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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 14, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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way use it. i'm concerned that it happened. >> did the leak concern you? >> i am very con ventricle trait and all ukrainians concentrated on our counteroffensive. >> let's go lick the world. let's get it done. >> bret: let's go lick the world. have a great weekend. fair, balanced and still unafraid. "jesse watters primetime" starts right now. jesse? >> jesse: okay, go lick that weekend, bret. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: late 60's and operation rolling thunder was in full swing. but, as we were dropping bombs on vietnam, we found out the government had been lying to us. >> this weekend, portions of a highly classified pentagon document came to light for all the world to see brought cries of outrage from washington. >> we have got to get this son of a [bleep] >> yes, kennedy did send in troops in violations of the geneva accord. >> johnson did start the build
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up before he was going to about. >> these guys were lying through their teeth. >> the name come out of the possible "times" pentagon document. it is that of daniel ellsberg. >> the pentagon papers leak sent shock waves through the country. nothing shocked america more than found out our own government had us wired. >> can targets the communications of everyone. ingests them by default it. collects them in its system and filters them and analyzes them and measures them and stores them for periods of time. >> jesse: now another leak has come out of the pentagon. since early march, batches of highly classified military documents have been slowly dripping out online. our war secrets on ukraine, iran, north korea, and so many other country infantries have been just sitting out in online gaming chat room for over a month. but the pentagon only found out about it last week. >> why did we know about it -- why did you know about it before [inaudible] that means they were
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up for many weeks if not months. [inaudible] >> well, they were somewhere in the web and where exactly and who had access at that point we don't know. we simply don't know at this point. >> jesse: austin is pretty much saying it's on the internet. you expect us to know how that thing works? but don't worry, the "new york times" and "the washington post" were on the case. instead of chewing on the intel, they went hunting for the culprit. it was "the washington post" who found the documents spread eagle in a chat room and then the "new york times" hunted down the suspect. 21-year-old jack teixeira and air national guardsman in massachusetts. so, after the "new york times" got their cameras set up at the scene and ordered some takeout, the feds showed up guns playing to arrest the 21-year-old teixeira. the media rushed in to paint the leaker as extreme i. its. >> combination of people lonely
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gun enthusiast, far right wing christian. people on their own in little groups where they create their own little fan bases. >> these are people who are not necessarily absent of politics. the politics just happen to be pretty extreme. >> it appears that he had some antigovernment views. >> an it guy who had access to this every day. >> and a military guy who had antigovernment views. like. >> right. >> yeah. you are only allowed to leak to the media. you are not allowed to leak to a chat room. so now the media is asking the pentagon, hey, guys, why don't you by spy on us a little harder. >> what technologies is the pentagon applies right now to both spot leaked documents online and track potential indicators of leaking type practices? >> can you say whether dodd has anyone looking at chat rooms on discord, for example, or other social media plat rooms right now for leaked information. >> has dod taken additional
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measures to restrict access to classified information and others in the massachusetts national guard. >> jesse: the media won't talk about how the pentagon screwed up. this wasn't just some whistleblower, this was a 21-year-old living with his parents who was flaunting america's secrets to his gaming buddies. now, i don't know but, but i wouldn't trust a 21-year-old jesse watters handling the pentagonnens documents. i have come a long way. now, the pentagon had their classified documents all up for grabs. you don't think chinese spies saw them online before the pentagon realized it? now that the pentagon screwed up, biden is saying, awe, none of it is a big deal. >> how concerned are you about this leak. >> i'm not concerned about the leak because -- i'm concerned that it happened. but there's nothing contemporaneous that i'm aware of that is pretty consequential. >> jesse: biden said the same thing about his own documents, remembered? mishandling classified documents is only a big deal with when trump does it, right? now, when he puts documents in a locked storage room in
