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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 4, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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as the motorcade takes off from palm beach international airport and trump force one. thank you for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "jesse watters primetime" continues with our coverage and it starts right now. hey, jesse. >> jesse: hey, bret. thank you so much. we will see you later on in the hour. ♪ >> jesse: fox news alert. you are looking at a live shot of palm beach international airport where former president trump's motorcade is awaiting to take him to mar-a-lago where he is going to be addressing the nation later this evening. earlier today, for the third time, democrats are trying to take away your right to vote for a republican. first they impeached trump during an election year. they wanted to invoke the 25th amendment. kick him out of office for not being mentally fit. and now they are trying to put him in prison before an election. for people who claim they care about voting rights, they are nuking him. there's nothing more
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undemocratic than putting your political opponent in prison. the american people voted to put trump in power. then they voted to take that power away. and that's how things work in america. now that trump is running again a filthy d.a. rah sass sinating your right to vote. what's the crime? the indictment says under new york state law is a felony to falsify business records. we cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct coldcock an asian lady not serious. push into the subway not serious. make a error in a general ledger serious conduct. the thousands of businesses that put things in the wrong ledger don't they have to worry? no, why.
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because their owners aren't running for president. how is trump going to get a fair trial in new york? how can you going to pick a jury in how many jurors have no opinion on donald trump? who the is jury foreman rachel maddow. bragg doesn't understand this case he can't explain it. he says trump broke election law he did not put the election law he supposedly broke in the indictment. >> false business records. if conceal another crime but the indictment does not say what those crimes were. we are assuming, perhaps, that they might be election related. i'm wondering if you can specify law what is laws were also broken. >> let me say as an initial merit the indictment doesn't specify because the law does not so require. >> jesse: you are charging a president and you don't put the charge in the indictment because you don't have to?
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you have to be kidding me. how did trump break an election law? >> the first is new york state election law, what makes it a crime, to conspire, promote candidacy by unlawful means. i further indicated a number of unlawful means, including more additional false statements, including statements that were planned to be made to tax authorities i also noted the federal election law cap on contribution limits. >> jesse: does anybody understand what bragg is saying? does anybody? trump didn't bribe anybody. didn't kill anybody. didn't plant listening devices at chappaqua. bragg has got nothing. so he brings the most convoluted case ever. if you are charging a president, it's got to be air tight. all trump did was have his lawyer pay a woman who was extorting him in order to protect his family. well, bragg calls that catch and kill. >> donald trump, executives at
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the publishing company, american media incorporated, mr. cohen, and others agreed in 2015 to a catch and kill scheme. that is a scheme to buy and suppress negative information to help mr. trump's chance of winning the election. >> jesse: so, you can silence an extortionist to protect your family but if you get extorted before an election, it's illegal to do that? if that's catch and kill, then that's what the media does with democrats every day. the media kills bad stories for democrats before elections all the time and gets paid back with access and interviews and ratings, cash. so, big tech catch was the hunter laptop story and kills it to help the biden campaign. that's not illegal? how much was that worth? what ledger did biden put that in? 50 cia guys say the laptop is fake so biden gets elected and they get fat federal contracts? catch and kill.
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what do you think this is? >> this is what we are going to talk about. we are going to talk about the insufficiency of this case. i will say today's unsealing of this indictment shows that the rule of law died this in this country. everyone is not above the law. no one is below it, either. if this man's name was not donald j. trump there is no senario we would all be here today. please understand it based on these charges. a state prosecutor is prosecuting a federal election law violation that doesn't exist according to federal electric election law officials. as simple as that. you can sum it all up like that. >> remember in 2015 hillary is running for president? abc news catches and kills the on the hot mic epstein bill clinton but we had to kill it? what was that? so this entire case is a sham. the only people more clueless than bragg are his supporters.
