tv Hannity FOX News March 30, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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manhattan d.a. alvin bragg is going to have his hands full once he gets into a courtroom. >> trace gallagher, thank you so much for that synopsis tonight. >> yeah, so it's pretty clear missing that we are some of the details that we're about to enter a brand new period in american history. it could get really dark. and the only thing that canresp stop it is for responsible de up fdemocrats to stand up for the country. we don't know if they are. than we're praying they will rejoin a you tomorrow night. >> in the meantime, here is thet great sean hannity. >> tand thank yol right, tucker you and welcome to hannity. we are back tonighin st in studiolive audience. >> thank you all for coming.egin great to see you. we begin tonight with a fox news alert. trump attorney joe tacopinattorn will be here. eric trump will join us .s the great one , mark levin will be here tonight. are you mark levine here? right. jaret, alan dershowitz, jonath jonathan turley, so many will join us with reaction brean
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to the breaking news tonight. now, former president donald j. trump has been indicted by a criminal court in new york city . he will be arraigned ink that wl manhattan at some point next week. we are told will likelyke new be tuesday. fake news. cncnn is reporting that he coull face over 30 charges. in a statement, trump is saying, quote, political persecution and election interference at the highesution ant level in hit from the time i camehe down the golden escalator trump tower, and even before i wasfore sworn in as your president of pt the u.s., the radical left t democrats, the enemy of the hard working men and women of this country. they have been engaged in a a witch to destroy the makey th america great again movement. now, you remember it just like i do. russia, russia, russiae , the muehler hoke's, ukraine, ukraine, ukraine, impeachment, hoke's one impeachment hoke's to the illegal and unconstitutional mar-a-lago rage. and now this. he's right after years ofn
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partisan witch hunts, manhattan d.a. album braggh e. w to the he has literally thrown in the rule of law to the wind in exchange for a cheap act of petty political vengeance. and he has broughtt gh the criminalization of political differences now to an entire new level. this is repulsive. it's a disgusting political hitf job, the likes of which we haven never seen in this country. it's neverev thi happened beford now, pandora's box is now officially been open. we have a new era of political revenged we and weaponizes justice system is now upon all of us . systn and tonight,al the exact charge, they say, and as many as thirty. four , they're not known, but they seem to be stemming from a what is a convoluted so called what we call novel legal theoryd used by far left to alvin braggr to criminalize what a non-disclosure agreement from seven years ago passedo past the statute of limitationsatee investigated to death, rejected by the doj, by the mueller
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in investigation. the fec, bragg's predecessorvesm and even initially by bragge himself. this is not a strong case stret by any stretch of the imagination. and frankly,frank lo no fair, hr honorable d.a. whatever bring these charges or in the words, the infamous words of james comey. no reasonable prosecutor wouldd ever prosecute such a petty and weak case. indic but a grand jury can indict,m as we say, a hamsun language, especially if that ham sandwich sandwi is donald j. trumch is trump. s and the grand jury is comprised of what liberal new yorkers, the only conservative ones are right here in studio with me. >> oh,e co i'll keep in mind. keep in mind the offense. there. a lot of people don't know this. and this is basically and i know people are busy with their day to day lives. d yo the defense in a grand jury, they do not get any opportunityy at all whatsoever to presentthey any case. on'tthey don't get any opportuny pu
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to put forward any evidence in grand jury proceedings. the defense does not proceedingt present anything to a grandd jury. m cann hence, you can indict a ham sandwich and you better believe the d.a. album breg excluded a mountain of exculpatoryf evidence from this grand jury. clearly,rom th bragg has a polio agenda. justice is not blind in new york city, in manhattan.021, in fact, in 2020 one , look at this album. bragge campaigned on aca promise dona to go after one man, donalde or trump, one organization, and that is the trump t organization, one family, and that is the trumrumpp famil. in other words, you show me the man and guess what? i'll find d the crime. on. and that was the mantra ofs the former soviet union. this is a pathetic case.deeply it is deeply unethical, frankly, anti american. t equa justice not equal justice under the law. thisurn the is not equal applis of our laws. but here we are, thanks to new
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york city and its far left radical d.a. bragge and watch his great campaign. >> a lot of people are awonderin wondering, whoever has this job ,are they going to convict donald trump? >> that that is the numberndidat one issue. i'm the candidate in the racerit who has the experience with donald trump. i was the chief deputy i gennwe the attorney general's office. we sued the trump. administration over a hundred ttimes. ant high be hard to argue with the fact that that's that'd be the most important, most high profile u case. >> and i've seen them up front and seen the lawlessness that he can do. and you believlawlessness.e sho? >> i believe we have to holdhi them accountable. accountable >> all right. >> a today, alvin bragg, guess what? he just fulfilled that campaigng promise. hen is not upholding the rule f law, by the way. a imagine electing a d.a. that is promising to go aftern one man, one organization,an one family. it doesn't seem to give a rip
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about the real rule of law. st he this is a guy that has let killers and go free on ahe regular basis. he is no iw bringing a fard tru fetched case against donald trump. yes, it's insane. is i yes, it's crazy. amerthis is life in america under radical leftist new green deal . climate alarmists, cultists. and here's what former fecc ch chairman brad smith said right here. on this program last week. mostu >> take a look. most of us would not think that it is a campaign expenditure to try to settle potential legal claims against you or other claims against you foraims events that occurred 10 years before you talked about running for for office to pay allegedly to pay hush money to to stormy daniels or anybody else. i think it's a common sense matter. most americans don't think that's a campaign expense. thinm d theory of the day,idea breg, is that not only could those expenses be paid cam with campaign funds, they would have to be paid with campaign
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funds.that i think, again, it's a common rong. sense that is clearly wrong, but also when you look at the statute and you realize that's an objective standard, it's clearly it i not correct to sayount that these were funds that caunt as a campaign expenditure . but i think the correct answerme is there's no violation here as it stands now. of course, bragg's case doesn't just have a legal problem and also has a credibilitya cr problem. now, the staesr witness, a convicted felon, tax cheat, admitted liar by the name of michael cohen. bu art don't take it from me. here's cohen's former legal adviser, bob costello, when i interviewed him. take a loo takek. what do you have on donald trump? and that's when he startedhe st with the same litany that her, used for the rest of the two hours. i swear to god, bob , i don't. have anything on donald trump. but the poinsomet is , when, ano somebody is really thinking of committing suicide and you're offering them a legal way out of this, if he had any information about donald trump, that would have been the one time, even for a serial liar like michael cohen, to to fess