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mar-a-lago they want him in prison. but they blame a 21-year-old when the pentagonnens war secrets wind up in a chat room. everybody knows the safest places for classified documents is next to a corvette. so now the -- they say this is the new frontier, the internet. people being online. listen to this. bloomberg saying the wholly unprepared for the next frontier military personnel leaking america's prime secrets just because they can. oh and the biden administration they are ready for it are you concerned that the does not have a handle properly monitoring 1.million americans have top secret security clearance. >> the department of defense is leading an effort to evaluate and review the national security implications and most important to conduct a review of the
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methods of access, accountability, and control procedures that the department has. so that something like this can never happen again. >> jesse: okay. so what are they really doing about it? well, nbc news reports that they're gonna spy on us to protect their screwups. quote: the biden administration is looking at expanding how it monitors social media sites and chat rooms after u.s. intelligence agencies failed to spot classified pentagon documents circulating online for weeks, according to a senior administration official and a congressional official, both briefed on the matter. and joe biden is all. in he says this. i have directed our military intelligence community to take steps to further secure and limit distribution of sensitive information. so the government just blew a tire and now says sorry, that's your problem. they are going to ramp up military intel to spy on us to make sure that no one ever gets leaks about them again. this is what they did with the patriot act. remember terrorists attacked us so then they wired us? that's what they did the tiktok
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deal. remember the restrict act? a chinese spy app. spies on us so then they have to spy on us harder? and now they mishandle our war secrets and our internet sites get wiretapped. glenn greenwald is an award-winning journalist and host of "system update" on rum belle. rumble. >> what is so striking is whether a you were say something anybody who ever picks up the "new york times," "the washington post" or has the misfortune of it nbc news or cnn report classified information that has been leaked. they go on all the time and say anonymous sources tell us x, y, and z. yet, none of this kind of uproar ever happens because those are authorized leaks. these are things the cia or the fbi or the pentagon want the american people to hear. it's a form of propaganda.
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what's different here is that this was unauthorize leak. it reveals that the biden administration has been lying about the extent of their role in ukraine and a whole variety of others things about this extremely important war. whatever your views on what war are. we should want to know about this, they don't want us to know about it. now it's suddenly we have to clamp down harder and keep things more secret and spy on you and take away your rights. amazing thing is, jesse, as you just showed the people demanding this most loudly are the people calling themselves journalists, do more to keep everything secret except for the things you tell us to tell the american people. >> jesse: so how would this work? i mean, we assume that every phone call or text message we send is already monitored. i mean, they just scoop it up and analyze it. but now they are going to go into message rooms, chat rooms, forums, basically the entire internet, glen? >> yeah, i mean, you know, you showed edward snowden in the packet you put together and that was the reporting he did now 10
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years ago or so. and what that showed under obama in the name of the war on terror, all this immense, mass indiscriminate spying aimed at the american people is being conducted. courts ultimately ruled it was unconstitutional in the legal. but it never really went anywhere, jesse. they still have this gigantic spying system in place. not on al-qaeda or china or isis, but at the american people. that is the framework of the u.s. security they regard american citizens as enemies and using this incident now as an excuse to justify even more domestic spying. >> jesse: there are millions of people that have access to top secret classified sensitive military intelligence and they don't have the ability to monitor those people. they have to monitor all the rest of the american people but not their own people? >> yeah, i mean, it's just such a joke. the idea that even the most sensitive secrets imaginable and, yet, a 21-year-old in the
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massachusetts national guard has access to them? it's just all such theater. >> jesse: would you trust yourself with classified documents at 21-year-old glenn greenwald? >> i wouldn't trust myself to turn on my own computer let alone to do that, jesse. >> jesse: all right, glen. thank you very much. >> good to be with you. >> jesse: coming up. joe biden has given up. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> jesse: jess usually when a president goes abroad to meet ally it's usually to talk strategy or consolidate partnership you know to help the country. as we watched biden's trip to ireland we realize this is just a family vacation. hunter's there. his sister is there.
