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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 14, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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we love to see. big brother chase is in the middle, too. a family of four for liza. things are growing. they might have a baseball team soon. well done, congratulations everybody is healthy. >> dana: good week, big week. busy week indeed. have a good weekend. harris faulkner is up next with "the faulkner focus." have a good weekend, everyone. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. the first court appearance for the suspect in that massive classified pentagon leak, we saw that just a little while ago. that 21-year-old accused of the largest national security breach in a decade. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the f.b.i. arrested the air national guardsman jack teixeira yesterday at his home in massachusetts. the bureau citing unauthorized removal, retention and transmission of national classified defense information. it's a crime under the espionage
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act. some of what we know about the suspect now. he worked as an i.t. specialist in the air national guard and held the highest level of security clearance granted by the federal government. harsh criticism coming over how any of this could have happened. >> how did a massachusetts national guardsman get access to this kind of classified and sensitive information? >> what general will lose their job? >> there ought to be bipartisan condemnation. >> the idea a 21-year-old kid can expose sources and methods of how we spy. the incompetence is stunning. >> this is a massive, catastrophic occurrence that should never have happened. >> harris: which part of that they need? he had the highest security clearance. was that the problem? was it the fact he was 21? a lot of questions there. investigators telling fox news as of now they simply believe
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teixeira acted alone. republican congressman chris stewart, member of the intelligence committee, will be p "focus." let's start with alexis mcadams outside the boston federal courthouse. it isn't just teixeira i want to focus on today. i want to know more about the documents. >> that's exactly right. there are a lot of documents that are shared. very classified information. as for what is happening in boston, there was a lot of action inside of the courtroom and a lot of action outside. brand-new video the cameras caught. 21-year-old jack teixeira's dad walking there. they were able to capture him leaving the courtroom moments after his 21-year-old son was hit with two very serious federal charges there. that hearing wrapping up moments ago. the suspected leaker facing federal charges as he stood in front of the judge in the courtroom in boston he was wearing a beige jumpsuit and handcuffs. what we just found out moments
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ago in this brand-new affidavit. investigators tell us jack teixeira uploaded several top secret dock lit. the f.b.i. says it interviewed one social media user in the group with him and describe the documents detailed maps of ukraine and assessments of russia's army and troop movements which was highly classified information. they posted that information according to the sources on the online messaging app discord. federal agents raided the house of jack teixeira yesterday afternoon. look at this video. the f.b.i. agents out there in south massachusetts there in front of the air national guardsman's house. he lived there with his mom. 30 minutes from where he is in custody now and wear red shorts and green shirt walking down the driveway as federal agents had weapons drawn on him. the f.b.i. raided his house and the biggest national security breach in at least ten years. teixeira works as an i.t.
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specialist for the air national guard. at that time he had the highest level security clearance granted by the federal government. the clearances were taken away before he was arrested. he is expected now to continue to be held here in court and this is a crime under thes nudge act. >> this was a deliberate criminal act. a violation of those guidelines. you receive training and you will receive an understanding of the rules and requirements that come along with those responsibilities. you are expected to abide by those rules, regulations and responsibilities called military discipline. >> teixeira will be held in boston until he is back in the federal courthouse behind me next wednesday. the investigation far from over. >> harris: exactly. those documents sat out there for a long time. we better still be tracing where they went. republicans on the house intel
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committee ripping into the federal government for not unmasking the leak suspect sooner. media reports, of course, beat them to it yesterday as teixeira was being arrested. let's not forget "the new york times" report that uncovered these leaks in the first place. the federal government completely unaware of the breach until last wednesday. intel committee member mike walsh telling the new york posts. here is committee chair mike turner. >> how is it that our entire intelligence community, the ukraine operation is the most sensitive operation that is currently ongoing around the world. how this type of information could be out and not be found is inexcusable. >> harris: in "focus" now another member of that important house permanent select committee on intelligence republican congressman chris stewart from
