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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 10, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> five killed. six at the hospital. we're waiting for the details. sandra smith is in for harris and "the faulkner focus" will take it from here. we'll have that press conference for you in just a few minutes. >> sandra: thank you. fox news alert. five people killed in the shooting in downtown louisville this morning. s six others taken to the hospital including a police officer. the shooter is also dead. we expect an update as dana and bill just mentioned any moment now on the ground there in louisville. more details expected as the police chief on the ground told reporters earlier that the officers who arrived on the scene quote encountered active gunshots still being fired inside the location at the time they arrived. let's get to nate foye following everything that has happened so far as we await the update from the police. >> what we know right now from louisville police is that five people were killed in this
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shooting. six people were injured. they have been taken to the hospital. we do not know their conditions at this time. we are hearing that one of the people who was injured is a police officer, one of the responding police officers. the police department, louisville police department say they arrived within minutes of this shooting and the shooter is dead. this happened at 8:30 at an old national bank location in downtown louisville. you can see just a gorgeous day there. a lot of people starting their week. you can see videos online of authorities responding and then you can hear multiple rounds being fired in the background. a witness says a man walked in and started shooting. the same witness told local media he walked in with an assault rifle. again, the shooter is dead. you see we're waiting to learn more from local authorities. they do have multiple law enforcement agencies on scene
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right now. the f.b.i., the a.t. f.also there alongside louisville police. we will learn more now. let's listen in. >> deputy chief paul hump re. at 8:30 this morning louisville metro received a report of shots fired and possible active shooter at 333 east main street at the old national bank. within three minutes of being dispatched, officers arrived on scene and encountered the suspect almost immediately firing gunshots. officers exchanged gunshots with the suspect and the suspect died at the scene. we are trying to confirm if that suspect died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound or killed by officers at this time. at least two officers were shot during this exchange of gunfire. one is currently in surgery at university of louisville hospital. at least four more victims were confirmed to be deceased inside the location as well as eight
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that are now currently being treated at university hospital. two are critical. one of those being the officer. we're currently working to identify all of the victims. work with their families and provide services to the families and victims. the investigation i want to reiterate is ongoing. this will be a long scene. it will take pretty much into the night. so i would still ask the public avoid the area. i want to reiterate there is no active threat. we believe this is a lone gunman involved in this that did have a connection to the bank. we're trying to establish what that connection was to the business. it appears he was a previous employee. it is clear from the officers' response they absolutely saved people's lives. it is a tragic event but it was the heroic response of officers that made sure that no more people were more seriously
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injured than what happened. we will continue to provide updates as soon as possible. we will have another press briefing following this at 3:00 p.m. today. i will turn it over to mayor craig greenburg at this time. >> thank you, deputy chief humphrey. first i ask that everyone around our city, around the country and around the world pray with us for those who are currently at u the hospital fight knowledge for their lives as the result of another act of gun violence. i want to thank all of the first responders, the brave and heroic men and women of lmpd who, thanks to their efforts, quickly
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responded to the emergency call and as you just heard from deputy chief humphrey, without a doubt their actions saved lives. there will be a lot more information we are able to provide as the day goes on. but i want everyone in the city to know that notwithstanding tragedies like today when multiple people are killed by gun violence, notwithstanding tragedies when individuals are killed by gun violence, our community will continue to come together. we will find ways to love and support one another and the families and friends who have been directly impacted by these acts of gun violence and we will come together as a community to
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work to prevent these horrific acts of gun violence from continuing here and around the state. i want to thank again everyone at lmpd from the local fire department and ems from the state agencies and now federal agencies that are also involved. we are a safer community, we are a stronger community thanks to the work of our law enforcement. and again, my prayers go out to the families who have lost loved ones today. my prayers go out to the officers who are at the hospital right now. and my thanks for all of them. together we will get through this together. finally, i want to introduce governor beshear, who has joined us and who is assisting with the
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efforts. governor. >> i want to start by thanking the brave heroes in lmpd and our other responding organizations. lmpd made it to this scene in a matter of minutes after receiving the call and there is no doubt in my mind that their efforts saved lives and they put their own on the line. we have at least one officer in surgery right now that is there because he took those actions to try to protect the people of louisville. i want to thank louisville fire and metro ems and emergency management and sheriff's office for the immediate response. they have been joined by the f.b.i., a.t. f., homeland security, kentucky state police and the louisville office of safe and healthy neighborhoods in this response. this is awful.
