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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 8, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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perfecting right here at the edison labs. edison lab thethe edison alkali. >> be sure to check out the new fox nation special, the unexpected light of thomas alva edison and geant the share it with your family. it will inspire, i promise. and raymond arroyo wishing youha a blessed easter and passover. >> and thanks to lauraov and thr whole team for letting me sit in, gutfeld is next. >> easter. d applau i see you're glad to see me. >> all right.gues let's welcome tonight's guests. his crowds are like jesus's mich on easter, empty.
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founder of this party, .com, michael loftus, she's got the glow of a radiologist glow who won't wear her little aproo . fox news contributor dr nicole saphier is gathered more facts than a chinese spyin balloon. fox news contributora sp and washington times opinion editor charlie hurt and she's rottweil got the bark of a rottweiler. but the plight of a pug fox news contributor catell. >> okay, before we get to some news stories, it's friday, so let's do this. >> gregs leftovers. >> yeah, sits leftovers where i read the jokes we didn't use this week and just like when greg does it, it's my first time reading these.
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>> here we go . a late night game of monopoly in brussels reportedly ended in a samurai sword fight, injuringe two people on the bright side. >> experts say it's the first time anyone has ever finished a game of monopolygame. strewth, a new study of single people found 44% doubt they'lld ever find the one. the reason many stop looking for the one and found the five . yeah, that that is the perfect fox news. . new research is blaming pandemic weight gains for pushing ten thousand army soldiers into obesity. meanwhile, the air force says their study of overweight pilots can't get off the ground . ound the city of los angeles has cit started blasting classic music at one of its subway stops
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to ward off homeless peoplerk, h and crack down on crime.ey >> if that doesn't work, they'll try this. what do you want to know?w? i want to give you the opportunity. yeah, or disney will be revising lyrics in the upcoming little mermaid reboot to reflect currentilities sensibilities. the movie will also be labelede dolphin safe .. a new report claims thathopes th numerous companies arework recruiting seniors in hopes they'll work harde hareoplr thag people. >> although one franchiseeback e walked back their plan saying, i don't know how it's working out for other restaurants, but it's but i killing our profits . they work hard. >> a new survey finds that one in four allergy sufferersace say people accuse them of t faking it.
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now, i don't i don't see see what the benefit of that would be , although i did once fake having hep c to get out of donating blood . >> the late late sho only wha with james corden only hasft ber about three weeks left before woding its run at the end of april. but don't worry ifrry, you actually watch the show, it will feel much longer. and finally, a new 2020024 presidential poll has donald trump leading pres donald trump now leading president biden. forty seven to forty ,27 said tj first lady. >> isn i'm jus'tt glad joe isn'i >>ive to see this.s. >> and now to some news. he is ron ain't screwing around. he's standing his ground. yep, desantis takes his show on the road, making liberal heads explode. on the
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florida governor ron desantis faces to michigan republican yesterday, which means he's either making a move fore h the white house or catching his own plan to kidnap gretchen whitmer desantis to toot his own horn expertly, which is no easy feat. when biden does it, he sprains back among ron's successes, stripping disney world of its self-governing stripping status and stopping wokingham dead insm its tracks. otheri will giyou know, at the f the day, it may have beenca the case that disney ran years p the state of florida for the 60 years prior to me being governor . >> but they do not run it as as long as this sheriff's in town . in town. he's not done yet my and ronnie ain't done yet.stance he put disney on notice because they tried to pull a fast one on the way out the door.y >> they tried to pull a fasthe one on the way out the door.thev they've been caught on that. ovy soet all i can say is that story's not over yet. buckle up. to be more co >> there's going to be more coming down the pike. buckle up. or pull the crossbar securely
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over your waist and shoulders. >> so the new sheriff in yet. town says the story's not over yet. the same thing thing disney wily after toy story. >> eleven .lie, >> so, charlie, what do you think? hen you tell me what's going on here? what did disney do? i tried to rea?d this whatdo legalese, alese, but basically he tried to put a new board over the disney ruling zone down there and they pulled a fast one . >> yeah, no, i mean, if yout ise get into the weeds, it's incomprehensible. and it all goes back to charles king charles . yeah, it's very confusing. and i wouldn't recommend butalsi i will say this like basic politics, disney is doing ron desantis a huge favor hereor by keepingon the story alive. as long as ron desantis has disney to to browbeat over sexualizing childrenteachi and teaching, you know, thisg cr creepy stuff to young children. ron desantis has something to talk about and it's very
