tv Hannity FOX News April 14, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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and you just type in originals. if i can understand that as as lex dyslexici american, anybody ca. and if you wanna watch it on your tv, you can. doesn'tit o have to be on your phone. you just t said , well, yeah, pe the man in charge, you. can seea them on fox station.them all o .com, thanks so much for joining us for this hour. than will see you soon at 8:00 a p.m. every night. >> and welcome to the specialtht edition of "hannity", the growing china threat. now, tonight, that mor threat is more real than ever before. make no mistake, it is in danger in our economy, our national security and your we h. s form we have a new axis of evil. it is forming right before our very eyes. ntry this is the most dangerous time this country has faced since world war two and the end of. lt the cold war. let's dotlhistor a little histoy lesson here.century. you might remember the last century, mao, stalin, hitler,
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mussolini, pol pot, naziism, communism, fascism, imperial japan, the killing fields in, cambodia, all told, one hundred million human being slaughtered. you think it can't happenappe again? okay, now factor in weapons of mass destruction, the likes of which this world had never seen before. married to sick, twisted evil ideologies like the iranian mullahs or we know vladimir puti vn is evil. ll we know president xi has all his territorial ambitions. now, earlier today, china announced that their defense ministerto will now travelia to moscow next week to meetrt ad with his russian counterpart a. and according to a disturbing ae report from politico, china and russia are in secret talks ' to replenish iran's supply ofel sanctioned missile fuel, nowrt a move that experts now say could help moscow replenish their depleted rockets rockere exa stockpile. >> and we're seeinmpg more andoa more examples of what is a very
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,very dangerous alliance every single day after twenty one year old air national guardsmen from massachusett guardss leaked a tf classified documents this week. what they revealed should alarma every single american. one document sayinn. g that china has agreed to secretly supply russia with weapons, another revealing deepening ties between the uae ane and russia. and make n to mistake, a newd world order is taking shape and the new axis of evil is growing stronger. day by day. n nation of t it threatens not only our own national security, but thatu of the entire world . and now, thank s to your inabi president , joe biden'snsitiv inability to protect our country's most sensitive intelligence o, many ofre our national secrets are now public. but don't worr y, the chinaat gross threat grows day by day. joe biden, your president, he had the most embarrassing leak, and that's saying a lot as hg wt took his trip to ireland to seel castles. we'll have more on that ines a moment. tubut first, fox news host gillian turner, she joins
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us with the very latest on the intelligence leak this week. that was. massive. it gillian, what's the latest? well, sean, it was just there a couple of week ws ago that the national security council insisted there was no trutish to this claim, that china planned to send lethal aid to russia's military to help inukrain their war in ukraine. but now these so-called discordo leaks are telling a very different tale. a us intercept of russiaffneren intelligence has revealed chinaa actually approved a plan to send lethal aid to russia pln earlier this year. this as laid out inments the documents stolenst by jack to share of the air national guard. what is more alarming, perhapsst the document dated february twenty third classified top secret, shows the chineseg plan to disguise weapons and equipment they were sending overseas as civilian items. this according to theis int washington poselt. this intelligence has yet to be proven. but if corroborated, directlyit undermines those white houseld claims. >> i would tell you what i saidn yesterday remains true. we don't thinks , we that john t
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taken it off the table, butireci they haven't moved in that direction. we'von've seen ne no indicationt they're about to or or fixingree to to provide lethal weapons.nt >> now, after president biden ordered the military to take sai out that chinese spy balloonne that breached u.s. airspace. he said he planned to raise the incident with president xi directly himself. in a phone call and hold himtab. accountable. that was now 10 weeks ago. >> as you know, sean, the call still hasn't happened. >>l right.s gillian, thank you for that report. we appreciate it. now, as biden spent the weekidee embarrassing himself and the us in ireland, china's himself dangerous coalition grew even larger. now even fake news. cnn, they are raising the alarmo about the number ofd lead world leaders now rushing le meet with president xi of china. so let mt mee be very clear .ad these countries have made calcu a deliberate, calculated decisionlasion to side with chi in other words, they're bettingm on chinainat being the dominant world leader in the world. and you know what?nited that's not good for us because it's always been the unitedt
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states that they look to . they are seeing nothing butnd weakness under joe biden and failed leadership under joe biden and under president trump. p, they w stthey saw strong le. that's why we saw a coalition liat was built that i didn't think we'd ever see innclude our lifetime that included the united states , israel, saudi arabia, the uae, jordan,n, bahrain and egypt. they all bet on the us.that when donald trump wasuilt president , that coalition was built by donald trump and it is now crumbling day by day, right before rise. now they're betting on china. they don't want to bes of on the wrong side in terms of what country ultimately wins out and isos the world's most be dominant superpower. now, last month, chinarea brokd a deal between the saudis and the iranians. i never thought i'i ned saver in my lifetime. sunni, shia, no, they hated each other. many are speculating itpecula will soon now throw its weightti into a deal between saudlli arabia and syria that we hearudr is next. meanwhile, according to thabndee
