tv Hannity FOX News April 7, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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i'm going to go on your youtube channel tonight. thanks for joining us on this good friday. we're out of time. we'll be going to mar-a-largo next week and interviewing donald trump. his first since being arraigned. have a great easter with the ones you love. we'll see you monday. >> hello. i'm welcome to this special edition of "hannity." i'm tammy bruce in for sean. a rare moment of bipartisan agreement, a majority of both republicans and democrats are ready to send joe biden out to pasture. in fact, according to cnn, only three out of ten americans believe that biden deserves to be re-elected and for good reason. he's one of the worst presidents in american history. a major new report found that
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his green energy policies are endangers our national security and increasing america's reliance on china for critical raw materials. and still biden is forging ahead on a radical proposal to crack down on gas powered cars with insane new environmental regulations. meanwhile, a new report from nbc news found that china did in fact gather sensitive intelligence from the spy balloon that it piloted over nuclear sites and military installations in the continental united states. china was able to control the balloon to make multiple passes over some of the sites at times flying figure eight formations and transmit the information it collected back to beijing in real time. of course it did. keep in mind, biden refused to shoot down the balloon for more than a week when it was not over the continental united states. in the middle east, after two years of placating iran, four
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separate a tax from iranian backed militants killed a u.s. contractor and left many with severe brain injuries. there's no doubt americans at home and abroad are less safe under joe biden. joining us now with reaction, "fox and friends" co-host will cane and former u.s. senator and ambassador scott brown. gentlemen, thanks very much. happy good friday. i know we're leading in to the easter weekend. another reason to be grateful and to stand up for what this country stands up for. will, let's start with you. what i mention is a snippet of the fresh hell that we got delivered from the biden administration in the last couple weeks. tell me what your thought is as we barrel in to 2023. >> you know, tammy, my biggest take-away is one that we are governed by unserious individuals that have a priority list that resembled that of college sophomores. they think priorities are the
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world's temperature, that our national security is dependent on controlling the world's thermostat and letting balloons over our heads. the history of humanity when it comes to national security is a threat from other tribes. the other tribe in this case is one that wants to dominate the world economically and ultimately through seven determination and power. tammy, if it is -- if it does play out to the priorities of these college sophomores that we turn the economy to evs and turn down the fossil fuels, we'll be granting china over the world. the minerals that deck tate that ev behavior are not only in china but in essentially chinese colon anies, in south america and africa. as long as we continue to focus on trans issues or climate change, we will lose when it comes to national security.
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>> we have a week of a lot of distractions. you have the arrest of a former president and riots with tra transactitists. the economy is still in a strange place. that something isn't quite right with what is going on. tell me your sense of things what the media is focused on versus what is happening to the world and to us here at home. >> when you say something is not quite right, it's more than that. we've seen it for almost two years now. the lack of direction, the overreaction or underreaction depending. you can see what is happening with china. joe biden hasner been strong on china. i served 39 years in the military. i retired as a colonel. it doesn't take a brain surgeon to know what was happening and to make sure it doesn't happen.