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utah. what i just first said to our reporter should be our focus now. they will adjudicate this young man. what is still knowable and what are we missing about those documents? there are so many of them. >> we don't know. what we fear is that he may have posted other documents that we haven't yet discovered. we also fear that some of our adversaries will take these documents and modify them. we have evidence this is probably already occurred. they will change them and alter them to make them worse or to make them so that people, our allies trust us less or accusations that are not true. but harris, a couple of things on this if i could. number one, apparently this young man. maybe he is innocent. we'll let him go to trial. very clearly the indications are that he broke his oath of office. he promised to defend our national security, to defend our constitution and he didn't do
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that. but someone or something around him failed as well. there is no way in the world he should have had access to these kind of document. the ability to print them off and leave and then post them. let me share my experience. when i go down to the scif as a member of the intelligence committee we see these types of documents every single day. every document is numbered. they know what documents i saw. there is a log kept of what documents i had access to. no way in the world i could walk out of the scif with any of those documents in my possession. you can't just print these documents off on any random printer. there is a log on that as well. this young man betrayed his country but something broke in the process as well. we need to look at that and see what other persons were either negligent that allowed this to happen. >> harris: the one i work for is set up this way. when you print something there is a footprint on the massive
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printer that you can send it to from your office, whatever. that is a chip in there. somebody has to regularly check that. we have a lot of staff in the federal government. there is nobody to look to see that classified documents went outdoor 77 or something? >> yeah. that's just not the way it is. again, there are very strict procedures that you have to follow. there is great documentation. you just can't print this off on any random printer. there is a law against control. something else broke down there. something along way was entirely broken to allow him to print hundreds of these documents and walk out the door with them. >> harris: unbelievable. quickly next steps for you on the hill. i know that there will be a senate briefing starting next week. what do you think will happen in the coming weeks and months on this? will it just go away? the president had trove after trove and trove some parked by a
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corvette in his garage of classified documents. is his sensitivity enough to learn more? >> one would hope so. we may be naive in assuming that. we'll have briefings next week when we come back into session and learn more. believe me the briefings will be heated. some intense questioning that takes place there. i think the department of justice and f.b.i. should be embarrassed once again, by the way. this isn't the first time i believe they should be embarrassed. the fact the media figured out who it was before they did. one other thing, harris, if i could. there is odd this different sense of intensity seeking out the leakers. on the intel committee we saw leak after leak after leak, dozens of them through impeachment, through the russian investigation, through mar-a-lago. the media and department of justice weren't that interested in pursuing. now it appears if there is a leak that embarrasses president biden, they are on that thing
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immediately. it is obvious as well we have leakers. the supreme court leaker they can't figure out. they got this one. >> harris: they didn't publicly say they were going after that for very long and it went by the wayside. this can't do that, i'm hopeful. hope is not a strategy, though. you have to get after it. new records continue to shred the president's narrative that he knew nothing about his son's business dealings. according to records reviewed by fox on april 6, 2016, hunter biden met with his attorneys to talk about a subpoena related to a federal investigation into his then business parter archer. later that day logs show hunter went to an event at the white house and then met with his father in the west wing. one hour later hunter's attorney, the one who met with him earlier that morning, had a meeting of his own with then vice president joe biden. and then joe biden had also been
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hanging out with hunter's partner, business partner. here is a photograph of the 2014 golf outing. v.p. then biden, hunter and archer. this seems to be aging very poorly. watch. >> i never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do with ukraine. >> i never spoke to my son about his overseas business. i did not know he was on the board of that company. i've never discussed my business or their business, my sons or daughters. i have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses, period. >> harris: as we go back to the congressman, can we pop up that picture with the president, his son and devon archer? >> what do you make of this? when you say it doesn't age well, that's a gracious understatement. more than 90 times hunter biden and his associates, lawyers,
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executives from rose mont seneca, more than 90 times they met in the white house, including with the vice president. including on the very day that hunter biden discussed with his attorney a recent subpoena he just received. how in the world could anyone believe the president when he said i didn't know he was on these boards. i never discussed it with him. for even sakes he took him to china. vice president took his own son to china. >> harris: on a long flight. >> a long flight. i don't think anyone believes that. shame on the president for thinking the american people are so stupid they would believe it. yet he continues to claim that. the evidence is clear and the evidence is emerging and there is more evidence as we look at the bank transactions that will make it very clear not only was he aware, he was involved with it. he was being paid for it.
