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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  March 31, 2023 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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>> lifelock alerts you and works to fix problems with a dedicated restoration specialist. specialist. go to lifelock .co my secret to being safe tricksca . . secretlly odor. . . . secretlly odor. i spray just spray as they fishr day. my turs ter, still fn secret acs odor and gets aluminum next. three hours later. >> still secret works. tonight. good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. tonight, the defining principle of the american legal system. >> really, i sysf american life the principle that has kept equl us free is equal justice and the principle is fairly simple, no matter what you look like or who your parents were or what your politics might be , the law treats you exactlyy ame same way as it would any other american in this country.
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justice is blind now. that's a lofty standard. sta but because americans have long believed in fairnessndarericans, and because most of the people in charge of administering that system have behave d in good faith, this country has, for liv the most part, lived up to its core ideal for two hundred and fifty years, making it the greatest country in the world. >> but the populist surgthe of 2016 changed everything permanent. washington's suddenly felt more threatened by its own voters, by american voters than by any foreign adversary, donald trump. dom, seem more dangerous than isis. they panicked and in their panic, our leaders decided to turn the american legal system as well as thete american intel agencies and if necessary, the u.s. armyopponen. against their political opponents. they felt they had n theyo choin doing this. >> they abandoned the ancient principld e of equality under the law, and they replaced it with what is effectively a loyalty oath.
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opponents of the regime became enemie ime becas of the state. state. that's a huge change and you're seeing the results that change tonight. >> just twenty four hours after a manhattatoni24 hoursn grand jd joe biden's rival in the next presidential race,nd another juryac anot in new york , convicted a republican social media influencer called douglass mackey. >> what did mackey d douglaso wr >> well, douglas mackey's crime was mocking hillary clinton s voters online. you you're seeing on your screen the meme that macchi postedring on twitter during the twenty sixteen electione 2016. in that meme, macchi suggests it's possible to vote for president by text messagee on because only hillary voters could be stupid enough to believe something so absurd.e but of course, in real life, noo one did believe that mckees insulted not alter a singles in vote isultn the election and no one has proved otherwise. the government brought forthht f ornot a single victim of this crime. it couldn't. ldn't.douglass mackey was jokinb nobody believed he was was a federal election official. a f ederalin fact, his social mediar
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profile pictured a donald trump app.hat. kable this it was unmistakable. mo this was mockery. n an >> but in the wake of the twenty sixteen election and the rising hysteria of about donald trump mocking the democratic party became nt trumpa crime. >> so as a result, tonight, s douglass mackey faces 10 years in prison. prison. the case against doug mackey is the most shocking attack on freedom of speech in this country. inom o our lifetimes. it's also a useful lesson in who will be allowed to speak who going forward. wil as it turns out, a woman called kristina wong posted an almost identical meme the same yearstio back during the twentyng sixteen election. but unlike doug mackey, wang voted for hillary clinton. hey, trump supporters, she wrote schipp poll lines and text in your vote. same crime. of but the department of justiceice under joe biden has shown no woterest in prosequibide. >> kristina wong, do you see thi how this works? have you internalized our new partisan legal standards thate
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would be the point ofu the exercise. >> they want you to knowtos. the rules. ey case an we'll have more on the doug mackey case and what it meansd n for you and for america in just a moment. and by the way, douglass mackey is not the onl iy trump supportr who's now going to prison because of how he voted. v >> accordingote. reporting from julie kelly , the fbi's counterterrorism division justoi arrested a grandmother in the state of virginia on four misd this week. what exactly did she do? she entered the capital with her elderly mother for for a tol of 15 minutes on january 6th. dd nothing, no one . she destroyed nothing. she justoo stood there.t at the and yet at the very same time, during the very same week, none of the transgender thugsk none who invaded the tennessee state house yesterday have been who rounded up by the fbi counterterror division. >> and , of course, they won't be . joe biden just honored them with a trans day of visibility.i >> so what we're watching here t unmistakably is bigger thanbut he ild trump, but we're goinwe g
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to begin tonight with thes no latest on his case. and we're doing that because he is and this is not alls pr incidental to his prosecution. he is the leading now republican candidate for president . now, trump apparently is being rumpcharged with treason orwiths insurrection or collusion or even shoplifting, but was something much smalleromuch , aw of process crimes relating to a payment. >> he apparentlyt he made seven years ago in no faird that system that be a crime under late the law. seven years later,r. buts fund the soros funded districtt attorney in manhattan, atto has stitchedstitch together a frankenstein legal theory to justify thisedr prosecution. under normal circumstances, it would be impossible becausd nort the statute of limitations has passed. >> and as ifif all all o thaf te not third world enough, someone noaked the news of donald trump's grand jury indictment to the media. now that i in itself is a crime under the law in new york . in fact, a much bigger crime than those under which donald trump is being charged will have brag. prosecu prosecute the leaker, pleasete.
