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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 3, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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partner on this project check it out on fox nation thank you sir. great to see you. check it out it's bingeable and family friendly. that's it tonight i'm pete hegseth in for laura ingraham go to fox nation right now to get the life of jesus part two. thank you for watching this special edition of the ingraham angle. greg gutfeld is next. ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ >> greg: ha ha ha ha ha ha. ha ha ha ha ha ha. wow. happy monday everybody, wow. so while hunter biden abuses the arts, alvin bragg sniffs his own
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farts. hunter, the most successful crack head the world has ever seen is returning to new york this week to exhibit his awful abstract art work at a soho art gallery. i haven't seen a mess like this since that time i took a laxative with four bags of skittles. it was for pride month. i was trying to poop a rainbow. hunter was spotted at the gallery over the weekend, even as a congressional committee is trying to find out who the hell is paying between 75 and 500 grand each for his crappy paintings. although that looks pretty good, i have to say. maybe he does have talent. meanwhile an arkansas judge ordered hunter's financial records to be shielded from the public as he tries to lower his child support payments to london roberts. she's the dancer he knocked up while he was banging his brother's widow and sleeping
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with the brother's widow's sister-in-law or something. i'd say do the math but we have two women on the panel. >> a sexist would say! >> greg: and what kind of poverty can hunter be claiming as a reason to lower payments. what he doesn't have enough cash to buy diapers for his kid and his dad? [laughter] >> greg: he's also trying to keep his illegitimate daughter navy joan from taking the biden name which you have to ask how will she ever make a living if she can't trade on that name. but maybe when she turns five she'll be qualified to join an oil company's board of direct directors. of course this is happening as donald trump is under indictment in manhattan, a precedent that can't mean good news important the current president's pampered prong i did. if we start prosecuting rich powerful men for paying off sex
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workers. let's not forget congress who used the pay off sexual harassment suits through a slush fund. and bill clinton paid off thousands to settle the paula jones. that's bill thousands to settle a suit and not a dime to clean a dress. [cheers and applause] >> greg: a stain on his presidency. unrelated question, where was chelsea clinton when epstein was murdered? you can't answer it, can you? i rest my case. but really buying stormy daniels silence might not have been trump its best idea ever especially since it didn't go to work. goes to show you even 130 grand can't keep a woman quiet.
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>> a blackmail sexist would say. >> greg: point is we know this is political because it's always political and it might be harmless if not for the opportunity costs. what do you miss when on the winch snippety islamic terrorists for one. when we were impeaching they were making plans for 72 virgins. just like clinton. but they had already bombed the world trade center in '93 and yet years later we still took our eyes off the ball. and like monica lewinsky, put them squarely on bill's. and trump -- disgusting. how dare you laugh at this. and trump's first impeachment happened while covid erupted out of china. we lost two months because the media chose to focus on the orange monster instead of the red men as. makes you wonder how many lives could have been saved if the peed i can't did the right and
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urgent thing first but they didn't they were too busy kissing andrew cuomo's ass and being kissed back. a huge story broke last week ai researchers pleaded with us to shut down the tech for at least six months. that's roughly the time it takes to recover from a hair transplant. just making a comparison. a letter signed by elon musk and apple's co-founder steve wozniak stressed that a super humanly smart ai gets beyond our control spells death for all of us. i only hope i'll be spared as a sex slave. looking forward to it. i volunteered, actually. to my toaster. but that was a day before the indictment news which is now a forever ago. you notice what all three have in common, terror covid ai? they're deadly things that can get away from us if we aren't watching. that's how i lost my pet python chokey.