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popular. it's very popular among republicans, but it's also very popular among independentsan and i think evend also among some democrats. so ind whatever disney is up to, they're actually helping ron desantis. yes, they're keepinghelpin the t alive. >> dr. saphire. plus the mandalorian kind of stinks now, doesn't i ? them you know, i have three sons and several of them watch the mandalorian. they like that. but, you know, i haveney, two issues when it comes to this whole disney desantis thing. anhe i have a huge problem with these large corporations, a disney lar coming out and takg these political stances as though everyonences who work there agrees with what they are wa saying and as though anyone who wants to go visit disney feels the same way. they need to stop doing thatfeeo i can tell you there are at conservatives who work at disney, but they feel bullied, discriminated, and they have bud to literally work in seclusion because they're worried for the their jobs. i believe mey , they're there. but on the other side, you have disney, who came in six decades given ago. they were given this deal toe se be essentially a sovereign nation within florida becausn natie no one wanted to be in orlando. and now you can't do that now. 60 years later, in the mostla
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populated or most popular staten of florida and just say,go i'm the mayor here and i'mvern going to continue to govern. you can't do that. so this and this is goings to win this fight. and all you have to do is facts. matter. . to more people are moving to florida and up in michigan, where you have governor , where people are leaving. they've left continuously for the last three years. that's right. and cat, i mean, there's more than just disney down there. there's lots of other theme parks and everything. so disney better kind of wise up. they're not always going to be on top down there. but even if it made sense at one point, maybe in the sixties or fifties, i don't know when they started disney. >> sixty seven down there.s ri maybe it made sense atghts, the the beginning. give theis own there, lots ofm g let them run things. but nohtalw that florida i mean ifthere's there's a lot goingne th down there, why should we leave the governing upid a, theto disney? ey? okay, so i have a perspectiveth on this that's going to be unpopular with everyone. >> so you guys buckle. yeah, that's i actually hate disney so much. disney land place, just as i'vef gotten in trouble sayingor how much i hate it sate it there
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with the with the way i'm also not a tax attorney . so whenever taxes are involved, i believe taking someone's money without consenmonet is immoral on its face.. when it come s to this, i think there is a kind of startedsometn because disney said something about some of ron desantis legislation that he didn't like. i am concerned that just about way idea of government retaliating in some way against the speech of of somebody. on right. bu pt in the larger picture, ths is where i just i feel like a i'm crazy if i'm alone on this. i don'if i'mt get as wrapped upn the culture war stuff as peoplet on the left and the right seemam to do. i think that they scream at each other about it. they scream about each i don't like to sexualize children. dragso, as an adult, enjoy rupal drag race, but it's a great show. but meanwhile, i'm just like, hey guys. like, is the dollar going to collapse? >> like, you know, fighting
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like a world war three ? is that going to happen? are we going to lose all thi the restrict act coming up. are we going to lose all this even more of our rights and freedoms with some of this legislation that's being discussessed d? >> so that's where i'm at. and you know where to send my hate because you already do. i think they like that. can make some good. yeah, think so. that's it. >> michael cat just wants to focus on the bigger issues. yeah. she's sick of this culture. war stuff, but i think you'd love the culture. >> well, to me, you know, something's gone off the rail ouen disney's coming after the kids. g has right.unda like something's really goneme fundamentally wrong. like they're changinnt g the words to the songs. the little mermaid.mermaid. soon the rides will be different. >> you'll have the spinning gender fluid teacups in whichever way your kid stumbles into, ohver way , she's a boy. >> and desantis really wants
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to go after disney. all he has to do is get get the of ju department of justice and the loveinvolved by saying trumpstan loves disney. >> then they've got to tell you why trump won.. he's there every weekend. the p like guys ju they'll be there'll be guys jumping off that frickin castle ,arresting old ladies in the middle of the night. >> it's so true. it is true. it's it's a thing. >> the charlie you wanted to get in here. >> but cat makes a great point. and i think actually the what pl you just said sort of reflects what most people feel. bue fet but because of our polip are so screwed up. now, you have democrats who are embracing these crazy agenda pieces of agenda and, you know, not long ago, florida wasida was considered a swing state. it's not a swing state anymore. id abut when you have democrats embracing policies of that
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increased crime, like defunde, the police, when you have democrats embracing illegal immigration, you have all of these issues that are 90 , 10 issues among most people. but as soon as they get like like squeeze down into our political discussion, they suddenly become like 50 5s0 issues. and they're not 50 50 issuesthe nor should they be. and that's why ron desantis has done so well in florida, is by identifying those issues and just talking about them outside of the realm of politics. .exactly. before we go , greg's going on tour to promote his new book ,and i'm going with him. the book is the king of late night check out this preview. >> all right. good bill . calcio great. great right. [cheer
