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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 31, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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out to get trump and you know, p what's going to happen.u know whathey're going to get mof trump because they went after him. tommy, thank you. this evenin great to see us all right.r bein that is probably primary,fo stephen , as always, thank you for being with us. thank you for making this show t possible. please setw your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever miss an episode. let not yr in the meantime, let nottroubled your heart be troubled. stay tuned. laura ingraham is the next. laura , take it away. right.hi t let's say hi to laura. say hi. hey, you having all the fun? all right, john , i'm going try to try to pick it up where you left off. have a great night. studio audience is over there, but they're very quiet compared to yours. so just we're just going to have to continue. all right. shot. awesome. i am laura ingraham.s this is ingram angle from washington tonight.ngle from washington tonight.ngle from my question, my question, do anything big happened today? huntin anything g trump, destroe america. >> that's the focus of the lefts the focus of >> and the left has wanted
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to put donald trump in jail since 2015. and today, democrats have gotten them closer to that goal. and let's be very clear .t goal. the whit vere house is the key player in this game ofgame o political vengeance. now, sure, they're officially saying no comment when they were asked about alvin bragg's indictment of president trump. but make no mistake, tonight,ve joe biden bears the ultimate responsibility for what thisthi will do to america. will do toour nation's chief exe has the inherent duty to do everything he or she can presything he or she can to preserve america's standing in the world as the world's leading democracy. now, that means whether through back channels or public speeches, biden should have theeches, biden should have made it very clear that his party would oppose any locals prosecutor who uses trumped up criminal chargesarge to punish and humiliate a former prd humiliate a former president . but of course, biden didn't doid this. instead, oncent.e again, he bow
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to the far left, which has beenl salivating over the prospect of trump in a mug shot four years . >> a lot of democrats spoutingp off saying that they think trump should go told go to president trump himself could end up being prosecuted once hei becomes a civilian. donald trump may dona have to go to court and could possibly go to jail. o know >> people who know donald trump's conduct have long said he belongsaids in jail and could go to jail for up>> h to four years. and tonight, many on the left te are gloating. you've read them on socialeft ar mediting.a. going to do to and they're not considering, though, what this is going to do to our country. tens of millions of americans , maybe half the country, will come away from this sad saga with less faith in with lesith ss faith in in our justithey're going to bel if you hold one set of political views, you'll be targeted. but if you hold another set of political views, you'll be protected. e americans will start believing that the principlepr of equalprinciplepr justice under the law is , frankly, a joke because they're going to see
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the justice system is rigged in america. are prosecutors who wield enormous power are just political hacks. alvin bragg is no differentck from any of the host. for instances., on msnbc. >> for them, it's get trump or go home. we all know that if trump hadwek lastll know that if trump hadwek after the last election, he wouldn't be facinge woul an indictment tonight. he wouldn't be facing anyn in go investigation in georgia or by a special prosecutor in d.c., either going forward whenn any american president orcivi diplomat speaks out against, diplomat speaks out against, rights abuseabuses is, russia ot well, those countries are just going to respond with your lecturing us ., bu nice try, but your systemould t is morally bankrupt. you di youput could to put one of your own former presidents in prison right before one of your so-called elections. so-cawell, and at that point, n what's happened, who could argue with that?s democrats ar the fact is democrats are doingw what we've watched inbanana
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dictatorships and banana republics do throughout history. they made a political decision t to try to put their chief political net their chief political nemesis in jail, and they're indicting him in a state where it's highly unlikely he'll ever get a fair trial. whial. now, their case was such a loser that the department of justice declined to take i at and the federal election commission didn't pursue it either. n but now, on the cusp of what will be a fascinating, perhaps competitive gop primarye 18 months before the presidential election, suddenlye presiden this case ia priority on a state level. e interesting timing. this is a shameful day i nhis is a shameful day i the history of the country. this is going to poison our political landscape for years to come. and the entire episode makestire biden out to be a total liar. te so tonight, thos self-proclaimed defenders of l liardemocracy, they've been pn themselves beyond any reasonable doubt. themselves to be total to be total frauds. in be total frauds. in fact, they've proven
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themselves to be the ultimate election meddlers. pursuing a specious criminal case against formerng president trum a speciou againsn and one reason only because reasd that he might winause win again. and when biden claimed that he was very concerned about losinge democracy in the united states and that hewas is going to protect it after the twenty twenty election, he was lying all along. he knew that the democrat machine would do everything, everything in its power, shady or not, to keep a populist conservative like trump away c from the levers of power after ofom the levers of power after biden was elected. pow remember how he said he tolder world leadow he said he tolder all the world leaders that america is back, peoplcae thougt this meant that he was going to bring the country together, but that wasn' wasn't what he wh intending. instead, he listened to the french, the far left, he's who thinks biden's problem is that he's too nic.e. they needed to pivot to being an administration of rage where political opponents aren't just rivals, they're enemies.f rage
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enemies to be punished by any means necessary. now, biden could have made itar. clear to merrick garland that n shouldthey should be fairto to republicans at the justice department. he could have insisted tha gtar the doj enforce the laws enforcj enforce the laws of supreme court justices. t he could have spoken out against anti christian hate and violence. we see that gassin it againstat. churches and pro-life senators, e saidsenators. and he could have said that if trump decides to run in 2020 f four , i'll beat him the old fashioned way. i'll beat him on the issue beats because america doesn't jail political opponents go back and read lincoln's second inaugural address. now in the midst of an actual bloody civil war. now, after that was the speechma all about vengeance, putting robert e. lee and jefferson davis in jail? >> war..s the spit was about how we as a nati needed to come together. it was about reconciliation. now, no one is saying that we
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should ignore serious political crimes. cri but unless there'sunless there's some bombshell here that's been kept secret, all this time,s this case is an embarrassment of nothing. >> no one thinks trump committed a real crime here. but ironically, the people in new york who do commit real crimesn new yo, they get off sc, courtesy of the democrat party. and alvin brag, a healthy, vibrant democracy doesn't its political opponents. but the fact is the biden administration has been a complete and utter failuree on every front. so they'd rather spend the nexte year and a half sowing divisionn and hatred than selling a solutions to all the problems that they created. don't respet they don't respect you y. they don't respect you y. they want to eliminate t toyour options at the ballot x by getting rid of trump. the ultimaterump in election tampering, isn't it? and they want you. and the angle so distracted by this bogus criminal case that we ignore the fact that
