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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 12, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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but i don't anymore. ♪ >> this is outnumber, i am here as falconer faulkner was my cohost emily and kayleigh mc enany. also here today is ocasio corte for conway. and bill hemmer, the cohost of america's new rim. great to see you. >> good to be here with you ladies break acutely start with a vitamin a patient prints to put in to date.
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in a force americans to space t electric cars. the toughest ever epa emissions proposal began in 2027 and will require carbon dioxide levels from new cars to drop by nearly 50 percent on average. and effectively require a staggering two thirds of all ne car sales to be electric by right now there are only 6 percent. the biden ministrations is the new restrictions will help protect our nations future from the impact of climate change. to despite hesitation by americans to adopt electric vehicles, the white house continues to tout the green agenda staying in a statement that is a car enthusiast supper theme car guy, he has seizing the moment. the epa administrator michael reagan spoke on the new proposa
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just a few moments ago. >> the epa is proposing the strongest ever, federally solution technology standards for cars and trucks. together, today's actions will accelerate our ongoing transition to a clean vehicle future. to tackle the climate crisis head on. it improves air quality all across the country. >> bill hemmer, it was over $64,000 last year. compared to 28,000 average for gas powered cars for the transition and the energy has t be parallel to the transition w can make with our money. >> that is sticker shock as we look at it right now. he's going to raise some money off of this for the green agend certainly that will happen. i just ran into john in the hallway and on monday, mayor
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adams opened up the charging stations and brooklyn bridge on seven going to check it out pretty went there on tuesday night it was broken and it was surrounded with caution tape. and it wasn't working. >> what happened? >> there is work to do anecdotally. i think the war on cars has bee more evident in new york city than anywhere else in america. i think it started at the end o the bloomberg initiation which was pre- before they moved all the parking lanes and set about up all the bark lanes forcing people to make a decision for mass transit, that was the objective and it continues to b this way and this proposal is a reflection parakeet when they move those bike lanes, people are now getting hit by electric bikes because they're not writing the old kind of bikes,
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their writing the motorized one which i think can run on gas, but usually electric. >> some of these bikes are goin 35 miles an hour. >> year at city is dangerous city anyway, but now you have these people from all over the world have no idea where they'r going there on these bikes. >> and one of them, i live in jersey. can keep bad things about to happen. that is the course the city has set itself on and unfortunately i don't think it's going back. >> kayleigh batteries are expensive. they are not, you have to replace them if you get into a car accident and they burn any amount, they are dangerous to put a helper, but we are making them richer birthday mine all the minerals that make over hal the world batteries bradley why does biden want to do that, representing all of us in america? >> i think the reason he has much like the way hillary
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clinton put the coal miners right out of business. much the same weight that night even ideology he canceled the pipeline, the domestic pipeline in when they 40 to thousand jobs . he is like the worst messenger to tell the rest of us to drive electric. and we are almost at the one-year anniversary april 22nd that will be one year since joe biden got in air force one whic cost about 207 and 14700 miles round-trip to washington state on earth day to talk about saving the environment and conservation is further not get objects. and he is a car guy bear when i think about joe biden i think about the corvette in his garag next to his documents. not electric. one up like him in a little mor
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often and see how he mcbain. >> i didn't know this until steve forbes said it to our audience last hour, it is going to take a lot of lithium bird they are willing to do it. we are not willing to do it. we are going to have a hard tim changing where batteries are made because you need that for that premium. he said you're going to do much more earth cutting than you would ever do when transition from fossil fuel to everything whatever is next widely think i has to be electric. >> they point out the electric batteries and according to one independent energy organization china has 75 percent of the lithium reserves, so what were doing here is making china richer, we lower our emissions, china doesn't lower theirs, and we know if you're a believer in global warming, it is a global endeavor, that is what's happening here. also, gallup says only 39
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percent think that it will help climate change only 12 percent are considering an electric vehicle. no wonder with that price tag for this is a president trying to redesign the economy. best of luck. we see how that turned out too. and you would need to build .35 more charging station spread when week we can donate we can for joe biden. >> what ever happened somebody came along and destroyed it pretty good biden isn't a car guy he's not a car enthusiast, if he was he wouldn't push this absurd proposal per the only reason he can enjoy his 67th stingray it's because it's a preadmission vehicle pretty get all the breaks he doesn't have to comply with the standards that everyone in their new cars do. i have to point out to they jus two years ago the proposal that came out of this administration that was less than half of what this new proposal was. at the time, that was considere a stretch.
