tv Hannity FOX News April 10, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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it's not going to survive. add to the list of the many things he's broken. joe biden will have destroyed nato to amazing. >> what does anyone say that we're grateful that watch tonight will be back tomorrow. we're interviewing donald trump at mar-a-lago. it'll air eight pm eastern time. have the best night with the ones you love. >> we'll see tomorrow. right on "hannity". >> ladies and gentlemen, tucker, i have a group of people. what you guys want to say to tucker, sons, friends, looking forward to the interview. this will be the first interview with the president . we'll be watching tomorrow. tucker, thank you. thank you, sir. i welcome to hannity. we are back . yes. with incredible live audience. hello, you have got ready to go. and coming up, how judiciary committee just announced that they're going to hold a hearing in new york city. these are the only normal people in the city, by the way, next week to hear directly from victims of alvin bragg and his
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week on crime policies. finally, this this city, this state will hear from the victims, their voices will be heard now. jim jordan jordan will join us in a minute. will over all the details as republicans now fight back against the democrats witch hunts. >> later, the great one . any great 1% mark levin will weigh in on how biden's weakness is making the world a more dangerous place. and china, russia, iran, guess what? they're filling that void, guaranteeing a less safe america and a less safe world. but first, let me start by telling you briefly, let me tell you what the left wing media, the democrats say they want you to talk about today. they have an agenda before we get into the real monologue. they really should be covering that. they're not going to cover. the left is crying racism over the expulsion of two tennessee lawmakers last week after they led a group of protesters through the state capitol with
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bullhorns. let me be clear at this point, it's a nonstory when they became state legislators, they agreed to the rules of that house, which clearly state, quote, members shall not enter any meeting of the house, its committees, its subcommittees, joint conventions or joint committees with props or personal displays of any kind that may be used as a visual aid for the advocacy of or in opposition to any legislation or political message whatsoever. in other words, you cannot lead a group of protesters through the state capitol with the bullhorn the the way these particular people did. they may have entered the capitol legally, but their actions on the floor clearly created a volatile, potentially dangerous situation. for every lawmaker and also law enforcement. also the tennessee and tennessee state constitution. it gives each legislature the authority to , quote, determine the rules of its proceedings, punish members for
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disorderly behavior with the concurrence of two thirds, they can expel a member. that's what happened. and tonight, the nashville governing council has already voted to reinstate one the expelled legislators. >> that's part of the law also. but when the media mob isn't crying racism, they're obsessing over their other favorite topic, and that is they want abortion to be front and center, even though every state now will get to make that decision on their own. if you believe in federalism, a texas judge ruled to suspend fda approval of an abortion pill. but again, this, too, is a nonstory. the ruling included an immediate seven day stay. it won't affect most states . and because a judge in washington, by the way, almost simultaneously ordered the feds to keep access to the pill, which the left is completely ignoring, they won't tell you the whole story. they just lie and give you a hysteria and hyperbole. and while they obsess over these two issues, here's what the left and the mob in the media don't want to talk
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about under joe biden his failed leadership, the world has never, ever been a more dangerous place since world war two , and that includes by the way, the cold war and mutually assured destruction. now, think about this. while democrats are out there demagoguing a new axis of evil is forming right before our eyes between china, russia, iran and guess what? the coalition is growing on a regular basis. and it's not only posing a threat to the us , but also the rest of the world. the entire world take a look at your screen. the chinese army released. look what they released here. this disturbing video on state run television showing what their attack on taiwan would look like. that state television. the message is unmistakably clear . china is preparing ready for war. president xi mentioned it within the last two weeks. does anybody have any confidence at all that your president will hold them accountable? he's completely powerless.
