tv Hannity FOX News April 5, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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want to keep. i'll tell you that also tonight, take a look at your screen. that minute we'll hear from our very own sarah carter on the set, who was accosted by far left protestors on the streets of new york. here's a quick preview. >> peace and love from your democratic psycho. we have the full video. straight ahead, she'll tell us a story but we begin only a few blocks away where former president trump was arraigned on 34 felony charges. yesterday, for allegedly mislabeling a couple of documents basically. these charges were cook up and stacked by a manhattan d.a. by the name of alvin bragg.
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any fans here? >> to fulfill a campaign promise. he dreams of seen trump in a jumpsuit. one problem for bragg, his case is totally bogus. the document charges at play are misdemeanor infractions, by the way, five years past the statue of limitations. they were magically upgraded to felonies by bragg because of supposed links to some mysterious phantom crime that he wouldn't even mention in the indictment which we expect are likely federal election law issues that both the fbc and doj looked at and passed on. those are laws that are not in bragg's jurisdiction on top of that, and all again, this all surrounds a legal nondisclosure agreement from, what, seven years ago so despite this path threatally weak, convoluted people who are suffering from
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trump derangement syndrome, they are quivering, upset, sad, they may not see donald trump in an orange jumpsuit. take a look. >> regardless of what side, what party you're in, regardless of anything, it's just really sad that a former president is getting indicted. >> there is a sadness that we got to this point. >> it's a new low for the american presidency. it's not a celebratory night. it's a serious night, and a somber moment for our country. >> this should be a somber moment, right? i have a lot of friends on the left side who are doing a happy dance and i don't think that's appropriate. >> somebody today said this is a very sad day and i think that's true because you're seeing a former president in the dock. >> sean: okay, they are all lying and safe us the phony tears. you're full of nothing but adam
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bull -- they are officially turning this great country into a banana republic. they are stomping on our constitution, weaponizing justice, criminalizing political differences in the country but here's the good news. for the first time in a while, jump supporters and even haters are coming together. donald trump is uniting the country, at least some of us, against bragg's idiotic destructive political witch-hunt. look at this. romney hates trump but he released this statement. the prosecutor's overreach sets a dangerous precedents politicizing opponents. i am stunned that any prosecutor would move forward with this. it's even flimsier than we were
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led to believe. 34 stacked counts boot strapped to an unstated crime to manufacture felony charges. look at this headline. fake news cnn. when will i ever quote them as a source? anyway, not exactly -- i love this crowd [laughter] >> sean: not exactly a pro trump organization. why the case against trump is so pat threatally weak. here's the website, they aren't a fan of mine. anyway, bragg built one of the most controversial high-profile criminal cases in american history upon the most uncertain of foundations, and that foundation could crumble into dust, and then there is this headline from the new york slimy times. the trump indictment is a legal embarrassment. wow! i know, right? teen "new york times" gets it right every once in a while. meanwhile on tv you've got the media mob, they were visibly
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disappointed. literal joe and company, i thought they were going to cry. take a lot. >> that indictment landed like a dud, right? for this to take the historic step of being the first indictment of a former president, i think it's a bit disappointing how not strong it is. >> maybe one of the greatest weaknesses is how the felony charges will hold up when they are challenged by mr. trump's defense attorneys, whether or not these election law violations will truly result in felony charges. >> if they want to argue no those documents were falsified in furtherance of something that's a federal election law violation, that's shaky legal ground. >> i worry, i mean, look, if this is the only pebble that gets thrown at donald trump, it's a very small pebble. >> in terms of a case that's being brought against a former president, it's a little underwhelming. >> sean: it's not only professional talking heads, listen to these democratic