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we should have shot that before it entered our space. once we knew what it was doing, let's say hypothetically it was an errant weather balloon, once it started doing figure 8s, it's a no brainer. we need to protect our planet. but i don't think the white house should be picking winners and losers. say good-bye to your gas cars, your lawn mowers, anything to do with gas. by the way, an electric vehicle is about $64,000 and gets 234 miles per charge. a gas car is about $26,000 and gets 434. there's in opportunity for the average american who is struggling, making paycheck to paycheck. the things that matter, tammy, you referenced it from the trans and other issues, it's the economy, the border, the fact that banks because of the high rise in rates that they didn't do any stress test to see how that would affect the banks. it's just like reacting to things that are just making our
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country weaker and weaker and weaker. it's very, very disturbing to the average american. >> will, i mentioned every now and then a broken clock is right twice a day. you have to work hard to be wrong all the time. we'll be talking about this afghanistan security assessment. back to what the ambassador was noting about we care about the planet. the irony of this action like, the ev, the batteries, the regulations on vehicles that only benefit china, which is the worst offender when it comes to destroys the planet and the environment. so on one hand, you do it in the name of saving the environment and on the other hand, you're making everything worse. it feels like it's deliberate. you think they're just dumb or is this on purpose? >> i think what they do -- i heard a different word from the ambassador that will help me
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answer that question. he used the word "react." what guides this administration is reaction to the perception of popular sentiment. i don't think that that means it's in reality popular. i think within very small confines on social media or within the academic circles of maybe ivy league schools, they can stick their -- wet their finger, stick it in the wind and see which way its blowing. that's how you let -- to tie a ribbon around us, that's how you let a balloon do figure eights over middle stairry installations and two weeks later spend $2 million shooting down hobby balloons over alaska. you're reacting to what you think is popular. they do have a principle guiding them. a nebulous progress. progress defined by what is trending on twitter. >> that's it. it's about winning a news cycle. ambassador in new zealand, you've been around the world,
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military experience. we see all of these decisions. seems to be winning a news cycle, keeping people distractand effectively misleading the people directly, indirectly, lying, whether it was about denies that inflation was going to be an issue. denying that we're going to have a problem with our oil reserve as now there seems to be -- israel is in trouble with hamas again. a deal with iran and saudi arabia. saudi arabia cuts oil production. biden is sucking his thumb in the white house. this affects all of us just regular americans on a day-to-day basis. our national security on a day-to-day basis. >> listen, i saw it first hand as the ambassador in new zealand. the building and militarizing islands. infringing on the nations around
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that region. they are the biggest polluter. you nailed it. the co2 emissions by far lead the world. the coal production, the way they treat the environment is outrageous. they're going to tell everyone else, oh, we're going to take care of it. don't worry. we're getting hammered because we're not doing enough? are you kidding me? look what is happening in the high tech industry. four apps, chinese owned company apps this past year, the highest producing, the highest grossing, the most activity of any apps whatsoever. china, make no mistake, they have a 30, 60, 90 years play. we have a three to six to nine month plan. they want to dominate us. high tech and industries and you name it they want to do it. we have to stop them. we need a change of administration. >> they're eating our lunch. not because as the american people don't know what's going on but because you can see what one president can do and of course we've got to reverse that. gentlemen, thank very much for
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joining us. i appreciate it. happy easter. what could be the biggest outrage of the week. the biden administration's 12 page assessment of its disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. according to the report, it wasn't all that bad, you guys. joe biden did absolutely nothing wrong. but you know, it was all -- it was somebody's fault. of course, that would be former president donald trump. it was all his fault, they say. but here's how in fact cbs news described it. watch this. >> the afghan government collapsed and the death of 13 americans and left tens of thousands of afghans hoping to escape. girls over 12 can no longer be educated. it's one of the darkest moments of the biden presidency to date. >> it is indeed. here's what the father of a marine killed during the withdrawal had to say. watch this. >> veterans that deserve a hell of a lot more of the truth.