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didn't even try to stop a chinese spy balloon from flying over the u.s.. he watched as it flew over alaskan airspace and down the coast of canada, the western coast of canada, into idaho. all over the continental united states, over our missile silos. near our military installations. and he did nothing. it went, let's see, montana and went to missouri, went to kansas, went to kentucky, and then it went out the carolinas. then they finally took it down. then they still did. they took down three other unidentified objects. we don't know what they are because they've never told us . they just spent one hundred thousand dollars on sidewinder missiles. but we have no idea what it is they took down, by the way, over airspace. so even nbc news reported the balloon gathered intelligence from sensitive military sites, sending it back to china in real time in other words, they lied to us about that, too. and your president did absolutely nothing. now, china face no consequences for sending the balloon and unleashing covid on the world or constructing
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blatantly unfair trade practices. and , of course, their intellectual property theft is too much to even detail and so much more so. what joe biden didn't do anything about the balloon, didn't do anything about putin taking a drone. what is he going to do about china's battle plan to take over taiwan, our ally in the region? clearly, clearly, china expects nothing. why should they under our weak ,frail, cognitively struggling president , america sadly, has completely abdicated its role as the leader of the free world and frankly, the world overall. and now china, they are racing to fill that void along with their new pals in russia and vladimir putin and , of course, the mullahs in iran. and i'm pretty certain that probably north korea will be a part of this axis of evil in no time at all. he has given up our energy independence in a pathetic attempt to appease the radical climate alarmists religious cult. his obsessive push for all electric vehicles. open the door for china to cash
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in. they're making money off of our stupidity, by the way. so the saudis, so is vladimir putin. and during today's press briefing, karine jean-pierre was asked, you know what the administration is going to do to prevent china from benefiting on our greenview energy deal push. but as usual, she had no answers. take a look at us . >> some of the companies investing in ev battery plants here in the u.s. are chinese companies. is the administration doing anything to stop china from cashing in on green energy goals? i don't have anything to share on china's specifically as it relates to electric vehicles. you know, are where we stand on china. we want competition, not conflict. that's where we have always moved with china. >> now, meanwhile, last month, china brokered a deal between saudi arabia and iran. i didn't think that would happen. many are now speculating that they will throw their weight into the deal between saudi arabia and syria.
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i remember under president trump's strong leadership, all these countries in the middle east, when you think of it, the united states , israel, we had jordan, we had egypt, we had the saudis, we had the emirates, they all stood together against iranian hegemony. all of a sudden, joe biden is in office and the saudis clearly made a decision. and saudi arabia, other countries made a deliberate choice to have china negotiate these deals. not the u.s.. in other words, the way i interpret this is they have bet that china will become the world's leader, surpassing the united states , and they don't want to be on the losing side of that battle. and now they have shifted away from the u.s. and joe biden completely. but it's not just our adversaries that are pushing back . take a look at this. during his recent visit to china, french president macron warned europe about america's weak position as tensions with china arise. and he urged europe to reduce their dependance on what he
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calls the extra territoriality of the u.s. dollar. make no mistake, a new world order is forming, an axis of evil is forming, and it's all happening because joe biden is weak and missing in action. america is not only leading from behind, we're not leading at all. and the world knows it. >> and these hostile regimes, these hostile actors that take full advantage of this. but i know many on the left they would rather talk about republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, trans phobic. they want dirty air water and they want to kill grandma and grandpa and throw them over a cliff when they're in a wheelchair. not true. it is reaction. fox news contributor ari fleischer and the author of the coming collapse of china and the great us china tech war, gordon chang. gordon, let me let me start with you about this. i am watching sabr, the likes of which i've never seen before. we may now within hours, perhaps days, have a confrontation in the south china sea with the communist
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chinese. they know nothing happened when that balloon was flying all over the continental us and over alaska. airspace. >> they know that we did nothing when when russia took down a drone. clearly, they have made a determination that this president is not going to act. that is my take. what is yours? i agree with you, sean, because, you know, flying at large balloon over our nuclear weapons sites. in other words, they were preparing for first or second nuke strike on the us that showed utter disrespect, utter disregard for the united states . and they saw the reactions of the pentagon to this and the reactions of the commander in chief. and there was complete disarray . we could have shot that balloon down over alaska, over canada, over uninhabited land, and we didn't do it. >> so there was a failure of the highest order. and we have seen the collapse of america's position around the world. all of these places that you mentioned and this is happening
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because biden has gone back , unsuccess american policies. president trump had the most successful middle east policy of any american president since fdr and biden has had the worst. trump should have gotten the nobel peace prize for the abraham accords, but of course, the europeans wouldn't do all the policy over the new york times. >> but that's a different story. no, this is this is so serious. >> to me, gordon, what you're saying and obviously, joe biden has abdicated the role of the u.s. in the free world , but also the world in general. and now it was clear the saudi decision, a very conscious decision. not only did they they allow china to broker a deal with their arch nemesis, iran, next to syria, but now they also reduce the production of of oil, what, by a million barrels a day, which will raise prices because the u.s. is out of domestic energy production business.