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>> it's almost certainlyme someone in his own office. normalon prosecute. as many people have pointed out today, the crimes of hunter biden or other democratic partizans, those aren't rare or hard to fin d, will not prosecute hillary clinton, even though she just admitted to violating campaign o violating campaign finance law by paying for the fake russian dossier. what's fascinating is that none of this has alerted the watchdogs to government abuse. our media. jus no, just the opposite.t the opp th the media are cheerleading our new standards of tribaa arl justice. >> watch. our the good news is here, it'sr let our legal system in actionon s saying nobody is above the law. >>ayin nobody is above the law,n republicans and not democrats, ret donald trump, not anyone.hid >> i tend to think that nobody is above the law. noe person above the law, that we have political leadersthat ay who are not above the law. >> we don't believe thatshould >> anybody should be above the law drum i . they were all beating the same drum, if you will f .you nis no one is above the law. no one is above the law. today's evidence is that that tp
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includes trump as well.d in new life has been breathed intog that, saying no person is above the law.e la >>w. let's be completely clear a none of the people you just sawa care a thing about justice.. >> let that word burn in i their mouths. no, they are obviouslyno. bloodthirsty. they would cheer as you were necklaced in the street. no one is above the law. they would scream. >> you writhed on the ground. they would. but as long as they're still th' pretendingreth, the old standars of fairness and equal application of the law apply, then whatever happened to sam benjamin w freed ? remember him? largest financial crime inm ban? history? no to this day, one no one has toplained or bothered to even try to tell how sam bank, when i freed was able to make his bail that was set two hundred has and fifty million dollars. all that has been disclosed to us. the long suffering public is that a former dean at stanford, a stanford computerup scientist, put up five hundred and two hundred thousand dollars respectively. 0,00and his parents put the vale
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of their home. the rest oleaves quite a big ga. >> where did the rest of the money come from? no one will tell us . us. >> no one in the media in the ms is asking because no one cared.e sam bank been free, didn't pay off a former mistress? no, he a defrauded a millione people and ran off with houses in the bahamas. and yet the system is protecting him because he voted correctly. >> that's remarkable. him. but he's not the only criminal that washington refuses to prosecute. there are so many of them.o sothe people who destroyed des the u.s. dollar, for example, the ones you degraded the united states military and turned it into a joke, joke which it is the ones who flooded rural americaal with opioids and killed hundreds of thousands. the people currently am selling our oil reserves to china, noneo of them have eveurr been china. prosecuted. >> in fact, they've all beenwi promoted. we'll have more on them inll jut a moment. n but for now, we'd like to stat with donald trump, the republican front runner who has been indicted for nonexistent crimes in
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the middle of a presidential race. >> non we have a very specific question on how this is going to affect the race because, of course, affectin rg races. >> the entire point, harmeet dhillon has followed all of this closely. from the inside. she's the founder ofan l the dillane law group. thanks so much for gr coming on tonight. so let's start with a specificlr question. germane to the race in which donald trump is engaged. he's the front runner by 30 points in. you have seen cases, politicized cases, as with roger stone, in which the person charged is gagged by the judge and not allowed to speak about the charges. a this is increasingly in violation of the first amendment, obviously, but itam endmhappens if this happensspeeh to donald trump, he will lose a his free speech rights as adenta and i'ate in a presidential race.m just wondering if you think that and i'm just wondering if you think that could potentially couhappen? very much coul >> well, it very much could. happen. we you've seen it talked about on television already. and in fact, the president hasto been subject to similar former presidents, subject to similar allegations in other litigationa
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that he's involved in. beyond the also, way beyond the statute of because he limitations. the story is that because he says mean things about s peoples sometimes on his free speechpe platforms that he should not be allowed to speak about a fundamental issue of dueof process that governs the future of our country and how we looken at justice and how we look at the politicize this politicization of this political process. so that would be a grossmiscarri miscarriage of justice if itf occursit. rprised and i would not be surprised to see this politicized ticized prosecutor make that ref this judge. >> i'm i honestly think it'sr impossible to imagine greater election interference, a greater or more aggressive attack on our democracy thanor gagging a presidentiala candidate in a presidentia presidl year. i mean, vladimir putin has never dreamed of any attack on the united states .e da >> more damaging than that,ne b would anyone be able to stop it?e able to stop well, certainly the lawyers ins
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this case will argue against that. and it maye be thkinde kind o a that they seek an immediate end appeal on if they lose.y if but at the end of the day, ift a court sets those rules, then,b you know, litigant has to abider by them or be in contempt of court. and that it itself would be a very dangerous course to pursue. >> and so, yeso , no matter whi way you cut it, this entires ene case from its inception to its continuation to its now beinge brought to fruition, what we " hear from the new york times,d. not from anything that the d.a.'s office has told the defense team, is that there are 30 plus we don't know what they are. e k the new york times knows whatno they they are. a and so thire. so ts is not the way that justice is meant to go in afraid of tuck cs . and what i'm afraid of, tucker, is that this isn't just going to be about donald trump. it's going to undermine allthis citizens confidence in the ruled of law in this country.
