrest its political opponent. that's what happened today. i don't care if you are on the left or right, turn the table, wear the shoe on the other foot. the other side would be klaining. the same principle applied and reversed as well. i am worried for the future of the country because i do think we are skating on thin
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ice right now. >> you wonder by motive. now, thursday, you see democrats indict the republican front runner, it feels like they're pushing the population to react. let's see if they really are. at what point do we conclude them doing this in order to produce a reaction? >> well, you know if you are skating on thin ice, you don't take a hammer to that thin ice and crack it. joe biden ran on the promise of uniting on this country. there is nothing more unifying he could do than to get on tv and say, joe biden, i want to defeat donald trump in this general election but i still condemn this politicize prosecution. the fact that it is part of the immune system of the federal government, state government, our entire system has an immune reaction to out-perform the
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system. one way or another, high-water or not, they're going to come for him. it is not about trump, it is about every american represented by trump in the system. that's who they are coming after. those of us who have standing and ability competing him, we have to call out. imagine if bush and cheney gone over some technical campaign finance violations. there is no doubt that is every liberals in this country would see the problem. they would have been right but we as republicans and democrats need to call out this politicized prosecution for what it is. >> i could not agree more. i could not agree more. i defended hillary clinton when the fbi director tried to tank her presidential campaign with that ridiculous system.
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i despice hillary clinton. thank you for coming on tonight. vivek, thank you. jason whitlock is on our show, he joins us tonight in the wake of what seems like momentous news. jason, what's your reaction to this? >> tucker, i hear you loud and clear. i have been watching all week, you have been doing a marvelous job. i do think all of this is tied together. i live here in nashville, tennessee, where we had a transgender person murdered three young children. today in our state capitol which is right here in nashville, the anti-gun crowd took over the house. by the time i got home, i found out that donald trump has been indicted and i hear you loud and clear. they are agitating for
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unrest. that's the only way to interpret this. they are agitating for unrest. there is a godless element in this country that does not care about fairness. they don't care about the will of the people. they care about power, and control. as you have spelled out this week, they think they're god. they can make up rules and decide what fairness is. they don't have a biblical world view and it is sickening for me. i am upset. i am emotional, i am -- i am ready for whatever that's next. i hope every other man out there watching this show and i hope you are ready for whatever it is next. if that's what they want, let's get to it. >> it feels like this is the the behavior of people who wants the system to continue. that's what it likes like.
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>> they don't like the founding daughters. that's why they want to overthrow the constitution. they want a marxist, godless, communist country. plain and simple with the alphabet mafia. this lbgtq alphabet model in control. they're totally -- they feem like taking down donald trump and beating everyone else into submission, and just making them give up. give up on donald trump, give up on -- tucker, i don't say this with pride, i really don't. i am being factual. i never voted. so i am not saying it with pride. i am hardcore maga, i
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observed trump and some what supportive of trump. they have made me maga and made me ready for whatever is next. what they are building for young people. i can't sit by and let it happen without raising my voice and without willing to sacrifice whatever so that kids don't live in a communist marxist society, these people think the government is going to take care of them and don't understand history and never studied it. they don't understand how tyrannical a government is. if they have their way, we are all catching hell except for the elites. yes, i have a good bank account and perhaps i am an elite. my parents were factory
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workers, i came from nothing in this country. i am black. they're telling everybody black kids -- oh, you can't come from nothing and make it in this country. that's -- this country is the greatest country in the history of the planet. it is the safest and most prosperous place for black people and all people. that's why people are beating down the doors to get here and they demonize thing and they turn trump into this character when they are the defrls. they're the ones that don't believe in god. >> jason whitlock. i agree. thank you very much. i appreciate that. >> yep. fox news alerts for you, reports indicated that
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donald trump will be fingerprinted and handcuffed. the question is how do we respond as americans trying to be decent and measured and keep as always the interest of our children and our grandchildren in mind in the home of continuing what we have which is great. harris faulkner thinks that way. she's the host of "the focus," she joins us tonight. harris, thank you so much for coming on. give us your thought on where we are and how should we respond? >> first of all, you know, just on the hills of what jaso jason whit loclock said, i k we were working in kansas city at one time. >> yep. >> two former president indicted and agnew under nixon. we have seen that happened before. a sitting president was
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impeached more than once and became an ex-president and they're still going after him. i have to tell you sitting on the couch here, his former press secretary, i said to kayleigh mcenany, there is no way they'll indict former president trump because this case is sos so weak. i had experts on my show and i watched your show, if the federal government did not want to run this case, if the former da of manhattan, sy vance didn't run this case. if alvin bragg came on and says, i am not going to do charges on trump. oh, we'll quit if you are not going to go after him. and bragg says, well, i want to make sure it is strong enough to win. where are we? we are getting close to the time on joe biden wanting to announce.