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i have a very close friend that didn't make it today. and i had another close friend who didn't either, and one who is at the hospital that i hope is going to make it through. so when we talk about praying, i hope people will, for those that we are hoping can make it through the surgeries that they are going through, and then we have to do what we have done these last three years after everything. we have to wrap our arms around these families and everybody who needs it, don't be afraid to get some help. our bodies and minds are not meant to go through these types of tragedies and so i hope that all the brave officers that stepped into the line of fire, worried about one of their fellow officers, will reach out for help when they need it. i hope every one of those bank employees and folks in that building, one that i know well,
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and my a.g. campaign was out of that building. i know virtually everyone in it. that's my bank. i hope they will all reach out and get the help that they need. there are a lot of people that are hurting today. if we have a place to focus our energy, i hope it is to surround them with the love and the compassion that we have been so good at showing one another. i want people to know that while today is a horrific act i do believe this is a safe community with officers doing their best each and every day and it is what we saw here. yes, i know there are steps the police department is taking to do things better after a recent report but we certainly saw, i think, the very best from them today. i want to thank them and all our other law enforcement officers for responding and doing their best to try to save some of my friends and many others.
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thank you all. >> any questions? >> the other one appears to be non-critical injuries at this time. >> what's the bank open? do we know there there were patrons inside at the time? >> not sure on the status of that yet. it is part of the investigation. [inaudible question]. >> it appears the shooter was -- i don't know if it was an active or former employee. the shooter had a connection to the location. [inaudible] >> no. [inaudible question] >> don't know that. was there any form of security at the bank? we don't know that, either. part of the investigation. >> we heard reports of a shooting at 8th and chestnut. can you respond to that? we heard it in our newsroom over the scanner.
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any word of another shooting happening? >> we have resources available to make sure the rest of the city is kept safe and i want to reiterate that. we're managing our resources to make sure that all services to the city maintain while we maintain the scene at the same time. thank you. the next update will be at 3:00. thank you. >> sandra: we'll try to get an immediate update on the situation. the reporter just brought up there that there was another shooting reported at 8th and chestnut. the police did not have any knowledge immediately of that. the governor saying this is awful. getting very personal and emotional saying he lost a close friend in this bank shooting. one didn't make it today. another friend, he says, is in the hospital. okay. four dead, we've been reporting five. that includes the shooter. four dead, five including the shooter. the police engaged with the shooter. it is still not clear whether or
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not the shooter died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound as you heard from the police there or if he died in an exchange with the police. the first shots fired 8:30 a.m. call went to the police and they arrived on the scene within three minutes and it was still an active shooter situation. these efforts saved lives. an update on those in critical condition right now, eight injured, two in critical, one of those includes the police officer, two police officers were shot. one is currently in surgery. we hope to get an update on that situation very soon. as far as what we know about that shooter, a connection to the bank. police have not been able to determine if it was an active or former employee. likely get more details shortly. jack, a former swat team member is joining us. join into the conversation as the governor detailed what is another awful situation there in
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louisville. >> here we go again, right? another horrible active shooter situation. my heart and prayers go out to the families of the victims here especially all those who did jump into the line of fire to save their brothers and sisters and other innocent victims. as previous guest had mentioned, this will be a collaborative effort with allstate, local, federal law enforcement. the f.b.i. will jump in and a.t. f.will jump in and asays -- assist on the federal side. >> sandra: as we try to learn more about a situation where we don't have a whole lot of details yet on the shooter involved here, obviously this was a huge immediate response from the police on the ground there. that very well could have saved lives. they arrived there three minutes from the time that phone call was placed to police and shots
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were still being fired you just heard from the police at the time of arrival. that makes a big difference. >> absolutely. the response time here was incredible. again, as we constantly talk about training, training, training. this is where the training did kick in. the police did exactly what they were supposed to do and went to the crisis site. unfortunately in this situation, a gun fight ensued and we have this situation now where we have officers in the hospital. we have innocent victims deceased and the training, though, definitely saved lives and as another guest mentioned the training of law enforcement is up to speed in most departments. the civilians also need to be trained on how to handle these matters when they come across them. we think it can't happen in our town or our city, but once again unfortunately this is another example it can happen anywhere any time.