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still great. yeah, it's raining up atlanta cities in florida, rhode c island, pennsylvania. go titieo gutfeld .com for tick before it's too late. and up next, a green ceo suggests your property must go if you'll be in the new york area and would like free tickets to see gutfeld , go to fox gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio sunday. the faith and friends concert series touch kings must something on fox and friends weekend presented by the chosen download chosen and watch season three , the timeless gift jackie ibanez eighty-nine tennis bracelets for
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the government steal your land. can the government use climate change fear as their excuse to commandeer jpmorgan? g the ceo jamie dimon is suggesting the government and corporations seize private property in order to use the land for climate initiatives. like solar power. and a letter to shareholders printed on paper made from poor people, he says.says w we simply are not gettingst eno adequate investments fast enough. he then started yelling atug the bouncer for not letting in his underage friend, diamond suggested using eminent domain, which is when the government take her hos your home or its propery for its own purposes, justifying it by payinit g youe, what it thinks it's worth. they but in this case, maybe they'll give a free toaster. >> it's kind of a bank joke, isn't it? how dare you? but supporters of this plan, ify juy, don't worry if you justou let them do do thithe weather will be perfe,
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comfortablea ho to be a hobobo. michael, so this is it. the the climate folks now want to just do it by force. they're done convincing us .the and it's crazy how these guys never talk about china. they never talk about india. lik and like in china, i think now there's a new coal powered plant for every person in china. >> that's a fact they're doing. yeah, and they always want to take, like, our houses. hey, let's you know, these poorh people houses, that's what nev they never want to take. al gore's beacerh house. they never want to take obama's beach house. like, that's why you can't take this seriously. k they keep buying beachfront propertybuying and going, oh, in it's good. it's going to global warming's going to wipe all this out. then why do you live there? fool your . that is a great point. they're right there. i will take al gore's house. al gore.
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here comes global warming, oceans rising. and when that water comes up, the third step animal. >> get my house to jamie dimon. yeah, i don't doubt that they want to do this.they i mean, they wan want are comin they're coming for everything. they think it's it is is whate h they did with covid. >> they just force the issuee . yes. exactly. i think that private property rights were just decimated during covid. i mean, nothing woulring cd surv me at this point. i mean, why not the climatee we because of a virus. you were told this building that you don't you can't actually not evict this person who's not paying and then maybe the person who couldn't pay wasl because you also told themd th t their restaurant was illegal and they couldn't. i mean, in places like new york , i don't know how anyp business survived. and there's a lot that haven'ten i mean, a lot of the things that made new york so speciale, were these small businesses, these little restaurantsyork, . and it's mostly chains that can really afford that. i mean, it was really hard to stay open. that
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a restaurant became an illegal operation and they were able to just do does so, i mean, doan does anybody on property? i mean, even without the wholewu idea of, like, you still have to pay property taxes, own you're not really on your a bloperty, blah, blah, blah. buaht after living through thatm i don't think anything could shock me in terms of what that they might do. >> yeah, and i think thisese is the the problem we've got to get rid of these ceos, nicole . i mean, is that i don't wantu to put words in your mouth. >> do you agree with me on this? and honestly, if i were the ceo of a company being sued by the us islands for benefiting and partaking in the trafficking of minors with jeff epstein, maybe i would sayin m something bombastiinc to the fa. that i'm going to be deposed i n some the next month and maybe tryof and take some of that heat off of it. but exactly what michael was saying, you cannot talk about climate change. first of all, you want to take property. start with jpmorgan. o take propert you have multiple jets and they mult all have multiple properties. >> but you cannoip debts and muy have a conversation about climate change or any of
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the environmental stuff. if you don't talk about china and india, they're the largest producers by a lot. and nothing we do here in the united states is going to have any sort of effect unless you decrease ties with china and india, which the biden administration tends not to want to do that. yeah, it's not going to happen. and i think that it's suchth a great point that guyats, jamie dimon, he's probably got tons of money in all of these i mone the growth of china and inhe india. and he's also charli ae, got toi of money in all thestie green initiatives. the thing is ,e thing is he's p money behind this stuff. so this is just him toutinginvee one of his investments, which is the green new economy, right? oh, completely. i mean, the first question to a you q have to ask is , why is he lecturing people about the environment? e lecturwell, the answer is bece he's got a massive investment in this whole scam. nt in this whole green new deal, which, as you point out, subsidizes coal factories, coal burning furnaces in china and all over the world.