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he's out on that trip that inflation is not high and the prices they're seeing from the cost of everything is actually going an illusion. while he's out there doing that, this is going on. i don't believe in coinc coincidences. you brought up some important point. are we going to see this president in handcuffs? let met tell you who's in charge? it is the police service. they'll take security out on the street and new york state court officers will take care of security inside the courthouse. the former president of the united states will be protected by secret service. this is according to sources close to fox news. they'll mention the instance or the decision of handcuff or not, they'll make those types of determination.
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that's what america may see. they may see secret service that decides we don't need to see him in handcuffs. we may see a situation where this case falls apart and you have democrats who have been kind of you know, more than leaning to the notion that maybe we don't wave any flags yet. like senator manchin who said, i think there are many reasons why donald trump should not be the next president again but you should not allow the court system to perceive as political pawn. senator tina smith, there is no needs to be waving any flags here. being indicted is a horrible thing. jim jordan told me, harris, on your show let's reveal to the public now, the letters sent to several house committee. calling alvin bragg to the
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hill so they can talk to him. they want to see all the communications between the da's office here in manhattan and the federal government. was there any sort of -- now, they didn't use this word but you and i can use it because we know the meaning of "collusion," did they work together? that's what chairman jordan is going after. there is a lot of things going to be at play. before america gets ready to prep itself for what it may see, we don't know yet. they're taking some time off in this case. because they have to do other things. we don't know what those other things are. these indictments was filed under sealed. maybe an announcement will happen within days. he's likely to be arraigned by next wednesday. now the positive, we live in
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the best country of the planet. i didn't get to hear what all jason whitlock said. i hear about the faith. we know who we are and we are strong and patriotic. we know the difference between right and wrong. let's be patient and let this play out. >> harris faulkner, thank you for all of that. it is great to see you. >> god bless you. >> when the history of cable news is written, assuming anyone bothers to write it. if it is ever britain p written, glenn back will have his own chapter as the the greatest synthesizer. you will find out maybe more than any other person, glenn back got it right. again, and again. so, we thought tonight is the perfect opportunity to hear from him.
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he's the cofounder of blaze media. he's join us now for an overview of what we are watching. glenn back, thank you so much for coming tonight. >> very kind. so, i got a couple of things here. let me go through. i am going to bring a different perspective on this. we have a banking crisis, they say it is fine and it is just beginning. yesterday, we had the saudis and brazil and china entered a deal to where the petro dollar is over. brazil and china is going to trade over their own co currency. that means we'll become venezuela. we'll have war with china, russia and iran. we have the restrict bill, we have social media and our nsa and everybody else in bed with each other,
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silencing people. we have the raccoon dogs which we know is bull crap. this week, we have a new gun grab that they're trying to do. biden and his family taking money from the chinese, what do you think donald trump is really all about? the america that we knew, the fundamental transformation that started in 2008 is finished. we are no longer viewed as a super power. we are now an elderly -- we are joe biden just walking into the twilight. what this is all about, i believe, is trying to in flame this country. they wanted violence from the right from the beginning. they can't wait it. they need it. if we strike out. look at january 6th, the
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t they're letting the shamans out, they do this to donald trump? they want you to strike out. why? because then they can close the cage. i am going to make another prediction for you, tucker. you said i got it right. well, everything i have been talking about since '08, this is the time. i am going to make a prediction. by 2025, we are going to be at war. we are going to have a new dollar, a currency that's probably coming from the central bank. we'll have a currency collapse. we'll live in a virtual police state. i know that may sound crazy to a lot of people. it is not far off. the bill of rights is gone. nobody is paying attention. where are the republicans? where are the decent
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democrats that can see this is insanity. donald trump, the reason why this is going to help donald trump and that's why i don't think they are doing it so he can't run. they're doing it because they want people to strike out. please turn to god, repent and praise for our country and put on the forearmer of god. here is what they miss. donald trump is not even a person anymore. he's a symbol. he's a symbol of the average everyday guy that keeps getting screwed every single time. watch as other people screw up big banks and get away from it. they see people all the time doing stuff they know if they did, they would be in prison for 20 years.
