tv Hannity FOX News April 7, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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thank you so much. and we're going to go on your youtube channel tonight. good to see yoube u. >> and thanks for joining us on this good friday. we we are out of time. will we go to mar-a-lago next week interviewing donald trump,t the front runner inru the republican race, his first interview since beinsincg g rai. have a great easter with the ones you love. we'll see you monday. hello, everyone, and welcome to this specialuc edition of "hannity". i'm tammy bruce and for sean f.r and tonight, a rare moment of bt bipartisan agreement. a majority of both republicansh and democrats are ready to send joe biden out to pasture. in fact, according to cnn, only three out of 10 americans e believe that biden deserves to be reelected and for good reason. joe biden is one o of the worst presidents in american history. just this week, a majorhat
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new report found that biden'shi green energy policies are secur endangering our national securityand and increasing america's reliance on china for critical raw materialsr ad and still, biden is forging ahead on a radical proposal to crack down on gasd cars powered cars with insane new environmental regulations. meanwhile, a new report froms. n nbc news found that china did, in fact, gather sensitive intelligence from the spy balloon that it piloted over nuclear sites and military installations in the continental united states. china was able to controll th the balloon so it could make sis multiple passes over some of the sites at times flying figure eight formations. an that's my favorite. the red transmit the information collected back to beijing in c real time. of course, it'ourse it.d keep ir biden refused to shoot downe the balloon for more thane co a week when it was not over. in the the continental united states and in the middle east. >> afterof p two yearslaca of pg
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iran, for separate attacks from iranian backed militants, killed a us contractor and left many u.s. service membersntract with severe braiorn injuries.nsa there is no doubt americans at home and abroad are less safe under joe biden. joining us now, ith reaction fox and friends weekend co-host will cain and former us senatos. and ambassador scott brown . gentlemen, thank you very much. happy good friday. i know we're leading intoo be the easter weekend. counher reason to be gratefu grl and to stand up for what this country stands for. we'll let me start with you know what i meant? she was just a kind ofof a snippet of of the fresh thatt we got deliveredhe from the bidn administration. in the last couple of weeks. a well me what your thought is as we barrel into two thousand kno twenty three . >> you know mew,. i think my biggest takeaway is , one , that we are governed by very unserious individuals who have a priority list that resembles thatpr of college. sophomores. they think prioritie
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s are tha the world's temperature, that our national security is dependent upon controlling the world's thermostat while ignoring the threats that literally hover above our heads. colling thein figure eight pat, transmitting real time data i back to china. the history of humanity, by the threat fn itt comesl secu to nl security is a threat from otheri tribes. the other tribe in this case d is one that wants to dominate the world economically and ultimately throughy, if it self-determination and power. and tammy, if it is if it does play out to the priorities ofco these college sophomores that we turllegsophomorn our entire o ive's and turn down the fossil fuels, we will be granting b china not only self-determination, but power over the world. e the minerals that dictate that iv. behavior that go into thosei batteries not only in china, but are in essentially chinese colonies in south americaas lon and in africa. so as long as we continue to focus on trans issues or climate change, we will lose when it comes to national security that excellent point. ambassador, we've got a week here with a bunch of
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distractions, if you will , wee including the arrest of a former president . you've got lot o these almost r on some college campuses with trans activists. and yet we also what i listed a lot of people might not have heard about the attack in syria and the injuries to our troops . it's kind of a shocking dynamic. the the economy is still inthats a very strange place thatom something isn't quite right goi with what's going on . tell me your sense of things when you look at what we see,d n what the media seems to be focused on versus what's happeninversusg to the world in us here at >> well, when you say somethingi seems not quitghe right, i think it's more than that. we'v i mean, we've see seen it for almost two years now. the lack of direction, n the overreaction or under reaction, depending you see what's happening e what in china. joe biden's never been strongn on china and the whole balloon . i served thirty nine years in the military, the last four at the pentagon. i retired as amilii retire colonel .what it doesn't take a brain surgeonk to know what was happeningt doe' and to make sure it doesn't entr