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leaked documents, the uae and russia, they have reportedly deepened d their tie while egypt, which, by theeg wa, we have billions of dollars who allegedly planned to secretly send thousands of rockettos to russia amid their war with ukraine. in other words, they are choosing the other side. sopo evensn our allies are now abandoningso joe biden and betting against america. look look at what happened this week with the french mac president macron, the leader of our oldestro ally, visiting chk last week, up to and kissinga the of president xi in china.w, and by the way, throwingtaiwan the u.s. under the bus over the issue of taiwan before fromh urging europe to move away from noeir dependencyu. on the us dollar, the world's currency. now, despite some backlash back his outlandish comments, macron, he's even standing by his remarks. well, tonight, i have a message for president macron. you are setting a dangerous precedent. you are damaging tie s with ae country that has bailed you outg time and time again throughout
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history. f thatand if that's your positi, maybe it's time to reinstate tariffs on let's say, how about french wine and champagne mass of tariffs like, oh, fun twenty five thirty percent. or how aboutdi the we stop fundg the war on your continent inr europe, the war in ukraine u until the rest of europe, like the french, until you step up and you pay your fair share orsr better yet, well, europeu is your problem. it's not tha our problem anymorf how would you like that?roa? foreign policy from america now? nofortunately, this does not meopmacr with macron. now, todayet, brazil'si in president meeting with president in china.kiss everyone's going p to china to kiss president . she's running wild. met germany's foreign minister met e with her chinese counterpart. all right. count with reaction f this is arkansas senator tom cotton. senato senator , i'm looking at this. there's two things thatg i'm thinking about. and i wantabour take on your t. number one , do you agree a with me that a new axis of evil is being formed right before our eyes and number?
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>> dd o you believe that history repeats itself? i do agree with you that thatu h axis of evil, increasingly centered on beijing, as you laid out, is emergingining ig. o it's emerging in large part because of president joe biden's weakness and his ness andtendency, tendency to be america and our allies first. and of course, history can repeat itself. we are no different from those who fought in world war two or one or our civil war, the revolutionary war, who wer read about in the bible because human nature is timeless and unchanging. s time andtherefore, we are proe same mistakes. if we don't lear lessonsn from the lessons of history. and that's what joe biden has not done almost every instance you laid out there as a result of joe biden's incompetence, his s weakness and his tendency to blame america. first, look at a the president f brazil. he's left wing.l if he's critical, if not openly hostile. ostile oto america. he's kind of typical of manye co left wing leaders that have come to power in recent years in latin america. joe biden doesn't san doy a wor negative about them.them and what happens? you have them running off
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to beijing or welcoming iranian warships in latiwan america.n that all gets back to the factam that they thinerk they can get away with actions that are t unfriendly or openly hostileame to america under president biden. >> what do you what do you make of these new alliances? c for example, chinahi and russia? what do you make about china,u e russia and iran? what do you make of the chinesem brokering a deal with our former allies? as far as i'm concerned, saudi arabia and iran, i never thought i'd see that or egypt o helping out putin or the uaeha now helping out putin.r do you believe that? ah, allies, these defectionsthat that these countries are making a choice and they are bettingvek that china is going to outpacee the united states and overtake the u.s. as the world's leader? and be the sole superpower, if you will , of the world? y you' >>re i think increasingly we'red seeing manity traditional
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american partners and allies hedging their bets because they're worried about american resolve and strength under president biden. you mentioned several egypt, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, israel, we leftael, president trump. we had peace agreements brokered by america betweenl an israel and its arab neighbors.s. we were hoping for an american a peace deal brokered between israel and saudi arabia. what we got is a chinese agreement between iran and saudi arabia and again, what you see is president biden creating daylight as he sometimes says, or o president obama used to say, or criticizing the government's of israel and saudi arabia and theo united arab emirates, threatening, for instance, to make saudi arabia a pariah. all these countries live in neih the tough neighborhood. they have security needs.bothat america has long h needs. helped them objec achieve those security objectives. if we're not going to do it,tir they're not going to go away. l they're going to lookook elsewhere. and that's increasingly why you the chinwher you seea playing an the middle east that is unhelpful and harmful to american interests. >> senator , last questionean: s almost dailyen now.