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>> yes, and president trump, one of the first things that his national security team decided was that the u.s. was going to maintain energy independence and we were going to pump oil and gas and use it to sell to others and to get them to follow american policies. this was great policy. and biden has just turned his back on it. >> and that's why we have the collapse of the american position. we've never seen this in our lifetimes. we're now back at the carter era of the u.s. being considered the weak person in the world. >> i mean, i just was incomprehensible, sean. there was a moment, ari fleischer, during this presidency and vladimir putin summit at the very end. and i know they wanted this to go viral. i know they wanted the world to see it. and that is president saying that we have an opportunity that we have not seen in over one hundred years. my interpretation of that is they now want to be the sole dominant superpower in the world. >> do you agree or disagree?
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>> no, i think they both want to . and whatever happens that takes down america that moves us down several notches, that weakens us is all what they want. look, this began with barack obama's refusal to to enforce a red line against syria when syria moved chemical weapons. it started with a red line in syria and it's continued to a balloon with china. it's the weakness of the american president . this did not happen under donald trump. and it happens now because they measure us and they measure biden and they see weakness. and sean, you just said it right, the failure to take down the balloon right away and just what the russians did over the black sea internet national territory when they shot down an american drone. what did we do to respond? we sat on our hands. you don't foreign nations observe this, not only china and russia, but iran. north korea, too. and would also that happens as nations like saudi arabia, the united arab emirates,
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our allies in the middle east, egypt, they start to hedge their bets. they don't think they can rely or count on america the way they did when we took out general soleimani of iran. so they start to cozy up to china and the others look with donald trump was in office. the arab nations made peace with israel. now they are playing footsie with china. >> it's because of joe and and gordon, let me go back to you, because they're lecturing the united states and our elected officials. they're telling the our elected officials that, in fact, they can't go visit our ally, taiwan, or there will be repercussions. they didn't even want speaker mccarthy meeting with the taiwanese president in california for crying out loud. they think they can lecture us and threaten us . go to the drudge report. china ready to fight. it goes on . rare carrier confrontation, showdown with u.s. navy. i can't imagine for a second that that would ever happen with donald trump as president ,because i genuinely think they feared him and they had to believe that he meant it,
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that he might be crazy enough to do it. and that fear was a great motivator to prevent them from doing a lot of this stuff. yes, it certainly is . and interesting, you mentioned what's going on in the taiwan strait right now. >> there are three large navies that are in close proximity to each other. china's, taiwan and ours. this is exceedingly dangerous. we have seen china with these dangerous intercepts of american planes in international airspace. and it shows, again, that disrespect for the u.s.. that means you have a chinese military core. they know better, but they do want to go to war. and we have a political system in china that is actually encouraging jinping to do the same thing. >> this is dangerous. and biden and the pentagon, they have no clue as to what's occurring inside china. >> and ari fleischer, i don't think joe biden will do a thing if they confront our carrier in in that area. >> i'm not sure about that.
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i think, though, if there is military action taken against one of our naval warships, he'll have no choice . >> how could he just sit there silently and let that happen? how could he let us spy and fly all across the u.s. and not lift a finger? yeah, i think there's a difference between that and an active naval ship that has united states personnel aboard. >> what if they just try what if they just try a blockade? i bet you joe biden would turn around. that's a little faith i have. a blockade is different, sean, and i would worry about that. i would worry about joe biden's fortitude, about a blockade. he doesn't even know what it is . all right, ari fleischer, thank you. give it up for ari gordon chang. thank you for disturbing economic news today as the new york fed survey finds that americans now are bracing for higher levels of inflation over the next few years. and as macron and president xi are both urging countries to reduce their dependency on the us dollar and eliminate it as the world's dominant
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currency, what does that mean for all of us in america? here to discuss the host of making money, he's an expert at it. he's richard , fox business. there is a real effort to replace the u.s. dollar as the world's currency. how real a threat is that? and what would what would the impact be on our economy? >> well, it's a real threat. and , you know, it's interesting because i bring in all the experts from wall street all the time on my show and they all kind of pooh pooh the idea. >> but let's let's remember, we took it over from the great great britain. right. and before that was portugal, spain, the netherlands. in other words, you're not ordained to have the world's reserve currency. >> in fact, most nations have between 80 and 120 years. so we're almost do it. it means that money comes to our country. right. i mean, let's talk about the three most important dates in the 1919, 17 , 18 hour economy.
