tv America Reports FOX News April 10, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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i'm for that. >> about the same as football, but for some people think baseball is slower. >> pitch, pitch, you're out. >> hockey goes fast. >> it does. 100%. dance on ice. >> thank you for watching thin credible show. don't forget to dvr, and here is "america reports." >> sandra: thank you, emily, fox news alert, deadly shooting at a bank in downtown louisville, kentucky. police say four people were killed. the shooter is dead as well. hello, welcome everyone, i'm sandra smith. >> bill: i'm in for john roberts. calls started coming in about the shooting at the old national bank around 8:30 this morning and officers got on scene in just three minutes. eight other people, including at least two cops, were shot and wounded. >> sandra: louisville police believe the gunman had a
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connection, either a past or current employee. still waiting details. a lot unfolding. nate foy has the latest. what's the latest on the injured officers? one was in critical condition, one was currently in surgery. >> waiting for an update at 3:00, 1 was in emergency surgery in critical condition. the other officer's injuries are described as less serious. police believe the shooter was a current or former employee of the old national bank in downtown louisville. it's unclear if it was a self-inflicted gunshot wound or if he was shot by police. the shooting started at 8:30 this morning. louisville police, atf, fbi on scene investigating. we are seeing reports of local media reporting that a woman called her husband, she spent the shooting in a bank vault hiding from the shooter, horrific scene playing out, but
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you mentioned the quick police response, they were there within three minutes of getting the call. here is governor andy beshear talking about the heroic response from police. >> they put their own on the line. we have at least one officer in surgery right now that is there because he took those actions to try to protect the people of louisville. this is awful. i have a very close friend that didn't make it today. and i have another close friend who didn't neither and one who is at the hospital. and i hope is going to make it through. >> governor beshear tweeted thanking police officers for their heroic response. president biden has been briefed, and karine jean-pierre, and another conference from the
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police at 3:00 p.m. a witness told local media a man walked into the bank with an assault rifle. we will watch for more information on the gunman, and the officers, and the eight other injured victims. sandra. >> sandra: we'll check back in with you soon. bill daly joining us, former fbi investigators. nate was reporting on the local outlets now able to talk people who lived through the event, and one man received a call from his wife who was delivering hospital products, his wife was hiding in a bank vault as this was unfolding. a horrifying scene this morning, still a lot we don't know this hour. >> yeah, a lot we don't know and suggestion here that it was a current or former employee with some connection to the bank. there are some things too far
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ahead of the investigation, but it would suggest if it happened at 8:30 in the morning at a meeting room this person knew there would be a group of employees, whether any of those had close to personal connection, whether the employee had been dismissed, whether he had resigned, we just don't know those facts right now. however, it is a horrific scene when you think of people hiding, certainly something people suggest in the incidents, run, hide or fight, but nonetheless, it does not go to consoling those people who have now been died and been injured. >> bill: and ever since columbine law enforcement has changed their tactics. no longer do they wait around and set up a perimeter. unfortunately like uvalde, they are supposed to go in, take the shooter head on, neutralize him. it sounds like that's what happened in this case, right? >> you are right, bill. and it's exactly what happened last week with the school shooting as well, the police went very focused in with a
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mission and accomplished that mission, that's what we are hearing right now. you know, when you talk about workplace violence incident, this is in that category of, again, we don't know all the details, don't know an inclination beforehand and the business leakage, did the individual exhibit behaviors to suggest there was a problem. sometimes even people who were dismissed from a bank or even leave a bank for some reason don't necessarily come right back. sometimes there are days, weeks, and even times where there are months and longer where people come back because things have changed in their life. it could be a sick person in the family, it could be a financial condition, legal issue, it could be emotional or psychological issue, we don't know at this point. a lot of variables. one of the things we do know, though, there's no threat to the community, it does not appear there were others involved, police would be investigating to see if anybody around this person was aware of their
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behavior that would have in any way been predictive of this incident today. >> sandra: you have to think, bill, what has happened in the past few weeks, whether it's a school, bank, grocery store, whatever it may be, anyone who is working in security, police departments locally nationwide, all reassessing their response to these active shooter situations to handle it the best they can. these police responded, on the ground within three minutes of the phone call placed and still an active shooter situation, shots fired when they arrived on the scene and you have to think they saved a lot of lives with speed at which they tackled this active shooter situation this morning. >> absolutely. and we know when someone goes in with a semi-automatic weapon, you know, it's the first few minutes where most of the unfortunate carnage and damage is caused. by the fact the police got there
