tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News April 12, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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politics. well, kid rock didn't like it.e he posted a video letting the brand know exactly how he felt. >>e taksae a look. let me say something to all of as posd be as clear and concise as possible. all right, audience show tomorrow and hopefully you'll join us . hannit y you'lly for free tickets. heat let not your heart be trouble, laura . i don't know if anybody has say hello tonight. not one person, just me.n't have well, it's like the old daysd ds where we actually have to put up with each othere to. f >> it'uns not fun.ll b it'll be fun. but the next time you're income town , i want yo speu to come st time with us and throw some football. >> we're doing that. but are wencin announcingalit our reality show with tucker, i you and i and of like a condo for one weekend, like just a living with each other? wouldn't that be .d be that would be fun.s reality showtos to me. .
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i love you, but working. not that much. they didn't tell you. b. oh, me? .o fox they tell you. all right. well, can the crazy people talk to your people? oh, we love you. we love you anyway.. all w we'll see you nextee.i week, i hope.s all right.aham ang i'm laura ingram and thising wi is ingram anglthe. and thank you for being with usk tonight.s as always, leaksand losing and g streaks. >> that's the focus of tonight's anglf e. e know that while the entire press corps and the political class were obsessed with the trump mar-a-lago documents casel , the biden administration allowed the united states to be subjecto to one of the most disastrouneso intel leaks in us history. page roughly one hundred pages ofs documents that we know of were posted documents that we know of weregr posted online revealing critical military assessmentsd o of friends and foes alike. a allies as us efforts to spy on its allies.
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israel and south korea, the degree to which the u.s. s has penetrated russia's government and that ukraine will fall well short of itsshor counteroffensive goals at goalking russiant occupied territory. >> waps well, my friends, this is devastating and it tells the world that once again,that e can't keep our own house in order. our own secretsecret secure. oe now, even axios tonight, one ofi the establishment's most loyal supporters in the media just posteda,t a story admitting tht the leak is swiftly unfurling into a debacle for the bidenh i administration, which ggling tis struggling to provide answers to congress, the public s.and us allies. and it also tells us that biden's triumphant conf evidence in ukraine two monthsns ago was a total lie. conti crane continues to defennud itself against the russian onslaught and launch counteroffensive of its own. i
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president putin's craven lustts for land and power to fail and the ukrainian people's love for their countr and they will l . >> and , of course, none of this will stop the bidenon administration and its enabler s from distorting the reality inei ukraine, as they've done sincenc the beginning. >> ukraine makes advances r on the ground, retakinetgs territory, even as russitoa tris to recalibrate. e not only will ukraine emerge sovereign and independent when this is over, but moscow will emerge weaker when ukraine's forces are giving. given state of the art weapons from the west, they're puttingw them to very good use. >> they know how to win ukrainea : is winning on the battlefield. how are these people still employed? er they're wrong every single time . now, of course, you should expect that the white house and most of the russiaian media will do everything that they can to downplay the signifie signir of this mase
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intel breach . >> i'v i've been convening senie department leaders daily on our response., and i have directed an urgent cross department effort. weoss-department eff have engagl and partners at high levels over the past the past days, including to reassure them about our own commitment to safeguarding intelligence. >> i appear tt would appear to me, though, that the this is not a a serious a breach, at least from what we kno w publicly so s far .o >> yeah. clapper, clap on , clap off. ou now, the argument that publi the media outlets shouldn't shbe publishing this informatio, all that downplaying notwithstanding the argument thi that the public should know about this is completelye ludicrous without confirminge the validity of the documentdoc this is information that has no business in the public domain. iit has no business, if you don't mind me sayinghe on the pages of of front pageser of newspapers or on television,
