tv FOX and Friends FOX News April 10, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PDT
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past brooks koepka sunday, turning into a lapper by four strokes. didn't look like they would be able to play, trees falling down, half the course underwater. beau beautiful. >> lisa: it felt loo like the easter egg roll >> >> steve: you were a subjective leader. >> lisa: you train your whole life and win. >> brian: jon rahm played well, brooks koepka led for three days, five over 75, but the guys came storming back. phil mickelson had a shot at winning. i'm sure he watched broadcast
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television, ended tied with brooks koepka, both liv guys on the greg norman tour and jon rahm from spain, oddest, funny to watch him jamming sandwiches down his throat. i guess that gave him energy. he wound up winning. tough to lead for 3-1/2 days. he said, do you feel confident? why wouldn't i. >> lisa: how many hours are they playing? >> steve: 10 hours. then they had half days because of the weather. >> lisa: i tried playing golf when i was younger. -- >> steve: go buy a red jacket -- rather, a green jacket. it is easter monday. >> brian: china warning it is ready to defeat any attempt at
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taiwanese interference. >> lisa: beijing war of words as the ccp wraps up three days of m -- /* /* military drills. >> steve: alexandria joins us where the bunny rabbit will show up. >> alexandria: children enjoying this easter egg roll. the president will appear in two hours before departing for ireland tomorrow and that is 5000 miles from where china is showing off war capabilities. china foreign ministry says incompatible with peace in the taiwan straits. taiwan aircraft carriers launched fighter jets toward the
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self-governoring democracy. three days of military drills are retaliation for taiwan meeting with house speaker kevin mccarthy last week. china is putting anti-ship missile launchers as chinese television shares what a missile attack could look like. >> military exercises have been very serious, coming very close to taiwan and any accident might spark uncontrollable war between taiwan and china and if other countries try to intervene, it might be the start of a war of a grand scale. >> alexandria: as far as that guided missile destroyer sent to the south china sea, china is calling it -- and the united states says they are moving within the law.
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china foreign ministry warns it is ready to defeat all forms of taiwan independence, vowing to stand up. u.s.un was to see taiwan get weapons to defend themselves. >> steve: you will be covering the president in two hours, have you prepared your egg puns? >> alexandria: i've had enough with the egg-ucation. >> steve: i just heard you scram scrambling -- egg-travaganza. eggcellent. >> brian: u.s. war ships sailed past a chinese controlled island and poured dirt into the sea.
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the united states sent a jet. china surrounded the island, had an animation what an attack would look like. japan following china's scheme carefully. with australia and south japan why don't we replicate to get ready. it is in our best interest to make sure taiwan is not in control of china, if they do, they have control of your iphone in your pocket, your ipad and everything we power electronically, including electric cars. >> lisa: taiwan foreign minister said any accident might spark uncontrollable war. ittel foos like this is where we
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are at this moment in history with hostility close to potential world war. we spoke to commander kirk lepoland earlier and his analysis was sober and terrifying. look, there is possibility of war with russia, can we fight china, too and he said no. we depleted our arsenal in this war with ukraine, he said you don't. retired navy commander telling us we potentially don't have capability or arsenal to fight a two-way war. >> steve: this is something new for china, they put it out on their wii chat account. they put out a simulation of the
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island of taiwan and there are a couple of direct hits. that is to scare the people of taiwan, according to reuters, that is not happening and people are not panicking. they have seen these military exercises before. we knew they were coming because the taiwanese president met our people and china said if you do it, something bad will happen. this at this point is as bad as it will get. >> brian: you need friends and allies, emmanuel macron going to china, is eyebrow raising. maybe he will say we will cut off trade angles. taiwan is an ally. instead macron goes over there and cut deals, further entrenching themselves with china and macron says the
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question asked of us is the following. is it in our interest to be acceleration on the topic of taiwan? no. worst thing europeans would do is to be followers on this topic and adopt to american rhythm. why go at rhythm chosen by someone else, which prompted tom cotton to say this. >> emmanuel macron fly to china, take french businessmen with him and president macron basically said if there was war in taiwan, not sure we need to be a part of that, we would leave taiwan and united states on their own and china began to step up military operations. good example of how dictators