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the communist chinese, they aree threatening us directlcty. e stt they are threatening our navy in the straits of taiwan. the or the south china sea international waterway. what should the u.s. responsee e be to that? a, o >> well, every time china for that matter, russia or iran, threatens our navy ort our aircraft saying they can't sail ey can't here, they can't e there, we should basically make that our new route that we're going to travel to show chinahe and russia and iran thaty can' they can't bully us more on the long term front, wefronte to significantly increase our defense spending and invest in the kinds of weapons and aircraft and ships they're going to deter. chinhina aa and russia and iranv and make it clear to thee m thao not only we have the resolve to defend our interests, but we have the ability to do sweo>> sa as well. >>n: senator c senator cotton, n to have you. thank you, sirg to. bl right. china is rushing to fill the void a after biden abdicated our role as the world's only superpower. er and their aggression is on fe
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display with threats against americsta and the rest of the world. now, the chinese army releasedwk this video earlier this week sit on state television simulating take a loo a look k this one , d attack on taiwan would lookk like in just the latest veiledsi threat. i don't even think it's veiled anymore. honestly, it's probably a fait accompli. it was like the latymer putin l- in the lead up to invading ukraine. everyone was saying, well,goingo he's probably not going to invade.nv that probably is a gooadde. pro indication thabablt they have p and that they will do this. now, remember last. year they told nancy pelosi thereo would be a firm response if she dared to visitta taiwan, that yu should have similar warning to speaker kevin mccarthy aheadt of his meeting with taiwan's president last week in california. presidlast weethey told the u.s the red line on taiwan. they warned, quote, ofequences the worst consequences for for any country that offers taiwan m any military support. they sent that spy balloon
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which collected in real, time sense, intelligence related back in real time to china and of course, they flew overhes alaskan airspace down the west coast of canada. all across the continental us , idaho, montana, missouri,i kansas, kentucky, the carolinas. and when biden finally shoot authorized the military to shoot that balloon down, that spy balloon dow n after it sailed off the coast of southd sorolina, china, whatheyt they they just issued another threat. so will biden responspond tod tf these threats? because so far he ha s not doneg wi a thinthg. out of he hasn' tt done anythingky with russia either. and they took our drone out ofci the sky. now, we doubt it because china unleashed it on the world. of tbiden did nothing they sent to spy balloon over all of the continental us right over our military sites were laying sensitive intelligence right back to beijing in real joe biden did n did nothing. they committed rampant intellectual property theft. they don't stop with theirtual p intellectual property theft and they get away with it.
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ro y withno consequences. a constructed, blatantly unfaird trade. d joe biden neveear confronts the. t talks about whattionship a great relationship and how many miles his former presidency over the years. soso how many threats will they issue before bidenterally actually does something? you know, they're literally rushing to assertvoid l their dominance, fill the voide left after joe biden relinquished our role as the leader of the world. so we need a strong response.coe we need real leadership gro to counter this growing chinan n threat. but i don't think you can counte on joe biden and the currentnistra gutless administration. and one last thought. i'd liketione lastlike t to kno the american people need to know how much moneyho and business did joe biden withais family do a chin and russia and ukraine end every other foreign entity and hostile regime against the united states ? how muchd host money and businee that they do? when will wess get that answer? do we have a politicized fbi
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to have a weaponizes doj? invesg that's why that investigation is ongoing. anyway, here with reactiong. , fox news contributor joey jones and fox news contributor, former for cia station chief dan hoffman. dan , we'll start with you. you're the you intel expert. what is china likely thinking? i'll never forget when we were in singapore and vietnam, you d gave me a loirt of dire warnings about china. yeah, look, taiwan sitse betw on the geopolitical fauleet lind between democracy and dictatorship, and it's no a very dangerous place for the us to be if we're not giving them all the support they need.t back in february,he sai director burns from the cia said that china was planning to have the capability to invade taiwanto invad by twey twenty seven . china considers taiwantaiwan'vee a breakaway province, even though they've never ruled and the challengnge i the, i thr the united states is that we've got to give taiwan more of what they neemad to make it prohibitively costly for china
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in terms ochina inf spilled blod treasure. learn from from what happened in ukraine where we failedn faa to deter vladimir putin. let's trdey to do whatte we can to deter the chinese. that means givinang taiwan a lol of what we should be giving jav more of to ukraine. javelin anti-tank weaponelnts se can speak to this more than i .e but coastal air defense, all the things that taiwan needs, get them the f-16 aircraft that they need as well. >>th as yeah, joey, let's get take on all ofof this and your assessment of the real clear , what i view as assment present danger. people n >> yeah, i think what american dn ple need to understan is china has never changedthey their terminology or outlook on this. they've just been waitin'vn wail they had the strength and opportunity to act on it. i mean, wepp sawened i it happen hong kong. you know, we took out their biggest enemy in japan in world war two . wok their next biggesth th threat with the fall of the soviet union. the ussr and what has been inine their way ever since. not much of anything, especiallyot y no on us as far ability to help taiwani . mean