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>> sandra: we note this is the day after easter for so many off today, schools off, people vacationing, tourists are out. this happened in a building on east main street there in downtown louisville. this houses the old national bank as we know but not far from louisville slugger field, waterfront park. a lot of folks out 8:30 in the morning, paul. not a lot of people would have expected something so horrific as this to happen especially at this time of day. >> yeah, it's a shame. you are hitting around rush hour when the situation occurs. there are people out and about. thankfully like you said a lot of people are on vacation, spring break week, a lot of people are taking time away and a lot of team are off the monday after easter as you mentioned. yes, it could have been worse unfortunately. but thankfully my hat is off to law enforcement. the three minute arrival time is
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amazing. training kicked in and they handled the situation the way they should. unfortunately lives were still lost and again my prayers are with the families and law enforcement. >> sandra: stand by with us. want to bring in paul mauro retired nypd inspector. we're waiting on the name of the shooter and whether or not the shooter died in an exchange with gunfire with the police or if he took his own life. why would police wait to release those details if they know them? for example, whether or not he know if this is a current or former employee seems like they could confirm it quickly. >> one of the things they're dealing with is the fog of war for lack of a better term. a situation like this is quite chaotic. mutt multiple units and agencies on the ground trying to find out a number of things.
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for instance, it might not have been a bank robbery. the motivation isn't clear. if that's the case you have to do a lot of background checking to find out what you have gotten yourself into here. does this person have an accomplice? the motivation here will heavily charge what it is that they do going forward in terms of the investigation. so they are trying to figure out what they have. i'm sure by now the person is i.d.s but a lot of [ground has to be done before they let people in on what's going on. >> sandra: interesting to hear from the police a moment ago saying how important it is to constantly practice active shooter situations and be prepared for them to happen anywhere at any time. >> yeah. so that is something that police do regularly. these are complicated drills and police these days -- i don't have to tell you -- are really pulled in a lot of directions. there are a lot of issues with
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recruitment and staffing. police are shorthanded across the country. when you need to do training at the level of this, an active shooting scenario, you have to pull people off patrol, off line, off their normal duties to make sure they are all synchronized. it takes time and money. it is not as easy as it used to be. i applaud the efforts of these officers. we're praying for all of them. early indications it looks like the training was borne out. >> sandra: going through some details here. we're waiting on the condition of this officer. we know two officers were shot in the exchanged gunfire with this suspect. and one of those police have been detailed in critical condition in the hospital. one undergoing surgery. we hope to have an update soon as you heard from the governor andy beshear a moment ago. we need to wrap our arms around these families.
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everyone who is going through this and just too many. too many shootings like this just in the last few weeks alone that we have had to cover and report on all over the country. and the governor obviously personalizing this saying he lost someone close to him in this bank shooting today. >> yeah, it is a phenomenon of our society. before we start worrying about or coming to conclusions about solutions and whether the response was accurate and whether we are approaching these things the right way, sort of at large as a society, let's see what happened here. let's see what the details are. we don't know what the motivation was. we don't know what weapons were used, etc. the police know a lot more and they will be going through it and let's see what they come up with. >> sandra: five dead in a bank
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shooting in louisville including the shooter. eight injured including two police officers, one in surgery at this moment. we'll take a quick break. stay with us. we'll be right back. what if there was a community of like minded people ready to support you when you need it most? christian healthcare ministries is an organization with over 40 years of trusted care who understands the importance of family. a group that sees you for who you are regardless of your health history. offering affordable healthcare cost solutions that could save you up to 40% on your healthcare costs. learn more today at your chm dot org about healthcare that puts you in control.