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for so that they can make plastic solar panels and cut down forests in america and take over farmlands in andt pollute everything here. it'she it's a whacko religion. b but there are people who areing making a ton of monetoy on it, starting with with jamie dimon. and they're making the money>> i with china. e. >> yeah. and it's i think it's unstoppable. the covid thing you were talking about, cat, it's once t they put this thing in place, i mean, with the green new economy, it's kind o gref likeen ,you know, it's like everyone is there. if you throw a weddingif y and ' someone's about to be jilted at the at the altar and they're like, no, no. it. guests are allll here,got t. we've got to go through g with it. it's like with theco green economy, they're allnomy up for iint and we're telling them no. and they're saying t we havo doe to do it. >> it's all cued is alrh absolutely. yeah, there's already the model with covid and especially i mean, living. i lived in the city throughe weh the entire time we had lockdown. no one that was really, really long. and then there was lockdow was number two , i had three wedding dates, even
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though i only wanted likedates, be twenty five people at my wedding, because being in a room and your own homeus e beinwith more than ten peoplee also illegal. the things that i saw and i got married in that period. >> yes, i sure did serve it. well, they wouldn't even. yeah, they let you dance y on the dance floor. they separate you and they feeol like you're legally i was supposed to be wearing a mask. it's like, yeah, i want to bewia standing at my wedding with ma mask on . i need the fact that they wereto actually telling you what you can do in your own home. like, ten people are less oreves more that they had the galayl ae to even say that, le t alone actually mean it. i am about skeptical of the government as probably anybody except people who liveia in the woods away from it. >> and we'll never see this. and even that. ocked. i even i was shocked and i'm still shocked. >> and everybody should be you'd be surprised where there's a cabin in the woodss ci with a little tv watching gutfeld yeah. gutfeld. [cheers and ap
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two horsepower. that's like a go kart winner's hustle and make tough decisions fast and drop the ball. this was a profit challenge. i'm looking for my next food. stop the person who will be investing in is gordon ramsay's foods doors premieres wednesday, may twenty fourth on fox. he caused an internet furor wing because he resembled the f÷hrer. he's winning jeopardy cash withh a problematic stash. a jeopardy champion has set the internet ablaze. this tweet for sharing a striking resemblance to a certain german dictator. no, not her. la, th no, not angella. the other one talk about a daily double take. once you notice it, there's no
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way to unsee the man with the unfortunate deutschland doppelganger is brian henninger, a regular guy from tennessee. but according of twitter, he looks like hitler. rtunat unfortunately, brian sayels all the negative reactions forced him to quit. social media temporarily tweeting temporaril, i'm seeing whate al a bunch of on twitter are doing because all they cantwitt focus on is my looks. >> so i'm going to be leaving twitter for a while. see you soon. u soonyeah, he's probably holedn a bunker as we speak. >> and who can blame being judged harshly for your looks?to >> it's tough for anyone to either work to improve yourself or just accept it. like michael loftus. brian , did. unce he'
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>> right. did return to twitter to announce he's growinghe's a goatee. he's also scaled back his plan s to invade kentucky. so that's dr. nicole .zing it's amazing because when i sawi when i first saw the picture, i was like, oh, they're being unfair to him. but when we put the picture up there, i didn't even see hitler. and did you hear how the audience reacted? well, you know, first of all, i i want to say, is he wearing an orange tie over a red shirt? e >> becausewi i seem to have thi a little bit more if i takeou're issue with that piece of this. really? oh, wait a minute.- so you're saying i have an orange tie? you're sais worse than hitler.s i just can't get that sad. look, i think he has a stash. i mean, maybe he's just like a more svelte ron jeremy. you got to hair. ron >> i don't know.i can't i can't get past the charlie i o
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look. liken't know why hw whe looks le hitler, because it's not like he has the hitler stuff.fade awa it's a full mustache, but maybel the sides kind of fade away or something. but but talk about unseeing something you can't unsee it.n'e after you mentioned the shirter and tie combo, anymo i . i don't see him anymore. botto yeah, that's it. look, the bottom line is this is a guy who's too good foris this world . but if you didn't realize that,m this is what twitter is thenis and in defense of bullying, this is why bullying is veryif important in your daily life as a kid. if you don't have friends were who told you you look like hitler, it's because you weren'y yourt you weren't bullid enough by your friends. it's important. yeah, they were probably afraid . like, who'lls goin l themel to wouldn't be the first one he i'm thinking i'm not going to tell them. yot guy thu the last guy i toldm disappear.