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voters. >> they were building this. this is building this. there has to be something big and quite frankly, look, i'm not a fan of donald trump but i was expecting more. i mean, this is nothing new. every president, everybody who gets ascended to political power has some sort of skeleton in their closet, right? i frankly wasn't that surprised. >> my whole thing is they found the worst prosecutor in america to prosecute trump. people, their power, disposable income is shrinking, that's a lot of concern for us to be worried about finance laws on the former president. i think we're concentrating on the wrong thing and this may backfire. >> sean: no doubt there are a lot of serious problems with bragg's witch-hunt in this case but the most egregious part of this case involves what bragg omitted from the indictment, as rolling stone was pointing out, "alvin bragg's case against trump is still a mystery. we don't even know what the
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crime is. he mentioned a crime but doesn'tle the us what it is. keep in mind the document infractions, they are boot strapped to an underlying felony. in fact, this entire case hinges on that underlying felony. but bragg doesn't feel the need to tell anybody about the purported crime that serves as the foundation of his entire case, it's not even listed in the indictment as is required by the constitution. look at your sixth amendment. it commands that the state inform defendants about the nipsed charges and the evidence against them. according to "the new york times," "given only partial notice," that might be standard operating procedure in manhattan but that standard procedure suddenly, in the bright lights yesterday, seemed like systemic infringement. believe it or not, the constitution of this country applies to every american, even though there are democrats and leftists that want to shred it. even new yorkers, even his royal
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highness, alvin bragg himself. don't forget, the constitution mandates equal protection under the law. equal application of our laws, no man, no woman, should be above the law. but no one should be below the law either. all americans deserve equal justice and equal application. so when bragg jumps through hoops to connect trump to a far-fetched campaign finance violation or some other underlying, unstated crime, because of a mislabeled nba, let's remember how democrats were treated under similar circumstances. let's look at bill and hillary clinton and barack obama and sheila jackson-lee and others, about serious campaign violations, none of them ever charged with a crime. just like biden was not raided. none of his four locations of top seeded documents. just like hillary clinton got
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away with deleting mails, 33,000 and destroying devices with hammers and removing sim cards and don't forget jim comey said that dossier is verified but earlier in the month before he signed it his own agents went to christopher steele and offered him a million dollars to corroborate it. he couldn't collect his million dollars. how come jim comey gets to celebrate the indictment of donald trump, when in my humble view, he should be indicted. fox legal analyst -- and fox news contributor -- [applause] >> great to see you. >> you know, i've known you for seven or eight years, hanging out with you, this was the first time a moment ago that you let me throw one of your footballs to the crowd. [applause] >> sean: do it again. make it good. >> it was like brady.
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[laughter] there is a serious issue. >> he did not identify "the other crime." i imagine his recourse for that, at some point we'll probably get a bill of particulars or something. doesn't he have to name it at some point? >> he does, you're right. the sixth amendment. it is therefore facially defective. it is deficient on its face and it would be susceptible to a motion to dismiss. did he sleep through constitutional law at harvard? you know, where he went to school. i sort of imagine him late one night, i got to get trump. what crime, what crime? and maybe the janitor popped off and said, well, don't say anything, and that's what he did. and he had the audacity to stand up at a news conference yesterday and he was asked point blank what fraud, what crime? what law did trump violates?