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up and say, well, i know thisde or that because i want to save d my own hide. mi but he didn't do that.n i michael cohen, who , as i said before, was pacinghe back and forth, would suddenly stop in the middle omiddle of an whatever he was talking aboutay and turn and point his finger at us and say, i want you guys e to understand. i will do whatever the f i haven to do. i will never spend a day in he s jail. a he said that at least 10 to 20 times during that two hour period, it was it was a bizarre mantra, but it made it clear to us that michael cohen was saying, i will lie, cheat, steal, shoot someone. >> i wil l never spenwid a day in d jail. oh, so costello says.chae michael cohen admits he had nothing on donald trump and that he would doit whatever it takes to get himself and prevent himself from going to jail. now, not only did costelloid destroy the credibility ofness their star witness, but cohen himself completely contradicted the state's case with this
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statement from 2018 from his 2018 lawyer in a private transaction. in 2016, i use my ow usn personal funds to facilitate a payment of one hundred and thirty thousan od to missmy stephanie clifford, a.k.a. stormy daniels. neither the trump organization a nor the trump campaign was a party to the transaction. the payment to miss clifford was lawful. waawful.s not a campaign contrin or a campaign expenditure by anyone. now, a attorney echoed thosecohe remarks in a letter to the fec e ,quote, in a private transaction in 2016 before the u.s. presidential election, mr. cohn used his ow2016 mr.n pl funds to facilitate a payment funds toof one hundred thirty td dollars to miss stephanie clifford. neither the trump organizationow nor the trump campaign was a party to the transaction with miss clifford. ransacti and according to the washington post, tmz, other outlets stormy daniels has actually denied inen writing the affair multipliee o
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times and writing on , fornuaryo example, january 30th of 2018 not denying quote, i am not denying this affair because i was, quote, hush money.m i'm denying this affair because it never happened and her signature. so let me get this straight. the d.a. of new york in manhattan, alvin bragg, dedicated thousandmas and thousands of hours, millions of tax dollars to thets illegal ovunding what is a legal nda over an alleged affair from two thousand and seven thafromt both parties deny, by the way. >> and based on allegations from a admitted convicted felon, admitted liar michael cohen, who is bent and has been bent for a while on getting revenge against his former boss. look, make no mistake, this is not about a an nda, a non-disclosure agreement from 2016. instead, what we are witnessing is a far left prosecutor attempting to smear donald trump for political andapproxim gain aal gain ahead ofpers the twenty
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twenty four elections. >> watch this. even people that don't likn pete are saying this is a terribler . thing to do for our country. i don't know whetherdon't kn its or hurts. i can tell you iinion my opinio it's a new way of cheating on elections. it's called elections interference. what they're doing is electio is if they can't win at the ballot box because i'm leading ca in the pollslot for every republican , frankly, and every democrat by a lot, including biden by a lot.u that and they can't beat that way.ols they're going to do this kind sf of stuff. this this is never been done like this before in the history of our country. to this extent, people arewith e pleading with the prosecutor, don't do it, don't do it. it's wrong. democra even democrats, even people thatd people a traditionally ara exactly my fans are saying don't do't because i didn't do anything wrong.wr >> i didon nothing wrong.g. glenn youngkin is supporting president trump. florida governor rondang santos is calling the trump indictment, quote, un-american and announced that florida
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will not cooperate with any extradition effort.g us now now joining us now, let's give a warm hannity studio. >> welcome to president trump's attorney , joe tacopina. all right. >> let's first of all, have you spoken the . yes. reaction? he's ready to fight.ctio you know, he's the toughest guya i know. >> and he wa wass shocked, you know, because we really were. i was shocked. sh i mean, i've never been angry my 33 years in this business, both as a prosecutor and defense attorney . i've never been more angry a about the charge because today the rule of law in the united states of america died. >> it's dead. it's dead. man agand it's something that i nev thought i'd see. i have goosebumps even saying ge it because i don't feel good about saying it. someou know, when you stretch the law to get someone, you don't like or as a i political opponent in this case, it's very hard to ever she get that law to come you s back to its original shape. >> you saw the ad valorem bragg
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when he was running. what what does tha t tell you about equal justicer and application of our laws inle ? >> that was hi is first prioritn i mean, he didn't havece any. information, any evidence. but again, that was nazi germany. that was soviet union, that was communist china. aswhere you pick the target, dot the person you don't like, the political opponent, and then you find the crime. it's it not that way.ates. >> and it never was that way in the united states . it's not supposeway.d to be thar way.e no >> and when we start doing that, we're no better than those other horrific, horrific, you know, dictatorships and governments that that abused rule of law. america always had the justice system to protect our citizens ,whether they were popular or unpopular citizens. they always had the justice tha system. >> now, today's proof that you could actually pick a target and then try and find a crime,am even a crime that's not a crime. because there is no crime here., and i'm telling you, there
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is no crime. >> i know the facts and the law, and i really want to seewhr where this is going to go. we're hearing thatent the president may be arraigned tuesday. >> is that bee n arranged? discus >> it's not finalized.ousl we arey ther discussing with hiu know, obviously, there's a group called the secret service that's involved now. i mean, thisl be som is going te something we've never seene ou the likes of. >> no, we've never seen thatfore would never, ever happen. in our country before.ident neve >> everybody understands that, right? presidents have been indicter d and as a former president , even a former president andt br and to do i've heard this, youes don't bring a case like thisy aa against the former president on a petty allegation, on a completely legal civil or civil transaction. >> with attorneys. unless you have the goods, to h unless you have something substantial. >> i mean, to go to the extremfe of bringing down a former president , trying to indict former president ito indics somt that, you know, you have to have like a video of himno committing a crime, not some cobbling together a couple of nonsense allegations
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legally.>> >> we have issues here. we hav we the statute of staf limitation issue limitation issue one that's limitation, a selective prosecutione yooctivn that's goe here. a legal i mean, this is a legal h agreement that he made that tr michael cohen actually made. >> and michael cohen side trumpi the name of three things happened that i thought would wo end this case. bob costello on this shod enw, l testify before the grand jury. i the second thing is the letter n from michael cohen's attorney that was exculpatesl mich that i just read and michael cohen's own statement that echoes that sentimen t. in the third thing was stormy daniels in writing, admitting ther e wasn't hush money, that they didn't have an affair. >> and even here's here's the kicker, guys. eveeven if everything they both said was completely true,l co whatever version of truth, because, you know, michael cohen is a walking walking contradiction incapabl contradiction. >> he is pathologically incapable of telling the same story twice.e of lling thry twi. >> i bet you are i get very nervous going up i'm against him. >> i'm horrified. i'm really i'm going to be so nervous when i stand up to cross-examine michael might be the easiest because i mightpo actually have to pay president trump to do that cross-examination instead ofo tt