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in this studio. an hour ago. and so another opportunity to prevent suffering is squandered on the alter of political vengeance. it's a hunting party and you're among the prey. did you ever see this movie? >> they're not human beings. >> every year a bunch of elites kidnap normal folk like this. where did they get you from. >> wyoming. >> mississippi, orlando. >> and hunt us for sport. >> hurry, hurry. hurry up. >> so it's true. >> we're being hunted. >> greg: that's from three years ago it's insane but dam if it didn't predict the hunt. since then parents were called domestic terrorists january 6th dmoen straighters killed in mass, kids now delusional activists. they hire agents while he's speaking truth to power. blm rioters get payouts instead
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of prince on and when kids got killed in school the white house said we have to protect trans. seems like we are the problem, not fentanyl or the border it's us. at least until the world ends due to climate change and aoc says we only have 12 months left. >> period! >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. she didn't write the old man in the sea but she can always tell when something's fishy. editor and chief of the federalist, mollie hemingway! [cheers and applause] >> greg: and, like a fat guy at a buffet, he embraces all sides. cohost of the 5, harold ford, jr. [cheers and applause] >> greg: this man needs no introduction because he's a last minute replacement for charlie hurt. comedian joe machi! [cheers and applause]
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>> greg: and clubs call her a exceedian to watch because she keeps stealing silverware. fox news contributor kat timpf! [cheers and applause] >> greg: joe machi always a pleasure to see you even if it's on short notice and i didn't want you. >> joe: thanks for having me greg. >> greg: yes. what is your take? it's a potpourri. the hunt, hunter? >> joe: we've learned a lot this week greg. justice isn't blind. in fact she has purple hair and a nose ring. it just seems like it's like we're driving with tiger woods, everything ends up upside down. [laughter]. >> joe: but i'll say this i don't like all the comparisons with saying, hey, if you arrest trump we're going to arrest, you know, hunter biden or joe biden or hillary clinton because they were actually guilty of real things.
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like when they say no one is above the law i'm like that's true i think no one is above the law but when it's hush money beyond statute of limitations i'm not that worried about it. i try to keep things positive, greg. like trump's day today was he woke up and got on his own 757 and came to new york and tomorrow he gets arrested and then he's going to go back to his luxury building. that's better than the best day i've ever had. [laughter] >> greg: you know, mollie, i was watching the coverage i'll include you our network on it but everybody has all the cameras trained on the car and i just had visions of oj and al cowlings jr., i don't know why i pointed at you and said junior. you both are juniors. but anyway we need trump.
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i feel like something it's like all of a sudden we just quit doing oxycontin and now we started it up again and it feels great. >> mollie: it is absolutely. i mean it is amazing to watch how much the media has to focus on him. this is a legitimate story, big news, not a good day for the country that we're going through this but you can tell how excited everybody is to cover it and, you know, i'm hoping it's not like too exciting tomorrow though. >> greg: what do you think's going to happen? what do you think his speech will be like. >> mollie: i don't know about that you about i was thinking it would be cool to see what his mug shot is like. i hope he does a really big grin, a thumb's up. >> greg: he is going to turn that into like the most -- like the biggest selling t-shirt in the history of t-shirts. >> mollie: i'm buying it. >> greg: exactly. it will be better than the i'm with stupid one. >> joe: he'll put it on a mug. >> greg: he'll put it on a mug. that's a great idea i didn't
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think that. joe's full of ideas, not bad for a substitute. anyway harold good to see you, always a pleasure to have you on the show. >> harold: good to be back around the living room. >> greg: yes, it is. we were talking about this on the 5 and it's such a strange and surreal experience and i like what you said there, you reminded everybody that he's innocent which is something nancy pelosi forgot about. >> harold: i think anybody that forgets that does a disservice to the judicial system. i get concerned when i hear either side talk that way. we have one system of justice a nation built on a rule of laws, two presented indicates to our system one is everyone is presumed innocent proven or unless they're found guilty. and two facts and evidence always reign in a courtroomment we have checks and balances a judicial system. meaning you don't like the outcome in a lower court you can appeal and go all the way to the supreme court. so you have two ways to check it. i would caution democrats show restraint. this is not a time, i agree with mollie in this regard, this is not a good day for the country. not a good day for the president
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either but not a did day for the country, and my only hope is if there's not enough there to convict i hope the court dismisses or decides this case before it goes to trial. and if there is enough, if there are new charges i hope we can all be open minded to know the country's bigger than one person and let the trial go forward if that's what his lawyers want to happen. >> greg: what do you think of hunter's art? >> harold: i've never seen it only the little you've shown here. you thought it was better than what -- is that python underneath me? [laughter] >> greg: no, but thank you. [laughter] >> harold: we should go back to talking about uner. >> greg: i'm not going to be on for the rest of the week and people are going to think it's because of that joke. who is the victim here kat? are there any victims? >> kat: me. i do have to come here tomorrow,