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he said i don't have to say. yes, he does have to say. let me say one other thing. robert h. jackson, a great supreme court justice, a chief prosecutor at nuremberg, he said something very important, the greatest danger to justice is an unscrupulous prosecutor who targets a person and then scattered showers the law books to find an offense he can pin on that person, and that's what alvin bragg has done. >> sean: charlie, let's get your take. >> yes, well, you know, it's maximum absurdity here. you have a situation where, according to alvin bragg donald trump faces 136 years in prison, which, of course, is more than bernie madoff served for his crimes, and but, you know, i have to say, what's kind of interesting about it is, i don't think that this is going to be the only indictment that donald trump faces. i would not be surprised if he
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doesn't face two or three more indictments before the election. what i love about this is, this is such a circus, it's so absurd, it's so ridiculous, alvin bragg is so embarrassed himself, embarrassed the legal profession, that it really is going to, i think, set the tone for anything else, any of these wacko, crazed lunatic left wing politicized democrat d.a.'s, what they want to do to try to destroy trump and quite frankly, i think trump comes out of this thing stronger and then goes into whatever else they throw at him, that much stronger. >> sean: when you look at this, tammy, and then you see some of the presidents fiercest critics, people who are not allies or people who don't like donald trump coming to his defense, that speaks volumes to me. >> it does and it should. even they recognize what this
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means about the country, but they should have seen it, i contend that this sort of willingness started with the fbi and the russian dossier. the moment federal law enforcement got away with moving forward a fake document that they knew really wasn't verified, lied to the fisa court and no one paid any price for that, that's when this legal system became weaponized against donald trump in particular. certainly we know that often it's weaponized against the average american and that's request we need legal reform. this is not a surprise. it is the natural next step considering what we saw at the federal level with donald trump. i also think, though, that the dissenters, if you will, the resistors, who don't like donald trump, especially on the republican side, have a duty to recognize it was their own trump hatred that made this blind to this trajectory, that many of us projected that we saw all those years ago it's not really what
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donald trump, it's what this system has become and what republicans have allowed democrats to get away with for generations, and that's why we have this here right now. to say donald trump is the problem is the most absurd dynamic. that's been the big lie, and i think the american people are seeing it. the anti-trumpers see that this exposes that fraud to everyone, and that's the biggest thing they don't like is that they have been caught. >> sean: well said. [applause] >> sean: bolton, jones, romney, jeb bush, none of these peel even like donald trump. it's very clear. i want to ask you about this. to me, when you run to attack or go after one man, donald trump, one organization, the trump organization, and one family, the trump family, and by the way, the a.j. latisha james did that, and, of course, alvin bragg did that. >> and fanny willis down in
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georgia. >> sean: that prosecutorial misconduct, isn't this selective prosecution? >> right. this is new york, a very liberal bar. this is the kind of stuff that a lawyer gets disbarred for. >> sean: dershowitz, he doesn't think he can win in new york. he thinks he'll be found guilty because the only normal people in new york are in this room. [cheers and applause] >> sean: it's a fact. >> 85% of the people in this district voted against donald trump, and those are the people that will comprise the jury pool. so, on top of that, you've got a bias judge, and so the deck is stacked. the fix is in. and, you know, my objection to this judge in particular, forget about his politics and the way he's always ruled against trump in other trump-related cases,
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this is a judge who presided over the grand jury. he watched what was unfolding. he saw the indictment as it was being drawn up. now, a good objective, fair, conscientious judge would have said, you've got to state a crime. this is defective. i won't even allow you to issue this indictment, but this judge apparently doesn't care and now he is given alvin bragg eight months to try to figure out a crime but there is none. he can't charge him under state law because it was a federal election. he can't charge a federal campaign violation because he's a local prosecutor. he can't charge felonies that are federal. >> sean: we only have about a minute left. let me get the same questions to tammy and charlie hurt. i'll talk to dershowitz about this. i believe, tammy, they will start in new york. there is a civil case in new york that's 27 years old about
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an alleged sexual attack in a department store dressing room. then a council looking into january 6 and the document issue which impacts a lot of people, i believe they are going to try and hit him with so much in terms of legal entanglements that it will be difficult for him to run for president. is that their charge, throw paper towels, wet paper towels against the wall and hope it sticks? >> sure. that's what they have always been willing to do. they were willing to effectively break the law in the beginning with the russian hoax and fisa court. they are capable of doing anything. they are panicked over donald trump and the fact is it's interestingly making him stronger and i think when the democrats see the polls go up, some of these things may be mitigated, but it's overkill and they just never know when to stop. the american people have got to be in charge of this and can't let this continue in this fashion by showing their support for this man.