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th the the way around. i i mean, that guy has as a pappalardo don't make that deal . he's already got a whole weekend that's already donise. o >> but he has a pathological need for media attention. here is someone who pled guilty to a slew of criminal conductt and not just not just the hush money thing. he pled guilty to lyin g to congress, lying to the banksa in his taxi medallion frauxid. >> you know, now that he's lied to the irs. he' >> so he's a pathological liar.l and , you know, he's supposedly now reborn and he's on msnbc every night and he's their big. star. >> and i i wander wonder about the fact that he's on msnbc every night,w yet he's saying in his book hewy was only forced to plead guilty. he really didn't force. i will hnot even accepting responsibility. i'm going to feel it with him and then but he pled guilty. was he pled guilty. but he's saying he was forced, o plead guilty to protect his wif wife. >> let me ask you this.e so it's been reported tonight
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and places thirty four separate? charges. thirty four counts. you know thr counts, eventually with less with less than always. alwathe new york times told us today that he was indicted. >> and then we gotxclu confirmae from the d.a.'s office. >> we now heard b thirty four counts and guarantee was going to be thirty four counts. when we e find34 out next weekl on what they'll take each checkh and make that account, perhaps,o and that's how they'll do it,llc because checks paid to cohen. >> but, you know,el they're embracing michael cohen as their witness in this case, t their star witness. this is really one o mosf the m. disgraceful human beings in our history. >> someone has to overcome i the testimony of costello. how does he overcome the how about a letter from his own lawyer, hicostelo.s own testimoy previously heard bothle statements on television. >> his hisvision. hi repeated lies.e and then here's a guy we have ti a tape of this man actually saying to a reporter, , you cayou your wife.. >> it's not a crime to hat. your wife. he actually said this. i've seen that. >> i've seen tha >>t. >> but, you know, the people who are watching him on msnbcdih and applauding himim are very
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strong metoo movement peoplee an and very strong time out people. but yet him making a statement like that where he said , well, the law allows you to do that,nc which, by the way, michael cohen's never been known reallya a lawyer. w he clearly missed that day of de law school because law does note allow you to risk your life.r wi >> so just to let everybody know what is happening, next. tm week, donald trump will be arraigned. yes, there'll be a mug shot.he cuffed? be fingerprinted, will be handcuffed. >> will he be perp walked? i'm sure they're going to tryai and do that. of course, everything they've not here is to gain attention for the right motives. convi there is nnco one that could evr convince me that this man was not just charged to affect the elections. >> the affect a freeo election in this country.. >> and that's scary to me. that is scary to me. well, he calls it the new election in appearances. >> it is .elec it's an election in france.tion so is that candidate for president ? that's why they brought this case. and so far , that's w by the way, ut the according to the polls, hasy expecty been playing out the way they expecteed.d to . i
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>> last question, will this w backfire? this will backfire because we can win this case. we will humiliate them and they will they will go. they will pay the price. they will pay the price foras wl bending the rule of law.revail justice will prevail. in this case at one point, i'm sure, bitcoin. >> joe tacopina, thank you. all right. let's bring in the author of the brand new book, get from harv harvard law professor alan dershowitz and the author of the upcoming book trial ofia the century. l of t news legal analyst g jarret. get trum jep. >> looks like alvin brand kept his promise. professor. well, but he got him the heda and him in florida. that's true.s and he could have indicted himdh any day over the last 7 seven years. and that they deliberatelyy vi violated the statute of primitations because no previous prosecutor would go after him. the very fact that the indictment came down whenca he was out of state proves that they could have indicted him
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any time before the indictment came down. so there's that problem also, when you're a democratic elected prosecutor who ran on the campaign pledge of getting trump e pl and you're going to indict, forget aboutrgt the former president , the man who may become the future president if he beathe futs whey the incumbent who is the headpot of your political party, prosecutor, you better have the strongest case imaginable. not a case that depends on stitching together to an applicable statutes and using michael cohen. let me telhen. l something about michael cohen.s he's not through with histw problems. he just tweeteeet bodyd about me saying, because i had attackedih his credibilitis iy that i was involved with underage girls on epstein's island. i'm about to sue him now for defamation. as you know, the woman who falsely accused me acknowledged that she may have made a mistake and misidentified me.e and i would normally not sueng a somebody for writing that kind
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will of nonsense. but this is michael cohen, who's abou cohent to try to prep donald trump from running for president . of the united states . and i'm going to sue him for defamation, not let himl prov get away with that. and when i sue him, i will be able to prove his repeatede because he can't refuse i to testify in a civil case. n so his problems are just i will beginning. i'm goin makg to make it a little easier for joe tacopina to get to to cr cross-examine him, although, as i've said before, any firstyc year student could win thisse case if the name wasn't donald trump. if it wasn't in manhattan, this case has to get out of get manhattan. will it get out of manhattan?we we don't know.on't in six years, practically. hang professor, would you recommend a change of venue, a time we? have professor, would you would >> o you attempt to get a change ofot venurye? o move of course i would try to move to staten island or to some can ate venue. but can you imagine a judge ore a juror coming home to their
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wife and family and friends and saying, i'm the man on the woman who let donald trump off? nobody would ever speak to them. ofpeak to th emagain. hahappened what happened to me on martha's vineyard will be nothing compared that would happen to am judge or a juror who was held responsible for allowing, most according to manhattanites, the most dangerous man in america to go freeangerous man r president . so there's no possibility he can get a fair trial in manhattan. h a fair triai agree with that >> let me go to greg craig.. you've been following this closely. >> let's get you thlan gener thoughts on all of it. well, joe tacopina said he's going to humiliate alvin bragg. i think alvin bragg has already humiliated himself all on hiss w own. you know, this is a totally bizarre, convoluted legalvi theory that alvin bragg has simply dreamed up taking a misdemeanor and supercharging it int to a felony. >> the law doesn't support that. his .i would predict that
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tacopina and his co counsel immy will immediately file a motion to dismiss because the law. doesn't support the charge in the alleged facts. >>lleged don't support a crime recognized by the law. atute >> you know, beyond the statutes of limitations, which expiredyoe two years ago. >> you've goset otherir seriouos obstacles. tha bragg would have to prove that trump was personally involveds n in falsifying records and then he'd have to prove that trump understood these complex campaign finance laws that nobody can comprehend and then intended to violate those laws ,nondisclosure agreements in exchange for moneyisclosur arela perfectly legal, and the federal electionfederal commist looked at this and theyrime said it's not a crime, even ifci it's not personal or a commercial reason. it behind it, it's still not dona a campaign donation.