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the u.s. under biden is spiraling down the drain. he >> here are just a sampling ofhe some of the stories today. n't that they don't want to talk about. after transgender killed six at a christian school, the white house said they were praying for the transcoma tran unity, we joe biden said they are part ofl the fabrice of america. and at the border, we just saw a group of a thousand illegal immigrants rush across acros yesterday as dhs secretary mayorkas claims he's unaware that the cartels use situationue like that to distract border g n agents, to bring in guns, drugs, and criminals. drugs and we haviminals. drugs and we have a reeling economy on multiple fronts, inflation, persistent, and the banks are floundering. ld and china's the world is quickly decoupling from the american dollar. decou the ramifications will bes devastating for america.wille devastating for america if tha if that continues biden's approval on the economy, what does that 30%, his overall approval, it's not that much better. heck, only twenty five percent
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of democrats want hi himm to run again. >> so his conception of democracy is that his familygai. can make a fortune sellingfortun us out to china and anyone who disagrees with them will be subject to the mob intimidation or jaio chinl time. as of today, tens of millions of our fellow americans will never be able to see him as anything but a harsh, selfish partisan who only cares about keeping his gripho only ce on power. >>s every single republican in office today and tonight should be speaking out againstub the bragg's persecution act. i don't care if yolicau suppornt trump, you're running against trump. 2020 four or not. it's not really about him. in the end tonight, the man who is set to be his chief rival in 2020 four stepped up to the plate ron desantis releasinn act.g this statement t immediately, reading in part the weaponization of the legal system to advance a political poliem to advance a political on its head. it's un-american. florida will not
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assist in the extradition request, given the questionable circumstancesau at issue with a soros backedable manhattan prosecutor and its political agenda. perfect bingo. whates. is happening here shouli be a warning to desantis os r frankly, anyone else who mayg get within striking distance of theywithin striking distance of beating biden. they should all realize that they'll become a target to some prosecutor somewhere will allege somethin g. they fight they fight dirty. these so-called champion thess ofr us td champion democracy. it's time for us to fight smart . and that's the angle. joining us now n is david shewn, former trump impeachment lawyer, and sol wisenberg, former deputy independent counsel and former assistant us attorney. david , let's start with you. now. from a purely legal perspective, what is this case looking like? >> we actually don't havee th the actual indictment, but ift t what has led up to thise know is true, then we basically knowc what the contours will be,
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right? >> wd e don't have. the indictment. it's sealed still. i don't know why it should ope be opened already. we're not talking here aboutr of a fugitive. it's a matter of great public interest. but assuming the indictment charges something like this misdemeanor of false business records and then turning it into a felony because it was the records were falsified, allegedly to conceal or commit another crime here, maybe what they considero to be an illegal campaign contribution. >> it's absolutely absurd. it violates every prudential, it goe the prosecution function. >> it goes against the abaainst standards on it. g >> it goes against mr. comey statement. how about this? when the clinton indictment was under consideration, comey said although there's evidence of potential violations of the statutes regardingy the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable ment isonable sonable prosecutor would bring case. prosecutor would bring suchssare a case. prosecutors necessarily weigh igh a ctora number of factors before bringing charges. the aba tells you the same thing has has been done before.
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no, those are all the considerations to be made. this is nothing more thane a political move. this hearkens back to jerry nadler. in 2019 saying we cannoy trust the voters to get trumpt out of office aboutt tr as undemocratic a statement as a publip ouc official could r have made. >> now, saul, a washington post op tonight reads, regardless of what people think about trump, the facts of the case, it's not hard to see the problem here ino new york . see the state's entire judicial process is controlled by democrats who could lose their positions in party primaries. every new york state judges. who would either try the case or hear an appeal is elected on a partisan basis. it would take a lot of courag it would take a lot of courag fairly and potentially would igr their voters desire for vengeance. >>e fo thall your response by hy paulson's to henry paulson's piece. do you really want a crazyr prosecutor? does the democrats really want e a wacko trump prosecutor in to bcko trump prosecutor in
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indictment against joe biden or whoever his successor is ? we can't have something like this. so if you have something is absolutely radical as alike local district attorney bringing a case presiden bringing a case against a former president of strong notformer president of have a strong legal case, strong not only legall only, bue terms of is this the kind of case that we would ever wante he to bring in? sai as so many people have said ,t e it's just not here, laura ,unles unless there's a big surprise u. now awaiting us . now, keep in mind, these peoplei made everybody think that therek wasn't going to be an th, and that loobe an was obviously misdirection. and now it looks likike the the indictment won't be unsealed until tuesday. so maybe there's a surprise there's a surprise but based on everything we've heard, i'm going to tell you, i look at this as a is a federal criminal defense this as a federal defense but this is a white collar type case.e i look at this i
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n and i seehis i something is dubious legally, extremel seey dubious, legally. doubt it will hold up, but also prudentially, as mr. schoen said , a prosecutor is not is nosupposed to bring a case t because he or she can.>> david >> but david , the fact that it's all mentioned, it seemss to to be some games being played here. you know, the kind of gotcha moment we tricked you. t we made you think it wasn'te coming out, and then we skipped out of town becausep whatever they want to keepe the drama going, doesn't thatdr. itself speak to the political nature of this case? i is right, preparing hisember,' campaign to run for governor here. remembers funny yo, it's funny say that because i've pulled a number of brand quotes when fr he ran for the district attorne. attorney , it was all about trump, how he' trumps the stront against trump, trump, trump.tru. that also raises independently some ethical problems for mr. mrme ethical problems for mr. bragg, i think. but as mr. wisenberg said , you know, this case prudentially is wrong, but also think about the evidence again, there could
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be surprises. maybe mr. said something surpris to help them, maybe mr. wisenberg, or they're turning the screws to . but ultimately, the case turns on michael cohen. that's why we saw other peoplekb being called to the grand jury. but think about whatostell bob costello did. o whatever mr. cohen has to say, he spoke to bob costello as bob as his lawyer. and according to mr costello,o e he said that cohen assured him trump d that cohen assured him at a time when he could help t himself that trump knew nothing about the stormy daniels payment or the mick mcdougal payment. and by the way, bob costello submitted additional handwritten notes this past monday, contemporaneous notes from june 13th. 2018, quoting cohen as sayingn a specifically that there was wnothing trump on trump about daniels thtrump on trump about the stormy daniels thing. and where is the us attorney'sis office? his notes, costello met with them. they knew all of these things. the d.a. professed not to even that cohen had waived this allen had waived attorney-client privilege just cawith costello. dictme this all jusntt came out.e a fu how do you come out with an invi indictment now and consider it it leavefull investigation now?