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because they are not part of the elites, they'll get away with it. donald trump has taken arrow after arrow, this is the way the average americans feel tonight. i hope there is a few democrats out there, but this guy has been taken the bullets for the average person now for years and people on the right feel like he's the only guy that really gets what the people are feeling and it is not going to end well for the democrats in the next election. it is just not. i don't know if donald trump is the winner or not. but, i will tell you this -- you are not going to stop a hundred million people. this country is in shambles. there is going to be 100 million people walk on
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broken glass or through fire to vote for someone other than this corrupt banana republic administration. >> i think you are exactly right. glenn beck, wow. let me process that for a couple of days. i appreciate you coming on tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you, tucker. >> i think it is obvious to anyone who's paying close attention and being honest of themselves. what you are seeing is not a contest between republicans and democrats, the left and the right, it is a contest between the people in charge and everybody else. it is not actually partisan in a traditional sense. there is only one party on the big issue and the big issue being economics and foreign policy, there is total agreement in washington. and so, once you understand that then you can go backward in to recent history and reassess a lot of things you saw through different lens. one of those things is the imprisonment of the
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democratic governor of illinois. it is obvious that he was sentenced to prison for political reasons and incarcerated for eight years on bogus corrupt charges. he's learned a lot. his respond to the indictment of donald trump. he wrote this. quote. "president trump fired me and freed me and now he's getting f-ed like me. it is time for republicans and democrats to stand up and defend our constitution against third world politics." that speaks for the majority of the country. rod blagojevich, the governor is joining us now. expand on that given your own experience of this prosecution. >> well, i had the misfortune being arrested at
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6:00 in the morning. my little girls were asleep and it was a major event. i was allegedly trying to sell president-elect obama. winston churchill says the lie can travel halfway around the world. it is more than deja vu all over. i don't like what they did to me and i fought back. they gave me 14-year sentence and put me in a high-security cell where no one had been. i was in there with people who committed murder. it was a corrupt prosecution, they tried me twice. they could not convict me and they fake charged me on the first trial.
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they did it to the democrat governor at the aaa level. not only it is frightening but this is probably, i would say the most threatening things to our republic since south carolina fired shots at fort sumter. i was a democratic governor the first one to endorse president obama, i supported nancy pelosi when i was a member of congress. i would say to my fellow democrats, put your country above your hatred for trump and be against this weaponization of prosecutions by political people who have uncontrolled powers and going to destroy to freedoms. >> thank you for say that. one of the things i noticed in your prosecution was nobody defended you. once you are accused of a crime, very few people stand up or even bothered to assess the evidence. i was one of them. i had no idea what happened and it took me years to
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figure out. i am embarrassed by that. i wonder if being accused alone is not a kind of sentence for the person accused? that's awfully hard when they accuse you like that and they did with me. i was roger stone before roger stone. they arrested me with s.w.a.t. team around my house. i was a sitting governor. they did it with a massive press conference. and in my life experience and i know for a fact what's on that tape. the side that's covering up the truth is the side that's lying. it was a frame-up. there was no difference of a murder weapon and the glove compartment and framing an innocent man. i love my country but some bad people in this government that did it to me. i cry for my country that
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they would do something like this to an american president. >> the side that's covering up the evidence is the side that's lying. you need to put that on the refrigerator because it is always true. >> former governor r rod blagojevich, thank you so much. you know a grand jury in manhattan voted two days to indict the front runner in the republican field for president in 2024, donald trump. cnn is reporting trump is facing 34 counts of falsifying business records, those would be misdemeanors and transformed to felonies somehow. it is apparently related to donald trump's alleged payments to stormy daniels seven years ago. trump said he did not use campaign funds for that payment. if he had, he would be charged for misusing donor
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money. the federal election committee would pounce on him years ago. we could be certain that trump used personal funds. at the time, federal regulators who were in charge of looking into this did look into it and determined it was not a crime. now, the manhattan da who was like so many das who inspired the crime wave is backed by george sorrsorrel. who is this manhattan da? his name is alvin bragg, what should we know about him as we enter of what is certain to be a history-changing spectacle. fox's kevin corke is joinings us. >> hey, kevin. >> because of the weakness
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of any particular case. for the man you see here levering work tonight with massive security presence. he's the same man who campaigned on what some called get trump platform. this indictment is a win no matter what. bragg had been on the job since 2022. he takes over for the retired sy vance. he was in a system ag for the state of new york and civil rights attorney. remember this, he does have a tie to george sorrels, at least in directly. sorrels donated to a liberal group. that used a significant portion of their money to support bragg in his 2021 campaign. now, bragg had done something no da has ever done. the fear tonight, tucker, is