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and that is really tragic. >> yeah, it is . i and it has far-reaching and lasting generational consequences that i don't think anyone's thought through army. dylan, i appreciate your wise and measured perspective, as always. . >> t >> thank you. thank you.ha. so you have to ask, given thatre our entire system has been subverted to stop this one guy from becoming president again or from servin g effectively president whe as president when he had the office, what is this about? >> wha why do they monomaniacal hate donald trump so much?t don always obnoxious. he's racist. he's, right. it's not about that. here's what it's actually about. donald trump challenged the reigning foreign policy orthodoxies as president. >> he infuriatedigning the neocs who control the state department and the pentagon at when it briefly paused armse brl sales to sacred ukraine. >> they impeached him for itd when he ordered troops out of syria, as was his constitutional right as commander in chief. >> the pentagon just ignoredf hia thim m. so it's hard not to see trump'sa
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current indictment as an effortt to make sure that he can neveri do anything like that again. n never tamper with the one thing they care about most,u which is their foreign policy.ny >> a foreign policy does not serve this country, which is , in fact weakened which. >> steven miller is a formert. senior adviser to donald trump. as founder of america first legal. e joins us tonightstephe to assess steven miller, what are what you think of that? thin sort of came to that aftero watching this trump saga for the last seven years. that seems watching to be the third rail really is the foreign policy r questions. yes. i lived and i lived through it, tucker.u those 7 ved through it by this man's side for thosethe mome seven years. atched a the moment that he gote the nomination, we watched c as the hidden power centers in f this country came out from underneath their rocksat and began to pull the strings that they they began to leakntro informatn designed to sabotage him atan every turn. they begin to use ever iormatior of control they have inga the intelligence community, the national security communit t
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cont law enforcement community to try to control him and tod control his presidency. thisrussia is the central exampe of this. they tried desperately to keepop him from pursuing detente with russia. they tried desperately pursuin wi him from holding that summittino with vladimir putin to try look what'relationship between our two countries. now, look what has happened now. s happened nowt hehe is out of . we are on the brink of a world war. a w tucker. er as soon a as soon as they pushed him outsy of office, look what happened. o weut o are now almost in a nucle conflict over the borders of ukraine. of ukraine so you ask what is so you ask me, what is donaldcr. trump's crime? we k a financialnow it'sw it crime. not a we know it's not a campaignpaig finance crime. his crimn e is refusing to bow or bend to the corrupt and rotten foreign policy establishment that is used to always, alwaysii get in their way in this country. t ha>> is much greater syste control over our system.f us i think any of us appreciate. i mean, you look at john cornyn ,the republican senator from texas, who i think most peopleo i speak for myself sort of assume kind of conservative.