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>> it leads me to believe maybem at the eleventh hour they got something from the former chief national enquirer chief. i don't know.ted, but sol, w as we noted, we don' know what's in this indictment, which is part of this game. i think. but cnn claims to beof a on the receiving end of a leak >> i'm toleiving end of a leak . >> i think. watch this.d by and i am m toly sod by my sourco that this is thirty four counts of falsification of business records, which is probablyf chae a lot of charges involving each evert of charges involving each document, each thing that was matter.t, each thing that was in a couple of matters. >> so doesn't it sound like, hes well, he was t trying to sell documents to a foreign adversary after the documents were found at mar-a-lago. just this ranks speculation sou that it sounds really bad,nd lie thirty four . but we don't you know, you cannr write thirty four count indictment. >> that can be a bunch of. i mean, that's done alla bunch f the time. ther e are us attorneys offices that love to write. ninety nine count indictments li
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or you know, thatet can be easiy charged in one or two . and keep in mind, because people are going on networks, other networks., they're saying things contradictory to what wen are and saying, oh, thisgs is charged all the time. so it's very important that your viewers know thisit's veryo particular application that they're talking about charging of this falsification ofcharging records has never been tried in a court of law in new york . they're taking something that'se a misdemeanor and bootstrapping it into a felony. because it was done with the t motive of creating or hiding another crime. and that has never bee n triedt has never bee before. that changes the statute off limitations and allows thes them to bring it. a but keep is yon mind that as you noted earlier in the angle, the federal government looked at ang that at that law that supposedly was being covered up- and found that there wasn't enough there wasn't enough to indicrnmentt.
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so it is that's what causes me to say no one , this particular application has never been done before in new york state. number two , it's dubiousd it's legally. i doubt i believe it's going to ultimately be thrown out in three . it's. so unpresidential. s it's so opposite of what a public servant and what a real nonpartisan or eve prreal nonpartisan or eve his job should do. and it's it sets a very bad precedent. edent. >> yeah. the novel application of bad eng the legal statute is bad enough. and in cases cases where where the factsn of are dubious, but then the noveli application of a criminal statute against a former president in controversial oron hot election cycle that takes us to a whole new level. and david, just for fun, cnn4 cs has thirty four counts, buts msnbc is always trying to onein up the competitiong to o. >> there was this massive investigation was done by the
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new york attorney general's office that when donald trump went in to be questioned about that in the deposition, he asserted his fifth amendment, some four hundred and fifty times, which means there are some four hundred and fifty crimes that he was questioned about. some of those could wind up in this and it was that guy, a lawyer named four times. you assert now if you assert the fifth amendment, democrats believe you committed a crime and the whole world is upside down, this is completely insane. oh, so extraordinarily irresponsible for a lawyer to come on tv or any other forum and say that, saying taking the fifth constitutes a crime or is to cover up a crime. it's absolutely irresponsible. and the other part of this case we have even talked about is the abuse of the statute limitations here, which ordinarily would have passed. new york has in its criminal
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procedure law, thirty point ten for it excludes dade's that the person is continuously out of the state. there's a nineteen ninety nine case called people versus noble that upheld it. but it makes clear that the purpose of the statute is to deal with a situation which is difficult to apprehend a person because their whereabouts are unknown. that wasn't the case with donald trump. >> well, panel, your expertise wouldn't want a one on one on anyone else on tonight. thank you so much. now, i want to turn from the political ramifications to the political ramifications of all this instead of you balkanizing the gop, the indictment has united the gop. well, i mentioned desantis, a strong statement, the angle. but you also had republicans from virginia governor glenn junkin to speaker kevin mccarthy, devinn, the trump hating thom tillis of north carolina, speaking out on behalf of the former president . joining us now, while hemingway, editor in chief of the federalist, charlie hurt washington opinion editor, and miranda devine,
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"new york post" columnist, all three or fox is contributors. also joining me is charlie kirk. this is a super panel founder and president of turning point usa. all right. first, charlie, i'll are some. first we'll g go to . trump was already the prohibitive favorite. it's early, but it was kind of considered the favorite. .does this end up helping him in the near term or charlie hurt? i think without a doubt, you know, even democrats own voters are sort of overcovered. soers are democrats have to col with a different a new wayelect. to steal another election. and this is what they're doing right now. attemptin they're attemptingg to to try po to eliminate trump from the pool because i think they they genuinely fear that that he really he'll get the nomination and he really could win reelection. and an ironic i think what they're doing here is they're ensuring that he get-election.s the nomination. and i think beyondon. that, they're ensuring that he win
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will win because people see this as a fundamentally unfaired they see this as crookedup and corrupt. when you loot. k around politics and and you see people like the biden family and you see hillary clintolary ndinary who have committed crimes that any ordinary american woulan wod go to jail for the rest ofrats their lives for, and then democrats turn around opponen and charge a political opponent with crimes no ordinaryordi american would ever be chargedne for, only with the only goal of trying to to to to levyee political retribution against him. >> politica now, molly, my warning and the angle to every republican out there is that ifh you think this is sui generous to donald trump, this is just dt about him. people don't like donald trumpe or he's a threat or whatever .tl this is about real justice. politi intimidating anyl opponent to political opponent to thedo you liberal status quo. do youh me agree with me on tha? and that's why perhaps we saw