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in a short period of time is really commendable and certainly heroic on their behaviors. sandra, we talk about these incidents, many large organizations have adopted programs, whether it's workplace violent prevention, to put some trip wires in place to identify the incidents and do a lot of training. we'll see whether that was at play here, as i said before, try to run away from the incidents, we don't know whether the people in the conference room, sounds like they were closed captives of the incident when it occurred, but more will come out. another tragic day, another tragic week in the country for this type of violence. but all you can do is look forward, look for learning from these incidents and hopefully be able to prevent them before they occur in the future. >> bill: what the officers get on scene, they hear gunshots, don't know where the shooter is in died, adrenalin is probably pumping. take us into the mind of an officer as they are getting on to a scene like this completely
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hectic, knowing they got to go engage this guy, not knowing where he is, or if they are going to make it out alive. talk about what it takes for an officer to get to a situation like this. >> i'm sure you can draw a lot your experience at the border with the border patrol agents going into these types of confrontational situations, this is normal parts of patrol, not a swat team or helmets or heavy duty vests, these police officers would have whatever they had with them in the vehicle at the time. so for them to go in there, not knowing what they are going into, whether or not they are familiar with the bank or the inner workings where the location was, a lot of variables. don't know who is who, don't know whether the person is shooting them, they see people in the hallway, a lot of variables that go into this and probably say thank goodness for the good training of the louisville police that they were
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able to go into this, discern the various factor, get to the heart of this situation, and neutralize this individual, if that is what, in fact, they did. before more carnage occurred. so, a lot of things going in, a lot of coordination, especially if there are several police officers going in at one time to make sure they themselves don't get injured, sounds like one certainly did, or injure each other in crossfire. so, give them preamount of confidence and the ability of this louisville police department, the fact that they did this and did this well, it's a very tragic situation, nonetheless. we have victims now left, families to deal with their death and other people left to deal with their injuries. kudos to the police department. >> sandra: an update less than two hours from now. bill daly, thank you for joining us. the white house has been briefed, bill, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, the republican from kentucky, he and
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his wife said they are devastated by the news. thanking the first responders for bravery at the scene, and senator rand paul from kentucky also responding, horrific the day after easter and having gone through this country what we have the past couple of weeks, this is brutal, brutal start to the week. >> bill: it is, and feeling like what, almost every week now we get one of these stories. but thankfully in this case, like in nashville a couple weeks ago, the cops got on scene quick, got in quick, took the shooter on quick and very likely saved more lives. >> sandra: police update at the top of the 3:00 eastern time hour, we are waiting on the connection the shooter had to the bank, whether it was a past or current employee, hopefully we'll have more details on that. also the condition of those that were sent to the hospital, the eight injured, the two police officers that were injured, one in critical condition as nate foy was detailing, undergoing
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surgery. hopefully an update from police when that news conference happens at 3:00 p.m. eastern time. we will certainly have that for you. >> the chinese are doing their exercises the couple days are very serious. if you look at the sorties, together with the ships coming close to taiwan. and any accident might spark an uncontrollable war between taiwan and china. >> bill: taiwan's foreign minister speaking out to fox news over china's intimidating rhetoric and tactics, including aerial and naval exercises aimed at sealing off the island, and adding retaliation against the taiwanese president's ten-day trip to the u.s. former trump secretary of state mike pompeo standing by. but first, we are going to send it out to david spunt, he is live on the white house north lawn and david, what is the
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white house saying about all of this right now? >> nothing new, considering the latest news from china and taiwan, that general part of the world right now. however, john kirby will have a briefing in the west wing press briefing room in about an hour, i'm sure he'll be asked about this, if it's not the first thing he will talk about when he comes to the podium today. meanwhile, president biden silent on the latest developments. he was at a public event today, that was on the south lawn at the white house easter egg roll, tradition dating back to 1878. he made a brief appearance there with the first lady. but right now, in about 20 or so minutes we are told he will get the daily classified briefing. we didn't know what is specifically on the agenda, save by china and taiwan are the stop of mind. chinese aircraft carrier was used to launch fighter jets toward taiwan. china called it rehearsal in sealing off the island which they claim as their own.
