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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 7, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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affecting right here at the edison lab the edison alkaline battery. >> check out the few new special , and get the book commensurate with your family. it will inspire you, i promise we are wishing you a blessed passover and easter. gutfeld is next, happy easter. ♪ [cheers and applause] gig icu are glad to see me. let's welcomes a nice guest. his crowd are like jesus to in empty, empty. michael upton.
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[cheers and applause] >> she has little at the glow o radiologist, fox news contributor dr. nicole saphier. he's gathered more facts and china spy balloon. charlie herz. >> she has got the bark of a rottweiler, but the fight of a pug, fox news contributor kat timpf. before we get to you new stories , it's friday, so let's do this. >> it is leftovers, just like when greg does it, it's my firs time reading this. let's go.
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late-night game reportedly ende in and summarize sword fight injuring two people. on the right side, experts say it's a first time anyone had ever finished a game of monopoly . a new study of single people found 44 percent doubt they wil ever find that one, the reason? many stop looking for the one and found the five. new research blaming pandemic weight gains for pushing 10,000 army soldiers into obesity. the air force as their study of overweight pilots can't get off the ground. this city of los angeles starte passing classical music is one of its subway starts to.
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if that doesn't work, they will try this. >> what do you want to know? >> disney will be revising lyrics and the upcoming little mermaid reboot to current sensibilities the movie will be lays labeled. >> a new report claims that numerous companies recruiting seniors and hopes that they wil work harder than young people. they walked back there playing saying i know it's working for other restaurants, but it's killing our profit educators. [cheers and applause] >> they work hard. >> a new survey finds that one and four allergy sufferers say that people accuse them of faking it. i don't see what the benefit of
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that would be although i did once fate to get out of donatin blood. >> the late late show with jame gordon only has about three weeks left before ending its ru at the end of april but don't worry, if you watch the show, i will feel much longer. >> finally, and do 202024 presidential poll has donald trump leading president biden 27 -40 parts at the first lady, i'm just glad that joe isn't alive to see this. >> it now two some news, ron isn't screwing around, he is standing his ground. ron desantis takes his on the road.
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facebook to writ means heat every make move for the white house are hatching his own plan to kidnap gretchen witmer. ron desantis teaches horn. when biting desert, he swings i back. among his successes, stripping disney world of its self-governing status and smothering will gives him dead in its trap spread. >> at the end of the day it may have been the case that disney ran the state of florida for about 60 years prior to me bein governor, but they don't run as long as the sheriff is in town. he's not done yet my puts distance on notice, they tried to pull a fast one on the way out the door. they pulte tried to pull a fast one on the way out the door, they've been cut on that so all they can say is that story is not over yet. there is going to be more comin down the pipe.
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>> the new sheriff in town is the story not over yet. the same thing, disney will say after toy story 11. charlie, what do you think? can you tell me what is going o here? what did disney do. i tried to read this legalese, but basically he tried to put a new board after the disney rulings on and they pulled a fast one. >> it is apprehensible, it goes back to king charles, it is ver confusing and i would recommend but also this, basic politics, disney is it doing ron de santis long favor here. disney to browbeat almost sexualizing children and keep teaching this creepy stuff to young children.
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it's very popular among republicans. and also among independents. whatever disney is up to, they are helping. >> they are keeping the fight alive. the man delorean kinda stinks down pretty. >> i have several of them watching, i have two issues whe it comes to this whole disney, and it has the largest corporation with coming out and taking these political stances as if everybody works there agrees with what they're saying great and as though anyone's wh wants to go busy visit disney feels the same way. their concern is to work at disney they felt bullied, discriminated and they have to work insufficient thyroid for the job right they are they operate on the other side, disney came in six decades ago given this deal to be sovereign nation within florida, because no one wanted to be in orlando and i can do that 60 years late in the most popular state of
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florida and just think, i'm the mayor here, and i'm going to continue to govern. ron desantis is going to continue to win this fight. more people are moving to florida. >> that his rights, there is more than just his knees down there, lots of other theme park and everything, so disney bette whites upright they're not always going to be untucked fro there, even if it makes sense, but when points come movie and the 60s or '50s, i don't know when they started disney come, but maybe it made sense a the beginning. florida, there is a lot going o down there. why would we leave they governing up to disney? >> i have a perspective from this, but that's going to be unpopular with everyone. >> yeah,. >> i actually hate disney so much from, disneyland, just as i got in trouble for saying how much i hate it.