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you know what the traffic is going to be like? >> greg: that was the question i was going to ask you. he's going to tie up all traffic. >> greg: i've already gone through the rockefeller christmas finally now it's springtime and we have trump traffic. it's not like he hates being on tv or hates attention, and like you were saying, he wasn't really in the news that much anymore. and now it's all trump all the time once again. and i really don't see -- i mean again i haven't seen it but i haven't seen -- if it's just what we've all been talking about how he gets convicted on this. that's why when everyone's saying no one's above the law. actually, when it comes the way they're using this law and the way they're doing this, he is the only one who has ever had it used that way. so i don't know. he's never actually going to like go to prison for unless there's something i don't know. >> greg: that would be an amazing sitcom to go with jail with secret service agents.
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it would kind of be like hogan heroes, right? hogan heroes you have police on your side, a microphone in the tea cup, no tea pot. you have a phone in the tea pot. >> greg: my parents didn't let me watch hogan's heroes >> kat: so you watched it when you grew up? >> greg: yeah, i got back at them. rip. i did not kill them. that was a completely made up story. up next is racist thinking why npr's staff is shrinking? [cheers and applause] el darkest. with caplyta, there's a chance to let the light shine through. and light tomorrow, with the hope from today. this is a chance to let in the lyte. caplyta is a once-daily pill that is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and bipolar ii depression.
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♪ >> greg: npr employees make the case that their firing is all about race. npr that stands for national public radio, joe.
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recently laid off 84 people to save money in the wake of a $30 million sponsorship shortfall. coincidentally 84 is also the size of their audience. execs broke the news to staff where disgruntled workers made it all about diversity equity and inclusion. the good news the zoom was the highest rated broadcast in years. employees wanted to know the specific racial and identity breakdowns of the staffers laid off implying they were made with race or gender identity in mind. meantime a laid-off black employee got it into with ceo lancing about adversity prompting lancing to tell them to keep things simple a lay down the rhetoric. and that was considered racist. one shared a lynching to an old story, when civility is used as
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a cudgle against people of color. that's a mall on. apparently that's a trait only people of non-color possess. that's racist to me. good to see the loser left eating themselves like a steal veggie burger. do those 84 staffers have a case? as in most issues involving npr, who cares? the good news is when they clear out their offices they can bring it all home in an amazing tote bag! hey, mollie, you think when people at npr get upset, do they still have to keep their voice in those hush tones. >> mollie: whispering yelling crazy. >> greg: they're like you're a racist. no, no, you are a a racist. you know, you're a homophobe. doesn't seem as bad. >> mollie: i actually like this idea. i like this idea that, according to npr employees themselves,
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it's this racist sexist transphobic hell hole. they should probably just shut down the entire -- >> greg: yes. or maybe we should stop paying for it. there you go [cheers and applause] >> greg: harold, you don't strike me as a listener of npr because, after all, you are a man, and according to my research, there are no male listeners to npr. >> harold: not one? >> greg: not a single one. or someone who identifies as a male. isn't it funny that there -- it's not funny i don't like when people get fired but the funny thing is it has to do with donations. so they're mad at their own viewers, or listeners for not paying their salaries. >> harold: it's hard for me to understand how an organization has a brand and developed a brand many years for being a progressive place of news can be
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the kinds of things that has been leveled by some employees. i don't know enough to know but i'm one that believes race gets thrown around entirely too much and too fast whenever there's an issue. race could be an issue and whenever it is i certainly point it out at least my point of view but i think sometimes it gets thrown around too quickly. >> greg: are you saying that because i'm white? >> harold: we'll talk off air. jesse and i thought you were black so this is news to everybody. they need to figure out what appeals to viewers more. if indeed you've lost fund raising i don't think an intramural squabble about the kinds of things they're talking about are the issue. if that indeed is why they think that people are not giving they should put that out as reason as opposed to this intramural squabble. they need more creative, more interesting, more presentable frankly more optically appealing things for people who want to hear and see. they have to talk about things more relevant in everyday people's lives. if you do that maybe it will happen but this won't make the