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happen.ed s we should have shot that thing down before it even enterepaced our space. >> and onct's e wesa knew what s doing, let's just say hypothetically, it was anant weatheerrant weather balloon. o, >> all right. once i started doing figuring out how to shoot it down, it'se a it's a no's >> the whole listen, i think we need to protect our planet. okay, buthe t i don't think the white house should be picking winners and losers. ers i say goodbye to your your cars, your lawn mowers, anythinganything to do with gast and by the way, an electric64,00 vehicles, about sixty four a a gasand gets two hundred thirty four miles per charge, getsess is about gas a. about twenty six thousand gets about four hundred thirty four . so there's 434 no opportunity fr the average american who's struggling, makingggling, payc, to paycheck and the things that matter to me, you referencerefe econ asidererans, from the trans and other issues, it'she the economy. fac it's the border. it's the fac t that banks,e high because of the high rise inrate rates, they didn't do anyt stress test and see how that would affect the banks. i meanbank, it's just it's just like reacting to things that
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are just just makingweaker. our country weaker and weaker and weaker. and it's verery, very disturbin, to the average american oil. >> it's almost, you know, broke twicntioned every now and then that even a broken clock is right twice a day. you've got to work really hardrk to be wrong all the time. and you we're going to bebe tal talking later in the show aboukt this horrible afghanistan the security assessment. but back to to whats noting about we care about the ambassador is noting about, you know, we care abouts action the planet. the irony of some of this action like the iv stuff and the batteries and regulations regarding the vehicles that will only benefit china, which is the worst offender when it comesn to destroying the planet and the environment.hand so on one hand , you do it in the name of saving the environment and on the other hand , your you're fel making everything worse. it does feel like it'siberate. isliberate. >> do you think they're just>> i dumb or is this on purpose? i think what they do so i had a different word fromad the ambassador that i thinkorp e is going to help me to answeresn
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that question from you, tammy.. and then he is he used the word react. so i think that truly whats thia guides this administration is reaction to the perceptionint of popular sentiment. now, i don't think tha that that means it's in reality popular.p. i think within very small confines on social media or within the academic circles ofty maybe ivy league schools. they can sort of stick and their wet their finger, stickit it in the wind and see and see which way it's blowing. - to that's how you let just to to tie a ribbon around. that's how you let a balloon do figurative or military installations. but thener middl a few weeks la, spend two million dollars per missile shooting down hoby$2 balloons over you are reacting to the perception of what you think is popular. they don't have a principle p that's guidingopular them, just a nebulous concept of progress and progress.le guiding defined by , hey, what'sress def trending on twitter? yeah, well, you see, that's it. it's about winning a news cycle. . right. ambassador, you're ambassador in new zealand. ambassadzeyou've been around th.
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you've got military experience. we see all of these it seems to be winning a news cycle, keeping people distracted while then effectively either misleading the people directly, indirectly lying, whether it was about denying that inflation is goinge to be an issue, denying that we're going to have a problem te with our our oil reserve, as now there seem to be israel is seems to be in trouble with hamas. again, you've got to dealit between iran and saudi arabia. arabi arabia cuts their oil production and biden is sittingt in the white house apparentlhuys his thumb. t and this affects all of us , just regular americans on a dayc to day basis and our national security on a day to day basis.d >> yeah, listen, i saw ithe firsthand as the ambassador of new zealand, the pacific, the south china sea, the building and militarizing island e buildis, changing the law of the air and sea that have been in place for hundreds of years. islands. really infringing on the sovereignty of all those
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nations around that region. ng on th egion.that's number one . they are the biggest polluter. p you nailed it. you na this co2il emissions by far leay the world. their coal production, the wayos that they treat the environment is outrageous. eld they're going to go're goinr and tell everyone else, oh, we're going to take care of it, don't worry. and we're getting hammeredg ha mm because we're not doing enough.? are you kidding me?ok what is and then you look at what'sn th happening ine the high tech industry for apps, chinese owned company this past year are the highest producing, the highest grossing, the most activity of any apps whatsoever. china, make no mistake about0 yr it, they have a 30, 60 , 90 year plan. >> we have a three to six want to nine month plan. they want to dominate us iton every shape and form, high techu industries and all. ambassadorst, you name it, they want to do it and we have to stop them. administrae ofr hang administration. >> they're eating our lunch and not becauslunch. thee as thn people don't know what's going on , but because you can seeesi what one president can do. and of course, we've got for to reverse that.