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are past great britain. then in nineteen forty four , there was this gathering called bretton woods. that's where the dollar officially became the currency . post-world war two . i hate when it gets knows so much more than i do. go ahead. and then the petrol dollars, early 70s, saudi arabia, that will only take dollars for oil that met everywhere in the world where you traded for oil, you had to use dollars. so our our position was cemented, but we've squandered it. right now it's about 59% of global transactions. at one point it was 85%. it wouldn't happen overnight. but your point about these nations openly talking about it is which really worries china is driving china. look, the saudis made a very conscious decision with donald trump. they were with trump there with jordan, egypt, israel, and the united states and the emirates. now they have bet, in my view, because everything is a calculation. they have decided to bet on china taking over our position as the world's leader. absolutely. now, on top of that was one of
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the first moves that they make . they cut back oil production by one point three million barrels of oil a day. >> we already artificially raise the price of oil by decreasing the world's supply. now, it's even going to be higher. by the way, we'll be back to four dollar, five dollar gallon gasoline in no time as a result of this. and i would imagine that china probably urge them to do it. >> i don't think they would have done it without the okay from china. by the way, that was an announcement last week. china is going to get a better deal than we get . that was the announcement last sunday. but in october, they also cut production by two million barrels and they distinctly said they did this because the biden administration was messing around, waiting too long to refill the strategic petroleum reserve, which, by the way, is an unmitigated disaster. and by itself, saudi arabia has cut security deals with china. listen, all of these nations here's the crazy thing. i heard you talking about macron macron of france goes to china and they've got all these celebrations and fireworks in three days.
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and he actually says that it's not in europe's interest to get between america and china over taiwan. you're talking about knocking a nation under the bus. and then on top of it, he says that we've got to move away from our reliance on the dollar. you know, i lived at the early years of my adult life paycheck to paycheck. you know, i fought to make my rent payment. i don't thank goodness i don't have to fight for that anymore. but 60% of our fellow countrymen do. they're living paycheck to paycheck. this is only going to make inflation that much bigger, that much greater. it's going to make the economy that much more difficult for families to make ends meet. >> any advice for them? i have less than a minute. you know, people our savings rate went from two point three percent to about six , seven months ago, the second lowest in history. it's well over three percent. people already know they're hunkering down. they're hunkering down. they've been using credit cards less the last four months. >> the american credit cards for bare necessities. but i'm just saying, that's it, though. there was this the spending
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party from all the free money. you go to the store, you spent some of your own cash . the american public knows something ugly is right around the corner, near buckling down . >> all right. important discussion. charles payne, thank you so much. all right. when we come back , republicans are not letting in manhattan big album drag get away with weaponizes and the government. plus, you're not going to believe why the fbi was reportedly worried about catholic churches and other churches. >> congressman jim jordan of ohio straight ahead. let's take a journey through this great nation. i want to see what they saw. i want to see a change this land of the free with this and get filthy, stinking rich for this grave. i always wanted to be that person helps me out when the big stars grab a glass and join us . has anybody else been fired
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recently? you don't know anything about me as a human being. america is born and being shows where justice is served. i guarantee you she did not do this. jesse hired them to beat him up where you can get all things tucker. tucker carlson in the house tonight. he literally accused you of betraying the country. what the ? we're feeding leaves here. the patriot awards. we stand united . we welcome paul. okay, here we go . welcome to fox nation. america's screaming . >> i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial pain program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's? >> what are the three p's? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price and price a price you can
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we thank you. all right. more stunning allegations of political bias. your fbi now the house judiciary committee chairman, jim jordan, revealing that the bureau launched an operation in january of this year to investigate catholic churches and other churches in the richmond, virginia area over concerns that regular churchgoing americans that there could be domestic terrorists, just like tiger moms on a school board meetings. >> and how dare they ask a question? why do you my my third grader about transgene and critical race theory? how about reading, writing, math , science, how about or whatever your faith happens to be? why don't we learn about religion if you go a church? right. and the documents show the fbi almost certainly believed that, quote, radical traditionalist catholics were a risk that needed to be, quote, mitigated. now, the bureau even considered developing sources in the congregations and actively recruited them and leadership of churches to spy on their
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fellow church goers. and now we've reached out to the fbi for comment. shockingly, we've not heard back . and as the chairman, jim jordan ,conducts a full investigation of that abuse of power. so he's also taking his committee on the road one week from today. they will be in lower manhattan, in new york city to hear from victims of all the actual criminal acts, from all the criminals. the d.a., alvin bragg has set free while he pursued his campaign promise to go after one man, donald trump, one organization, the trump organization, and one family. the trump family says the hearing is a political stunt and insists that new york city is actually very safe . >> all right. joining us now, but you're from new york . is new york not safe ? oh. oh, oh. i must have read the daily news or the new york times. >> anyway, joining us now, house judiciary committee chairman.