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>> sandra: fox news alert as our coverage continues as a shooting in downtown louisville this morning. five people dead including the shooter. we are awaiting any further information on how that shooter became deceased, whether it was exchanged gunfire with the police or if he took his own life. a new statement now by just out by senator rand paul saying kelly and i are praying for everyone involved in the deadly shooting in downtown louisville this morning.
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our hearts break for the families of those lost. the kentucky senator just putting that out a few moments ago. eight injured, six taken to the hospital. two of the injured are police officers. one of those police officers is currently in surgery. we're awaiting an update on multiple fronts and the gunman to be named and learn whether or not this gunman was an active or former employee of that bank. police merely saying they know there was some sort of connection to the bank with that shooter. nate foye is reporting on the latest. what are we learning now, nate? >> first and foremost the shooter is dead. no more threat to the public and the bank tweeting out the security and safety of customers at the bank is of paramount importance to them. four victims here, our thoughts are with their families as well as the eight people injured, including two police officers, one of whom is in critical
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condition. the other one not described as being in critical condition. there are reports the officer who is in critical condition was shot in the head. we'll keep monitoring any information about how that officer is doing. you mentioned police in louisville responding within three minutes after this shooting started just absolute herroism on display. similar -- today is two weeks from today at the nashville school at the covenant school where there was an heroic response to that. it will ignite to democrats saying guns are the problem and republicans focusing on the mental health crisis in the can country as well as security concerns. we just heard from governor andy beshear who mentioned he knows
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people who were involved in this, including one person who did not make it. one of the four people who were killed. take a listen to the kentucky governor. >> yes, i know there are steps the police department is taking to do things better after a recent report but we certainly saw, i think, the very best from them today. i want to thank them and all our other law enforcement officers for responding and doing their best to try to save some of my friends and many others. thank you all. >> president biden has been briefed. we expect to hear more from karine jean-pierre at 2:00 p.m. today. we'll send it back to you, sandra. >> sandra: we're monitoring the last question that happened in the news conference a short time ago. a reporter said that there was some sort of word of another shooting taking place. i want to be clear this is an update from police on the ground through their local twitter feed and facebook feed that they are putting out updates on.
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they are confirming the shooting asked about at 8th and chestnut was outside jtcp. the suspect fled. no active shooter they are reporting right now. they are staging another media location outside the jtcp. we'll get an update of the police shortly. we'll continue to monitor that and you will as well, nate. thank you very much. paul mauro is joining us now, retired nypd inspector. we are trying to take in what's happening in louisville this morning. the first phone call was 8:30. you have to imagine police were there within three minutes of the first phone call once shots were fired and this was an active shooter situation where police became engaged the moment they got there. shots were still being fired, two police officers were injured in this. eight injured, five dead including the shooter as we await more information. your thoughts. >> well, one of the things that
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we have to take into consideration here is that the police response was going to be the front line patrol officers. that is normal cops that are out there in uniform answering very often very mundane jobs. and instantly they are placed in a position that's obviously life and death. so you really have to applaud their response here and just the courage, professionalism. there is a lot to learn still. these were officers who were not the heavily armed, shielded up swat teams that are often thought of when we see these things in movies and stuff where you have somebody in a bank barricaded, etc. these were normal cops hopefully fully vested up wearing vests going into a situation like this and very clearly they didn't hesitate. three minutes is a very good response time even in the confines of new york city which
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is have dense. so the response times here are often lower than in other areas. but three minutes is a terrific response time. it sounds like they brought a lot of forces to bear very quickly. i don't think i'm overspeculating by saying that i suspect we'll learn that this could have been a lot worse but for how they responded. >> sandra: just want to we're learning this in realtime here. going back to that other shooting situation at jt -- i want to be clear this was another shooting that took place at the local community college there. jefferson community and technical college. police are simply making it known there was a shooting but it happened outside and the suspects fled prior to police arriving. it was an update moments ago from the louisville metro police