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>> lance corporal schmidt died in the suicide bombing. his father said the 12-page summary is an insult. >> you're the president of the united states. the buck stops with you. it's your responsibility. stop making excuses. >> now joining us now with more, just heart breaking. fox news contributors joey jones and john concha. joey, let's start with you. you've been in the arena and understand the nature of what the battles are and what the sacrifice has been. now that you're here at home, you see this kind of -- almost like a twilight zone. as if they were on a different planet. john kirby, the spokesman said there was no chaos. they're proud of what happened, joey jones. they're proud of it. what do you make of this? >> 12 pages. i spent twice that to put in a report for every iud i took
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apart in afghanistan. i had to put more detail in something that took five minutes and they put in explaining how 13 service members, 170 afghans from one bombing, not to mention the ten civilians that they rushed to look tough. i have people saying that they couldn't believe this report. they couldn't believe in the report that the administration tried to say that they were left with no plans. didn't know what to do. they had to figure it out. the idea that the trump administration left them high and dry, i tell you what, what is trump going to say about obama? who was obama's vp? who was vp in afghanistan when i was getting blown up in july? president obama and his vp can say we're going to pull out and end it 12 years ago? this is insulting in so many ways. i can't get mad at president
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biden because he was too much of a coward to answer the call. he's too much of a coward to answer the record. instead, we have john kirby arguing with peter doocy on how proud he is from his perch because he didn't see any chaos. i talked to a marine a few minutes ago. he started an organization to help those that were there that day because a very traumatic week. john kirby said he didn't see chaos? he's proud of it. i hang my head in shame. i fought that war. ten years ago. this is not why. >> see, that is very moving. thank you, joey. the perspective here, this is what americans wonder about joe concha. this is classic gas lighting. americans hear that phrase a lot. an attempt to psychologically manipulate people to not trust their honey perception or own
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memories. we say thank goodness for television and phone videos because we can see and we remember this, joe, what was going on. the meamedia, they were outrang at the start. you heard margaret brennan's piece from cbs news. fox, we've been bringing the truth of this matter to everyone from the start. joe, what do you think the media -- are they going to continue to look at this or is it dropping off the media's point of view here? >> kudos to cbs, margaret brennan. i hope the other networks follow. i don't have a lot of faith that that would happen in this situation. kudos to you, joey. we've talked many times in green rooms. the fact that you lost your legs in afghanistan.
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the fact that you see this report and you see them try to gas light the american public. it is an insult. completely and totally. this president, this administration, tammy, joey, sits on a throne of lies. joe biden has blamed trump for high inflation. said it was this high when he took office in 2021. inflation was 1.4%. it's now four times higher. biden said maga republicans want to defund the police. they're to blame for sky rocketing crime in blue cities across the country. that's about the best unintentional comedy out there except for joe biden also blames donald trump for the border crisis. it's amazing. now you have biden blaming trump for the botched and deadly afghanistan withdrawal that left 13 u.s. service members dead. what an insult to those families.
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they act like they couldn't negotiate with the taliban. biden undid every trump policy. why not this deal? that's the question. the good news here is nobody, nobody that is at least sane and sober at least is buying this argument. we should have push back not just from fox, cbs and every news organization and all of social media saying don't do this to those service members that died there. you're insulting our intelligence, tammy. >> that becomes really the issue. it's insulting on the face with this particular event that changed america and changed american lives directly. but if they're willing to lie about something that we personally know is a lie that we witnessed, that people experienced, what else do you think it says about them? what else are they lying about that we don't have videotape to show us? are you concerned about what this does to the morale of the
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american people, the morale of our military and even our ability to recruit the military now as our -- all of our branchs are behind in their military goals. >> would you sign your life away to a commander-in-chief after his own report after the death of 13 service members calls it manageable risk? they learned nothing from the 13 people being killed at abby gate. i want to say one thing. every day in my life, my job was to walk down on bombs and home i did enough right that if anybody got killed it was me and nobody else. august 6, 2010, i made enough of a mistake that took my legs but took corporal daniel greer's life who was hoping that i would do my job at the best of my ability. i didn't come back giving you a million excuses. i didn't see. i had sun in my eyes. i take accountability for his
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life. i made a mistake. i don't know what that mistake was but i made it and it took his life. i don't worry about my legs. i worry about daniel's life. all we want from this commander and chief is take accountability and ask for forgiveness from those families and this country for doing an operation so ill planned so ill conceived that we can sit at home and call the next ball and strike. call the men and women that died that we saw happen in front of us and call us something other than a manageable risk, that you're proud. >> they were proud of that. god bless you, joey. god bless your compatriots. joe concha, thanks for being on the front lines here, gentlemen. thank you. happy good friday as we all remain grateful here for this country. thank you. coming up, kamala harris made a trip to tennessee the day after two state representatives were ousted. jonathan hunt has the latest. plus, the biden administration is pushing for biological men to
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play women sports. caitlyn jenner reacts when this special edition of "hannity" continueses. by wyndham to choose from... your wyndham is waiting. get the lowest price at america is systemically racist. only the government can save us defund the police. humans are a parasite on the planet. defund the police.