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desantis and junkin and mccarthy and all these recoe people come out. >> they recognize that tonight.i i think everyonenk ofday. us recognize that this is ahe tg very sad day. one of the things that we used to be able to do in this would able to do in this yos crpolitical differences witt criminalizing those differences. now, it is true that it wae dif trump who managed to to change the last six yearsto to change this in that the last six years this country has gone through because the left and powerful elites have been unable to accept the results ofsult a democratic election. and they have been gettingd the increasing crazed in whatg to d they're willing to do to to prevent further elections that they do not want. they're willin g to destroy the country because of their hatred of this person. but what this isn't really even about this person. it's just really about anyone who threatens their power. any republican worth their salt will get this kind of treatment . anyone who takes on the regime anyone who doesn't' follow what they want in terms of where they want in terms of where wars need to be started. ter you know, everpsy few years orer
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fighting back against leftists in the culture, anyone who doe s that well will get this kind of treatment. but this is a very baddented i precedent. i mean, it's unprecedented inn . this country. it it's n is not unprecedented in other countries. it's evocative of what you saw during the stalinist era in the soviet union, whereco they would just decideuntries.a who the person was that they wanted to take out and they would invent a crime. it's wha invt you see in banana republics. it is it is horrific.a s. and there's really n o option,'s really n but not just from republicans, but anyone who cares about thisa country to speak against it. >> now, miranda, you've written obviously extensively about hunter biden and the enrichment of the biden family. courtesy of china and other foreign countries.a an and theyd ot they seem to skate accountability at least up till now. and thateast u two tiered systef justice that we're seeing play out in this country that is so damaging to the fabric off ou our entire democratic system.
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this from the defenders of democracy who put grandma in jail, who walk through taking selfies in the capitol on january 6th. what is that? just what the bidens have done versus what this supposedly is ? >> well, yes>>.k and i think that that mayey k be part of the strategy from the democrats, because they know thw that the republicn house is closing in on the biden family corruption. they have already just ijustnt r their first tranche ofnc financial documents thatiay clos they've released, come very close to the heart of the money trail that leads to joe biden wl and so what will happen is with ppen imuddying up donald trump with the numerous flimsy casesic i have against him and causing a big fuss bi and making the entire media concentrate yet agaiagain onn on donald tru, which is like crack cocaine
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and msnb like crack cocaine c and the "new york times". t of it's really good for themmoney, and it'll make them a lot oft ao money. but it also distracts from frt it also distracts from joe biden's problems, both as an completely incompetent commander in chief, but also his corruption problems coming back to haunt him. tok that now, him. whatever legitimate legal actions occur against anybody in the trump family, that will be viewed now as a tit for tat, some sort of vengeance for what's happened to donald trump. this is all very goo venged for the democrats. they want to sort of ushermp donald trump into the gop nomination as an injured party. and that that every decent aroun patriot in the country is going
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to rally around because you don't want the evildoers to win who have weaponizes down justice system against their political opponents. but on the other hand , i thinks it makes him very damaged goodsa for the general election.el >> yeah,ec well,tion. look, thet to pick the gop nominee, that's for sure. >> and if it's trump, id o they're really afraid of him. so they want to hurt him as much as possible and then skate on their own wrongdoing and corruption. charlie cook, a quinnipiacs university survey released yesterday found that 62%. oft voters believe that bragg's case against trump is motivateb. by politics. des near so thalyt includes nearly 30% of democrats, 70% of independents.t deficrats, 70% of independents.t on the other networks tonight saying, well, this is definitely bad for trump. trupolitically.e i'm not so sure about that.. i see marantis point, though, g but i think they're way too giddy tonight about what's happening. i yeah. in the primarye , itpr only mako
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him stronger, without a i mean, the consensus fromrass grassroots conservative voters is that you're going to have u to go through us if you're going to continue to go after donald trump. e going to che's become a symbo he's become a symbol for for t the disaffected men and women of the forgotten person. hein america.n an woman but we must understand whyforgon they're doing this. there's many reasons america i e think we should just forget about revenge in 2016. 2016, in in that very district in tha new york . that's wheres where hillary cl. received the news that she wasre not going to be president .they and these people are are petty, they're pathological, and they are they are personal.abour hatred of donald trump.bour about their hatred of donald trump. i've never seen anything like it. and laura, i thinke ura,, would agreeke it makes people do wacky and weird things. and it seems as if there is this bloodthirsty appetite and desire at the highest level, the democrat elite to quote unquote get trump. t backfire?get e get trump. i don'i don't know. i does it help them politically in the primary? almost. almost certainly. but i think what is is going to be interesting is whether or not independents and moderates are willing to say, look, indepn i might not like donald trump,
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but the kind of colonization oft the american criminal justice system is too much for me. donald trutoo much for me. in the short term, donald trumph is going to be a much bettern spot in the republicanon nomination because of this. but this is a terrible day. for a terrible d our country. now, you're right.e it's like stalin's purges, right? that's what we're seeing rightt. now. >> all right, panel, stay with us. now, what will the arraignment the what will the arraignment process itself look like? the visuals are almost tooo ima. absurd to imagine. states, as a "new york times" states , he'll be fingerprinted. he'lr l be photographed. he may even be handcuffed. most defendant s haveei their hands cuffed behind but their backs, but some white collar defendant somes who areant deemed to pose less of a danger have their hands secured ins ino front of them.f you know, they loved writinged every line of that at the newof york times. joining us now for or former prosecutor, fbi assistant fbosecutor, fbi assistant director who's been involved in numerous high profile arrests. chris , what otheror. color can you add about this most absurd and infuriating and outrageous moment in american history?ag >> yeah, firste out , i just wa to weigh in david schoen