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>> what's going on here today? >> well, what we are witnessing a small measure of accountability for the worst president in american history. >> what crimes did donald trump complicit to get him here today? >> um, all of them. >> what specifically did he commit today? [cheers] >> what crime did donald trump commit to get him here today? >> we don't know. >> you don't know? >> we do not know. >> as far as my knowledge, he paid someone money to -- hush money. >> yeah. and which law did that break? >> um, i don't want to say -- that's not the only law. >> hush money is not a law. >> no. but [inaudible] law. >> he didn't paid for it with campaign funds. >> alvin bragg is going to try to make it a campaign finance violation. >> he cooking something up, right. >> of course he is paying with campaign finance law funds. >> how do you know. >> because he is a cheat. >> what crimes did donald trump
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commit to land him here today. >> this is related to the fawnks of business records. it being a campaign expense. >> but he didn't pay with campaign money. >> the felony is related to the fact that these business expenses were falsified. huh. what's the felony that he is being charged with exactly actually? >> do you like alvin bragg. >> i don't even know who he is. >> you don't know who alvin bragg is. >> i don't know anything about it. >> it's a big task to indict a former sitting president and this is a court that does their due diligence. >> what about the 52% of felonies downgraded as misdemeanors of violent crime? [inaudible] >> his lawyer has already been proven guilty. he actually was covering up for him. >> you think so? >> yes. >> where's the proof? >> the proof is in the pudding.
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>> do you know who the victim of this crime is? >> us. >> how are you personally victimized? >> well, we didn't get to -- we didn't -- we have -- >> when there's a crime who is a victim. who's the victim in this case? >> who's the victim? come on, man. >> who is the victim? >> come on, dude. >> do you think he is guilty? >> i do think he is guilty. >> of what crime? >> of lying. >> what did he lie about? >> everything. >> what did he lie about to get him here today? >> the thing that got him here today. >> and that was? >> obviously i don't know. >> jesse: that's pretty obvious. this is such a hit job. the democrats they crossed the line, they know it and now the white house is in hiding. >> as a lawyer, is he concerned at all that a local d.a. indicting a former president could, down the line could open up the possibility, set the precedent that local d.a.s that don't like former president
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biden could indict him? >> i'm not going to comment from here. >> jesse: so binder has got to know what happens next. wee will out for revenge now. and they are not going to get away with this. paul sperry wrote a great piece in the post today. it's open season on democrats. republican d.a.s and prosecutors and they will have the green light to take down top democrats. here's the difference. we don't have the trumped up charges. their crimes are clear. biden's brother, jimmy the chin, he has been accused of defrauding healthcare companies in florida, pennsylvania, tennessee, alabama, it's a crime spree. sounds like it's time for four grand juries. time for republican a.g.s and republican prosecutors of these states to open up investigations. how is jimmy the chin not already been indicted? he is a hot mess? and then you have the clintons in arkansas. that's the mother load. the clinton foundation has offices in little rock that thing with one big graft machine. can a republican d.a. in
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arkansas look into crooked's books? the foundations international conspiracy and money laundering op. why can't the clintons get fingerprinted are all their ledgers clean? that's just local. once the republicans take back the white house are you ready the president could sick the sec on nancy. pelosi has been insider trading for decades right in our face. then you move on hunter interstate sex trafficking, the missing chinese diamond, tax evasion, follow the money because it leads to the big guy. you don't think trump is going to indict joe biden when he gets back into the white house? the democrats asked for this. and now they are going to get it. let's turn it over to brett tolman, former u.s. attorney and executive director of right on crime. how do you think this thing is going to shake out? >> well, jesse, i got tell you, i was hoping to learn something in the indictment. i was hoping that we night be surprised that maybe they had
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some substance i have never seen an indictment like this. i have brought indictments with multiple counts and i had to show that there were multiple transactions and occurrences and different frauds in order to add every single count. all this was was a different take on the exact same issue and allegation. 34 times. i guess i have never seen anything like this. and it's not surprising. and it goes to how careful alvin bragg has been in presenting this case. >> jesse: so they take $130,000 payment and they chop it up like a sushi roll in the 34 counts. and tell me they stack this thing and looked at it and thinking 34 and then you start reading and he doesn't even put what the big crime is. can you figure out what the big
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crime is here. >> i finally did figure it out. it's being donald trump. if we set that aside. let me tell you when reagan was president, there were a few thousand criminal statutes. there are well over 300,000 criminal statutes. so, at this point, if he doesn't have to name it, he just refers to criminal statutes and everybody, it appears, seems to go along with it. it's a sad day but it's also tragic because we are now seeing finally out in the open what has been happening for decades and that's prosecutors who have little accountability and they have no transparency wielding their power with no repercussions for how they we would it. >> jesse: i mean, this is like when mueller came out to testify at the hearing he was just like he had no clue what he had been doing for the last two years. you don't think alvin bragg -- going to come out, say what he is doing, the press didn't even buy it. the liberal media in new york, he couldn't sell the indictment to them. they asked him three guess.
