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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 12, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> we can have a base on the moon and mars. >> musk, branson, bezos. >> dana: if they called tomorrow and said you could go on a space trip would you go? >> 120%. >> dana: looks like a great show. "the faulkner focus" is next. here she is. >> harris: this is going next level very quickly. the battle between a liberal district attorney and the house judiciary committee's top republican. manhattan d.a. alvin bragg versus chairman jim jordan are going head-to-head over donald trump. im bragg is targeting jordan with a lawsuit and request for a restraining order. we know from his weak indictment
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his burst is strong for political vengeance and he wants to stop jordan from issuing a subpoena to a key attorney in the d.a.'s office. the judge denied a request for the restraining order setting a hearing next week. in bragg's lawsuit he claims jordan is perpetrating an unconstitutional attempt to undermine the case against donald trump. chairman jim jordan says bragg is trying to obstruct the congressional investigation and it is getting personal. >> alvin bragg used federal funds to indict a former president for no crime and then when we ask questions about it and want to investigate he takes us to court. we want to talk to someone who left the d.a.'s office a year ago who wrote a book on this very subject. did all kinds of interviews. we aren't allowed to talk to him to do our duty. they are obstructing our constitutional duty to do oversight. >> harris: bryan llenas on the
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story for us today. >> in the lawsuit bragg's office is asking a federal judge to issue a court order blocking the judiciary committee from issuing subpoenas to d.a. bragg and employees of his office, particularly one of bragg's former federal prosecutors mark pomerantz. he led investigations into former president trump's financial dealings before resigning and writing a book about his frustration that bragg failed to move forward with his case. house judiciary chairman republican jim jordan subpoenaed to testify next thursday, bragg says pomerantz's testimony will jeopardize the criminal case against former president trump. the lawsuit reads in part chairman jordan's demands including his subpoena to mr. pomerantz seek confidential
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information that belongs to the office of the district attorney and people of new york. basic principles of federalism and common sense and binding supreme court precedent forbid congress from demanding it. his law soothe comes after house republicans announce they are holding a hearing in manhattan this monday to interview victims of violent crime who have suffered, they say, under d.a. bragg's progressive policies. bragg's office says it is a stunt, something that jordan disputes. >> the witnesses we will have on monday won't call this a stunt. they know what happened to their families, communities and businesses in manhattan. >> a federal judge will hear arguments wednesday whether or not to issue a temporary restraining order to prevent pomerantz from testifying the following day on thursday. >> harris: wow, we're down to t.r.o. restraining orders. jason chaffetz. fox new contributor and former
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republican congressman for utah. great to see you if "focus", jason. i mention the words making it personal because it feels this way with alvin bragg. the indictment against trump weak, he goes after him. now going after a committee led by someone like you led oversight. you have every right to investigate. >> i also used to be on the judiciary committee and served with jim jordan there. guess what, district attorney bragg, if you take federal money, you will be subject to federal oversight. jim jordan is providing that oversight. you are going to have to appear and going to have to succumb to the subpoena. your staff will have to answer questions. that's the way oversight in this country works. it is exactly the way the democrats did this. and look at this case. you have a city prosecutor trying to go after somebody on a
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federal race. of course the judiciary committee has jurisdiction of this. of course they should be looking at this. i think the hearing on top of this on monday there in new york it will be a fascinating one to see how the majority of cases have been reduced from felonies to misdemeanors under district attorney bragg. >> harris: jordan was on with me several days ago. they were subpoenaing the documents from bragg's office to show if there was a connection between federal government money and that investigation into trump. does this lead you to believe there might be some evidence of that and that's why they want to talk to pomerantz? >> that is the key question. that's why you have to be able to see the email traffic, the understanding between what was there there coordination between
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the white house and district attorney's office and outside political influences. pomerantz writes a book doing interviews and conducting investigations but suddenly he doesn't have time to answer the questions of the committee asked by republicans and democrats? that's a very, very weak and -- it has absolutely no bearing on the case in that you have to be able to answer those questions. if you will write a book about it, yeah, you might be subject to congressional oversight particularly if you take federal money. >> harris: in your experience, how does this go? >> i think what the d.a. is trying to do is wrap them up in court and drag it out as long as possible. it is like boxers in a boxing match where one tries to bear hug the other one and put him in the corner to see how long they can get the clock to go. that's what's going on here. >> harris: the biden administration nearly in a panic over those leaked classified pentagon documents, jason.