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it is not intended for public consumption and it should not th out there. newsflash, john , john , i the info is already out there. >> our allies are adversaries. they already have it. but the united states , the voters are supposed to not know any of it, keep it fromom the american people. reaso for what reason, exactly? well, i'll tell you for whatr wt reason. reason. to hel to help biden's reelection chances. naturally, oncs e again, we seeb the biden administration being run by a teay m of incompetence. now, remember this.w reme nomb one was punished when they bungled the afghanistan withdrawal wer e 13 service personnel were killed after being left as sitting ducks at the airport. and the fact is , mistake after mistake by these buffoons havefh flattened both our domesticy and our foreign policy position. sw now, remember, the elitespos they don't sweat what happens to america between noweaica
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and twenty, twenty eight ., ther as long as biden is reelected, they're okay. that is literally all they carec about. they don't carare,e. certainly if the unitedld states is humiliated on the world stage stage, so per usual, after one of the worst violations of our military secrecy, nsecrecy,o one will be and like the dobbs decision, we'll never find out who leakedi the documents. i mean, dog to you b really thi austin's going to be on the case? of the doj? r goin >> oh, please. and we're never going to havead the true story about how bad itw really is , how many informants went cold, how many agents lives were jeopardized or even lost. but while the administration can try to hide the truth from o the american people, it can'td. fool the rest of the world. >> both our foes and our few remaining friends know that, the united states , under joe biden has become sort ofer a paper tiger that's lost touch with its power, has lost its
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prestige and its prosperity. that's why you see our former allies rushing forhing for the a they know as well as we do thata america's claim to be a superpower. it can't survive much more of certainly not not with china ready to fill the vacuum with its freedom crushingworld. crusades around the world. so, yes, we can spy on people, but how helpful does it end up being when it's all leaked anyway? and as the angle has told you repeatedly, the people biden ses put in chargharge of our national security, our total and complete dolts, a , i don't know if there are other documents that are that have been online before,e thin because these are things that we will find find out as we continue to investigate.e. they were somewhere in ine exac the web and where exactly and who had access at that point? we we don't know. we simply don't know at this the
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point there in the web. >> you might think it's on the web, but there's somewhere in that wee b, the world wide. >> now ang, as farle as the ang is concerned, the u.s. at this point is essentially defenseless. now. sure, we have incrediblear military hardware, althouge, alh a lot less than we had before iraq, before afghanistan and beforestan and ukraine. but we don't have thoseve precious commodities that seemy. few and far between these days. we don'ton't have leaders.n so we end up in a situation where the most powerful nation on earth or what we used to beto ,didn't have the ability to stop china from sending balloons to traverse the united states .se and again, the united states. no one's ever fired the entire point of a military. remember, we spent about abou eight hundred billion dollars a year on our military. >> the military's point is to be a deterrent. and right now they're not deterring anyone.
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china is worried about the u.s. views on taiwan. liz as much as i care about cheyn liz cheney's views on the gop.hs nevertheless, the recent aggressive, drills near taiwan, they're not just playful proddinglayful. j >> chinese fighter jets flyinget around taiwan skies. military ships sail off itsa sa coast. china says it's simulatingys it' precision attacks on key targets in taiwan. >> its military released this animation showing missiles fired from land sea and airom into taiwan. and two of them explode in flames. and the best we can do is reciprocate by having our owe byn military drills with the philippines, our close ally in the region.ill even ifs, our close ally in the so at this point, it is pretty easy to conclude that taiwan is almost doomed. som but despite what some neocons like john bolton suggest, i say. no troops in taiwan, nothing atn all for taiwan until we revoke
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the most favored nation trade status for china. we revoke the most favorite na it's literally insane to askit's american troops to be in arm a country. at the same time, we'ry e fundig an army that is about to attack. that same country. but instead of learning from past mistakes, biden just stumbles along when his people can't get china to return. his call , which they can'tright right now. b they just beg harder and they de look more desperate. >> why doesn't he justra>> w pip the phone and call president xin to say, knock it off? the president looks forwardk it to having another conversation with president xi and we'll dort the appropriate time. we'd like to see this relationship get onto a better i footing and when it'st' appropriate for the two leaders to talk and then that'll happe nbeing .ca >> not being called back , they're being ghoste d. now, at no level of this administration do we find true confidence fin. e >> and most of the time voters are simply left int the dark theyt what's really going on .