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and he sche schedule skedaddledy the dinner. is he going to get away with this? this thing cannot stand. >> jesse the rules and laws to hold accountable have been so whittled away. legislatures have been giving them power and strengthening qualified immunity to the fact that alvin bragg has no fear. while he is in office he presented it to a grand jury. so, for all he cares, he has presented something and the grand jury is the one you need to blame in it turns out not to not have merit. that's the problem with this system. but you and i both know what is happening here is a line that's being crossed. you can't put this genie back in the box and i do think that other prosecutors are going to bring charges against politicians they don't like? yes. and the clintons will be at the very top of the list. >> jesse: yes. they better make sure their books are clean. i bet they are but better make
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sure. >> scrub. >> jesse: start bleaching crooked, let's go. turn it over to dan bongino host of "unfiltered" on saturday night. it's open even. what's next? >> no. totally. i read that he is pooh. i covered it on my podcast today. i am so glad you covered it by paul sperry. a couple things i want to echo what brett said i have been writing between the nypd and secret service probably a couple hundred charging documents, complaints, informations indictments. i read through it today and there was a side of me, jesse, a small side, maybe 1% of 100 percent of my personality 1% was like, you know, alvin can't be this dumb? like maybe he has got something. he has a pocket ace sitting there somewhere. and you know, i'm always kind of hesitant to jump all the way in the pool. remember when the russia thing first broke you were like, way, there is a pee pee tape? that sounds crazy, i don't know maybe it's out there. i better shut up until -- and then you realize they don't
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have -- they just made this whole thing up. i read this thing today. i'm waiting for this bombshell. i get to the last page, this thing is even worse than you thought. i mean, thin grewell? this thing isn't even thin grewell. this is an embarrassment. i mean, hey, read this and put out donald trump's name they are going to laugh and go what kind of a clown joker wrote this thing? it's embarrassment and even the libs know it. >> jesse: famous line if you are going to come for the kidnapping you best not miss. he didn't even come close you have reporters requesting through this thing three times because they can't find a smoking gun, dan. there's nothing here. >> right. and here's the thing. although it's new york city and finding 12 people who virulently hate donald trump is johnny just
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figured out is not hard to do. he could very well get convicted. there is zero -- zero chance this stands on appeal. zero. i mean, there's no way any court of law, any deep blue state is going to let this go. >> jesse: like no judge is going to say first time offender for bookkeeping. >> no. not a chance. and can i just say, there is an interesting legal theory here. john edwards was prosecutor for using campaign donations to may off his mistress. donald trump did not use campaign donations for an alleged affair, it's alleged, right? john edwards had a kid and he admitted it. >> jesse: a love child. >> you should have used campaign funds so we could have charged him with what we charged john edwards. wtf am its missing something no way trump could have won this. on a serious note, jesse. some people i heard on both sides they did this on purpose
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they wanted to face trump and boost him politically. >> jesse: no. >> listen, man, they want to see this guy hurt. don't ever forget the banality of evil, man. the people we are dealing with now political fight manifested itself but the under lying seed of this is plain good vs. evil. these people want to see trump hurt. china is watching this right now. icing out the u.s. currency. they are watching us tell people we don't know who men and women are. they are watching us sexualize our kids, spy on presidential candidates. try to throw them in jail. the chinese communist party and enemies of the united states are laughing right now as the banality of evil takes over in the united states and dumb, dopey liberals burn this country to the ground while our enemies dance on our graves and thank the lord almighty that they got opponents that were so dumb to burn the united states from the inside out. liberals should -- liberals are smiling as this place burns to the ground. >> jesse: china bribed biden and
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then biden got donald trump arrested. the guy that started a trade war against china. it comes full circumstantial. dan bongino, there you go. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> jesse: coming up, joe biden has his dirty little fingerprints all over this indictment. we just found the smoking gun. stay right here. ♪ (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain? and the congestion that causes it! flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good!