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yeah, well, look, obviouslys gon he's trying to change this, but i think this is going to affectn his jeopardy game, don't youceou think, if he's conscious? i hope so.arle do you agree with charlie that-u basically he's a really. him. but he had to quit twitter.'t qi he it t was a it was a phase. >>d i quit and twitter is already back on. >> right.tting twitter tw because he the i'm quitting twitter tweet. the whenever they do that,here. they're not going to gets li celebrities. i'm like i'm moving to canada and i'm happy i'm leaving twitter, waiting for the likes,i waiting for the likeke i said.we >> but i agree with charlie on the bullying thing. we need to make bullying great again. >>bullyingter] it does. >> and well, look, he obviouslyb he he havid a problematic look. obviously, it's not just but the mustache, but it'she needs the little swoope of hair that he likes. waybe that.changeo >> so maybe maybe this was the wake up call he needed. k tr yeah, but i don't i don't think that represents the generalf us
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population. >> i think most of us aren that more self aware than that. twitter is a horrible place for me. look nothing likes li hitler. no, it's notke i to brag, but i, like i want to go on there. youe and it's like people are like your arms are so skinny, you're annoying your foreheads big. m like >> i'm like, duh. like, i know it's not thatn take i'm oversensitive or can't you know, i mean. i mean. hello, you, you've seei'm fin ts show like i can take it, i'm fine, but i just it's justge so wild because i watch tvt longer than i've been on it saw and not once have i felt, better the need to be like i saw people like i don't like that person. i'm like, well, better let them know. wh i got to tell the.m, who are these people who are like, no, talk about them behind lik their back like a normala normal civilized. don't lik i just i blows my mind. i don'
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you don't want it. you shouldn't be on tv. bei i''s like if i don't like being verbally abused by strangers i've never met, i should met quh my job so i can be like you with nothing better to do. who are you? i would also just like to add hot girls have big favorites>> . like i guarantee someone rightgn now is working on a meme. g fore >> you as hitler with a big. i n it's common. it's cool.ret. you got to not read the comments. i think that's the secret. just you got to you can't you can't look at the stuff.t pl you just gotow just plow >> through it. all right. do my best note we to before we go , i will be at the funnybone in st. louis, missouri. april 14th and 15th. would that's coming up. so come get your tickets if you're there. i'd love to see you. for more information, go to tom shalu .com. to... okay, next, will you loser sens
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primetime, and friday night smackdown sponsored by progressive at 8:00 eastern on fox. they don't like the results of living like adults. >> is your sense of fun mostly done? a new poll finds that twenty seven is the average age . >> don't say they lost their sense of fun. yeah, bad. >> yeah, especially if your idea of lavs is dating leonardo dicaprio. and over half of adults miss the sense of fun they had when they were kids. people said they remember starting the day feeling happy and playful and optimistic as children. but now they're tired, anxious and stressed out. but still, many said they have taken part in child like activities since becoming an adult, including eight time naps, video games and coloring
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books and refusing to pay their bills. it's been working out great for this guy. but these whiners are ignoringts all the things adults get to doh that kids don't like. stay up late, watch at'tr rated movies and vacation at eppsteina epstnd. that's what i was looking for. okay, charlie. >> so this is obviously this is a true thing, i think. bec buomt is it that people are becoming less like kids or the fact that we're just more tolerant of the fact that people stay children a lot longer? >> oh, that't s definitely truer enbut i mean, you know,'t know as children and i don't know what what fun means here, if they're just talking about, the' responsibility, i mean, there's s bility wresponsibility with evei comes with everything that's fun in this world .t' but the idea that it's at age ty twenty seven is kind of weirdin to me because twenty a lot people today don't start havingo