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gentlemen, thank you very muchus for joining me tonight. i appreciate it.apprecia and happy easter. no it.w to what might be the biggest outrage from the week.he and i know it's going to bethe i page to choose the biden administration's twelve page assessment of its disastrous itp withdrawal from afghanistan. according to the report, itwasn wasn't all't that bad, you guys. joe biden did absolutelywrong. nothing wrong. somebody but, you know, it was all itd be was somebody's fault. and , of course, forme that wous be former president donald trump. it was all his fault. they say a.. >> but here's how . in fact, cbs news described ittc . >> watch this. president biden's decision to pull the u.s. out of afghanistan and led to the a collapse of its government, its military, the death of 13 americans. and it left tens of thousands of afghans hoping to escap e. ca girls over 12 can no longer be educated. it is one of the darkest preside moments of the biden presidency to date. >> iit is indeed. a and here is what the father of a marine killed during the withdrawal had to say. >> watch this. deserve a you've got veterans that the
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deserve a hell of a lot more of the truth. lance corporal jared schmidtral died in the suicide bombing. his father said the 12 pagein summarsulty is an insult to the president of the united states .ps wh you. it's your responsibility the buck stops with you. it's your responsibility. stop making excuses now. with >> joining us now with more just heartbreaking fox news contributors joey jones and joe concha, two men you know and trust very much. joey, let me start with you.t wh you've obviously been in the arena, and i understand wha the battles are and what the the nature of what the battles are and what the sacrifice has been. now,e has be that you are here - you see this kind of almost it's like a twilight zone, a bizarre response, as though a they were on a different planet that john kirby, the spokesmanek for some national security at the white house, said there was no chaos chaos and they're prou what happened. joey jones, they're proud of it. what do yopr it.u u make of thit >> yeah, 12 pages.t in i just been twice that to put it in a report for every single idea took apart in afghanistan o
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and put more detaile on something that tookn five minutes of my time sometimes. and i did perfectlthat took fivm then they put in explaining how 13 service members, one hundred and seventy afghans from one bombing, not to mention the ten civilianstion they killed themselves out of rushing to look tough after they already shown that they weren't, you know, got a phone full of text messages from people working in t the pentagon, still in the military and those that got out saying peo they couldn't. believe this report, they couldn't believe in this report than't beli t the adminin t they werwiedidn't left with no plans and didn't th know what to do and just had to figure it out and that those contingencies were are months in advance. the idea that the trump administration jus t left themat, what high and dry. man, i'll tell you what. what is trump good to say about obama? who is obama's v.p., who is vp?? when i was in afghanistan i getting blown up in july or i august, i mean, so that? president obama and his vpou could tell the world, oh, we're1 going to pull out. and in this war, what was thats 12 years ago? this is so insulting in so manyy ways, but i can't get mad at
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president biden because he's too much of a coward to answer the call. he's too much of a coward to stand behind his own administration's report. anstead, i have admiral john kirby standing in front of a podium arguing with our ownar peter doocy of how proud hwie is from his perch because he didn't see any chaos. you know, i talked to a marine w mist a few minutes ago that was there that day. this started a n organization to help those that were there that day because it was a veryhe traumatic week. and john and john kirby says he didn't see chaos, thatby sai d he's proud. it i'm proud of individuals. tet for thatng operation m, i hg my head in shame. i thought that war 10 years ago and this is not why. see, that is very moving. thank you. joey. joe .pective i mean, the perspective here, this is what americans wondert about joe concha is and thisjo is classic gaslighting.ericans americans hear that phrase a lot. it is th e attempty to psychologically manipulate people to not trust their own perceptionpulate p or their own
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memories. we say t so we see thank goodness for television and phone videos because we can see and we remember this, joe , what wasinn going on . the mead and the media, they were outraged at the start when all of this was unfolding. you heard margaret brennan's piece from cbs news. other news outlets are also perplexed and shocked. fox, again, obviously, fox and we've been bringing the , you know,o the truth of this matter the stt to everyone for from the start o . think joe , what do you think? the media? are the are they going to continue to look at this or is this already dropping off of the media's point of view? here? kudos to cbs margaret brennan. that report i would hope that nbc, abc , cnn and msnbc wouldit follow. >> i don't have a lot of faiths that that would happen in this situation.ey and kudos to you, joey, .any tin because, you know, we've talked many times in green rooms and the fact that you lost