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retaliation for taiwan's president tsai meeting with house speaker kevin mccarthy in california last wednesday. taiwan have been scrambling jets since saturday and anti-ship missile launchers in place. as for the guided missile destroying, beijing is calling it illegal intrusion by the u.s. navy says they are moving in international law on a navigational rights and freedoms mission. now, the president is heading overseas tomorrow for the entire week, not heading near china or taiwan, heading to ireland to celebrate the ties between ireland, the united states, also northern ireland and the united states. so, nothing public from the president today, rather, but we will be hearing from john kirby and white house press secretary karine jean-pierre in an hour. >> bill: very eager to hear from them as the tensions continue to escalate. david spunt, live at the white house, thank you. >> sandra: mike pompeo joining us now, former secretary of
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state and cia director under president trump, and fox news contributor. we see all of this happening. we see china's threat rising daily. how do we respond to it? >> sandra, bill, thanks for having me on. i know the taiwanese minister, there could be an accident that could escalate quickly. task for the united states protect things that matter to americans. and make no mistake about it, essential to american commerce. make sure we are doing everything we can to provide taiwan with the tools it needs. contrast with the biden administration in ukraine, they have allowed the war to linger on. we should demand the chinese communist party stop the sillyness. it was not kevin mccarthy's meeting to do it, it's a meeting between two people. this was an excuse to constrict
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taiwan's ability. united states, we should demand the communist party conform to international rules in the south china sea and not claim it likes it's their own, like a big chinese lake. these are the simple things to do. you have to convince the chinese communist party there are real costs for bad behavior and if their president who says, gosh, a minor incursion into europe might be ok or abandon afghanistan where we have 13 killed, those are the things the chinese leadership will see as appeasing, and puts american lives at risk. >> sandra: i quote you directly, we should do everything we can, and senator lindsey graham suggested this as far as troops in taiwan. >> strategic ambiguity is not
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working. china, after afghanistan, believes the store is open, that you can go in and take whatever you want on biden's watch. i would be very much open to using u.s. forces to defend taiwan, it's in our national security interest to do so. >> sandra: are you on board with that as well, u.s. troops on the ground to defend taiwan? >> japan will almost certainly get drawn into this if there is an invasion in taiwan, we have a security guarantee to support taiwan, like article 5 in the nato agreement. giving the taiwanese the tools to make sure the day never happens. we did for four years. but push comes to shove, united states has to be all in to protect taiwan, japan, australia, south korea, not the american tradition, get the
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deterrent right. >> sandra: to be clear, that's a yes. >> yes, we should do everything we can. we should be doing it today, sandra. it's not a decision six months from now, it's work that should be taking place to reduce the risk the chinese communist party sees a green light towards invading taiwan. >> sandra: you have spent a lot of time criticizing the biden administration and response to the growing aggression and rhetoric. there is -- obviously what people see as an opening for you when it couldms to 2024, mr. secretary. if you say you are going to announce and you have said soon for quite some time, wouldn't this be the moment? >> sandra, this isn't the moment. and i don't view foreign policy as an opening. i view it essential as to the way we live and our kids and grandkids are going to live. try to keep politics out of it when it comes to the things that matter to our security here in america. we'll have plenty of time to
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have that debate. today is the date to make sure america gets it right and the biden administration has failed us all. >> sandra: appreciate you joining us top of the hour. we'll await the announcement or not, see when it comes. bill, the field right now, the declared republican presidential candidates, we know these folks have thrown their hat in the ring. mr. secretary, mike pompeo, has said he would announce whether or not he is running soon. we asked him, did not get further clarity on that. but certainly his name is definitely floated out there. >> bill: and anybody throwing in that name in the hat, they have a lot to deal with. iranian militia shooting rockets at the bases, chinese spy balloons, one of our drones downed over the black sea, tensions with taiwan, a lot going on. >> sandra: and the growing field, kellyanne conway will join us live top of the next hour. bill, i imagine a few things to say about this current moment
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that we are all in. >> bill: i would certainly think so, sandra. still to come, the white house testing a quicker asylum process for migrants caught coming into the country illegally. and now learning that cartels are looking to take advantage of this new system. texas congressman tony gonzalez breaking down the new dangers at the border still to come. >> sandra: looking forward to that discussion. plus, sergeant daniel perry is facing up to life in prison after he was convicted of the shooting to death a blm protestors. how about governor greg abbott use his pardon powers to overturn what he is calling a wrongful conviction by a far left prosecutor backed by george soros. leo terrell is up next on that. >> i'm really optimistic, he does not deserve to go to prison. n homeowners, have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%.