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the leaks reveal secrets about our closest allies making right now a very dangerous time for all of us. defense secretary lloyd austin commenting on it for the first time here. >> i was first briefed on the reports on unauthorized disclosure of sensitive and classified material on the morning of april 6th. the documents that we are focused on thus far 28th of february and 1st of march. we take this very seriously and will continue to investigate and turn over every rock until we find the source of this and the extent of it. >> harris: not even a week ago the documents sitting on the internet for weeks before that. you could see the dates laid out if you read the bottom of our screen there. we went from march to april. one intelligence official sums it up this way. the mood is anger. chair of the house foreign affairs committee says it doesn't get much worse than this. let's watch. >> whoever did this in my judgment is guilty of espionage
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by giving away our secrets and they are really giving a roadmap to our foreign adversaries. this is one of the worst leaks i've seen in terms of espionage. i hope we can get to the bottom of it. this leak is going to cause enormous damage to our foreign relations and foreign policy. >> harris: he said that yesterday it's happening. huge concern over our relationships around the globe. they underline biden's foreign policy, strengthening u.s. alliances and supporting ukraine. biden is overseas right now in northern ireland, part of the u.k. both an ally and subject of some of that classified information. in fact, jason, today one u.k. lawmaker said he is worried about what biden is going to say while he is over there because he is so prone to gaffes. >> that's an ongoing concern. the leaks are serious. congressman mccaul is absolutely
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right. it is espionage. people's lives are on the line. our international relationships are vital. there are far too many people that have classified clearances. one estimate is that between 1,005,000 people may have had access to these documents and you can see how difficult that would be to hold those back. 1,000 to 5,000. >> patrick moynihan said too many documents are classified. congress didn't revamp the system. they should probably go through and do it again. people's lives are on the line. they have got to be able to put this back in and prosecute some people. it is punishable by death, espionage. >> harris: when he said the word espionage, i thought this is more than prison. >> yeah. this is death penalty type of stuff. people's lives are on the line. imagine yourself, you are
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putting your life on the line taking on some difficult task overseas and you have some yahoo in the back room out there revealing information or sensitive documents and information that puts your life in danger, wouldn't you want that person to feel the pain of it? yeah. unless the penalty is absolutely severe off the charts, you are not going to be able to prevent this in the future. if somebody thinks they are doing some favor to the world, they are not. they are making the world less safe. >> harris: i want to share this. "politico" says the real issue, the pentagon just can't keep a secret. the quote. as national security disasters go the pentagon leaks were complete. as great a scandals and the secrets might be the greater scandal is how lax the pentagon seems to be to be posted on free form internet sites. >> absolutely totally completely
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true. the operating systems that they are dealing with are so old. i know there are places in the pentagon that are still running off windows 95 for goodness sake. you can't get -- yes, it's true. you cannot get this stuff serviced. just a few years ago they were using card punches. when you got a promotion in the military you had to send it to somebody at the pentagon who put it on a card punch. this generation doesn't even know what a card punch is and the pentagon is so woefully behind on technology. >> harris: china is ready and may want to fight soon. everything needs to be up to par with technology. we need to be leading. >> we're not. we're not. >> harris: thank you very much. prices are still very high under president biden despite a slight cooling of overall inflation. and that could mean the fed will raise rates again. plus the biden administration
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pushing some drastic new rules for gas-powered cars. >> it ought to be the market that decides it, not government. and that's where we have this great falling out. this administration is so wed to this radical leftist environmental movement there is no stopping them. >> harris: the market, that would be all of us. they won't let us decide. they've proven it. critics call it overreach. polling shows americans are not on board. steve forbes with all his experience in "focus" next. ♪ if you're the spouse of a military veteran, i want you to know something. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. a va home loan is unique. it's different than other loans because it allows you to borrow up to 100% of the home's value. that extra borrowing power may allow you to pay down
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>> harris: louisville, kentucky police released the body cam footage of monday's deadly bank shooting. the first two responding officers exchanged gunfire with the shooter. the gunman ambushed them at the scene. officer nicholas wilt and c.j. galloway were both shot. wilt is in critical condition shot in the head. the police chief says this. >> you can see the tension in that video. you can understand the stress those officers were going through. response wasn't perfect but exact will i the response we needed. i think i would love to have either one of those officers ride with me any day. they did absolutely what they needed to do to save lives. once officers arrived at the scene not a single person received any further injury. >> harris: the details of that are amazing. support our officers. five people were killed, eight