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>> jesse: alvin bragg may have been the harry houdini. did what democrats have been dreaming about since trump rode down the golden escalator. he arrested the man. all he had to do was wave a magic wand and franken stein the case that nobody wanted to touch. >> your predecessor took a hard look at this case and decided not to charge it. federal prosecutors took a hard look at this case and decided not to charge it. do you believe you have new
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evidence thatted will you decide to charge this or why now? >> we have had available to the office additional evidence that was not in the office's possession prior to my time me. >> we have a distinct profound interest in the united states. this is the business capital of the world. we regularly do cases involving false business statements. >> jesse: no one wanted this case until are you ready joe biden's justice department sent their partisan hatchet man into bragg's office. this guy, matt colangelo former political appointee, pro-obama and biden, they sent him from biden's crooked justice department to run point in this case in bragg's d.a. office. after this case was stone cold dead. this guy came in and revived it. what were his quantifications? well, he has never been a defense attorney. never even been a prosecutor. what did he do? oh well he spent seven years as
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an activist attorney for the naacp. he also spent the trump years beginbegin ginning up partisan lawsuits for the state of new york. so the guy is a terminator. so, who better to turn a dead case into a zombie case than someone who hates trump and loyal to the big guy? so, of course, the big guy is just smiling. >> is the indictment of your predecessor politically divisive? >> thank you. >> jesse: this is now the second criminal case hanging over trump's head that has joe biden's fingerprints all over it? remember, biden personally signed off on the raid on mar-a-lago. now he is putting democrat activists in bragg's office to slap cuffs on trump? not only that obama trump spied on the trump campaign and biden personally hatched the fling sting. do you remember? which dominod trump into firing comey which led to the special
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counsel. trump was impeached for merely wanting an investigation of biden in ukraine. now joe biden has personally launched three actual investigations into donald trump. no impeachment. mike davis is the founder and president of the article iii project. how are you feeling today, mike? >> i think it's an abomination what alvin bragg has done today with this unprecedented indictment of a former president based upon these bogus trumped up charges and you talked about this matt colangelo. he is the driving force behind this. as you said, the manhattan d.a.'s office passed over this case. the manhattan u.s. attorney's office passed over this case. the federal election commission passed over this case. alvin bragg himself passed over this case and then he was taking heat from the left. and so back in december, he hired matt colangelo from the biden justice department. he was a very senior official. was the acting number three. acting attorney general under the parachute coming in and
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number two to the number three. this guy has been a political appointee for the obama justice department under eric holder and tom perez. the obama labor day under tom perez who went on to be the dnc chairman. the obama white house as a politically appointed economic adviser. as you said, he went to the new york attorney general's office and was -- they essentially created a job for him to get trump. and he went after the trump foundation, trump finances, suing the trump administration constantly. when he worked in the biden justice department just recently, he was the guy who helped oversee the prosecutions of christians praying outside of abortion clinics while giving amnesty to abortion industry activists terrorizing catholic churches, crisis pregnancy centers and supreme court justices and their families in their home. >> this is the clear connection between biden to show political hit by biden to take out trump.
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>> jesse: sends a political hit man into the d.a.'s office and what la they slap cuffs on trump. raid on mar-a-lago and pretends he had nothing to do with it and he was there in the white house when they spied without warrants on the trump campaign but the media says oh joe what do you have to say? he sits there and grins like a cheshire cat. is this guy not deep state or, what mike? >> we have smoking gun evidence joe's brother james too long over a million dollars. actually many millions of dollars from chinese and oligarchs. james comer came out with completely bogus. >> so we are just learning and we are going to have james comer on later in the show because he
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took a deposition of one of, i think joe biden's little mischievous henchmen. allegedly center a letter to the ben biden center in the spring to look after documents that they had storm watched there was f.a.a. to play defense because he had documents that he had stashed illegally? >> certainly suspicious president trump as a are former president had the absolute statutory right under the presidential records act to have his presidential records in the office of former president classified or not. cop contrast with then vice president joe biden who had these stolen classified records from the obama white house in several different locations unguarded by the secret service
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and staff like former presidents get. garland sends him this unprecedented unnecessary home raid with a biased magistrate judge bruce rinehart to get these documents from trump while he works out a sweetheart deal with the biden administration. >> jesse: smoking gun evidence that they cooked up this stupid financial d.o. indictment in new york to play defense against the hunter biden wires. okay. starting to make sense. maybe biden is smarter than we give him credit for. thanks so much, mike. >> jesse: thank you. biden's fingerprints all over this indictment as we just proved. as we point out the white house won't comment. but here's the thing. trump isn't due back in court until december. that means the case is going to be hacking over his head the entire summer into the fall could impact the primaries. election interference. it's going to have major political implications. biden can't ignore it forever or can he. martha mccallum is the an author of "the story."