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first of all, jim , let me let me let me thank you, because we i read about it every day. i wish i still like a hard newspaper, was a paper boy as a kid, and i like to get a hard copy. and i still read through. and of course, you know, i got a big pile every day of stuff i read. but, you know, every day i'm reading about this, you know, there was a bank robber that robbed five banks, got out each time. i know bell robbed another bank. he had to be the worst bank robber in the history of bank robbery. but they let him out every time. so i'm glad that you're allowing the victims to tell their story. >> that's exactly right. selling album. bragg, as you said , said new york is the safest big city in the country. your audience knows that isn't the case. you know, you live there. you know that's not the case. no, live in the people that live in the saddam. >> i don't. i live on the outer boroughs far away. yeah, and even those facts and figures and stats about
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alvin bragg's d.a.'s office reveal that that's not the case. so we're coming up there to talk to the victims, the people who've been impacted by this crazy left wing ideology that says we're not going to put bad guys, people who do harmful things to other americans . we're not going to put them in jail. and then bad things happen. we're going to talk to those families. and we're not just going to go to new york and go to other cities. i've talked to our subcommittee, crime crime subcommittee chairman, congressman biggs. he'll be there with us. he wants to go to other cities to do this same thing. but it is that critical because alvin bragg, as you know, is going after president trump when you have all kinds of things happening in his town . that are harmful to families who live there. >> let me ask you, your investigation. your committee is looking into whether or not our fbi has been politicized and our department of justice has been weaponizes . you have many whistleblowers in the fbi coming forward. i've interviewed a couple myself, and i understand that there are many more coming. are you at this early day, based on what you have heard from whistleblowers that i have
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not heard and maybe this audience is not heard. are you convinced the fbi is politicized and the doj is weaponizes? >> i am saying it's a brave whistleblower who brought us came forward and told us about what was going on the richmond field office. they were looking the fbi in the richmond field office was looking to put sources in churches, have informants in catholic parishes. that's what they were looking to do. some of these to give them a lesson in the first amendment, this memorandum that they put together that we now have now have this memorandum talks about doing just and it was signed off on by two senior analysts and the chief division counsel there. how can a lawyer sign off on something? and frankly, but for the whistleblower, i don't know that this wouldn't still be going on . and this thing was sent out to all the other field offices. now, stop and think for a second. yesterday was probably more americans in church than any other day of the year. the day we celebrate the resurrection of our savior. more millions of americans going to church. now, what if this fbi thing would have been carried out? there would be people in
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the church spying on fellow parishioners, fellow fellow churchgoers, that that's what they were looking to do. that's how scary this is what they've done to the first. and then when you put it in context, remember the ftc a few weeks ago we learned was asking a private company, who are the journalists you're talking to name for personally? two of those journalists testified when one of them's testifying while democrats are asking who his sources are, the fbi's knocking on his door and now we learn that here in the last month now we learn that the fbi was looking to put informants and develop sources in churches where you go to talk to your pastor, to your priest, looking to do that. that is frightening stuff. and that's why the work we're doing on this committee, i think is so darn important. >> let me ask you, based on what we have been witnessing and what you have seen and this this spectacle that was unfolding last week with president trump, do you believe that the clintons and the bidens have been treated differently than donald trump? >> here?