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and then you realize when you view it through the lens of what's happening in ukraine, coy john cornyn and mitch mcconnell and tom tillis and almost every republican senator is a screaming liberal, actually .e and if it weren't for foreign policy, you wouldn't know that. you would know that they are completely aligned with chuck schumer and the democrats wouln. demey yo so there really is a unique party on these the most important questions. this im >> well, there's obviouslyportaa etiological disease that ide courses through washington wheof it comes to foreign policy and the sacrifice of inter our interests to foreign nations. reign natis and foreigand foreie but it's even deeper than that. and i know t this becaushee i ao worked on the hill for almost a decade.decade the intelligence community, th is able to manipulate the intelligence process and the relationship mhe with lawmakers in order they w to obtain the answers thatan they want from congress. so when it comes to an issue a like the patriot act, they can link what they need to leak. they can push the narrative.ure they need to push. they can manufacture a threate re threats. they need to manufacture and they can work
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the relationships that they have inlationshiprdern omee the outcome that they want. and that has always been trutreo on foreign policy. for for many, many, many years.p relationald trump comes up onto the scene of washington, a man with whom they have noas relationship, a man who has no affinity for them, who doesn'tbo care about them, value whautt they value. e an and this for them is a panic moment. it is a panic moment. yea and we are now living in the seventh year of that panic ,turning our entire democracy upside down. and i will tell you, if a prosecutor in manhattan can take control of our entiress presidential election process, that by what definition can we say that we even havet definiti a democracy in this country? >> right. no, i mean, we were mocked, i thought justly by the president of el salvador yesterday, said we'r prest going to take any more lectures about democracy from a country that interferesl in its own electios like this. and unfortunately, he's right. he has seven million you. hank great to see tonight. thank you for that. thank you.o again th so, again, the ironye and everything is irony at this point is that they've been lecturing us for many yearseleci
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about election interference. but you're watching it happen righerference but in front of y. the prosecution of donald trumpr is election interferenceum. >> he's the republican front runner. leaks about his imminent arrest begin coming out on march 17th. afte was just twenty four hours after the house oversightr th committee traced a million dollars in payments from chinae to several members ofden' joe biden's immediate family. >> kind of weird thas fa t no one is it.king about now. and the insurrection that happened yesterday in tennessee and so many other things. thougt so we thought we'd bring w in miranda devine, a coolheaded reporter from the new york who h post, who has been on thisst china cash story since day one . she joins us now. c miranda, thankomins so much fori coming on . >> remind us of this story which has been lost in the noise, if you would. well, this was a bombshell revelation that came from the house oversight committee headed by james comey. and they've been methodically chasing down the money trail from china and other countries to biden family coffers. and what they found was coffers.
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with one of these payments, a one million dollar paymente mi from china.t went it went through a proxya intimate of a biden familyfamila and then was parceled out to four different family members, then being hunterfamily biden, his uncle jim biden, and his sister in law, hally biden, who's the widow of hunter's late brother with whomt he had an affair. and so then there's another account as well with unnamed biden.d this and this money was parceled out, over three months, 15 different tranches to disguise it so thati it didn't look like what itbe was, which was a bribe from china. china big story. first time we've really seen flesh on the bones of the money trail. and it was just buried within 24 hours because somebodyy leak story to the media that trump was abou leaked the story to the media that trump was about to beo all we've seen
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arrested. and so all we've seen 24/7 since then is news about trump and that works for the democrats.e democrats. works for joe biden, you remember. and in 2020, he hid in the basement and beat donald trumump because he was had covi the excuse of covid in 2020 four . he won'tse have the excuse of covid, but what he will have is the excuse of numerous of these trump legal prosecutions. you know, politicized, politicized prosecutions, obviously. l sizeand that will just bury ad adminifter four years of his administration stuffing up stu pretty much everything that the they touch. but we don't hear news abouton' that. andals all the other scandals thate the house republicans have uncovered in the lastfrom two weeks, everything from the borthe borderde to more of biden scandals to anthony faucii lies. none of itfe gets anone ofy oxyn
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because donald trump is justd t like crack cocaine to the networks, to the left wing media and we also know that if there are any sort of legal outcomes, any accountability that comes for joe biden over his family's influence peddling scheme, it will justy's be dismissed as for tat. the the republicans just attacking p donald trump, attacking joe biden on behalf of donald te trump. >> boy, this country is tos like be filled with reporters. and you honest and dogged. you're one of the last and i appreciate hope you're rewardedw for someday. d >> miranda devine of the new york post, thank you.s thanks. w >> so as we told you just mom a moment ago, the single most brazen attack on the first attack on amendment, your right to havthet opinions that differ from those of the people in charge. differ frothe single most brazek ever in our lifetimes from to the biden administration, which is about to send a man to priso manprisonn for 10 yearr
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making fun of hillary clinton. more that was his crime. more on that case next. on fox nation, it's the all new season of being a public servant. >> call me one of many things. expect the unexpected. that was not a smart move on your end, sir, that you can't get anywhere else. come out. new cops are only on fox. a new boss, quansah and new bad guys are on that game, premiering tonight on the exclusive home for new cops vaccination. >> this is a paid advertising for legal services, mesothelioma victims. will you be able to pay for treatment? you may be eligible for compensation to help cover the high cost of life. extending care. call now. if you've been diagnosed mesothelioma or lung cancer. unpaid medical bills can pile up many victims and their life savings to pay for treatment.