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your legs in afghanistane fact t and the fact that you see thisyo report and you see them tryt th to gaslight the american public ,it is an insult completely and totally in this president ,e this administration. sitse joey sits on a throny,e of lies. trump joe biden has blamed trump for high inflation, said it was this high when he took office in 2020 one . inflation was at one points four percent. it's now four times higher, but somehow that's trump's fault. biden said that magorpublic republicans werean they wanted to fund the police and they're to blame for skyrocketing crime in blue cities across country the country. that's about the best. unintentional comedy out there except for. oh, right. joe biden alsore blames donaldlp trump for the border crisis. it's amazing. blaming and now you have biden blaming trump fofor the botched and deadly afghanistan withdrawal that leftafghan 13 u. service members dead.. serv what an insult to those families. they acts dead like they were powerless to renegotiate with the pallet, with the
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taliban. biden undid every trump policyc. upon taking office. so why not this deal ? that's the question. i no the good news here is that sobedy, nobody thabot that's at least sane and sober at least,su is buying this argument. and we should have pushed back not just from fox, cbs,just but from every news organization and all of social media sayingan do not do this to those service members that inte there becausethere. you are insulting our intelligence, tammy. >> and that is joey, that thatis becomes really the issue. >> it's insulting on the faceh with this particular event. ticular that changed america and changed american lives directly. livesbut if they're willing to about something that we personally know is a lie that we witnessed, that people experienced, what else do you sy think it says about them? is it what are they what elseng are they lying about that we don't have videotape to to show us ? are you concerned about what this does to the morale of
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the american people? p the morale of our military and even our ability to recruit the military now as as our all of our branches are behind in their military goals? >> would you sign your lifee away away to a commander in chief that in his own report after afr the death of 13 service members, calls it manageables ca risk? s it that's what they call it before. and then that's what ma they called it immediately aftethey leam thr they learned t those 13 being killed in aggregate. evernt to say one thinbbg real quick, tammy. every y day of my life in afghanistan, my job was to walk down on bombs and hope thatought i did enough right. that if anybody got killed, it d it was just me and nobody else. on august six , 2010, i made enough of a mistake that took l my legs, but most importantly, took corporabul daniel greer'sgi life, who was there hoping and wishing that i would do my job a best the best of my ability. and i didn't com come back givig you a million. and one excuses on why that happened. i didn't say, well, the talibano put the bomb on the ground ati t sonoma as well. i didn't know. i didn't see. wha d sut i tell you every single day.
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i takeis i take accountability r his life. i made a mistake eve n to this day. i don't know what that mistake was, but i made it and it took his life. t worr and i take accountability for it. i ery time i wake up, i don't worry about my legs. we're about daniel's life.t from all we want from this commander in chief and all the lackeys at work under him is to take accountability and ask for forgiveness. those families and this country for doing an from those families in this country for doing an operation so ill ill, so ill conceived, tt we can sit at home and call the next ball and strike called the men and women that would die that we saw happen in front and call us something other than a manageable risk that oth you're proud, that proud. proudt they were proud of that.. well, joey, god bless you.god bl god bless your compatriots. and joe concha, thank you sohere much also for for being on the front lines here. gentlemen, thank you. th and happy good friday as we alle remain grateful herere for this country. thank you. now, coming upa , kamala harrise made a trip to tennessee the day after two state jonae entatives were ousted. our own jonathan hunt has the latest.
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plus, the biden administration is pushing for biological ma bn to play women's sports . caitlyn jenner reacts when this special edition of "hannity" continue s. >> magnesium is vital for bone, nerve and muscle. and i recommend tunel extra strength. magnesium, unlike regular magnesium, kurnos high absorption helps you get the full benefits of magnesium. cuno the brand itrust at donz. >> we know one thing and one thing only backs strained backs from weekend chores, holdbacks doing your favorite hobbies. we even know quarterbacks don't the experts in back pain relief for more than one hundred years available at a store near you. it's a buyer. today's huge dollar room, carpet, hardwood and laminate. ninety nine dollars a room when you pay for padding and installation. ninety eight to three hundred and today nail fungus is nasty. >> upd nail starts improving
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online sellers go to ship station .com slash , try and get two months, three . welcome back, everyone, to this special edition of "hannity". vice president kamala harris made a surprise trip to tennessee today after two state legislators were expelled from their seats yesterday. resident kamala harris our own s jonath the latest. >> jonathan an?, good evening, tammy. it was a very public show of support for the so-called tennesseso-callee three .harris vice president kamala harrisng a flying to nashville for a meeting with democrat state representatives justin jones. tives ju juand justin pearson, who were e expelled from the tennessee house for breaking decorumt we rules last week whenined they joined a gun control