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department. they are saying no active shooter at jctc but the shooting happened outside. so i guess you could characterize that as an active shooter outside of that community college. the details are vague here. it says they will be providing an update on that situation shortly. this is just what we're learning. i can only share with you the exact facts we get from the police right now. it appears there was another shooting and happened outside of the community college in downtown louisville. >> from the reports we're getting it doesn't appear they're connected or they haven't made that statement. so this kind of goes a little bit to what i was saying a couple of minutes ago which is that there is an old saying that the first three reports in any active scene are wrong and so we -- it's probably better for us to step back and let the information come to us to see if there is any connection and what exactly is going on at the
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college. we hope and pray that this is not connected and that there are no more injuries. i will say that an active shooter outside is a nightmare scenario for the police. from what you are describing, this person, this second shooter, if it is a second shooter, is mobile, on the move outside. that runs into what i called the fog of war. you will have a response there a number of agencies and go into a different jurisdiction that aren't on the same radio frequencies. the federal government has people on the ground and likely will go towards the second report. so this is one of those situations where good management will really be important. somebody needs to grab the com and grab the lead and make sure the response is controlled and orderly so we find out and they find out what is going on. >> sandra: okay. we'll try to get an update on that situation. as you can imagine and paul, i'm
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sure you can weigh in on this. when you have the police completely engaged for the ongoing situation at the bank and this happening at another location you have a lot of resources tied up on the current situation. >> yeah. this is going to come down to good management. i'm seeing images. you have a lot of enforcement at the scene of the bank robbery. and i'm sure everybody there is there to do the right thing. they responded to the scene and they are there to do god's work. very often in a situation like this what you end up with is a lot more resources than you need. everybody comes to lend a hand and there is a point where the boss has to step up and say okay, units, enough. we got everybody here, go back to doing what you were doing. a good case in point if that's the case. if we have another active situation elsewhere, plus the normal police services have to continue while this goes on.
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so there is a point here where the patrol sergeant, lieutenant, captain, whatever rank, somebody has to step in and say we have enough resources, the situation at the bank is controlled, it is now a retrospective investigation, everybody that can be evacuated has been. but now we have to go back to doing our normal jobs and hope and pray that the situation at the bank resolves the way we hope it does. >> sandra: okay. there is no active aggressor at the community college at 8th and chestnut streets but they are confirming a shooting happened outside the community college and the suspects fled prior to the police arrival there. they are confirming that shooting did indeed happen but confirming it happened outside. the suspects fled and saying there is no active shooter at the community college. just to be clear on that. they are staging another media location outside the community college and be having an update on that situation shortly.
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two separate incidents. police are not tying it together. the suspect in the bank shooting is dead. we don't know whether it was an exchange with gunfire or police or whether that shooter took his own life. we're waiting on the details. they aren't tying these together but confirming there was another shooter situation outside of the community college, the downtown campus of jefferson community college and looking at the bank situation eight injured, five killed including the chart. we're waiting on all the updates who the shooter was and what the connection was with the bank. whether it was an active or former employee. you have a police officer that responded to the active shooter scene that is critically injured and undergoing surgery at a local hospital there. awaiting a lot of updates on different fronts right now and now this other shooting that took place outside of the downtown campus of jefferson community college.
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we are awaiting another update from police on that. a lot going on here, paul. >> yeah, it sure does sound it. you know, my thoughts and prayers are with everybody involved both the civilians and the officers. this is where you will see the police step up. there will be a lot of unsung heroes here. for instance, the patrol dispatcher, the radio right now or earlier i'm sure was going absolutely crazy and again that fog of war situation. everybody wants to do the right thing. everybody wants to run to the scene to assist when you get news of the fact that officers have been injured. so the control of the situation sometimes comes down to literally the patrol dispatcher, the person on the radio who is directing units to go wherever they are going. this is generally a civilian member of the department or even a separate agency and you don't hear very much about them.