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were injured in that shooting. you see those there on the big wall. we'll take a moment. the environmental protection agency is announcing now it is happening at this moment the most dramatic restrictions yet. new rules target tailpipe emissions and require as much as 67% of new vehicles sold to be electric by 2032. republicans say the proposal goes way too far. >> the gas stove thing was one. now we have this thing dealing with e.v.s mareking sure everybody buying them though nobody wants them. most americans can't afford them. i don't believe the e.p.a has consistently be doing is expanding its authority regardless of what congress said their intent was. we need to pump the brakes. i intend that and we have to reverse course. >> harris: grady trimble live
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for us at e.p.a. headquarters. grady. >> we're expecting the hear from e.p.a. administrator any minute now expected to announce these proposed regulations that the e.p.a., biden administration says will drastically reduce co2 emissions and get more americans behind the wheels of electric vehicles. the goal, as you stated, is to have electric vehicles make up more than 2/3 of all new vehicle sales by 2032. but there are some questions about whether that might be too ambitious. whether it's actually doable. on top of concerns about the cost of e.v.s, whether there are enough chargers, and whether the power grid can handle all these new vehicles the move to electric could give more power to china. that's where most e.v. batteries come from, as you know, chinese companies have a hand in building new e.v. battery plants right here in the u.s. >> we can't put ourselves in a position where supply chain will
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be controlled by the chinese communist party. now is the time to position america and our allies to be competitive in that industry and not cede it to the chinese communist party. >> the white house has a long way to go to meet e.v. goals. only 6% of all new vehicles sold are electric. the administration claims these new rules will spark manufacturing renaissance in the united states but harris, this is likely only the beginning. right now it is a proposal. it will become final later this year or early next year applying to model year 2027 through 2032 vehicles. but we'll see if it actually happens. it will likely face challenges in the courts as well. harris. >> harris: okay. they're coming for us. good to see you, grady. thank you. steve forbes, forbes media chairman. you said something off camera
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that's troubling. not only does china and grady reported that make most of the batteries, there is a reason for that. >> china controls the resources not only in china itself but also in africa. they've been making deals there in terms of controlling mineral resources with governments for years. and try to get a mine in this country. this whole thing going electric requires massive amounts of mining to make that kind of change. and so it is just physically not doable. the administration the other day put in rules make lithium mine proposal mute in this country. they want to go electric but not supply the needs to do it and a real question whether going e.v. will help the environment when you see what it does to mining and ripping up the earth. >> harris: and grid problems in epic proper potions that we already have. we are already having them. >> they wrecked the grid by forcing the so-called renewables that don't really work very
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well. and then they say don't use it because we might have black-outs. hello. leave the grid alone. people don't want it. 100 years ago we had a boom in filling stations in this country as the car came along done by private enterprise. now they say government has to force you to put in these e.v. charging stations. people don't want them. >> harris: 6% of all new cars are e.v. that's a huge sign that people don't want this. i know you remember back in the 70s when they said to protect the ozone layer you can't use spray deodorant and the whole country got behind it. this is not that. this isn't the country -- the government saying we've done all the research and this is what it will take. that's not what this is. >> not at all. the fact they have to keep forcing people to do it shows people don't want it. they don't like the short distances and having to charge an hour, hour and a half. a lot of people don't have
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garages to charge these things. in terms of it going on these renewables. a typical wind farm, talk about the recycling. have more unrecycling plastics than all the plastic straws in the world. when you look at the actual physics and i who app the republicans do. lay out in detail where are the minerals coming from. what will it take to do? what do you do with the thousand pound batteries when you have to be recycled? they don't know. answer those questions before you go down this path. >> harris: you get into an accident and the battery burns you have to buy a new one. >> you hope to get out alive. putting out a battery fire is no easy matter. >> harris: wow, you mentioned something, though, with the lithium that people need to pay attention to. how can you say you are green if you have to cut up the earth to make the battery? that's counterintuitive.