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and sol wisenberg. >> i think we're absolutely, corr think we're absolutely, absolutely correct. this is an unethical prosecution. prosecution. attorney will be defending his law license by the time thisthis case is over. defendinso the arraignment, i dh think it's going to be as i think i think the district attorney is going to try to go for that dramatic moment wheretw he gets handcuffed.. i don't think it's goingdge will to happen. i think the judge will intervene. i think there are other trump's lawyers will intervene in this with motions. and i think we'll see a fairly theri think we'll see a fairly arraignment. i mean, there's no reasone's to jail him. atio there is no cash bail situationt to begin with as it is with every other violent crime inn th the state of new york or that'sb jurisdiction. so i think it's goine g to be ln key. i thin hk he'll turn himself in, of course, and the arraignment will be him standing atble justl the table just like any otheikr arraignment on handcuffed. >> well, i think donald trump perhaps wants some of that, youf
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know, the color of the prosecco just to reaffirm to the american public that this is what they're doing to their political opponents. theiragain, this is what we exr from putin or g or maybe in a central american or south american country. >> we do not expect this in the united states of america. this is disgraceful. we do not expect this in the united states of america and it completely jibes with what they've done with their two tiered approach to justice from the summer of love to mueller on down. but we read some of the earlier comments, chris , from governor desantis. ot he said that florida will not assist in an extraditionnd it, request. he now, chris , as i understandrest it, though, the former is xtrad. president is not planning to fight extradition. i think that wouldthat we did. be ridiculous if he did.hetical but in a hypothetical wha situation, what would happen next? >> well,d as you say, i don't think i don't think fiink i don't think president trump is going to fightgh i extradition. i think he'll show up.s down
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he spends as much time inflorid. new york as he does down in florida. so i don't think that's goingi o to be an issue. i think governor desantisin is just trying to scoreg some points. >> thereto se points. i will say this.sed on i mean, this case is based on a witness who who's a bigger liar than than alex murdaugh and there is so much exculpatory evidence. in newatory evidence. and i think in new york there is a duty to disclose exculpatory information to the grand jury. exc and there's all kinds ofulpato e ethical canons around frivolouso prosecutions. so i go back to that. this is an >> you know, this is ancution unethical prosecution to start with . w ith. if he wereso if he were to figh extradition, they they would he would have every basis to do so. >> yeah, i thinkesponsib the professional code of responsibility in new york , ork, ii think bragg is going toe a lot of lot to answer for. and he should be sanctioned. iki and i agree, if this looks like what it looks like right now, he should loses la his law licem >> chris , thank you. manhattan a statement from manhattan. alvin bragg's office tonightis w
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reads as follows. this evening, we contacte contan trump's attorney to coordinate his surrender to the manhattan d.a.'s office for arraignment at the supreme court indictment, which remaincours ur seal. >> joining us now, florida congressman matt gaits. congressman, you faced unfair persecution yourself by ouryou our powers that be in our justice system. but bragge just indictedra gg a foa former president foror the first time in our and yet they don't have to tell the american public right nowo why for a few days, justkeep to keep the the drama going. i guess your reaction to just that aspect of it before wepek get into more , it seems to leave a natio n on the edge as we witness the ossification of the criminal justice system in this country. remember, soros gave membealvin bragg a million dolls and we're used to seeing theseei things with political leaderswe arrested, grandmothers hijackede in our city centers, government printing money till it goes out of style in thirdd th
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world countries. and now that's being visited on the united states of america. i spoke with president trump moments ago and he is resolutets and focused and he's concerned about what this does americwhat this does to america's brand around the world. we will wake up in a very different america tomorrow because we can no longer haveera usmoral authority againsts wh the dictators and despots who would always find d it easir to jail their political rivals than to compete agains t them inompete agains free and fair elections. and i remember my democrat colleagues in congress juster crawling to high heaven about the unfairness of comey makingut derogatory comments about hillary clinton before the twenty election. this must ringdero a thousangata louder to all of them.ands it is clear electionuder interference. l and i believe there are federalh equities at play thatates congr the united states congressab ought to evaluate. con >> now, congressman, sorry, doen you agree with what i said in the angle that if biden in
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the white house didn't want't challenge house didn't want't have gone forward and they would have been a back channelbc communication or a publicde our speech about how we have to set aside our differences and may the best man or woman win in twenty , twenty four . don'ty , twenty four . you don't prosecute your political opponents. t it woulditical opponents. t away. that concept, a way he couldmart have made that actually been smart politically for him. but he didn'dot do that. this. so they are approving that. they going to say they're but they're they're approving of this entire thing, noting. onlyt temperatire thing, noting. onlyt to bring the temperature down, t he functionally gas lit this tyg indictment by saying that extreme maga republicans were dangerous. remember, it's biden's inmber it'it's biden's government that we aresupe currently investigating for supercharging the notion off doc domestic violent extremism. we found cases of the fbi cooking the books to try to get thinkig the books to try to get the person next to them a