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he is just smiling now martha. >> >> martha: smile and nod and cheshire cat grin and also c kakarine jean-pierre. you talk about january 6th all the time and those are ongoing prosecutions as well so why can't you address this? and i think one of the things that obviously is hanging around president biden's mind he is trying to figure out whether or not he is going to run again and more often than not now there are question marks about that. we are in an era of complete brass knuckle politics as you have just laid out really clearly on both sides deep history. situation where hunter biden has charged referred from the fbi to the district attorney in october of '22. when is that going to started moving forward? they said they had substantive today make those charges. therens a big question, i think, in terms of trump vs. biden and
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whether or not joe biden is going to feel like this has spurred investigation and kind of lit a fire under the desire to get something on him as well. it's unfortunate for the american people because we have inflation. we have crime problems. i thought it was fascinating today that alvin bragg said we could not normalize serious criminal conduct and yet it's normalized all over the streets of new york every day. 22% increase in serious crime in this city. and this is what he is pursuing. but, you know, i just wonder if it doesn't eventually help some other candidates because they are going to look at this and say we were promised normalcy. we were promised calm. adults in the room and it doesn't seem to be what's happening, jesse. >> jesse: i wonder if biden is calculating this? if donald trump runs and wins he is going to indict joe biden and biden's crew. biden might have to run and win because if he doesn't you know those indictments are coming. it's not like trump is going to
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let this thing go. >> martha: well, he certainly didn't have that look on his face today, did he? he looked very sober, very serious. i think it's going to be fascinating when he comes out just a few minutes from now, jesse, what his tone n all of this. i think president biden had an opportunity when he was asked about this to kind of say, you know, look, i hope that alvin bragg has an air tight case here because this is a very serious thing. >> jesse: the country is yearning. >> exactly. >> jesse: we need declared. >> martha: nobody acting that way, right? >> jesse: right. >> martha: everybody calm down. let's take down the temperature. we will see where this goes. this is very serious to bring a former president of the united states in and indict him. so it would be great if biden had said let's hope he has got an air tight case if he doesn't he is going to have a big problem. >> jesse: he doesn't even distance himself from it martha he just smiled like he knew something. not good. martha mccallum thank you so much. see you on "the story" tomorrow.
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up next, alvin bragg is leaking like crazy to the press. but we got some house republicans that are starting to step up. they will join us next. ♪
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>> jesse: the more we learn about the case against trump the shadier it seems. alvin bragg playing politics we know that what are republicans going to do about it. chair of the judiciary committee jim jordan is trying to get answers from the stupid d.a. he wrote a letter two weeks ago demanding alvin testify and hand over documents. alvin said back off this is a local case. he won't chair info about the house. he will leak details to the media we know that since cnn knew what was in the indictment hours after -- listen, and then last night, michael isikoff the same guy who leaked the dossier said sources told me that trump is going to be charged with 34 felony counts and sure enough,
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today trump is hit with 34 counts. you can't do that. that's illegal. you cannot release this information until the indictment is unsealed. it's a felony if you do. but these people aren't playing by the rules. they are dirty. republicans need to figure out whatner going to do. because we need to get bragg on the hot seat. so what's the plan? oversight committee chairman james comer and judiciary committee chairman jim jordan join me now. so this guy says buzz off, house. what's the next step? >> do you want me jesse? >> jesse: go for it. >> first of all, mr. bragg conceded that they did use federal funds and latest correspondence with jamie and i said they used federal funds in this prosecution in the indictment against president trump. we also know that this grew out of the special counsel investigation. and, of course, that statute is a federal statute. and maybe most importantly i think as everyone understands this is election interference and then mr. bragg in his letter
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said i would like to know what questions you have for me. so, everything is on the table. we do want mr. bragg to answer questions. and we're looking at how we are going to pursue that and take the next step. what i do know is mr. pomerantz, this is someone we want to talk to as well. he has left the d.a.'s office. he has written a book. he is the guy who threw the fit and i think put the pressure on mr. bragg to go through with the ridiculous action that he took today. >> jesse: well, i think biden sent his goon into the d.a.'s office. >> yeah. >> jesse: and that's what lit this fuse. all right, representative comer, are there going to be more than just letters that are strongly worded because a lot of people are little tired of all the letters and subpoenas? >> we are serious about this, something the speaker, kevin mccarthy issued a statement today. i fully expect to see alvin bragg answering questions in front of congress as soon as we can make it happen. >> jesse: good. >> this is unacceptable and we are not going to back down on this. >> jesse: i saw something today that you deposed one of joe