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i am also not at tax attorney. i believe taking somebody's money without extent. when it comes to this, i think there is it came to started because disney said something about some of ron desantis with legislation. i am concerned that the government retaliating in some way against this of somebody. but, on the larger picture, thi is where i feel like i am crazy if i'm alone on this. i don't get is wrapped up is that is people on the left in the right seem to do. think that they scream at each other. i don't like to sexualize children. iso- also don't enjoy the rupau drag race. it's a great show, but meanwhil i'm like hey, guys, is the dollar coin to come back? you know, world war iiiis likel
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to happen? are we going to lose all this even more up our lights rights and freedoms being discussed right that's where i'm at. >> i think they like that. kat make some good points. to get that's it, kat just want to focus on the bigger issues. >> to eat me, something has gon out, but relevant disney is coming after the kids. something has gone fundamentall wrong, they're changing the words to the song of the litter mermaid. you have the spinning gender fluid teacups. whichever way your kids demos into it, oh, she's a boy.
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and if ron desantis once to go after disney to do is get the department of justice and the fbi involved by saying trump loves disney. >> trump is their every weekend. the p like guys jumping up that. arresting old ladies in the middle of the night. it is everything. charlie, you wanted to get in there? >> i think actually, that it reflects that most people feel. but, because of our are so screwed up right now, you have democrats that our embracing th kizzie crazy agenda, pieces of agenda, and that long ago, florida was considered a swing state. when you have democrats embracing policies that increas
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crime, like defund the police, when you have democrats increasing embracing illegal immigration. you have all of these issues that our 90-10 issues among mos people, but once they get squeezed down into our politica discussion, they become 50-50 issues. they're not 50-50 issues arise should they be. that's way ron desantis has done such good. >> exactly, before we go. i'm going with him. the book is the king of late-night, check out this preview. >> all right,. ♪ >> greg gutfeld. >> great.
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[cheers and applause] >> cities in florida, pennsylvania, go to g gutfeld for tickets before it's too lat pert up next, the green ceo suggest your property must be owed. with a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel.
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i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work.
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♪ >> should climate be enough to demand you let the government steal your man?
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hint they use it as your excuse to commandeer. jimmy darman suggesting the government and corporations seize private property in order to use the land for climate initiatives like solar power. in a letter to shareholders printed on paper made for poor people, he he says we simply ar not getting adequate investment fast enough he started yelling at the bouncer for not lurking in underage friends. darman suggested using eminent domain as when the government takes her home or property for its own purposes justifying it by paying you what it thinks it's worse but in this case, it may be they will give you a fre toaster. end of a bank joke, isn't it? how dear you. they say don't worry, if you just let them do this, the weather will be for perfect,
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making it very comfortable to b a hobo. this is it, the claimant folks now want to just do away, it is crazy how these guys never talk about china, they never talk about india, like in china, now there is called power plant for every person in china. and they always want to take our , let's get these poor people houses, they never want to take the algor beach house, that obama cheek they keep buying beachfront property and saying it's going too global warning i going to wipe all this out. why'd you live there? >> that is a great point. >> i will take algor's house.
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when that water comes up to the dirt step, i am going to get my house to jamie darman. >> kat, i don't doubt that they want to do this. they want they are coming for everything. they think it is what they did with covid, they just force the issue. >> exactly. i think that private property rights were just estimated during covid. nothing would surprise me at this point, why not the claimant ? because of a virus we were told this building that you own, you can't actually not evict this person and may be the person that could have paid because yo also told them that their restaurant was illegal and they couldn't come in places like ne york, i don't know how any business survived, and there is a lot of that happened. a lot of things that made, new york, so special, these little restaurants, it's mostly chains that can afford that.