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it is their responsibility to say units go here, there, unit, the situation is stabilized at the bank. units that are there. now we need units going elsewhere. there is a lot going on behind the scenes that the public doesn't see. sometimes in my career i have to say i would take a step back and really shake my head in disbelief at how it all worked. there are so many potential points of failure. you have communications issues, response issues, people trying to find their way there, people trying to do the right thing while other things are going on like we have in this case. i think it looks like they did a great job at the bank. we're hoping and praying there are no more injuries or fatalities but there is a lot going on behind the scene here of people we will never hear about. those people are heroes as well. >> sandra: thank you very much for joining us. we'll have continuing coverage
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of what we're learning on the ground in louisville, kentucky. we'll take a quick break and we'll be right back. nefit allowe to keep my money in my pocket. and my service was my down payment. i talked with newday on a thursday, put a contract on this house on saturday. 30 days later, we were moving in. i would tell other vets out there who are dreaming of getting into a home to stop dreaming. pick up the phone. call newday. you served your country. allow newday to serve you. (vo) red lobster presents fun dining: taste buds need not be faithful to one shrimp dish. thrill them with shrimp three ways. try the new cajun shrimp trio, richly seasoned with cajun flavor. it's a bold new way for shrimp three ways. welcome to fun dining. the first time your sales reached 100k with godaddy was also the first time your profits left you speechless. at the counter or on the go, save 20%
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>> sandra: fox news alert as we continue to monitor the situation in louisville, kentucky. an active shooter situation earlier this morning came to an
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end when police were called 8:30 local time. police responded within three minutes. shots were still being fired by what is being described as either an active or former employee of that bank. four people were shot and killed. the shooter is also dead. still not confirmed whether or not he died in exchange with gunfire with the police or took his own life. we are awaiting the police officer in surgery. two people were injured in the gunfire. total injures east eight people. updates on all of those and have just gotten word from the white house that president biden has been briefed on what we know so far about this shooting. i should also alert you that we've got a white house press briefing coming up. that will be happening at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. the time set for now. we'll likely learn more there. so we'll be anticipating all
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those events as we also anticipate another update from the police on the ground there. president biden has been briefed. let's get to ted williams, former d.c. police detective, defense attorney and fox news contributors. ted, we're awaiting on more details here including who the shooter was at the bank. >> yeah. i can tell you, while there is a great deal of confusion, we really at this stage need to take our hats off to the first responders because, as you've reported here, law enforcement officers were there within a three-minute period and that probably saved a lot of lives. from what we've been told, this is either an ex-employee or someone with some association with that bank. but what happened is people in that bank were able to shelter
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in place. they were hiding in the vault of that bank. all of those things, i think, helped law enforcement to get into that building, to break in, to run toward the danger, and to minimize and shoot the shooter who was also killed. >> sandra: ted, we know the easter egg roll is at the white house but the president is briefed. white house press briefing will be coming up and we're learning through our white house team that john kirby will be at the press briefing today. bringing information as we get it. but right now we're awaiting more details on the ground there. ted, i should also bring into the picture, there is no connection made but there was another shooting police confirmed has happened outside the community college in louisville. they aren't drawing any connection there but detailed what they described as multiple suspects that fled after the
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shooting took place outside of the local community college, the downtown campus there. but we're still waiting information on that as well. we know the f.b.i. is also on the ground for the bank shooting. you can imagine, ted, that resources are having to be deployed to find out what's going on outside that community college where suspects are on the run right now. >> you are absolutely right about that. law enforcement is somewhat stretched in louisville at this immediate time. but as the deputy chief reported early on, they have help from a.t. f.and the f.b.i. and they have help there from other law enforcement agencies. so while they are somewhat stretched, should we say thin, they believe that they have everything under control. i've got to tell you, the person who shot all four of these
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people and killed them and injured others at the bank and he himself was shot and killed are right now law enforcement knows a great deal about that individual. i'm sure that they are spreading out and headed toward that person's house. they also know if he was a former employee of that bank, they are really looking into his record. there is a lot that they are working with right now. but again, i want to just take my hat off to those law enforcement officers, the brave men and women who ran toward the danger and they were there within a three-minute period. again, i think that saved a lot of lives at that bank. >> sandra: indeed. that credit also being given to those police by the governor, andy beshear, who spoke a short time ago. very emotional response from the governor, who revealed that he