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they said don't worry about it, you're going to get tax breaks, you're going to get credits, what happened april 18th, in it infinite wisdom, this bloated incompetent federal government will release new regulations that actually make less people eligible for these tax breaks. keep in mind, they only apply i you make a certain amount of money and if you're purchasing certain type of tv, so when the say you're going to say $4,000 on up to $8,000 on a new one, but that value up to 64 as you pointed out, it's not, it's not going to work. what does work is fossil fuels brady member when the coal miners in west virginia how to push electric car that's what works. there they are right there on the screen. in terms of the slogans of the actual proposal of the substance , this proposal comes nowhere close. >> so why are we a target? if you feel like the gas, the
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air-conditioners, why target th american people? as kat just pointed out, our pocketbooks have been thin the last couple of years. >> it's an industry he thinks h can vilify easily, which is in direct contradiction because ho he was as a senator. i think it's appealing to use, and in so doing, they misunderstand again to help in the world can you if you'd any car under joe biden's economy when young people are saying i can't find a well-paying job, meaningful, that's consequential , they can't afford a car of any type. the kids are not all right i call it. but a lot of it is economic decline for many of these people . they are delaying the natural accoutrements, marriage, parenthood, getting out of college debt, getting out of personal debts, having somethin
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for rainy day in a sunny day. they are not going to buy these electric cars, take it that was interesting the point about age because he is a lot further awa from that than we are. the dnc and announce in chicago will host its 2024 convention. are they taking an army to protect people there? the decision they say a lot about the democrats platform veteran homeowners, have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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♪ >> democrats are now making a
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rather interesting call when it comes to the location of the next national convention president biden and fellow part members have chosen chicago for the next democratic nominating convention in 2024 despite the city's well-documented search o crime and violence by the decision comes after a blood he weekend and the windy city leaving two dead and 18 injured with multiple shootings again very among those killed 15 -year-old girl who was sitting in the back of the car and american businesses like walmar are now clearing the chicago area with the retail giant announcing for area stores will be shutting down within a month due to low sales and millions i lawsuits. president biden now with the statement is a great host to host the democratic national convention national convention. he said democrats will to gathe to they will do so against the backdrop of this year over year increase in crime from 19-2022
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pair at a mcbain up 61 percent , 71 percent, 95 percent, 45 percent and 22. when you break it down, not muc better murder of 39 percent, robbery up, theft, robberies appeared. >> there is nothing good there. i think they will put on a good show. i think it will be good good three or four days, the locatio really confuses me. illinois is a blue state. i don't know if atlanta was under heavy consideration or not , i'm not sure that north carolina was under but these ar the swing states in america. obama had his convention in 201 in charlotte, ab don't want to go back within an period of ten or 11 years at this point, detroit, michigan,? depending who the republicans put up for a nominee i would still consider that swing state. minneapolis, minnesota comes to
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mind. i think the republicans really jumped on i think that was a good smart move grade that will get a lot of attention there. or going to do a debate there this august. i think that has kinda sparked politics. brandon johnson, the newly elected mayor is a little left and i think the reason why brandon johnson won that race i because of the teachers union i chicago. and is really smart people will tell you, joe biden cares about the unions. >> he desperate he is a union guy, not a car guy. >> is curious to me, somebody brought up johnson. at a time when 63 percent of people in chicago do not feel safe and the city, nbc is reporting that brandon johnson, we know he's more progressive than loy lightfoot. biden chose the area, so we wen more or less, there for the far left policies and make it our nominating.