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network survive. >> greg: unfortunately there's only one me harold. >> harold: this is true. >> greg: kat isn't this another example of the risk of wokeness being introduced into a company. they hire woke people and woke people are about performance not about opinions or so -- so you hire these people at the risk that they will turn on you when you let them go >> kat: yeah but also i wish they could just be honest. because why even think they believe their own crap sometimes. because all these podcasts, i never heard of a single one of them. just say you know what? i got fired and i'm pissed off and that sucks. rather that making it i'm not angry just because i got bitter i got fired i'm angry on behalf of the cause, on behalf of this community. no, you're pissed off, you're bitter you got fired you are a disgruntled. it's okay to be angry that's a normal human response when you get fired but don't make it about something it's not. >> greg: if i get fired i can't
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do it. who am i going to say, short people, joe? be careful. >> joe: who would i say like hoff tough looking studs? [laughter] it's tough for us. >> greg: it is tough. >> mollie: straight white cool guys. >> greg: the engines of envy are pointed against you because of your sheeran mall magnetism. sometimes i can't even think of a question when i stare at you, i'm too busy wondering what you look like shirtless. >> mollie: it's like the cool aid man except white. well, greg, here's npr's problem is now that they're -- now there's a lot of competition for businesses to lawneder their reputations. you don't have to make a big donation to npr you can just put dylan mulvaney on a bud light can and you're good to go. npr should try to develop
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programming take people actually want to pay to keep on the air instead of depending companies and that and trying to scare old people into giving away their estate. [laughter] >> greg: yes. but you do get that lovely tote bag. what do you tote? who totes things? seriously, do you ever do any toting? i understand a golf bag or handbag but what's a tote bag. what do you tote? this has always been a problem in my life. i think about this all the time. it's why i don't have tote bags. well, that went nowhere. they don't feel as strongly about tote bags as i do. you know what? [bleep] [laughter] >> greg: up next, should it lead to blows when you take a knee appear propose? [cheers and applause] cks heartburn all day and all night. prilosec otc reduces excess acid for 24 hours, blocking heartburn before it starts. one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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ha-ha! it was me the whole time. -whoo-hoo! -well done, ma'am. with snapshot from progressive, you get a personalized discount for being a safe driver. say "snapshot savings!" [ camera shutter clicks ]
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>> woman: why did we choose safelite? we're always working on a project. while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack! so, we scheduled at we were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrive. we can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ >> woman: safelite came to us. >> tech: hi, i'm kendrick. >> woman: replaced our windshield, and installed new wipers to protect our new glass. that's service on our time. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ >> greg: he got down on one knee before he got flattened by security. video of a man getting tackled
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while proposing at an la dodgers game is uniting both fans of love and awesome beautiful violence. [laughter] >> greg: watch. >> let's go! whoa! whoa! no way! >> greg:. >> greg: those two guys actually ran off together. that happened during last week's home opener where the young man stood out from the players since he wasn't on steroids. of course running onto the field is not allowed and offers one of of the only instances wheres someone can beat the [bleep] on it of you and not get arrested. it's a free punch literally. cops can't even do that to escaping felons. think about it. so stadium security reacted with a tackle that was so physical afterwards the guard lit up a
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cigarette. [laughter] >> greg: the craziest part is the proposal actually worked. the woman said yes. writing on her instagram, quote, okay, the best proposal ever. i love you, and, yes, i'll marry you. they plan to exchange vows in the middle of a wnba game where they'll have some privacy. [laughter] >> greg: but, frankly, that die got off easy only getting tackled. the last time i saw a public proposal, i hate them, i hate them, this is how i handled it. >> honey i love you so much. i just have one question. will you marry me? >> yes. >> greg: yeah. normally [cheers and applause] >> greg: i am against the droning of american citizens, except for that. harold, if you were the woman's father and she called you, let's say it's one of your daughters
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calls you and says, you know, simon, or whatever this guy's name is, what would you say? would you say, oh, i like that? this is going to be a great son-in-law or run screaming from him? >> harold:. >> harold: i think somebody i know and admire and respect earlier two things, this is what divorce lawyers on both sides will see as the predicate for divorce when it happens and, two, it should be about the person you're proposing to. i'm not sure she wanted this. if she did want this she wanted a baseball game where her husband jumped over a fence ran into midfield and did this she would be happy with it. i probably would not advise ford, that's my daughter's name bianca is she's nine. you can always live at home. but i would not advise her fiancee on to have do that. but that guy enjoyed tackling him. >> greg: it's a free punch. it's a situation where, are there any rules.