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many others will follow suit presuming that turn about is fair play. it is not just a trump problem, probably, this could be a problem for a number of american politicians moving forward including president. tucker? >> kevin corke. thank you so much. >> you bet. >> so, we have been asking tonight how will democrats respond to this and we are getting an early answer now. this is - this is from a text. this is on they send mass texts to their members. trump is the first president to be indicted in history. it is an important step to preserve american democracy, his indictment. in the echo of trump's appeal before the january 6th and to mark
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trump's indictment and ensure he's held to accountable. so, if you thought that organized democrats in this country would pause for a moment before destroying what remains of our 250 years old system, apparently, you thought wrong. what does happen next? so, will republicans in the states, will district attorneys will retaliate? what will they do? frafra fracine haake is joining us. where do you think it goes from here? >> i don't think it goes anywhere good. you are exactly right. the concern is you are going to have retaliatory action in the states and the da's offices like i used to work
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where people are going to think, well, turnabout is fair play if you are going to go after president trump, we'll go after president biden. you can't go after a sitting president unless he's out of office. what stops them from going after the rest of president biden's family for what looks like political corruption. tucker, i am struck by a movie quote when o obi wan konobi says, if you kill me, i am going to be more powerful than you can imagine. i am wondering if whether trump or many movement behind the support for him because of what looks like a complete prosecution will mean that he'll be more powerful than they can imagine. >> right. there is a whole religion based on that idea, actually. so, sure, that's a well phenomenal that the
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consequences you expect are not the ones that you produce. you wonder though, just one example, so the governor of florida is also running for president. he can play a role in this. trump is a residence of florida, desantis says he's not going to participate in this. this is next week, we don't know what's going to happen the next five days. we'll try to speak him tomorrow but who knows what's going to happen. desantis says i am not going to send marshal to pick him up. that could happen, could it not? >> well, it could. states have to cooperate each other. when you got someone indicted in the state's system rather than the federal system. states rely on the governor of another state, the judges of another state agreeing with that sort of extradition. it is one of the reasons why we expect federal officials, including former federal officials to be prosecuted and investigated by federal officials so that they don't
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face this problem. it could be a real crisis. >> that's such a smart point, which is a non-lawyer, i didn't know. it makes sense. thanks so much fra francey hakes, thank you. >> thanks, tucker. we'll pause for a recap on where we are in this, we are joined by laura ingraham at the courthouse. she will get us up to speed. thanks for coming on. >> we have a busy night here, full of city blocks and cameras and tents and creating that surface light atmosphere. protest about the mayor of new york city, eric adams, and his policies on the homeless. it was loud, we thought it may have something to do with the indictment of trump. it was not. they moved along. this courthouse has been
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surrounded by barricades and we got over 40 new york state police officers for the court system here protecting this and as we move through, we want to reset at 5:30. we learned the grand jury voted to indict former president trump, the first u.s. president to be charged criminally. "the new york times" reported that trump will turn himself in on tuesday. we have not been able to confirm that. trump called the investigation a witch hunt and posting on social earlier tonight. he said, "they brought this disgraceful charge against me because i stand with the american people, they know i can't get a fair trial in new york." the injury have been listening to evidence. the manhattan da's office
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issued a statement saying we contacted mr. trump's attorney to coordinate. it remains under sealed. >> thanks so much for that. >> under the u.s. constitution which makes this the country that it is. all americans have the right to -- we answer that and we'll go to lou who's based in the new york. he joins us now. we thank a lot for coming on. how do you expect this to play out with the jury pool in new york. >> tucker, thank you for having me. first, i would like to say like your former colleague,
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jason whitlock. my heart is broken. jason is such a great guest every time. he's incredible. like him, my heart is broken. everyone should be outraged of what's going on. you know as far as the jury pool goes, i hope that my fellow new yorkers are going to be there to listen to what's going on. but, i have tried probably over 50 cases and my partner tried over 200 cases in new york city. i am not sure i have complete faith in the jury. we live in a blew state and a blue, blue city with a blue, blue prosecutor. i am concerned of that pool. the fact that it is not going to be a jury of his
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peers. >> in a city where people defecated in the sidewalk, maybe not? i am just thinking that. >> lou, thank you for confirming our suspicion. appreciate it. ned ryan, he join us for reaction now. what's your first thought over this? >> they are targeting political opponent. they decided the rule of law and equal operation of it is dead. we are living in an illusion. the real rules of the game is 100% laws of weapon. the question that i have is red state da's waging this war of law fair. i don't want to hear it is icky or we are better than that. whoever says that, does not know what time it is.