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you about at the top ofe to the show. really does seem like a turningn point for the country.t the hallmark of a free society s is freedom of speech. you don't y what you believe. you don't have to hide what's on your conscience. and above all, you can mock the people in charge. they have to take it becauseak it's not their country. becthey share it with al >> it belongs to all of us ., but the hallmark of tyrantsrant is a total lack of sense of o humor. for one and an utter intolerance for dissent. and so to see a man sent to ten years in prison. y is and that's what doug mackey is facing in the wake of histeri conviction today. for making fun of hillary clinton and then to see hillary clinton herself remain silent. hillary clinton apparently is okay with sending a manend to prison for 10 years for making fun of her. >> if you ever wondered whether she's a cruel and horrible person. the answer is yes. shsee the e is .t in and to see the media remain silent in the face of the most basic of all, human rights vio sideg violated like this.
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to let you know they're on the side of the u.s. government, the biden administration punishing peoplet for mocking the party inhe chare with 10 years in prison.rison. we're not overstating this. we don't think we're getting overheated. we really think this is a pivot point in the history of the united states . mollie hemingway, editor in chif chief of the federalist, she joins us with her reaction you to what we're seeing in the doug mackey case. molly, thank you so much for coming on . >> i'm not sure i've seenon anything scarier than this. it's pathetic and sick that this was ever even investigatede ,that it was prosecuted car and that there are people inou new york who care so little about the things that make our country unique that votthey would vote to convict a person. you know, it just seems like wve don't have a country. ave we don't have rules, we don'tru. have laws.the on the onlyly thing w thing we have is whether you're with the regime or against the regime. if you're with the regime, you can do anything. you can lay siege to the white house to injure 60 secret service officers. you can lay siege to a federal courthouse organ for months.
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you can burn down cities. citi, you can create the russia collusion hoax, and you'll get awards for can it. you can come up with a smearn false about you, a justice, someone who's nominated to the supreme court being a serial gang s. and nothing will happen to you. you can even make jokes about when to vote and how to vote on election day. we see jok thaest all the time. from people on the left. you'r but if you're on the right, if you upset the regime, you know,a all bets are off and anything can happen. >> they're breaking the party, i would say, because almost noyl republicans stood up forhave sto doug mackey today. just for the record, some have, but very few u. ackey. >> the people in charge in washington are breaking so manys things completely, so many thing fundamental systems that have kept this country afloatt and allowed it to thrive for hundreds o of years. you sort of wonder, what do the they what do they think? the next stages here, if you put people in prison for making fun of hillary clinton, like what happens next? if yout is really remarkableingn how much has been destroyed because of the left' s refusal
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to accept in 2016 that peoplerea did not support the candidate that they supported. they're willing to bure candn do everything down. they're willing to destroy the country. they're willing to break. reak every precedent. and norm, because they're still having this temper tantrum becae and they are fearful that the people might still have a say in it. but but that's precisely what needse to happen, is that the people need to have a say. they need to be able to oust por these people from office into gt positions of power. they need to get their country back . this what we have is sod is precious. what we had is so precious here, you know, from firstg of amendment protections to an understanding of constitutionale due process. and we cannot let people'st le hatred and obsession take that away from us . >> and where are the leaders of the republican party? i mean, where's george w. bush and jeb bush and karl rove? wha and all the people are lecturing us on the op ed page of the wall street journal about what we should do and note y'redo. ime to they're all welcome on the show. any time to stantand ud up agait the destruction of the first amendment. i haven't heard any of them t ameven weigh in on thish in and certainly not with outrage,
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which is warrantedn . people need people needthreat to speak loudly and people need to understand how seriousou this happeniare that we're facing right now and how when when you see things happening in other countries, this type of persecution of people, bad things happen and people who care about this country should speak loudly about it. >> tree with that. i have to in this case.o and by the way, anyoneignifica who doubts significance, look at the details. >> and i think in any cleann wol conscience, any decent person will be shocked by what the government didwhat. mollie hemingway, thank you so much for that.yo so as the republican front runner in the presidential race gets indicted on fake charges,c washington refuses to prosecute democrats who commit felonie ts felonies that actually have changed the country forever. really hurt the country. people like victoria nuland, who has brought us to the brinka of a nuclear war. >> what about people like that? we'll consider it next. er idid you ever stress about