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stay silent, val. they are spending, are you ready? five days in ireland. five days. biden's trip to europe was 72 hours. he was in canada for two days. never visited the border, never visited east palestine. he is going to ireland for five days? what is he doing over there? well, biden says he is a jewish puerto rican truck driving professor raised in black church he is really just irish and getting sentimental. watch. >> amazing that my great great grandfather left from the same port five weeks later great great grandfather. the idea seek a new life ande president of the united states is remarkable. >> jesse: we only see biden this happy when is he sniffing hair. look at him. the guy is glowing. he is touring castles like judge
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jeanine. hanging out with the irish president. scarfing down fancy dinners. i can't blame him for having fun. unlike in america, the people there actually like joe. and irish joe loves them right back. >> people of ireland, it's so good to be back in ireland. if you forgive the poor attempt at irish. i'm at home.[applause] i only wish i could stay longer. >> thank you all very much. and i'm not going home. i'm staying here. isn't this an incredible place? >> not coming home. joe, don't tease us like that. by the way, where is jill? we hear she is teaching so hunter is the body guy. and it's the most real work hunter has done in years. >> just in a question. >> what's your question? >> what's the top steps to success? >> what's the top, who?
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>> steps. >> push back here and everyone push up. >> success? >> yes. >> well, making sure that we don't all have covid. what are you talking about? >> what's the key to success? >> what's the key to success? you know what i found out the key to success is? that i'm not sure i'm the best guy to explain it. >> jesse: for the first time ever, hunter is bailing joe out and it keeps coming. this is liberty taking very confused joe where to go. i mean, this doesn't make us look very good. the president is bumbling his son is corrupt. ireland, we apologize. now, here's a taste that george biden soaring oratory. >> there is nothing our nation can't achieve if we do it together. i really mean it. thank you all, god bless you all. let's go lick the world. let's get it done. >> jesse: biden's re-election slogan was supposed to be finish the job. i like "lick the world" better.
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karl rove is a former chief of staff and fox news contributor. five days, karl. five days. what's this all about? >> well, it's ostensibly to celebrate bill clinton's success in achieving a northern ireland and republic of ireland peace agreement, good friday agreement. i'm with you, this is a late spring vacation or early summer vacation. you talked about what he did? let's talk about what he didn't do. this is the first visit of a u.s. president to a foreign country for an extended period of time in which i cannot remember the two leaders of in this case ireland and the united states having a news conference, a formal news conference in which a certain number of questions are asked by the press of the host country and a certain number by the president's traveling party. why have we now no longer doing that? the other thing we heard weird reactions to is think about his
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first day, arrives there, you know, gets a good night's sleep. the first thing he has is 6:15 a.m. eastern time, which means that his first event that day is 11:15 ireland time. they realize being in his ninth decade it's sort of hard to bury your sleep patterns rather than having him be like most presidents maybe you start at 9:00 in the morning in ireland rather than 6:00 in the morning but you start at a reasonable hour. and instead this guy is being coddled. and watching him talk to the american embassy staff and families in that fire station at the airport, it is painful to watch. the guy is mangling every single paragraph and every single sentence and hunter has to step up to interpret between the kids and the president because the president cannot figure out what the kids are saying. i mean, it is embarrassing. >> jesse: where's the white
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board, karl? >> you know what? i didn't want to deface a white board by putting on there what the heck is going on? there's a limit to it. >> jesse: karl, go lick the weekend, all right? >> yes, sir. let's go lick the weekend and lick the world and lick an ice cream cone and i don't know what else is all about that. okay? >> jesse: all right. >> i love you, i love you, joe lost you. >> jesse: i have never been more optimistic for the country ever in my entire life. >> if we do it together. ireland and wherever we are. >> jesse: see you later, casual. >> bye. ji >> jesse: up next, sticky cuts u sweetheart deal. ♪for tears in the blink of an eye, or...your eyes feel like they're getting kicked in the backside,
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inside out. it wasn't a nuke. it was psychologic warfare? >> slow process which we call either ideological subversion or active measures. to change the perception of reality of every american to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country. it takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. why that many years? because this is the minimum number of years which it requires to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy, expose to the ideology of the enemy. in other words, marxism lennon ideology being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of american students without being challenged or counter balanced by the basic