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with pro trump bumper sticker is somehow dangerous or evil. i and when biden did that, it created a permission structure not only for alvin bragg, but for the corrupt, left leaning prosecutors in fulton county and even for the specialn lash counsel to try to lash together thunsel to try to lash together anything. remember, this is a novel legaia theory. you're talking about a misdemeanor that has to get l theory.lking abbootstrap ontod a way i've never seen before. and alvin bragg made this promise in his campaign. hebr told new york voters that h had sued trumpunnd one hundred times and that if he gote go that position, he wod continue this terrible witch hunt. yeah, he's a total i mean, weano all know that. i mean, anyone is a serious person knows this is political. its this i doesn't pass the strt face test. but michael cohen's attorney . yes,cohen' he has an attorney te the prosecutors congressmen have a lot to work with . >> there are lots of facts, o lots of documents, lots of evidence of multiple crimes. there will be a lot of people surprised at the level of
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evidence that the detail of evidence based on my experiencef in watching this group ofs deveo prosecutors develop this case. congressman. again, there, in essence, allowed to just peddle propaganda before the publicp is even knows what trump is facing here. it's almost like they're trying to it's almost like they're trying to incitereaction some type of of bad reaction on the part of the american people by kind of dragging thisn out. i don't like this ind of everybody watching tonight. we support peaceful protestss. . at people are going to protest this, go at it, but we're noto u violent people. we go to court to ger t our results. if we have to . and we don't want to . donald trump's going to do certainly we don't wantt want to resolve differences through violence. but give me a break.diff the chinese communiserences thta pay every grifter in the biden family, but donald trump can'ty be stormy daniels to resolve a legal dispute without the claim that there's lotaniela
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evidence. there's a legal element thatnylv is not met by any evidence. hav they would have to prove that donald trump would have no reason other than the election to try to resolve this issue.wih with stormy daniels privately and outside of the public sphere. and , of course,privately an there arerse,privately plenty of reasons he would dou so so it's an obvious affirmative defensnspublice. o what i think will happen next, a motion to dismiss. and if this were evehappenr to be tried, you certainly could not do it in manhattan. you would likely seeu could a e of venue. with uue. upstate new york would maybe's be the only place donald trump could get a fair trial. thi but what i expect is that this will be resolved well beforey ao that by any court that looks at the way that the law is being aa tortured in the absence of anybe charge, it would plane be maintainable against any human being on the planet earth. eartother than donald trump.t tm and against trump, itp it is clearly political , frivolous. why you'r and that's why you're able to cite that quinnipiac evidence showing tha to t by a e margin of about two to one , iso the american people. see, this is nott based, ug on the law or the facts, buttic. raw politics, you havei don't
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more faith in the judges in new york than i do. congressman, i don't faithn theo have any faith in these judges myve any faith in these judges in new york , but maybe i'vewe just seen too much appreciate . but we appreciate it, congressman. thank you very much. now, i know you've been wondering what biden, his white house, has had to say aboutat b iden andout evereverything thatw for that, we go to fox is white house correspondent. i bumped into him in the the hallway yesterday, kevin corke. >> oh, it's great. see you, m. >> you know, there are clinks of champagne glasses, maybe,p but at least publicly.from the i not a peep from the white househ tonight.oue indictment of the pres laura , on the indictment of the president's chief political opponent, of course, that being former president donald trump. now, sources have long predictet d that the white house would really want to steer clear of any on the record teer clestatement, lest they be considered tipping the scales of justice of justicr being accused of attempting to influence the process. however, critics tonight are whe arguing that this is preciselyei when the white house shoulghd ae weigh in on what legal scholars are calling alvin bragg's unprecedented. bragg's unprecedented abuse of abuse of power and the upheaval
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of american jurisprudence. one which they now argue could lead to days all over the country. impaneling grand juries in the hopes of handing up indictments for other political adversaries, including perhaps the current president himself. or even past presidents.. th even past presidents.. the slippery pandora's box argument, if you will . but before you dismiss thatdorax possibility.ou dismiss thatdorax states along the sou possibility, consider states along the southern border and how days therern bort give you a chance to haul cove you a chance to haul especially those who they argue are failing to protect this nation's citizens. >>s tizens now, regardless of ci your political leaning critics cs that wtonight argue that we are. tested in the very crucible of war. a waa war of and against perhaps our values in history. >> and where we go from here ann is anyone's guess tonight. >> laura cavin, thank you. great to see now i want to bring back our political panel, mollie hemingway, charlie hurt, miranda devine and charlie kirk. all right, charlie, i want
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to go back to yo charlie, i wo yo u on this this. is back to my angle. what do you make of this ideaake that the democrats are playing p three steps ahead here and they believe that propping up trump is smart for them and turning him into kind of this martyr is better for them because he'll be easier in their mindo e to beat in a general election if they can say, well,e you're you're pushing a candidate who committed a crime and is under all these under e investigatinvestigation as weg a man who is doing his best fore the american people, selflessly . >> yeah, well, nobody ever went broke overestimating the cynicism of democrats inrob washington. and so you're probably right about that. about at.robably are thinking tg three steps ahead. but the other side of itit i is that, you know, donald trump has been such a threat to them and such a threat to theirce existence and the permanentt
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governing state of washingt that they've really loste really their minds over the pastlost six years ever their since trume onto the scene. and, of course, they're also peddling that sort of hysteria, that hatred, that blind insanity that has overtaken the minds, especially the sort of the democrats in the media. but also a lot of there, a lot of their voters and a lot of the a lot of the people that work in washington are democrats who are running the show here. so so it's kind of hard to say. but but, you know, there's no doubt that they are they are capable of of of thinking that far ahead. and, you know, and we'll and as we see, you know, there's nothing out of bounds for them in terms of trying to you know, the truth doesn't matter to these people. >> it's all about power. now. and they play dirty and they fight dirty.