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>> they'd rather have you focus on things like dylan mulvaney, i transgender activists in tennessee, or whether harry t and meghan are going to perry's dad's coronations . ey'd rathe they'd rather destroy the entire country than address real problems in real time. now, trump tried to fix all of this and was making real progress, especiallyespecial one and on china. >> w and for that, he was a real threat to the folks run . owever, is america >> the real threat, however, is in the possibility that the man who is barely coherent, o shufwho shuffles instead of w, could actually be reelected insw twenty , twenty four . so we must insist thathe the press publishes everythingpc ,everything already in domain that helpn. that helps americans understand the stakes here. that includeheres his intel lea. the angle warned you about china, about meely, about
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austen, chris wray, and yet too, many suburban women and independent voters in keysts states . they didn't care. the sad truth is the angle, believes biden and co.. they've already giveamn uphink n on america. they think that the united states is too far in the hole a to climb out, meaning a managed decline is really the most compassionate way forward. and the rest of the world, they see that americaallies is winning our own allies. the second biggest economye sec the eu. >> france is already sidedfrance with china, . iends so, my friends, here's the bottom line. the unitedne. states is facingri the biggest geopolitical crisis. any y of us has seen in over forty years. and right no leaw our leaders a completely incapable of defending our interestg our s. o ifpl we, the people, do not demand better leadership, if this group is reelected and given four more years to damage our interests, -ter the long term m harm to thel
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united states and to all ofs wh us who live here will be. crippling. and that'san angle joiningdeligh us now. and i'm delighted. elbridge kolby, formerd, eldri n official and author of strategy of denial american defense i de the age of great power conflict, and victor davis, hanson, hoover institution senior fellow elbridge. let's start with you now. according to these leaks, walenskyy wanted american long range missiles to fire intntoe s ilrussia. now, we can't corroborate all these docs, but if this do true, how could we give him any other weaponry?r period. e situ >>at willowra, great to begrim with you. i mean, i think the situation is veru wet y grim as you as yol put it. let's rurtern throug is h the ts the reporting is saying. onrainiathat the ukrainians areg very low on crucial air defens r missiles. thing and a los t of people out there buy, hey, these are little things they don't really mattete . but that'ssian not true. if if the russians were able
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to regain air superiority, it's going to be devastating. at the same time , you're seeingma something where mark millerk my is being validated, which is skepticism about the prospects of the counterschs offensive. at the same time, as you pointed out, the chinese are conducting basically in dur face exercise drills aroun taiwan openly talking about i saw sean hannity speaking with senator rubio. very. dowa about the prospects fordire a defense of taiwan. the chinese are making moves all over the place out there in the middle east. lula, the new president of brazilmiddle, is in china, i be ,just now. china and then you have president , as you pointed out, going a to china and basicallynd making as clear as day that he really . doesn't have our back. i think we've got to wake up, laura . and i think this is a messageiou not only the administration, but to a lot of us onthe the republican side, that we cannot live in the sort ofdrwor, dream world you mentione yntiond john bolton, this kind of idea t that we can do everything and we don't need to makees that's just wrong and the recent choices. that's just wrong.that. and the recent news just reinforces that we've got to get se to geto o real. e to and i share your view about we have to change the economics,
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but i think the taiwanre situation is really serious and it's increasingl y clear anh that will not be the endin of i i wrote something in a japanese lpaper last last week abouttary this, saying, look, thatthe ch the military, the chinese are building is evidently beyond what is just needed for taiwan. they're lookinidently g to build bases all over the world, even in. the atlantic coast. so we've got to ge t really, really real.starting to and i feel that's maybhaes starting to happen, but it's almost too late. we got it. weictor, have no more time. now, victor, you recently wrote about the pentagon's decline while china, of course, is building, as elbridge said , the strongest navy in the world. >> here'est natiworld.s what wed states are focusing on . >> watch this. >> for me to join as not binary is really powerful to me. the coolest thin d i di on board was to participate in a lgbtq spoken word night, and i was able to read a poem that i wrote to the whole ship. so, victor, how is this wolk ism deterring china?