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values of americanism, american patriotism. >> jesse: that was medicine he def a former defector told us all back in 1984 that it was already too late. the comey mind virus was well on the loose and america is on the way to national decay. he called it the four stages of ideological subversion, basically a road map into creating cultural suicide. step 1. as you heard him explain demoralization. teach the kids to hate america. fill their minds with cultural marxism. just slowly slip away at patriotism and family values. does that sound familiar? so what's step 2? >> the next stage is destabilization. this time subverter does not care about your ideas and the package of your consumption whether you eat junk food and get fat it doesn't matter anymore. and it takes only from two to five years to destabilize a nation and can you see quite clearly that in some areas in
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such sensitive areas as defense and economy, the influence of marxist lenist ideas in the united states is absolutely fantastic. >> jesse: who is destabilizing us. are there thousands of soviet sleeper cells operating here? not really. we are doing it ourselves. >> most of it is done by americans to americans. thanks to lack of moral standards. your leftists, in united states, all this professors and all this beautiful civil rights defender, they are instrumental in the process of the subversion, only to destabilize a nation. >> jesse: all of this was before the internet where you could only brainwash people face to face. now you have social media like pouring gas on the fire. so what's the end goal of all of this? steps 3 and 4, crisis and normalization, you make us fat, ignorant, angry, divided, to
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lazy to take responsibility for the well-being of ourselves and the nation. and then you consolidate all the power in a federal government that that's just happy to bribe us into submission. >> this is what will happen in the united states if you allow all the smux to bring the country to crisis. to promise people all kind of goodies and the paradise on earth, to destabilize your economy, to eliminate the principle of free market competition and to put a big brother government in washington, d.c. >> jesse: so what's next? how do we turn the tide and fight back against this ridiculous revolution or is it too late? karol mark vits escaped from the soviet union and author of "stolen youth." so this is insane is this happening right now. >> absolutely. what he is describing how marxist lennon philosophy spread
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throughout the country. i was shocked to find out marxist textbooks to teach the teachers. if you told me that before started writing the book i would have said conspiracy theory. no, that's really happening. those teachers disperse through the country to teach our kids he was talking about this in 1948. already. strong country and ideals. in that same year reagan would win 49 state landslide. he was right until the left does not give up until they forced their ideology on the rest of us. last few decades marched through our institutions, companies and government agencies and he was only wrong on timing. it is happening right now. >> jesse: radical activists, professors, agitators, do they know that they are basically puppets of soviet markists? he just admitted it, the kgb guy. >> right.
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i don't think that they know they are puppets. leftists have forced conformity through cultural revolutions before. the difference in america today you are not risking being sent to a work camp or prison for disagreeing. right now you risk social ostracization and negative comments on social media. it's already moving in the direction of your job being targeted if you step out of line. we have to stop it now or it spirals and causes real damage. do they know they are causing a cultural revolution? i think that they do. >> jesse: what's the end golf the revolution? destruction of the united states? is there anything that they are replacing it with? >> well, the leftist dream, right? it's the communist, socialist, leftist dream that they are going to replace everything with our book is about how they target the children. that's why we call it "stolen youth" that's what they have doing to the kids. that's what happened in revolutions in the past. separate the family. brainwash the children and children are damaged for life and accept any of their bad ideas.
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again, i think what makes america unique is that we have such a strong history and story. a country the beacon of freedom and liberty in the world and we still are today. i think that's really hard for them to beat. but they are trying and, if you let them get access to our children, that's what is going to happen. >> jesse: we have to tell that story everywhere to everybody. >> over and over. >> jesse: most powerful way. we're not doing that afraid to do it and that's a big problem. karol, thank you so much. everybody go check out her book. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: joe biden's nonbinary nuke guru sticky sammy pleaded no contest to stealing ladies luggage last summer. grab bagger britton charged with a misdemeanor instead of a felony and given no jail time. the judge also ordered sticky repay your victim 3600 bucks in restitution for the stolen luggage and whatever was in the luggage. but with sammy passing up his day in court the real loser here is us. we will be denied the fashion show we so desperately deserve.