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>> bill: welcome back. texas governor greg abbott is pledging to pardon daniel perry, army sergeant, convicted in the shooting death of a black lives matter protest in 2020. he says he acted in self-defense as protestors surrounded his car while he was driving through downtown austin. for more on this, leo terrell, fox news contributor and civil rights attorney. regarding the governor's pardoning power, is it absolute. if he says he wants this guy pardoned, it's a done deal or does it have to go to the board of pardon and it's more of a request? >> thank you for the question, bill. his power is not absolute. he has to wait upon the board of pardons to make a decision. he can make a recommendation to the board of pardons but the board of pardon has to refer it
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to him and then make the decision. i think he's doing the right thing, texas has a stand your ground law and i would submit to you, bill and and dra, this person who was killed had an ak-47 next to this officer's car and if you had someone with a gun next to you, what would you do? this officer acted in self-defense. >> sandra: well, certainly his mother believes that to be the case. she is pleading for help, here she is, listen. >> an angry mob of black lives matter protestors tried to kill my son, united states army sergeant daniel perry, and now daniel is being charged for murder. he was just trying to defend himself. >> sandra: obviously a mother who has gone through quite a lot here and understandable her emotion, leo. >> oh, sandra, so well said and
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i'll tell you right now again, how often do -- the fox viewers, for someone, this black lives matter individual had a weapon. daniel kelly was in the middle of a crowd, in his car, he saw people hitting his car and basically he defended himself. i see this jury did jury nullification, the stand your ground law in texas allows the use of self-defense. and what you have here, you have a d.a. who doesn't believe in law and order, he believes in george soros. how many blm cases, how many cases of summer 2020 riots has he prosecuted. he is a georgia soros district attorney and the governor has the legal right to pardon the officer. >> and some testified that garrett foster did not point a weapon at daniel perry before the shots were fired and the
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travis county d.a., soros-backed, he is pouring cold water, and what the d.a. says in this case a jury of 12 reached the unanimous decision daniel perry did not kill garrett foster in self-defense and was guilty of murder. a jury gets to decide whether a defendant is guilty or innocent, not the governor. how do you respond to that? >> thank you very much for that question, bill. i would like to sit down with the d.a. and go through a list of history court cases. jury decisions are not absolute. reversed all the time, modified. rule, error of law. if that d.a. is telling the american public that a jury decision is absolutely correct, i need to throw him back in the 1950s and 1960s where the jury nullification was done over and over in civil rights cases. he is 100% wrong about the argument. he is a george soros-backed
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d.a., and how many cases of rioting and looting in 2020 did he prosecute, probably 0. >> bill: we'll have to see how the pardon process plays out. i don't think the defense has appealed yet, more to come on this. thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> sandra: thank you. we'll be following that. sky high prices are still everywhere, so a brand-new report this week, what will it reveal, and will it cause the fed to reverse course on all those rate hikes and actually start cutting them? we'll ask an economist here. >> bill: democrats unveiling a bill giving the fda final say over abortion drugs. could it have unintended consequences for the medical community? we'll be right back. serve. my retirement funds allow me to
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story of our hour, the university of louisville hospital now says they have received a total of nine patients from this morning's shootings at a bank. it was earlier reported by the police that it was eight injured in that shooting. a source is also telling fox news one of the officers shot remains in critical condition at this hour, and that at least three of the patients have been released after treatment. we are expecting to learn more information on the conditions of other patients at the hospital at the news conference that is happening top of the 3:00 hour this afternoon. we'll be listening for that. >> bill: house democrats are introducing a bill affirming the food and drug administration does have the final say when it comes to approving drugs used in medication abortions. this comes in response to friday's texas federal court ruling that blocks approval of the abortion bill by the fda. david lee miller joins us live with more details on this. david lee, what exactly are
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lawmakers saying about this proposed legislation? >> bill, new york congressman pat ryan, who co-sponsored the bill, said in a statement that mifepristone is safe and effective. a federal judge in texas put on hold the 23-year-old approval, saying the fda ignored safety precautions. the biden administration today had its notice of appeal formally put on the docket for the new orleans-based fifth circuit. alexandria ocasio-cortez says there is a precedent for the administration to simply ignore the judge's ruling. >> the courts rely on the legitimacy of their rulings and when they make a mockery of our system, a mockery of our democracy and mockery of our law, as what we just saw happen in this mifepristone ruling then i believe the executive branch, and we know that the executive