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you could literally like tackle to kill. like look at that. he loved every minute of that. look at that. >> harold: never warned him never saw it come >> kat: he had to go to jail so she had to come get him from jail >> harold: the guy who got tackedled? >> kat: yeah, like don't give me an errand. like, oh, we're engaged and the first thing i have to do is get your ass from jail >> greg: right, what does that important tend. is that the way you use that word? >> kat: i'm not doing errands of any kind so that's the wrong way to set it up. >> greg: do you know anybody who has long marriages after dramatic proposals? i don't think they exist? >> kat: those people are not my life anymore. >> greg: the gutfeld institute of matt moan according to our statistics, none of them survived. none of them. joe, you're single still, right? >> joe: no one's gotten their
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talons into me yet. [laughter] >> greg: they can't tame you, you're a wild map, right? >> joe: it's like trying to ride a rodeo bronco. [laughter] >> greg: i assume you're on top. [laughter] >> greg: that is so disgusting. when you want beastiality jokes come to though show. don't go to outnumbered you'll be surely disappointed. your thoughts, your thoughts on this? >> joe: well, first, i think that was security guard brutality. but i think, you know, maybe the security guard's excuse is he really hates weddings. the other thing is, i hate, hate these public displays of affection for attention. >> greg: yeah.
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>> joe: like i'm tired. it's the best time ever to be a narcissist. like, you know, father's day's coming up and people are going to write happy father's day to their dad on instagram and their dad's not even on instagram. like what am i supposed to do with that? they're like, oh, she said happy father's day to her dad on father's day, that makes sense. it's true. >> greg: maybe that's the original virtue signaling. mollie the defense of this very violent tackle is to dissuade people from doing it again but then you see the amount of exposure this guy gets and i bet you there will be a bunch of copy cats people running on to like other sports, but, you know, not --. >> mollie: unlike you cynical and unromantic people i hope there's more things like this. at least someone's asking someone to get married. we have nobody doing that these days, civilization is collapsing. i'm not a huge fan of the public
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thing but it's better than not asking anyone. >> harold: let the record reflect, i fully agree with molliement well said. >> greg: i think i mentioneded this on the 5, i can't remember, i tried to block it out of my head. but you can't trust people that are, that are, that are victim to their own chemical changes. like that's a guy that's so -- he's about the love, he's not about person, right? that [bleep] goes away. like in a couple years it's gone. get used to it. >> harold: i agree with polly. [laughter]. >> mollie: i mean maybe he'll just up the anti every anniversary or maybe it's a fun thing they can tell their kids and grand kids about. sorry. >> greg: that's sweet. no, you're probably wrong but i will believe you >> kat: there is no way that that wedding is beer and wine only. [laughter]
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>> greg: excellent point. yeah, going to be some slutty-looking bridesmaids there, huh snp what do you say? what am i talking about >> kat: that was all you. >> greg: that's on me. coming up our guests spare no details on their home town tales. [cheers and applause] they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. with the money we saved, we thought we'd try electric unicycles. whoa! careful, babe! saving was definitely easier. hey babe, i think i got it! it's actually... whooooa! ok, show-off! help! oh! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ coast to coast with stories that matter most. you're watching local news with nine-time emmy award winner chet van jansen. and now here's chet >> greg: it's local news the segment where each guest has to share a real news story from wherever they're from and i vote on the winner and that person gets to pick a fabulous prize in our mystery grab bag show case! yeah, yeah. ha ha ha ha. look at that. oh, yeah. nicely done, yeah. [cheers and applause]