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like xi jinping or -- so important president biden signal strength and resolve in defending taiwan if chieb ever goes for the jugular. >> lisa: best way to address this is to get joe biden out of political office. withdraws from afghanistan did not show his way, it was the withdrawal and how he did it. we didn't see this happening under previous administration, we can get someone who believes in peace through doctrine and other countries believe it. that is the game changer. brian, i know we differ on this with ukraine, i worry about the distraction of that when you have china doing different things. >> brian: all related, they are
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doing because of afghanistan. >> lisa: president xi installing war-time cabinet, we have our air force general saying he is -- >> brian: so hand beijing to china? >> lisa: you have the french president say do what is in their interest, we need to do what is in our interest. >> brian: ukraine fighting off and pushing off russia is in our interest, china and russia are one. they are -- their mission is the same. we have to stand up everywhere there is and back up and fortify our defense pentagon, spend correctly, double amount we are putting into defense to stop a war and be willing to fight a war. we are not showing deterrent. >> lisa: i don't believe the war in ukraine is winnable and my biggest fear is after depleting our military arsenal after this
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loss of life, russia will end up where they were before this with parts of the donbas region and what was this for? >> brian: they want the whole country, if we pull out, they will take it. >> steve: more on this throughout the day. >> lisa: that was respectful. we can disagree and get along. >> steve: today should be the last day of the drills around taiwan unless they decide, you know what, go one more day. let's talk about this. the $10 million legislature is back in session today and expecting protests because this is the first time since republicans in the state house voted to expel the two freshmen democratic if the loud chaotic protest after the six people were shot at the church school in nashville. nashville, here is what is probably going to happen, metro council will likely reappoint
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justin jones to the seat later today and town council in memphis will probably reinstall mr. pearson who is from there and have special elections. nonetheless, this has become a talking point for both sides across the political aisle. >> lisa: the way i see it, the media will carry the democrat's message, i think it is time for republicans to meet power with power to the left. only thing they respond to is power. what drives me, bothers me, two lawmakers in tennessee trying to make themselves martyrs, we shouldn't be talking about the tennessee two or three, we should be talking about the tennessee six. these people are making it about
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themselves, instead of talking about protecting lives of children and that is what republicans were trying to do in the state legislature with this bill, to put armed resource guards into school. i look at these democrat lawmakers as a disgrace. >> brian: right. it is okay to storm a capitol in washington, not to storm a capitol in tennessee and lawmakers to grab bull horns and fer ment the whole crowd. how could two lawmakers join in insurrectorion, they joined in and spoke out and get reprimanded and vote on expulsion and two of the three were looked at as more aggressive and the woman was not and pled to stay. she gets to stay, she said i got to stay because i'm white.
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the sense of rationale about behavior and they said this is racist, white lawmakers don't want black lawmakers as if it is 1860 and now talking about how racest tennessee is, conversation that is out of control and inaccurate. >> steve: protest today. >> lisa: they will call you names, might as well take action. important story manhunt for the man in florida over the death of three florida teens. >> steve: police arrested the third and final suspect over the weekend. >> brian: todd piro with more. >> todd: arrested and taken in on carjacking, aggravated assault and more, additional charges in connection with the
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three homicides are ongoing. the other teens will be back in court next week. the sheriff stressed the need for accountability. >> we do not hold our juveniles accountable. we minimize their actions. districts across this state and nation need to quit minimizing actions of their students, that is where failure is. >> todd: authorities say the teen suspects shot and killed silvernail, quarrels and an unidentified 17-year-old male. bodies discovered in three separate locations. two found shot on the side of the road and quarrels inside silvernail's car in a pond. the suspects and victims knew etch00 other and were part of a crime ring described as a