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kids until they're twenty seven . i didn't know what funil wasas until i started having kids because then because as a father you get to revert back to their age when me and my sons go away for a fishing weekend or something like that, they don't act liket. a 50 year old. i get to act like a thirteenon't year old and we don't bathe. we don't brush our teeth. we become we become little savages. and that's what it's really, t really fun. o do that i get to do that.befoe before i was i ah, i didn't, i didn't appreciate it before i was twenty seven or eight kids. >> yeah it's true kat.i i can't picture you as a kid.i ' >> i mean were you, did you have that, were you just>> i'm a little jaded child. >> i to i'm going to blow your mind. >>had a first communion but i do believe yeah. >> it was i yeah. i kind of was always, i wasther always like, whye' do we live here. there's not enough opportunities here. myd my mom was you're three years olyed. commun
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i wanted to actually saveiothey my first communion money for wel college. and they were like, okay, well, you know, that's not going to help very much. but i yeah. i mean, i mean, i had a happy, although jaded childhood, but i always wanted to , you know, go out and live in new york . and i did that. and i want to be on tv because i thought real tv was too. ambitious of a goal. >> so like the little tvs and the cabs, i would be like one of those. that was your goal? cab tv's. yeah. and the fourth grade, because i don't want to , like, aim toot high. but, you know, ih grade,t also o there's so many different kinds of fun, like you're saying. there's like the wholesome fun and there's like the fun thaten was fun at the time but theneeps later keeps you up at night. oh yeah. four years. but this is a british studybecas which surprised me becausee i thought it would make sense in america because that's the age that you are offer. your parent's health insurance. yes. so the fundsbetter get all o ovu better get all your broken legs and gonorrhea out of the way.
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>> or two broken legs tit and gonorrhea. that's o the title of your next book? yeah, i maybe yours. that's the threat. qenos mafia people. >> giv but michael, have you brokend legs and got a real beat? i mean, this do you first of a all, do you believe this study? do you actually have to be more childlike? >> i don't thini well, some more child. i think people are bummed ouchta that they have to work therere. this would be more real lifebe and there'd be more birthday cake and santa clause. o wo now you got to work and maken f. your own fun. just make time for that. all right. it's all about finding that that balance and feel likee bi i'm you know, i work and illto , can't pay the bills. turn that into a game. >> right.? like who's calling now? >> don't look at the phone. is that visa or american express? wew, we have to guess, how much do we owe them without going
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over? and then your buddo looksy looke hitler wins. >> he does.n he needs to get in touch with his kids. but i think it is very it really does. bus t your advice? it's funny, but it's actually great advice. actually great advice to actually take th to actually take the things that stress people out about adulthood.ulthood and you don'to take them as seriously. and you don't have to take them as seriously. kids wouldn't do that, would ifa you you know, if you have to pay your mortgage, you make a game out of >> right., ri dr>> tom. tom ?ld say i mean, some would say, seeing had a child when i was eighteen, that my sense of fun >> who wthe trash, that pregnancy test. and i haven't actually reclaimed it to date. s i would never say that, doctor i would sa.y that i would never say that. dri think .. g my po, but you know what i think? i think i could really grasp this increasing my child maybe positivity like the study saying to do if maybe, just maybjust maybed stope it would x much of my hard earned moneyes through my taxes and stogoinpf y telling me that the world'sp
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going to end tomorrow. just maybe ithat, be af they st] i might be a little bit more . yeah, i .laught i agree on wheern i was such anu anxious child,p i would wakes p my parents up in the middlose of the night and be like i , i read i was supposed to have a glass of water over at four .h am i going to be lonavg termlonr health? sh and they were like, where did she come from? i'm like, you. ry >> but they weren't the ones? worrying about. usually it'susuall the parents bothering the kids to take their vitamins. you were kind of stressed out about all the stuff. lik >> oh, i was like, am i going to be okay? but did you read the part ofstud the study where they whoever did the study, they set upy d bn a giant bed in the middle of t the subway station somewhere in london. sso that adults could come and jump on the bed, talk about, you know, where you you get your gonorrhea and broken yourg. i , i used to love to read like medical textbooks. and i spent so mani convy times i convinced myself i had