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this w okor helping keep taiwan safe at a time oa f great peril?peril? well, it's encouraging china. t >> you know, it's very hard to achieve global leadership, or moral and military took our grandfathers a great grandfather's a century to do it. itn washington has thrown it away in two it's very easy to lose. and and i didn't think anybody could lose it that quickly.a pa >> i mean, this is a pattern now of the pentagon. afgh wean had the debacle ined afghanistan, as you mentioned, but we also had the military and austin testimony abouta white rage, the whole wolkane agenda. >> and we're not increasing equv the defense, the budgetal equivalent to inflation. we're short. fifteen thousand troops and thet army and then we get to the other matter is the leaks. i mean, there's no consequences . of course people d areet goingee to leak. there's no deterrence. we saw you mentioned the roe versus wade leak that resultedat in people mobbing the supreme
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court justices home. >> but we had the mueller investigation law. itupreme c every day unlawfully and unethically. >> and then wef have the chairman of the fbi, james comey. he leakes comed confidential pr conversation to the "new york times" without consequenct conseqe. we had anonymous remember him? ad a person in the trump and leaking things and trying to administration that was a mole and leaking things and trying to obstruct the conduct ofhe co and so there's no consequences there. when you look at tha the items t were actually leaked, it's pretty scary. it's not just that south. korea and egypt don't really feelegyp that we can protect theme ne and they have to make the necessary adjustments. but there waadjus some scarystme information there about israel that mossad and maybe even some of the generals were almost at a coup like stage against the netanyahu supporting the program. i wonder where they gocoupt that tessage that it would be okay in us israeli relations for the israeli military intelligence community to question the government, 's that's pretty scary. so it's a matter of decline
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and i don't know it f that we have the people in charge right now that can stop it. n't thin i don't think we and there hasn't been anybodys t fired for any of this that you ,eldridge and i detail. there's been no consequences: a to anyone. >>th and the only conclusionsioi is this was s their plan allnage along, the managed decline of the united states . ted statr, thank you. and whether you realize it or n not, here is theot lay of the land progressive areprog growing more violent, buret specead of kind of introspection about aggressively pushing this trans ideology, or portraying their political opponents as racist, insurrectionist, nis, the left responds by just wanting to take your gunponds w charlie kirkki reacts in moment. plus, andy no has the story of another trans killer. it's got no attention. the national media, it happened in portland. po >> we'll tell you all a the details next. lllet's take a journey through
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this nation. i want to see what they saw. i want to see what changed this land of the free, which they and get filthy, stinking rich for this cold rain. i always wanted to be that person who helps out when the big stars grab a glass and join us is anybody else been fired recently? you don't know anything about me as a human being. america is born and being shows where justice is served. i guarantee you she did not do this. jesse hired them to beat him up. you can get all things tucker carlson's in the house tonight. he literally accused you of betraying the country. what the ? we're feeding leaves here. the hatred awards. we stand united . welcome home. okay, here we go . welcome to fox nation. america's dreaming. >> hello. i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee.
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the moment before police stormed the building and astill still of the killer roaming the halls of the bank. we now know that the shooter was said to have known about his impending firing, but we also know that he is sympathetic to blm and harbored deep anti trump sentiments. it's safe to say that you won't hear more much more about him at this point, much like we've stop hearing about the motivations behind the nashville shooter. but a new survey shows the public well. it's demanding more . a rasmussen poll out today shows that two thirds of the u.s. voters say they want nashville police to release the manifesto written by the shooter of that christian school. and the name, of course, of the shooter was audrey. the manifesto festo was written. we were promised to see at least part of it. haven't really heard anything about it. joining me now, founder and ceo of turning point usa, charlie kirk. >> charlie, so we now have
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to leftist mass shooters and the last two weeks and the response from our media and our political class and the establishment on the left is we've got to take guns away from conservatives. >> that's cute, isn't it? yeah, that's right. and praise god , there wasn't a third in colorado. thankfully, that one was thwarted, but it seems that one was ideologically driven as well. >> you know, it's what's missing that is most interesting. in the last 10 days or two weeks. do you notice that we haven't seen these long profile pieces of journalists going to tennessee and talking to the classmates of the shooter? what was this person like? did they have certain sentiments? was this trans ideology introduced? what was the turning point there? there's been some articles, but nothing close to what we saw, for example, with the buffalo shooter. remember, that manifesto was released almost immediately because in the manifesto, the great replacement theory was floated. that's useful to the media. we're having the horrendous tragedy. it happened in south carolina
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that was immediately mentioned because they said that is racially motivated. you see, if there is a tragedy that happens in america, that does not fit a narrative, they try to bury it or they try to go to guns immediately. basically, it's they say heads i win, tails you lose, no matter what. we're going to rig the game. we're going to set the narrative in a way that fits our own convenience. however, you hit on something important that we cannot lose focus on , which is a question that deserves answering. is this trans ideology and the pharmacological agents that go along with the trans ideology creating violent and erratic behavior? i think the families from the nashville school deserve an answer to that. >> well, charlie, isn't it also the case that the the left in america and even this white house is ginning without saying the words necessarily? yes, but ginning anti christian sentiment by by referring to trans activists as heroes and their brave, their bravery
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for standing up against the intolerant class, the haters. so these kids are learning or learning to treat christians as haters and mortal threats to their existence. so who's responsible for that propaganda? >> charlie will not to mention riley gaines just was held hostage for multiple hours. a turning point usa event last week by trans activist karine jean-pierre air said , i want to make sure i quote her correctly, but something of the essence of you need to fight back . you need to fight this sort of using rather charged language. not to mention the biden administration came out and said that trans activists shape the soul of the nation. they shape the fabric of the nation. and these are not isolated incidents. this is now a pattern. and when we start to see a pattern emerge, we need to be will have the courage and the willingness to point out that pattern and say you're not a protected class in a sense that you're allowed to act outrageously and violent and go after people that you disagree with and use these sort of intimidation tactics.
