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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 14, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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next week, wednesdayth and thursday. the tickets are absolutely freue . go over to my website, handyca h for information how to get yourw free ticketskets pai. >> you all have a good time. all right. don't forget, set your dvr sovei you never, ever miss an episodes of hannity. and i havef ha some great news. >> the news continues.meantime, in the meantime, let's not their hearts be troubled. laura ingraham is next. laura , they havght or i, theyer you. >> we wait a minute. they just said , we love you, jt laura . they never said we love you, sa sean. what's up with that? yoi love can i say this is a ver smart audience. it's a very smart audience. always get the smartest people. we did great to see all of you . and we'll see you back hereba tomorrow night. sean. awesomck her ighte show as always. . all right. all thisis is ingram is e" angle. my fever is broken. thank god i'm back and not a moment too
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so much happening. and thang us k you for joining . amateur hour. that's the focus of tonight's angle now in a small community, north dighton, massachusetts, the feds showed up in full gear. they even brought an armored vehicle all to take into custody. elon'svehicle grant.orce >> a twenty one year old air force national guardsman. >> tod the justice department arrested jacayk douglas tachira in connection with ane in investigation into toalleged unauthorized removal,n retention and transmission of classified nationa l defense. information. tachira is an employee o f the united states air forcenfora national guard. we will share more informationti at the appropriate time. >> actually , the appropriatee l time is now. so the angle will shar ear more information and provide some much needed context. first, let's understanlet'd what the biden administration is trying to do here. it's somehow tryin
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g to turnes in one of the worst intelligence breaches of the past two decades. th decinto a political win for themselves. now, let's debunk thiss an and explain it. well, today, they hope to winth competency points by the factat that they move so quickly to arrest the leaker of a big deal . the documents had been online ol for months on a platform calledo discorrm called d. someho and plus, itw looks like the nw york times somehow managed to make contact with theent. alleged leaker before our own government. >> the first tranche were photographed among hunting equipment. these ones werg e photographed n a different location on a granite countertop usingind the gaming profiles, we were able to find connections with other more popular social media websites, which, of course, had family photographs online, including counter, that the countertop, that granite countertop. well, even the democrat rankingt member of the house intel
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committee, it wasn't buying it. the new york times beat the fbi at the new york times beat the fbi. twenty one year old kid, airnati national guardsman, who was trying to impress his friends. clearly, there's an awful lotl of work, a lot olof a lot ofnalr congressional oversight work. we need to de o to fix these systems that are constantly allowing or at least regularly allowingre regul our secrets tot into the wild.hem how was he able to print them out? how he'd be able to how is he able to remove them from a secure facility? >> the facts here are so badn ie for the bidel n intel community that even cnn's jake tapper can't hide his disgust. this classified information was reportedly on discord for months. how many tens of billion s ofto dollars the u.s. intelligence community gets each year from tu the american taxpayer. taxp therelly seems like.s was a lot of people dropped theb the ball here. it's notal a proud period for f the intelligence community. >> let's say that. well, that's right. and it's an understatement. just think oement tof the double shackles of the past few months, like that chinese balloon floated over sensitive
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sites which this administration assured saw was no big deal . >> the president doesn't regret the way that we handled the first balloon to not measure breach . and it was just ten days ago that we learned that the what the angle had suspecte angd allh along, that the inteatl intelligence that china collected is mostly fromtronic a electronic signals, which can be picked upould from weapons systems or include communications from base personnel. >> oh, that's all. do big deal . now, don'tn' forget, the administration wanted everyone to think they were wise. they were soan pragmatic and prudent to blow the balloond up over the atlantic. >> wo e wanted to wait until ite was overr water so that we coud mitigate any potential civilian potenharm or property damage. well, my goodness, how the chinese must rightching themselves now. >> and now thithiss damage to te