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well, of course they have. i mean, look, i said they spied on his campaign. they raided his home, and now they indicted him and they indicted him, even though he wasn't going to bring the case ,but saw that president trump announced he's running for president , is leading in the polls. and so they go after him. and i'm actually very, very concerned that they're going to go after him in georgia. and i'm also concerned that the special counsel is going to come forward with an indictment, too. and if the special counsel does that, think about it, shawn. if he does that on the classified documents issue and they don't do anything to joe biden, who's had classified documents at his home at his beach house in chinatown at the biden center, he's had them all over the place. if they don't go after president and do something to president trump, that that is frightening stuff. and i'm afraid that may be where things are going. i certainly hope that's not the case. but, yeah, this is the we certainly hope that's not the case. >> but you're in reality, you believe it probably is , because i know i do. >> i hope not. because as kim strassel in the wall street journal
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a couple of weeks ago, when you cross this rubicon, you start having these kind of indictments done for purely political reasons. even andy mackay, even andy mccabe, said he wasn't too impressed with alvin bragg's rollout out of this indictment last week. when you have any mccabe saying things like that, you know how political this whole thing is and going after president trump, congressman jordan's great job when we come back . oh, he's fired up. i talked to him earlier tonight, the great one . mark, tell you why all americans should be terrified by this story. they were. we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. do you think those two have any idea that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash ? so they're basically sitting on a gold mine? i don't think they have a clue. that's crazy. well, not everyone knows coventry's helped thousands of people sell their policies for
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extreme weakness on the world stage are growing by the hour tonight. we told you earlier about the french president , macron in china this week meeting with president xi and the president of brazil, announcing he'll be inviting president xi to his country when the two meet on friday. but, joe , well, he's taken a trip to ireland this week to walk in the footsteps of his ancestors and plans to visit castles while he's there, maybe build a sandcastle. >> also, anyway, how does the trip to ireland help america stand up to our adversaries of our own? peter doocy asked that very question. >> take a look. peter , you've got this ireland trip next week. how is the dramatic trip to ireland to counter china or and the war in ukraine? so let me just say a couple of things. the president is certainly looking forward to taking this trip to northern ireland and also the u.k., where he'll
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be heading out on tuesday. we certainly will have more to share on this trip coming up in the upcoming days. as my colleague just said on monday. but i also want to lay out here the important kind of the important history between us and ireland. >> right. all right. here now with more. he is a host of the number one show on weekends right here on the fox news channel. life, liberty and levin, nationally syndicated radio host by rewon our audience. before you get started, you all had a message from mark. what's the message got message from mark aigo gray one . i want to ask you this. thank you. you're talking about china. their alliance with putin, the alliance with iran. now, the saudis have chosen sides. they're now going with china and russia and iran. and you see the world disintegrating and your
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president is going over to visit castles in ireland. >> your thoughts right. >> we've lost brazil, brazil, now is with china. that's in our own hemisphere. we have to use something called the monroe doctrine. let me read you a list, sean. invasion of foreigners, severe economic troubles, division of the empire empire stretched too thin. government corruption and political instability, loss of traditional values, weakening of the legions. >> the military that is what combined to destroy the roman empire. the roman empire last a thousand years. >> we're not even close to a thousand years. >> every one of those seven or eight issues is something we are confronting today. and rome fell in 476 seei of its own weight. >> we have something going on in this country that we've never had before. we have a marxist revolution that is destroying us from within while the enemy gathers abroad.
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and there is an axis of powers against us right now. >> it's china, russia, iran and north korea. this is no joke. china hasn't built the biggest navy on the face of the earth military islands in the south china sea. over twenty seven bases of different kinds in our hemisphere a a deep water naval base in somalia where my great uncle fought on guadalcanal. >> you have china with a base on the western coast of africa facing us . >> killer satellites, nuclear missiles. you think they're building all that to defeat taiwan? they're building all that to defeat us . they're not going to be satisfied with taiwan. they're in battles now with the philippines and japan. >> even vietnam. australia is being threatened unless you're helen keller. >> you can't see this and hear what's going on here.