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>> in africa they use child labor to get some of these minerals. digging by hand. where is the outrage on those human right violations? >> harris: the new inflation report today shows prices are very high. ev overall inflation went down slightly. the fed will still like the rates like never before. food prices alarmingly high for everyday americans. groceries up 8% from last year. everyday foods like eggs, bread, cereal much pricier. many are blaming president biden. >> when it comes to the economy one of the reasons that 70% of americans don't feel good about this economy is they are losing money. every single month for the last 22 months that joe biden has been in office middle class
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families in america have been squeezed and are losing money and getting poorer. >> harris: raising the interest rates apparently not having and effect on what we do at the grocery store and everywhere else. other services are very high right now, too. what gets to that? >> the federal reserve thinks the way you fight inflation is depressing the economy and eventually it will work. if you don't have money to buy things prices will come down. you can't afford them and so the way you fight inflation is stabilize the value of the dollar. the fed did it in the 1990s. it's not something do. they are -- we have tough times ahead. i'm surprised the mark has held up as well as it has given the storm clouds. government putting on regulations and now going after air conditioners. the real why is that what makes texas what it is. without the air conditioners, texas people couldn't live
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there. >> harris: wow, or arizona or new mexico. arizona in the summer? yeah. that's insane. stable value of the dollar. can you call them? >> i've tried and i sent them my book inflation free of charge but no central banker discusses stable value for a currency. like having a clock that doesn't have a number of minutes each day. >> harris: the central banker has something we don't have. stable money. personally, right? >> they do just fine even though the federal reserve is losing money because they have all these low-interest bonds and paying banks 4 1/2 percent to park their reserves there. central bank that can print money is now losing money. that is an historic first. >> harris: etchings it is. >> shows how crazy these people are. >> harris: great to have you in "focus." republicans have new legislation
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to keep men out of women's sports. president biden says he has no knowledge of his son hunter biden's business dealings. a new review of white house visitor logs are casting major doubt on the president's claim of i knew nothing. florida congressman greg steubey is in "focus" next. great to see him. with cpap for their sleep apnea. but stephanie got inspire, an implanted device that works inside the body. there's no reason to keep struggling. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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i struggled with cpap every night. but now that i got the inspire implant, it's making me think of doing other things i've been putting off. like removing that tattoo of your first wife's name. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at >> i never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do with ukraine. i don't know what he was doing. i did not know he was on the board of that company. i never discussed my business or their business, my sons or daughters. i never discussed with my son or brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses, period. >> harris: do you think he sounds convincing? you know, this could be a case of he doesn't remember. we've heard the president
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repeatedly deny any knowledge of his son, hunter's business dealings. however, a new review of white house visitor logs shows he is either lying or has forgotten potentially. it shows that seven people from hunter biden's investment firm visited the white house more than 80 times when he was vice president. long time business partner who made 27 visits. john robinson walker known as rob visited at least 16 times. walker's name popped up last night when republicans obtained records showing several biden family members received more than $1 million in payments linked to walker and their chinese business interests in 2017. oversight committee chairman james comer with this. >> it is very concerning and i think joe biden is going to have a lot of explaining to do with respect to how many countries
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his family was influence peddling and how many members of his family were involved in this influence. >> harris: all right. we're hoping with technology to get the lawmaker who is pressing forward with a couple of things on capitol hill. congressman stubey of the great state of florida we're having situations with technology right now that we will try to work out. he is a member of the house select subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government. as soon as we can get him up on the air we'll do so. i do want to show you what is going on as they force us to drive electric vehicles by 2032. the epa right now making that announcement and, you know, critics say it is so drastic it leaves no room for transition. you just heard steve forbes and me talking about this. if we are going to transition, we have to be really, really
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honest about what this actually costs the earth. people who work for the epa say they care about the planet. china mines the minerals and resources to make the batteries for the electric vehicles and when they burn, it is really bad for the earth, one, so bad for your wallet because it will be another added expense that you don't have other than buying gas if you drive a gas-powered car. only 6% of people have driving e.v.s now. we shall see. we're showing you this as it happens. history in the making because this speeds up even what governors, democrat governors, are doing right now in their individual states. all right. another state lawmaker a ditching the democrats and joining up with republicans. two states with gop veto-proof majority ready to push through some key legislation. plus even somebody who is on the
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left late night host is mocking the president for this recent gaffe. >> i got big easter news. joe biden can lay eggs, sit on them and raise a flock of baby joes. >> harris: some people around the world who think biden is funny or cute when he makes the gaffe. i bring you minor incursion when putin invaded ukraine. power panel is next. making a big car payment every month? car loans can be expensive, and the payments high. consolidate that car loan into a newday home loan and save hundreds every month.