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united states are finding that it's not that hard to ge t this information, leak it and putn our national security officialas in a really difficult position. >> this is embarrassing. it's bad. the biden people knowy they're in trouble. are here. ma so look for them to focus maybe on the biography of the leaker. he likes guns. he's anti big government. he was a young, charismatic man who loved nature, god who loved shooting guns and in racing cars, a young gun enthusiast he's described worked on a military base and is a , quote, young, charismatic gun charismat enthusiast. he had a very dark vieic gunw of the intelligence community, very suspicious of government overreach and , well, this is perfect in a way for the biden administration because justth as with their january 6th narrative, their goal is to brand conservatism and trump supporters as not just toxic, but as traitors. now, once again, just as withecn
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the faux insurrection, the white house and the fb, itee just trying to scorel po political points and distract distm reality.obviously to t obviously, to the extent that tachira broke the law, he be should be punished completely. bubrt this significant back breach pulled the curtain back oonn the amateur hour thatr is biden's foreign policy shop. and alonwith tg with that, his national security apparatus. >> and remember, the leaked documents told us about ukraine, far different from anay the rosy analysis that wsie gote just a few months ago. and what did we learn about china's role? again, not what we were tolde wt by the white house oe r the pentagon. >> we haven't seen anydicati confirmation or indication thatn the chinese have provided lethal weapons, lethalhal ca capabilities to the russian ministry of defenspabie throught this conflict. >> did he know that was false
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when he was saying it?th i well, the truts,h is , we're not hearing the truth. maybe the twenty one year old' view, the intel community isn't far off the american public has every right to know the truth about what they're getting forr to >> there are hun two hundreddr billion and counting commitment to ukraine . if the prognosis for victory for is grim, we should all know it. >> if china is back channeling lethal aid to ukraine, we should know that this is information that americans actually may vote on in 2020 four like that. despite billions in aid to egypt over the years, they were planning to secretly arm russia with rockets, liketh the information that while biden is placating china, they'vise tested and deploy deployed a new longer range hypersonic missile that's probably able to evadely able to eus defenses. but perhaps even more importanta than all of thisnt , thistellig
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intelligence breach shows us how vulnerable weenshow beco. if a twenty one year old with no special training could do this, much damage for go unnoticed for this long. >> lord only knows what secrets of ours the chinese have.y chin as the associated press put it, the suspect's arrest is bound to raise questions about raise how the highest profile il leak in years, one thatcontin continues to unfolued with almol daily revelations of highly classified documents, could reve been caused by suchrvicem a young, low ranking serviceem member. >> now, also worth noting is that in some circles, mr. tachira would be lauded as a whistle blower or he revealeden vital info that was hidden from the public, which could havelicn huge political implications and we certainly know that democrats in the press, they love to celebrate certainbu types of whistleblowers. >>e wheton i would like to seep more of these people do is what
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venkman had the courage to do, the guts to do it. >> colonel binmen showingag courage, the courage to stand up to the most powerfue l person in the world. >> anonymous did the right thing by at least telling that people are keeping a keen eye on the aberrant behavior of the president. >> i think anonymous is a hero . of course, liberals havendard a double standard herehe. s that's hardly news at this l point. but let's noet'st get distracte our focus should be what doe lek these leaks mean? s for our long term survival as nation? are we reallnatiy evensome o a superpower? if some of our most sensitive military secrets can s be postes on a public server for weeks, months without officials even knowing? and are we really evenf our a superpower if our ownow luncetary of defense sounds this out to lunch when the breach happened? >> i don't know if there areoth other documents that are that have been online before. they were somewhere in the in the web and in where exactly.