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protest on the house floor and used a bullhored an to beema heard. that fellow democrat gloriat, gi johnson also faced expulsion but survived by one vote . vice president harris describedc the actions of the republican supermajority as an attack on democracy and democracy. >> says you don't silence the people. you do not stiflu do not stifle you don't turn off their microphones when they are thespeaking. he repub >> the republican house speaker had previously described those three democrats as insurrectionist for their actione demos on the housu floor. and his republican colleagues have repeatedly arguedican both bo before and after the expulsion votes, that the democrat simply went too far in the protest and therefore, tammy forfeitedhe the right to be members ofnness the tennessee house tammy. >> all righty.or jonathan hunt, thank you very much for that. as the as the debate over
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biological man participating in sports heats women's sports , who knew that d sentence would ever have to be said to you? the bide n white house has. finally taken a stance,releas releasing a new titling e nine o banning states from blocking transgender womesgenden from competing in sports .while, meanwhile, former university f f kentucky swimmer riley gaines was attacked by trans activists last night after deliveringch a speech on saving women's sports . >> watch this. red . i >> yeah, this is a pretty. outrageous here now with reaction, fox newsu on contributor caitlyn jenner. great to have you on board
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tonight. you know, it what this struckin, me as being caitlyn was very much like the blm protests about wanting reform and justice reform and fairness being hijacked every time by antifa and violent individuals who are veryerent fm different from the people supposedly being represented, burning down citied burnins. and so you have this kind of ocr hijacking that occurs because we know that the average transgender person last time i checkee d, you weren't chasin anyone down the hall shouting obscenities at them. nd shoutis that's not what peope standing for yet. that is what riley gains and isn facing and what is happening on many campuses. what's tonight? . i think it's disgusting and it's so bad. it's such bad publicity for the trans community. there's so many good people out there. so many goodt i call this the rl rainbow mafia. they're left wing activistradic they are domestic terrorists. tammy and i felt so sorry for
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ryley to be in the middle of this rally. th oisfave been kind fighting this fight since the late thomas days, you know, with the ncaa and swimming. le and we won that battle.he's bee and she has been out activelyin trying to promote women in sports and she's done a very good job of it. but the rainbow mafia has just taken over. it was disgusting. itg.i'm glad she's okay. what i like about riley is i just saw an interview with her earlier, and i love athletes. she's tough.go she goes, i can take this. i'm just going to just inspireen me. and she's going to take action k against the people. i've had the same thing inthreat my life. i get death threats allme. the time. bu's sca to see what people are saying to me, butknow i am a very proud supporter of the second amendment and i am
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very well-armed and but it's scary out there right now. we have these activists thatthee are out ther re that are really domestic terrorists and that's that has to stop.would i would i woulsad say that when we think of activists, i come from an activist background. when i look at that, it activis is shocking. i meanbackgrou, there's a lot yn accomplish with activism and an d organizeorganized efforts. absolutely. that's my background. it's an important part of am american history. but that's not activism any his more .to activism. any more than riots an than the riots. wn and burning down a city was pro a protest. so whetest.n you've got joe bidk saying that he's going to tweak the title nine ruling to make states not be able to keepeffecl effectively biological males out of womeny biolog, sports , n you think that's going to affect this? debate it's not even a debate. this is harassment and as youcan as you've noted, you're calling it terrorism, but it certainlyg' is not normal protesting.
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on t, joe biden. tammy, has joe biden ever beenht on the right side of any issue in the last forty five years? he's been in and government never. this is joe biden.e ji remember, he was with the robejim crow era. >> robert byrd was a good friend of his. >> he was anti-gay marriage.i-ga remember that? joe biden, what, by joe biden. but title nine , somethingot i know a lot about, because i remember back in the 80s whenh title nine was they were trying a good it through. a good friend of mine, donna everardo. we were very good friends at doa the time and she was working soo hard. she was working so hard on it. and what was what was title about? at was title nine about? it was about fairness, fairness, in sports . and it was a scholarship program program, basically saying that if the men's soccer team gets 10 scholarships, okay, that
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right now the women's soccer team is only gettingy al one scholarship. they also needso to get 10 scholarships. and it went through and so many women were educated.. they got great educations outug. of it. they had great so sports programs. it it lifted our women's. sports program. you know, throughout the world, to be honest with you. orld and now you got joe biden coming in here and trying to change everything chang. it is absolutely wrong, joe biden is trying to erase women. he's trying to eraseto erase wo. sports , because if he gets through what he's trying to gete through, it'll be the end ofwom' women's sports .. and that's a shame becausee women's sports has come sosowe'r far in this country and joee trt biden is trying to kill it. i mean, we're trying to doen spt everything to make, you know, women's sports better and fair. because this is about fairness,r right? yom about fairness, noness, not equality, you know, and not equity. and so i just i will continueth