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so this is a case i think is quite clearly and even democrats say they recognize it politically motivated. who hasd disgracefully abused his power a serious breach ofubt to his ethical duty to see that justice is done fairlyual flow and equitably in this case, it is not. >> let me let me ask you bothqum a final question. same questioe r bon to both, professor. you can go first. there are reports that there are thirty four counts. how do you get towhen you thirty four counts when you granider the peoplthe that we know went before the grand jury? lastly, david ,, who used to run the national enquirer, we know bob costello was there two mondays ago. how do you get that number?>> >> you have one large salamip ka and a sharp knife. you can cuu t itcut into as may pieces as you want.
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an and any creative prosecutor can make 30 for crimes out ofhe wans a single incident. if he wants to be creative about. but, you know, will be motions, th course, to dismiss any of the count. thomas jefferson once said thate for a criminal statute to berson constitutional, a reasonable person has to be able persnd if he reads itm while running. now, i'm sitting i've been years doing this six years.. i haven't seen the indictment. t maybe they'll find massive evidence that nobody knows about now. but at this point in time,time i have to tell you, this is anny example of, as i wrote in are g my book, get trumpet, this is g trump. i promise i'll get trump and i o will not win reelection unless i do get trump. so now let's rummage through the statute books, find something. >> they rummage. they found nothingthey found, aw they indicted for nothing. >> thiindicted fs is very sad. i day for justice in america this
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is coming.e in >> we'll losing professor gregce ,remember, this was the zombiey case, as they called it, a reals quickly, we have aboutyou ge 30 seconds. tell me, how do you get to thirty four counts? >> well, i think as joe suggested, you take each one of paymenimbursement and payments over a long period of timend and you count that as a crime, which is utterly absurd. i can't figure out how braggein can even bring a felony. it was a federal elections. a we can't charge a statee campaign finance crime. and he f can't charge a felonyny campaign finance crime because he's a local prosequi. hand only charge under under state law. sor stat as i say, this will beo immediate motion to dismiss. and if we have a fair, neutral, objective judge, the case will be dismissed before ita ever goes to a jury. but in new york , mostlyo if liberal judges. sohe if the judge denies
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the motion, then trump files an interlocker to appeal to a higher court to get the case out knocked out. and it should be . all greg jarrett and alan dershowitz, thank you both for being here.e] we appreciate you joining us now with reaction. viols the executive vice president of the trump organization. eric trump is with us . eric . by the way, i know he has has a sore throat, but he still stil sounds great. first, i'm sorry for what yourog and your family are all going is through. i'm sure this is painful. g your i want to read a little something from that your father put out. he put ir t ouput out on sociale said his statement thisd is political persecution and election interference at the highes elect level in history. from the time i came down thata golden escalator at trump tower, even before i was sworn in as your president , the radical left democrats, dem the enemy of hardworking men and women in this country, have been engaged in a witch t hunt to destroy the makero america great again movement. makenow, you remember russia, remember russia, russia, the muehler hoke's, ukraine, ukraine r,
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ukraine, the impeachment, hoke's one impeachment, hoke's to the illegalraine, i, unconstitutional mar-a-lago raid. the democrats have lied, cheated,democrats stolen, and r obsession with trying to to quote alamdar dershowitz in his book at trump. but now they've e donedo the unthinkable, indictingthink a completely innocent person in a blatant election and appearanceinnocent. never before in our nation's history has this been done tha t democrats have cheated countless times over the decades, spyin dksdg on my campaign weaponizes our justice system to punish a politicalppon opponent who just so happensa to be a president of the united states and by far the leading republican candidate for re a president . this has never happened before. manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, handpicked and funded by george stoppi is a disgrace, rather bru than stopping the unprecedented crime wave taking over new york city, he is doing joe biden's dirty work, ignoring the murderers biden, sh the murders, the burglaries, the assaults that he shoulde be focused on .