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by halo, the number one program . the hallmark of tierney is the thtal distortion of justice. differences of opinion become felonies for which you can be imprisoned. well, actual crimes are e.described as just business as usual the way that we do things. >> and so even as we're tryingor to throw people in prison forthc criticizing the democratic party, we are allowing people who've hurt this countryo clim profoundly to ascend upb the ladder of succesups. >> a million examples of this, but we pick one tonight. victoria nuland was one of the leaders of the state department, the architect, by the way, of our current wari with russia was alsoof the architect of the war in iraq. now that war began under false pretenses. more than a million people died archit reason and it destroyed ancienect christian communities in iraq before the war.e there araboue about a million aa now christians in that country now. just a few hundred thousand are
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left. bunet one was never held to account for any of this.t >> in fact, she wahelds praisedn and then she was promoted.d >> so shprome went back intooter government service and she was caught on tape orchestrating a coup in ukraine. here's t we're not making this up. here's the tape from two fourteen. >> that's is the guy who's gotyh the economic experience, governing experience. he's the guy. you know, what he needs is tiny book on the outside. he needs to be talking to them four times a week. you know, i just think klipschkw going in. he's going to be at that level working for yatseniuk. it's just noint going to work. >> yeah, no, i don't thinks th that's right. okay, so that's the lady who who lectures us about democracy. >> subverting democracy ing kaub a foreign country, getting caught and then gettind g an evn better job and then pushing another pointless war in our country, this one againstrua russia. she's one of the architects of this war. no one is driving this nation
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into a conflict against both russia and china. >>an't win we can't win that wa. >> we will lose that war. it will destroy our country. unr >> but no one has ever been punished for any of once again, she's been promoted . the destruction that she hasn s wrought is really almost beyond fiction. here she is bragging about blowing up critical infrastructure in europe. infr. cru cri >> senator cruz, like you, i and i think the administration is very gratified to know that nord stream two is now, as you like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea. nordstream 2 that's just disgusting. b and yet no one has a word aboute it. what does its takite to gete tt indicted in washington? well, if you're trying new and u of course, you know,'r you will never be indicted for anything, you'll get some sort of glass ceiling breaking award for women at the state department in washington. you only ris for women at k indt and punishment if you dare to criticize people like victoria nuland. happthat's the real lesson of what's happening to donald
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trump and his supporters.p d their supporters a a real sin was opposingle the people in charge, and particularlyn opposing their foreign policy. >> so usin sog the lega ul systemsing t to stop a political rival inac a presidential race is the gravest possible attack on our country's core institutions, the ones that matter. it's election interference. io.t >> it's an actual threat to democracy. you'd think someone would care ,bute nancy pelosi i is celebrating it. >> last night she wrote thist re the most revealing quote ever on social media. >> here it is . no one is above the law and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence, to prove innocence. >> no, in a free country, this country, the government has to prove guilt. you are innocent until proven guilty. you'ret until but nancy pelosi t prove your innocence. sh criminal. and she believes that they alles believe that you are guiltyu ar the moment they come after you, just as in the joe biden. so you hav >> and good luck proving are your innocence. so you have to ask, where ar the
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the adults? n authority on has anyone in authoritydemocrate on the democratic side, on the neo liberal side stood up not for donald trump, not s for douglass mackey, but for our country. we watch carefullytry? . we didn't hear a single one . glenn greenwald has long reported on the political repoes of the legal system. >> he is the host of system of political system. he joins update on rumball and our friend. >> he joins us tonight. glenn , you would think somebody would say, look,t i don't like trump, bulit thisus is doing grave damagee to institutions. we're going to need two years from now and for the nextgoing hundretom nod years. b >> but not one person that weai can find hasd said that i hear you in your prior segment saying where people like karl rove and george bushset , the people who rise, i think people like victoria nuland demonstrate the theater behindpe this whole republican versus democratic war. this is the key to the whole thing, which is that they arethn determined not to criminalize conservatism or the republican party. they're playing with people like jeb bush or john mccain or mitt romney or nikki haley or lindsey graham. oor whoever. they're determined to criminalize donald trump
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and his movementthey'r because the only time victoria nuland wasn't in government, she was work gov for clinton. then she worked for dick cheney, then she worked for obama. now she worked for biden was when donald trump was elected president . that's the onl donalp way you ge people out of government. and that's why they're single mindedly determinee d to criminalize not the republican party, but donald trump and his movemenize with thi that's what we saw yesterday with his indictment and today with this person who'sgoing to w going to prison because off anti hillary clinton. >> memes, he posted on twittert >> the pro the problem is in organizing the system thabls int they cut h the majority of the population are the majority of americantio voters of either party in favor, for example, of going an war with nuclear armed russia and china? i don't think there'd s any i evidence the majority is in favor of that. y >> douo you know or for examplei keeping troops in syria, which i would bet you barely anybodywl iten knows the united states is doing, let alone wants to win,sa yet that gates had a resolution to withdraw all troops from syria, saying we shouldn'tia be spending money on that.