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peagree with dan that is that is the most obvious path forward. buopt i mean, the american peopd have to sit here and say, are we willing to fund with other blood coeasure or blood two wars at the same time with twoun countries? we don't actually have a mutuale defense treaty with . thatthat's the problem that american politicians have puthae us in. it makes a lot of sense to defend taiwan, but we're currentl.y going throughoing a complete restructuring of the united states marine corps in the pacific that's looking to take eight years to create fe agairal forces that woulss thadw us to defend our own back door against china. how ar goinge you going to arm n if it's going to take us a decade to arm ourselves? or it seems to me like there's a lot of mismanagement or at least a lack of abilit y betweenpare congress and our military leaders to be prepared for whaft is the threat in front of us .re you know, evend marine corps generals that are retired are very much in dispute with thege current marine corps generals leading the marine corps on this plan. neralsng because we basically hd to sell out all of our landll fighting capability in order to pay for wha pt is an eight year plan to defend wie pacifi to c. so we're not in a great place
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with our own military. and how many man men and women g going to send their sons and daughters to defend another country? sends d daughterand i'm not sayd or shouldn't. i'm saying that's wherer the american taxpayer is . and as far as our abilityou to fund a war,r that's motability. that's your ability. a that's the taxpayer's ability. let me ask you a finaler's a question. keep creatinbility tg and fundi. final question for both of you. do you think if china invadestaw taiwan that american ta undereve joe biden will lift a finger? i don't believe hedon't will t i don't think he'll do a darnth thing. he'll talk about sanctions thihs that i don't think he's goingho to do anything militarily. >> dan hoffmanff>>, well, i'll n the question around a little bit on what matters ste is what china believes. if they don't believs e thatd the uniteddi states is ready to step in and defend taiwan, that will enter intost o their calculusne. 's ass >>um just one thing for people that say let's assume it happens. do you think do you joe biden will act? >> i don't think he will .. >> i do actually believebe the administration would act. af i think there'd be a lot of
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pressure coming from the congress. and i think there's bipartisan consensus from democrats and republicans on . e cawenke the only thing w find where democrats agree and republicans actually agree you're going to have on over taiwan, is that you really think that's going to happen? becausppen?e i'm not laughing at it. i'm you know, i'm talking aboutt our sons and daughter, our national treasure herehter. >> well, we're talking aboutease losing a lot of national treasure of china subsumesina as taiwan's economy and that semiconductor industry that's so important to us, notth to mention the fact that it's the same the same reason we'remt helping ukraine to allow a nuclear armed state to takovee over another. t look goo, a good debateur to have. joey makes good points about. spilling our own blood andmy treasure in a faraway place.t my relatives didin that inof w the second world war, ha and that's kind of what we do.he you know h, we go out there in the hard places and defend our country's interests, but wee makey, if china does invade taiwan, do you think joe biden lifts the finger short of sanctions and a lot of rhetoric
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showing? >> you could have asked me if i thought joe biden would surrender afghanistan and le dit dozens of us not to do it.he w and i haveas said no way he wasy vice president for eight years. thate why would he do that?ha and that's exactly what he did. i have no idea how he wouldth yu respond to taiwan, but i know iw be he didn't respond i in anf yy ,his political career would be over because he's promised to respond for the last six months. >> p months. joey, thank you. dan hoffman, thank you.t do and coming up, so what do we really know abou xt president xi and how worried should you, the american people, be aboutg china's growing aggression? we'll check in with our experts . k programing note.expe w we will be hosting three live audience shows next week, monda the first one on monday. anif you want free tickets, go o hanadi .com. also havencee audience showse gu on wednesday and thursday. look at the guests. we havese lined up for monday. kellyanne conway, kayleigh mcenany, jim jordan, who's in new york , mark levin, ted cruz. we hop e you can join us more. >> hannity right after this. with allegra allergies. don't hold us back.
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of online sellers go to ship station .com, try and get two months free. one of the fox news live. i'm kevin cauchon in washington. a frightening scene in japan as the prime minister fujioka al qaeda is evacuated after an explosion. we have brand new video to share with you. >> it shows the suspect being wrestled to the ground for allegedly throwing what witnesses described as a smoke bomb. the prime minister, because she was just about to give an outdoor speech when it all happened. the suspect was arrested. the prime minister reportedly unjam. >> no other injuries have been reported. the u.s. supreme court listening to all sides of the abortion pill debate. >> the justices just put a five day hold on a lower court's ruling that would have imposed restrictions on the use of the pill. mifepristone. this will allow the justices a bit more time to consider the issue. meanwhile, getting an abortion in the state of florida just got a lot harder.