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as soon as he left office he was being paid for it. we have the receipts. >> harris: with all the pictures and receipts and everything, biden may not remember. but that would -- i would think that would encourage him to stop saying nothing happened. there is opposition research on that side of the aisle if he runs for president. i have to run. i'll bring you back. great to have you in "focus." president biden himself is admitting on the world stage that he is old. well, the congressman and i were getting at that. it is adding fuel to the fire for democrats' fears over 2024 and some inside the party call on long-time senator, also aging and unfortunately not too well, dianne feinstein, to retire. >> she is unable to fulfill her duties and i guess i don't know any other job where if you are unable to fulfill your duties
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you can continue to have the position. >> harris: really? you can't think of one other job? the party infighting is getting ugly. ♪ veteran homeowners, what if you could save a lot of money every month by paying off your car loan and paying off your high rate credit card debt and still have cash left over to put in the bank? with the newday 100 va cash out loan, you could do it all. take out an average of $70,000 with no upfront fees, no upfront appraisal fees, termite inspection or water test fee. because a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. ♪ whenever heartburn strikes, get fast relief with tums.
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>> harris: democrats are divided over whether senator dianne feinstein of california should finish out her term. she is 89, absent since february when diagnosed with shingles. congressman ro khanna calling
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for her to retire. >> california requires a senator actively participating in the votes. one thing if there was an illness or a return date. when there has been a pattern for years of not being fully present and when there is no clear return date, i guess my view is it should be like any other job. >> harris: congresswoman pelosi, also close to being -- says she calls ott fetterman and mcconnell for their recent absences. >> i don't know political agenda is at work going after senator feinstein in that way. i've never seen them after a man who was sick in that way. >> there have been male senators away from the chamber for quite a period of time and haven't necessarily had a call for
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resignation. >> harris: power panel. mark lauder former special assistant to president trump and one thing that dawned on me with this is if democrats give up that seat, is there concern that with all of the things that are going on in california, they might not get it back? maybe that's why she has to stay in it because they would make an appointment and have to be an election. >> i don't think there is much concern about that. despite all of california's problems, if you nominated a rock and put a d next to it they would vote for that. this is all about politics. this is because ro khanna is chairing the election campaign for someone who wants to replace senator feinstein. so getting the governor to appoint you ahead of time gives you a leg up. it also stops the judicial nominations, about the only thing that congress and the senate can do right now to help joe biden. this is all about politics. it is not about the latestism
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that democrats will accuse us of. >> harris: what is your reaction when you see former speaker of the house nancy pelosi playing a woman card? like this only happens to the women and not the men inside your party or either party? >> i don't think speaker pelosi is playing any card here. reality is what happened to senator feinstein is a personal decision. she is dealing with healthcare challenges, as we have seen from minority leader mitch mcconnell. we do sometimes treat men and women differently. senator feinstein, this is her last term. there will be a competitive senate race for her replacement and i also think a democrat will win and replace the senator in the next term. >> harris: i mentioned john fetterman so we're fair here. this is happening again in your party as well as on the right. mark, how do you fix this? look at what the "wall street
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journal" op-ed has said. age is a problem for democrats and they need to finally admit that president biden is aging and too old to serve. apparently biden even gets it. here he is talking about his own age in the u.k. yesterday. >> president biden: at the end of my career, not the beginning. i bring to this career after my aged, as you can see how old i am, is a little bit of wisdom. i come into job with more experience than any president in american history. doesn't make me better or worse but gives me fewer excuses. >> harris: it comes days ahead after he said he was planning on running in 2024. that was not the only worrying part of biden's day. the president also needed help from his son, hunter biden, when taking a child's question. let's watch. >> president biden: any of you guys want to ask me any questions? what do you want to ask me?
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about what? [inaudible] >> making sure we don't all have covid. what are you talking about? >> what is the key to success. >> harris: the key to success. it makes you feel bad for him. critics quick to pop off on social media. one calling the exchange disturbing. another writing they are embarrassed for the country. desirae, reverse order. your take on this. >> i think the reporter commentary is laughable. reality is president joe biden in the chamber was making a joke about being old and having wisdom. i see students at ohio state say i'm old. we don't have the same jokes anymore.