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sean: you get the last word. go ahead. charlie? >> you know, just don't forget these people are the same people who hired 187,000 irs agents, and they are not all going after donald trump. they are going after you, so they have to be stopped. >> sean: charlie, thank you, tammy thank you, coming up, our very own sarah carter speaking to new yorkers about the witch-hunt and she was accostt in the process. we've got the video seat. she'll sit in greg's seat when we return and later on, roll the tape. al sharpton weighing in on trump's indictment. it's even stupider than you can imagine. you'll want to show your friends, straight ahead. [cheers and applause]
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♪ [applause] >> sean: so right after trump's arraignment our very own sarah carter spoke about alvin bragg's very weak case and here's what she had to say. >> do you think these charges are strong enough? >> definitely not. definitely not. >> is it frustrating to see what's happening? >> it's really frustrating. all one-sided. >> especially as an american, so many people i talk to they are worried that this is like a pandora's box, we've opened up the flood gates. >> yes, and it will go back and forth forever. >> if he's guilty he should be prosecuted for it. >> you think the charges are strong enough to -- >> i think so, yes. >> if it's hush money, didn't bill clinton do the same thing pretty much? >> do you think the 34 counts
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that they are charging him with, falsifying business records, is going to be strong enough? >> i don't know. i haven't seen all of the different counts. if the counts were there, there may be something to go along with it, we'll have to see how it all turns out? >> do you think this is more of a political move on the part of alvin bragg? >> absolutely. bragg is coming up with these charges and just trying to make anything stick and sadly we're all seeing it and it's definitely going to backfire. >> sean: all right. sarah joins us. [cheers and applause] >> i love this audience. i love this audience. >> sean: so let's talk about what happened. you got accosted. you were confronted. by the way, here's a rule in new york. never have a fox news flag or hannity show flag on your microphone, and i walk around with a hat, dark glasses and a
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mask. i look like a liberal. >> yes, you do. people probably think you're a liberal. it's funny, i'm a war correspondent, sean, so when i first started my career it was either on the mexican board covering the drugcartels or going to afghanistan or iraq. being at new york in that moment it was a lot more dangerous carrying around the mic flag but for the most part people were great. for the people part i think new yorkers were willing to talk to me, and open up. what we had to do, when i was going through that first part, when i was accosted, and we have a videos, let's toss to it and see what happens. >> sean: let's roll it. >> get out of here. get out of here. get out of here with this [ bleep ] get out of here with that mic [ bleep ] get out of here [bleeped] >> i feel like it's like such an angry group of people, so angry.
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>> i can't believe y'all came over here. >> sean: let me guess. was that -- >> it was like a constant secondary high as i walked through that crowd. >> sean: for people who live outside new york you walk the street and that's all you smell, weed. it smells like a dead skunk. >> i was surprised. i was surprised at how many people were smoking weed but not only that it was just this anger, you know, this young group, this very radical rised left, and you can see, you know, look, i wasn't angry at them. >> sean: by the way, you showed a lot of courage there, and honestly, i don't want to ever put you in danger. >> thank you. >> sean: seriously and i'm not joke whig say. this you cannot walk the streets of new york with a shirt that says i like sean hannity or donald trump. you can't. >> you know what? i stick up for my friends. i'm not afraid to say what i need to say. this is america. nobody is going to keep me from speaking my mind.