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keep up the good work here, megan. it's "mom." -fair enough. the next generation 10g network. only from xfinity. the future starts now. tom knows what i'm talking about. isn't that right, tommy? >> harris: it's official. south carolina senator on "fox & friends" this morning announcing he is launching a 2024 presidential exploratory committee. here is senator tim scott. >> what brought me to this morning is my faith in america tour. i found people are starving for hope, starving for an optimistic, positive message that is anchored in conservative values. >> harris: senator scott is scheduled to hold events in the early voting state of iowa today and right now four republicans have already declared their candidacy. the list of those on the sidelines waiting to do it is
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really long. here is the official list so far. former president donald trump. nikki haley, asa hutchinson and vivek ramaswamy. fox news is teaming up with young america foundation and rumble to host the very first g.o.p. primary debate of the presidential cycle for 2024. it is scheduled for august. we don't have an exact date in august yet in milwaukee. by the way, also the host city for the 2024 republican national convention. president biden is in the u.k. as you know making jokes in ireland and so forth. his habit of making verbal mistakes is costing him among our allies now. the daily mail reports a member of parliament told him to avoid making any clumsy anti-british jokes. he had to tell the president -- she had to tell the president of the united states this. any such gaffes would be mercilessly weaponized for
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political gain. >> will you be taking part in the easter egg rolls after 2024? >> president biden: at least 3 or 4 more. maybe five. >> maybe five. >> president biden: maybe six, what the hell. >> are you saying you would be taking part in the upcoming election in 2024? >> i would roll an egg or end up being the guy pushing them out. >> harris: even liberal late night host steve colbert couldn't let it go. >> that's right, jack. i got big easter news. joe biden can lay eggs. easy as pie. no, i push them right out. okay? serve them up scrambled or sit on them and raise a flock of baby joes. i'm mentally fit to once again run for president of the united states.
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where is jill? marco, jillo? >> when you lose colbert. ca cassie our power panel. the president sounding ridiculous. i know your side of the political aisle is confused about who has eggs and who can lay them in terms of gender. what is going on with him? >> listen, it was a cute moment with al roker. i think he indicated, as he has said repeatedly he is running for re-election in 2024 and fired upt race. but listen, the president just wrapped up his speech at belfast, university. he met with both parties in northern ireland, an important message he is bringing in terms of unity and celebration of the 25 years of the good friday accords and the work that still needs to be done episcopal will i in northern ireland with the
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different factions. it was spot on, gaffe free and compassionate and important message. he continues his tour in the republic of ireland. >> harris: when that lawmaker felt the need to publicly say don't do this what does it say to you, cassie? >> well just as kevin had to point out it was gaffe-free. the fact that is even something we point out in the president of the united states remarks just tells you that people expect him to make mistakes. expect him to say things they'll have to clean up after. every time he does it, it is a weakness. every time it exposes a vulnerability for the united states and you see china cozying up with russia. macron from france. the fact that leaders abroad see our president as a weak leader
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and that's an opportunity to exploit that vulnerability, that's bad news for americans and for america. that's the bigger problem that these gaffes expose. >> harris: i'm curious to see what you'll say about this kevin. another state democrat in louisiana jumped ship to join the republican party. further cementing the party's stronghold in that state. state representative jerry lon comb announced his move on monday. he follows francis thompson who gave up the -- gave the g.o.p. a super. another democrat in south carolina joined the republican party. she said the democratic party has become unrecognizable to her. observers are calling it a political earthquake. north carolina republicans are pushing ahead with school choice legislation and other education reforms opposed by democrats.