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>> harris: he didn't know what the word success meant. >> he did answer the child's question and i think it may be hard to hear in a crowd of folks yelling and him trying to hear the question from the kid and he answered it. it was a beautiful moment. his trip in ireland is going very successful. >> harris: i'll go to mark and let him remark on the president's remarks. >> finally joe biden said something i agree with. he is old and the end of his career and help him end it and put somebody different in the white house. we have to have a conversation honestly when we talk about senator feinstein and joe biden. not all 70 and 80-year-olds are created equal. on the other side we have somebody in his mid 60s playing 18 holes of golf a day working 16 hours and likely to call you in the middle of the day or night. we won't name names. not all people are created
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equally. >> harris: mid 70s you are talking about donald trump. all right. good to see you both on this fine friday. thank you. >> good to see you. >> harris: critics piling onto democratic leader hakeem jeffries over resurfaced article where he criticized black conservatives and defended anti-semitism. where is the outrage coming from the left? and the media on the left? plus the biden administration pushing that aggressive electric vehicle mandate but some experts say it is not doable. >> if your concern is the environment just build hybrid vicks. the white house using one of the number one staples in our economy to weaponize it. >> the plan is expected to safe economic lend legal challenges. some say it will make the u.s. even more reliant on china. you know i get into this. you know it's the lithium and the batteries.
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marc thiessen in "focus" next.
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>> harris: the biden administration is already facing big backlash over its aggressive electric vehicle -- they call it a plan. it is a mandate. "the new york times" with this headline. biden plans and electric vehicle revolution. the new proposal would require 2/3 -- require, right? it's a mandate. 2/3 of new cars and trucks sold by 2032 must be 1% electric. right now just about 6% of all new cars and fewer than 2% of trucks sold last year were e.v. critics also point out that the united states would become more dependent on china, the communist regime, which
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dominates the mineral and supply chains for power electric vehicles. one person said i can't understand why we want to do this and subject ourselves to the chinese communist party who want to supplant the united states, world domination. sean hannity with this. >> reports for electric cars threatens national security. experts warning it will make is more dependent on china giving them more leverage over this country. now gas-powered cars are the latest thing they want to ban. they want to ban gas stoves. don't dare take any gas stove. they want you to change your washing machine and take your refrigerator. >> harris: mark marc the son.
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australia is the only other place in the world with more lithium capacity than china on a regular basis. >> if only we needed just lithium. we need cobalt and most of that comes from congo. china is buying up all the cobalt mines in congo. the question. if e.v.s are so good, why does the government have to mandate them? the government doesn't mandate iphones. people are buying them because they're awesome. electric vehicles are now awesome and american people don't want them. ford just announced in march it will lose $3 billion on its e.v. sales this year on top of losing 2.1 billion last year. so there is an elite market for teslas but most americans aren't buying them. people who own them. 9 of 10 have it as a second car.
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they have a minivan or s.u.v. or something for the long trips. something reliable. they have it for little commuting car. we can't depend on these vehicles for a very long time. >> harris: you talk about higher income earners. what about the rest of everybody else? young people coming out of college getting their first and second jobs. they are not likely to have a second vehicle they would make a e.v. hybrid information, that suggestion we saw that in our round up there. one of the complications with that is you still end up leaning on the gas portion of the car because the other doesn't hold enough charge. 25 to 40 miles in most hybrids. so do the math in your head. if you are going to grandma's house living 300 miles away you drive gas, right? >> even if you are driving a full electric vehicle you're driving coal. we will be dependent on fossil fuels for electricity for the foreseeable future in a major
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way its than nuclear. wind and solar we can never depend on them. there are no commercial batteries to store it. if you don't have wind or sun you don't have electricity. remember the steam engine where the guy would stand with the shovel and put the coal to the furnace. that's a tesla. >> harris: only from movies. i'm really old already. look, i do want to say this. you talked about that "wall street journal" reporter, the one who wrote the article i rented an electric car for a 4-day road trip. remarkable. >> it would be funny if it wasn't so sad. she tried to drive a 4-day road trip from new orleans to chicago and back and it is a disaster the entire way. she gets back and says the last line filling up the gas-powered jetta with $4 at the time and said fumes never smelled so sweet. that's how americans will feel. if it is so great, create an electric car that people want, that's cheaper, better and the