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this is a big deal . let me tell you something that viewers of this audience and others may not want to hear. >> we need to prepare for war against china. i don't mean go to war. i don't mean initiate a war. but they are preparing for war . we are completely unprepared as a nation, psychologically, we are completely unprepared economically. and immigration wise and securing our border. our military is not prepared in the sense that they're pushing this woke ideology. our military budgets do not reflect the threats that we are facing in the world. around us . i want to say it again. so the backbencher's regurgitate it. we must prepare for war against china, not because we want war, not because we're going to cause war, but because they want war. they've only communicated at ten thousand different ways, whether it's violating our airspace, navigable waters, threatening our ships,
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threatening our country, threatening our people. what else can you do short of attacking? they're not going to be satisfied with taiwan. this is a big deal . and we don't have the military brass in the pentagon to deal with this. the secretary of defense or secretary of state. we've never been so weak. that's what she sees. he sees what i see. he sees what the rest of the world sees. >> this is no joke. when i had the french this guy, what is he, vichy france. this guy stabs us to the back. macron lafayette. remember lafayette, you helped us during the revolutionary war. he defied the the monarchy. he joined washington. he led the battle of brandywine. he got wounded. >> he was with us. the french helped us at the end of the war. here's france, where we sent guys to europe to liberate france and many of them died. and look what this does to us. the president of france.
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he goes over to china at the height of tensions, stabs us in the back, says he will not support us . he's provoking the chinese talks about autonomy. you can stick your autonomy. france, as far as i'm concerned, joe biden joe biden gets elected putatively anyway. >> he's it. diplomacy tells the world we're back . >> mr. globalist. mr. experience, let me tell you something. he's dragging this country into depression. he's dragging his country into war not because of what the isolationists say, but because of the opposite. we're not acting like a confident, strong country. and so people at this respecting us , he keeps calling. she we don't know what he's telling him. but i can imagine what he's telling. >> what do they keep saying? we don't want compe. >> we want competition. stop calling jean, because you're demonstrating, diane ,
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how weak you are. we the people deserve a better leader. in this and a better government than this. but this is what we put up with . >> it's absolutely unbelievable. that's it. i'm done. i think that relaxium tells it all the great one woman. thank you. coming up next, a typical biden fashion. the president gave a very bizarre response when asked what his plans are for twenty , twenty four . we're going to play that tape. >> kayleigh mcenany, jimmy failure. they will join us next as we continue. >> the thought of getting screened for colon cancer made you queasy. but now i've found a way that's right for me. feels more easy. my doc and i agreed. i take the time.
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really realize how , like, kind of grimy of a job it is until you're in there. >> and two emotional exits shatters someone's dreams. >> this is news that no one can prepare for. i do have to tell you guys something. oh, my goodness. i'm bound to pass out farmer wants a wife. all new wednesday on fox tuesday, donald trump speaks out on tucker in his first interview sinc now.
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2024 getting by the day. nobody really knows. the president biden is running for reelection and apparently that includes showing himself because here's what he told while fake news nbc this morning. >> take a look. will you be taking part in the easter egg rolls after planning on after 2020 four ? i plan on at least three or four more straight rolls. at least three or four , maybe maybe five , maybe five . maybe six . what the are you saying? that you would be taking part in our upcoming election? twenty four out of it. how is the role in of being the , you know, the guy who's pushing them out? >> joining us now, author of the best selling book serenity in the storm, outnumbered co-host hayley mckinney, host jimmy lyons here you guys go . well, first of all, i just love this pairing.