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kevin, can you defend that? why are they leaving? >> my friend cassie will have to tell me if it's a secret republican plan because they aren't doing well at the ballot box. the political standing of these lawmakers. 150 elected officials from changed parties in the last 50 years or so. more routine than ever. what you see is the democrats becoming republicans are in states where republicans have control. they want more power. they want to be able to -- >> harris: you are supposed to be able as a politician to talk to everybody. cassie, he asked you a direct question. kevin, i want her with the time we have to give cassie a chance to answer your question. >> oh, it's a tough job for kevin some days. the party doesn't make it easy for him. you shouldn't have to switch parties. you could switch your vote. if you don't agree with where
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your party's position is you could switch your vote. they're done carrying the water for their party particularly the national democrats. all of these issues turning a blind eye to the issues actually at peril in our backyards. being able to afford groceries and curriculum in your children's schools and they switched their party because of that and that's telling. >> harris: those are almost immutables right now for democrats. really hard to change. kevin walling, we like having you, too. good to see you. thank you. back to new questions about hunter biden's business partners and new visitor logs which show seven former associates went to the white house more than 80 times when joe biden was vice president. that's a hard list to get on. that's a lot of access to a former v.p. and now current president. florida congressman greg steubey member of the house select subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal
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government and retired army airborne infantry and jag officer. great to have you on the program. we worked out the snafu and technology. 80 times in a lot of access to a v.p. >> it is. i can't think of anyone that i've met with 80 times in an official capacity at my official office in washington, d.c. and the arrogance and level of the meetings. there wasn't at private places. they were bringing these individuals to the white house. we know from evidence that tucker unearthed with bobulinski's testimony that biden was supposed to get a cut of 10% of their business dealings and biden saying i had no knowledge of hunter's business dealings. never met with everybody. now we see the actual facts. the arrogance. they met with these individuals at the white house in the v.p.'s office. the american people are smarter than that. they see right through the lies and deception and i really hope and pray and i believe that comer and oversight committee will dig into this so the
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american people can see once and for all exact will i what happened. >> harris: how does the current president get away with saying he didn't know anything about it and no one on the left says is it your memory? if that's the case your fitness for president might be in question. >> you have bigger problems. >> harris: that's a bigger overall situation. i don't know how it doesn't go there if they believe him? >> the mainstream media won't talk about it at all because they are just propaganda for the left. and don't want to bring any attention to this. so thankfully shows like yourself and you are bringing attention to this on fox and i think that's important. but the left won't say anything because they're so locked into each other and don't want anything to bring down what is the white house and the corruption that's there. they don't want to say anything to call that into compromise. >> harris: hard to do when the facts are blaring. you can't just erase the visitor logs. 80 times. you have never experienced
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anything like that in all the years you've been in politics. >> no. >> harris: in is a bill you are getting ready or -- have introduced. house republicans setting up a vote next week on it. it would keep biological males out of women's and girls sports at colleges and public schools across america. it comes as the biden administration is pushing to change title ix and forbid blanket bans on trans athletes competing in women's sports. new op-ed says -- ncaa swimming champion with this. >> the dei stuff only works if it's in agreement with what they're pushing. the ideas they're pushing is not the message they're using. it is manipulative and violent. the school movement is vengeful and hateful. never seen a movement quite like this movement. >> harris: high profile athletes
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including soccer star and nba champ signed a letter opposing the bill. many democrats are signaling they won't vote for it. what is the fight like to get this bill through on capitol hill? >> it has taken a couple of years and took us taking control of the house to get a vote on this. every american should know where their member of congress sits on the issue. title ix was created 50 years ago for women's sports to allow women to be able to compete with each other add college levels in activities and sports. this completely does away with what the left has done in attempting to erode that by allowing biological males to compete with women in women's sports. every member of congress, americans should know where their member of congress is on this and hopefully get a vote next week. >> harris: having children in sports myself, one of them pretty talented, this is something that girls are talking about. she is 13 and i'm hearing about it in her circle. mom, will i have to compete with
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boys? jason rantz was on our program yesterday. lgtb very open about that and he said if they are the same as women why do we call them trans women? you don't call them women because they aren't. very present and interesting. >> he have is 100% accurate and the other piece of this, too, having biological men identifying as women in girl's bathrooms and locker rooms, changing with them and the things that come with that. american people don't support that. i look forward to getting the bill passed on the house floor next week. >> harris: we'll keep in touch on that. we were talking previously about the president and his gaffes. a quick thought on that. >> every single day there is some other gaffe. now is the easter egg hunt. every day. the mainstream media either glosses over it and don't talk about it. you know it's bad what colbert is even making fun of the daily
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gaffes. mainstream media won't talk about it. it calls into character and fitness his ability as the commander-in-chief to make decisions and do things he is supposed to do as president. >> harris: you recently had a fall and you are looking great. blessings to you. >> thanks for having me. >> harris: "outnumbered" after the break. to debate and draft the u.s. constitution? turns out they didn't trust the printing of paper money, but they did trust gold and silver. article 1, section 10. gold and silver. good for the founders, good for me, good for you. rosland capital - is a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochure.
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i had my doubts, but i don't anymore. ♪ >> this is outnumber, i am here as falconer faulkner was my cohost emily and kayleigh mc enany. also here today is ocasio corte for conway. and bill hemmer, the cohost of america's new rim. great to see you. >> good to be here with you ladies break acutely start with a vitamin a patient prints to put in


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