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>> sean: i appreciate that. [applause] >> sean: but -- >> except maybe the guy with the marijuana, except for the guy with the weed, maybe he could -- >> sean: blows it right in your face. >> he blew it right in my face. you only saw part of this. he couldn't run all of it. that particular group, they were yelling epitaphs at me, curse words, in my face, these men were directly in my space, it was a little frightening but i've got to tell you, been through this before, sean, i just -- >> sean: you've been to war zones, down to the mexican border, across the mexican border and the swamp in d.c. >> that's probably the scariest place to be the swamp. >> sean: sarah carter. thank you. >> thank you. earlier today, ladies on that hard hitting news show on nbc
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called "the view," they clashed over what will happen to donald trump following alvin bragg's witch-hunt. let's hear what they had to say. >> this case is not taking down donald trump. >> how do you know that? >> real quick, there was no conspiracy charge. >> there were charges to prove. >> the felony charges, the max sentence is four years but this is a first time offender, it's a nonviolent crime, it's a classy felony, every legal expert i've talked to has said mostly likely fine and probation -- >> i tell you who is wrong is your legal expert. that is wrong. >> i tell you -- >> he's not going to jail over this. >> i'll tell you why you're wrong. prosecutors are not only in the business of prosecuting crimes, we're in the business of sending out a message. >> sean: joining us now, author of the best-selling brand-new book called "get trump," law professor allen dershowitz, you
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know what it's like to be ostracize because of your political beliefs, i think you tonight martha's vineyard year after year, you had intellectual discussions with people of all different political persuasions, and you're now persona non grata, that's true, right? >> i couldn't walk around in new york city with a t-shirt saying i like allen dershowitz. you cannot buy my book today in shakespeare and company, a local bookstore. you can get it on but you can't get it in local bookstores. there is no chance that donald trump can get an acquittal in the city of new york by 12 jurors who voted for bragg when he said, he was going to campaign on the issue of getting trump. >> sean: professor, slow down a second. you're saying, and i believe, by the way, you're right, i do not believe donald trump can get a fair trial in new york city. i think they need a change of
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venue but i think the likelihood of that is very low. but you're basically saying, you think he'll be found guilty in spite of these, what is a noncharge? they didn't even state what the crime is. >> it reminds me of when as i civil rights person in the south, if you spit on the sidewalk, or if you didn't spit on the sidewalk if the sheriff said you spit on the sidewalk and charged you with it, there was no way could you get acquitted by an all white jim crow law. i don't want to make comparisons between jim crow and new york city but in new york city you cannot get 12 jurors who are prepared to have an objective view and want to walk around town and have people say, that's the juror who freed donald trump and allowed him to be president. and the same thing is true with the judge. any decent judge would change the venue immediately but this judge won't do that. any decent judge would throw the case out on statue of
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limitations. this judge won't do it. he doesn't want to ruin his career. he doesn't want to have the reputation of being the judge who freed donald trump. remember judges in new york are elected. there is no way he can get a fair trial. i don't care if jesus, mohammed, abraham, lincoln, and george washington and thurgood marshall defended donald trump in new york he would not win that case. hung jury, possibly, acquittal, never. >> sean: by the way, i read the book in one sitting, couldn't put doesn't. it goes through a lot of charges. here's what i believe is happening here. that the left in this country so hates this one man, and really, they also hate the people that support him, but they hate this one man that represents the people that support him so much that i believe they are preparing what i would call a legal tsunami because you've got the bragg case, then you've got a 27-year-old civil case about an alleged sexual assault in a
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dressing room at a big department store where other people were, the person making the charge doesn't remember the year, it could be this year, it could be that years, not sure, then you go into fullerton county, georgia, not exactly conservative republican friendly territory, i believe they will try to indict him there. i believe, i have no idea what the special counsel will find but i would not be at all surprised if you see a series of indictments and arraignments like we saw yesterday, and thus tie him up in legal knots so that he really can't run a normal presidential campaign. am i wrong? go ahead. >> i think they will try to do that but i don't think he's going to give in to that. he woe me a tweet today, a text today telling me that he's going to win this thing. in my book -- >> sean: but it's not -- it's multiple things, professor. >>, no i go through every one of the charges and i prove there is
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nothing at all to the fulton county case. you can't find votes that haven't been counted. there is no chance in d.c., protest pate write the other particularly and peacefully. the federal judges are more likely to be able to rule in his favor because they have lifetime appointments. we're talking about new york. a state court judge. i don't think a state court judge today has the courage. i don't think state court jurors have the courage. >> sean: but if you're dealing with four serious significant legal issues in the venue of new york city, fulton county, georgia, washington, d.c., i can't think of a worst environment for a conservative. >> i think that's absolutely right, and there is no doubt that the get trump mentality spreads beyond new york city, but he will campaign on the issue of having been treated unfairly and it may pick up his poll numbers.