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and who had access at that point? >> we we don't know. they were in the web.b. no while no one should be surprised if the biden team tries to gloss over this entiret sad saga by arguinhig that this is just one bad guy who wascalie maybe radicalized and an allthe male right winwhg chat room. but given how the bidenn adminii administration has weaponizes,sh the intel agencies misrepresented key national security questions and left us vulnerable to spies left ascv and hackers, why shoule d americans have faith in anything they do or say going forward? an. join m the angle >>e joining me now is victor davis hanson. hoover institution seniort fellow, and ned ryun, ceo of american majorit y. i was struck by a lot in thisy, story, but by the fact thatlicai the publication's breaking iont didn't have anything or much ofo anything to say about the leakus
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themselves, the substance of the leaks.di they do. they not card they ne that the n public has been lied to abou lih a proxy waatr that we're fightig right now. >> well, that's no t the poincoult of the corporate propagandabirdt lorem, and that's what the newha york times and washington postoo have becommmene. este they're not interested in the substance of the charges. russfact that we have us troops in ukraine apparently in a hot war with russia, which again ts one of the world's larges nuclear powers. and again, we're not fightind g, goat herders in the middlet east. we're picking a fight with with one of the world's largest nuclear i think that would be importanth for the american people to understan ndd. but that's not the point of the corporate propagandists. they're the mouthpieces attack o and attack dogs ofgs the administrative state, really auxiliaries of the statet now,h because apparently, alont with what appears to be a ciaor contractor, selling cat, we're a able to track down thisis whistleblower. but in their minds, not all whistleblowers are created equallwhistleblowersy. r, if you attack if you're a good whistleblower, it means you're helping means
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the administrative state. you're attacking potential existential threats likeof the the duly elected president of the states, donald trump. but if u you actually expose and embarrass the regime, you're not a whistleblower. you're , in fact the, an par enemy of the state. and i think the partre thaor ut is really troubling for us to have a truly free society, you have to have free and honestto press to actually keept government accountable. but instead they become accountablthe propaganda for ite it's not about the truth. it's about promotingit's n the approved narrative off the the administrative state, which apparently laura istate whs a pl war in ukraine in which hundreds of millions, if up billions of us dollars have been embezzled, have disappeared. n and yet we continue on . and now apparently we're on a path to a hot war with russia. the american people deserveth to know the truth. and i think that's his greatest sin. jack, to share his greatest sin in a late stage republics the rb is that he embarrassedth the regime by exposing e trutthe truth. well, i couldn't agree more . and , victor, to that point, the leak is apparently causing
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the biden administration to rethink government t surveillance of the web, saying that they're looking at expanding how it monitors a social media sites and chandt rooms after us , intel failed to realize classified docs were circulatedd online online for w. if wor goche, if we were a conspiracy theorist, would say this was almost plannetheor >> yeah, the problem isn't the that they haven't been surveilling the web. we know from twitter th oe lab.f the fbi was hiring people basically for three million a year or surveilling the wrong people. they're surveilling american citizens who pose no threat and they're ignoring the people on the web that do. i think the bottom line is that we're terrifying our allies, because when you look at t macron's going with the chineseh or as you mentioned, southinvolv korea doesn't want to geted involved with the sanctions or we look at saudi arabia's flipii with this non-aggression pact and then india is buying oil
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and we see egypt. >> these were all solid allies. but when they look at thise fbiy pentagon and the fbi by association and they see the balloon fiasco and how they lied about it and said that they did surveil very many site americas and we know they . >> they look at the afghanistank debacle, the greatesed t mediat ,i think, in american history. >> and they lied about it and said it was a successand no and not many people were left.w and now they see this doesn't and they're revealed and that the united states said, well, doesn't look like there's that much in there. lthere wak they ai think they'd himself or said , you know what, at least for now, the united states is too dangerous an ally and it's notan reliable. and more importantly, it's incompetent. and we're going to either stayn neutratol or take a look at this new coalition that's forming against it. and it's terrifyinvation.g. these people are incompetent, incompetent, but they're incompetently dangerous . and that's what's scary.putting they're putting all ofin other their resources and other agendas that have nothing to do with the efficacy of the pentagon. or the quality of intelligence. and they should all be let