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this this is what they're known for now by any means necessary. i mean, let's going to go all you why they want you want to know why they hired eighty seven thousand irs agents? because they want to do this to every american in bantry. this is how they use the . yes, it is . look, trump says i'm just representing you. so they're coming for you and molly. he's right when he says that because his policies were good for middle class people, they were good for the working class and blue collar americans . and when they go after trump, they're going after their chance for a better life. and safer streets and a border that actually works. so i think trump is exactly right about that. >> yeah, it is absolutely true . i mean, republicans and conservatives have known for a very long time that people are the media are allied against them. what we've seen in the last six years is altogether different, in part just because of how effective
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president trump was as president, how he was able to achieve things with paul in policy that previous republicans hadn't been able to do. this is a really disheartening thing precisely because this is an attack on the american people right now. like what are we supposed to do ? we have been screaming about the weaponization of government ,the politicization of the doj ,the two standards of justice that we have seen in so many different ways. and nothing is getting better and there's a there's a limit to what can be done. i mean, one of the few things that can be done is to vote . and this is something they don't like how americans vote frequently, but people who don't want to see the country go down this horrible path of not having the rule of law, but being ruled through political persecution. they don't have many options right now. >> i tnow. hink thaand i think that part of the democrats plan is to get trump off course to toe's gh obviously he's going to have to spend time on this case instead of every minute he has
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to spend on this case is at focu minute he's not focusing destroy on everything biden and his team have done to destroy this country. wes try, we love. a that's where we're going to win wiat's where we're going to win this election. if you're a republican , thn youryou're going to winr on. the election on the economy, number one . number two , on our disastrousny foreign policy. but charlie cook, cnn, ran to a lot of wisdom tonight, especially from adam schiff. >> watch. w what whee have seen with donald trump is whenever he is allowed to escape accountability, he engages in worse and worse misconduct. should he be rewarded with another term, he would begin where he left office,d wos and that is begin at the point of a an insurrection and it would just descend from there. so i think that would be a catastrophic choice if the country were to even choicountry were to even entertain his candidacy. >> charlie kirk, i>> charlie, fe would even entertain, you see h the disdain that he has for the american people. he seems like he's trying to hel wants to incite trump and his
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people and his supporters to ipr don't know what, but i mean, he is is one the most disgusting individuals i've seen in politics. >> i totally i a screenwriter to which tells you a lot i want to 091 something you said . i think that's really important, which is this mightch not be the strategy, but it sure is an element of this,an e which is you look at how they e ar which is you look at how they're talking, you look at they're almost trying to incite the americant trying the coite the americant trying conservative community to act uncharacteristic and just needs to be repeated. t take the b don't fall for it, don't take the bait, don't take the trap,th because the national securitye n state, the regime, they would love nothing more than four pockets of people to justog act an outrageous fury or rage. and so w e have to make sure we o say that out loud with stated purpose, that what happened, ge. herwhat'se is happening heru banana republic, but would actually turn the entire countr the eny into a banana republic is if small handfuls of peoplesf act as mad as they are. a and all of a sudden the national security state would then say, see, that's whye we need a patriot ac tt to point out. and that could then furthery we justify their powe
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r grab across >>grab across the country. that's an excellent point. and miranda, andrew weissman, of course, mueller probe fame. he just revealed what this indictment is really all about. >> there were substantial evidence of obstruction of justice that was amassed by thes mueller probe. he could not be criminally charged because of a dojs th policy. so this is the firste first st n terms of criminal accountability. tability and i think it is reallya te a testament to the american criminal justice system and the rule of law. s admitt >> miranda, he's admitting this is basically just revenge since the mueller probe failed or why? >> what what is he getting at wh what what is he getting at there?ok yeah, that's what it looks like. th arrogance from these people who did fail miserably to tie up donald trump despite their best efforts in their best efforts in the russia russia collusion hoax. and i thin hoax.k that was due g
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large part to david newnes and kash patel and those sort of patriotic people and smarte o people who managed to uncover the subterfuge behind the democrats plot to bring trup down trump. tht they haven't given up the rest of us think, oh, wellkp ,we've put that to bed, but no, they will keep on it. v amit's the vampire that they tht will not die. and i think what they're hoping is that they can provoke another january six . this is the ardent desire and that is to muddy up donald trump and his supporters and to buttress that terrible sort ofso libel, blood libel that muddyjoe biden loves to sproutl the time about ultra mega semi fascists. that's what animates the biden administration. and i think that. i didn't mea
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yeah, no, i'm sorry. int i didn't mean to interrupt. l of i just want to emphasize this agjust want to emphasize this point. i think all of us tonight agrere with this, that the effort here is to perhaps charlie hurt, you know, further kind of alienate maybe suburban women and independent voters from what they se independee as it dt with some pockets ofme pockets conservativism.ts ofme pockets they know they are getting conservatism. they know they're getting poorer. no one wants to lose money, right. everyone's losing money. o losein this economy, but most everybody, but they want them to put aside their financial ick and economic interests and just go to the ick factor again, like, ohor a, it's a charlottesville. this is january 6th. again, i do think mirando, charlie, molly, i think you aret all right about this. that's a big part of what's going on right now.s fall for it. do not fno one should fall for l they're doing. d fallthat's exactly right. big >> well, we'll think about what0 the big lie of the twentywa twenty election was. the promise was that joe bideno was going to unify the country o and it was kind of the make it stop election. it was so craz
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y that four yearse was so insane. and democrats and joe bidenthe s promised, look, elect me and i'll make the noise stope ji and what's happened since go house, the insanity has gone from like 10 to like 18 . we didn't even know.r th there's not even numbers on the knob for the insan that has happened since then. and so it's all a giant lie. and , you know, i guess i justhh sort of can't help but have some faith in the american people at every turn, partlyn.on because we don't hav't have othr choice but to appealte to american voters tharst that this is all b.s. it's a giant le lie. lie. a massive lie. joe biden'e biden's els electios a massive lie. and what actually does matter,dt all the things that joe biden and democrats have done to destroy our country, r coun to destroy our energy independence, to destroy independ our those all those ri but you haved of to get ri thedf these people.