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biden's little assistants, ms. chung and asked her about how she was squirreling documents all over d.c.? what did you learn about biden hiding classified documents? we learned a lot today. oversight committee that jim jordan is on as well that we are conducted joe biden mishandling of classified documents. we brought ms. chung today for classified interview. i want to thank her for working with our committee and answering questions. we learned a lot. first of all, we learned that the document documents didn't just start moving around in november of 2022 like the white house has alleged. she says this dates back to may of 2022 that the documents were moved from the vice presidency to at least three different locations in a personal vehicle. and while they were in three different locations, we don't know. they weren't stored behind any
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lock. one of the locations was in chinatown. another location was in the penn biden center which might as well been chinatown where their money was coming from and that the white house has never been with the american people. remember, we never would have found out about this in march of 2023 if someone hadn't leaked it to the press that biden was mishandling classified documents. so, the white house then came back and said, yeah, that happened in november, december of 2022. she just testified under oath that it happened in may of 2022. so there are more questions today than we have ever had. and this is ironically what the special counsel is apparently going after trump next over. the next supposed indictment is going to be over his mishandling of classified documents. look at what joe biden has done. we don't know how many locations he has. we don't know what those documents were. we're very suspicious that his son sent one of those in an email to ukraine, to his buddies
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at burisma and, yet, we don't get any truthfulness out of the white house. this is another example of a two tiered system of justice in america. >> jesse: so so summarize president biden okayed the raid on mar-a-lago for classified documents knowing he had sketchy classified documents and they were in chinatown brought by ms. chung. got it. all right. congress men, thank you so much. glad we cleared that up. >> thank you. >> jesse: donald trump's legal team was out in full force today vowing to fight this indictment and the former president's attorneys admitted what we knew all along the case is bogus. >> here what happens we are going to talk about. we are going to talk about the insufficiency of this case. i will say this to you today's unsealing of this indictment shows that the rule of law died in this country while everyone is not above the law, no one is below it either. and if this man's name was not donald j. trump there is no scenario we would all be here today. please understand that based on these charges a state prosecutor is prosecuting a federal
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election law violation that doesn't exist acoveredding to federal election law officials. as simple as that that you could sum it all up like that. >> jesse: an attorney for president trump working on the documents mar-a-lago cases. you spent time with the president last night and this morning. give us some behind the scenes. >> well, i mean, the president is resolved. he is resilient. he's really ready to fight these charges. i think he is very disappointed for our country there was a lot of commentary today how he looked upset or mad. i don't think he is upset for himself. he is disappointed that this is what has happened. let's make no mistake our democracy was indicted and arraigned here today. that's what happened here today. it wasn't just donald trump. you have got a prosecutor an opportunistic prosecutor looking to score points on the trump brand to build his name and reputation on the trump brand and brought a case in 33 years of doing this i have never seen anything this flimsy. >> jesse: he wasn't throwing glasses against the wall cursing
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bragg, cursing joe biden. he was strategizing about what the next step was going to be? >> absolutely. that's exactly what he was doing. i mean, he was in high spirits. is he probably in some of the best spirits i have seen him. i don't want to get ahead of him. you are going to see him here in a few minutes and the american people can judge for themselves. i think, if anything, he is more now determined to right these wrongs. our democracy is really at risk here today. >> jesse: i read the indictment. the first sentence says the defendant orchestrated a scheme can with others to influence the 2016 presidential election. how dare a presidential candidate try to influence his own election. >> i mean, it just shows when you look at the indictment as a whole, none of it even makes sense. he doesn't satisfy any of the legal elements. there is no attempt. we also have something that's really not being talked about right now. we have sort of an unprecedented departure from the normal judicial process. so you have a judge that presided over the last criminal trial. a judge that's presided over the
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grand jury. today the arraignment. it looks like the trial. you would have better odds, jesse, of winning the lottery twice for that to happen in a random system. there's a reason for that usually the motions that are directed pre-trial to an indictment, relate to things that happened in the grand jury process. so now we are going to expect this judge and there is no disrespect to this judge but this judge to rule on his own rulings and this is just a very unusual aberration and it just demonstrates that we're setting a very dangerous precedent. >> jesse: so fat alvin judge shopping got a ringer is what i'm hearing. thank you very much. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: counselor. >> thank you. >> jesse: president trump is moments away from giving his comeback remarks so let's turn it over to his daughter lara trump with what we should expect. lara, your thoughts today on your father-in-law. >> well, look, jesse. as a member of my family, obviously you don't like to see anyone treated this way. but i think more so as an american, it was a really sad