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go for all of these serial disasters. >> yeah, there's never any accountability that no one ever gets fired. no, nobody one was fired after afghanistan. no one's fired after a balloon fiasco. no one's fired because i f nono one one's fired, this has to be. their policy. this is theis r thistheir is ti is their goal. >> it is their of co this after a series coincidences, it ceases to beyoe a coincidence. >> you realize it's intentionaal . and when there are no consequences for reallying. egregious behavior, guess what? it's only goin g to get worse, because if there's no consequences now, they'll continue to go down this path. and who knows what will come vict, laura . but it really does highlight,e as victor was pointing out,p. the importance of true leadership. i mean, think about how quickly things have evolved inw quickl two years, not only domestically, but on the international stage forin this country because of the change in leadership in the white house. leadhouse, it's amazing to me aw staggeringly quick it has happened. e impo
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but it does remind you again of the importance of next year's election. ifthe corner we want to turn th, we better start thinking aboutr new leadership in the white house. if we want to reestablishship a ourselves as a trusted leadernd on the international stage the e chairman of the house intel committee, mike turner, he was talked off today about all of this watch. o make info do we need to do to make certain that our classified information is more closely?find how do we find these people before they do this, before classified documents are compromised? >> well, i mean, these are good questions, victor. but this is part of the oversight that the republicans are supposed to be doing. ms are vthese systems are very . yeah, they're not so complex that a twenty one year old kid thn't just print them out, fold them up in his pocket and then take pictures of them and post them on the web. so republicans deserveepublica some responsible tea here, too? >> they do. i think i could offer a modestr
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suggestion that maybe the person who leaked the roe shrsus wade preliminary report should have been indicted and found out indicted. lea maybe the person like james comey, who leaked a confidential conversation with the president of the united states to a thirdhe party, the new york times should have been prosecuted, maybe anonymoun s, and bragged n an op ed that he was deliberately obstructing and releasing information about the trump administration's homeland security. maybe he should have been prosecuted, but this young 20 year one year old was smart . he justhere's t said there's no penalty, there's no consequences. penaltyon these other guys got. >> and so he he didn't think there was any big deal . and if we have had deterrence, he wouldn't have dared do it. >> victor and ed, thank you both. o signif now, two significant political stories that couldliti have very serioucal s repercusss ahead of 2020 four desantis supporters are growingrondel concerned with trump's momentum, but the florida
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governor reportedly does have a plan. plus, rumors started swirlin.g earlier today that mitch mcconnell was prepared to step down. details and denials with our political panel next. >> let's take a journey through this great nation. >> i want to see what they saw . i want to see what changed this land of the free and get filthy, stinking rich for this cold growing. i always wanted to be that person who helps me out when the movie stars grab a glass and join us as anybody else been fired recently. you don't know anything about me as a human being. america is born and big shows where justice is served. i guarantee you she did not do this. jesse hired them to beat him up where you can get all things. tucker carlson in the house tonight in really accuse you of betraying the country. what the ? we're feeding here?
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the right things. >> it's not cost free. so we're required to stand firm for the truth. >> we're required to hold the line in defense of our values and we can never, ever back down from a fight. and as a former navy man, all i can say is i'm in this and i've only begun to fight. but some of florida governor'st backers worry that he's taking too long to engagetoo in thath fight. the miami herald, which iticit should be noted, has smearedron desantis throughout his governorship, writes, what are you waiting for? desantis is twentye supp twenty four . supporters worryororry h he's lg too late. now, thaart fear was likely heightened earlier this weeknal when congressman byron donalds, who's been very closhee to desantis, announced he's supporting trump. now, in doing so, he became fro the fourth rep frothm the floria delegation to line up behindnd e the former president to. desantis is zero. so far , sso theo stanch the blt . the team is calling up the rest
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of the florida delegation to lobby for their support while desantis himself will travel to the capitol capitol hill next weekti for a congressional meet and joining me now to discuss all this, lee zeldin, former new york congressman, gubernatorial candidate, mollie hemingway, editor in chief of, the federalist fox news,fo contributor. and tom bevan, co-founder and president of real clear politics. now, i'm reading this piece in the new york times tonight, which kind of builds out on this report that desantis supporters are calling aroundoui to the florida delegatiodankeepy and saying, hold your keep your powder dry, don't jumoup yt . for trump, it's too a what aboutbout the timing, lee? i think that if you're a republican , whether it's governor desantis, or anyther potential republican candidate, not yet in this field,idate no your window is the next eight weeks now for state governor desantis. >> he has a state legislature that's in session for a fe legiw more weeks.