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and this is now how he spends his time. hes he believes this witch witch hunt will backfire massively on joe biden. the american people realizee wh exactly what the radical left lf your initiare doing here. well, there's a lot there. first, your initial reaction fa' and your reaction to your father's statement on this. >> aaron, what'sstat brought one but my father's only crime was . winning the twenty sixteen election. sean an. d yo that's all it was.rosecute and , you know, it's funny, the professor wrote a great book, bui livet i did that bookm single day when the time my father went down that escalator, we got subpene my a afterweave go subpena. subpoena have people like alan gragg and letitia james and so man ay others go oe and campaign on the promise to take down a person not knowing anything about them or knowing anything about family. you, letitia james , who's out there? i'm going to go after his family. i'm going to sue the hell out the man. i mean, this is these peoplex. are evil. they're wicked. iand it's why people have lost trust in the system. the united states of america. this is thir hirdd world tactics. now you have hunter biden thatna has pictures on his laptop. you have bill clinton, who isg
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paying paula jones eight hundred fifty thousand dollars. >> you have bill clinton, who was dealin officerns in the white house in the oval office. you have hillary clinton, who was leading thirty three thousand emails while under congressional subpoenadeleting. and no one says a thing about any of those people. but when my father was leading by thirty five percent inan the polls and they know he's going to be the guy that joe biden will ultimately or whoever the democrat is going to be will ultimatel againsty run against guess who they go after right up against the statute of limitations are actually probably a couple of years after statute of limitations. they doll ssor had expired. they go after donald trump. they will do anything to take c me in a race. him they will do anything they can to imprison the man. they will do anything. d cantor, harass his family, al to imprison all of us . s they've showed their cards time we and time again. again, sean, w note didn't get o befo much as a speeding ticket before my father went into office. and this this is is how they treat it is us every single day.y and this is a city i spent a lot of time in that is falling apart. . i went into literally cbs the other day and you can't buy
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tylenol because it's locked behind these glass counters. iedbecause there's so much thet and there's so much looting, there's so much homelessness and crimness ande. ntion is g but yeoit their attention is going after donald trump. little girls getting shot ind they are the middle of times square. you know what they're doing? don they're going after donaldknow i trump. k >> give me a break.nois you know, i know this is a lot on your family. by the way, ofy-four the thirt y four alleged charges that repori goey're reporting, others are reporting, i got to imagine jaywalkingay and spitting on the sidewalk. definitely the top to ho2. w you get to that number. you know, the scary part of all of of this, eric , is when youist o look at the long list and youin, look at russia, russia, you look at ukraine, you lo you look at the second impeachment, you look at at everyer single thingt that they have tried to destroy your father. terview th aired askeatd your father in the interview that i had with them that aired monday, first t question i asked him,ll does all of this help you or hurt you? p you now, after the mar-a-lago, your father's poll numbers wenti
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up.d the they did not go down. pole you imaginein the american people are thinking in regardg regards tosl you know, we take what is called a nondisclosurese agreement. this is probably ten thousand of them across the country10,0 daily, a nuisance lawsuit that is paid because you don't want to spend years fighting in a court and it's taking toos much time and too much negative press. >> it happens alt l the time.hap what do what dohere you take out of all of that? and where's this going to end?hp does this help or hurt your dad ,in your view, based on past pas precedent? t americans are so smart, john . >> i've seen this over the last. six years. i've bee n on the campaign fathe trail. they're so smart. and i have to sa ty my father'o. toughest person i've ever met rc before. i speak no right beforek. the show. and he is just he's t and ara re >> he's a fighter. he's a rock .n you'll fight this all the wayn and we will absolutely win it. is no question about it.erican >> but americans see peopleng like soros paying one million dollars to get alvin bragg deelected. ty and then this guy is going out
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and doing this guy's dirty work. people get i have you t. you have women again who are getting thrown in front of subw new york .. you have homelessness that's rampant. you have crime that's rampant. people don't car crime e about s issue. they know exactly what this is . again, these people campaigneduo on video, on video saying that i they were going to do thissacecd as soon as they got elected.brag alvin bragg brags about when he was in the attorney general's office, that he went after ti my father one hundred times. he's so proud of that.that was you know, that was their calling card. this was their mission. this. is what they promiseded soroseh their donors. this is what they promised it i they would it's why they receive the bigd h checks. and it's exactly whyy th the american people have lost total faith in the system. peop sick , tired of it.izat they see the weaponization ofio politics and the justice system. we've seen it with the fbi. we've seen it with the doj. some poien it time and time again. at some point, the guy deservese a pass at well, hillary clintonn got a pass. >> hillary clinton, of course,. got about a hundred thirty three thousand deleted emails. no, prositd , or whatever .
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prosecute james coleman jainfamously said . then, of course, the dirty dossier that was used by the fbi in the twenty fbi in sixteen election, unverifiable because it was all b.s., buty yet they signed four fisa warrants, three by jim comey himself. y i didn meathat spied on the tp you mo campaign, the trump presidency . then you move to twent2016y that sixteen . and what did we learn? we learned that, i the fn factbt the fbi that had hired biden'sbp laptop since 2016, that verythat same fbi that could have verified that laptop. well, fbi agents, we found outit in the weeks and months leading up to th 2e 2020 presidential election or meeting weekly with big tech warning them thats they may be victims of a misinformation campaign. and itmi may be about joe bidend and it may be about hunter biden. again, interference. this is a wholere new level.enc buthist again, eric , my apologd . you and your family have been tu through a loght more . this is this to me is a dual justice system. this to me is unequal.tice
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sysjustice under the law. this is not equal applicationstd of our laws. this guy. this won't even chargeluth murderers and and arsonistsrap. and everything else. you know, he sends every felonyn to a misdemeanor. e of >> in the case of your father,eu he just makes up felonies. unbelievable.fe and remember, one other thing.ce yeah, he's been working on thiso for six years. this started when he copied cou a congressional subpoena because they couldn't even come up with their own. they looked at 11 million1 documents on my father and our company. they couldn't find a single thing. and in the final hours, this is what they do. yeah, it's so desperate. by the way, i bet you hunteratc. biden's watching tonight. and i'll tell you this, that if hunter bc trump did what hunter biden has done in his life, i guarantee that the fbi hadis that information since 2019. yo u would be wearing anrange jump orange jumpsuit tonight? >> i'd be absolutely in jail, s no question. i would jail you wouldn't look good in it, i can tell you. but anyway, seriously, eric r br thank you for being with us.e jo >> we appreciate it. i all right. joining us now, i call himt of