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we will never know what or who sticky was wearing going into court every day. >> mr. briton, do you still have a security clearance? are you going to plead guilty today? did you steal any luggage today? what are you wearing? >> why would you want some lady's dirty clothes? >> could you imagine every day before court sticky would be like, does this red make me look guilty? perhaps i will wear that festive purple from the luggage-stole from the african fashion designer even though sticky's legal troubles are over new drama unfolding over the security footage from when he actually stole it. now, you see, we have been asking for the footage since december. "primetime" has filed a dozen foia requests. guess what in the airport and the clark county sheriff are pulling a pauly p. on us. airport says the footage belongs
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to the cops. the cops say the footage belongs to the airport and both of them say can't see it, sorry, ongoing investigation. but now that the investigation's over, sticky pled out, give us the footage. we filed another request today. shot it down again. now they tell us the footage is ready sensitive security information and not subject to inspection by the public. oh, i disagree. and you'll be hearing from our lawyers. let's bring in jimmy failla, host of fox across america. >> jimmy. >> jesse: this is a trial that we needed. we deserved it. >> for two reasons one the outfits two the courtroom drama it would inspire in the theaters 12 angry them. who doesn't want to watch that. the joke is on us though. going to get a bud light endorsement any minute now and he is going it make money. i want to give credit to one thing. the biden administration because the minute he was charged, they did give him a pink slip. [laughter] >> then he put it on. but the point is how
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embarrassing is this for this administration. that this was a face of a presidency. do you know what i'm saying? i have always loved. this one thing nobody knows about him he has played an influence in history. he is the reason zelenskyy is always seen in a sweatshirt. every time he flies in a new country luggage gets stolen by briton and that's the reason why he walks around in camo. >> jesse: do you think he actually wanted to go to prison? he knew he was guilty and deserved to go to prison? >> this is weird, i do. because he was clearly targeting orange. and what do you wear in prison? orange jump suits. >> jesse: orange is the new black. >> totally. i actually think, yes. i think there is a part of him that wanted to go to prison but we really missed out. >> jesse: does it make you nervous he was in charge with nuclear stuff? >> yes. because what was the qualification? this is the problem with doing things just because. we have never had like, let's say, a president who wears be banned sports coats and taxi to be president. shouldn't elect me just because.
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problem with identity politics doing it to say we did. dude, are you going to tell me a basic vetting wouldn't have spotted whether a this issue was? >> jesse: if he was a cross dresser who was really good at nukes. >> we would take it. i would take a president dylan mulvaney tomorrow closed of the border, got inflation under control? congratulations. >> jesse: sir, yes, sir, i mean yeah they yes thing no. disrespect, sir. >> jesse: thank you very much, jimmy. don't go anywhere. curt schilling warming you up in the bullpen. ♪ get down, get down a ♪le get down, get down
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>> jesse: baseball is america's past time you buy your peanuts and cracker jacks and you don't care if you ever get back. nothing cooler than seeing your favorite player hitting the long ball. >> that ball is still going. way back high up in there. he's in. ♪
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>> jesse: home runs are the best part of baseball unless you are a pitcher. guy slugging the ball 450 to dead center, beautiful. that's the why people show up to the stadium. but home runs aren't all about strength. it's about physics, too. >> it's not about muscle. it's simple physics. calculate g gravity, of course remains a constant. [laughter] >> it's not complicated. >> jesse: now liberals want to ruin the best part of baseball. a bunch of scientists are blaming climate change for the rise in dingers. since 2010500 home runs can be linked to warm temperatures they say and if it continues, we could see 10% more mommy runs by the end of the century. so home runs in recent years didn't have to do with the juiced balls, better strength and conditioning, better scouting or analytics, it's about the weather, guys sorry aaron judge you broke the home
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run record because it gets hotner july now. man, liberals really suck everything out of everything. here at "primetime" we dig the long ball. host of the curt schilling baseball show on outkick joins me now. >> the day i read the article your name came in my head almost immediately for the simple fact i was laughing so hard at the article. i saw an article in the baltimore -- baltimore sun from 1910 predicting the coming ice age. and it just fits that a sport where, listener, can you miss seven out of 10 times and be one of the greatest players that ever lived, would go to a bunch of people who have never been right, ever. are. >> nothing they have ever -- so, in 10 years, home run could say go up 10% or they couldn't.