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governor ron desantis signing a bill banning abortions afteros six week fs of pregnancy.w ba >> i'm kevin corke. now back to "hannity". >> and welcome back to the special edition of "hannity", chinese president xi. well, he's going to be a majorte force in the world for many years to come. he basically see. s a lifetime of power from the chinese communist party, just extended his term unanimously. but who is this man? a what do you know about president xi, who will be leading our biggest wil adversary, our number one geopolitical foe, likely for the rest of his life?f while china has been in the ccpn since the 1970, he studied 70s chemical engineering in college, he served as theed a governor of the chinese province closest to taiwan. >>rnore chin and the party secrf shanghai. this pry is all before ascending to the vice presidency of china and spending some quality time - with . yup, youid goten it.t
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vice president joe biden, shece has now ruled china since 2013 . so how worried shoul pd you,that the american people, be abouthee that man right there next to your president , especially the fact that we have a very weak, frail and cognitive mess as president of the united states ? all right. let's havek some some people p who have been studying fore st dewhile, author of the strategy of denianil. the elbridge kolby is with us from the heritage foundation. and michael pillsbury, author of the hundred year marathon. yu michael, let's start with you tk and get your take on who is this man?t this do you believe that this threaty is real? i believe it's probably fairlyi imminent. the nextmeaning within the nextr that this taiwan issue will be resolved and president xi will take it over. >> am i wrong? to some degree, you're wrong.n yeah, i can tell you whatt many president trump thought of mr. xi. trump'h his many hours with him,
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negotiated some really tough abreementsagreem the chinese sie used to say about president trump that he wasin supersmart, smart, in some sense, feared him. can president xi can can deploy inclrldwide group of lobbyists in every major capital in the world, including washington, d.c., and he and hes that, that xi jinping i've been studying knows how tos manipulate information and create group s that support china. so, yes, we can list 20 orad 30 things that china does that are really bad, starting outy t, with covid technology, theft, w taiwan threat, you name it.thes what xuni jinping does with thes units he has around the world, he fights back against the china threat theory. he says, wnfucius,e love confuc west wanict peace, stick with u. and then he rewards the peoplers who are cheerleaders for him. he rewards them with money, sometimes very large amountss vn one hundred million dollars or more . so you're dealing with somebody who is ver s y shrewd. he appeals to the hawks in china. he used to be a formere one ti
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"new york times", had a very famous mistake one time when b they said xi jinping is going to be the reformer of china.di that's because he did bringn ino provt of money in to the provinces where he was the leader. but he also has a second side that he brings up ancient proverb. he brings up all the old emperors and how they were overthrown. and in these proverbs, heerbs. leaves the impression that over the next 10 or 15 years, china is going to do the same thing, overthrowing the old americans . so here's the scary part.cary yes. forf refeerrupt you a number of references to his ancient past, okay?ancien but het talks constantly about, reunification. it's not reunification. he wants to take over taiwan. ue so that's issue number one . and he didn't say this during the trump years. and he's openly threateninthe td our navy and our military and any military on the face ofa this earth the o. t if you he's openly threatening themh tw that if you side with taiwan doat they will destroy you. that didn't happen during the trump years. donald trump is not
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president right now. >> joe biden is ean:. m yeah. so he seems more committed to fulfilling his territorial ambitions. and i believe emerging as the world's dominant leader inuse am iuse america has abdicated that role under joe biden.n am i wrong on that point?>> i i think there's a huge difference between trump's approachproach a and biden's apf but don't forget,secr president trump had to fire his secretary of defense, two secretary of state, his secretary of defense to national security advisorsors because in part, they had the wrong idea on china. trump was a solo sort of heroeas to take on china and reverse previouspoli years of policy. i think xi jinping saw thathougt and xi jinping thought that the congress is his only hope if he can blocky good new legislation, which the chinese have done no really good legislation legised is pasd the congress in the last seven or eight years to deal with the china threat. that's where xi jinping has also been very smart. he knows how to manipulateth the u.s. congress. that's the scariest thing aboutl
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the china threat. the old soviet union could not do that, shawn. they didn't knowknow how how to manipulate the media and the us congress, and they tookhey tt on the chin during the cold war. chinese are much cleverer thanes that. and you havee are much that and y to thank donaldis. trump for seeing through >>y htimee told many times xi jinping is a very smart guy,icht mike lindell indifferences. he's not there anymore and they're acting very differently. elbridge, let me ask you,ould d congressman, assured the congress could do o somethi, about it. okay, so elbridge, let me askmek you, do you believe that china will fulfill their promise, their territoria l ambition as it relates to taiwan?s >>it and do you take their thret that they will destroyhe anyctly country in this case, threatening directly our navyin in the south china sea and the area they will obliterate? those are not things we heard dl from president xi when donald trumd t.p was president .and th and i doat i do believe thaty fr michael is right. and that was they fear donald