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so maybe that window is about five weeks after the end of the legislative session. but one of the biggest mistakes ha that wve we have witnessed over the last couple of decades is for a candidate to wait too long. wait, you're making your debutub at the first debatute. start tan you need to get out there and start talking to people in settings of twenty ,s and thinki twenty five people. you're answering questions. you're thinking about thingsng m that maybe you hadn't thoughtbot about before. think about brad thompson. twenty eight , rick perry in 2012. michael bloomberg in 2020. >> you make your debate appearance and that's d that your first initial entry the race. you come to regret it. sore if you're aesidenti republican presidential prospect, if you're going to get in this race, i think the window the next eight weeks. >> all right, molly,ht you say there are two camps of people who want desantis to jump in ju and explain. m >> right.ump so some people want to santurce to jump in because they're just' eager to support him. by they're excited by his policies and who hepolicies is . and they just they want him to run for president so they can vote for him. there's this otherther camp in
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washington, dc that seemwasju to want him to jump in the race ,mostly because they think he's the only way that there might somehow be a possibility that donald trump doesn't get the nomination. so g i think that group is less interested in what's in ron desantis best interests. and in fact, they might hope that group might think if weothu could get them both in the race, then they can knock o each other out. then one onef these othef thr candidates who are polling in p the very low single digits might have a shot. but for ron desantis, his decision needs to be based, hi it nott's best for him. it's not just about running for president . if he wants to do that, butthe that he'd want to win, the nomination, he'd want to win the presidency. he hase to a lot more to think about. but his big case, i think,i t is that he's really effective governor . and he's very exciting to to a lot of peoplo a lot e and howe administers things. and that's less time sensitiveh. . that case for him. tom , the argument for florida and everyone else, i'm a big fan of florida is a powerfulflo one . but on a national level, isn't
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the argument for desantis i'm going to win this like here's the path for me to win this. i'm going to win and we have no to win. there's no choice not attackingh trump, which i think getims him nowhere. has yeah, i think that's right.eleci heon has to play up his general election strengths. e problem i mean, the problem for ron desantis, listen, he's deen facto a presidential candidate. i mean, he's been acting likg ea a presidential candidate for stthe last few weeks. be that's what ron desantis supporters should be nervous. is that over tha that period of time, he's given speeches at the reagan library. he's been to iowa. duri been all over the placell effectively running as a candidate. and during that time, his his his polling numbers, he's gonepn from 30% dowt n to twenty five percent. meanwhile, trump has extended his lead from 15% over to to pr, 27%. so the problem is not necessarily ron desantis hasil to say he's a presidential candidate that's goingy that to turncandidat things around. the problem is he's out there, e right now and everybody seemslv to be galvanizing to obviously, events that have
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caused that to happen. i mean, i think that's the biggest worry for desantis folks right now. well, someone is able to brand you. of tha how do you get out of that brand? i mean, i think that's whatat a lot of people are worrying about senator barrasso, cornyn, thune are actively reaching outar to fellow republican senators in an effort to prepare for an t anticipated leadership vote . my question to you is , are anyf of those d to any of those? the mcconnell team came outteamc quickly to deny this, ofs going course, saying that he's going to be back on monday and he looks forward to coming back .tl there's a lot of battles that t need to be fought, but those three really represent the heart and soul of next le the republican party to be the next leader of the senate. sena >>te you could go deeper into that conference and get newer
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members. maybe they're even freshmen and e not yet at that abl point of seniority to be able to run for this position. i don't know where that whip tha count is with those votes. >> when you point to those first three people who might so to speak, v, maybe in a wayotg an oppor they're splitting the vote and creating an opportunittuy f somebody who might be a freshman or sophomore in the senate, maybe younger and more in touch with the people who would first be supporting someone getting into a sorry, you're in place, yet you're being no longer being you take let m some jackie ibanez, for example. let me say it verysay place kie of sick .id so i'm going to be ornery tonight. t, ii'm a little sick , so men i'm going to be very those three men, i like them all personally. they're lovely people, but they're mcconnell to point out each and every one of them. molly, has that been the right call? hefor the republican party inty