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>> greg: yeah. oh, you in a band or something now? >> joe: yeah i've been alone blasting some white snake. but not the band. >> greg: allyeah i've been along some white snake. but not the band. >> greg: all right. joe do you have local news? >> joe: joe i sure do at hershey's there about to lauren a great candy expedition a 3-part immersive experience in the history present and future of candy and you can explore all five senses, sights, sound, taste, smell and glutney. it's a chance where you get to learn about chockly by eating chockly unlike college where it was mostly reading. >> greg: you're like a vanilla
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chocolate bunny. i want to stab you and find out if you're solid. >> joe: i'm actually from state college but hershey news, it's in my purview, always keeping an eye out. >> greg: all right. good job. mollie? >> mollie: yes. so in north glen colorado, which is just outside of denver, the rec center was about to have its pool closed down because they didn't have any life guards. so this team of senior citizens decided that they would lifeguard for the pool keeping it open saving the day and i would trust my life with these seniors. >> greg: i heard that the pool temperature rose slightly. [laughter]. >> mollie: possibly. >> greg: yeah. that was unnecessary. nothing is necessary. you realize harold you'll never be running for political office again? >> harold: really?
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>> greg: yeah. >> harold: i knew that before. is it my turn? >> greg: yeah, it's your turn. >> harold: i'm a believer when you can help build up comradery and trust in community between police officers and the community, i think that's a positive thing. i'm from memphis i served as congressman there for ten years, great story, a woman on's neighborhood watch coordinator for the mpd memphis police department, one of two of their stations, decided to go about a prom dress drive. the number one reason kids don't go to promise is because they don't have the attire or clothing so she decided to take it upon herself to do that and there will be a lot of kids going to the prom lot of young men and women going who might not have had the opportunity to go. i look i can the story for the elements that are there and i like the story for the feel good peace it gives everybody in the community. hope a lot more kids get to go year. >> joe: that's why i didn't go to the prom. [laughter]
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>> harold: maybe next year we can address that one. >> greg: maybe the cops could have found you a date. we're just going to bring you down to the jail and you can pick somebody. [laughter]. >> joe: okay. >> greg:. >> greg: all right, kat, you have a challenge because you're on the show every night so you always have to find something new from detroit or outside of detroit or somewhere in michigan >> kat: yeah it's getting really hard if it doesn't become really clear by what i'm about to say. there's a girl, ten years old and her name is ruby lavashewski. she has very big feet and that's the story. she has the world record. everyone's making fun of her for having big feet which you know how they say don't listen to people making fun of you. actually sometimes you should because sometimes they're right and they were right about little ruby who has the kids world
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record for the biggest feet. so way to go, ruby! [laughter] >> greg: i hope to god you can tell me how big her feet are >> kat: 10.5. >> greg: 10.5? >> kat: yeah. i believe it was in a 7-9 year old category. i did my research. >> greg: 10.5. would that mean her foot's bigger than mine? >> kat: probably, yeah >> harold: how tall is she? >> kat: probably taller than him. [laughter] >> kat: ruby lavashewski could kick your ass. [laughter] >> greg: you know, you're going to feel really bad if on the way home from work i'm jumped by like a 12 year old girl because words are violence. words are violence >> kat: okay. i would be rooting for her. >> greg: yeah. all right we've got to go.