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scarlet fever every time i didn't feel good, i was like, mom, like, this is really dangerous. like i think i have scarlet fever, you know, it'sll completely normal and well, just loftus you used to readbook medical. oh yeah. yeah. oh yeah. up in up in the attic with a flashlight. so lulea. that's right.s what you so that's what you call that. okay, and then hopefully there's a never mind. ht up next, you might get chills when you hear this actor's spanish skill. >> those are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting t on a gold mine. o she doesn't knowventry for if ss a term p a life insurance policy of one hundred thousand dollars or more . she can all were part of it
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tied a story in five words. ! ben affleck habla espanol. >> perfecto life story of[speak the michael jordan hit. i'm getting michael jordan. no separation in latin. stan grant and importante estyn magnifico. >> no, no, i'm factoring in mondo killough the ante up with a career. it's michael jordan pierro dummying denia kittenish then
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yakir that michael jordan mediabistro of michael. >> do the spanish peoplel jo only talk about michael jordan . i felt i was deeply disturbingh . >> it's like we get it. you speak spanish, but then he has to throw michael jordans wee like this as if we thoughtm our brains were broken. >> like i'm hearing everything in spanish. michael jordan, there is still but people i mean, the internet freaked out over this. >> they people were very. i'm freaking out right now. yeah. i just i guess i guess matt damon got math and that dude got the spanish thing. yeah. does jay leno. e' >> he's like a good will , hunting of languages all right. but more than that, michael jordan, i think he had to learno this once he got back together with jennifer lopez, though. that's it, because she's on the phone with marc anthony .s e talking her secret language
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without. . that's good. i know what you're saying. mich i know michael jordan. yeah, that would be aot an motivating factor, right, charlie? i'm not. oki'm not an expert.t on it. i took four years of spanish.yef i didn't understand a word he ad said , but but i will say that and everybody says that he waser speaking spanishyone s and doinu brilliantly. but if you look atubtitles the subtitles in the video, the subtitleo,s are in spanish. mayb maybe the problem was his the spanish part of it. yeah, it should have been inrig? english. >> yeah, well, right. although peopl >> altd, you know, native spanish speakers weighed in and said, no, his his language is good. why are the subtitles in english? i don't know. i think it's i think it'sink he i think it's all a scam. yeah. >>think he was speaking greek or something. it was a made up it language. >> it is better. i don't i'm kind of monolingual. . >> i mean, i took latin, but
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that's it. that was the only language. do you. >> i bet you're multilingual,or doctor . i did study spanis?h, a dual major in spanish in microbiology. so i was a lot of fuy because in college and great spanish. and i think spk you people are impressed because i don't think we expect a lot from this guy. i think he has a lot of time the trying to get through put him next t and then you just put him next d to matt damon. it's lik he'e he's att damon disappointment. i mean, in his personas l lifej and his career, i think matt damon is just that much better. and i don't knowsu.pporte i'm not really tha.t big of a supporter of him. i don't think it's that hard. ke wow. shoul his wife speaks spanish. hewould think he shoulthd learn the language. e said >> yes. and he did.t of and kat, he said part of it was his kids motivate him because his kids are bilingual. and so he wants to keep up with them. but do you agree with dr. saphire that i mean, generallyml people don't expect a lot from guys like this, right?vi >> i mean,e star like movie staa you know, they're impressed that a movie staarr has wel some depth at all. >> right.hi what makes him such an expert'sa
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on michael jordan? >>t that's what i'm kind of stuck on . >> yeah, well, in his his new movie is about michael jordan. and he was explainin ande wag ho about the film in that way.e >> it's going to take a little something more to motivate me emotionally. >> i'm not going to tell anything. they're not impressed. >> i'm not a bottom line it's interesting. i think people are impressed with the with i think it's impressive. >> i was actually surprised. oppressive. yes. ressive. and that's great and good for ben affleck. that's where you want to be inn. life. the low expectation. >> yeah. no one looks to you for answers. and then all of a sudden you're like, i didn't see. seea no, i didn't listen.i mean do you see what i mean? i'm impressed because i didn't know you knew spanish. that's very good. that's good. don't go away.
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