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the u.s. senate? has that worked? t is judiciahe confirmations notwithstanding? >> right. so this is this interesting story. you know, mcconnell says he's coming back . given>> i t h's that he hae d this challenge in november, we had a bunch ofa senators trying to get someone better than him to lead the to lead the caucus. and he's youth know, he had this fall and he's been getting viincreasingly petty and vindictive with his own members, punishing them fog thet supporting him fully and justde not delivering results. thatliverihat repu republican voters demand. you know, there's a veryim fraught time ie n our countrys i and he's just you knowng, i he's trying to say, well, i'vehn kind of been okada by on judges and he has been kind of okay on judges. he's been good on judges. t him to be good on everything. and so when you're picking c a new leader, which will boueld happening in the next could happen very soon or it couldgoi happen in the next year or so,b you're going to want someone tuallywho actually delivers on the republican agenda, these three men that are big futurhou. e, they're very close to mcconnell. they very much follow in his path. that's probably not what the republican party is going it wanty way wants to actuall
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succeed and deliver to voters in a way different than what we've seen in recent years. >> yeah, two words, infrastructurest for you brighsc realignment swings in working tt class districts, saying that nine of the toopp ten wealthies congressional districts are represented by dems, while republicans now represent mostto of the poorer half ofun the country. tom , globalization has hammered the middle class, turning many of them poor. >> but what does this mean going forward? i think it has huge implications moving forward, long lasting ones fo r the republican party. it highlights the transformation that's taken place justarty brithe tr over tw years, starting with donald trump in 2016, the way thately the parties have effectively realigned themselves now and democrat s really no longer represent the working class, the blue collar. that's the republicathat is n py
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right now. and so to the point that youabo were making earlier, talking abourepublict republican leadert the senate needs to reflect that. o and pursue an agenda and pass an agenda that that resonates with those voters. otherwistes withe, whoever the t leader will be in the senates gn is going to end up where mitch mcconnell is , which is with only 40 percent favorableublica rating among republicans. that's the lowest ofns any republican national leader on the stage right now. >> it's completely pathetic. panel, thank you so much. you now, biden's lost in ireland, and raman's three wishes may concern a talk show host and agent, senator and a chronic licker. >> thursday follows next egas. meet ahmed, our interpreter. don't turn out to be a pain, not mr. without that man saved my life. you're going. and now i have to go save his arm and ended up the price
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all over the emerald. >> i see laura , the poor irish, they had the potato famine, the troubles, and now this mom who said it happen. i've never met an irishman in america who doesn't think, you know, hope we can see ireland someday. they're sweet. they're asking me their sweat is soaked. with the foundations of communities across the nation. peace is a necessary foundation for progress, for both for growth. i met more with xi jinping than any world leader has over the last ten years. over achieving ninety one hours of just one on one conversations. sixty eight per person. >> i travel seventeen thousand miles with them got laura .r tht comment. he said it more than twenty times that he traveled seventeen thousand miles with xi jinping never happened. >> even the dogs in ireland
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were running away from the president today. now this happens in those zombie movies to laura, where the dogs always avoid the reanimated bodies. so perhaps that's what's happening. and then it looked like he had wandered onto a harry potter set. i mean, is this one of the goblins from gringo's? i don't know. turns out it's the irish president , michael higgins, who had the position. biden repeatedly to get the official photo correct. the president also our president rang a peace bell . but as you'll see in a second here, he leaves the scene a little too early and a minder had to come and remind him he had to ring the bell more than one time. >> you've got to ring it a few times, joe . pull the cord. i think he's had his bell rung one too many times. i think that's what's happened. by the way, raymond, i want to i want to thank you for reading such a long script because i was about to have coughing fit in between and i
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was able to restrain. so thank you. i've been watching this for almost 20 years. i know what i have to jump in here. >> look, one thing is certain that what you're watching all of this is you see this irish travelog hunter biden is finding the gold, the end of this irish rainbow. he's locking in those business deals. look at work in the room, shaking every hand . he will surely see the payoff for whoever he's representing now. we'll see what happens in the days ahead. >> trying to put those paintings. what the doing over there. why is he there anyway? that's all. oh, wait. is that it? wait, it's time for raman's three wishes you got all right. right. got it. well, first lady laura , as you know, there are democratic calls for eighty nine year old senator dianne feinstein to resign her office. they claim she's too old and unable to fulfill her duties. i wish that those coming to her defense were not facing similar concerns and could mount