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branch has an enforcement discretion. >> the judge's ruling impacts the entire country, another federal judge in washington state issued a nearly simultaneous conflicting ruling to keep the abortion drug available in at least 17 democratic led states, including washington, d.c. lindsey graham says most americans want some limit of abortion. >> we can win the issue at the ballot box, if we have our head in the sand we are going to lose. >> legal experts say the conflicting rulings by two judges, it's possible the biden administration could skip the appellate courts and take their case right to the u.s. supreme court. >> bill: and see how it all plays out. thank you for that report. >> sandra: here we go, inflation nation, we are watching the sky high consumer prices that we are all still paying, as we await
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the latest inflation report. some economists are warning the expected drop in inflation will still not be large enough to cause the federal reserve to halt their interest rate hikes. all of this despite americans struggling with record credit card debt and growing concerns over the banking system. allianz chief economic adviser is here and on set with us in new york. great to see you, muhammad. what do we know about the inflation report? i think as american consumers we are feeling the sky high inflation. we are paying for it in some way or another. so prices come down in this report, like they are expected to do, this is going to be a good indication what's going to happen next with the federal reserve. how are you watching all this? >> the inflation rate, the rate prices go up is expected to come down from 6% to about 5.5%, that's the good news. but stops there. 5.5% is way too high. that robs us from purchasing
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power and my expectations the federal reserve will hike another 25 basis points when they meet the beginning of may. and the concern, sandra, inflation will not go back to 2% without causing damage to the economy. that's the main concern i have and that's simply because we started too late in the inflation fight. >> bill: a couple of questions on electric vehicles, the biden administration is essentially going all in. very ambitious. pull up the screens here, talk about what the goals are. the administration wants by 2030 54 to 60% of all new cars sold to be electric vehicles, and 2032, essentially two-thirds of all new cars sold, and the second full screen, where we are at right now at the end of 2022. only 5.8% of all cars sold were, new cars, excuse me, were electric. how realistic is this goal of
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hitting almost two-thirds of all vehicles sold being e.v. by 2023? >> we have to prove our infrastructure. without improving it, people will not buy in. the u.k. went to extremes saying they are going to outlaw -- outlaw gas driven cars in 2030. so, there's an element of it's not enough to have the carrot, you need a stick to encourage this. whether that happens or not, preconditions in place. it's something around the world as people try to encourage adoption. >> sandra: i mean, bill, the numbers are shocking. and i should also note that the biden administration's own energy agency right now is forecasting that e.v.s will be a mere 10% of the american car market by the year 2050. like so we are just not there yet, and you don't have to demand people buy these things if they are popular and people like them.
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i think this is bjorn's point almost monthly in the wall street journal. if you create the cars people want, they'll demand them. you don't have to mandate them. >> so look at me. when i went to pick up my car from hertz the other day, the only thing they had left was an electric car and my first reaction was i don't want an electric car, i don't know how to deal with an electric car. they said that's all we have and it took me a day to get used to it. ok. and now i'm much more open than i was before. so this is really tricky, it's really, really tricky. it doesn't happen naturally, i agree with you. but i'm willing to take way above 10%, that option. >> sandra: that is a forecast. >> it's a -- it's a bet with you. >> sandra: i'll slide a dollar over the table. i don't know. you think we are going to exceed 10% of the american car market, electric vehicles by the year 2050? >> easily, easily.
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the price is coming down. the prices are coming down, batteries are improving, but critical is charging station. you have to make people confident they can charge when they want to charge. nowadays you can just go to a gas station very easily. but you need more charging stations. >> bill: and average price right now, $61,000 for an e.v. what does it need to get for more buy-in? >> i suspect 40,000. >> sandra: all that lithium, coming from china. >> we need to do more. >> sandra: great to have you here. please come back to new york soon. >> bill: police are searching for a suspect after a prominent tech executive is stabbed to death on a san francisco street, some newly released surveillance footage of the moments just before he died. >> sandra: and major companies saying so long to chicago over the windy city's high taxes and high crime rates. will the new mayor there drive businesses even further away?
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>> sandra: all three suspects accused in the murder of three florida teens are now in custody. the final one was arrested saturday night following a statewide effort to capture the teen who had several outstanding warrants. the suspects, all minors, are accused of killing two 16-year-old girls and a 15-year-old boy. what is the reaction in marion county to the case? >> simply stunned due to the age of the people involved, attackers and victims.