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the media is intentionally not investigating these. and i pray, laura , i'm wrong. i think there's something in that manifesto that they don't want us to see. i think there's something in that manifesto that shows this is a social contagion that infected this poor person, that turned into an evil person and committed something unspeakable. i pray i'm wrong, but this seems like a cover up and they have an agenda behind it. >> oh, charlie, i just keep thinking about all these young these people were young children. they were young boys and girls. and they were growing up and something happen to them. and it seems demonic at this point. it's so evil. >> charlie, thank you. and sadly, the spate of leftist violence we have seen isn't isolated to shootings on easter sunday in portland, oregon, an innocent cabdriver was stabbed to death by a trans individual. now, according to andy know, the suspect had a history of violent behavior that the local media and authorities papered over due to , of course, this
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idea that the trans people are a protected class. so the result, a senseless murder. >> joining me now with more on this horrific story, senior editor at the post-millennial andy . andy , now you're still struggling to get answers from the authorities in the portland area, including whether the suspect is actually being held in a male or a female facility. >> is that right? yeah, so actually , i did hear back from the sheriff's office letting you know the suspect did let them know the date until as a transgender female and therefore, that case is now in terms of where they will be held and under what conditions is going to be investigated. by a transgender advisory board. and then a decision will be made on this horrific murder that happened on easter sunday in portland when police released a press release about
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it. i thought it was a little bit weird that the suspect's name wasn't released right away because a suspect was in custody. there was delaying. and when that name came out, there was the police didn't use pronouns when is also very vague and often with many of these suspects, we can learn a lot about them from the social media. so immediately i looked up this individual and found out it is a transgender identifying person and the the murder of the taxi driver in portland was was captured in the interior of a vehicle camera. and i spoke to someone who saw the video. it is it was described to me as as as gruesome and horrific around the source. the suspect allegedly went inside the vehicle while wearing a tiara and then later plunging a blade into the neck of the driver. >> uh, andy , there's something
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there's something going on here that the media they don't want to confront because if you really confront it, it collapses their whole narrative . and i think we're going to learn more about this. sadly, they'll probably be more victims. we hope there aren't. but thank you for getting very curious about this in ways that journalists today are not and getting answers. andy , thank you. now we've got video of one of the so-called tennessee three murderers from college. >> now let's just say he sounds a little different. when he was in college, we're going to show you the transition. plus, george soros isn't just the money behind the progressive days, but he's found a way to bend corporate thinking as well. what does that mean? >> mollie hemingway has answers >> mollie hemingway has answers next.xt frsister. you remember rick, her neighbor? hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick , her neighbor? -wow.