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really tough out there. so kat a new study finds 44% of single adults doubt they'll ever find the one because of horrible dating experiences like being ghosted, getting stood up, receiving unsolicited nudes. what about you? from ghosts unsolicited nudes from ghosts? >> kat: so i actually think the 40 -- the people who aren't worried about it are going to be the ones that actually get married. these people that walk around like i'm waiting for the one. what does that mean? shut up, grow up. you're not ready. like you're not going to meet like a perfect human. there's no such thing. >> greg: there's no such thing as a one and i say that as a 10. >> kat: it is tough out there but also like maybe some of the problem is you sometimes. >> greg: yeah, make yourself better so that it's easier. like there's all these things you can work on yourself. you know maybe if you're inside playing video games, harold, or,
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you know, playing with the old porn hub, you're not that attractive. but at the same time, like a lot of kids, boys are probably scared of asking girls out because they might get, you know, accused of something. i don't know. been awhile for me >> harold: i think this is a bigger story. i know we all think it's a big story. but when little boys or little girls or young men and young women are not comfortable, and i think you touched on this, part of what mollie was talking about, we ought to encourage this kind of interaction. obviously the last three or four years have not been good since we have not been around people but i'm blessed to have married an amazing wonderful beautiful woman who was a great mom and a great friend and more importantly is my wife. i hope that more people are willing to take that chance. you have to put yourself out there and be a little vulnerable, to mollie's snippety you know what's missing? and maybe it began with the gender politics that are alienating people. but there was always -- there
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was a nervous excitement of old fashioned dating, right? like i'm going to date myself -- i know that sounds kinky. but like calling on your house phone to called some girl's house knowing that her dad's going to pick up the phone, and you have to like get past that fortress of intimidation and then, you know, it would happen the opposite where somebody would call for my sister i would pick up the phone and then i'd sell them pictures. [laughter] >> greg: so -- i don't know why i said that. i guess i in is the nervous excitement of the whole thing. >> mollie: yeah, i had so much fun in my 20s dating, also in high school dating, dating, dating. now everyone's on apps, that's fine apps are good you can meet people on that but there's something to be said for going out, meeting people, having interactions where you don't have everything figured out based on online interaction and it needs to be more having fun.
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>> greg: the problem the online apps and i think joe, you can attest to it. [laughter] >> greg: a hundred percent of the women on the apps go to two percent of the men. it's not like when you go to a bar, right? you can go to a bar and say you're like a 6.5 but your personality puts you at a nine but if it's on an app the only people that get hit are the 9s and 10s based on the app and you don't have the opportunity to show your sparkling whit and personality. don't you think that's fair? >> joe: it is unfair for the other 98% of men, greg. [laughter]. >> joe: let me tell you a little message about love you won't find in your fancy lame erotic cakes, greg. you don't want to -- you're never going to find that perfect, beautiful, funny, smart, kind woman that loves you back. just try to find someone that
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you both hate the same things and you can both agree that you don't want to die alone. quit complaining. get out there. like that's why pencils have erasers, there's going to be mistakes. that's why marriages have affairs. [laughter] >> greg: that's a great point. it's a great point. aim curious during the relationship when is it appropriate to ask if a woman has a penis? all right, don't go away, we'll be right back. ♪ [cheers and applause] u surround. take your lawn back with scotts turf builder triple action! gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps it growing strong. get a bag of scotts triple action today, it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it.
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>> can you get tickets by my instagram because i don't have a web site but i've only been on
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tv ten years. [laughter] >> it's going to get weird so get tickets. there's a limited number of signed books available. >> there you go. we are out of time! thanks for molly hemingway our studio audience, i'll see you next week! i love you america! >> good evening, welcome to be fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher. former president donald trump is in new york city on the eve of his arrangement and in hours will turn himself in and become the first former or sitting president to be brought up on charges. nate is live outside trump tower. good evening. >> hey trace. just in the past hour we are learning the former president has pushed his schedule back and he will leav


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