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a better argument than this. >> senator feinstein has been a champion for california. she deserves the respect to get well and be back on duty. it's interesting to me, i don't know what political agendas are at work that are going after senator feinstein in that way. i've never seen them go after a man who was in the senate in that way. >> well, perhaps they should. i mean, fetterman has been in walter reed for weeks, laura . and why stop there? i mean, so long as we're talking about competency to hold office, come on , man. you've got to look deeper. no joke. no joke. >> i mean, they're we're talking about serving the people. if that becomes the criteria that the democratic party puts forward, katy, bar the door. >> all right. second wish, please. >> second, where's my second wish? is that drew barrymore would stop turning her talk show into a therapy session. >> if you're going to go
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to therapy, leave us out of it, please. i'm so confused about what was i accountable for? what did i put myself into? where was i ? >> was i a part of things that did not? >> that's exactly how i felt. i was so confused about sexuality because then my mom, like, went and dated my boyfriends. did you ever have that weird situation with your mom? >> yes, i was going to let them die. there. >> do you want to know, ironically, who dislikes me the most sometimes? >> who myself. me too. oh, laura . >> every episode of the drew barrymore show is like an emotional malling. she gets all over the interview. i've never seen somebody. she's like a praying mantis moving in on the on the prey. it's amazing. but if she's worried about the corruption of young people and their innocence, being lost, use your platform to defend it. >> well, first of all, why does
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she have to get this close to your face? a little get out of my face. all right, raymond, you've reached your last wish quickly. gut what? this one is important. it's why i saved it for last week when we saw the dalai lama try to get a child to his tongue. i wish world leaders would admit anything to do with tongues from their speeches. >> i means from god . in my heart, there's nothing our nations can achieve if we do it together, i really mean it. so thank you all. god bless you. let's go . >> let's go lick the world. let's get it done. oh, laura . i think he's having an ice cream flashback. >> i mean, maybe, i guess it's better than let's go out and sniff the world. so this could be an improvement. >> let's let the world. raymond, thank you. joe biden finally has a plan for the border, make it even more attractive for illegals. plus, how are the super mario brothers franchise? and organized pantry's racist. we'll tell you next. >> dun dun dun widden.
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the safe, permanent homes they deserve. learn more at dave thomas foundation. dog. it's the return of love. >> dun dun dun whidden. everything is racist.
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>> all right, let's start in the kitchen. >> our pantry is always keptps e organized alphabetically. what keeps a family together f about us ? >>a well organized pantry. that's right.l all right. >> d do youo hate half empty boxes? of cereal or pasta on your shelves? what about cans mixed with jarsu ? now, if your answer r waansws ys to either question, you apparently are a racist loyalt,y . university of chicago associate prof. janet renton has done research on influencers who show off their organized pantries and says that they are and s predominantly white wome. what lies beneath the surface of this anti messiness pronehisr niceness stance is a history of classis racist and sexist social structures. yeah, maybe you're just a slob soan ,sweetheart.d t then therehe is the super mario brothers movie that camehers mot
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last week. actor chris pratt, who plays mario, is not italian. >> it's a cartoon. so no big deal right? well, not to activist actor john leguizamo, who playedigi it luigi in the original super mario movimario.e super m, but i will not be watching. oh, my goodness. >> could have include a latin character like i was groundbreaking. then they stopped the groundbreaking. i know of the best of the inclusion they just included. so no somavi vegas included.a, r you. >> , no. that courtesy of tmz. and finally, there were fears that dungeons and dragons waswa headed down the same raciss hea path when a lead rules designer talked about getting rid of something called half elves and half orcs. ausebecause the half constructin is inherently racist. frankly, we're not comfortablet and haven't been for yearscomfos with any wit of the options that start with half. well, the youngehalfr angle has
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found lot of research on this and found that dungeons and dragondrs is denying the reports. >> there are no plans to cut thate characters. that's it for us . is s no now, but tune in next time for our next installment of when everything is racist. >> now, as drugs spill throughs our open borders and hugehuge groups of migrants continu aetsr to pour into the country, president biden wants to further incentivize want. e cover now under the cover of an overseas trip, biden announced he's expanding health careng h access for illegalealts. >> there are american in every way except on paper. we need to give americe dreamers the opportunities and support they deserve. >> the now, the so-called dreao will be able to apply for medicaid and affordable care act's healthth coverage, puttig states who administer medicaid programs on the hook.nant here now is texas lieutenantrnod governor danan patrick .