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, we pulledf back the curtain on the racism of representative justin jon jos reprthen we showed you how representative gloria a johnson became the press's day. nessee da well, tonight, we take a look3,s at the last memberti of the tennessee three , justinss pearson. now, w ae just came across a video he made at l a prestigious liberal arts arts6. out201 now check out if you can spot the difference between justin, then and justin now.e repr >> how can we represent alls by voices in a conversation? i want to do this by partnering with organizations from the democrats to the republicans. epublicai want to bring together different voices, dissenting voices, voices that may be more liberal or more conservative ina order that we can reach a point of sort of the radical middle seem like the nra and gun lobbyists might win. but all that was good news forli
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us . i don't knowew how long thisow l saturday in the state ofmight la tennessee might last, but we have good news, folks. we've got good news that sunday always comes. what? , and we couldn't help but think, where have we seen s accent shifting before? oh, yeah.oh, our good frienyed hillary clint' .t but shjue did it backwardsst.y it's not just in our country, but that's where we see it most clearly. there is a concerted efforte soe to undermine some of the veryuni foundations ofon democratic governance of a democratic society. >> i don't feel no ways tired. i come too far from whereold i started from. nobody told meha that the roadne would be easy. i don't believe it brought me t this far to leave me and while
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democrats decry the power ofcs dark money in politics,, th they forgeeyt tht that they're e biggest benefactors of darkhe money and the 2020 two electione cycle. george soros gave a staggering s gave ah seated, by the way. million t three hundred and ten million dollars to liberal causes. now, soros is , of course, mosta famous for propping upameric antiemetic candidates from onl coast to coast. but not only they not t only produce bloodshed inserv the communities they purport to servee, they chi, they also at the very fabric of the american legal system. .and it's that last part that speaks to soros. his ambitionros's. everything that made this country great has to be torn new down, he thinks. and now he's found a new way to hold american corporations hostage. he does this via funding from his open society foundations. the human rights campaign, a militant lgbtq lobbying
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organization, has been issuing so-called report cards to america's biggest corporations and reporrporatiots end up awarding or subtracting points for how well these w corporations adhere to whatever progressives demand at the moment. so if you ar wondee wondering wy the angle told you the new a adage of go , go , broke wasmple just a complete mirage? well, behold the reasoning here. joining me now is molliey ed hemingway, editor in chief oitof federalized and fox news contributor molly. so liberal donors liketor.ibera as i said , gave three hundred million bucks to liberal causes. liberal causes republican donors like ken griffin have given a lot ofl bu money as well, but also they don't donate money to places like harvard and so forth. and but we wonder why we end up losing when so many of our big donors don't kind of have that same structure in place to make this work. >> right.t exam
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that was a great examplepl . you just gave, because today it was announced that ken griffin gave three hundred millionarvar to harvard university. this is supposedly one of the republicanersity.s party'sg donors, wise strategists. he's giving money to an institution that has done soinst much to harm the country d and seeks to continue to do that. by contrast, you look at. someone like george soros, he builds a complicated web ofmplia enforcementet mechanisms. has s he has his goal forl for the progressive agenda, whether that'spre soft on crime, distro attorneys or a radicalps tha gender ideology. this to and then he funds the groups that enabled this this to be enforced. human so the human rights campaign givecas corporations scores. we look at why are they doing all this advertising seemse of designed to turn people off, sptrans activists as the spokespeople for anheuser-busch beer. that's because george soros funds the groups that sort of encourage this type of radicals whvertise ising.
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they get scores based do on whether they're doing it. i if they don't dot. it, they dont get funding from fromompani investment companies. it's really smart. it'snoes. reallt saying it's got it's a good way.t to if you want to move the country and you don't see that kind of strategic thinking and control a of the economy on the right. , s i also think that this is not, about one donor like like mr. griffin. reallyi mean, there are lots of really wealthy republicans out there. bu t there's not reallyrm or a there's not really a platform or a group in place to geto people mobilized to vote to marshal the resources and the ideas that obviously make america mak prosper and healthy and strong and potent on the world stage. the left has like 50 of thesef republicans have like, what,fou? five , four there? there is a massive funding disparity. there arthe many billionaires on the left who are engaged inpe cooperative funding mechanisms. there really is a problem on the right. s giving
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you have people, donors who aren giving money to colleges univ that really shouldn't be getting any money. they have massive endowments and they don't nee endowmend more moneying to u and they're not going to usemon the money to do anything bu improve the situation. sit but yes, you're right therenge on the left. you see people who are thinking about how can we change the way people vote ? how can we make it easier fornd voting to be donsue without the kind of supervision that gives peoplein the confidence in the system they work on candidates, you know, secretary of state all the way down. you need to have this kind, thoughtful, structural, strategic thinking on the righuc who if you want to have any hope of saving the country, yeah. ge if you if you actually want to win, you have to get peoplee to the polls. molly, thank you. bout net now, you keep hearing the climate activists talk about net zero . your what we're going to tell youcomg what that looks like in your own life coming up.y. don't go away. >> it's time to hit refresh,