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wanna-be gang. murder investigation is ongoing. >> steve: just shocking. >> lisa: what leads teenagers to murder? we should be trying to get to that. >> brian: greed. >> steve: thank you. >> brian: ashley has breaking news. >> ashley: new york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez is not backing down after calling on president biden to ignore the ruling on the abortion pill, take a listen. >> take a ep step back and dig into the ground about ignoring preliminary ruling. there is precedent for this. they make a mockery of our system, of our law. >> ashley: federal judge in texas repealed the widely used abortion pill over concerns about the drug's safety. the newspaper oregonian rattling off a list of what is driving
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people out of the state. our housing, unaffordable, homelessness, traffic deaths and education meddock rase is changing opinions. the homeless crisis highlights declining sense of safety over the camper tents and trash has taken over sidewalks, trails and parks. the white house is hosting annual easter egg roll later this morning. this is a live picture you are seeing now that dates back, this tradition, back to 1878, when weatherford b. hayes. we had an easter egg roll in a highly controversial finish,
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lisa declared the winner. i have no idea how you win that. not just lisa, what -- >> steve: style points. >> lisa: i was told i didn't win out right. did i win out right? >> steve: it is spiritual. >> lisa: will i take the win, i will take it. take it any way you can get it. >> brian: nobody put eye holes in the rabbit costume. >> ashley: who was in the rabbit costume? >> lisa: may or may not have paid off the easter bunnet. >> steve: it was lexi. her mother said four years in college and you're a bunny rabbit. i don't know if she said that, lexy is awesome. >> brian: greg abbott push to
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pardon an army sergeant. ken paxtons there should never have been a -- >> lisa: move over james patterson, there is a new writer in the family, sue patterson and she will join us to talk about her debut album -- no, sorry. ♪ out here, you're more than just a landowner. you're a gardener. a landscaper. a hunter. because you didn't settle for ordinary. same goes for your equipment. versatile, powerful, durable kubota equipment. more goes into it. so you get more out of it.
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by a district attorney. texas attorney general ken paxton joins us now. hi, attorney general. we see from governor abbott saying right to self-defense cannot be nullified, isn't that what progressive district attorneys across the country are trying to do? >> it is happening in travis county and counties where da, we have george soros. we have real problems in texas and across the country having credible justice system on the criminal side. >> lisa: statement that travis county district attorney says the governor's statement he will intervene in the legal proceedings surrounding the death of garrett foster is deeply troubling and a jury gets
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to decide if a jury is guilty or innocent , not the governor. this district attorney has been accused of witness tampering, telling them to hide evidence that would prove daniel acted in self-defense. >> this da is elected by local voters, it is hard to get good das. soros funded the race against margaret moore who used to prosecute. the legislature needs to address malicious prosecution and prosecutors who are not prosecuting real crime. drug crime, property crime, any crime he doesn't like he
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nullifies and uses people he doesn't like for political purposes. >> lisa: will the parole board overturn this case? >> they are appointed by the governor, seven members, i hope they will take what happened to him into account and let this guy go, pardon him. he does not deserve to go to prison. >> lisa: attorney general k paxton, thanks for joining us. china displays biggest -- yet. officials warn of uncontrollable war. what the? good morning hallow makes it easy to build a daily habit of prayer and meditation want to start with a five minute daily gospel? sure. take a deep breath and focus your attention on god
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in the name of the father, and and of the son and of the holy spirit. amen. hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage three veterans will join us. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that $9.95 plan, today. (jonathan) is it time for you to call about the $9.95 plan? i'm jonathan from colonial penn life insurance company. sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. if you're age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance
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>> brian: beijing moving guided missile destroyer to the china sea keeping eye on growing tension between the communist nation and taiwan and our country is involved. do we have resources to provide both at the same too? our next guests have fought for america on the front line. we have three veterans.