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lost a very close friend in this bank shooting. ted williams, if you could stand by with us as we await more details on all of this. dan linskey, former police department boston police chief. what do you suppose is happening on the ground there. we are awaiting an update from the police. they haven't released the name of the shooter, what the connection was with the bank. a lot we don't know at this time. >> we know they've identified the shooter and go to the shooter's home and see what is there, if there is any crime that occurred there. if there is any information as to what was going on here. so they will be executing a search warrant at that location soon. processing the crime scene, going through the evidence. they have to make identifications of the victims and at the same time they have to reach out and identify who they should be notify as next of kin who have been dragged into the most recent tragedy of these
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active shooters events that are sweeping our country. they have to get their information correct. the reports of other events in the area. they do want to make sure there is no connection or overlap and make sure they are getting information to see whether it was an isolated incident or something bigger involving more people. most likely not. active shooter events are usually a single individual,, inc. -- single person. it is probably unrelated violence. at the same time they are processing this scene they still have to answer 911 calls in the city and cops will respond for calls for service and people who are victimized and their job will continue as they take resources to deal with the latest tragedy. >> sandra: louisville metro police are providing updates as he continue to detail what they describe as another shooting that happened outside the
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community college there. we're awaiting details on the two police shot in exchanged gunfire when they arrived on the scene. one of those police is in surgery. critical condition. eight total injured, five dead including the shooter. you have to think that all these police departments all over the country are getting reminders week after week to practice their response to these active shooter situations, dan. >> you are absolutely right. while they are dealing with going through their official duties, they've got to deal with the injury to the department. that's a loss for the entire department. every family member of a member of the department trying to i'm sure by now those next of kin are notified. there is the hospital praying. cops lined up to give blood to help out their injured colleague and hoping there is an injury
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and not something worse here. it takes an emotional toll. they will lean on regional resources to help them dealing with day-to-day operations as the officers who responded and dealing with an individual who is injured from their own police family. >> sandra: okay. i'm told now through the louisville metro police that major miller will be addressing the media at the greyhound station shortly outside of the community college. that's where police confirmed a short time ago that separate from the -- we don't know separate, but no connection made by the police to these two incidents. but there is the bank shooting that took place. then a short time ago we got reports of another active shooter situation outside of the community college downtown campus there. the police confirming that there
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is no active aggressor at the community college 8th and chestnut streets but confirmed there was a shooting outside. i quote the police directly. the suspects fled prior to police arrival. we await any further details on that situation where it is -- i'm reading this from the police. the suspects plural pled. there are suspects on the run after a shooting outside the community college. can we pop this up now? let's listen if here. >> preliminary we are getting there could be multiple. they are investigating that now to get exactly what happened and get the video from the school. >> with the person dead or injured male, female. >> the deceased is a male and the one that is transported to the hospital will hold off until we get status on that.
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>> main thing is not active aggressor and happened outside. more information as soon as we get it. >> sandra: we didn't catch the front end of that. so we'll have to go back and listen to exactly what was detailed out of there. dan linskey is still joining us. i will try to get the exact details. that was a police officer outside of the community college where a shooting took place outside. suspects fled the police confirmed. and he was detailing what does sound like either injuries or death. i will get exactly the exact details in a short moment. your reaction to what i just heard? >> from what i heard we have a violent event near the college. violent event. whether a robbery or assault. two people were injured in that event and they are trying to get
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the status of those injuries and more than one -- there are reports of more than one suspects. oftentimes one suspect can be described 2 or 3 times by different individuals and we're looking for a second suspect but we have at least a violent incident occurring near the col college, but not an active shooting event. >> sandra: i'll see you at 1:00 for "america reports."
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>> emily: four people are dead with eight injured, including two police officers. one currently in surgery after a gunman opened fire at a kentucky bank earlier this morning. the shooter, who has also been confirmed dead, had a reported connection to the bank. hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i am emily compagno with kayleigh mcenany


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