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and dark day for this country because as everyone has detailed, there is no case here. my father-in-law has done nothing wrong. and everybody clearly knows that this only has to do with preventing donald trump from running and winning the presidency of the united states for a second time. so, i think whenever you look at who brought these charges forward, alvin bragg who is tanked with, of course, keeping the streets of new york safe actually locking up real criminals, and you look at the fact that he spent all the time and money here that you had the full police force of the nypd out on the way to mar-a-lago, or from mar-a-lago to new york, all the way down to the courthouse, the money that was spent by the new york taxpayers on this charade ought to infuriate all of them, especially given how unsafe new york city is right now. and so, look, i think for all of us who love this country, this was a really horrible day. we have talked about and i have heard so many talk about the
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precedent that it sets. and whether you like donald trump or not, really shouldn't have any bearing as to how you look at this. because, yes, it's donald trump today. but tomorrow it might be your person. it might be somebody on your side of the aisle or it might be you. and so i think a lot of people look at this and they see it for what it is. it's why we have raised $10 million at the trump campaign since this indictment came down. and a quarter of that money came from people who never once donated in any campaign cycle to donald trump. >> jesse: what's the mood in the family circle right now? this new development is a little different than what you're used to. >> well, i mean, honestly, jesse, it's more of the same. you know, we have all felt targeted from the day my father-in-law came down the casey later in trump tower and announced he was running for president. there's been a target on all of our backs and, especially, on his. you know, all of us have felt attacks in very different ways. no one more so, of course, than donald trump. and so, it does feel like more of the same. but, of course, it is different
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because these are real charges and they actually are going to try and make them stick. now, i don't think that they will hold up in a court of law. i think all law experts agree that there was no law broken here. but the mood of my family is we're very tight-knit family. we are all doing great because we know that there is nothing that has happened that was wrong here. and we believe that the truth always comes out and we believe it will happen in this case no different. >> jesse: lara, thank you so much for joining "jesse watters primetime." >> you got it, thank you. >> jesse: alvin bragg put a real head scratcher on his indictment today. look at this. the defendant donald j. trump repeatedly and fraudulently falsified new york business records to conceal criminal conduct that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election. concealing damaging information from the voting public? where have i heard that before? oh, well, that's exactly what
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team biden did with the laptop. andy mccarthy is a former federal prosecutor and he joins me now. what difference is there in this case? >> well, there's no difference. what i would say, jesse, is i kind of don't understand why this hasn't been more of a thing. but, what bragg is alleging is that trump took a series of actions to defraud the voting public in connection with the 2016 election. the indictment then goes forward with all these counts that begin on february 14th, 2017. and continue until december 5th of 2017. that's all months after the 2016 election. even if what he is alleging had -- had something plausible to it, the actions that we're
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talking about that he is alleging as criminal and a method of defrauding the public 2016 election happened afterwards. even if in his fantasy world trump was to conclude that the hush money arrangements were actually campaign expenditures, under the campaign finance laws, he wouldn't have had to file disclosure statement until months after the 2016 election was over. so i don't -- even if you take it the way that he pleads it, how could this conceivably have affected the 2016 election. >> jesse: so this case could get tossed because alvin bragg can't read a calendar and doesn't know what the law is? >> well, essentially, jesse, alvin bragg doesn't like nondisclosure agreements. even though they are a staple of civil litigation in the united states. he can't allege that trump kept information from the public because it's legal to keep
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information from the public. so he has got say he tried to influence the election by these false book entries but the problem is the election was over for four months before the book entries started. >> jesse: so alvin bragg has no case and it should probably take about two seconds to toss it; is that what i'm hearing? >> the indictment, jesse, fails to state a crime. i mean, you have had a lot of people on who have said, you know, in order to conceal a crime, in an indictment, you have to tell the defendant what crime he was trying to conceal. so, the indictment fails even in its basic purpose as an indictment, which was to put the accused on notice of what he is charged of. but, when you try to flesh this out and understand is bragg's story coherent in any way, what he is essentially saying is trump took a bunch of actions in 2017 in an attempt to defraud the voters four months earlier. >> jesse: okay.