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trump. theytnot only feared him, bu they thought he was crazy enough that he'd do it.tay lid that fear was a great motivation. ne for them to stay in line.h me they don't have that fearr anymore, in my view.ael? who do agree with me or michael? >> well, thanks, sean. sean. i very much agree with,t and i want to make three threede points, one , this man we should take seriously as a heart attack. this is a man who has ascended an incredibly ruthless and indeed lethal political system and has consolidated control and overturned 40 years of traditioolidated n. he lived for five years in a cave as a young man. so we better take him extremelya seriously. there's a phrase that thaae mike knows. michael knows better thal n i , pol which is in china. cir in political circles, there'ss n an anaconda wrapped around chandeliered in nice hotel rooms, which means these people are always thinking and kind of lethale chande terms. and that's that's the mindset. ancondly, you are absolutely right. and i applaud you for bringingn attention to how serious and how real and how costly a taiwan scenario or taiwan conflict could be . and it would not conflic be cond just to the us navy inconfined the south china sea. it would probably be throughout
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the pacific and indeed,nd the potentially at home. the balloon shows us that at least selectively, they have a huge nuclear force. here's the thing. the stakes are enormouslyek t consequential. you're right. they seek to become dominant. how do wo becomew do we know the we can see the kind of moves they're making, great power diplomacy. we can see maki a military they're building, which is clearly and indisputably forr global power projection. and indeed, i would sapoy over time for dominance, they're lookinominanceg atea the beginnings at least of. unseating the dollar. so what do we do here?so i agree with senator cotton.speg over time, we're almost certainly going to need to increase defense spending. but that'sp upth just going to n to keep up with the chineselo and it's going to take a longado timeck. and there's a lot ofe we wer roadblocks. i wish there weren't, but that's where we were. and we're looking at 2020t poss seven , as you point outib, possibly if we're lucky, it 2 could be twenty eight . nobody knows. but we have to act as if it's right now and we cannot ignoreoa that. were rig and i got to say, sean, i thinka you were right earlier on inth the show to say is the biggest threat right now is china and we don't have enough to go around. and that'sisions goes back decis . fifteen years we'v te got to prioritize and especially people on our side ofeet to
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the spectrum have got to hold t the administration's feet to the fire and say you've gotaf to genuinely prioritize taiwan. and that means all of us .g an and that's not happening. and we have no time and timer is of the essence. thanbeing wik you both for being with us. we appreciate it. all right. coming up next, the threat o thf china growing stronger by theine day. biden continues to lootok weak on the world stage. ldhis trip to ireland was an unmitigated disaster. coe blunder after another. we've gontt the tape as wen of ♪ontinue this special addition of hannity straight ahead. ron desantis love sticking his fingers where they don't belong and we're not just talking about putting dos santos has his dirty fingers all over senior entitlements like cutting medicare, slashing social security, even raising our retirement age. tell ron desantis, get us to keep his pudding fingers off our money. oh, and get this man a spoon.eri make america great again. make america great again. inghk is responsible for
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seven . what's this? that's for peper. you keep dog food in your fridge. it's not dog food. it's fresh, but real meat or veggies. it's dog food. you were so right about her. >> nail fungus is nasty. upd nails starts improving the appearance of fungus damage toenails in just two days. it's clinically proven. formula penetrates the nail for results. you can see quickly opti nail give fungus damage toenails. >> a ecover when you can't watch. >> listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere . fo on sirius xm america is listeningit was and welcome back to the special edition of "hannity". it was, of course, another veryd embarrassing week forh joe biden. seat a shocker filled with serious hom blunders both n home and abroad. now, w'te watched itto all so yu didn't have to . >> here are some of the lowlights.
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take a loo k, roland, of being the you know, the guy pushing g them out. i don't want to ruin your reputation as a religious . >> are you out of here?t programs like on young pro entrepreneur, young enterprise, northern ireland, did you walk into my office in the oval office, the state capital ? you know, i'm not making this. up. this is real. it's almost people taste it. i want youth to know, especialln the young people in the audience todayt , and don't
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jump, okay? and i said ,ng what are we goin to . and they said , finnegan and ii said , no. i what are we going to name it? because i thought wer katherine feeding it my name or, you know, fitting it nam to what i'm going to call finegan dad. finegan oh, i see the whole. what do you think of the weather, mr. president ? five oh, i'm not going to stay thre. this is a guy who's just likelok the white house right now. i think you both he's theg?