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rudy, start with you. we have two nations willing to fight allies of ours, they just need supplies, what is the holdup in getting supplies they need? >> well, it's a complex situation with ukraine because they're in a war. ukraine and russia. and there is no real end state, we have no idea what victory for ukraine means, but so much money going to ukraine. how can we be filling the coffers of ukraine for this open-ended war when our allies in taiwan need help, too, that is the problem. >> brian: david, that is a problem, we're not fully arming ukraine to go out and push the russians back, but doing enough for them not to lose. >> we also have a problem where we can't make up our mind what
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our policy is. we have seen public service announcements about bully. the story of corn pop might have ended differently. right now xi jinping is corn pop. the u.s. navy fears the seventh fleet and you don't see china anywhere there. we allow china to dictate their way in the south china sea, it is unamerican, unsafe and unsustainable. >> brian: mike, recruiting down 25% outside marines, people think maybe america, we have experience and resilience to fight, they think we are not looking to fight, not ready to fight, is that right? >> enlistment boosted after 9/11, it is not lack of will in young american people. the message going out, why join
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a military that is politicized. their character is assassinated by the liberal media. >> brian: rudy, look at what is happening, iran is getting embolden, the middle east is no longer america's place to dominate. look at europe, we have a french ally that says i don't want to get involved and see what is happening with china and we have japan, australia and south korea ready to lead, but doesn't look like we're ready to do that. >> my field brothers are saying it right. i think ultimately, failure of foreign policy to really understand the way the ground looks and historically, we've been there for taiwan and now bogged down in a nebulous kind of war. and recruitment is down thchl is
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a perfect opportunity for our enemies like iran, like china to take advantage and i see that is upon haing right now. >> brian: david, when you see press conference that said kirby said i'm not into holding anyone accountable. we left afghanistan and it wasn't chaotic. what does that do for moral and recruitment? >> it destroys it, as you heard earlier. our dod, maybe we need hormone therapy and more testosterone, we can't make decisions, it is killing our moral. >> yeah, this administration, brother, for all the blood and brother we have sacrificed and lost, it is a slap in the face. >> brian: mike? >> what david and rudy know is
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that leadership starts and ends with accountability and this is the message we're sending to the world. it is not the biden administration issue the american country failed. we understand in the private sector, when you take a chief executive role, the buck stops with you. you own the situation from that point forward. >> brian: spokesperson to go to camp david and then ireland. mike, rudy, david, thank you for what you do and for weighing in today. >> god bless you. >> brian: still ahead, family tradition best-selling author james patterson's wife just wrote a brand-new book. they will join us next.
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>> steve: the world's number one west-selling author james patterson is not the only writer in the family. his wife sue wrote "things i wish i had told my mother" debuts today. sue and james patterson join us. sue, this is your idea. i love this book. i am going to read this book. my wife is going to read it because i know that when your mother was alive, she used to say, you're going to miss me when i'm gone and shortly after in 2019, wait a minute, there are things i still need to tell my mom. >> you said it exactly, that is
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wh the title came from. there were so many things left to say. the story is fiction, with a few truth spread in there. >> the mother in the book is a surgeon and a medical incident in the beginning and the mother and daughter go to europe and there are laughs and fights and romance for the daughter and a surprise ending and they will shed a tear, i think. >> the idea is to move beyond just being mothers and daughters and become best friends. >> steve: do you feel now that your mom is gone that you were close to making that happen and it didn't happen and that is why you put all this down? >> well, i used to travel a lot with my parents growing up issue the trip to paris and to nor way, retracing the family roots
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is where that came from. but also during covid and then going through her things, it brought back so many memories. >> i don't think there is a mother and daughter that won't love this book, it is terrific, i love this girl so much. i'm proud of her and her mom would be so proud of this book and susan who worked with us, her mom would be proud of this book, too, wonderful, wonderful novel. >> i love the way the two susans put together the story and the daughter and mother are like an odd couple, they are not the same person and probably where any distance came from, but circled at the end to say what you wanted to say. >> yeah. you just never know. what my mom said was true, i do miss her everyday. >> steve: james, you watched
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this process as she was writing this process, would you look over her shoulder and go, ah, or that is good. what was your function? >> my function was to get coffee and sandwiches and help a little without getting in the way. i stayed out of the way. susan and susan did not need my help. >> steve: looking forward to it, "things i wish i told my mother" available now, goes on sale everywhere. jim and sue, thank you for joining us from the patterson place. congratulations, good luck. quarter before the top of the hour, ashley joins us now, looks like your news starts at home depot. >> ashley: authorities in colorado say two women ran out of a home depot after their grain dane attacked another
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shopper. the customer agreed to give the dog a treat and was bitten in the face and needed surgery. the dog is under quarantine. swimmer riley gaines threatening action against san francisco university after she was attacked by trans activists while giving a speech on fairness in women's sports. [screaming] >> ashley: after the protest, faculty sent out an e-mail thanking the activists for staying peaceful. buckingham palace is making final preparation ahead of king charles iii coronation. charles will travel in three different carriages and they will shorten the route in the
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king's procession. an official emoji released and st. edwards crown is one of it is crowns charles will be wearing at the celebration. >> steve: they have a lot of royal stuff they will be using. >> ashley: i don't know anything about that. >> steve: stay tuned. and on the street, adam klotz has the fox weather forecast. currently 45 in new york. >> that sums it up, back to you. no, it is a gorgeous day. are you enjoying the weather? georgia bulldog, where do you live? >> clemson, south carolina. >> do you wear that around there? >> i certainly do. >> do you get in trouble? >> i do. shout out to my mom, watching in clemson and my parents and my family and they are in clemson. >> we have a great forecast for
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folks around the country. early this morning, 40s and 50s. take you to the next couple days, potential record highs across the country. temperatures in the middle 80'ses. this is wednesday's forecast, 80 degrees from rocky mountains to the atlantic ocean. it is going to be gorgeous. back inside to you. >> steve: thank you very much. coming up on this monday telecast, tiger woods future in golf in doubt after the sports legend pulled out of the masters yesterday. will he retire? we will check in with the man who wrote his biography next. what happens on this easter monday? >> good morning, sir, peter cottontail's dad. >> nice save.