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>> tammy: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." vice president kamala harris made a special trip to tennessee. jonathan hunt has the latest. jonathan? >> good evening, tammy. it was a very public show of support for the so-called tennessee three. vice president kamala harris flying to nashville for a meeting with democrat state representatives justin jones and justin pearson who were expelled from the tennessee house for breaking decorum rules last week when they joined a gun control protest on the house floor and
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used a bull horn to be heard. their fellow democrat, gloria johnson also faced expulsion but survived by one vote. vice president harris described the reactions of the super majority as an attack on democracy. >> a democracy says you don't silence the people. you do not stifle the people. you don't turn off their microphones when they are speaking about the importance of life and liberty. >> the republican house speaker had previously described the three democrats as insurrections for their actions on the house floor. his republican colleagues argued both before and after the ex-spun shun votes, the democrats went too far in their protests and tammy, forfeited the right to be members of the tennessee house. tammy? >> all right, jonathan hunt. thanks for that. as the debate over biological men participating in women's
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sports heats up -- who knew that sentence would be said to you. the biden white house has taken a stance. releasing a new title 9 rule banning states from blocking transgender women from competing in sports. meanwhile, former university of kentucky swimmer riley gaines was attacked by trans activists last night after delivering a speech on saving women's sports. watch this. >> tammy: yeah, this is outrageous. here with reaction, a fox news contributor, caitlyn jenner. great to have you on board tonight. you know, what this struck me as
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being, caitlyn, was very much like, you know, the blm protests about wanting reform and justice reform and fairness. being hijacked every time by antifa and violent individuals that are very different from the people supposedly being represented burning down cities. so you have this kind of hijacking that occurs because we know the average transgender person, last time i checked, you weren't chasing anybody down a hall and shouting obscenities. that's not what people are standing for. that's what riley gaines is facing and what is happening on many campuses. what is your take tonight? >> i think it's disgusting. it's so bad. it's such bad publicity for the trans community. so many good people out there. i call this the radical rainbow mafia. they are domestic terrorists,
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tammy. and i felt so sorry for riley to be in the middle of this. riley and i have been fighting this fight since the leah thomas days with the ncaa and swimming. we won that battle. he's been out actively trying to promote women in sports. she's done a very good job of it. but the rainbow mafia has just taken over. it was disgusting. i'm glad she's okay. what i like about riley is i just saw an interview with her earlier. and i love athletes. she's tough. she goes, i can take this. this is going to inspire me and she's going to take action. i've had the safe thing in my life. i get death threats all the time. it's scary to see what people are saying to me. but you know, i am a very proud supporter of the second amendment. i'm very well-armed.
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it's scary out there right now. we have these activists that are out there that are really domestic terrorists. and that has to stop. >> tammy: i would say when we think of activists, i come from an activist background. there's a lot you can accomplish with activism and organized efforts. absolutely. that's my background. it's an important part of american history. it's not activism. any more than riots and burning down cities is a protest. when you have joe biden saying that he's going to tweak the title 9 ruling to make statements not be able to keep effectively biological males out of women sports, how do you think that is going to affect this -- it's not even a debate. this is harassment. as you have noted, you're calling it terrorism but it's not normal protesting.