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they were able to just do that, so does anybody own property? i mean even without the whole idea as you have to pray property taxes you never own your property come a lot blah blah, i don't think anything could chuck me in terms of what they might do. >> i think, this is the problem we've got to get rid of these ceos, i mean, i don't want to put words in your mouth, do you agree with me on this? >> a five was the ceo of a company for the u.s. virgin islands for partaking in the trafficking of minors, i might say something about that too. may be try to take some of that heat off of it, but exactly wha michael was a new can't talk about climate change, if you want to take property, but star with j.p. morgan, they have multiple debts and multiple properties ready can't have a conversation about climate change or any of the
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environmental stuff if you don' talk about china and india, the are the largest producers by a lot, nothing we do in the nine states will have any sort of effect unless you decrease whic the biden administration doesn' want to do that. >> i think, that is such a grea point. that is what jamie darman, he's probably got tons of money in all of the in the growth of china and india. he also, has tons of money and all of these green initiatives. the thing is he put his money behind the stuff so this is jus him touting one of his investments was is the green ne economy. >> the first question you have to ask himself is why is he lecturing people about the environment? gave the answer is because he's got a massive investment in thi whole scam, this whole green ne deal scam which as you point out , subsidizes coal factories, coal earning factories in china and all over the world so that they can make plastic older
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panels and cut down forests in america in take over farmland and dilute everything here, it is a lack of religion, but ther are people making a ton of mone off of it starting with jamie darman and they are making them anyway china. >> i think it's unstoppable. the covid thing you were talkin about, kat, 150 put this thing in place, with a green new economy, it's kind of like everyone is there. if you're at a wedding and somebody is about to be killed at the altar and they're like no , the guests are all here, we've got to be go through with it. with a green economy they're al set up for it if we're telling them know in their signal we have to do it, it's all queued up a red. >> there is already the model, especially, i want to sleep through the entire time we have blocked on, number one, that wa really long. and then there was lockdown number two.
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i had three wedding dates, because being in a room with in your own home with more than 20 people was illegal. >> i sure did. >> did they let you dance on th dance floor? or did they separate you? get legally, i was supposed to be wearing a mask, but my wedding with a mask on, i mean the fact that they were actuall telling us what you can do in your own home, like ten people are less, that they have the gall to even say that, let alon actually mean it, i am skeptica of the government is probably anybody. and even that, even i was shocked. and i'm still shocked right everybody should be. >> you would be surprised. anywhere there is cabin and the woods. they are watching gutfeld. [cheers and applause]
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mean a beautiful tub, and a great value. bath fitter. it just fits. visit to book your free consultation. [applause] he's winning jeopardy cash with what a problematic 'stache'. a jeopardy champion set the internet ablaze this week. ha-ha. ha-ha. for sharing a striking resemblance to a certain german dictator. [laughter] no, not angala, the other one! [laughter] talk about a daily double-take! once you notice it, there's no way to unsee it!
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the man with the unfortunate deutschland doppelganger is a regular guy from tennessee. according to twitter, he looks like hitler. unfortunately, brian says all the negative reactions forced him to quit social media temporarily tweeting i'm seeing what a bunch of jerks on twitter are doing because all they can focus on is my looks. so i'm going to be leaving twitter for a while. see you soon. yeah. he's probably holed up in a bunker as we speak. [laughter] who could blame him? being judged harshly for your looks is tough for anyone. you either work to improve yourself or just accept it like michael. [laughter] brian did return to twitter to announce he's growing a goatee.