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president . how are you feeling? great. >> and learned a lot here, you know. thank you. >>thank you. thank you. treat. . okay, the world sees this also.e they see it every time joe biden opens his mouth. bec they know america's weakaur because our leader is a cognitive mess. everybody's taking fullng f advantagule just because he is that bad here. >> nownow here, more or former f house chief of staff reince priebus, fox news contributo or jason chaffetz writes, i am looking at the world alliancei' change. you know, dam looky after day, g we ally. they're betting on china'r and they're betting against us . and i'm talking about egypt.t us i'm talking about saud i arabia, b the uae, brazil, even the french. t what m
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for crying out loud, i thought macron did was nothing but a disgrace. d t a am i wrong in assuming hen that all the aggression we're neeing with putin and xi i this new alliance, this new axis of evil, it's all because he a is so pathetically gone cognitively. >> but certainly one of the reasons i mean, it's almost you couldn't make it upt weak on saturday night live, bunetknw weakness invites aggression, sean. we know and if w take just takein a little walk down memory lane,u i know you're talking a lot about china tonight. >>night.people the very people t the very first phone call that president trump elect made to any foreign leader in the world. >> was the president of taiwan.d talk about shock and awe. that was the first time an american president has spoken. did the president of taiwan since nineteen seventy nine . >> sou'ro you're talking about w
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a price fight that you wouldou k knock china that hard before you even walk into the white s house? that was step numbertep numb on. stepd number two is the steel and aluminum tariffs. twenty seven executive, 27 orde. two hundred and ten chinaaction actions by the trumps en administration. and then this is not even april yet. of 2017. dow when trump had president xi done it, mar-a-lago, he lau launched cruise missiles. fifty nine of them in syria during the dinner conversation with president xi. in the meantime, you're right that biden oversee n overses well, china is doing exercises in taiwan. twenty one yeawan,r olds leakin classified top secret documents and a gaming ocuments app.n and you knowis, biden is obviously mixing up things t in ireland and saying, you know, he doesn't want to comewe home. wellll, he's, he's been on vacar 40% of his entire presidency.. so, yeah, peace through strength. but weakness invites aggression. and that's exactly what you
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have here. you know, this exactly didn't happenent trum under president trump. i think reince is makingin a great point. eat jason .very >> and i think the reason is very clear because donald trump fought with china. he put tariffs on china. he negotiated with china. he he was aggressive with china . they never experienced thatforei before in the u.s.. leadern eader.. posite and now you got just the exact e opposite . and i think vladimirs putin ses it. i think the iranian mullahs see it. and i think president xi seesitd it. and i thin ik ricenk is right. this weakness is incurring aggressionri. sion and i think it's only goinang gt to get worse. i don't think it's a matter of e if it's when they go into taiwan. do you agree or disagree? do youyes, sadly, you're right. >> and rice is exactly right. look, our enemies don't fear. us . and in our allie our ens, they don'tespect respect us . >> i mean, you got this clown get going around the world. you can't even get from podium d made a to point b and do it in a graceful, graceful manner.
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sooing t that is going to invoke more violence and look at the allies. they're fleeing from us . hud look, donald trump came in and gondt one hundred billion dollars from our allies to ponys up to strike t the nato. iden what is joe biden done?asn't hedo can't even go and he hasn' anything we don't even know. and you pointed this out ear earlielir on , we need to knowms how much money the biden family has taken ou t of china, what are the ongoing relationships. and we t need to know that information and know it now.he we need to know how we usecompro compromised because hemi is compromised and the american people have to know it. the chinese thought, how come the americans don't? sean: a all right, jason , thank you. range, thank you. thank straight ahead tonight, biden's obedience to the green new deal kalt. guess what? the it's not only hurting you,e the american people, itpl is strengthening china.e it ith. how? i'll e how ? i'll explain. also next week, we havinso nexe three live audience shows lined up for you.kets g if you want free tickets, go to hanadi .com. find out how you can get the tie
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free tickets. monday, wednesday, and thursday . and what a show wea grea have fu monday. a great lineupd we'll te of gue and we'll tell you more about it straight ahead. meet ahmed, our interpreter, with that man saved my life. ahmed ended up with a price on his head from the taliban. and now i have to go save his guy. >> ritchie's the covenant rated r april 21st. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? i'll sleep support has a unique blend of five key ingredients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer soyo. you can wake up refreshed. qnol the brand i trust i will bless those who bless you. >> it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union, but we're finding thousands of destitute elderly who are alone and in need of who are alone and in need of basic food.