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>> well, joe biden. tammy, has joe biden ever been on the right side of any issue in the last 45 years? he's been in government. never. this is joe biden. remember? he was with the jim crow era. robert byrd was a good friend of his. he was anti-gay marriage. remember that joe biden? title ix, something i know a lot about. i remember in the 80s when title ix, when they were trying to gets it there. a good friend of mine, donna dev devereux. she was working so hard on it. what was title ix about? fairness. fairness in sports. it was a scholarship program basically. saying that if the men's soccer team gets ten scholarships, that
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right now the women's soccer team is getting one, they also need to get ten scholarships. it went through. so many women got great educations out of it. lifted our sports programs throughout the world. now you have joe biden coming in here and trying to change everything? it is absolutely wrong. joe biden is trying to erase women, trying to erase women in sports. if he gets through what he's trying to get through, it will be the end of women's sports. that's a shame. women's sports has come so far in this country. joe biden is trying to kill it. we're trying to do everything to make women sports better and fair. this is about fairness. i'm about fairness, not equality. you know? not equity.
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i will continue the fight. i know riley will continue the fight. we have to keep doing what we do. >> tammy: and your experience, you know, as an athlete, you're historical experience of understanding the discipline that that takes to compete. your understanding now in later in life with the discipline to be honest with yourself and true to yourself and fairness to yourself and to others around you. that is what frankly the feminist movement was about. that's what america has been about. yet we have -- there's been a silence with -- the feminist movement is dead in this country. this really is americans being on the same side. that's in our dna. what you described. is the issue of fairness. biden seems to be pandering to the loudest, most threatening, most frightening end of politics when that is not what the
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majority of americans want. do you think the fairness argument is the one that will win this for americans in general? >> i think there's no fairness in this country whatsoever right now. remember joe biden? he was going to be the great uniter. during his inaugural speech. i'm going to bring this country together. joe biden has been the biggest divider than any other president in our history. it's a shame to see. honestly, tammy, you know, i love this country. i mean, i was the first one to put up an american flag at the finish line at the games. my father, a world war ii veteran. i love this country. everybody around my father died for our freedoms and everything. right now joe biden and this administration is just destroying our country. for the first time i can say that, you know what? you know, i'm not proud. i remember my first u.s.a. sweats i got. i'm not proud of that anymore.
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i'm disgusted by what is happening in our country. we have to fix it. it's never too late. we have a thing called the contusion that we have to get back to constitutional values and get our country back on track. it's not going to happen with joe biden. >> tammy: i'm not. we know how to do it. americans know where this is off. americans are not going to be gas light over this issue. the trans community itself, we know this is not representative of the average transgender person. there must be a coming together. to condemn this kind of behavior and violence. because it helps no one. caitlyn jenner. thanks so much. bomb shell fec records show money going to the man that was over the anti-trump witch hunt. we'll have the details with alan dershowitz and gregg jarrett as this special edition of
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>> tammy: welcome back, everyone, to this special edition to "hannity." tonight the political persecution of donald trump in new york is in full swing. sadly there's little chance that he will receive a fair trial in manhattan. the presiding judge over this case is a democratic donor. in 2020, he donated $15 to joe biden. he donated another $10 to a voter turnout group for democrats and another $10 to a political action committee named stop republicans. what are we to make of this?
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joining us now, the author of trial of the century, gregg jarrett and the author of "get trump", alan dershowitz. both of you have been joining sean almost every night because people love getting information from you. greg, let me ask you, these are small like strange amounted. he should try to explain it. i can't quite explain it. what is your take on that? >> well, monetarily, they're so insignificant that i don't think there's a basis for disqualification or recusal. what is a basis for recusal is the anti-trump bias that he's exhibited in other trump related cases over which he's presided, which is precisely why he was hand picked to preside over the grand jury proceedings and shoe
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horned into presiding over the forthcoming case. my main objection to this judge is that when he was overseeing the grand jury, was he conducting it in a fair way? we already know that exculpatory evidence was excluded by alvin bragg. jurors didn't hear evidence that would have helped donald trump. that was concealed from them. inadmissible evidence at trial was nevertheless presented to the grand jury. unauthenticated documents were also presented. most of all, this judge knew the indictment that was being handed up. he had read it in advance. he must have seen that it was facially defective as a matter of law. it fails to state an underlying crime. which is adieu process violation and a violation of the sixth amendment that a defendant must know what laws he's allegedly broken, what crimes he's supposedly committed.