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we are in a cold war, and silver era in this country. we have to decide of the policy of mutual destruction. we better decide to launch nukes back at them until they stop. right now we have two sets of laws, bifurcated legal system which one side gets the entire legal system thrown at it and goes to jail. if you don't fight it and just accept it, we'll slouch our way into a one-party state or one-party system which ends up in an authoritarianism, the state stakes here, i can't begin to tell you how deep and how conse consequential and what's taken at stakes now. too many republicans are asleep in the light and don't understand what's going on. if they don't wake up and don't know what time it is,
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we'll find ourselves on that one-party state and authoritarian government. >> ned ryun, thank you so much. >> thanks, tucker. hard to believe what's happening in america, we thought we check in on the leading edge of america. adam corolla, put this into perspective. thanks so much for coming on. what's your view? >> sorry, i don't have any new thoughts because your 200 guests before me encapsulated every thought you could possibly have about this. like whitlock said, there is a religious angle to this. on the left that's a religion. i think they look at trump as satan.
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god is on your side. >> you feel that. i feel that, too but i don't think i imagine it. >> trump's derange syndrome, he didn't agree and you have to take them down or incarcerate them or whatever it is. the rule book is out the window when you are dealing with satan or hitler or whoever. i think there is that element to it. the other one is kind of interesting which is we make proclamation, merrick garland says white supremacy is the biggest problem in this country. and everyone laughs at him and he goes out and finds it. it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. they're going to turn trump into martyr, people are going to go out and protest.
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somebody is going to do something stupid and they'll fire up the doj just like january 6th but outside and snapping action. they make proclamation and they need to find the crime and we'll find it. so certainly, people are going to push back. someone is going to do something stupid or not. cnn, msnbc, the answers from "the view," they'll blow it up from the this and the storm troopers is coming. >> so the population is pushed into the corner for a reason. >> i feel like it is to get them to react so the government can now swoop in and do a self-fulfilling prophecy. remember we told you white supremacy is the biggest problem in this country. >> how long can they scream at whites before that becomes in effective? >> there is never been a
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better time to be called a racist. you can just be lumped in with everybody else in this country. anyone who voted republican. to your other point, the other way it stops is lebron james and the obamas and "the view" ladies, if people start speaking up. not people on the right, people on the left. you need some saying cultural leader who's an athlete or oprah or someone of that nature to start going -- look, i don't like trump but i love the country. this is not right. we need to do something. >> are you supposed to settle it in your elections? is that how a democracy works? you don't like trump, okay, you get to vote against him, right? >> what if joe biden is running against the devil? then, how would you want to say it? >> you need to get the angels and the lord in there, alvin bragg.
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>> you did add a lot. >> adam, great to see you. the next logical question now that the republican front runners is indicted. we turn to trace gallagher. >> and as we have told you a large party of this case will come down to the credibility of michael cohen. that's donald trump's forme history of break the truth. remember that alvin brag has the advantage of seating a jury in manhattan had is friendly territory for democrats with defense attorneys using ability to dismiss po serb jurors it is likely this brag will get a jury that left lanes more left than right. and sake of argument say that friend low jury believabilitied micheal
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cocomment did not believe the former president. it would still have to be more than he said he said. meaning when alvin brag attorney get in a crook they need to prove each elements. prove this trump knowingly went know around finance laws. we don't anything about smoking gun evidence or a had the gun. meaning some type of prove boost his campaign. the former president laid out case on social media he has a tendsance tow do. he claims that miamial cohen who was his attorney at the time hold him the pave to stormy daniels was legal. trump claims he was taking hips attorney's word if you look at the legal reaction on social
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media believe that alvin brag is going on have his hands full in a courtroom. >> chris, thank you for this tonight. >> yes. >> so t is clear missing we are the details this we are about to enter a new period in american history and could get dark and the only thing that can stop is responsible democrats to stand up for the country. we don't know if than i are we pray they are we am join you tomorrow here is sean hannity >> tuck and thank you and welcome to hannity we are back in studio a live audience. thank you for coming. great to see you. we begin this thursday notice with fox news alater trump attorney will be here. eric trump am join us mark low vin will be here. allen and jonathantur and he so many will join us with reaction to the bak


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