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the fight. av i know riley. kee she's going to continue the fight.g we just havewh to keep doing whn we're going to dd o, what we do. well, you know, there's and your experience, you know, as an athlet e, your historicalth experience of understanding the discipline that that takespe to complete your understanding . now,. in later in life ofwith y the discipline, to be honesttrue to yourself and fairness t with yourself and be true to yourself and fairness to yourself and to others yo you. othe that's what, frankly,s the feminist movement was about. that's what americ has been about. and yet we've got you know, thee there has been a silence's fromi the well, i think the feminist movement is dead iisn this country, but this really is americans being on the samed. side that's in our dna is what you've described is isness the issue of fairness. biden seems to be pandering to the loudest, most threatening, most frightening end of of of politics. >> when that is not whatamerican
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the majority of americans want to do. think the fairnesswant. argument is the one that's going to win e this for americans in general. >> i think there's no fairnessi in this country whatsoever right now. remember joe bideniden was goin. to be the great uniter, you know, during his inaugural going tospeech. biden ha i'm going to bring this country together. joe biden has been the biggestby in oder of then any other president in our history. and it's a shame to see. honesta i've honestly, tammy, i . i love this country. pu i mean, that was the firstericaf one to put up an american flag at the finish line at the games. my father, world war two veteran, i love this country. my my everybody around die my father died for our freedoms and everything. and right now, joe bidene bidedh and this administratioisn is jut destroying our country for the first time. you e i can say that. you know what?t you know, i'm not proud. g i'm having my first usa sweats.r
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i got i'm not proud of thatted y anymore. i'm disgusted by what's happening in our country. wt isppening we have to fix itl it's never too late. wewe hav he a thing calledlled the constitution. thethat we have. back te to get back to constitutional values and get our country back on track and we know how to do. g and what happened with joe biden, it's not.den. but we know how to do it.we kno we know how to do it. and we and americans know where this is off. off.e not going to be b gaslight over this issue. and as you've said , the transki community itself, we know thatn this is not representative of b the average transgender person. there must be a a coming to the other to to condemn this kindd l of behavior and violenceen because it helps no one . caitlyn jenner, great work. thank you so much for being here.o i appreciate it. now, up next, bombshell fec records revealed donations f to biden's 2020 campaign from the manhattan judge who is presiding over the anti trump a witch huntnti-tr will bring youl the details with alan dershowitz and greg jarrett, two of your favorites. sh
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epson rapide receipt visit by rapide receipt .com or call now. >> piece of cake baby when you can't watch. listen. get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere . fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. welcom welcome back. backeveryone, to this special edition of "hannity". not that there's much to talk about tonight. the political persecution oftica donald trump in in new york is l d trumin full swing. and sadly, there, of course, is little chance that he will receive a fair trial in i manhattan, for example, judge juan mershon, who is the presiding judge over this t case, is a democratic donor. h in 2020, he donated fifteene dollars to trump's opponent, joe biden. vote donated d another ten bucks to a voter turnout group forfor democrats and another democrats and another0 to ten dollars to a political action committee named stop republicans. i wonder what they stand for. what are we to make of this?
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that's like the ultimatein question here.g joining us nowus n, th, the autf trial of the century fox news, legal analyst greg jarret and the author of get trump, harvard law professor alan dershowitz. thank goodness both of you bee gentlemen, of course, have been joining sean well, almost every night because people love getting information from you. ovbecause some things cangreg, be confusing. greg, let met askme you. these are small, like strange amounts that he should try to explain it. i can't quite explain it.. >> what is your take on that? well, monetarily, they're so insignificant that i don'ta basi think there are a basis for disqualification or recusal. i >> what is a basis for recusal is the anti trump bias. >> he is exhibited in other trump related cases over which he has which presided, which pre is precisely why he was hand-picked to preside over the grand jury proceedings. >> and then shoehorned intog ovr
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presiding over the forthcoming case. my main objection to this judge is that when he was overseeingjy the grand jury, was he conducting it in a fair way? we already know that. excl batory evidence wasd by excluded by alvin bragge. helpe >> jurors didn't hear evidence that would have helped donald trump that is concealed from in the grinadmissible evidencade at trial was nevertheless presented to the grand jury. unauthentian.c documents were a. presented. most judget of all, this knew the indictment that was being handed up. he had rea read in advance and e must have seen that it waswas facially defective a facially defective as a matter . of life and to state anstat underlying crime, which is a vii due process violation and a violation of the sixthefenda amendment, that a defendant must know whatnt wha laws he has allegedly broken, what crimes he is supposedly committed.