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>> if you go to church among people in the pews. he is preaching far left politics because he's got to flex to that site of the party. >> i know why they chose chicago . this curious thing that you can do among democrats who otherwis are trying to make sense of the fact that somehow they've got stuck with biden and harris. >> the other harris. >> the popular here is that we all love. >> believed that barack obama i not michelle obama are in parts of the democratic party. i think they're going to obama' hometown and they want to project that this is still his party, he will give us be a big speech, perhaps the biggest speech of all. biden is so excited to get reelected he is happy to feed his popularity. barack obama, i'm so old i went to the 1996 democratic convention in chicago is a cnn
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political analyst. that was when scottie pippen an michael jordan and dennis rodma were on the bulls roster, it wa when illinois had a republican roster. that was an enjoyable conventio as it were. nobody felt unsafe, nobody felt put upon. you're right, it's a different chicago with all these places and things. great i think, mark my words that lots of these democratic congressmen are going to look for a reason for it they don't want to stand with him. he's going to use chicago is an excuse to not go. >> i'm going to get this on the republican side of the aisle because it is a big day today o this side when they've announce an exploratory committee. i want to play a little bit of the video he put out. i think it should be the model for any number one he talks about democrats in the division. he gives a narrative of compelling story and number three, he lays out a separate
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optimistic that will put kids i schools, good schools and will benefit the entire nation. >> when i fought back against their liberal agenda, they called me a token, because i disrupt their narrative. i threatened their control. eight know the truth of my life disproves their lives. i was raised by a single mother in poverty. the spoons in our apartment wer plastic, not so prepared we had faith that we would put in the work and we had unwavering belief that we too could live the american dream. >> great tone, a great message for the gop. >> heaves absolutely right for it he was vilified by virtue of having conservative values of being confident and proclaiming the fact that he was part of th gop. what did he get for it? absolute obliteration by the woke left media propped up by
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social media, by the democrat party, he set a respectable discourse, it is appalling to m how he is treated by simply being a proud conservative freight i have to point out that's exactly why having this in chicago and all of the platitudes that come out of the democrat party are still callin to me. this skyrocketing homicides there in chicago come up more than three out of four are african-american. nine out of ten are a black mal and one and three of those victims were in there '20s so when the governor of illinois says illinois and chicago represent the values of the democratic democratic party, indeed they do which is that those lives matter in name only. >> well said, emily. as built mentioned, the first republican primary debate will be broadcast right here on fox news and it is scheduled for august in milwaukee. it will be an exciting episode where we can watch who takes th stage. still to come after throwing th
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book at pro-life protesters, th biden administration a man who vandalized a charge and assaulted a church worker sweetheart deal. you won't believe it.
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wooo. oh yeah, she digs it. buy your car on vroom. get in. ♪ >> the biden administration department of justice offering what critics call a sweetheart deal. to a transgender vandal caught on camera smashing and spray painting a catholic church in washington state last year. this is surveillance video of 3 -year-old in action throwing a rock at a glass window while a woman was praying inside. she had to lock herself in she was so scared. this person then spray-painted the walls with profane and anti-catholic messages like religion of heat, woman haters, and more. they also deface the church's beloved statue of the virgin mary and spray-painted a church worker and the face before resisting arrest.