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he's also scaled back his plans to invade kentucky. that's it. dr. nicole. it's amazing because when i first saw the picture, oh, we're being unfair to him. when i put the picture up there, i didn't even say "hitler" and did you see how they reacted? >> is he wearing an orange tie over a red shirt? i take more issue with that piece of this. >> wait a minute, so you're saying -- >> i happen to -- >> you're saying orange tie is worse than hitler? >> i mean, ha-ha. i just can't get past that i see the 'stache' but maybe he's just like a more more seville ron jeremy. i can't get past the tie.
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>> i don't know why he looks like hitler. it's a full mustache because maybe the sides fade away or something. >> but talk about unseeing something. you can't unsee it. you mentioned the shirt and tie combo. i don't see hitler anymore. >> that's it. >> look, the bottom line is, look, this is a guy that's too good for this world but if you didn't realize that this is what twitter is, then, um -- and in defense of bullying, this is why bullying is very important in your daily life. as a kid, if you don't have friends who told you you look like hitler, it's because you weren't bullied enough by your friends. it's important. >> they're probably afraid. it's like who is going to tell him? i don't want to be first one. >> oh, he looks like hitler. i'm not going to tell him. you tell him. >> the last guy that told him disappeared! >> yeah, well, look, obviously he's trying to change this, but
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i think this is going to affect his jeopardy game, don't you think, if he's concentrating -- do you agree with charley th that -- >> absolutely. >> -- but he had to quit twitter. it was affecting him. >> he didn't quit twitter. >> he's already back on. >> i'm quitting twitter tweet. [laughter] whenever they do that, they're not going anywhere. >> it's like a celebrity saying i'm moving to canada. >> i'm too unhappy. i'm quitting twitter. waiting for the likes. waiting for the likes. >> i see. >> i agree with charley on the bullying thing. we need to make bullying great again. [laughter] [applause] >> look, he obviously, kat,ed a problematic look, obviously. it's not just the mustache but it's that little swoop of hair that likes. he needs to change that, so maybe -- maybe this was the wake-up call that he needed. >> yeah, but i don't -- i don't think that represents the general population.
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i think most of us are more self-aware than that. twitter a horrible place for me, and i look nothing like hitler. [laughter] not to brag, but it's like i want to go on there and it's like people are, like, your arms are so skinny. you're annoying. your forehead is big. i'm like duh. it's not that i'm oversensitive. hello, you've seen this show. i can take it. i'm fine, but i just -- it's just so wild, because i've watched tv longer than i've been on it, and not once have i felt the need to be like -- i saw people like, i don't like that person. i'm like, well, better let 'em know. gotta tellem. who are these people? who are they? like -- [applause] no, you talk about them behind their back like a normal civilized person! it blows my mind. well, if you don't like it, you
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shouldn't be on tv. it's like, if i don't like being verbally abused by strangers i've never met, i should quit my job so i can be like you with nothing better than to do? who are you? [applause] i would also like to add hot girls have big foreheads. [applause] >> nice. i guarantee someone right now is working on a meme of you as hitler with a big forehead. it's coming! it's coming! >> you got to not read the comments. i think that's the secret. i just gotta -- you can't look at this stuff. you just got go, just plow through it. >> do my best not to. >> before we go, i'll be in the funny bone in st. louis, missouri, april 14th and 15th. that's coming up, so come get your tickets. if you're there, i would love to see you. for more information, go to... up next l you lose your sense of
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guy. >> hey it's been working out great for this guy. these whiners are ignoring all the things adults get to do that kids don't, stay up late, watch afull-rated movies and stay at epstein's island. that's what i was looking for. is it people are becoming less like kids or the facts we're more tolerant of the fact that people stay children a lot longer? >> that's definitely true. as children -- i don't know what fun means here, just about responsibility, there's responsibility with everything, it comes with everything that's fun in this world but the idea that it's at age 27 is kind of weird to me because a lot of people today don't start having kids at 20 to 27. i didn't know what fun was until