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online sellers, go to ship station .com, try and get two months free and we'll come back to a special edition of "hannity", china' chin rise also now presentsts a serious economic threat to our country. now, the presidents of france and brazil, they both met with president xi in china recently. both announced during their trip bothg ths they want to drop the dollar as the world's reserve currency. that's not good. back here at home, joe biden'sy cleen new deal climate religious cult that depressionr is a big opening for china.ina. let's see, joe , those electrics vehicles, he doesn't like
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stoves. he doesn't like air conditioners. d theyand they don't want us too meat. >> but wherese to all those rarm earth minerals to make thosea lo batteries actually come from a lot of them come from china. according to the institute fort energy research, that means d america will soon be far more dependentn ch on chinese imports for an increasingly important partpo of their energv portfolio than it ever was on on middle east oil.e compan think about that. pla and chinese companies also plan to build ev battery factories in michigan, takinking fulg ful advantage of biden's green new deal . tax incentives. and here now with more,ma as congressman mike walls and fox business host brian bredberg is with us . congressman, i'll start with you. i mean, this is this is pure idiocy to me. the fact that we economically have unilaterally disarm by not producing our own domestic energy, of which we have anucin abundantou supply, and america should be energy dominant and an energ
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y wealthy nation as a result is is mind boggling. now. >> now we're going to havesean i to rely on china even more . yeah worse, sean, it's even it'n worse than that. biden, secretary osecretarf the, came to a hearing of the armedh services committee with a straight face and presented us with a multi-year, multibillion dollar procurement strategy for electric tanks and fighting vehicles. >> last i checked sean:, there's no charging stations in ukraine or africa or anywhere else. e fofor that matter, for electrc tanks. and oh, by the waydon', we don' control the entire supply chain. as you just said , they haven fo gobbled the supply chain for lithium, for cobalt, for manganese. all of it, all of the raw materials that go intoo into the batteries plus the technology. and yelut biden's pentagon wants to electrify not just the cars you drive , but our tanks, too. it's the most asinine thing. cn
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and finally, sean, look, i cant- take you to and show you imagery of china's largest solar factory plant. and if you follow the transmissions line, the solar factory that's producing the panels is being bg powered by coal. china is building more coalered coal than us and than us the rest of the world combined. and guess who coal. guess who's coal they're using? they're using russian coal. soy're usi, i mean, on multiples that would never happen to stupid. >> it's danish and ohio coal and i mean, it's mine. congressman, it angers me atiant a level i can't even describe.ri brian , lenet me let me pick your business brain here for ami a minute. so the american people pollsdon' show they don't want these t electric vehicles. they cost anywhere between co and 20 thousand dollarsanywhe more to build the batteries. >> the congressman is correct.ct , yoneed let's see, cobalt, nic, manganese. okay nicole,, you have to pillae mother earth. correct me if i'm wrong
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with big machinery that uses diesel fuel to to get these minerals out of the earth. okay, lastly, you need charging stations. >> correct me if i'm wrong, isn't 90% of our electric grid still fossil fuel based? tell me what the differencefossl is . yeah, you're absolutely right. is just operationally weworked, but we may as well be driving electric tanks in the united states , givenates g trw prepared we are for whativ biden is trying to mandate here . the fact is , us companies like us auto companies, which we're l already seeing, are going to have to roll out the red carpet to china companies in order to do what bidenforcin is forcing them to do within a period of four to nine years,h the auto industry has to reinvent itself to meet the president's standards. it can't do that withouty th spending way more money thannd they're talking about spending. and at the end of all ofl of th, americans are not going to have the choices they have now about what they drive and how they do
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that. doe fact is , john ,id whaent't the president's actually trying to do is not get people intothem evs, but get them out of cars. he wants he wants to controlin this whole supply chait n. ntro and the point is ,u ge the government's going an control how you get arounnd, not you. and that look, that's the stock and trade of every totalitariane government is to control the means of movemenans oft. and if you're not telling me this is government motors writ large , i don't know what you're waiting for. >> i appreciate yoclasu both beg he >>re when we come back , more "hannity" straight ahead. no.ion-st ohre, had enough. no arthritis. here. here. as for arthritis, full prescription strength reducesofd inflammation. >> thank the gods. >> thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. ct. your kicked pain in the for c. >> tony here from credit repaire .comly, helping people see rates the true cost of bad credit . what are you. doing to improve d your credit? should i be doin sg so? absolutely. absolutely.
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12:00 am
it's simple. you want to be a part of the show, go to hannity .com, get information and the tickets are absolutely free. >> h all right. that's all the time we have left this friday evening. we appreciating.e joining us . m thank you for making this showua possible. in the meantime, let notrt b ina your heart be troubled. and laura ingram , the ingramanl angle's next. >> have a great weekend. we'll see you monday. i'm kelly mcenany.ey in fo and for laura and this is graha speciaaml edition of the "ingraham angle"l from new york city tonight. >> if you're a twenty one year docu classified government documents, here's a tis here'sp do not search classifiede wo intelligence reporting forrd loo the word leak on yourns government issued computer seems like commoe. n sense, but that's exactly what the leak suspect in massachusett air jac national guardsman jack tachira allegedly did afte
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