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>> and you know what? tr and you know what? if it takes goingt woul back to donald trump that that m be fantastic. at some point, peopline realize that that the alternative is that horrible republic can't lose the next election if they lose the next election with how bad thinglection. s are in the country. it's like the republicans should just start a differen countrtjust start a differen party or something because that that truly is inconceivable. to me. but molly, to your point earlier, is whether it' charlottesville or january 6th or getting trump thay or somettr agenda for america. it's definitely not raising our standard of living. watch this. commentator right.or. this case not only could be the first several cases, but in some ways this case kind of breaks the ice, right? it demystifiese. it makes it sort of less dramatic. if fannie willis or jack smith has to be the one to indict ext the president next and tent o some extent take some of the pressure off of bragg, the molly franks, the ice for the other prosecutors, because that's what prosecutorthat'ss ae supposed to do, follow each other and try to outcompete each other. these peopleete each other havep
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what the system of justice is supposed to be based on the rule of law precedent. ther, e is nothing here. all of these investigations are political . it's not just bragging. it's also what's happening in georgia with one of the mos political prosecutors around who has failed to give accurate e information about how in this country you actually do have a right to care about elections and how they're administered. and if you see problems, you have a right thow a right that. o file you have a right to actually file lawsuits about that. this is something also in this is something also in realizes how political the classified documenistt blow is because they saw it all blowu up with joe biden having classified documents everywherel across the eastern seaboard. they're all political and they're all wrong. and this the two standards ofo n justice are made worse by the fact that we have a mediaes complex that engages mostly inse propaganda. i mean, there are a fe.w showsa here. there are a few media outletsb f that do a good job of acc accurately portraying what's going on . but a lot of americans are lot a lot of americans are
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misinformed through one sided media and propaganda that has failed to explain the significance of these politicized prosecutions. that's going to be a real issue. i understand what you're saying i unde party partyyou're saying ,if they can't win in this environment, when can they ? but i think we forget how powerful that propaganda that we exist innment, whe is ,h it can how much it can harm elections, how it's the most powerful form of electio meddling that's out there an how much they cover shenanigans and problems that are doney by one side and how much probne side and how much they elevate nonproblem, whateyd they did on covid, what what thi they did on carpet. trump id on carpet. with mueller. i mean, trump was a russiawas nh agent by the time they got through with it. right. covid was going to , you know,so it was the worst thing ever.h to you know, everyone had to rushba to get vaccinated, stayelderl six feet away, leave the elderly alone. i mean, they lied and liedied. and lied. and people are still wearing mas masks and their cars. so this molly, you're right.thii >> this is extremely powerful. and there needs to be a lot more voices out there
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to counter this. and people have to be unafraid.h yod people have to be unafraid.h courageous and you were great greaageous and you were great tonight. so thank you, panel.t great to see allto o seef you. now, you heard the panelnel men mentioned a moment ago and theyw were right. w the left is warning that we could see anothero this january six moment as people build upreact to this buildup of the trump indictment. >> the intelligence bureaue buru will be looking at social media to see what's gathering any kind of numbers around attend. demonstrations that people say they're going to attend. they'll be lookingng groups, of course, because, you know, we learn lessons from january six groups like the proud boys. >> he also t wants to seo see hs supporters out there that wapporters out there that caused concern among some of his advisors that he was goingmn to essentially have something that resembled a january six moment on capitol hill. >> m >> joining me now, julie kelly , senior contributor to american greatness and author of january six . also with me, kurt schlichter, trial attorney , author of inferno. julie, on the day that
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their january six narrative blew up because both the shaman's shaman's early release and the proud boy trialw hopinge and the proud boy trialw hoping they're hoping for a january six style image thate they can use, i guess, to help t everyone forgehit how bad this economy is . >> multiple
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incoming at one time. there's one indictment coming now, but i wouldn't be surprised if you started to see a domino effect to try to completely overwhelm him and his team. i don't put anything past these people. i think julie have seen it all in her coverage of the january cases and now this. >> you're absolutely right. this is an attempt to pick the next president, to stop the american people from getting their choice.
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would donald trump win the primary without this? maybe he would, maybe he wouldn't. maybe he would win the general. the democrats want to take that out of the hands of the normal americans an misusing the legal process to do it. i'm a lawyer. you're a lawyer. i look at this. it's nonsense. what is your legal opinion of it. i don't have a legal opinion. this isn't a legal action. it's ridiculous. it's pure political power and we republicans better get in the game and we better start dealing it back. >> merrick garland, he made a big point of saying that white >> biggest threat to america's domestic tranquillity and the rule of law. we've seen attacks against churches and pro-life centers, seen this targeting of a christian school. we'll learn about that as time goes on. we haven't heard about hate crimes against christian people
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and rhetoric against parents, what of that? >> i mean, it is all-out legal and political assault on the right, that is what i talk about in my book. january 6 has been pretext for that, it has a lot of different angles to it. the republicans need to get on the offensive here. they were slow in talking about political prisoners and about political prosecution. you have new individuals who have been arrested this week, laura, by the department of justice in the events of january 6. this is full-on coordinated effect on the political right to suppress our vote in 2024 to scare trump voters and republican voters to
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interfere -- >> don't gather anymore, sorry to interrupt. don't post online. the fbi is looking to prevent another january ron desantis should think he is being watched. mike pompeo is probably being watched. who knows what is going to happen? do you agree every republican tonight thinking of runs for office or running for the presidency, anyone who disagrees, period, end of story, total war against their freedoms. >> it sure is, laura, gave a strong statement behind the principles. we have got to get republicans who know what time it is, republicans who understand the nature of this fight and if i see any more gutless invertebras talking about the rule of law,
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hum, hum, hum, guys that is over. it's a different game. reset your watches, it is not 2005. this is an assault on our country. >> thank you both, wonderful to see you. jam-packed show tonight, set your dvr, it is america now and forward. gutfield is next. >> todd: a fox news alert, former president trump could surrender to new york authorities as early as this tuesday as grand jury issues an indictment in alvin bragg's hush money case. busy friday morning, i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. at the center of national debate about bias in the doj with critics accusing alvin bragg of doing the democrat's bidding. >> todd: editorial board


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