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to a resilient net zero economy faster. econur goal is to leo acceleratt the transition to a net zerorly economy, particularlyrivate by boosting private c flowscapital flows. while the so-called net zerogoao economy is a goal of about the american left, they haven't told the truth about how much pain it would take to actually get there.e well, luckily for us , the ukn t is revealing it all inundetail fuunning detail. just how miserable your future actually could be ,ng you how restrictive and how freedom crushing your existence will bre . joining us now is someone who's broken it all down.l norman fenthiormann, professor p emeritus of risk arot queenth mary university, of london. professor, it is my pleasureit to have you on the show.myve yoo tonight. ur i was so taken by your analysisw that i was dyingas to have you on . so i want to begin with this chart showing what wouldn
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be required in terms of of air e travel and driving in order to achieve this so-called net. zero goal. >> explain thi wels. tht the key thing is that when they talk about net zero, they realleyy mean absolutelyroh zero because net zero, they're talking aboueyt allas greenhouse gas emissions, including methane being that being less of those than removals, since there's nolarg large scale capture and removal technology availableur on the tree planting, net zero actually means you've got to get rid of thos have toe emih completely. so in ordeier to achieveve that given that w te don't have the technology for the capture and removal, you've got to dod h things like their side in this.y they're being very realistic. tr >> they're saying that all airports except for heathrow, belfast, and glasgow in the uk. so all but three uk airportso cl to closeos by 2030 and no flying at all by 2000 50 . no shifting at all to . all
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yeah, no shipping to all by 2050, because the whole idea is until you theu n get , you know, electric arabiyah, until you can actually have airplanes powered by electricity or nuclear, then then you o then you've got to eliminate it completely. no new petrol or dieseely.l cars by 2030 and by 2050, road use is to be restricted by 60 percent of today's level . food, heating and energy also restricted to 60 percent of today's by 2050, a beef and lambef a toe phased out by 2050. of course, and of course, this fits veryof much with all of the sort of the world economic forum. great resat un agenda 21 objectives. you know that, you know, yo, yo, yo, you're going to eats bugs. so, ye but yeahah, yeah, you're going you're going to be happy.all so, yeah, this is what it's all, about. i know. professor, professor, we know to have plenty of beef lamb. go
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they're going to have they're going to be able to fly anywhere they want to go. they're going to be able to travel as much as they want. butht i want to get you to describe this 15 minute cities, because they're a key trt of this net zero scam. now, last yearhe, the world economic forum published a piece called the 15 minuted el city concept, which implieeds having all necessary amenities within a short walk, bike ride or public transit trip from bik one's home as demonstratedrom stickiness, not just as an idea ,but as a powerful tool for action, as climate change and global conflict. l cause shocks and stresses atvs faster intervals, et cetera, et cetera. tera, et cetera. a 15-minute city. a 15 minute city.o to what does that do to individual' freedom of movement? intrrofessor, it's absolutely catastrophic, actually . already introducing these in the uk in several cities, lotspn of them. a plan they nobody ever voted f for. this would actually meanor is actuall y if they put these road, they actually have theseca roadblocks or cameras inity different zones aroundwh
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the city, which means that a you're not allowed people are not allowed to use their cars s- outside of thacat zone, that 15i so-called 15 minute zone, more than 100 times per year. mk so you can make basicallytside a couple of journeys a weeofke ' outside of the zones of to be -- the everything else you're supposede to be. hopp the idea is you're supposeindg, to be shopping, working inside the zone. and so that's the only place,ony you know, you're allowed to travel by . and of course, they they make te it actually very difficult, zone, to do anyideae travel by car. but the idea is essentially i to start, yes, you're going oute of the zone, stop yoliu travelig wherever you want.say, and the joke about this is that it's kind of like an irony that this is supposed to ultimately stop people traveling by car. o but in practice, people havee t to go out the zone to get to work, to take their kids to school, et cetera, like tha that. and what's going to happene is they'll simply have to drivet much further to gether back to where they need to btoe >> professor, your analysis has been invaluable. we appreciate you. ry muc
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>> greg: according to fox >> accord to fox business, consumers nationwide are in revolt against the top beer brand after it stepped into the culture war last week with new spokesman transgender dylan mulvaney. well now distributors are being heard, as well. >> sole product of the company i work for is anheuser-busch products and i've never seen such little sales in the past few days on these products and it's sad because people don't buy this beer, i don't make money and can't feed my family. it is kind of heartbreaking, i
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guess, that anheuser-busch did what they did. they don't know their clien tele. >> these are real-world consequences, the left doesn't care, anheuser-busch obviously doesn't care. i hope it was worth it, kids. it is america now and forever. >> todd: a fox news alert, we are learning hunter biden's business associate visited the white house more than 80 times while joe biden was vp, including meetings with joe biden himself. you're watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. joe and hunter are traveling together overseas as investigations ramp up and former obama white house official says he wants to testify about evidence that is implicating joe biden in a
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