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>> thank you, major warning on taiwan, china warns them not to follow the u.s. >> one week ban tiktok, next week use it for their campaign. >> famous "wall street journal" reporter hangs in the balance, benjamin hall is here today. >> swifty's breakup is the real deal, a brand-new minute begins at 9:00. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served, they'e been in leadership positions, they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary and they come to us and they say, "i need some financial help at this point in time." they're not looking for a hand out, they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan.
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[cheering] jon rahm wins the masters marathon. >> the 87th masters earning his first green jacket and second major victory in his career. >> steve: congratulations, jon rahm. rumors swirl after one of golf's greatest withdrew from the masters this weekend. >> brian: who would know about tiger woods in jeff benedict wrote "tiger woods biog graphy" and has a new wan out on lebron james today. tiger woods made the cut, but couldn't go on. what do you hear about his
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health and do you see him grinding this out again? >> grind is a good word. he was grinding all weekend. he's been grinding for years. he's 47. i saw grit and toughness, someone who -- if tiger wasn't at the masters, it is like the masters is not right. i think it is a big achievement. >> steve: you just will him to do better. jason day came out and was told by tiger last year he dropped out of the p.g.a. because he had a screw coming out of the skin. >> when you look at greats, like greatest of all time athletes, tiger in the category, tom brady, lebron james. tiger is 47, he's been
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entertaining us, one of the best of the century. you get lebron james, his 27th season. he is leading the league, that is why they are considered goats. >> brian: lebron comes out tomorrow, lakers after a terrible start have rallied, in the playoffs again. they have a path. when you look at this story, to do the most famous athlete, what your greatest story? >> with lebron, his origin story. to me, there is so much more embedded in akron, in his growing up fatherless, a huge component of who he is. >> brian: mom had him at 16. >> mom had him at 16, didn't know his dad. look at the father and husband
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lebron is today couple withed player he is, rare to get someone the best in the world at anything and that good at doing the other things in private life. >> lisa: 250 interviews, that is exhaustive. what surprised you the most? >> everything surprises me when i go into doing a biography, go in with open eyes and not have preconceived ideas of what you are going to find. with lebron, i didn't write this, i thought this, it reminds me of alexander hamilton, the odds he would become one of the most recognized on the planet, from a housing project, afraid,
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the chance that guy would become lebron were sub-zero. >> lisa: it is a great-looking book, the cover is awesome. >> brian: people can judge him, if you see where he came from, you might have a different view. thank you. congratulations on the book, tomorrow it comes out. >> lisa: more on "fox and friends" moments away. stay with us. out here, you're a landowner, a gardener, a landscaper and a hunter. that's why you need versatile, durable kubota equipment.
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easter egg roll. we had our own version, lisa, congratulations for winning it. >> appreciate it. >> the rabbit could not see the actual competition. >> it might not have been fair. so much fun, take care. >> see you tomorrow. >> bill: thanks, guys, good morning. here we go. tensions high around taiwan as china over the weekend conducts a third day of military drills and much with the intent to simulate an attack on the island. intriguing story. watching it again. hope you had a beautiful easter weekend. >> dana: it was funny but cold. >> a north wind. >> dana: on the east coast. i'm dana perino and happy easter monday to you. a large scale military exercise surrounding taiwan. a clear display of militar
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