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despite those damages to the church, totaling nearly one hal a thousand dollars, the doj recommended weight for it, zero jail time and instead recommended just three years probation. this plea deal sharply contrasted with the biden administration treatment of for example pro like activist the doj charged him with violating the faith act back in october o 21 after he planned parenthood volunteer while defending his son. the fbi later greeted the pennsylvania home arresting him in sprint of his wife and seven children after they declined to press charges per he faced 11 years in federal prison. kellyanne the contrast is nothing short of stunning and i horrible. >> you see that parent at schoo board meetings are concerned
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about curricula and this has been a pretty anti- catholic administration. they are openly hostile to religion overall and i think it is causing a lot of hispanic hispanic voters and this country , they are realigning for many reasons, but one of the torrid religion. click at the treatment who was qualified to sit where she now works in the united states supreme court. she went there was not a single senator's vote even though she went to senate confirmation, they dressed are down about her. diane feinstein said it is obvious that you're doctor and burns inside view. as if anything burns inside of diane feinstein at this point. the hostility towards amy kony barrett who wears. she had seven children, two adopted from haiti.
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that hostility came in. this came in, people who are your attorneys, that look like assault with a deadly weapon. i just want to quickly remind the audience the fact that the doj was involved for the federa crimes committed here, and they completely balked on that. >> that is right for that. thank you for that. not only are they hate crimes committed, but not only did thi person spray paint that churchgoer and the face which i absolutely an aggravated assaul and could be a felony in washington state, that person with a backpack full of spray cans eat and chattered the police vehicle when they were resisting arrest, yet somehow that is characterized as a vandal? i've been to service many times there that is a beautiful church , a beautiful community and it breaks my heart. not just that this happened, bu that this happened in a world i an administration where there i
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zero accountability because somehow catholic protection and catholic matters less. >> viewers couldn't do map and the american people. when you have an administration with six christians are murdered , when you have an administration the fbi talks about going after a radical traditional catholic britney ha this yesterday an undercover agent going into catholic churches, this is one likely comes forward, there have been 34 arrest of pro-lifers, many who have been exonerated, 81 attacks on abortion facilities. excuse me, that doesn't include catholic churches. how does because that's all at upright it into a conservative, anti-catholic, part of the bide administration. it's not that hard, you just ad up the pieces 50 at this persecution is considered a complex, a fabricated one in this country but if you leave this country it's accepted as a actual phenomenon.
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last year the attorney general testified in front of congress that as you mentioned, the pro-life center they are just too clever for the fbi. >> it is a hard thing to do commit doing this at night, in the dark. these people who are doing this are clever and they are doing i in secret. >> so you can find them. >> if you have information abou those groups can keep that is your job. can keep that is your job, attorney general. >> i guess he didn't see all th tv cameras out there. you smashed two glass doors wit rocks, spray-painted the churches outside walls with f catholic catholics, kid groomers , woman haters,. >> amateur staff member was
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spray-painted in the face. when officers showed up, they eased the backpack full of spra paint cans to hit the police car . he was drunk during the arrest or appeared to be intoxicated. if any citizen does this anywhere, they are doing time. >> imagine if that had happened at the synagogue. this person was intoxicated and angry about robie wade, but nothing diffuses into a christian, anti- any religion hate crimes fare that's what this was in this demonstration let them get away with a. >> i would say may be that people in our country right now who understand, there is a lot of anti-semitism might now. i have had people of the jewish faith say we need to work together on securing these places so that in fact, ari
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fleischer and i had a conversation on camera recently where he said they are starting to team up now some of the synagogues to figure out how to protect those softer targets. you have a person kneeling to pray and then you have this violent actor who gets off with nothing compared to what he should have gotten off with. or should have gotten. throwing a rock through a window , attacking that structure , so on and so forth great i think there is just thi anti- movement of christian and jewish faith in this country, but it is sought after by the fbi where christians are concerned. >> that's why people are readin your book and shannon's book an there is a hunger for the message. >> end, quickly, he talked abou protecting the judeo-christian community, secretary pompeo, coming up, the nypd rolling out
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crime-fighting robots and an effort to help make the city safer. more on that in the debate around it next. veteran homeowners, it's time to fight inflation. use the 3 ps: plan ahead by getting a va cash out home loan from newday. pay off your high-rate credit cards. pay yourself cash. postmenopausal women with hr+ her2- metastatic breast cancer are living longer with kisqali. so, long live family time. long live dreams. and long live you. kisqali is a pill proven to help women live longer when taken with an aromatase inhibitor. and kisqali helps preserve quality of life. so you're not just living, you're living well. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat which can lead to death.