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the great one , the host of l life, liberty and the great one , mark levin. markpplause], you have a lot oft here tonight. so my understanding is you were with the president today. you were taping a segment for your number one show on weekends in primetime. s and yoegmentu were with him whee news broke. >> is that true?s no i was not with him when for the news broke. i had left for about an hour. and the news broke.s and he's very strong, man. i don't think there's many people like that. he is flat and strong and he was having a very good day. . >> he a very good start. but i want to dig into this thi now. every republican in the country ,every conservative in co the country, i don't care whatov kind of conservative you are. m th must circle the wagons and defeat the democrat party. a
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there. d.a. in manhattan, atlanta,n. special counsel in washington. these cases that they are bringing in democrat cities with democrat grand juries, with democrats, judges, with democrat juries. this is a battle for the democrat party. now dragcrat par the country ino tyranny. that is what they've dony ine. they want to changet to the electoral rules so c they can't loshange the borderse wide open.en they don't enforce the law.forc they want to pack a supremert court. they want to pack the senate. . they don't have that trump on the emoluments clause. they've gone after him on everything they possibly can . now they want to decide who the republican nominee for president will be . the democrat party is the part yrty problem. it's the party of bollonof. it doesn't believe that babies e that are born to be protected after they're born, that it's
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a choice. control. this is a party that is out ofyu control. their out of control, been bredg to be disbarred rather than wringing our hands. let's take the m back to the d.a. in atlanta.a he should be disbarred. the guy that's running the investigation in washington, d.c., his familyde has voted with obama, democrat directinth, his to be dragged in front of a committee of congress, whether he likes it should or not. and he needs to be subpoenaee sa it's time for the republican unn party to understand.d that this is a war on the party. it a war on conservatism. and maga, it is an effort, an effort to ensure that donald enu trump can never be presidenthe again. >> look, he's the leadingthe le nownominee right now in the po have you ever heard of a localda d.a. bringing phony charges against a possible nominee of
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the opposite party? the only person in the that doesn't benefit justice. e bide. it benefits joe biden that this you know, barch, nobody knows the constitution better than you. you and i have been best friends for many, many d there you and i will tell you, our constitution, that is thery foundation for every law wee have in this country. and to see a dual justice system having emerged like thisy is one of the scariest things lf i've seen in my and if thie ifs continues, thata document might as well be shredded. and that is ia scary that is scary. >> what's that.? sy it's not a dual justice systemnt when there's no justice. em that's a good point. know no justice system. you know, market. elegant. yeah.d you know what you once said ? we live in a post constitutional america. i remember. america.i remember i forget wheu first said it to me and i thought deeply about it and ie
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said , sadly, mark levin >> is right. >> can i jus cant say likely the democrat attack free speech. they'v e attacked freedom of association. they have used assoc the socialr platforms to monitor people they don't agree peopl with this do with people. they don't agree with their views. the fbn't agree .i and the 9/11t against donald trump re and republicans. all right. they have blown out. n ou attorney-client privilege with their left wing obama/clier judges when it comesiv wing obap and other defendants who are republican . it's not a two justice system. itt a is the democrat party.ig and they big government, they are attached at the hip.ede and the democrat city is nowt oe they think they have figured out once and for all how to defeat republicans, how to defeat republican nominee and how to interfere in our elections, whether that
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how people haven't heard of a local d.a. dating an ex-president for nothingor further have things going on for years. you had then you have the one in evorgia finally vote . everyboderybody y that's finall. that doesn't mean it's illegal.i then in tht gets a in washingt d.c. over documents january six , try to cobble a case together. this is a full on , i thought. i guess the republican party aga against trump. it'll be against other if republicans if they get away with this. the president has now been sett. they have crossed the rubiconic. into tyranny. america, you are looking tyranny in the state right now. that's why we call you the great one . mark levin, than. k right here with more reaction to today's breaking news, fox new.s contributor jonathan turley. you know, jonathan , you werou e the first to point out the issue of the statute ofn limitations. i want you to comment on thathtl more importantly, comment on the overly broabroad case tha
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is involved here and this unprecedented move. >> this has never happened in history before. well, we still have to see the indictment to confirm what is being charged here. the assumption is that it is this bootstrap charge.p so the underlying misdemeanor n in new york , which is falsifying business records expi ,has already expired. >> that's only a two year statute of limitations. arin order to prosecute trump, brannagh is basicallyping tha bootstrapping that misdemeanor to a felony by saying that that was done to hide a federall violation. t fo there's no precedent for tryingo to do that type of bootstrap, t is out has to succeed. >> that's the basis of his indictment because he's out of time. wha >> so we don't quite know what is in this indictment. his dpieobviously, until we see. the reference to thirty
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four counts could be basically count stackinge , as was discussed earlier. ev everyereparat transaction is a separate count. it's also possible thay are gotn they are going to allege other crimthere like bank fraud or tax fraud. >> but, you know, fraud the department of justice looked at the bank and tax bankn fraud claims and did not bring a case on those either. so be rather bizarre if hethose. pursued those as well, becausets at the end of the day, bragge is the manhattan d.a. and the theory that has been discussedo is that he's going to try to prove a federala fede crime,c the department of justicee declined to charge. jonathan , let me ask you,they a professor, they're talkingre about and it's being reportede h we're dealing with potentially thirty four counts. what could that possibly be ? would that alsn woulo go back io the the case against the trump organization? i meanzation, they basically throwing, you know, toilet paper up against the wall, see what sticks? well, that's the thing is it
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could just it kallstadt, you could be 30 for falsified alleged documents. it could be a mix of crimes.f you could have bank tax fraud claims. >> but most of the bank of tax fraud issues that we've discussed over the previous years have their own statuteiouo limitations problems. >> so itt of has u a lot of us scratching our our head. >> now, if he is basically brin bringing thirty four identical claims under this bootstrap crime, that doesn't improveth things. >> you don't take a week and theory and make it strongerm by repeatingak. tha >> so if that's the same crime, 30 , four times, it doesn't make it thirty four times stronger. >>s he ran a campaign to get hoump the trump organization. how is it possible that we have people in positions of powerning that are running against organime, one family,
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one organization? i have a big problem i ha with that. jonathan turley, that does not sound like that is not, as a matter of fact, equal justicet e under the law. >> jus now, it's rather unpure r people to run it as a hugepeoplt which i think it it's dangeroust and i think it's unethical. is to run for office on the pledge to prosecute someone for some crime, any crime that's that's a very problematic.m on the de, on top of that, keep in mind that the department of justice declined to bring this federal election claim for goodw reason because they were down that road and lost roa a major e in the edwards case.. but then briggs predecessorclinr declined to bring this case. then baracink himself threwse a flag on the other case, then has to prosecute, is resign.i and one of them did something that i think is deeply about