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look, nobody should think about that. no prosecutor, no judge should think about the political implications. you have to think about are there crimes. there are no crimes here. the only possibility is florida, and there they won't prosecute because they can't prosecute biden and pence and they can't go after them. >> sean: we'll throw your book up on you'll be on my radio show tomorrow. thank you for joining us. [applause] >> sean: al harton has weighed in on the trump arraignment and it's even dumber than you can imagine and i think it might even apply to himself. i'll explain and we'll play the best of al sharpton to remind him of his very interesting past. straight ahead. [cheers and applause] ♪
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what is it about the first warm breeze of the season that makes you feel lighter than air? ♪ no matter where you are... when it crosses your path... you'll feel compelled to take to the road and see where it leads. ♪ the first step begins at the lincoln spring sales event. going on now, for a limited time.
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[applause] ♪ >> sean: former president trump, as he was being indicted in new york city yesterday, the reverend al sharpton called it "spiritual payback." we're going to connect this to god? according to the "washington times" he said it was very ironic that husband arraigned on the 55th anniversary of martin luther king's assassination. he said, try to turn back a lot of what king did. now, this is just the latest in all of sharpton's long history of unhinged comments. by the way, this is what they say about conservatives in every election here. racist, sexist, mass soejimaist,
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homophobic, xenophobic, gender identity phobic, you want dirty air water and you want to kill grandma and grandpa and have a look alike throw him over the cliff. let's take a trip down memory lane now. take a look. >> you ain't nothing. you're a punk -- come and do something. [angry voice] >> trump was in a cave -- [inaudible] we built pyramids -- you -- [ bleep ]. >> sean: what did you say about spiritual, was that all said in the spirit of martin luther king
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jr. with reaction, fox news contributor 2.0. epic times, larry elder. [applause] >> sean: larry, i just happen to know, having known you for decades, that you have a special place in your heart for reverend al. you love reverend al. >> yes, he's in my will. no, [laughter] sean, apart from the fact that the manmade his bones by falsely lying on four white men claiming that they raped two wanna brawley, apart from him being in the thick of the crown heights 1991 riot that the jewish leader called the most serious poe gram in history, apart from something that you covered years ago, sean, he's on a surveillance tape agreeing to an undercover narc to sell crack cocaine. apart from that, he was fined by the fcc $285,000 for all sorts
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of campaign violations. misstating receipts, misstating disbursements, keeping poor records, he's the last person who should be talking about donald trump, and he didn't go to jail for any of that stuff. he paid a fine. by the way, the fine originally was $500,000 but he gentiled it down to $285. >> sean: leo 2.0, i know you happen to be a big fan of reverend al. >> wrong. absolutely wrong. al sharpton does not speak for a single black person in america. al sharpton speaks for his wallet. his a professional shakedown artist. and for him to somehow analogize alvin bragg as some spiritual person for the black community, alvin bragg is a tool for white liberals, going after donald trump. alvin bragg is being manipulated. he's being taken advantage and the white liberals who control the democratic party hate trump
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and that's the reason why sharpton and bragg are tools. sharpton has no credibility. he's a professional shakedown artist. he taught black lives matter how to rip off americans for $91 million. this man has no credibility and if msnbc really were a news organization, they should run the tape that you just displayed. this man has no credibility and does not speak for a single black person. >> sean: i guarantee you, they will run it on "meet the press." last word, is this spiritual payback, jason? >> what a joke. look, you know what scares them about donald trump, is that the four years that donald trump, everything was better for all americans of every color, race, creed, the economy was better, the country was safer, foreign policy was better, border was secure and they were thriving and that's why they go after