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like it's so perfect that these people would be the ones predicting a statistic anomaly. we don't put an asterisk. do we put a picture of the sun next to these records or a snowflake? how do we know? i mean, but, again, based on -- jesse this is the infuriating thing, based on nothing factual they can't back up any of the argument other than if you don't agree with me, these are the 77 -- 79% of the scientists which is 97% which is what that number came from, this is them coming into baseball now. >> jesse: now maybe bond should be in the hall of fame. >> well, first of all, let's be clear, if global warming was happening in the fourths and 40s the wouldn't have happened it would have went over the light tower and not blown up the lights. >> jesse: are you now going to be driving an electric car with a bud light stadium to watch
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people hit he dingers. >> i will be driving a ford f 60 with a michelob and bad locking my luggage while i travel while the biden administration is still in office. >> jesse: you must love sticky. have you ever gotten anything stolen? do you ever see sticky with a shilling jersey. >> let me tell you something, if he stole my bag there is not anything in it he would have worn based on what i saw him wear after. by the way, let's be clear, jesse, the mustache went out like 35 years ago, especially that one. >> jesse: you must love this biden administration, you got kamala. you got sticky. hunter all over europe now. >> yeah. and since it's friday and we are having fun and laughing i'm going to laugh with you yes, i do enjoy it because i don't think i have ever been in a situation, except with like our kids when they were really young where we said okay, nothing -- they can't do anything more
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stupid tomorrow than this right here and then tomorrow you are like oh my god, a whole new level of stupid. and it's uncomfort being that they don't -- that the lack of self-awareness and cognitive dissident what is happening now on levels we have never seen before. >> jesse: how about they don't pop a chinese spy balloon and shoot a $2 million missile at $20 balloon that some kid and his dad flew. >> come on, is this not exactly what a cartoonist would have drawn if you would have told him the scenario during the biden administration he? would have shown like joe on the white house roof throwing darts at something and that would have been -- it's uncomfortable and i will tell you what, on a much more personal note and a serious note, i am the father of a young man who just became a united states marine. so i am obviously very cog nil zandt of this -- the crap heap
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that is in the white house and the destruction of our foreign policy since president trump was in office. >> jesse: listen, congratulations, thank your son for his services. tell us about the podcast, so the curt schilling baseball show every tuesday and friday. all baseball all the time. none -- if you want to read my political stuff, can you go to twitter, but it's all about baseball. it's -- you know, successy, i would tell you that i think i'm way smarter than i am in a lot of things. my wife would convince you of that. but, throwing a baseball in the game of baseball i have known since i was 5 years old and i feel like i know it better than anybody in the world. and i talk about stuff -- i talked about the stuff that i think fans want to hear when they are at the game. it's not the hey this guy has era of 3.8. they want hear about the conversation on the mound curing the game the hot blonde sitting back behind home plate and 60-year-old pitching close yeah she is awesome. those are the things people want to hear about.
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>> jesse: inside baseball that's what you get with kurt. >> yes. >> thank you so much. have great weekend. >> always a pleasure, jesse. you take karen of yourself, my friend. >> you too. up next, sink or swim ♪ just the two of us ♪ we can make it if we try ♪ just the two of us ♪ with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy, long lasting relief in a scent-free, gentle mist. (psst psst) flonase. all good.
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[ music playing ] when we first arrived at st. jude, it was just claire and i. she was still recovering from her brain surgery. and side effects of that surgery meant that she had to relearn how to walk and how to speak. ♪ [ male announcer ] you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. two months after we arrived, my three-year-old came to visit, and claire lit up. she was quiet before. and i thought it was just because cancer's hard, but she was really missing her siblings, and i didn't realize how much. all right, young lady. we're going to see how much you weigh, and how tall you are real quick. ♪ mama. hey, claire. [ laughter ] ♪ [ male announcer ] families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food,
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so they can focus on helping their child live. when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt you can wear to show your support to help st. jude save the lives of these children. i experienced life at st. jude. every dollar that goes to st. jude goes to a good place. it's keeping families together during the hardest thing they'll ever face. ♪ the first thing i'm going to do when i get home is pet my dog. ♪ [ woman ] st. jude saved my daughter's life. [ claire ] i love st. jude. [ male announcer ] please call or go online right now and become a st. jude partner in hope today.
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>> >> jesse: fox news alert, two indiana school administrators caught on camera admitting that they're still teaching crt in schools have been placed on leave. thanks to that great reporting we showed you last couple days by accuracy and media on wednesday. another prime time victory on the books. ♪ >> sink or swim time. tarlov won a tiebreaker last week. very controversial. i let her back in the game and then she won. tonight we have brawn versus brains. charles gasparino faces off with dr. nicole sapphire.