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's. ♪ taking the future might finally be upon us the new york police department rolling out several new romantic numbers to their patrol. new york mayor eric adams revealing a as well as of pair of robotic dog it comes with a
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printer in a dozen microphones that can indeed take people during restricted hours for the robot dog are to help with hostage and other dangerous situations. emily, you know are nypd community well. >> i was seeing something about this this morning and it is sor of amusing how the liberals no matter what will resist any typ of increase or advancement in helping law enforcement catch criminals. they are going to stereotype, i use technology, they are going to impinge upon my privacy rights i am a proponent of anything that increases officer safety and their protection. i say that off-line. these are fantastic. i think one or to will get the job done. i think anything additional wil likely be serp effortless. >> the progressives, the aoc
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among them. >> of course they did. they are afraid that they were going to be with congress next. digit dogs at work. >> may be better. i guess this is fine, but i wan to echo i want this to enhance and protect and preserve our brave men and women in uniform, not to replace them or to have mayor take his eye off the ball there have been so many it's just a lack of dignity for our brave men and women in blue. i'm going to say this is fine except the more i see biden and adams on that, they seem to tal about everything except what concerns there citizenry. >> that's because they can't solve that. >> if you wanted to make a difference, perhaps he started to prosecute crime. that may be effective.
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>> i wonder if the police union are going to challenge this. >> they said you can read the license plates. >> they've got the care must ou there. >> how fast you drive? >> i said can i talentless? he said no, but he can prove that you are the driver. >> you can always challenge everything. can i win this? let's see how it mcbain. and then they're going to put i a night chip in there? >> very true. harris? ticket that means that they are less in less likely to see us a humans and protect desperate. >> are they electric? >> one other of the things that concerns me about it with the
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suicide rate here higher than any other and the nation it doesn't really hit the problems that the course is having right now. its man and woman power, they are ambushed and targeted, it doesn't wipe away the rhetoric, it doesn't hit those things tha would really make a difference in terms of them wanting to be on the force with all of their human experiences, human responses. i look a good robot to clean th house may be. i don't know if i would spend that kind of money, but maybe i they were cheap. but commit that is a lot of big brother. >> in hostage situations, i think that makes sense. >> lake and a bank or something. >> emily, new podcast. >> in new episodes of my fox true crime podcast dropped yesterday. four days after jay dobyns joined the agency, he was taken hostage and chopped. this legendary agent went on to serve for almost 30 years
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including a two-year operation where he infiltrated the hells angels and became a patch where a member of the most notorious motorcycle club of all time per to do so he had to murder a rival mongol club number which he stayed using entrails from a butcher in an alternate street theater federal protection. watch. >> i was taken hostage and shot. that holt right there is where the bullet went in my back. in the hole right there is wher it came out. i don't know from showing that to you well enough. >> all i see is just blood. it is saturated with blood. >> you do not want to miss this heroes riveting story, the unparalleled perspective in the gripping details that he shared on my latest episode of the fox true crime podcast listen free and subscribe everywhere and anywhere you listen to podcast
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>> coming up, president biden o the ground in northern ireland participating in a gathering there. france nabs the u.s. and marti' and will wait and during our coverage of that, plus, senator tim scott announcing this morning on fox news that he is launching a presidential exploratory committee. will he make a run for the whit house? and what are his chances of winning the gop nomination? , from texas talks about the southern border with our own bill lujan, join us live with american reports at the top of the hour. ♪ >> bill hemmer has a new show o fox nation out now. it is called billionaire space race and it takes a deep dive into the three of the richest men on the planet that are usin
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their own money in a battle for the larger share of a brand-new market. space, take a watch. ♪ >> this is the story of cutting edge rockets, and very deep pockets. to get there is definitely a spirit of competition they have the chase and money to burn. >> based on the muse or the bas on mars. >> the dangerous real. incredible growing pains. >> a total loss. the competition is personal. >> basis, brinson, musk.