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this document is bereft of it. a good judge would have said this is wrong, i'm not going to allow it. >> tammy: professor, it's interesting. americans are learning a lot about the law, finding out what would have needed to be in that indictment. and then because look, we can be honest here. you can be a democrat and you can be a good judge. you can be a democrat and a lawyer. good president, whatever. so what we're seeing here is really, we have to look at regardless of party affiliation, if in their actions they're doing the right thing and this, of course, would seem to indicate that he wasn't. professor, you think this is going to be a part of what the defense will argue why this should be thrown out and do you think it will even get to trial at this point? >> well, you're right. you can be a democrat and still demand justice with donald trump. i'm a democrat. i'm a democrat who voted for every democrat candidate since
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john kennedy. in my book, "get trump", i indicate over and over again, that i do not on the cover itself, i do not support donald trump for president. i support his constitutional rights. this case cries out for a different judge. this judge should look himself in the mirror and say i am not the right judge to preside over one of the most important cases in american history. there is too much appearance of injustice. first of all, judges are not supposed to give a nickel to a candidate of any kind. second, what we don't know is did he contribute or did he support, did he vote for da bragg? the man who ran for office on the promise essentially to get trump. i didn't -- that is his campaign promise. he knows that. so he ought to recuse himself. he also presided over two previous cases involving the
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trump company and trump executives. so he knows things that are not appropriate to be considered in this case. when you consider the totality of evidence, he ought to announce that in the interest of justice that he's going to turn the case back to the wheel so that random selection there occur and no one can claim that this was a case in which the judge was hand picked by the prosecution that would be the best approach. >> tammy: you know, greg, when we look as an example the biden family issues, legally and how the justice system does or does not handle the establishment people, people get away with things. what any wheel, any judge in new york be able to provide a fair trial, any jury for someone like this? what does that say about the justice system? that no part of the system we can trust at this point. >> the elected judges are hyper
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partisan in new york and in particular. but this is a classic case of selective prosecution. i think prosecutorial misconduct as the professor points out, this was a d.a. that vowed inappropriately and unethically to get trump, to prosecute him, to convict him and yet he had no access to information at the time he made those vows. just vote for me and i'll make sure i put trump in jail. the political motivations are revealed in this book by his assistant that openly amides we went after trump because we didn't like him, his views. he had to be stopped. he's a threat to the nation politically president that's exactly what duty-bound prosecutors are not supposed to do, to target an individual and conjure up a crime to pin on
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that person. this is serious prosecutorial conduct. >> there ought to be a new rule absolutely prohibiting any prosecutor from running for office on the promise of getting someone. that ought to be ethical prohibition. this case can teach us something. i agree with you. he can't get a fair trial in front of my judge in manhattan. this case has to be transferred to a different location where judges will not be afraid to walk the streets and have people point the finger and say that's the judge that freed that evil man donald trump. that's what people face. i face that. i'm sure judges and jurors will face the same. this case must be moved. >> tammy: thank you, gentlemen. this is a public case and yet americans throughout this country very different economic situations have been arguing now for generations. that hour justice system in fact does pick and choose and does find a crime to fit the man. this is a good education for
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everyone who believes that that would be impossible. now we're seeing it. gentlemen, great books for both of you. check their names on amazon. you'll get their list of their books. that's a good place to start there. now thank you. straight ahead, is gavin newsome looking to push joe biden out in 2024? who isn't. his latest travel plans are creating speculation. we'll explain as the special edition of hannity continues. hi, i'm susan, i've lost 84 pounds on golo and i've kept it off for a year. i had spent so much money on other products that when i saw the commercial for golo, the price was so much cheaper and i thought, "boy, this might not work but why not try it?" it is amazing and it works really well.