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like she hung out in the white house. i hung out in the waffle house . >> i love you. i love waffle house. me too. those are my people. scatter extra smothered. oh, had hannity if i wasn't in cable news, i would be before model, you know, i would be hanging out. but you want to know what i watch the biden thing, okay? and i had the obviously translated into english when he was done talking. i don't think anyone knows what to make of at this point. you know what the real tell will be? we'll know. he wants another term when they start removing the staircases from the white house. >> that's how we'll know. and putting an elevator. yeah, once we start seeing elevators are lifts. now, i hate to tell the elevators there, but, you know, given that part away, they have one four fauci. i don't know these things. yeah, the waffle house, we don't have one , but i'll let you know that's true. you know, i'm looking at him now and i'm like, how can they even consider now? the fake new cnn poll came out last week. most democrats by a large number do not want him to run. democrats don't want him. and i can't blame them. and i'll tell you who's picking
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out drapes for the white house. and no one's paying attention. that idiot out in california, gavin newsom, we invited on the show. gavin, show a little courage. i'll go out to you in california. i'll give you a full hour on this show, perhaps show some bravery. stand up and tell us your views. you know, let's talk about your great record out there, because it's phenomenal. >> yeah, so very true. >> so the democrats don't want them? no. they don't want him. and this is why jen psaki came out before the midterms and said if this is a referendum on joe biden, meaning the midterms, we lose. that was a very honest assessment. it cannot be a referendum on joe biden. that's why in elections, you want to make it a choice. we're the better choice than the alternative. this is where conservatives have to say we are the better choice on the economy. inflation, foreign policy, look around the world will secure your schools because i can tell you a waffle house guys do a lot better than the current white house right now. joe biden said he wants to be here for six easter egg rolls. i don't know if he can do math that beyond a second year term. if president trump had said that, they'd say he wants
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to be president in perpetuity would be like a cnn news site, authoritarian hannity. you got to go easy on california. i was just there. did you know they had snow in california and it was so cold, gavin newsom was advising people to go indoors. >> that's that's not that's not normal. that is not normal. by any stretch. but he is the president . here's the problem. and we discussed this. and i want everybody to pay very close attention. if you're at home, pay close attention to this. republicans have been mysteriously reluctant and resistant towards early voting and voting by mail, except florida. there are exceptions. and similarly, democrats don't run campaigns anymore. you know, they don't kiss babies. they don't take selfies. they don't shake hands. they don't do media avails. they don't do town halls. no, they run hundreds of millions of dollars in negative lying ads where they get the money from. that's a different issue. and they do something that is legal in most states . it's called ballot harvesting. that's right. republicans think they can win on ideas.
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you listed. conservative ideas are better. you're right. but you can't start election day down by a half a million votes and expect to catch up. >> we do not currently have a plan in place that works in the current system. we all know states change the rules during covid in voting was robust ballot harvesting legalized across the nation. we have to catch up. we see in a place like florida ,governor desantis did run a mail in voting strategy. what happened? >> he won in record numbers. republicans tried to resist it right. >> but look, they've had their problems. twenty , twenty , sixteen . they fixed jimmy . >> oh, of course. and to be clear, biden is not just embracing mail and voting. >> he's been mailing it in this whole job. you know, they're not doing anything. >> but yes, the rules of the game has changed. and we do have to meet them in the middle on this because we have the idea battle won. okay, we've proven that just by how forcefully they're chasing our speakers out of institutions, they don't want to debate. so now we have all this, you know, accelerated migration,
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people not getting away from high tax, states getting away from draconian shutdowns. the move in florida, texas, tennessee, the carolinas. and guess what? that makes pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, arizona that much harder to win. >> it's true. we have to learn how to win in this environment. it reminds me of when obama learned and mastered the art of digital long before republicans did. we eventually caught up. president trump won. we got to catch up now. you're right. we're draining those states of good republicans. but hopefully those people in crime ridden cities wake up when they walk down the street and get mugged because it's happening all across the country. by the way, it's quickest way to become a conservative, get mugged, lawmakers up. >> i will say the rnc, if you're listening, we got you better fix that by the end of this year. don't wait till next year. it's going to be too late, jimmy . and haley, mac, sean hannity straight ahead. you've been counting down the days, training for months, preparing all year long,
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shows this wednesday and thursday and a few of our in studio guest pam bondi, alan dershowitz, tommy larin, leo 2.0 out tooter dixon, if you want to be a part of the audience, even liberals can come to you. >> just go to hannity for information. the tickets are absolutely, positively free. please set your dvr. never miss an episode. and in the meantime, that's all the time we have left this evening. let not your heart be trouble. we have a message for you tonight, laura . what is it? >> oh, yeah. hi, audience. i may come next week. hannity. i may come next week. how are you doing. a live show on wednesday. i if you are here we will do a live show together. >> yeah. okay, all right. i think i may be coming wednesday just for fun. okay, that'd be great. we'd love to date. oh yo it is a date. awesome show. all right, hannity. thanks so much.
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