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i am bill hemmer, and this is the billionaires space race. >> that drops today on fox nation. a couple of great space stories there on fox nation as whelp or here's what i think, i think that we are so lucky to have these three men at this time in our lives who have the interest have the desire, have the creativity, have the intellect and have the money that was developed to there own capitalistic ventures to be abl to make the space race what it has become. remember ten years ago when obama retired the whole idea of us like no, we have to rely on russia. >> our astronauts there. in it like no, we can't do that so there was a couple of years where we had a little bit of laps. i a lot of people had doubts. in hindsight, that was the righ call. and in hindsight we are so luck to have these three men in our lives during this time to take us back there.
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one last thing. these astronauts no longer have to crash into the earth because they've got musk who can take a rocket and landed on as shipped in the pacific ocean and figure out how to balance the soccer and reuse it in order to save money. the space race. >> they even change the municipalities when he basicall took over a town in texas, it was great for them. it lifted them their economy, their spirits. >> i always thought, musk has been very public about his development. in the day that happened in wes texas, or alike out, what is going on. i thought it was a very interesting strategy. >> the people love him down there. >> bill, i love that you have a jump seat to history i think some americans look at this as vanity project for billionaires.
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why don't you tell us about wha that. >> i am so grateful that that they are because that gives us chance against of what will be growing challenge that we have. >> one of the most was the dragon capsule take off. this peer revived after being s long. we are going back to the moon. or at least we're going to circle it for a little bit i would gladly take the invitation . it's only going to grow more in more. >> are they eeyore gas?
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>> what was something exciting you learned. >> i have always felt that what musk was doing was relenting these rockets for this was generational change. what musk said after every time they tried and they failed, numerous times they would fail. they'd they say look at all the data. >> as a girl that grew up with neil armstrong on my wall, goin to space camp and space academy i cannot wait to watch this. more "outnumbered" in a moment. hi, i'm william devane. did you know there's only been two times in american history - two
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>> a little stevie wonder on a wednesday. last but not least, actor arnold schwarzenegger taking matters into his own hands when the city of los angeles failed to fix a pothole. the former california governor posted video on social media of himself and his team filling the team after waiting three weeks for the city to do something. ♪♪ >> you're welcome, you're welcome. you have to do it yourself, this is crazy. three weeks i've been waiting for this hole to be closed. >> i mean, first of all, he
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looks incredible. i thought maybe this was like a movie scene. that hole was deep, kellyanne. >> pothole vigilante. [laughter] >> i love it. you know what they say, if you want something done ask a busy woman or a former governor. >> he drives a hummer, so he can probably go right over that hole but i've been in that situation, i wish i had arnie as my neighbor. >> i miss him as my governor, you guys. and i think part was that metaphor when it said that when mayor, for example, first take the mantle, fix all the potholes, show the people in the down you see and hear them, that you, too, drive the streets. this is the former governor saying yeah, exactly, my tax dollars don't go anywhere, have to do it myself. >> the story of the two political parties, 20,000 requests to fix the pothole, karen bass announced a plan to do it, while the former republican governor actually did
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it. >> oh, a plan. a plan will do it. as we like to say, he terminated the pothole. get it? if you don't have time or forget, or can't join us at noon eastern, set your dvr and watch any time you want. now here is "america reports." >> this is a land of opportunity not a land of oppression. the drug of victimhood sold by joe biden and the radical left is wrong. we believe in the power of individual responsibility. i couldn't be more excited. >> sandra: fox news alert, south carolina senator tim scott taking a major step toward making a run for the white house as he launches a presidential exploratory committee. >> bill: a sign he like by intends to join the growing gop field. will it up end the primary race? juan williams and katie pavlich on hand to talk about that coming up.


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