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we shoul say d be spending moneye here at home. and the republicans and democrats joined togethes ar the establishment likes to say, no, we want to kee sp yoayu let joe biden keep troops in syria . it's the establishment wings of both parties that ars ine the rt enemy , and they're the ones doo rule no matter what yo ou go and do atna the voting boothl conald trump was the only one who could disrupt it.t it. that's why they wa and that's why they want to criminalize that movement. >> it's exactly right.o ize that if you were to write out the i mean, if you were justimes to write out the crimes of donald trump being obnoxiouss vs versus the crimes, victoriaimes nuland destroying the west, youe know, one list would be longer than the other. >> but who's getting it?e longer glenn , thank you so much.s ve >> i appreciate it. thanks.>>hank. >> the so the q and on shoman, jac jacob chansley was the mostobas famous person arrestedhe was on january six . he was released fromom prison th yesterday on the very same day there was an actual insurrection at the statend of capital in tennessee. wend oanf an amazing juxtaposition that we'll explore after the break.
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think you will do. i could be the winds of change . >> jacob chansley often called the qanon shoman get out of
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prison. yesterday, chancel was the single most famous person arrested on january 6th. video of him standing in costume on the floor of the senate played endlessly on cable news. it made him a symbol of what he told us was an insurrection. former george w. bush adviser steve schmidt is a committed gun confiscation as he claims to hate firearms. but in the case of jacob chansley, schmidt was strongly in favor of pulling the trigger. >> watch in. schmithink thek. >> the most amazing thing about the whole thing is watching v the video. and on the senate floor, there's a cop who's armed and guy berson, the q and on sharmin dressed like a viking and he basically talks to them . >> i watchng and it. shoot him.e yeah, shoot him. like, if you burst into the united states , it if he het was dressed like bin laden, would you have shot hised bin mt him on the basis of frothing media coverage? e basilike that? >> jacob chancel he spent more than two years behind bars
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. earlier this month, we obtained video that had been hidden by the january six committee that proved jacob chansley did nothing wrong.did he was standin g on the floor of the u.s. senate becauseto capitol police led him there armed officers literally opened the door of the senate and brought him inside. jacob chansley is not a criminal. jacob chansley is a political prisoner. l prisoner.s and unfortunately tonight he remains one .e bide the bush administration is demanding that chances serve another six months in a halfway house just to make sure his sno lifether is destroyed. hous let's hope that when he finally gets out, he has the energy to sue liz cheney of uva for the crime she committed against him and against our justice system. meanwhile, in nashville yesterday, there was an actual insurrection when you may not storm eard about act screaming . >> rioters stormed the tennessee state capitol . watch
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the at one point, these rioters mocked the six the 6 christians, including three children who were just murdered this week christian bys terrorist in tennessee. they held up seven fingers for seven victims, meaning the killer, in their view, washn one of the victims. >> watch fingers. every death >> every death is a tragedy on seven lives. at i'd say there were seven . jacob hensley was escorted by police officers in the in the capital . here we have transgender us gun capi confiscated, is pushing police and celebrating murderhere we .