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professional. >> he wrote a book abouto a person who wasn't even charged, let alone convicted , who was still under and investigation and have this public campaign to for pubt brai to indict him. i thought it was him i a breathtakingly unprofessional thing to do, but that's what has characterized this case. from the outset. >> and he even he called thisth thanzombie. >> jonathan turley, thank you as always. appreciate yg with .in thank you for joining us . now, south carolina senator linsey graham is with us . senator , welcome to the program. welcome. thank r beinthank you for being. let's get your i yo tu ifhink you i remember cor, i think you're a lawyerwe as well.ll >> yeah, well, so i don't know voodoo. i knowf vo voodoo is legal in vow york , but this is legal voodoo. yoodoo youu got a misdemeanor ts been made a felony. nobody in the history of new york city has ever been. prosit prosecu, under this theo,
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except for donald j. trum jp, this case will follow like a cheap suit under legal scrutiny. the chief witness, michael cohen, is .a convicted felon. his own lawyer calls a unreliably dirt bag. so what's behind all this hatred? they tried to destroy cavanaugh triedbecause they wanted to kep the supreme court seat open. they're trying to destroy donald trump because they fear a him at the ballot box to the conservatives out there, maket sure you vote . if you got friends, make suret e they vote. if you don't have ands maky fri. go make some friends. but yobut you need to help this. donald j. trump, they're trying to drain him dry. he's spent more moneyspent n on lawyers than mostlarcen peope spend on campaigns. they're trying to bleed him drty . donald j. trump .com go to night, give the president some money to fight this. t this this bul is going to destroy dest america. we're going to fight back atame the ballotfi
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box. we're not going to give in. ho how does this end, sean?end? trump win in court and trump wins in court and he wins the election. that's how this wins. ends and how do you get to thirty four counts on this, in your view? how do you do it? you take well, if you gotif youv a pile of and he'd chop it up thirty four times, it's still a pile of is duplicitous charging. they're trying to smear a guy, they're trying to take cases that nobody else wouldin takg te and resurrect them. this is literally legal voodoo. this is political persecution. this is a combination ofio political hatred and selective prosecution on steroids. n onto those who are listening tonight, if you believe donaldmi trump is being treated poorly stands u and wrongly, stand up and help a man pray for our country, him pray for him, go to donaldgo t trump. o and give money so n defend themselves. give is a moment in americann
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history. this is the most irresponsibleen and dangerous decision by a prosecutor in the history ofacti the country. the hihe's opened up pandora's x against the presidency itself. hunter biden and joe biden jo could be prosecuted under this theory.n can be p if they're on vacation in south carolina and made a call to china presiden this is a danger to the presidency. this is turning the rule of law upside down to destroy a man,too donald trump, who the left w fears. do not let them get awayshow with this vote . showp at up at the ballot donald trump, .com, give the mao some money so he can fight.e ca >> yes. thant k you, lindsey graham. we really appreciate it. >>, thank you. u all right. joining us now, former chairman of the house intelligencetellige committee, devin nunes, and foxr news contributor jason chaffetz. ior devin, this is not your firt rodeo. we went through the muehler artch hunt together. we went through fisa pfize applications together.
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you got it right. and your colleague, your counterpart, adam schiff, lied through his teeth. h that w and that was proven in the end.t but it took a lot of time to get there. now, we have seen not only mueller, not only impeachment, not only russia, russia, ukraine, impeachment and a second impeachment. what is this all about? what is the goal here? >> look, it's always been since donald trump and melania came down the escalator it back in 5 . everyone's been after the whole government has been weaponizesei by the left in this country, se. as i think everyone is now seen. i to call a couple of weeks agog on a sunday morning from preside president trump early sundayy an morning. and i always tell people, you pf know, nobody works harder than. this man. and it was right after this news broke about the indictment. >> and , you know, i just i i just said , i don't knowu how you do i mean, i just don't know
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how this guy wakes up everyss yd day, every single business. you hear ed trump earlier, everr business record has been through now before donald trumpi ran for president , nobody ever complained about donald trump or any of any of his companies. >> never. t matter and now it doesn't matter what part of area you're in, you youo even think about true social. true social was created, sean, because of all of these got americans , they got kicked off kicof the internet and yet sti they attack us .s with they even go after people that we're trying to do business with so that we don't have the b access to the public markets in terms of the capital market so that we can grow our company. it'sr countr absolute madness ti that this man has been treated u . >> jason ,r ta let'ske get youre on it. you've been a big part of this as well. this indictment is a fundamentally wrong at its core. it's totally, totally
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i think it's a made for twitteri event. tti think it was a promise that alvin bragg made a promise to do. i think it's bait to have mega republicans overreach, to incite some sort of violencet or outlash or outlash.t i just think that they they hape really want that to happen. and look at this.. donald trump supposedly in their best case, settled a nuisance suit fornd dollars one hundred thousand dollars or so. what about hillary clinton, who paid ot ten million plusn dollars with the democrats wito create a false documenten to go after the president of the united states in a presidential election? what about joe biden taki on the take his family taking millions of dollars in receiptel while he's vice president of the united states and instead cn of going after the murderse in y and the people committing crimes in new york ,or are silly they're going to have this silly indictment. it's absolute, really fundamentally wrong at its
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core. >> i can't thank you boti can'ht enough for joining us . i really appreciate it. by the way, i hearia true sociak doing very well.f e lo what did you think of elon musk lowering the estimate of lowering the estimate of twitter from twiforty three billiottn, whate paid to twenty house. true social doing real quickis e devon. >> you know, look, we're very supportive of elon muskyone whe and anyone who wants to keep the internet open, and that'sino the bottom line. >> all right. thank you.e. jacqui said thatd in the president trump didn't need a new company. >> i didn't need a new job.compn we havy e a simple rule. >> a >> all right.g wi we appreciate you being with us. all right. >> a warm m welcome . welcome . leo 2.0 tarrell and larry elder. both of you guys were just running out of time. so i'm going to get quice k b comments. you're both lawyers, larry. we'll start with you. your thoughts on today, john . >> bill clinton was credibly accused of rape. >> no prosecution. f assaul
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bill clinton was credibly accused of assault by paula jones, said nothing was too. it paid eight hundred thousand dollars to settle a claim. no prosecution credibly s accused of battery by kathleen hill rarn the white houst roe. >> no prosecution. hillary private server in the basement, clearly a violation of the espionage act. no prosecutiontion ot . as has been pointed out, hillary spends campaign funds for a phony dnc document. no prosecution. every gettinorward the biden family. everybody is getting money, g me is getting money. james is getting money. daug the the former daughter in all. is getting money. no prosecution.alvi alvin bragg, drop the chargen bg the fec voted four to one not now ring any charges that o.j. didn't bring any charges. now, all of a sudden, chargesbot are being brought. e standard talk about a double standard. this is probably the most egregious thing i've ever seen y in the history of our republic. >> liow, to poin t to roe., >> yeah, thank you very much.n p i've been chomping at the bit ou on this. let me be as clear as possible.