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i started having kids because as a father, you get to revert back to their age when me and my sons go away for a fishing weekend or something like that, they don't act like a 50-year-old. i get to act like a 13-year-old. and we don't bathe. we don't brush our teeth. we become -- we become little savages and that's what's -- it's really, really fun. i didn't get to do that before i was -- i didn't appreciate it before i was 27 or before i had kids. >> yeah. yeah. it's true. k at; i can't picture you as a -- kat, i can't picture you as a kid. did you have that -- were you just a little jaded child? >> i'm going to blow your mind. i had a first communion. >> >> kat, i do believe that. >> was i? yeah, i kind of was always. i'm like, why do we live here? there's not enough opportunities here. my mom was like, you're three years old. [laughter] i wanted to actually save my first communion money for college and they were like, ok,
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well, you know, that's not going to help very much. but i -- yeah, i mean -- i had a happy although jaded childhood but i always wanted to, you know, go out and live in new york and i did that. i wanted to be on cab tv. i thought real tv was too ambitious of a goal. the little cab tv's. in the fourth grade, i didn't want to aim too high. there's so many different kinds of fun like you're saying. there's the wholesome fun and then there was fun that was fun at the time but then later keeps you up at night for years. [laughter] but this was a british study which surprised me because i thought it would make sense in america because that's the age that you are off your parents' health insurance. >> yes. >> so the fun's over. you better get all of your broken legs and gonorrhea out of the way. [laughter]
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[applause] >> very true. broken legs and gonorrhea. that's the title of your next book. >> yeah. >> i -- maybe yours. [laughter] >> that's the threat. she knows mafia people. but michael -- >> give you broken legs and gonorrhea. the -- i mean -- this -- this -- first of all, do you believe this study. >> absolutely i do agree. >> people need to be more child-like. >> i don't think it's more child-like. people are bummed up that they have to work. i thought it'd be more real. i thought there'd be more birthday cakes and santa claus. no, you have to work. make your own fun. make time for that right? it's all about finding that balance. if you're like, i work and i can't pay the bills, turn that into a game, right? [laughter] like, who is calling now? don't look at the phone. is that visa or american express? [laughter] now we have to guess how much to we owe them without going over. [laughter]
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and then your buddy who looks like hitler wins. [laughter] >> he needs to get in touch with his kid side, i think. >> he really does, but your advice is funny but it's actually great advice to actually take the things that stress people out about adulthood and you don't have to take them as seriously. kids wouldn't do that, would they? if you have to pay your mortgage, you make a game out of it, right, doctor? >> tom, some would say seeing as i had a child when i was 18 that my sense of fun went in the trash with that pregnancy test and i haven't actually reclaimed it to date. >> who would say that? i would never say that, doctor. >> but, you know what? i think i could really grasp this increasing my child-like positivity, like the study is saying that i'm to do if maybe, just maybe they would stop taking so much of my hard-earned money through my taxes and stop telling me the world is going to end tomorrow. just maybe if they stop that, i
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might be a little bit more positive. [cheers and applause] >> ah! >> i -- i -- i agree. i was such an anxious child. >> [laughter] >> i would wake my parents up in the middle of the night, i read i was supposed to have eight glasses of water. i only had four. will i have long-term health problems? they're like, where did she come from? i'm like you! >> they weren't the ones worry about it? usually it's the parents bothering the kids to take their vitamins. you were stressed out about all of this stuff? >> i was like, am i going to be ok? >> did you read the part of the study -- whoever did the study, they set up a child bed in the middle of the subway station somewhere in london so adults could jump on the bed. you want to know where you get your gonorrhea and broken legs. [laughter] >> i used to love to read, like, medical text books and i spent so many times i convinced myself i had scarlet fever. every time i didn't feel good, i
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was like, mom, this is really dangerous. i think i have scarlet fever. i was completely normal and well adjusted. >> loved this. you used to read medical text books. oh yeah! oh yeah! >> up in the attic with the flashlight. >> absolutely! so that's what you call that? and then hopefully there's -- nevermind. up next, you might get chills when you hear this actor's spanish skills. [applause] [cheers and applause]
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mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you.