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>> i'm going to lose. it's over. >> they're not medical questions. >> jesse: they're all types of questions. >> i'm good with one type of question. >> jesse: stop over-sharing your medical history. star power, which former first lady got her very own netflix special this week. was it crooked or was it michelle obama? >> i'm going to say michelle, what the hell. >> jesse: what the hell michelle. both going with what the hell michelle? is what the hell michelle right? >> the woman who needs no introduction for real, michelle obama! >> i mean they really do capitalize on the whole netflix books spending event things. >> jesse: how much money does michelle need really? >> i'm for the obamas making as much money as possible so they understand the capitalist system a little bit. >> just invest with charlie. watch fox business. >> million dollars for a walking trail named for michelle obama. >> i think it's fine.
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>> jesse: i walk that trail. racist map was the category. which white house heavy hitter saying racism costing 16 million, kamala or susan rice. >> i'm going suzie. >> me too. >> jesse: me too? >> i would have heard that if it was the other one. >> u.s. had a gdp shortfall of $16 trillion due to discrimination against black americans. >> jesse: wow, railroad, you guys are tied. now short on time we're going to do one last final question don't you be my name. meghan and harry are new residents of malibu not everyone is happy. which cranky british rock star lives in the hood and recently said the couple should shut up and f off. section pistols johnny rot on or pink flood roger waters. >> which one is that?
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>> jesse: that's roger waters from pink floyd and sex pistol johnny is -- >> you're going with johnny and you're going with roger. what is ♪ ♪ >> does that mean i won this one. >> jesse: you won six pistols. charlie you said you were going to go. >> one left? >> jesse: you took too long sorry. the losers don't win anything. >> how about a prostate exam? >> jesse: come a little closer. >> this just took a turn on friday night. no thank you. >> jesse: bye guys. ♪ >> we're not doing texts tonight. you want to know why? we're doing voice mails. let's do it. >> oh, my god, jesse. every time i watch your show i am so stimulated. [laughter]. >> you talking about me? >> jesse: let's keep 'em coming.
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we have carol from aurora illinois. >> hey jesse we really really like you but you are getting a little cocky. >> that's not news. north carolina, who's this? >> jesse, don't be a moron, it's feinstein. repeat it after me, feinstein. feinstein, feinstein, feinstein. >> jesse: feinstein feinstein feinstein. i got it sorry. kevin from toledo ohio. >> i've been watching all fox and i'm ready to rock when the little hand points to 5:00. i'm going to live myself to death before i die. jesse it's calvin i've got some really good songs for you man. killer tunes. give me a call. >> jesse: i feel like kevin's got a little something else for me as well. let's go vermont. >> hey watters, what happened to epstein? >> jesse: he didn't kill himself. mark from west hartford.
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>> if i was in charge over there and wanted to increase ratings i would just put a replay of your show on at 11:00 p.m. >> whoa! you know what? gutfeld i think he needs some time away. he's been getting a little -- give him a break. alex, wisconsin, let's hear it. >> jesse alex here from wisconsin, want to know what i have to do to get one of those robot girlfriends. let me know call me back. >> they're free just don't fall in love because they don't reciprocate in more ways than one. connor from glad stone, new jersey. >> hey, jesse, i'm one of the ushers from the church you complained about with the baskets. i'd like to apologize on the behalf of the usher who was at your mass. he's not our best and brightest. come to 9:30 and we'll have a better showing for you. >> jesse: you've got to dangle the plate a little longer with
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that pole. come on give me a chance to reach in for the shall ca. let's go to new jersey. >> jesse you're not doing it the right way, you've got to go slow. i'm watters and this is my world. your hand used to go slow. >> jesse: slow my hand down. got it. that's all for us tonight. tucker's up next. always remember i'm watters and this is my world ♪ >> tucker: good evening from the fox studio lot in los angeles california. we come once a year for the same reason. tonight we're excited to announce the third season of our documentary series tucker carlson originals. the point of the series is to ignore the distractions that they throw up at you relentlessly, side issues and non-stories, manufactured controversy and take a look at the things that will determine the course of your life going forward. w


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