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benefits. payroll. compliance. trinet. people matter. >> tammy: breaking this week, robert f. kennedy jr. has filed to run for president as a democrat. meanwhile, another democrat, california governor gavin newsome is practically measuring the drapes in the oval office. that is of course after he finished with the hair gel. recently he embarked on a
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countrywide tour including a trip to florida where he criticized governor desantis while his home state of california continues on a downward spiral. late tuesday night, the millionaire founder of cash app was stabbed to death in san francisco. his tragic death is shining a bright light on the deteriorating conditions in newsome's state. here with reaction, leo terrell and host of the just listen to yourself podcast, kyra davis. two of my favorites. let's start with you, kyra. what is so heart breaking about this latest news about san francisco, a beautiful city. california is my home state, a beautiful state. remarkable place to live being destroyed. this yong man in his 40s had already moved to miami having complained about the deterioration of san francisco. goes back for a couple days for business and gets murdered.
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what do you say to people? this doesn't seen to be a one off. what do you say to people who ask you what is going on in california? >> it's not a one off. this is the respect of decades and decades of democrat policy and they've been led around by the nose by the black lives matter movement and the defund the police movement. now all of those chickens are coming home the roost. it's insulting that gavin newsome has been yelling at other states who are doing just fine about their business. there's not a single person that would look at california and say yes, i choose that crime, i choose that homelessness, i choose the debt, the $6 gas, i choose paper straws. not a single person saying that's what i want. gavin newsome is out there running every win else down instead of coming home and leading our state. not that we miss him, tammy. >> tammy: i was going to say, it's like the legislature isn't
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any better. leo, i still see the commercials about it's california. come to hollywood. look at the palm trees. the weather usually great. i miss california. but it's shameful and heart breaking. both of you are in california. when it comes to newsome, someone that can make an impact, what is wrong with someone like that? why does he not reverse things to make things better? >> he has no intention. he's check out mentally. >> laura: you ask the question about the presidency. that's all he's obsessed with. he has destroyed california, tammy faster than joe biden has destroyed america. for him to compare california to florida? kyra has mentioned those items, this state is horrific. i'll tell you right now, in order to avoid another kamala harris, the national media needs to vet this guy. this guy is a dis-sasse ir. he's an outright disaster. the national media needs to go
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after him and show the record of california. it is horrific. it's embarrassing. we have lost other point, tammy. we had a $100 billion surplus. we have a $26 billion deficit. why? because gavin newsome doesn't care about call cam. he cares about his hair and ambition to be in the white house. >> there's this sense that americans don't matter or there's a kind of contempt that this is like some board game. that they get to fail upwards. he is attached to what is known as this sacramento washington d.c. pipeline with nancy pelosi. is that still operatioperating. >> it's still operating. i'm not sure without nancy, without nancy sitting in the speaker position, i'm not sure how that affects his welcome in
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the democrat party. he's going outside the lines right now. he's campaigning and biden still buy all accounts has every intention to run. so what he's doing is a bit gauche to say the least. look at the guy. he is gauche. >> tammy: you're speaking the french, kira. >> you said contempt. that's the attitude that gavin newsome has to the average american. >> tammy: i'm going to make a proposal. the two of you should team up and shadow him for interviews. be his shadow. thanks, guys. leo, kira, great stuff. more on "hannity." we have ideas after the break. my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp.
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that's all the time we have left. you can check out my show "get tammy bruce" on fox nation. sean will be back monday with a live audience show. tickets are free. just go to thanks for tuning in. have a great week and happy easter and have a happy passover. thank you, everyone. >> i'm raymond arroyo in for laura ingraham. this is a special edition of "the ingraham angle" from new york city. we have a big slow tonight along with a special guest. model and influencer, black chyna is here on her shocking new transformation. but first, there's a pattern that i see in the news on this good friday. it's related to faith and its absence. this is the day when christians celebrate the sacrifice of
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