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all right, dan , it's not like you guys haven't been dealing with enough already. already,but what does this do te equation? well, it can break our bank and every other states bank law. we already w have 50% of alldrei children in texas on medicaid,n 50 one percent of all births, an on medicaid. and our budget is about thirty three billion a year in medicaid between education, medicaid, it's about 85% of our budget. the rest is public safety. and a few other things. eve sory every state that's pretty much the budgeprt. on i and the more you increaset, medicaid and the more people you put on it, will yot budgetut budgets and you bankrupt states ? liketas hastexas has fough fought back against expanding medicaid. we found other pathways, conservative pathways to address any population that needs health care. but the daca students, thists, is the big lie to them, whereli in texas you havtoe to livemain and remain in texas to getn te medicaid or have a social security number or be a citizexn while they ask us to ignore the fact i'm not a citizen, the they won't have a social syway security number, so they can'td qualify anyway.on
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this is just a big fraud on these kids. who came to america brought by their families. many othf themei havr e in a lo get because e been here a long time, but they can't get a job security number. we can't afforumd to put medi the whole world of medicaid today. law, we pass a bill.. twenty four , twenty four . we want to take over the border ourselves, hopefully, maybely, ifis goes to the supreme court. if biden is if he wants to sue us . but itcros says if you're a criminal and cross the border in texas with n a record , youep could face up to life in prison. the strongest law in the lan tou on the border. and if you cross the first or second time, you spend one toil two years in jail,be we're goig to arrest them. that will put them in prison us and let biden take us to court. and we'll see who winssee who w hey, dan . yeah, the republican nominee, whoever it is , in twenty , twenty four . how important is the border issue? excuse my voice. sure. >>and feel better.a. i sympathize with you for sure. look, it is the number have ha one issue under biden.
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we've had seven million peoplee least come in that we've apprehended got away as people we didn't see since he's been president . by the time he leaves hi hs ople 10 million people or or more ,r is the number one issue, our crime all over the country and everywhere. the number one killer of people, eighteen to fort numbern five , it is broken. this oe doing this on purpose. it's not an accident. they know it's not secure.they they want to flood thi wans cou . tue peoplern turn thes one day into citizens, give them a voting card so that they control america. that's what it's all about, because everto contry when it cs here, he's saying he's our george washington. we thank him. the they want to vote for democrats. and that's what this is all about. one day taking over america. dan , dan , thank you so much.a and last nightin, angle introdue you to the ratnesar of new york . up next, last night introducesun you to the possum queen ofat goe dance, texas. >> next, there's some things make
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possum queen after she removed a rogue possum from a texas bar. >> that is awesome. >> can i take a picture of you with it? >> we got a video. >> hurry. >> you're good, keep going. >> turn around. turn around. >> if only we could -- >> a fox news alert, international guard member arrested for exposing our nation's classified secrets set to appear in court today. the fbi leading jack teixeira out of his home at gunpoint in connection with one of the most serious security breaches in history. you're watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier. the man was 21 years old and held highest clearance by the u.s.


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