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market will naturally go to it. if you want to drive an electric car, live your life. >> harris: i wonder if there is a thirst for the american people to see the federal government do what it reflexively does. it will bail out the e.v. companies and just subsidize the heck out of them and we end up paying for those cars in one way or the other whether we drive them or not. >> sford makes up the lost mone by ranking up the cost of the gasoline cars. >> harris: conservative critics are not letting up on house democratic leader hakeem jeffries over a resurfaced article he wrote in college. he went after black conservatives and defended anti-semitism. republican congressman byron donalds. >> should hakeem jeffries
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apologize for what he wrote? 100%. the bigger thing. i'm over the phony apologies. let's have a real debate about black conservatism and black liberalism and an honest conversation about whose policies are going to unleash not just black america but all of america? >> harris: excerpt reads this way. it is clear hakeem jeffries is no anti-seamite as his close elations with josh communities. people grow and change. his years of denial about his involvement are dishonest. you said this is a long, long time ago but you also said that he wants to be a leader in the country. so everything is now -- >> i would be more concerned about this if he said it in congress or the new york state
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assembly or some position of responsibility. kids say stupid things in college. one of the big problems we have in our society is that kids can't make mistakes anymore on social media, can't say stupid ideas or try ideas and figure out they are dumb and move on. the problem is the double standard. if brett kavanaugh had said these things or if kevin mccarthy had said these kinds of things no one would give them a past. the left pioneered this cancel culture on campuses where they say speech is violence and the rest of it. if speech is violence he committed violence when he was a college student with his words towards the jewish community and black conservatives and be able to say i repudiate the idea that black conservatives -- i won't use the words. he should have to repudiate that and say i was a dumb kid and said stupid things and i repudiate that stuff. >> harris: his words were
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offensive. black americans, if some find out about it. some of the liberal and mainstream media they aren't covering it at all. they may not see it. but if you do, this is division. this is the definition of division. so he maybe will address it. we'll see. the man accused of killing tech executive bob lee is set to be arraigned. breaking news on that. good to have you. in the next half hour it will happen inside a courtroom in san francisco. police said lee knew his alleged killer who has been identified as nima mom meny. he was giving lee a ride back to his hotel before the deadly stabbing happened april 1st and charged with murder. the san francisco district attorney has indicted. she will ask for no bail in the case. we'll follow it. they are in court today.
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house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan says republicans are bringing big cities crime front and center starting with new york. >> we're coming up there to talk to the victims, the people who have been impacted by this crazy left wing ideology that says we won't put bad guys, people who do harmful things to other americans, we won't put them in jail and then bad things happen. >> harris: they do a field hearing right here in the big apple scheduled for next week. will the words of the witnesses force the district attorney, a very liberal soros-backed man alvin bragg to change his ways? victims rights, new york founder jennifer harrison in "focus" with me next.
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hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden.
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>> harris: you might call it the field trip for justice. the house judiciary committee's field hearing on new york city crime is scheduled for monday. lawmakers set to focus on victims of violent crime and the effects of manhattan's district attorney's policies. ] tweeted. safest city in america?
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okay. committee chairman jim jordan responded. once america sees the evidence, they won't think new york is safe. >> the witnesses we'll have their monday aren't going to call it a stunt. it's the unbelievable level of crime we've seen in these urban aareas around the country. a left wing prosecutor is more important to focus on policies. >> harris: the witnesses is the bodega clerk, jose alba charged with murder after defending himself against a violent attacker at his store last year. madeleine, the mom of a homicide victim and activist and our next guest in "focus" now founder of victims right new york jennifer harrison. thank you for being in "focus." first of all, this has been called a political stunt on
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monday. what would you say? >> it's not a political stunt and new york is not safe. alvin bragg's first year in office there is one precinct, manhattan south where murder rates are up 40%. manhattan violent crime is up almost 12%. i beg to differ. the victims of these crimes beg to differ and i dare alvin] to show up on monday and say it to our faces. >> harris: do you feel like you have gotten enough focus on the crime that's happening in new york? >> yes, i'm so grateful for this opportunity. it shouldn't have taken a congressman from ohio to come here and pay attention simply because donald trump was indicted. we have asked for meetings with local leaders. we've asked for meetings with alvin bragg and begged and pleaded with him to stop the insanity and we've been ignored. >> harris: what does his office
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tell you? you are not coming at this without some experience. >> no, unfortunately i'm not. i have been calling him out from day one. 18 years later after my boyfriend was murdered in 2005 i'm still feeling the effects of this. i know what these victims are going through and know this will change their lives forever and i know that 18 years, 25 years later they will still remember everything that happened under horrific circumstances and it is never going to leave. the fact that alvin bragg continues to ignore people like me and madeleine, criminalizing jose alba while never charging his assailant. she has never been charged for the crime and telling us he doesn't have the resources to focus on prosecuting crime but spends $2 hundred million of taxpayer money for an indictment for one day of a former president? i think this has gone far enough. >> harris: you know that is a fact that a lot of people don't