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some hardened police officers showing some emotion at press conferences dealing with a 12-year-old, a 16-year-old and a 17-year-old. all facing potential first-degree murder charges and the victims just 16, 16, and 17 as well. digital evidence shows they were all together working together in a gang to commit robberies but some of these children really part of the community as well. you mentioned layla silvernail, a standout softball player, just age 16. cam camille, found shot in the head in the trunk of a car, and marshals and fbi are called. the 12-year-old shot one of the girls only after a 17-year-old threatened to kill his entire family. the sheriff. >> there is no honor among thieves. and at some point these three
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individuals turned on our three victims and murdered them. >> at this point, two of the three children arrested face first-degree murder charges. it's not clear whether they will be prosecuted as children or adults. sandra. >> sandra: steve, thank you. bill. >> bill: sandra, still awaiting today's white house press briefing and will dip in once the questions start. it's going to come as president biden says he is planning on running for re-election but is not prepared to announce it yet. so, what exactly is he waiting for? and kelly anne conway will be here to help us try to answer that question. >> sandra: as china military practices a potential invasion of taiwan, one of our biggest allies is cozying up to the communist nation. the president of france says companies should stop following america's lead as china prepares to get combat ready.
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migrants next month when the title 42 public health order finally ends. texas republican congressman tony gonzales, thanks for your time. >> thanks for having me, bill. >> bill: first question, the administration wants to test out in an effort to speed up the asylum process. you and i both talked to a lot of border patrol agents and they will tell you a lot of these migrants are essentially coached on what to say when they get to the interviews, right? >> that's exactly right, and it's a fake attempt to solve this crisis. it doesn't get it to the root of the issue at all. i'm in del rio right now, my office along the border, and i'll tell you, a lot of folks are worried things are starting to pick back up on the border, you know. just a few weeks ago we had a family that was killed in texas, emmy and koch, emmy is the
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grandmother that had taken koch to a play date, on the way home a smuggler going 100 miles an hour crashes into them and kills them. this is 120 miles from the border. stories are happening over and over. i got a text a couple weeks ago we saw 1,000 mostly venezuelans try to rush the port at a bridge in el paso, it's happening again today. so the crisis is continuing to spiral and the biden administration is throwing band aids at the problem. >> bill: and congressman, we are showing photos of the horrible human smuggling crash that happened in ozona, texas, the area you represent, and the smuggler had more than ten illegal immigrants packed into his pickup truck, he ran a red light fleeing from law enforcement, slammed into a vehicle belonging to the innocent texas grandma and
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granddaughter, that's their photo right there. you just met with the family. this sort of thing is happening more often. what did the family tell you? >> bill, it's heartbreaking. i met with the family in ozona last week, and a couple things. one, they are frustrated, frustrated the smuggler has not been charged yet. imagine that, here in america we are not holding some of these people accountable, so my office is working on that. the other is the grandfather, and i was raised by my grandparents so this really hit home. the grandfather emilio, he is a marine veteran, served over 20 years in law enforcement, he picks up his granddaughter every day and while i was there talking with the family, alarm on the phone goes off, 2:00 in the afternoon and he goes i would go early to pick her up. this is what the face of the border crisis looks like. it's getting worse every day.
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house republicans have the lead. i think a couple things we need to do, we need to label cartels as terrorists. two, we need to have harsher penalties for the smugglers. give border patrol agents a pay raise, i think 14% pay raise makes sense. and we need to give more patrol agents the ability to shoot down the drones that are dropping fentanyl back and forth. i'm confident leader scalise has worked hard, we need to get this done. >> bill: quick final question for you. where do you stand on possible impeachment of dhs secretary alejandra mayorkas? >> no doubt in my mind there needs to be a change at dhs. it has run its course. whether it's impeachment or elsewise, there has to be a change. everyday americans are getting killed. they need justice. we need a change what's happening, starts at the top, with president biden but it also starts with the dhs secretary.
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>> bill: congressman tony gonzales, thank you for your time. >> sandra: any moment now, john kirby, karine jean-pierre, set to take questions at the press briefing. the growing threat from china as beijing flexes military muscles near taiwan. that is expected to come up. we'll by listening for questions. a.i. potentially heading to court. a popular chat bot accused of defamation against several people, including jonathan turley. kellyanne conway, art laffer, robert wolf and more coming up as "america reports" heads into a brand-new hourhave a. windshi, and recalibrate your advanced safety system. so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ when you find that perfect pair, nothin' can stop your shine.
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