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this document is bereft of it and a good objective, fair,id conscientious judge would have'm said this is wrong. >> i'm not going to allow it. >> professor, at this. a lot interesting, because americans are learning a lot about the law, finding out law,o about whatuthave what is needede and then bec in that indictment. and then because l we cann be a be honest here, you can be ayoua democrat and you can be a good judge. you can be a democrat, you cann be a lawyer. you cawhn be a gooateverd presir whatever . but so what we're seeing here, reough, is really we havk e to look atga, regardless of pary affiliation, if intions they'rtheir actions they're doid the right thing. and this, of course, would seeme to indicate that he wasn't. professor, do you think thata this is going to be a part of what the defense will argue, why this should be thrown out? >> and do you think its point? will even get to trial at this point? >> welou're well, you're right n be a democrat and still demand that donald i am a democrat.crat i am a democrat. voted for every democrat can
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voted for everyhn democratic candidates since john kennedy in my book at aga trump indicate oveinr and overon again that i do not. s and the cover itself. i do not support donald trumpp o for president .al i support his constitutional rights. look, this casts. the cries out forge sho a different judge. this judge should lookul himself in the mirror and say, i am notg the right judge e to preside ove one of the most important cases in american history.h ap there is too much appearance of injustice. first of all, judges are not supposed to give a nickel to a candidate of any second, what we don't what did he contribute or did he h support? did he vote foe voter bragg, th? who ran for office on the promise essentially sentto getiall a book that is hi campaign promise. to he knows that. so he ought to recuse himself. he also presided over two previous cases involvingp
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the trump company and trump executives. so he knowexecutiv s things that are not appropriate to be considered ina this when youof consider the totality of evidence, he ought to announce that inat h the interests of justice, hee' is going to turn the case back to the wheel so that random selectiono will occur. n >> and no one can claim that ththis was a case in which the judge was handpicked by the prosecution, that would be the best approach.greg >> but you know, greg, when we look at it as ann example, the biden family issues legally and how the justice system does or does not handle est people the establishment people, away people get away with things. what would any wheel in any judge in new york be able to provide a fair trial, any say for someone like this? what does that say aboutstem? the justice system that that that no part o nf the system wew can trust at this point? e hype
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well, the elected judges are hyper partisan in new york . i in particular. i but this is a classic case ofio. selective prosecution. and i think prosecutorialduct misconduct, as the professor points out, this p is this is a d.a. who vowed inappropriately and unethically to get trump to prosecute him, to convict him. rmatio and yet he hadn no access to information at the time he sure those vows. just vote for me and i'll make sure i put trump in jail. and the political motivations are revealed in this book.e k bs by his assistant, who openly admits we went after trump likei because we didn't like his views. we didn't like him. he had to be stopped. he's a threat to the nation politically. that is exactly what duty bound prosecutors are not supposedt sp conjo to target an individual, conjure up a crime to pinn on on that person. well, it's serious
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prosecutorial misconduct rule. there ought to be a new rule absolutely prohibiting any prosecutor from running for office on the promise of getting someone that ought to be an ethical prohibition, tc that this case can teach us something. but i agree with you, he can'tt get a fair trial, i think, in front of any judge in manhattan, this case has to bent transferred to a different location locat where judges wilo be afraid to walk the streets and have to point the finger.s man donald true judge that freed that evil man, donald trump. that's what peoplemp at's what pe face. will i face that. and i'm surefa judges and juries >> td face the same. and this case must be , let's. say, thank you, gentlemen, that this is obviously a publict case. and yet americans throughout this country , very differentow economic situations have been arguing now for generation thate our justice system, in fact, does pick and choose and doess
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find a crime to fit the man.or and this is a good educationne b for everyone who believes that that would be impossible. it. now we're seeing it. s on gentlemen, great books for both of you. check their names on amazon. you'll get their you'll their whole list of all their books. enow tht's a good plac to start. straigthey're now.av thank you.inme straight ahead, is gavin newsomn looking to push joe biden outn'. in 2020 four ?test well, who isn't? his latest travel plans arepecui creating speculation. we will explain as a special ci edition of "hannity" continuesnu . . over five million people have fallen in love b with a portabld fallen in love b with a portabld blender blender to keep you ice cashing big blender power on the go so you can throw in your favorite ingredients and blend up a delicious smoothie any timt add wae, anyw. bland gets you, even cleans itself. just out of water. >> a drop of soup and bland recharge quickly with any usb port ready to fall in love or are yours now on plunger .com.