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[ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie! ♪ the all-new chevy colorado is made for more. bring more. ♪ do more. ♪ see more. ♪ and be more. ♪ the all-new chevy colorado. made for more. ♪
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our customers don't do what they do for likes or followers. their path isn't for the casually curious. and that's what makes it matter the most
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when they find it. the exact thing that can change the world. some say it's what they were born to do... it's what they live to do... trinet serves small and medium sized businesses... so they can do more of what matters. benefits. payroll. compliance. trinet. people matter. >> a story in five words! [applause] >> ben affleck halba espanol perfecto. >> [speaking in spanish]
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[chuckles] um... michael? [chuckling] do spanish people only talk about michael jordan? >> that clip was deeply disturbing. right? it's like we get it. you speak spanish but then he's got to throw in michael jordan as if we thought our brains were broken. like am i hearing everything in spanish. "michael jordan." >> but people, i mean, the internet freaked out over this. >> i'm freaking out right now. >> yeah. >> i just guesstimate damon got math and that dude got spanish there. does jlo know? >> he's the good will hunting of languages. >> how are them apples, michael jordan? [laughter] > >> i think he had to learn this once he got back together with jennifer lopez. she's on the phone with marc anthony talking their secret
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language. >> that's good. [applause] >> i know what you're saying! i know what you're saying! michael jordan! [laughter] >> that would be a motivating factor, right, charley? >> i'm not an it. i took four years of -- i'm not an expert on it. i took four years of spanish and i don't know what he said. everyone says he was speaking spanish and doing it brilliantly. if you look at the subtitles in the video, the subtitles are in spanish. maybe the problem was the spanish part of it. it should have been in english, right? >> although people did weigh in. native spanish speakers weighed in saying his spanish was so good. >> why are the subtitles in english? >> i don't know. >> i think it's all a scam. i think he was speaking greek or something! it was a made-up language. >> it is -- i don't -- i'm kind of mono-lingual. i took latin. that was it. that was the only language. do you -- i bet you're
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multilingual, doctor? >> i dual majored in spanish and micro biology because i was a lot of fun in college. i still speak spanish. people are impressed because i don't think we expect a lot from this guy. i think he's got a lot of time during the day -- >> it's true! it's true! >> i mean, and then you just put him next to matt damon and he's a disappointment in his personal life and career. matt damon is just better. i don't know. i'm not really that big of a supporter of his. i don't think it's that hard. his wife speaks spanish. i would think he should learn the language. >> yes. he did. kat, he said part of it is his kids motivate him because his kids are bilingual. do you agree with dr. sapphire that generally people don't expect a lot from guys like this right? movie stars. you know, they're impressed a movie star has some depth at all, right? >> well, what makes him such an expert on michael jordan? [laughter]
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that's what i'm kind of stuck on. >> yeah. well, in his new movie, it's about michael jordan and he was explaining how, you know, about the film. in that way. >> yeah, it's going to take a little something more to motivate me emotionally. [laughter] i'm not -- >> not impressed? >> i'm not moved. >> ladies aren't impressed. >> i think people are impressed with -- i think it's impressive. i was actually surprised. >> it's insanely impressive. that's great. good for ben affleck. that's where you want to be in life, below expectation. [laughter] no one looks to you for answers and then all of a sudden you're like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. i didn't know -- see? no -- michael jordan. >> listen. do you see what i mean? i'm impressed because i didn't know you knew spanish. that's very good. that's good. [applause] don't go away. we'll be right back.ffer
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[applause] lots of thanks to our panel and you, our studio audience. "fox news" with trace gallagher is next on behalf of greg gutfeld, i love you, america. >> good evening, welcome to fox news @ nine, i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. an update from florida where a group of teenagers are now suspects and victims in a robbery, burglary and murder scheme that included a vendetta to san francisco where just one day after a tech executive was murdered, a former city fire commissioner is beaten and slashed and the mayor and the city's supervise err now acknowledging -- supervisor are now acknowledging they


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