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hear. having it come out of your mouth knowing what you have suffered and lost and those who stand alongside you to try to get more shine on this problem of crime in the city is pretty remarkable. $200 million for that indictment day. that's really remarkable. i want to show everybody this. a poll released this week showing nearly 1/3 of all people who live here say they wish they lived someplace else. 27% say they plan to leave in the next five years. leaving isn't always the option for people, though, jennifer. >> no. it is certainly not an option for me and why i am digging in my heels and fighting to try to help make new york a safer place for my son to grow up in and victims don't have to experience what i have had to experience or what madeleine had to experience. i fight the way i do because i know how i felt 18 years ago at 27 years old when i lost the
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love of my life. it doesn't compare to what mothers who have to bury their children and identify children's bodies at the morgue suffer through. it is -- it's painful and horrific. >> harris: two questions for you having to do with the past comparing to where we are right now. the police force was very different. it is shrinking now. the number of homicides are going up among the nypd officers, sadly. people are leaving the force for all sorts of reasons, mainly they don't want to work in a place that has negative rhetoric and they don't feel appreciated. how are things different that you noticed with the policing back then and now? >> i have a lot of friends that are on the force and the morale is low. there are a lot of good people that like me are staying to fight and staying on the job because they want to keep people safe. they love what they do. they put their lives on the line on a daily basis only to have the people they are arresting
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are released before they're done doing their paperwork. there was a mass exodus of alvin bragg's office, too because they don't agree with his policies. pretty soon we won't have anybody left to fight for us, unfortunately. this is nothing for alvin bragg to be bragging about. >> harris: tell me what monday will look like for you and what you want bragg to do next. >> i want him to do his job. i'm excited to have this platform to get out and tell our stories and shed light on what's really happening here and the horrific effect it has on victims. there is a depraved indifference toward human life in our country among elected officials. any empathy and compassion is placed on the criminal instead of us. i hope that will change. >> harris: jennifer harrison we will continue to cover your journey. thank you for being in "focus"
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today. god bless you. >> thank you. >> harris: we have some breaking news now. attorney general merrick garland just now commenting on the classified information leak just now. the suspect in that leak, 21-year-old air force national guard member was in court earlier today after his arrest yesterday at his home in massachusetts. many were stunned he was able to have such access to sensitive information. had a high grade security clearance. some of it top secret. here is the a.g. of the u.s. >> the department of defense is leading an important effort now to evaluate and review the national security implications. that's most important to review of the methods of access, accountability and control procedures that the department has so that something like this can never happen again. >> harris: we'll keep you posted on any of the breaking news on the case. our own shannon bream, host of "fox news sunday", is out with a brand-new book, the love stories
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of the bible speak highlighting 12 different love stories featured in the bible drawing lessons of romance, friendship and family. she joins us now. i want to say you and your lovely husband, sheldon, we sat together at the super bowl. we know love in our lives are blessed. our husband and i are celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary this week. are these well-known stories of the bible and bring back the oh yeah, i remember that? >> i think some of them. people know adam and eve. but there are other stories maybe lesser known about ruth and boaz, a widow who got a second chance at love. the song of solomon, that's when you laughed about in sunday school it was racy. but we'll dive into that, too. god created us and knows what relationships are about and the desires we have. a lot of people in the world look for relationship advice.
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it is everywhere but maybe they don't look back to the bible. they may not think it's a good place or somewhere that has a lot of information but it gives us great guidelines on being selfless and being our best cheerleader to help make marriages work. >> harris: let no man or woman put asunder what god puts together. great job on the book. next "outnumbered" is after the break. out home loan from newday. pay off your high-rate credit cards. pay yourself cash.
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- they're lying to you. - who's they? kayak? - arr! - open your eyes! - compare hundreds of travel sites at once. kayak. search one and done. >> we're learning new details this hour about the air national guardsman who was behind one of the most significant breaches of intelligence in decades and the 21-year-old had access to the nation's top secrets and stunning revelations of national security from those who leak the documents. this is outnumbered and this i


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