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text now and we'll include a bottle of nugenix thermo, our newest, most powerful fat incinerator ever. >> absolutely free breaking this week, robert f. kennedy jr. has filed to run for meanident as a democrat. meanwhile, another democrawhilep california governor gavin newsom, is practically measuring the drapeseasuring int the oval office. that is e ha, ofir course, aftee
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. nishes with the hair gel recently, he embarked on a countrywide tour, including a trip to florida where he criticized governor desantis all while newsom's home statelin of california continues on aia downward o spiral. late tuesday night, the millionaire founder of cash wrap was stabbed to deathn. in san francisco. his death is now shining a bright light on the deteriorating conditions in some state. here nowre with reaction, fox news contributor alliot-marien o and host of the gist listen to yourself podcast chira davis ,two of my favorites. favori two ofte your favorites, of course, kyra.t with you, let me start with you, because what is so heartbreaking about about citt news san francisco, a beautiful city, california is my home state, beautiful state, a remarkable place to livedestr. being destroyed. and this this younong g man in s 40s had already moved to miami, having complained about deterioration of san francisco. goes back for a the deterioration of san francisco goes back for a couple of days for businesays
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and gets murdered. this do you say to people at because this doesn't seem to beo a one off, what do you say to people who ask you whatcali is going on in california? >> it'fo it's nos not a one off. this is the result of decades and decades of democrat policy led and they've been led around by the nose,th by the black livu matter movement and the deepnd on the police movement. and now all of those chickens are coming home to i find it grossly insulting that gavin newsoosm has beenom traipsing all over the country, yelling at other states who areg doing just fine about their their business. there isn't a single person, rnd america, who would look at california right now and say, yes, i choosate that crime, i choose that homelessness. i choose the debt.ssne i choosess, choose the a six do. i choose paper straws. there's no t a single person in america who's looking atga us going, that's what i want.vio and yet, gavinut t newsom is ouw there running everyone else down instead o inf coming homethat w and leading our state. not that him we miss him. >> tammy, where i was going
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to say it's legislature, isn't any better. you know, leo, out here, i still i see the commercialso o about it's california. come to hollywood. look aok at tht the palm trees. and , you know, the weather is usually really great. and , you know, i miss california, but it's it's shameful and it's heartbreaking. i both of you are in californiao leo, when it comes to someoneif. like newsom, someone who could actually make an impact, whate o is wrong with someone like that? >> he has doeres hevers not ree things to make things better? >> you have nono intention him u checked out mentally. you asked the question aboute the presidency. he that's all he's obsessed with .f he has destroyed california, tammy, faster than joe bidens so has destroyed america.yed and for him to try to compare california with for the chira and all those items, this stater is horrific. and i'll tell yo haright now, tammy, in orderrr to avoid media another kamala harris, the national media needs to vet this guy.. this guy is a disaster. he's an outright disaster.
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and the national media needs to go afte r him and showit i the wrecker of california. it is horrific.rrific is it barazi? we hav pe lost population. one other point, tammy. a year and a half go , we haves. one hundred billion dollar surplus. we have a twenty six billion 6 bi deficit. lln why?fici because gavin newsom does not care about californit.a. cal >> he cares about his hair and he cares about his ambition to be the white hr and ambition to be in th you know, i'll tell you, kyra, there is this sense that o americans don't matter or there is a kind of contempe's t that . is like some board game and that they get to fail t upwards. and he is attached to what's known as this knows sacramento, washington, d.c. pipeline with nancy pelosi. is that still operating? that sl can he expect the democrats to just elevate him up in this regard? >> it's still operating now. >> i'm not quite sure whaty sitt without nancy without nancy sitting in the speaker positioio . i'm not sure how that affects a
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his welcome in the democrat o party. he's definitely going outsideut the lines righ thet now. he's campaigning. and biden still, by albuy lal hs accounts, has every intention to run. so what t he's doing is a bitoig gauche, to say the least. e le but i mean, look at the guy. we've been making fun of his hair all night. hee is ghosheh is the depth. >> and you're you're speakingamy the french. kierra: , you're speaking the french. >> now, why would you use timipt ? you said attempt.. and that is exactl y who that gavin newsom has towards the abdomen. >> yes. i'm going to make a proposaleri the two of you should team up and shadow gavin newsom you he goes for interdicts, be his shadow. all right, you guys, thank you very much. leo chira, great stuff. thank you. more of this special edition of "hannity". we have ideas after the break. we have ideas after the break. tony here from, helping people see the true cost of bad credit. to improtony here from cred, intere the true cost of bad credit . what are you doing to improve
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fast. leftthis t is all the time we have left for this evening. don't forget, you caeck oun cheo my show, get tammy bruce now,. of course, streaming on foxk nation. sean will be back on monday with a live audience show. tickets are absolutelyo to free. just go to hannity .com. wee thank you, everyone, for tuning in. have a great and happy easter and have a happy passover. passover., everyone. >> i'm raymond arroyo. in for laura thisia is a special edition of the ingraham angle. from new york city. we have a big show for you tonight, along with a special guest. , blac model and influence are black . china is here on her shocking new transformation. but first, there is a pattern that i see in the news on this good friday, and it is relatedhn to faith and its absences as many of you know, this is the day when christians celebrate the sacrifice of
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