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donald trump nonstop because they know he's the biggest threat to this scam that they have going on, by suppressing people and keeping people in poverty. there is a better way, trump showed them the way. that's what scares them. >> sean: quick exit question, yes or no. [applause] >> sean: with all the potential legal problems facing donald trump, will he survive and do you believe he'll be the next president, larry, real quick? >> he'll survive all of these scandals, no question about that. it makes him more likely he'll be the nominee. whether or not this helps or hurts him in the general election we'll have to see. >> sean: leo. >> donald trump is going to win the white house and i'm going with him. [cheers] >> sean: jason, last word. >> yes, i think he'll be president number 45 and president number 47. >> sean: straight ahead, biden's blunders, maybe the best of all
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>> sean: while the world's attention has been focused on trump 24-7, by the way, how weird was when it they were showing like the o.j. simpson bronco chase. that coverage, for a misdemeanor, whatever, statue of limitations passed. biden has been having a very difficult week as per usual. take a look. ♪ ♪
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>> please have a seat if you have one. when i first became president i was at a major event and i said everybody have a seat and the press -- the press said i was so dumb he didn't know the word seats. anyway, i'm glad you have a seat to sit in. we've proven is never a good bet to bet against america. >> what is your reaction to the oil production -- opec? >> the progress we've made in building an economy from the middle out and the bottom up, because when it comes from the top down my dad's kitchen table, not much drop down on the to kitchen table from the top down. >> it important to remember who we are, we're the united states of america.
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[applause] ♪ >> sean: we bring in the calls, bottom line, fox across america host jimmy fallon. the funniest thing is both jen psaki -- said they can't keep up with him. >> you know what's so crazy about the moment, ever democrat tells you the quarter is fine. the president just picks up a quarter off the ground. buy gold immediately. we're in bad shape. >> sean: we're in bad shape. >> you know what else is disturbing, no one saw him drop anything so is it possible that the invisible man he's been shaking hands with dropped something. i don't know. but the only thing i would add to this, i think he was being honest, my dad's kitchen table, nothing ever fell on the table, clearly because it landed on his
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head. this is sad. >> this is a good day for him because he didn't fall. you know what he was picking up? his dignity. [oh! ] . >> laura: he's the president of our country, we're going oh for us. but i am very melancholy and wispful, though, because he's really not delivering anymore. i long for the days, and i actually sat up in my office before i came down for your show, and watched the whole -- it was all in one moment, the whole corn pop leg, hairy legs in the swimming pool, he went
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from calling impocorn pop to es williams, 28 seconds from that to the hairy legs. from biden. >> sean: the cognizant deficient joey that we talk about a lot, but the creepy joe, the one who -- >> if you've got to choose you want the delusional biden. >> sean: on the serious side look at china aligning with russia and aligning with iran and making deals with the saudis and iran and deals with the saudis and syria and moving into africa, latin america, why, because joe biden has abdicated american's role. >> they are preparing to go to war with the west and go into taiwan. >> the problem is biden hears war, he thinks that the band that sang low rider.
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>> you know when people have a weak arm people are more inclined to steal because a catcher has a weak arm. he was down in mississippi consoling storm victims and he got the town name wrong. he called it rolling stone. dude, i know your son did a lot of drugs but that doesn't mean you're keith richards, you know what i'm saying. it's sad to watch. >> he thinks baseball involves touchdowns. [laughter] >> it's hard to watch. >> sean: by the way, president xi is watching, mullahs are watching, putin is watching, and by the way, most americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck. thank you both. more hannity coming up right after this. through the pandemic, can see if it may qualify for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee,
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>> sean: great crowd tonight. thank you for coming. we'll be doing another live audience show right here tomorrow night. monica crowley among our many guests and next week we'll be doing three live shows, monday night, wednesday night, and thursday night. want free tickets go to, in the meantime that's all we have left. let not your heart be troubled, laura, my audience has a message for you, you've got to listen closely, okay? **. >> laura: they have obviously been drinking heavily tonight. >> sean: let's say it in union, ready, set -- [we love you, laura] >> sean: we love you, laura. >> laura: that makes me feel so good. hannity, i think -- thank you very much -- that makes me feel good, sean, i think it would
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