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our country is at stake here. ie the rule of law is at issue. i speaking right now, the president trump my thirty years of travel experience 3 asi lawyer. i donate all the time energyme e ha have to fight these charges.ocr republicans, democrats, independents have to understanvs everyone has to be a trumpcountr supporter now because this country will become a bananase republic if we lose the rule of. law. they hav theye weaponizes you the political the legal system. and i'll tell you righ it now, i i'm going to stand for as a civil rights attorney , we i am donating my time to presidente r trump to help him fight these charges. this is outrageous. it's a crime to have this indictment filed againstp. president trump. it's just outrageous. and by the way, leo, this in th is not the only this is nots the only legal issues facing that we go t fulton county, l georgia, out. >> then you gocouncil.t a specil counsel. i got news. have >> i got news with every ounce,l every second of time. i have. i'll go back and i'll get news. we have a brand after we defeat this lawsuit. we're goin
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g to file a civile rights lawsuit against you foruo malicious prosecution. will larry, thank you both for. joining us . in studio. let's give a warman welcome to our friend fox and friends. weekend co-host paige. go you both. is with [applau >> you talk a lot about the law tonight. now, let's talk about what the re the what is the result of all this? what is the political fallout? i asked president trump my first questiol falln mean my interview monday was, doesp s this help you? >> what does t thihis hurt you?h because when the mar-a-lago raid happened, it helped him. >> if you look at polls. yeah, i think. thanks, alan . you just looked at our twentye t twenty four republican presidential nominee. yeah, i thin ourk i think that'n what's going to happen. i think that one hundred millione americans probably became ultra mega tonight. and i think that they're goingmi to come out in force. i think that they're goinggame r to vote. i think that they're going to be active. the ground game for donald trump is going to be strongerisi than it's ever been before.
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so thit is a hore das is a horre our country. but as for donald trump, he's the strongest man that we know. fight nink he's going to fight this and he's going to come out victorious for thieed touss. pl but we still need to focus on the fact that this was suchrc a political persecutioution.n. e and i also don't knowxplain thi how they're going to explain this to new yorkers who areday. being victimized every singleho day. how do you explain to them that your political vendetta is more important to you and moreal prioritized to you than ta is more fthe constituents, td this city beating up old ladies on the streets of new york city? >> you know, we talked aboutd abou kevin . we have kevin mccarthy, linsey graham, josh hawley. linh i mentioned ron desantis, glenn youngkin, who may be a presidential candidate himself, quoted as beyond belief. the d.a., alvin bragg is indicted, a former, president an indicd current presidential candidate for pure political gain, arresting a presidential candidate on a manufactured basis should never happen in america. it seems that conservative and republicans are united , that thi rs is an injustice.
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it is obviously t the criminalization of political differences. >> if this is not a closed p ranks moment thaolitical t i don't know what is . r you're exactly right, tommy. this is a horrible nightight fo our republic, but politically, k a great night for donald trump. >> in that it just it because not because they're going to you remembe r the mug shots a of elvis and frank sinatra and johnny cash and jimi hendrix and mick jagger turned them into even bigger r icons i than they were. if there's a mug sho mugt of dos trump, it'll be in dorm roomst-m and on t-shirts making himec a hero or anti no will andrigh rightfully so. because he's become a symbol of what elites and those obsessedr with power are willing to do d when they have that power just u gave away. my next business idea. >> why did you do that?a grea that is a great right there, get by the way. for there k you're ready for it. get ready for itwi. b i will be the symbol. wil there will be he will be the the republican nomineewill rol
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and americans will rally around him because he stood for thingeo they believe and they came after him because they want to come after you and all ofat't us . that's right. you agree with that? that's exactly right.s to if they can do this to somebody as strong and powerful as donald trump, what caas donno re to the rest of us ? you know, the trump campaign the tweets us out all the time, bute they're really coming after all be of us .ens he's the one that's standing in the way. and he's been that figur ue for us for so many yearshi. they got to take him out so they can get to the rest of us . but he's going to stand firm and strong. if there is ever somebody to fight this fight, it's donald trump. i want to say something. the conservatives and the liberal medi a, they always keep the republicans are going to be violent. >> conservatives are going conservative to ivery want to say to every conservative and every republican and everycons donalde th their bait. we are law we are peaceful. we are law abiding. g we areod god fearing. ng. we are we are the you are the people that really make >> this country great. you're great. but look, the juxtaposition of the tennessee legislature today and what they did, they went
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out to get trump and you know, p what's going to happen.u know whathey're going to get mof trump because they went after him. tommy, thank you. this evenin great to see us all right.r bein that is probably primary,fo stephen , as always, thank you for being with us. thank you for making this show t possible. please setw your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever miss an episode. let not yr in the meantime, let nottroubled your heart be troubled. stay tuned. laura ingraham is the next. laura , take it away. right.hi t let's say hi to laura. say hi. hey, you having all the fun? all right, john , i'm going try to try to pick it up where you left off. have a great night. studio audience is over there, but they're very quiet compared to yours. so just we're just going to have to continue. all right. shot. awesome. i am laura ingraham.s this is ingram angle from washington tonight.ngle from washington tonight.ngle from my question, my question, do anything big happened today? huntin anything g trump, destroe america. >> that's the focus of the lefts the focus of a
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