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that looks like insurrection. yorectiou want to what biden ad. jon meacham thinks meacham is from tennessee.n advi he hates insurrection. he worries about the fragile state of our democracy, has told us so many times on morning joe , what does he think we should do with these people? well, here's our idea. let's initiate the largest eve manhunt in american history and arrest every single one of them. >> w them and throw them in the dc jail, let them sit there for a while, then send them a few dn mentally deficient public defenders who hate them to work on their, quote, defensete. dum then maybe in a couple of yearsh after we've harassed their families, canceledav their credit cards and banned them from hotels and place themd on the federal no fly list. maybe then we can talk aboutd po having a trial or something or coming. >> think of it. maybe we could just take steve schmidt's advice and simply shoot them. them >> we reached out to schmidt today to see if he'd be willing to man the firing squad, butn th sadly, he did not respond.firinu >> the fbiad and the nashville police still have not releasede the manifesto of the murderer who killed six christians, including three kids in nashville this week. wh mf e murdery is that? why don't they tell us the motive? buck sexton is the host off
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the clay travis and buck sexton show, used to work for the cia,s thankfully, no longer joinsch us tonight. but what you know, in any case,t the public has a right to know the evidence. they showed us the gun. they showed us the pictures of why won'eing killed inside the school. >> why won't they show us thet h motive? re >> a few things here, tucker. we is, i think we all recognize that if the fact pattern at this point were different, there would alreadyiu be all the information outt there. the manifesto would have already been shareve been share public. i think that's pretty clear i also i also think that the longer the delay occurs here, the more likely it feeliss that theren is an effort to shape all a political narrative in front of all of us .days >> if you've seen i'm sure you have in the last few days, there have been articles been ae were really supposed to make ted on behalf of the shooter, a very sympathetic profiles looking at th the psychology and the tough life that the shooter had. and a loter haf about of stuff how the right is being bigoted and hateful. look, we've seen this before .
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back in the obamahe pulse night administration. we recall there was the pulse nightclub shootingg th and they actually redacted in the fbi transcript. i'm sure everybody remembers att people remembers things like home things like isis and i'm ad doing this for allah because i thought we couldn't be trusted with the information. now, that was suchr suc a catastrophe, the fbi had to go back on it. i but yot u do get the sense that after what had been initially a phenomenal response from t nashville police department, the brave soldiers running in responseinheg i'm sorry, brave police officers running into dealing with the threat right away thae police off t when you look at this, you think to yourself, well, why delay it if it's going to come out anyway? wonde which seems to be the argument right now, tucker. they've said there are experts i it's a who are looking at it. i'm a counterterrorism i would like to look at it. to k i don't know why these peoplei n have to get the first pass, but d why t we all understan the politics or whyns i they're getting the first pass. >> but what it means is that they're using the murder of children in order to manipulate the population forpulate t l re political assaults, to take their civil liberties away. i mean, that's not wha tt happes in a free country. no. and look, if the authoritieson t here had a reason to withhold it to thisthis point, that hadto
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to do with individual safety or security, they should say so. e but that's not what they'vel said . they haven't said , well, we don't want people's personal addresses or addres out information outlingu there.s wi there are some things that haveu to be redacted. they're just tellingthe motive t we're going to figure out the motive. first, we're going to let narratmocrat alignedcrat media create a massive narrative here in advance of it sivo that the delay and deflect and defer tactics are already in place.ta ctics heand then when you actuat to see if this person wasized a radical member of the transgender community who was committing an act of ty whodomestic terrorism, who ws committing a hate crime some time, will have passed. they'll be a counternarrative in place and people won'tounter and people won't necessarily look at what waslooa the rhetoric around this in the media about trans, for example, or about these state laws that are erasing transanspo people? and how could that havpld eho pe possibly played a role in i the psychology, the mentality of the shooter? tg they don't want anyone thinking about that. at. that's why they're delaying that's why they're delaying it,f in my opinion so far ,ar becaust
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they haven't told us otherwises . we don'tto tel need to tell us e the motive is . the whole point of. the manifesto was that people f would be able to see for themselves. the public has a rightor theves> but the transgender rights lobby doesn't want us to see it.he ist lobby doesn' they have more power than yot u do, unfortunately. buck sexton, thank you so muchs for coming tonight. >> we'll be right back . if you would have told me 20 years down the road, you are still going to be reporting on this case. i would have said , what are you talking about? i still don't know how she died . scott peterson is in prison for the rest of his life. there are people who are fighting to get him out. scott peterson is innocent and always has been. his story isn't over. reporter's notebook. the scott peterson case streaming now on fox nation and for a limited time, get fox nation for one ninety nine a month. when you sign up for a yearly plan. >> my name is richard belzer. i was in new york city fireman for thirty four years. i was ready for retirement. i was physically pretty spent. i had low energy.
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and his move n


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