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so we have the dumbest district attorney in the country. booting a case against the former president. i got it. andy mccarthy, thanks as always for clearing that up. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: so we're minutes away from trump's speech in mar-a-lago. what should he say? turn it over to kayleigh mcenany, former white house press secretary co-host of co-hf "outnumbered" and author of serenity in the storm. a lot of serenity going on i'm sure down in mar-a-lago, kayleigh. what should be the thrust of the speech that we're going to hear in a half an hour. >> he must take the focus on him and put on the american people. what president trump could do effectively tonight is flip the script on the left. here's what i mean by that here is reporting from axios that biden is delaying his run, going to announce but perhaps later in the fall because he wants to draw a contrast between biden governing and the chaos on the republican party side. we saw this on the micro level karine jean-pierre took the podium conveniently one what
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time 1:30 p.m. president biden riding down manhattan. they want to draw this contrast. president biden needs to beat them at their game by saying. this they have made the focus me. my focus is you, the american people. at this very moment we should be having a conversation about how to secure our schools. six christians died. the white house won't use the word christian. crime is rampant in the street. people have been murdered, there is chaos, mayhem, inflation, you can't even afford your grocery bill. they needs to flip the script and say we are focusing on me and distracting from the chaos of biden because they have unjustly come after me with a sham indictment as admitted by abc, cbs, cnn, i have all of those comments there in front of me. but we are not going to take the bait. because i'm running for president i want to be the president for you, the american people. that's what he should say tonight. >> jesse: if he pulls off a brilliant speech as you just projected, what does that do to his nomination journey? >> it skyrockets him. when you look right now at the
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polls. he is leading his competitor, ron desantis by 30 points. but what every commentator is saying is this indictment, which is widely decried as a sham, helps him in the primary but hurts him in the general. so, right now, my audience is not the g.o.p. primary voter. he has got them. you look at the polls and it's pretty clear at least at that moment. that could change, of course. his audience tonight is the suburban mom that he lost in 2020. the suburban mom that we lost n the 2022 midterms. that individual is who you have got to win over. that and the independents. i'm speaking tonight to america, not to the g.o.p. primary voter if i'm president trump. >> jesse: all right. spot on. kellyanne, kayleigh mcenany, tho much. we you tomorrow at noon. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: moments from now president trump is going to address the nation for the first time since his arraignment. correspondent jonathan serrie is in palm beach with the latest. jonathan? >> hi there, jesse. we have media from around the
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country trip and for that matter around the world poised to capture the former president's first public comments since that hearing in new york. and if you look at the day core, the decorations here this looks less like what you would expect in a post court hearing news conference and much more of a campaign rally. in fact, a lot of music that we're hearing in the background the same songs that we heard played when we were covering the 2016 presidential campaign for mr. trump. so, really, a very epic event that he is organizing here. but then again, we have seen some epic events unfold today. for the first time, a former u.s. president having to appear in court and answer to felony charges. shortly after he boarded his plane, had taken off from new york and was flying back to the airport in west palm beach, he took to his truth social media platform writing in part: the
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hearing was shocking to many in that they had no surprises and, therefore, no case. and that, perhaps, is a preview of the defiant tone that we can expect to hear from mr. trump in a speech tonight. again, scheduled for 8:15 eastern time. jesse? >> jesse: are you getting the sense that the crowd feels galvanized? do they feel saddened by what happened today? what's your feeling? >> well, this crowd here seems very optimistic. this is a crowd of >> reporter: i'd say at least 500, some of his most loyal supporters. the atmosphere here seems to be one of enthusiasm. again, they're expecting that defiant tone from mr. trump, jesse. >> jesse: thank you very much, jonathan. brian from jersey. does anybody really think trump screwed up the ledger?
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doesn't he have people for that? of course he does. will they let trump zoom in for his court appearance like they did for all the defendants whose lives were endangered by covid? no, no, no. trump is below the law. that's the deal. samuel from georgia. jesse, save your breath. no one will touch the clintons or the bidens. republicans are too weak. let that be a challenge for all the republican da's and attorney generals in these red states. open season now. kevin from hope, indiana. the clintons could be indicted but that would depend on what the meaning of the word felony is. they always seem to wiggle out of everything, don't they? paula, indiana. that smile on biden's face said everything, didn't it? julia from michigan, did any of
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the democrats understand what they were protesting? absolutely not. they just want to lock up trump. anthony from florida. i would take johnny's job for a day. where do i sign up? then you have to deal with me most of the time. you don't want that. tucker's up next with the big speech. remember, i'm waters, this is my world. >> tucker: good evening and well in to tucker carlson. donald trump was arraigned in a manhattan court today. the former president is back in florida and scheduled to speak in just a moment from mar-a-lago. this feels significant so we will take you to his remarks as they begin. it's worth understanding what it is we've just seen. often the clearest perspectives


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